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The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly




ABBOTT, FREELAND K., 449.                                                American Heritage, 201.

Abbott, John S. C., cited, 352.                                                    American Historical Review, article by A.

Ablamowicz, Madame -----, musician,                                    Nevins in, 114.

34, 43.                                                                                    American Hotel, Cleveland, 254.

Abolition, study of, 312.                                                             American Journal of Science and Arts,

Abolitionists, and Kossuth, 245, 255.                                          cited, 53.

Academies, 13; in Franklin Co., 327.                                         American Journal of the Medical Sciences,

See also Schools, Colleges and uni-                                     360, 375.

versities, Medical schools.                                               American Medical Association, 385.

Academy of Medidine, Cincinnati, 13.                                     American Naturalist Society, 362.

Adair, James, 92.                                                                        American Preceptors, publication of, 135.

Adams, John Quincy, 208.                                                        American Publishers' Circular, cited, 128.

Adams Co., O., Underground Railroad in,                                American Radicalism, 1865-1900. Essays

84, 85.                                                                                    and Documents, by Chester McArthur

Addison, Joseph, 120.                                                                 Destler, rev. by D. Lattimer, 111-114.

Adena Indians, pottery, 188, 189, 192,                                      American Readers, publication of, 135.

193, 196-200; illus. of pottery, 194,                                     Amish, butter-making methods, 65.

198; culture, 195-196, 320.                                                   Amstutz, Wilhelm A., 98.

Advertisements, commercial, in Cincinnati                             Amusements, in Cincinnati, 2.

papers, 3-4, 10, 11.                                                                "Andante Movement," 27.

Agriculture, in  Ohio, prehistoric, 319;                                      Anderson,   --, slaveholder, 90.

recent publications on, 404.                                                  Anderson, Helen Back, 446.

Agriculture of the United States in 1860,                                   Anderson, James, 86.

cited, 53, 55, 64.                                                                    Anderson, Paul, 43.

Aiken, Samuel C., quoted, 246, 248; and                                   Anderson, Richard, 325.

Kossuth, 254, 255; cited, 255.                                               Anderson, Sherwood, article about, 446.

Akron Lyceum and Library Society, 13.                                 Anderson, Walter, 37.

Alabama, cheese market, 50.                                                    Anderson, Yeatman, III, 443-444.

Aldrich, Nelson W., 160.                                                           Andrassy, Baron, 243.

Alexander, Mary Louisa (Anderson), 304.                               Andrews, E. B,, 192.

Alexandria, O., legend of, 451-452.                                          Angle, Paul, cited, 259.

Alger, Russell, 230, 232, 234, 237, 238.                                    Animals, extinct, 106, 107.

Allen, Horace E., 445.                                                               Anthony, Charlotte, 142,

Allen County Historical Society, 98.                                         Anthropology, see Archaeology.

Allison, William B., 230, 232, 234.                                            Antiques, cited, 118; Ohio articles in, 311.

Allston, Washington, and T. B. Read,                                        Anti-Saloon League, 206.

216.                                                                                        Anti-Slavery Baptist Association, 270. 271.

Almanack for New England for the Year                                    Anti-Slavery Baptist Church, Columbus,

1639, 122.                                                                              organized, 269.

Almanacs, publication, 120, 122, 123,                                      Antislavery movement in Ohio. 76, 71,

124, 135, 137.                                                                        109; recent publications on, 405.

Altick, Arthur R., 98, 447.                                                          Apollo Hall. Cincinnati. 34.

Alton, III., 262.                                                                           Apollonian Gardens, Cincinnati, 11.

Alum Creek, 79.                                                                         Applegate & Co., 140, 141.

Alvanola. Signore, 243.                                                              Appleton. Wis., 209

Amati, played by Tosso, 40, 43.                                                Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia, cited,

Ambler, C. H., cited, 117.                                                          259, 260.

Ambler, Jacob A., 443.

Ameling, Mrs.    --, actor 26.                                                     Appletons' Cyclopaedia of American Biog-

American Antiquarian Society, 185.                                        raphy, cited, 352.

American Antiquity, cited, 107-108.                                          Apponyi, Albert, 257.

American Association for State and Local                               Archaeological Atlas of Ohio, cited, 195.

History, 181, 185, 201.                                                         Archaeology, North  American, rev. of

American Dental Convention, 395.                                           books on, 105-108, 316-321.

American Ecological Society, 362.                                          Archaeology, Ohio, literature  on, 188,

American Economist, 158,                                                         195; recent publications on, 405-407;

American Friend, cited, 49.                                                       excavation of Delaware Co. site. 445.

American Geographical Society, 185.                                     Archaic culture, 319.