Ohio History Journal

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Bibliography of Ohio Archaeology.  By Richard G. Morgan

and James H. Rodabaugh. (Columbus, The Ohio State Archaeolog-

ical and Historical Society, 1947. v + 189p. Paper, $2.50.)

This bibliography is by far the best of its kind the reviewer

has seen. The number of entries will come as a surprise to those

who think of the archaeology of a state area as including a few

titles or even perhaps a hundred titles. The number of published

references available will be surprising even to those who have

specialized in Ohio Valley archaeology. Although this bibliography

includes 1,351 entries, Morgan and Rodabaugh have been careful

to exclude newspaper accounts, county and regional histories and

atlases, and the unpublished manuscript material in the Ohio State

Museum. The bibliography is then comprehensive in its inclusion

of published references available to interested individuals and ex-

cludes those difficult to obtain. It should be a boon to reference

librarians. It is an essential tool of the archaeologist.

The organization can best be described in the words of the


"References in the Bibliography are arranged alphabetically

by author and numbered in sequence. References under individual

authors are listed by year of publication. Comments and evalua-

tions have been made in cases where it was thought such annotations

would be a value to the user. Site names, locations, and cultural

designations have been given where available. A comprehensive

index has been prepared to increase the usefulness of the Bibliog-

raphy. In it items have been classified by subject and by county.

Under each subject or county heading have been placed the numbers

of references pertaining to it. Specific sites have been listed by

county and by culture where such classification has been deter-

mined. The index includes a 'Select Bibliography of Ohio Archae-

ology' which contains the main general reference works as well as

the most important site reports on the several prehistoric cultures

represented in the State."