Ohio History Journal

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Volume 59


AARON, MOHAWK INDIAN, 33.                                                  Athens Co., O., California company organized

Abolitionism, blamed for the Civil War, 150.                                    in, 263-264.

"About Historians,"  98-100, 201-203, 321-                                       Auburn, 0., Forty-Niners from, 265.

323, 448-451.                                                                                  Audubon, ,- son of John James, robbed

Adams, Charles Francis, nominated for presi-                                   en route to California, 261.

dent by National Christian   Association,                                       Audubon, John James, connected with West-

284.                                                                                                 ern Museum, 373.

Agassiz, Louis, founder of museums, 379.                                        Auer, J. Jeffery, "Lincoln's  Minister to

Agriculture, Ohio, recent publications on,                                         Mexico," 115-128.

419.                                                                                                 Auntie Kate: Her Journey Through Ninety

Aiken, Dr. -     , opposed Sherman, 74.                                              Years, by Thomas, rev., 324-325.

Akron, O., California company left, 262, 267;                                  Aurora, O., body snatching in, 337.

body snatching in, 343.                                                                   Austin, Jane, body taken   from  grave at

Akron Mining Company, left for California,                                     Austinburg, 336.

262.                                                                                                 Austinburg, O., body snatching in, 336.

Allen Co., O., California company formed                                        Avondale, O., body snatching incident in,

in, 264.                                                                                            350.

America, steamboat, 140, 268.

American Antiquarian Society, published re-

port on   Ohio  antiquities, 369; Daniel                                          BACTERIOLOGY, J. H. Salisbury's contribu-

Drake a counselor of, 373.                                                            tion to, 358.

American Baptist, published articles against                                      Bank Note Reporters and Counterfeit Detec-

Freemasonry, 278; open to Finney, 281.                                       tors, 1826-1866, by Dillistin, rev., 461-462.

The American Indian: An Introduction to                                          Banks and banking, Ohio Supreme Court

the Anthropology of the New   World, by                                       case, 1884, 85-86, 87-88, 172, 175-176;

Wissler, rev., 327-328.                                                                  failures, 166-167, 188,

American National Prison Congress, Hayes                                     Banta, Richard E., comp., Indiana Authors

and Brinkerhoff presidents of, 171n.                                            and Their Books, 1816-1916, rev., 227-229;

American Party, organized, 284.                                                       The Ohio, rev., 224-227.

American Wesleyan, published articles against                                Baptist  Association  in  Illinois,  opposed

Freemasonry, 278.                                                                         secret societies, 286.

Amherst, Sir effery, Indian policy, 29-30.                                        Baptist Church, passed resolutions against

Amusements: 'Oscar Wilde in Cleveland,"                                        secret societies, 272.

by Francis X. Roellinger, Jr., 129-138; on                                    Barker, George W., flatboatman, 305; iden-

flatboats, 290, 392-393, 401.                                                         tified, 305n.

Anatomy, human, procurement of dissection                                    Barker, Henry, flatboatman, 297, 300, 304,

material for the study of, 329-351.                                               305n; identified, 297n.

Anderson, [Edward], Columbus, O., Beatty's                                    Barker, James Gage, flatboatman, 305n, 308,

comments on oratory of, 66, 86.                                                   405; farm located, 308n.

Anderson, [James H.], on Thomas Corwin,                                      Barker, Jesse H., flatboatman, 305, 308, 388,

63.                                                                                                  401, 405, 411, 414; identified, 305n.

Anderson, James M., uncle of James W.                                          Barker, Luther, flatboatman, 297, 298, 300,

Anderson, 56, 57.                                                                          304, 305n; identified, 297n.

Anderson, James W., Confederate prisoner                                     Barlow, J. L., nominated for vice president

at Camp Chase, letters and diary, 38-57.                                      by National Christian Association, 284.

Antislavery movement: "The Mobbing of the                                   Barth, Dave, flatboatman, 307, 308, 393, 408,

Crisis," by Eugene H. Roseboom, 150-153;                                  413; identified, 307n.

Charles Finney and, 270; in Ohio, recent                                     Barton, Abner, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.

publications on, 419-420.                                                              Bay State, steamboat, California company

Applebutter, flatboat cargo, 308, 416.                                              embarked on, 262.

Apples, flatboat cargo, 287, 287n, 288, 297,                                    Bayard, Thomas Francis, as presidential possi-

307, 392, 393, 400, 407, 408, 413.                                                bility, 194; biographical note, 194n.

Archaeology, Ohio, recent publications on,                                     Beans, flatboat cargo, 287, 287n, 405.

419-420.                                                                                         Beatty, Hobart, 66, 82, 169, 173-174.

Armstrong, Donald B., winner, health edu-                                      Beatty, Jennie, 82.

cation award, 383.                                                                         Beatty, John, "The Diary of John Beatty,

Armstrong, J. E., Ohio Forty-Niner, 263.                                          January-June 1884," Part III, 58-91; Part

Armytage, W. H. G., "William Chambers in                                    IV, 165-195; pamphlet by, 66n; delegate

America, 1853," 139-149.                                                             to  national Republican  convention, 79;

Arthur, Chester A., 74, 183; supported by                                        presidential elector from Ohio, 90n.

Robert Lincoln, 70n; in convention of 1884,                                Beatty, John, 2d, son of Gen. John Beatty,

173, 179.                                                                                        68.

Arts and crafts in Ohio, recent publications                                     Beatty, Mrs. John, 173-174, 189.

on, 420.                                                                                          Beatty, Lucy, 66, 82, 169, 173-174.

Astor House, New    York, Wm. Chambers                                     Beatty, Viola, sister-in-law  of Gen. John

commented on, 145.                                                                      Beatty, 69, 82.