Ohio History Journal

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Historical News

Historical News


Eventful Years and Experiences by Bertram W. Kom has recently been

published by the American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati. These studies deal

with the life of the American Jew, and include an essay on Isaac M. Wise

among others with Ohio connections.


Richard C. Knopf, historian of the Anthony Wayne Parkway Board,

has had several articles published recently. "Wayne's Western Campaign:

The Wayne-Knox Correspondence," appeared in the Pennsylvania Maga-

zine of History and Biography, Part I in July and Part II in August 1954.

"A Precise Journal of General Wayne's Last Campaign" was published in

the Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society for October 1954,

and "Personal Notes on the 'Whiskey Rebels,'" in the Bulletin of the

Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio for October 1954. Mr. Knopf

is executive secretary of the Ohio Valley Historic Indian Conference and

served last year as editor of Ethnohistory, the journal of the conference.


Joel Hayden, Jr., was appointed assistant professor of history at Antioch

College at the beginning of the current year.

Louis Filler was a special consultant to the editors of the New Century

Cyclopedia of Names. He is also the author of several recent articles:

"Why Historians Neglect Folklore," in the summer issue of Midwest

Folklore; "Political Literature: A Post Mortem," in the summer issue of the

Southwest Review; and "Pilot Plants, Utopias, and Social Reform," in the

April-June number of Community Service News.

David Boynton Parke, who graduated in history in 1952, has published

an article on "Unitarianism at Antioch College, 1853-1953" in the Pro-

ceedings of the Unitarian Historical Society for 1954.


A History of Marshall Field & Co., 1852-1906, by Robert W. Twyman of

Bowling Green State University was published in 1954 by the University

of Pennsylvania Press. Publication was sponsored by the Beveridge

Memorial Fund of the American Historical Association.


Carl Blegen of the University of Cincinnati was one of several author-

ities participating in a symposium at a joint meeting of the Archaeological

Institute of America and the American Philological Association on De-