Ohio History Journal

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NOTES                                                                       279


dent McKinley," Century Magazine, LXIII (1901), 275; Addresses of John Hay (New

York, 1907), 168ff; Herbert Croly, Marcus Alonzo Hanna: His Life and Work (New

York, 1912), 358; Olcott, William McKinley, II, 300; Morgan, William McKinley and His

America, 508, 517-519.

55. The treaties which McKinley negotiated were never subsequently implemented due

to Roosevelt's lack of interest in the tariff problem, and his unwillingness to touch the

explosive issue. See Olcott, William McKinley, II, 377ff; Stephenson, Nelson W. Aldrich,

172; Tyler Dennett, John Hay: From Poetry to Politics (New York, 1934), 416ff.

56. Wilson lauded McKinley's changed views on the tariff, and believed he would

have condemned the trusts that supposedly grew up under protection. Speaking during

the campaign of 1912 in Canton, Ohio, he said: "He [McKinley] saw that we had made

for ourselves a straitjacket, and that we must alter its pattern and alter its fabric. . . .

I am one of those who have the utmost confidence that McKinley would net have sanc-

tioned the later developments of the policy with which he stands identified." John Wells

Davidson, ed., A Crossroads of Freedom: The 1912 Campaign Speeches of Woodrow

Wilson (New Haven, Conn., 1956), 416ff.




1. Harvey S. Ford, comp., Civil War Letters of Petroleum V. Nasby (Columbus,

1962), 5.

2. For a discussion of the evolution of the letters, see ibid.

3. Ibid., 4. For the rest of the story of Locke's versatile and fruitful career, see James

C. Austin, Petroleum V. Nasby (David Ross Locke) (New York, 1965).

4. During the war Crawford County was notoriously anti-war and anti-administration.

Near riots occurred in Bucyrus in 1863.

5. Ford, Civil War Letters of Petroleum V. Nasby, 5.

6. Reprinted in ibid., 7-9.

7. For Lincoln's use of Nasby, see Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The War Years

(New York, 1939), II, 241; III, 274, 353-356; IV, 55, 61, 124, 270.

8. The dateline erroneously reads June rather than November in Nasby: Divers

Views, Opinions, and Prophecies of Yoors trooly Petroleum V Nasby (Cincinnati, 1866),





1. Frederick D. Williams, ed., The Wild Life of the Army: Civil War Letters of James

A. Garfield (East Lansing, Mich., 1964), 96.

2. Ibid., 77. In his previous letter to his wife, dated March 19, Garfield remarked that

he had received his commission as brigadier general, effective the preceding January 10.

Ibid. Williams had been promoted to major on March 14.

3. Ibid., 79. For an excellent analysis of Garfield's Sandy Valley campaign, see

Allan Peskin, "The Hero of the Sandy Valley: James A. Garfield's Kentucky Campaign

of 1861-1862," Ohio History, LXXII (1963), 3-24, 129-139.

4. Frederick A. Henry, Captain Henry of Geauga: A Family Chronicle (Cleveland,

1942), 125. The Official Roster of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in the War of the

Rebellion, 1861-1866, IV (Akron, Ohio, 1877), 752, shows Williams "died of disease"

July 25, 1862, and was buried in Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, Kentucky, indicating

he may have returned to duty in Kentucky when he suffered the relapse.

5. Henry, Captain Henry of Geauga, 184-185; Western Reserve Eclectic Institute,

Annual Catalogue for 1860.

6. F. H. Mason, The Forty-Second Ohio Infantry (Cleveland, 1876), 10-11, 261-262;

Henry, Captain Henry of Geauga, 101.

7. Mason, The Forty-Second Ohio, 12-13.

8. The Fifty-Fourth General Assembly of the State of Ohio. Garfield had been elected

in 1859 as senator from Portage and Summit counties.

9. Garfield had managed the unsuccessful senatorial campaign of his close friend

Governor William A. Dennison.

10. General Winfield Scott advocated abandoning Fort Sumter, in Charleston harbor,

as impractical to reinforce.

11. Major Robert Anderson, the commander of Fort Sumter.