Ohio History Journal

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192                                                        OHIO HISTORY


38. "The United States Renews Relations with Mexico," State Department Announce-

ment, August 31, 1923, 711.1211/154; and William Phillips, Under Secretary of State,

to Coolidge. Case File 146, Coolidge Papers. See also Hughes to Payne, September 11,

1923. Box 38, Hughes Papers. See also Hughes to Warren, September 11, 1923, ibid.,

Box 47.



1. The Marion Star, March 2, 1921. See also New York Times, March 3, 1921.

2. Cited in "Tremendous Problems That Face Harding," Literary Digest, March 5,

1921, p. 8.

3. New York Times, March 3, 1921; editorial, "Mr. Harding's Administration,"

March 4, 1921.

4. The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover: The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920-1923

(New York, 1952), 13.

5. Various items, Box 421, Warren G. Harding Papers, Ohio Historical Society. This

general impression was concretely established by taking twenty-four letters for the period

November 3, 1920 to February 1, 1921 and discovering that eighteen were against, six

for the Versailles League. Quite interestingly to note, Harding received human nature

arguments against ending war and racial arguments for not entering the world organiza-

tion, see Daniel Moreau Barringer to W. G. Harding, December 7, 1920 with enclosure

dated March 19, 1919. Ibid., Box 119.

6. Ibid., Frank Brandegee to Harding, December 28, 1920 (typed copy), Box 694; for

a Harding rejoinder to one of his prominent petitioners, see Harding to Henry Cabot

Lodge, December 29, 1920, Box 655.

7. Ibid., C. B. Miller to Harding, December 13, 1920.

8. Ibid., J. E. Todd to H. D. Mannington, December 27, 1920.

9. Ibid., Myron H. Bent to Harding, December 1, 1920, Box 421.

10. Ibid., William E. Anderson to Harding, January 22, 1921 (typed copy), Box 693.

Another clergyman, Dr. James L. Barton, on January 14, 1921, wrote in his three

powerful capacities as National Chairman of the Near East Relief, Senior Foreign

Secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, and Moderator

of the International Decennial Congregational Council, ibid.

11. Hamilton Holt to Harding, December 10, 1920; Harding to Holt, December 22,

1920, Holt Papers, cited in Warren F. Kuehl, Hamilton Holt: Journalist, Internationalist,

Educator (Gainesville, 1960), 155. Kuehl also has a perceptive synthesis of Holt's

relationship to Harding on the League of Nations issue, 151-175. One reader of The

Independent sent clippings of Holt's editorial criticism of Harding's evasiveness on the

League to the future President, see O. L. Deming to Harding, December 24, 1921. Box

119, Harding Papers.

12. New York Times, March 4, 1921.

13. Ibid., March 3, 1921.

14. Samuel Hopkins Adams, The Incredible Era: The Life and Times of Warren

Gamaliel Harding (Boston, 1939), 35.

15. Hiram Johnson to Harding, August 9, 1921; Harding to Johnson, September 6,

1920. Box 502, Harding Papers. The exchange showed that the two Senators were

professionally proud of their skills at verbal imprecision. This ignorance of Harding's

deliberate vagueness on touching political matters let the vitriolic Henry L. Menckin to

assert that the Ohioan's muddled sentences in political writing or speaking were

occasioned by ignorance. Sometimes they were. Often, they were not. The Baltimore

Sun cynic went on to state that he overheard the former editor of the Marion Star

deliver a speech to the Elks which was "clear, logical, forceful" with even "a touch of

wild, romantic beauty." But the Elks speech was on a simple subject--hence Harding's

clarity. It is strange that the clever Menckin did not go deeper into wondering why

the politician could write so clearly on matters that were unimportant while the real

concerns of the day involving consequences for America and himself were dealt with

so vaguely. Surely Menckin, so clever in the use of words himself and a serious writer

on the American Language, should have suspected another clever writer was at work.

The quotations from Menckin are cited in David Shannon, ed., Progressivism and

Postwar Disillusionment: 1898-1928 (New York, 1966), 280.

16. For an impressive demonstration of how precisely and clearly Harding could

write, see Harding to Richard Washburn Child, letters of December 12, 1921; July 24,

1922; and April 16, 1923. Box 694, Harding Papers.

17. Ibid., Harding to Lodge, December 29, 1920. Box 655.

18. Ibid., Harding to Miss Mollie Conners, May 17, 1919. Box 757.

19. Shannon, Progressivism and Postwar Disillusionment, 280.

20. New York Times, March 5, 1921.

21. Kuehl, Hamilton Holt, 155.