Ohio History Journal

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70                                                         OHIO HISTORY


38. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, June 17, 1845, September 24, 1850.

39. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, October 10, 1863; Sherman to Minnie Sherman,

March 15, 1863, January 28, 1864; Sherman to the Rev. Edward Sorin, C.S.C., March 1,

1867, May 5, 1870. Father Sorin was president of the University of Notre Dame.

40. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, June 6, 1862, April 30, 1878; Sherman to Minnie

Sherman, October 4, 1862; David P. Conyngham, "Soldiers of the Cross" (manuscript,

University of Notre Dame), Chap. IV; Ellen Sherman to Sherman, June 23, 1861. Indi-

cations, but no proof, exist that Ellen Sherman had the Rev. Joseph Carrier, C.S.C., sent

to Sherman's camp to check on reports that her husband was mentally disturbed.

41. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, September 16, 1846.

42. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, September 18, 1846.

43. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, January 6, March 24, 1872. An example of his detailed

church descriptions is in the letter of January 6.

44. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, May 26, July 24, 1872.

45. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, July 26, 1872. See also Sherman to Thomas Sherman,

March 1, 1872.

46. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, October 29, 1859, September 17, 1844.

47. Lloyd Lewis, Sherman, Fighting Prophet (New York, 1932), 628-631.

48. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, July 14, 1855.

49. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, June 14, 1844.

50. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, July 26, 1872. See also Sherman to Ellen Sherman,

July 7, 1872.

51. For examples of the children's intolerance, see Minnie Sherman to Ellen Sherman,

May 29, 1878, and Thomas Sherman to his brother Philemon Sherman, February 24, 1890.

52. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, August 25, 1872.

53. Ellen Sherman to Sherman, November 21, 1860. This is a copy of the original

letter, which was destroyed by Philemon Sherman.

54. Ellen Sherman to Sherman, April 29, 1855, December 1, 1859.

55. Sherman to Thomas Sherman, November 10, 1864; Sherman to Ellen Sherman,

November 29, 1860; Sherman to Thomas Sherman, March 29, 1872.

56. Sherman to Minnie Sherman, April 20, 1888, January 2, 1890.

57. Ellen Sherman to Sherman, January 29, 1861, August 1879, April 4, August 23,


58. Sherman to John T. Doyle, June 16, 1878.

59. Sherman to Major Henry Turner, June 28, June 5, July 24, 1878.

60. Ellen Sherman to Sherman, April 15, 1864.

61. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, January 15, 1865; Sherman to Thomas Sherman,

March 29, 1872.

62. Sherman to Ellen Sherman, September 16, 1883. See also Sherman to Mrs. Alex-

ander Thackara (Eleanor Sherman), May 24, 1881; Sherman to Minnie Sherman, June

16, 1878; and Sherman to John T. Doyle, July 28, 1878.

63. The quotation is from Sherman to Major Henry Turner, July 13, 1878. See also

Sherman to Major Turner, May 27, July 7, 1878.

64. Sherman to Major Henry Turner, May 27, 1878. See also Sherman to Minnie

Sherman, June 16, 1878, and Sherman to John T. Doyle, July 28, 1878.

65. Thomas Sherman's relationship with his father is reflected in Thomas Sherman

to Sherman, May 25, 1878, July 14, September 1, 1880. The gradual softening of Sher-

man's attitude is seen in Sherman to Ellen Sherman, August 24, 1880 (postscript written

by Rachel Sherman), and Sherman to Mrs. Alexander Thackara, December 30, 1880.

66. Ellen Sherman to Minnie Sherman. May 31, 1878.

67. Letter of John Sherman, dated February 13, 1891, in New York Sun, February 19,

1891. See also John Sherman, Recollections of Forty Years, II, 1102-1103.

68. Sherman to Mrs. Alexander Thackara, May 24, 1881.





The author gratefully acknowledges the patient encouragement, guidance, and criticism

of Dr. William D. Barns in a seminar in American Agricultural History at West Virginia


1. James Westfall Thompson, History of Livestock Raising in the United States,

1607-1860, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural History Series, No. 5

(November 1942); Charles Townsend Leavitt, "The Meat and Dairy Livestock Industry,

1819-1860" (unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, 1931).