Ohio History Journal

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NOTES                                                                    275


27. Plain Dealer, January 26, 1861.

28. Leader, January 21, 1861.

29. Annals of Cleveland, XLIV, 3391 (Leader, January 24, 1861).

30. Plain Dealer, January 22, 1861.

31. Annals of Cleveland, XLIV, 3389 (Leader, January 22, 1861).

32. Sentinel, January 30, 1861.

33. Annals of Cleveland, XLIV, 3392 (Leader, January 24, 1861).

34. Sentinel, January 30, 1861.

35. Malvin, Autobiography, 38-39.

36. Annals of Cleveland, XLIV, 3394 (Leader, January 25, 1861).

37. Herald, January 24, 1861.

38. Annals of Cleveland, XLIV, 3393 (Leader, January 24, 1861).

39. Sentinel, January 30, 1861.

40. Ibid.

41. Annals of Cleveland, XLIV, 3399 (Leader, February 1, 1861).

42. The Oberlin Evangelist, February 13, 1861, pp. 30-31.

43. The Liberator, March 8, 1861.

44. This was a highly unlikely conjecture, inasmuch as Lucy's escape had occurred

before Lincoln's election and South Carolina's secession had brought on the crisis.

45. The Liberator, March 8, 1861.

46. Ibid., March 15, 1861.

47. The Bagby case elicited only perfunctory mention, from three lines to a paragraph,

in the telegraphic reports columns of two principal eastern papers. See the New York

Times, January 21, 24, 1861; and New York Tribune, January 22, 24, 1861.

48. Sentinel, June 3, 1861.

49. Plain Dealer, May 4, 1861.

50. Malvin, Autobiography, 38-39.




1. David C. Mearns (ed.), The Lincoln Papers, the Story of a Collection, with

Selections to July 4, 1861 (Garden City, 1948), I, 241-242. For the background circum-

stances of Howells' and other Lincoln campaign biographies of 1860, see also Roy P.

Basler and Lloyd A. Dunlap, ed., introduction and notes to Life of Abraham Lincoln by

John Locke Scripps (Bloomington, 1961); Benjamin P. Thomas, "A Unique Biography

of Lincoln," Bulletin of the Abraham Lincoln Association, No. 35 (June 1934), 3-8, and

his preface to the facsimile [1860] Life of Abraham Lincoln by W. D. Howells (Bloom-

ington, 1960); and particularly Ernest J. Wessen, "Campaign Lives of Abraham Lincoln,"

Papers of Illinois History and Transactions for the Year 1937 (Springfield, 1938), 188-220.

2. See the six speeches included in the complete edition of the Life, noted below in

footnote 6.

3. Howells' basic account of the Lincoln biography and of his relationships with Follett

and Foster appears in Years of My Youth (New York, 1916), Chapter IV, 178-239.

4. Political Debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas,

In the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois . . . (Columbus, 1860). For reports of

mounting sales, see current Follett and Foster advertising in the Ohio State Journal


5. The Robert Todd Lincoln Collection of the Papers of Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865),

Library of Congress microfilm, 1947. For the Howard notes, see Series 1: 1860

May 26-July 18; Mounting Numbers 2906-3331, Reel 7. A transcription of these notes,

printed by Mearns in The Lincoln Papers, 149-159, should be checked against the

original for variant readings.

6. The Life and Public Services of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, and Hon.

Hannibal Hamlin of Maine (Boston, 1860). Published about June 7. Wessen, "Campaign

Lives of Abraham Lincoln," 188-220.

7. Howells, Years of My Youth, 159-160.

8. Ibid., 153-160, 172-173, 220-222.

9. Ibid., 193-194.

10. Ibid., 202-203.

11. For Howells' youthful background, including the literary forces that had helped

shape his mind and art, see especially A Boy's Town (1890), My Year in a Log Cabin

(1893), My Literary Passions (1895), and Chapters I-III of Years of My Youth (1916).