Ohio History Journal

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NOTES                                                                      277


53. Ibid., 56-65, 66-72.

54. Ibid., 64-65.

55. Ibid., 78-84. Cf. Howells, letter to Theodore T. Frankenberg, September 27, 1914:

"I did not edit the Lincoln speeches; I only wrote a campaign life of him." Martha

Kinney Cooper Ohioana Library, Columbus, Ohio.

56. Life, 78-79.

57. Ibid., 79.

58. Ibid., 79-83.

59. Ibid., 41. Howells' footnote explained: "Out West, a grocery is understood to be a

place where the chief article of commerce is whisky. Lincoln's establishment was, in the

Western sense, a store; that is, he sold tea, coffee, sugar, powder, lead, and other luxuries

and necessities of pioneer existence. Very possibly his store was not without the 'elixir

of life,' with which nearly everybody renewed the flower of youth in those days; though

this is not a matter of absolute history, nor perhaps of vital consequence."

60. Debates, 69, 75.

61. Life, 74-75.

62. Thomas, "Editor's Preface to 1938 Edition," xvii-xviii.

63. Lincoln's marginal note on page 74: "Not the resolution of that convention. See

debates at Ottawa, Freeport & Galesburg." An errata slip was inserted between pages

74-75 in fresh bindings of the current edition, and the text proper was corrected in the

second complete edition.

64. Life, 93-94.

65. Ibid., 94.


1. The diary notation is taken from Marvin W. McFarland, ed., The Papers of

Wilbur and Orville Wright (New York, 1953), II, 1001. "Simms" refers to Simms Station,

an interurban trolley stop northeast of Dayton, Ohio. Simms Station was near Huffman

Prairie where the Wright brothers conducted many flight experiments. Huffman Prairie

is now part of the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.

In November 1910, Wilbur was away from home on business relating to law suits over

patent infringements, leaving Orville in charge of the operation of the Wright Company.

See Fred C. Kelly, The Wright Brothers: A Biography Authorized by Orville Wright

(New York, 1943), 280-281.

2. Kelly, Wright Brothers, 112, 120.

3. Wilbur Wright to Bishop Wright, September 3, 1903. McFarland, Papers, I, ix.

4. Octave Chanute, "Aerial Navigation," Independent, LII (April 26 and May 3,

1900), 1006-07, 1058-60. Wilbur Wright's letter to Chanute referring to the article is in

McFarland, Papers (May 13, 1900), I, 10. Other respected authorities continued to

debunk the notion of powered flight. See Simon Newcomb, "Is the Airship Coming,"

McClure's Magazine, XVII (September 1901), 434-435; and George W. Melville, "The

Engineer and the Problem of Aerial Navigation," North American Review, CLXXIII

(December 1901), 820. A recognized scientist and astronomer in America and abroad,

Newcomb taught at the U.S. Naval Academy and Johns Hopkins University. Melville

was a Rear Admiral, Engineer-in-chief of the U.S. Navy. Some doubts were apparently

confirmed by the debacle of an eminent scientist, Samuel P. Langley of the Smithsonian

Institution, whose "Aerodrome" failed twice in trials on the Potomac River, October 7

and December 8, 1903. The Wright brothers succeeded at Kitty Hawk only nine days


5. Kelly, Wright Brothers, 115-116. Cabot's manufacturing interests included a carbon

black plant in West Virginia.

6. Godfrey Lowell Cabot to Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, December 31, 1903. Fred C.

Kelly, ed., Miracle at Kitty Hawk: The Letters of Wilbur and Orville Wright (New York,

1951), 122.

7. Ibid., 122-123.

8. Wilbur Wright to Chanute, October 5, 1904. Ibid., 132-133.

9. Kelly, Wright Brothers, 120. It appears that the Wrights hoped aircraft would

prevent wars because of its capacity to threaten devastating aerial retaliation which

would deter any aggressor. As late as 1917, Orville still talked of the possibilities of aerial

surveillance which would preclude the chance of sneak attack and eliminate future

armed conflict. See Kelly, Wright Brothers, 204, fn. 1; Burton J. Hendrick, "The Safe

and Useful Airplane: An Interview with Orville Wright," Harper's Magazine, CXXXIV

(April 1917), 609-616, 619.