Ohio History Journal

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192                                                         OHIO HISTORY


35. Hayes to Smith, Columbus, July 13, 1869; Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 64; Ohio

State Journal, October 13, 1870.

36. Ibid., October 14, 1869; Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 81-82.

37. Ohio Governors Letterbook, December 7, 1869, Ohio Historical Society.

38. Hayes to Wines, December 14, 1869, Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 77.

39. Ohio State Journal, January 4, 1870.

40. Ibid., January 8, 1868.

41. Ibid., May 14, 1869.

42. Ibid., January 11, 1870.

43. Ibid., April 14, 1870.

44. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 61-62.

45.  Ibid., 63.

46. Ohio State Journal, October 14, 1869.

47. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 99-100.

48. Ohio State Journal, April 18, 1870.

49. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 103.

50. Ibid., 84, 99-100, 106; Ohio State Journal, July 5, 1870.

51. Ibid., October 11, 1870.

52. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 91; Hayes to J. Irving Brooks, March 1, 1870,

ibid., III, 90.

53. Ibid., III., 135-136; Hayes to Charles Nordhoff, March 13, 1871, ibid., III, 134.

54. For a discussion of the efforts to secure Hayes's candidacy for the U. S. Senate

in 1872 and 1873, see E. H. Roseboom, The Civil War Era (Carl Wittke, ed., The

History of the State of Ohio, IV, Columbus, 1944), 478-480.

55. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 244, 249, 269.

56. Ohio State Journal, June 3, 1875.

57. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 82.

58. Ohio State Journal, June 3, 1875; Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 283, 284-285, 287.

59. Ohio State Journal, August 2, 1875.

60. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 290, 293, 295, 352-353; Enquirer, September 22,

1875; Claude M. Fuess, Carl Schurz, Reformer (New York, 1932), 217-218.

61. Ohio State Journal, January 11, 1876.

62. State of Ohio, General and Local Laws and Joint Resolutions Passed by the

Sixty-second General Assembly, LXXIII, (Columbus, 1876).

63. Hayes, Diary and Letters, III, 189, 313.

64. For a preliminary study of this subject, see Catherine S. Bartlett, "The Prison

Reform Activity of Rutherford B. Hayes, 1868-1893" (M.A. thesis, The Ohio State

University, Columbus, 1958).

65. Harry Barnard, Rutherford B. Hayes and His America (Indianapolis, 1954),





1. Biographical Dictionary of the American Congress (Washington, 1950) 850;

Biographical Cyclopedia and Portrait Gallery . . . of the State of Ohio (Cincinnati,

1894), III, 691-694; Dictionary of American Biography (New York, 1964), Vol. I, Pt.

II, 277-278; Benjamin B. Kendrick, The Journal of the Joint Committee of Fifteen on

Reconstruction, 39th Congress, 1865-1867, Columbia University Studies in History, Eco-

nomics, and Public Law (New York, 1914), 183-185; Benjamin P. Thomas and Harold

M. Hyman, Stanton: The Life and Times of Lincoln's Secretary of War (New York,

1962), 25; Bingham's License to Practice Law, October 14, 1841, in the possession of

Mr. Milton Ronsheim: J. L. Conwell, "Recollections of Lincoln and Stanton . . . By

Hon. John A. Bingham . . . ." (n.d.), in the possession of Mr. Milton Ronsheim,

Cadiz, Ohio.

2. Thomas and Hyman, Stanton, 136, 367; Guy W. Moore, The Case of Airs. Surratt

(Norman, 1954); David M. DeWitt, The Judicial Murder of Mary Surratt (Baltimore,


3. Ibid., 27; John T. Morse, Jr., ed., Diary of Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy

Under Lincoln and Johnson (Boston, 1911), III, 274.