Ohio History Journal

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ABOLITIONISM, "The Southern Strategy

of the Liberty Party," by Stanley C.

Harrold, Jr., 21-36; books on, rev., 97-99

Academic freedom, "The 1951 Speaker's

Rule at Ohio State," by Steven P.

Gietschier, 294-309

Action, journal of the Ohio Farmer-Labor

party, 427

Adrian, Michigan, temperance crusade in,


Aeschbacher, W.D., book rev., 463

Affairs of State: Public Life in Nineteenth

Century America, by Morton Keller, rev.,


Afro-American and the Second World War,

The, by Neil A. Wynn, rev., 111

Age of Urban Reform: New Perspectives on

the Progressive Era, edited by Michael H.

Ebner and Eugene M. Tobin, rev., 310-21

Agricultural Adjustment Act, 425

Agriculture in Ohio, publications on, 67

Ainsworth, Fred C., Adjutant General, 410

Alexander, Charles C., book rev., 477-78

"Alfred Kelley and the Ohio Business Elite,

1822-1859," by Harry N. Scheiber, 365-92

America By Design: Science, Technology,

and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism, by

David F. Noble, rev., 474-76

American Apocalypse: Yankee Protestants

and the Civil War, 1860-1869, by James H.

Moorhead, rev., 466

American Bottle Company, 266, 272; illus-

tration, 268

American Commonwealth Political Federa-

tion national convention, Chicago, 1936

(Farmer-Labor party), 430

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 422,

424, 426, 428, 432, 436

American Revolution and "A Candid

World." The, edited by Lawrence S.

Kaplan, rev., 454-56

America's Moment: 1918. American Diplo-

macy at the End of World I, by Arthur

Walworth, rev.. 236

Amlie, Thomas, Congressman, 419-21, 423,

426-27, 430, 433

Andrus, Hyrum L., and Richard E. Bennett,

comps. and eds., A Guide to the Holdings

of the Harold B. Lee Library, 86

Annunziata, Frank, book rev., 113

Anthony, Susan B., 398

Anti-Catholicism, "Immigrants and Tem-

perance: Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincin-

nati, 1845-1860," by Jed Dannenbaum,


Antislavery Appeal: American Abolitionism

after 1830, The, by Ronald G. Walters,

rev., 97

Antislavery in Ohio, publications on, 67

Appalachia on our Mind: The Southern

Mountains and Mountaineers in the

American Consciousness, 1870-1920, by

Henry D. Shapiro, rev., 469

Archeological History of the Hocking

Valley, An, by James Murphy, rev., 87

Architecture, "Frank Lloyd Wright's West-

cott House in Springfield," by Stephen

Sick, 276-93; illustrations, 278, 283, 285,

288, 291; publications on in Ohio, 67-68

Assassination in America, by James McKin-

ley, rev., 115

Asbury, Eslie, Reflections: an Anecdotal

Account of the University of Cincinnati

during the Last Sixty Years, 208

Athens, "War in the Streets of Athens," by

Marvin Fletcher, 405-18

Atlas of Michigan, edited by Lawrence M.

Sommers, rev., 338



B & O RAILROAD, in Newark, 261-62

Bachrack, Stanley D., The Committee of

One Million: "China Lobby" Politics

1953-1971, rev., 114

Bailey, Gamaliel, 23-28, 31-36

Banking in Ohio, 380-88

"'A Baptism of Fire and Liberty': The

Women's Crusade of 1873-1874," by Ruth

Bordin, 393-404

Barclay, Morgan, and Jean W. Strong, The

Samuel M. Jones Papers . . . An Inven-

tory to the Microfilm Edition, bk. note,


Baring Brothers, British bankers, 386-87

Barnes, Daniel R., book rev., 106

Barsotti, John J., and William M. Darling-

ton, annotators Scoouwa: James Smith's

Indian Captivity Narrative, rev., 452

Baskin, John, New Burlington: the Life and

Death of an American Village, rev., 106

Bates, John C., General, 411-12

Baughman, James L., "Classes and Com-