Ohio History Journal

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"ACE of Roosevelt, The," 74

Ahlstrom, Sydney E., 66

Albacete, M.J., Architecture in Canton,

87; with D'Arti and Reeves, Ohio

Quilts: A Living Tradition, 87

Alexander, Charles C., Here the Country

Lies: Nationalism and the Arts in

Twentieth-Century America, rev.,


American City, 21

American Institute of Architects, 7, 29

Angel, William D., Jr., book rev., 121-22

Athony Wayne Trail, 33

Anti-Saloon League of Cleveland, 71

Annual Meeting, Non-Partisan WCTU,

(1875), 70; (1889), 72

Annual Report, WCTU, (1875), 70;

(1879), 68; (1926), 73

Architecture in Canton, by M.J. Alba-

cete, 87

Archival Chronicle, The, 85

Arkes, Hadley, The Philosopher in the

City: The Moral Dimensions Of

Urban Politics, rev., 121-2

Arndt, Karl J.R., book rev., 122-24; com-

piler and editor, George Rapp's

Separatists 1700-1803. Prelude to

America, rev., 124-27; compiler and

editor, Harmony on the Connoquenes-

sing, 1803-1815. George Rapp's First

American Harmony. A Documentary

History, rev., 124-27

Ashley, H.W., 29

Associated Charities of Cleveland, 63

Athens Messenger, 47,54

At Home in Early Sandusky, compiled by

Helen M. Hansen, 88

Au, Dennis M., War on the Raisin, rev.,


Audretsch, Robert W., compiler and edi-

tor, The Salem, Ohio 1850 Women's

Rights Convention Proceedings, 88

Automobile Revolution: The Impact of an

Industry, The, by James M. Laux, 84

Laux, 84

BANK holiday of 1933, 76

Banking crisis of July 1932, 74-75

Barclay, Morgan J., compiler and editor,

Celebrating the City: A Pictorial

Essay of Toledo, 1890-1940, bk. note,


Bar of Destruction, The, by Thomas

Nast, cover illustration

Baron of Beacon Hill: A Biography of

John Hancock, The, by William M.

Flower, Jr., rev., 99-101

Bassett, Larry, book rev., 94-95

Batch, Harry T., 23

Beauregard, Erving E., book rev., 114-16

Beautification Movement, "Brand Whit-

lock and the City Beautiful Move-

ment of Toledo, Ohio," by Shirley

Leckie, 5-36

Beaver, Daniel R., book rev., 90-91

Becker, Carl M., The Village: A History

of Germantown, Ohio, 1804-1976,

rev., 122-24

Benevolence, "Temperance, Benevo-

lence, and the City: The Cleveland

Non-Partisan Woman's Christian

Temperance Union, 1874-1900," by

Marian J. Morton, 58-73

Bestor, H. Paul, 77

Bethel Union, 63

Big Business and Presidential Power:

From Roosevelt to Reagan, by Kim

McQuaid, 84

Birtle, Andrew, "Governor George Hoad-

ly's Use of the Ohio National Guard

in the Hocking Valley Coal Strike of

1884," 37-57

Black Americans and the Evangelization

of Africa, 1877-1900, by Walter Wil-

liams, 84

Blaine, James G., 44

Board of Park Commissioners (Toledo,

Ohio), 22-23

Boden, John, 52

Bond issues, Toledo, Ohio, (1911), 24;

(1913), 29; (1916), 35

Bonner, (Colonel) J.C., 27

Boston (Massachusetts), The Changing

Face of Boston over 350 Years. A Mas-

sachusetts Historical Society Picture

Book, edited by Malcolm Freiberg,

bk. note, 140

Bowers, Paul C., Jr., book rev., 99-101,


"Brand Whitlock and the City Beautiful

Movement in Toledo, Ohio," by Shir-

ley Leckie, 5-36

Breen, T.H., Puritans and Adventurers:

Change and Persistence in Early

America, rev., 103-04

Bremner, Robert H., The Public Good:

Philanthropy & Welfare in the Civil

War Era, rev., 117-19