Ohio History Journal

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Notes and Queries

Notes and Queries



The Spring Meeting of the Ohio Academy of History will be held April 21-22,

1995, at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio. For further information, contact

Donna L. Van Raaphorst, History Department, Cuyahoga Community College,

Western Campus, Cleveland, Ohio 44130-5199.


The Gorsebrook Research Institute for Atlantic Canada Studies, of Saint Mary's

University, will be holding its 7th North American Fur Trade Conference in

Halifax, Nova Scotia, on May 24-28, 1995. The conference encourages the intro-

duction of new methodologies and approaches in understanding the evolving rela-

tionships between human societies and fur-bearing populations and will feature

papers in Native Studies, Women's Studies, Ecology and the Sciences,

Comparative Studies, History, Anthropology, and Literature, with special ses-

sions related to the Atlantic region of Canada. For further information about the

conference, contact: Barry Moody and Bill Wicken, Gorsebrook Research

Institute for Atlantic Canada Studies, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Nova

Scotia, Canada B3H 3C3.


The University of Kentucky recently announced the Martin Luther King, Jr.

Prize for Research in African-American History, in the amount of $500, to be

awarded biennially to an article published in the preceding two years. Scholarly

articles in the field of African-American History published within two calendar

years prior to the date of the award will be considered. For further information

about this award, contact the Department of History, University of Kentucky,

Lexington, Kentucky 40506-0027.


The Forest History Society recently announced several awards: David P.

Massell, of Duke University, won the 1994 F. K. Weyerhaeuser Forest History

Fellowship for his graduate study focused on the development of hydro power and

related resources in Quebec Province; James Long, an investigative reporter for

the Portland Oregonian, won the 1994 John M. Collier Award for Forest History

Journalism with his May 23, 1993, "Of Grants and Greed."


William Leach, an independent scholar from Carmel, New York, has won the

second annual Herbert Hoover Book Award for his recent work, The Land of Desire:

Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture. Sponsored by the

Herbert Hoover Library Association, the Hoover Book Award is given annually to

an outstanding scholarly book on any aspect of American history during President

Hoover's long momentous public life from 1914 to 1964. The Association's

scholarship committee, composed of historians from Iowa colleges and universi-

ties, serve as judges for the Award. For more information about Leach's book or

the Herbert Hoover Book Award contact:    Hoover Presidential Library

Association, Box 696, West Branch, Iowa 52358.


The Kentucky Historical Society has presented its annual Richard H. Collins

Award to Marion B. Lucas, professor of history at Western Kentucky University.

The award, designed to recognize outstanding research and writing, was given for

Lucas's article entitled "Kentucky Blacks: The Transition from Slavery to