Ohio History Journal

Index C Results

Chief Panisciowa
"Panisciowa-Jean Baptiste Ducoigne,"
465 - 468 Volume 29/October 1920/Number 4
Chieftan Wacousta
"Chieftan Wacousta, the Young Lahkopis, and the Maiden Ahyomah, The,"by Mrs. David Gebhart
455 - 457 Volume 13/October 1904/Number 4
Children's Homes
"'Go and Sin No More': Maternity Homes in Cleveland, 1869-1936,"by Marian J. Morton
117 - 146 Volume 93/Summer-Autumn 1984

"Catherine Fay Ewing, Originator of Children's Homes,"
241 - 243 Volume 34/April 1925/Number 2

"Homes for Poverty's Children: Cleveland's Orphanages, 1851-1933,"by Marian J. Morton
5 - 22 Volume 98/Winter-Spring 1989
Children's Hospital
"Children's Hospital (Delivered September 15, 1922),"by James Edwin Campbell
53 - 56 Volume 34/January 1925/Number 1
Chillicothe (Ohio)
"A Chapter of Corrections,"by R. W. McFarland
402 - 412 Volume 16/July 1907/Number 3

"Bowman's Expedition Against Chillicothe: May-June 1779,"
446 - 459 Volume 19/October 1910/Number 4

"Centennial Celebration of the Adoption of Ohio's First Constitution,"
1 - 24 Volume 12/January 1903/Number 1

"Chillicothe's Elite: Leadership in a Frontier Community,"by Jeffrey P. Brown
140 - 156 Volume 96/Summer-Autumn 1987

"Dard Hunter, The Mountain House, and Chillicothe,"by Lloyd Emerson Siberell
238 - 242 Volume 44/April 1935/Number 2

"Dedication of Tablet at Chillicothe,"
458 Volume 42/October 1933/Number 4

"Kenton's 'Chillicothe,'"by T. J. Brown
322 - 323 Volume 12/July 1903/Number 3

"Kenton's Gauntlet at Chillicothe,"by T. J. Brown
483 - 485 Volume 13/October 1904/Number 4

"Marketing 'the great American commodity': Nathaniel Massie and Land Speculation on the Ohio Frontier, 1783-1813,"by Jonathan J. Bean
152 - 169 Volume 103/Summer-Autumn 1994

"Reminiscences of A Pioneer,"edited by Clement L. Martzolff
190 - 227 Volume 19/January-April 1910/Numbers 1 & 2

"The Chillicothe Germans,"by La Vern J. Rippley
212 - 225, notes 270 - 273 Volume 75/Autumn 1966/Number 4

"The Chillicothes,"by R. W. McFarland
230 - 231 Volume 11/October 1902/Number 2

"The Ohio Canal: An Account of its Completion to Chillicothe,"by George Perkins
597 - 604 Volume 34/October 1925/Number 4

"The Towns Called Chillicothe,"
167 - 179 Volume 12/April 1903/Number 2