Ohio History Journal

Index C Results

Campbell, (Governor) James Edwin, Works by:
"Randall, Archaeologist and Historian,"
93 - 96 Volume 29/April 1920/Number 2

"Recent Address of James Edwin Campbell,"
29 - 62 Volume 34/January 1925/Number 1

"Remarks of Governor James E. Campbell" (Gallipolis Centennial)
161 - 163 Volume 3/Annual 1891/Annual

"Sumner-Brooks-Burlingame: or, The Last of the Great Challenges,"
435 - 473 Volume 34/October 1925/Number 4

"The Gospel of Burnished Steel (An Address Delivered at the Broad Street Presbyterian Church May 25, 1924),"
48 - 53 Volume 34/January 1925/Number 1

"The Mississippi Squadron,"
56 - 62 Volume 34/January 1925/Number 1
Campbell, Lewis D.
"'Contest MY seat sir!': Lewis D. Campbell, Clement L. Vallandigham, and the Election of 1856,"by Robert J. Zalimas, Jr.
5 - 30 Volume 106/Winter-Spring 1997

"Lewis D. Campbell and the Know-Nothing Party in Ohio,"by William E. Van Horne
202 - 221, notes 270 - 273 Volume 76/Autumn 1967/Number 4
Campus Martius
"Campus Martius,"
653 - 654 Volume 35/October 1926/Number 4
Campus Martius Museum
"Campus Martius Secured,"
297 - 299 Volume 26/April 1917/Number 2
Campus Martius Museum (OHS)
"Campus Martius Secured,"
297 - 299 Volume 26/April 1917/Number 2

"Campus Martius,"
653 - 654 Volume 35/October 1926/Number 4

"Celebration at Campus Martius,"
598 - 604 Volume 37/July 1928/Number 3

"State Parks (Report of the Committee on Parks),"by F. C. Furniss
614 - 620 Volume 36/October 1927/Number 4

"Tablet for Campus Martius,"
353 - 354 Volume 30/July 1921/Number 3

"The Rufus Putnam House at the Campus Martius Museum,"by Daniel R. Porter
183 - 187 Volume 73/Summer 1964/Number 3

"Unveiling of Tablet at Campus Martius,"
482 - 493 Volume 30/October 1921/Number 4
"'Refugees to and from Canada and the Refugee Tract,'"by Edward Livingston Taylor
219 - 241 Volume 12/July 1903/Number 3

"Ohioans and the Canadian-American Crisis of 1837-1838,"by Carl Wittke Volume 58/January 1949/Number 1
Canadian Rebellion of 1837
"Ohioans and the Canadian-American Crisis of 1837-1838,"by Carl Wittke Volume 58/January 1949/Number 1