Ohio History Journal

Index C Results

Coover, A. B.
"Ohio Banking Institutions, 1803-1866,"
296 - 320 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3
Cope, Alexis
"Address of Captain Alexis Cope (Dedication of Hayes Memorial),"
462 - 469 Volume 25/October 1916/Number 4
Copperhead Party
"Crawford County 'Ez Trooly Dimecratic': A Study of Midwestern Copperheadism,"by Thomas H. Smith
33 - 53 notes 93 - 95 Volume 76/Winter and Spring 1967/Numbers 1 & 2

"Picture of a Young Copperhead,"by Carl M. Becker
3 - 2 notes 76 - 78 Volume 71/January 1962/Number 1
Coppoc, Barclay
"Barclay Coppoc and the Jackson County, Missouri, Tragedy,"
497 - 498 Volume 30/October 1921/Number 4

"Barclay Coppoc,"by C. B. Galbreath
459 - 481 Volume 30/October 1921/Number 4
Coppoc, Edwin
"Edwin Coppoc,"by C. B. Galbreath
396 - 451 Volume 30/October 1921/Number 4

"The Coffin of Edwin Coppock,"by Thomas C. Mendenhall
452 - 456 Volume 30/October 1921/Number 4
Coppoc, Levi
"Levi Coppoc at Antioch College,"
498 Volume 30/October 1921/Number 4
Copus Battle Centennial, The
"Copus Battle Centennial, The,"by Eugene Ellis Williams
379 - 395 Volume 21/October 1912/Number 4
Copus Family
"The Copus Battle Centennial,"by Eugene Ellis Williams
379 - 395 Volume 21/October 1912/Number 4
Copus Monument
"The Copus Battle Centennial,"by Eugene Ellis Williams
379 - 395 Volume 21/October 1912/Number 4
Corlett, (Dr.) William T.
"The Establishment of Dermatology and Syphilology as Medical Specialties in Northern Ohio: Dr. William T. Corlett and the 'Renaissance' of the 1890's,"by Willard L. Marmelzat
378 - 386 Volume 57/October 1948/Number 4
Cornelius Sedam
"Cornelius Sedam and His Friends in Washington's Time,"by Emma S. Backus
28 - 50 Volume 41/January 1932/Number 1
Corner, Marcus
"An Example of Political Oratory in 1855,"by Mrs. Arthur G. Beach
673 - 682 Volume 39/October 1930/Number 4
Cornish (Ohio)
"The Proposed Town of Cornish, Ohio,"by Donald W. Ferguson
245 - 249 Volume 44/April 1935/Number 2
Cornstalk (Keigh-tugh-qua)
"Cornstalk, The Indian Chief,"by Mrs. Orson D. Dryer
613 - 626 Volume 32/October 1923/Number 4

"Sketch of Cornstalk, 1759-1777,"
245 - 262 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3
Cornstalk, The Indian Chief
"Cornstalk, The Indian Chief,"by Mrs. Orson D. Dryer
613 - 626 Volume 32/October 1923/Number 4
Cornwell, Irene D.
"Influences of Early Religious Literature in the Ohio Valley from 1815 to 1850,"
203 - 210 Volume 25/April 1916/Number 2