Ohio History Journal

Index G Results

Gallagher, William Davis
"William Davis Gallagher,"by W. H. Venable
309 - 326 Volume 2/September 1888/Number 2
Gallia County (Ohio)
"Reminiscences of A Surveyor,"by James T. Weed
151 - 160 Volume 45/April 1936/Number 2
Gallipolis (Ohio)
"A Settlement That Failed: The French in Early Gallipolis, an Enlightening Letter, and an Explanation,"by Lee and Margaret Soltow
46 - 67 Volume 94/Winter-Spring 1985

"Abstract of the Sermon on 'The Presbyterians of Ohio',"by Sylvester F. Scovel
211 - 220 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Contemporary Description of Ohio in 1788,"by
82 - 108 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Gallipolis as Travelers Saw It, 1792-1811,"by John Francis McDermott
283 - 303 Volume 48/October 1939/Number 4

"Major John Burnham and His Company,"by E. C. Dawes
40 - 44 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Memoir of Antoine Laforge: A Gallipolis Manuscript (1790),"translated by Laurence J. Kenny
43 - 51 Volume 26/January 1917/Number 1

"Methodism in Gallipolis,"by P. A. Baker
206 - 210 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Migrations and Their Lessons,"by Washington Gladden
178 - 195 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Philosophy of Methodist Success with Special Reference to the Northwest Territory,"by David H. Moore
196 - 206 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Proceedings of the Centennial Anniversary of the City of Gallipolis, Ohio. October 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1890,"
1 - 233 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Prospects for the Gallipolis Settlement: French Diplomatic Dispatches,"edited and translated by Phillip J. Wolfe and Warren J. Wolfe
41 - 56 Volume 103/Winter-Spring 1994

"Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship,"by George W. Lasher
227 - 233 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Remarks of Governor James E. Campbell,"
161 - 163 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Remarks of J. V. Jones, Esq.,"
175 - 177 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Remarks of R. D. Marshall, Esq.,"
172 - 174 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Rio Grande College-Rev. J. M. Davis, President,"
164 - 167 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"Sermon by Rev. John Moncure, Rector of St. Peter's Church,"
221 - 226 Volume 3/Annual 1891

"The Century and Its Lessons,"by N. J. Morrison
27 - 39 Volume 3/Annual 1891