Ohio History Journal

Index U Results

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Underground Railroad, The
"A Quaker Section of the Underground Railroad in Northern Ohio,"by Wilbur H. Siebert
479 - 502 Volume 39/July 1930/Number 3

"A Station on the Underground Railroad,"by Florence Bedford Wright
164 - 169 Volume 14/April 1905/Number 2

"Beginnings of the Underground Railroad in Ohio,"by Wilbur H. Siebert
70 - 93 Volume 56/January 1947/Number 1

"History of the Underground Railroad in Mechanicsburg,"by Ralph M. Watts
209 - 254 Volume 43/July 1934/Number 3

"Marking the Old 'Abolition Holes,'"by Felix J. Koch
308 - 318 Volume 22/April 1913/Number 2

"Subterranean Hideaways of the Underground Railroad in Ohio: An Architectural, Archaeological and Historical Critique of Local Traditions,"by Byron D. Fruehling and Robert H. Smith
98 - 117 Volume 102/Summer-Autumn 1993

"The 'Underground Railroad,'"by A. J. Baughman
189 - 191 Volume 15/April 1906/Number 2

"The Underground Railroad in Clark County,"by Douglas Hypes
96 - 99 Volume 17/January 1908/Number 1

"The Underground Railroad in Ohio,"by Wilbur H. Siebert
44 - 63 Volume 4/January 1896/Annual

"The Underground Railroad,"by S. S. Knabenshue
396 - 403 Volume 14/October 1905/Number 4

"The Underground Railroad: A Re-evaluation,"by Larry Gara
217 - 230 Volume 69/July 1960/Number 3

"Underground Railroad, The,"by S. S. Knabenshue
396 - 403 Volume 14/October 1905/Number 4
Underground Railroad: A Re-evaluation, The
"Underground Railroad: A Re-evaluation, The,"by Larry Gara
217 - 230 Volume 69/July 1960/Number 3
"The Coxey Movement in Ohio,"by Osman C. Hooper
155 - 176 Volume 9/October 1900/Number 2
Union Army Medical Inspector
"Union Army Medical Inspector: Norton Townshend, A,"by Robert W. McCormick
57 - 70 Volume 103/Winter-Spring 1994
Union County (Ohio)
"Indians in Union County,"by W. L. Curry
263 - 271 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3
Union Village (Ohio)
"Mobbing the Shakers of Union Village,"by J. P. MacLean
108 - 131 Volume 11/July 1902/Number 1
United Brethren Church
"The Moravian Records, Volume Two: The Diaries of Zeisberger Relating to the First Missions in the Ohio Basin,"edited by Archer Butler Hulbert and William Nathaniel Schwarze
1 - 125 Volume 21/January 1912/Number 1
University Archives
"University Archives: A Matter for Concern," (Essay and Comment)by Bruce C. Harding
143a - 144a Volume 77/Autumn 1968/Number 4
University of Cincinnati, The
"Women, Higher Education, and the Home Front: Women Students at the University of Cincinnati During World War II,"by Patrick F. Callahan
39 - 57 Volume 107/Winter-Spring 1998
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