Ohio History Journal

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'Mr. Republican' Turns 'Socialist'
"'Mr. Republican' Turns 'Socialist': Robert A. Taft and Public Housing,"by Richard O. Davies
135 - 143, notes 196 - 197 Volume 73/Summer 1964/Number 3
M'Grance, Reginald C.
"The Evolution of the Ohio-Erie Boundary,"
326 - 339 Volume 22/April 1913/Number 2
M'Laughlin, Edward A.
"To Cincinnati,"
350 - 351 Volume 20/July 1911/Number 3
Mabry, William Alexander
"Industrial Beginnings in Ohio,"
242 - 253 Volume 55/July-September 1946/Number 3
Mac-o-chee Creek
"Mac-o-chee Valley,"by Keren Jane Gaumer
455 - 469 Volume 26/October 1917/Number 4
Mac-o-chee Valley
"Mac-o-chee Valley,"by Keren Jane Gaumer
455 - 469 Volume 26/October 1917/Number 4
MacArthur, (Major General) Arthur
"Taft, MacArthur, and the Establishment of Civil Government in the Philippines,"by Ralph Eldin Minger
308 - 331 Volume 70/October 1961/Number 4
MacDaniels, Frances Cochran
"From New Womanhood to Companionate Marriage in the Progressive Era: The Case of Frances Cochran MacDaniels"by Douglas Slaybaugh
183 Volume 111/Summer-Autumn 2002/pp. 183-197
MacGahan Monument
"MacGahan Monument: A Dedication at New Lexington, The,"
215 - 244 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3
MacGahan, Januarius Aloysius
"A Bulgarian's Tribute to MacGahan (MacGahan Monument),"by Svetozar Tonjoroff
228 - 235 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3

"Address of Hon. Randolph Walton (MacGahan Monument),"
235 - 244 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3

"Januarius Aloysius MacGahan: Eulogy (MacGahan Monument),"by William A. Taylor
226 - 228 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3

"The MacGahan Monument: A Dedication at New Lexington,"
215 - 244 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3

"Vatralsky's Tribute to MacGahan,"
141 - 147 Volume 9/July 1900/Number 1
Mach, Thomas S.
"George Hunt Pendleton, The Ohio Idea and Political Continuity in Reconstruction America,"
125 - 144 Volume 108/Summer-Autumn 1999
Machine Tool Industry
"The Westward Expansion of the Manufacturing Belt: The Ohio Machine Tool Industry in the Late Nineteenth Century,"by Jon Glasgow
19 - 34 Volume 100/Winter-Spring 1991
Mack, Mrs. John T.
"Address of Mrs. John T. Mack (Harrison-Perry Embarkation Monument),"
362 - 366 Volume 21/October 1912/Number 4

"Address of Mrs. Mack (The Harrison Table Rock and Ball's Battlefield),"
363 - 365 Volume 19/October 1910/Number 4

"Address of President Wright,"
409 - 414 Volume 22/July 1913/Number 3

"The Battle of Lake Erie: September 10, 1813,"
38 - 45 Volume 10/July 1901/Number 1
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