Ohio History Journal

Index K Results

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Kelley, Alfred
"Alfred Kelley and the Ohio Business Elite, 1822-1859,"by Harry N. Scheiber
365 - 392 Volume 87/Autumn 1978/Number 4
Kelley, Alfred, Works by:
"The Black Hand,"
457 - 459 Volume 13/October 1904/Number 4
Kelsey, Thomas
"Thomas Kelsey, Hardluck Entrepreneur,"by Daniel Preston
127 - 141 Volume 104/Summer-Autumn 1995
Kendal (Ohio)
"No Harmony in Kendal: The Rise and Fall of an Owenite Community, 1825-1829,"by Richard J. Cherok
26 - 38 Volume 108/Winter-Spring 1999

"The Charity School of Kendal,"edited by Harlow Lindley
183 - 188 Volume 55/April-June 1946/Number 2

"The Kendal Community,"by Wendall P. Fox
176 - 219 Volume 20/April 1911/Number 2

"Touring Ohio in 1811: The Journal of Charity Rotch,"edited by Ethel Conrad
135 - 165 Volume 99/Summer-Autumn 1990
Kendal Community, The
"Kendal Community, The,"by Wendall P. Fox
176 - 219 Volume 20/April 1911/Number 2
Kendal Society, The
"No Harmony in Kendal: The Rise and Fall of an Owenite Community, 1825-1829,"by Richard J. Cherok
26 - 38 Volume 108/Winter-Spring 1999

"The Kendal Community,"by Wendall P. Fox
176 - 219 Volume 20/April 1911/Number 2
Kennan, George
"George Kennan,"
224 - 226 Volume 33/January 1924/Number 1
Kennedy, Robert P.
"Hull's Trace or Trail,"by Robert P. Kennedy
583 - 587 Volume 24/October 1915/Number 4
Kenny, Laurence J., translator
"Memoir of Antoine Laforge: A Gallipolis Manuscript (1790),"
43 - 51 Volume 26/January 1917/Number 1
Kent, Daniel
"The 1848 Diary of Daniel Kent"by Cherilyn A. Walley
48 - 82 Volume 110/Winter-Spring 2001
"Kenton's 'Chillicothe,'"by T. J. Brown
322 - 323 Volume 12/July 1903/Number 3

"Kenton's Gauntlet at Chillicothe,"by T. J. Brown
483 - 485 Volume 13/October 1904/Number 4
Kenton, Simon
"General Simon Kenton,"by Albert L. Slager (with introduction by Orton G. Rust)
46 - 67 Volume 45/January 1936/Number 1

"Kenton's 'Chillicothe,'"by T. J. Brown
322 - 323 Volume 12/July 1903/Number 3

"Kenton's Gauntlet at Chillicothe,"by T. J. Brown
483 - 485 Volume 13/October 1904/Number 4

"Note-Historical,"by R. W. McFarland
153 - 154 Volume 11/July 1902/Number 1
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