Ohio History Journal

Index L Results

Land in the Old Northwest
"Land in the Old Northwest: A Study of Speculation, Sales, and Settlement on the Connecticut Western Reserve,"by Brian Harte
114 - 139 Volume 101/Summer-Autumn 1992
Land Ownership
"The Tory Proprietors of Kentucky Lands,"by Wilbur H. Siebert
48 - 71 Volume 28/January 1919/Number 1

"Washington's Ohio Lands,"by E. O. Randall
303 - 318 Volume 19/July 1910/Number 3
Land Policy
"The Western Land Policy of the British Government from 1763 to 1775,"by B. A. Hinsdale
207 - 229 Volume 1/December 1887/Number 3
Land Speculation
"Land in the Old Northwest: A Study of Speculation, Sales, and Settlement on the Connecticut Western Reserve,"by Brian Harte
114 - 139 Volume 101/Summer-Autumn 1992

"Marketing 'the great American commodity': Nathaniel Massie and Land Speculation on the Ohio Frontier, 1783-1813,"by Jonathan J. Bean
152 - 169 Volume 103/Summer-Autumn 1994
Land to the Freedmen
"Land to the Freedmen: A Vision of Reconstruction,"by Robert F. Horowitz
187 - 199 Volume 86/Summer 1977/Number 3
Land, Mary
"John Brown's Ohio Environment,"
24 - 47 Volume 57/January 1948/Number 1
Langhorst, Winfred B.
"The Puritanic Influence in the Northwest Territory 1788-1803,"
409 - 445 Volume 42/October 1933/Number 4
Langstroth, Lorenzo Lorraine ("Bee Man")
"Langstroth, the 'Bee Man' of Oxford,"by Ophia D. Smith
147 - 164 Volume 57/April 1948/Number 2
Langstroth, the 'Bee Man' of Oxford,
"Langstroth, the 'Bee Man' of Oxford,"by Ophia D. Smith
147 - 164 Volume 57/April 1948/Number 2
Laning, J. F.
"The Evolution of Ohio Counties,"
326 - 350 Volume 5/August 1897/Annual
Lapham, Increase Allen
"Early Days in Ohio: From Letters and Diaries of Dr. I. A. Lapham,"
43 - 53 Volume 18/January 1909/Number 1
Larson, David R.
"Essay and Comment, Ohio Network of American History Research Centers: A Proposal,"
62 - 67 Volume 79/Winter 1970/Number 1

"Essay and Comment, Oral History in Ohio,"
49 - 52 Volume 78/Winter 1969/Number 1
Larson, David R., compiler
"Checklist of Major Research-in-Progress Relating to Ohio,"
297 - 301 Volume 78/Autumn 1969/Number 4
Lasalle & Koch (Toledo, Ohio)
"Historical Display in Lasalle & Koch's Windows, Toledo, Ohio: Arranged by Nevin O. Winters,"
37 - 41 Volume 39/January 1930/Number 1
Lasher, George W.
"Rejoicing in Divine Workmanship,"
227 - 233 Volume 3/Annual 1891
Last Ohio Canal Boat, The
"Last Ohio Canal Boat, The,"by Albert N. Doerschuk
109 - 116 Volume 34/January 1925/Number 1
Last Survivor of Fort Stephenson
"Last Survivor of Fort Stephenson" (Croghan Celebration)
80 - 86 Volume 16/January 1907/Number 1