Ohio History Journal

Index B Results

Brown, Jeffrey P.
"Samuel Huntington: A Connecticut Aristocrat on the Ohio Frontier,"
420 - 438 Volume 89/Autumn 1980/Number 4
Brown, John
"A Late Estimate of John Brown,"
217 - 218 Volume 33/January 1924/Number 1

"Barclay Coppoc,"by C. B. Galbreath
459 - 481 Volume 30/October 1921/Number 4

"Death of Grandson of John Brown,"
312 - 313 Volume 36/April 1927/Number 2

"Edwin Coppoc,"by C. B. Galbreath
396 - 451 Volume 30/October 1921/Number 4

"John Brown (A Poem),"by Coates Kinney
183 Volume 30/July 1921/Number 3

"John Brown and the Masonic Order,"by Boyd B. Stutler
24 - 32 notes 78 - 79 Volume 71/January 1962/Number 1

"John Brown at Harper's Ferry and Charlestown: A Lecture,"by S. K. Donovan
300 - 336 Volume 30/July 1921/Number 3

"John Brown Home in Akron,"
313 - 314 Volume 36/April 1927/Number 2

"John Brown in Ohio: An Interview with Charles S. S. Griffing,"edited by Louis Filler
213 - 218 Volume 58/April 1949/Number 2

"John Brown's Last Letter,"by Clarence S. Gee
185 - 189 Volume 40/April 1931/Number 2

"John Brown's Ohio Environment,"by Mary Land
24 - 47 Volume 57/January 1948/Number 1

"John Brown,"by C. B. Galbreath
184 - 289 Volume 30/July 1921/Number 3

"John Brown-A Review,"
375 - 378 Volume 9/January 1901/Number 3

"John Brown: Additional Notes,"by C. B. Galbreath
337 - 341 Volume 30/July 1921/Number 3

"Mythical Exposition of a 'Myth,'"
218 - 224 Volume 33/January 1924/Number 1

"Old Brown (A Poem),"by William D. Howells
181 Volume 30/July 1921/Number 3

"The Coffin of Edwin Coppock,"by Thomas C. Mendenhall
452 - 456 Volume 30/October 1921/Number 4

"The Execution of John Brown,"by Murat Halstead
290 - 299 Volume 30/July 1921/Number 3

"The Northeastern Religious Press and John Brown,"by William S. Rollins
128 - 145 Volume 61/April 1952/Number 2