Ohio History Journal

Index B Results

Bucyrus Song
"Bucyrus Song (A Poem),"by James Kilbourne
26 - 28 Volume 31/January 1922/Number 1
Budd, Louis J.
"Howells' 'Blistering and Cauterizing,'"
334 - 347 Volume 62/October 1953/Number 4
Budd, Richard M.
"Ohio Army Chaplains and the Professionalization of Military Chaplaincy in the Civil War,"
5 - 19 Volume 102/Winter-Spring 1993
Buenker, John D.
"Cleveland's New Stock Lawmakers and Progressive Reform,"
116 - 137, notes 154 - 156 Volume 78/Spring 1969/Number 2
Buerki, Robert A.
"Pharmaceutical Education in Nineteenth-Century Ohio,"
42 - 84 Volume 104/Winter-Spring 1995
Buffalo Child
"Buffalo Child Long Lance Visits Ohio,"
516 - 526 Volume 33/July-October 1924/Number 3 & 4

"Buffalo Child Long Lance,"
336 - 337 Volume 33/July-October 1924/Number 3 & 4
Building a Commercial System
"Building a Commercial System,"by Frank P. Goodwin
316 - 339 Volume 16/July 1907/Number 3
"Bulgarian's Tribute to MacGahan (MacGahan Monument), A,"by Svetozar Tonjoroff
228 - 235 Volume 21/April-July 1912/Numbers 2 & 3
Bulkley, John M.
"The Early French Settlements on the Great Lakes,"
341 - 348 Volume 22/April 1913/Number 2

"The River Raisin Monuments at Monroe, Michigan,"
141 - 154 Volume 15/April 1906/Number 2
Bulkley, Robert, J.
"A Paradox of Prohibition: Election of Robert J. Bulkley as Senator from Ohio, 1930,"by Leslie J. Stegh
170 - 182 Volume 83/Summer 1974/Number 3

"Robert Bulkley: Progressive Profile,"by William D. Jenkins
57 - 72 Volume 88/Winter 1979/Number 1
Bull Moose Rabbi
"Bull Moose" Rabbi: Judaism and Progressivism in the Life of a Reform Rabbi,"by Amy Hill Shevitz
6 - 25 Volume 108/Winter-Spring 1999
Bullock, C. Seymour
"Address of C. Seymour Bullock (descendant of Robert Fulton),"
31 - 33 Volume 22/January 1913/Number 1
Bunch of Grapes Tavern, The
"Bunch of Grapes Tavern, The,"
136 Volume 20/January 1911/Number 1

"The Bunch of Grapes Tavern,"
136 Volume 20/January 1911/Number 1
Burdell, William F.
"Opening Address Delivered by William F. Burdell, President Ohio Commission" (Louisiana Purchase Exposition)
102 - 104 Volume 14/April 1905/Number 2
Burial Place
"Burial Place of John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed). Report of the Commission Appointed by the American Pomological Society to Investigate Its Location, The,"
181 - 187 Volume 52/April-June 1943/Number 2
"Burials, Admissions to the Holy Communion and Marriages at Schoenbrunn,"
590 - 596 Volume 34/October 1925/Number 4