Ohio History Journal

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John Carey
"John Carey, An Ohio Pioneer,"by Muriel Kinney
166 - 198 Volume 46/April 1937/Number 2
John Chapman
"John Chapman's Line of Descent from Edward Chapman of Ipswich,"compiled by Florence E. Wheeler, with an introduction by Robert Price
20 - 32 Volume 48/Janaury 1939/Number 1
John D. Rockefeller
"John D. Rockefeller's Philanthropy and Problems in Fundraising at Cleveland's Floating Bethel Mission and the Home for Aged Colored People,"by Kenneth W. Rose
145 - 161 Volume 108/Summer-Autumn 1999
John Dana
"John Dana,"
151 - 152 Volume 36/Janaury 1927/Number 1
John Filson
"John Filson,"
264 - 266 Volume 18/April 1909/Number 2
John Fitch
"John Fitch, Inventor of Steamboats,"by Mira Clarke Parsons
397 - 408 Volume 8/April 1900/Number 4

"John Fitch, Inventor of Steamboats,"by Mira Clarke Parsons
238 - 242 Volume 9/October 1900/Number 2
John Gray
"John Gray, Washington's Last Soldier" (Marietta Centennial)by Private Dalzell
219 - 221 Volume 2/June 1888/Number 1
John H. Klippart
"John H. Klippart, Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, 1856-1878,"by John F. Cunningham
51 - 63 Volume 61/Janaury 1952/Number 1
John Hay
"John Hay in London, 1897-1898,"by Louis Martin Sears
356 - 375 Volume 65/October 1956/Number 4
John Henri Kagi
"John Henri Kagi-Biographical Notes,"
422 - 425 Volume 34/July 1925/Number 3

"John Henri Kagi: Biographical Sketch,"by C. B. Galbreath
263 - 291 Volume 34/July 1925/Number 3
John James Piatt
"John James Piatt, Representative Figure of a Momentous Period,"by Clare Dowler
1 - 26 Volume 45/Janaury 1936/Number 1
John Jay Janney
"John Jay Janney and His 'Recollections of Thomas Corwin,'"edited by James H. Hitchman
100 - 110, Volume 73/Spring 1964/Number 2
John Lewis Roth
"John Lewis Roth: The First White Child Born in the Moravian Mission at Gnadenhutten,"by Harlow Lindley
250 - 257 Volume 44/April 1935/Number 2
John Morgan
"John Morgan Raid in Ohio,"
48 - 59 Volume 17/Janaury 1908/Number 1
John P. Parker
"John P. Parker: Black Abolitionist Entrepreneur, 1827-1900,"by Louis Weeks
155 - 162 Volume 80/Spring 1971/Number 2
John Sherman
"John Sherman and the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson,"by Roger D. Bridges
176 - 191 Volume 82/Summer-Autumn 1973/Numbers 3 & 4

"John Sherman and the Silver Drive of 1877-78: The Origins of the Gigantic Subsidy,"by Jeannette P. Nichols
148 - 165 Volume 46/April 1937/Number 2

"John Sherman,"by George U. Harn
309 - 336 Volume 17/July 1908/Number 3
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