Ohio History Journal







Aboriginal inhabitants of Ohio, 101-130


Abuse and neglect of orphans, 18, 19

Adam, Robert, 132

Adams County (Ohio), 104

Adams, John Quincy, 54

Adena Mound, 109: illustrations, 11

Adjutant General, OM, 148, 149

Adjutant General's Annual Report, OM,

149, 163

Advisory Council on Historic

Preservation, 124

Agassiz, Louis, Congregationalists and

Evolution: Asa Gray and Lolis

Agassiz, by C. George Fry and Jon

Paul Fry, 96

Agricultural Distress in the Midwest Past

& Present, edited by Robert J.

Neymery and Lawrence E. Gelfand,

rev., 182-184

Agriculture, Agricultural Distress in the

Midwest Past & Present, edited by

Robert J. Neymery and Lawrence E.

Gelfand, rev., 182-184

Aid to Dependent Children, 22

Alexander, Charles C., book rev.,


Alum Creek Reservoir, 126

American Anthropological Association,


American Builder's Companion, The, by

Asher Benjamin, 133; illustrations, 137

American Ethnological Society, 104

American Philanthropy, by Robert H.

Bremner, 177

American Revolution, 58, 132

American State Papers, 56

American Workers, American Unions,

1920-1985, by Robert H. Zieger, rev.,


Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi

Valley, by Ephraim George Squier and

Edwin H. Davis, 105

Anderson, Gary Clayton, Little Crow:

Spokesman for the Sioux, rev., 76-77

Anderson site and museum, 120

Anders, Steven E., book rev., 187-189

Angel site, 119

Anglo-Norman Nobility in the Reign of

Henry I, The, by Charlotte A.

Newman, 177

Annual Report. Protestant Orphan

Asylum, (1857), 8, 9; (1917), 17

Anthropology Department, University of

Kentucky, 118-119

Antiquarians, 101-130

Antiquities Act (1906), 117

Antislavery sentiments, 53, 63-64, 66, 68

Archaeological and Historic Prservation

Act, The (1974), 126

Archaeological Atlas of Ohio, 109, 114

"Archaeological Site Acquisitions by the

Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Society." Table I, 115

Archaeological Society of Ohio, 123

Archaeology, "A History of Public

Archaeology in Ohio," by P. Nick

Kardulias, 101-130

Architect-builders, 133

Architecture, "Country Carpenters,

Federal Buildings: An Early

Architectural Tradition in Ohio's

Western Reserve," by Nancy J.

Brcak, 131-146

Armory of the Grand Army of the

Republic, 29

Army of the Potamac, 170

Arthur James Mound, 126

Articles of Confederation, 58

Artifacts, 101-130 passim

Artifact collections, 101-130 passim

Associated Charities, 15, 20

Ater Mound, 123

Athens (Georgia), 121

Athens (Ohio), 66

Atomic Energy Commission, 122

Atwater, Caleb, A History of the State of

Ohio, Natural and Civil, 67-68; 104

Atwater (Ohio), 133

Augusta County, Virginia 1865-1960, by

Richard K. MacMaster, 177

Aurora (Ohio), 135

Austin (Texas), 121


BABY, Ray, 122, 123

BAE. See Bureau of American


Bailey, James R., book rev., 77-78

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 167

Bancroft, George, History of the United

States from the Discovery of the

American Continent, 52, 57, 69

Bank of the U. S., 65


202                                        OHIO HISTORY

Banners in the Air. The Eighth Ohio

Volunteers and the Spanish-American

War, by Curtis V. Hard and edited by

Robert H. Ferrell, bk. note, 95

Bates, Joshua H., 161-162

Battle of Bull Run, 170

Battle of New Market: Self-Guided Tour,

The, by Joseph W. A. Whitehorne, 178

Baughman, James L., Henry R. Luce

and the Rise of the American News

Media, rev., 196-197

Baum site, 109; illustrations,

Summer-Autumn cover

Beaumont, Gustave, 67

Beauregard, Erving, History of

Academic Freedom in Ohio, 177

Beauty of Railroad Bridges in North

America. Then and Now, The, by

Richard J. Cook, bk. note, 92-93

Becker, Carl M. and Ritchie Thomas,

editors, Hearth and Knapsack: The

Ladley Letters, 1857-1880, 95, 178; and

Patrick B. Nolan, Keeping the

Promise: A Pictorial History of the

Miami Conservancy District, 96

Beech Brook, "Homes for Poverty's

Children: Cleveland's Orphanages,

1851-1933," by Marian J. Morton,

5-22; illustrations, 21

Bellefaire, "Homes for Poverty's

Children: Cleveland's Orphanages,

1851-1933," by Marian J. Morton,

5-22; illustrations, 13

Benjamin, Asher, 131-146. Works: The

American Builder's Companion, 133;

The Country Builder's Assistant, 133;

illustrations, 137, 139

Berner, William, 25, 27

Berquist, Goodwin F., Paul C.

Bowers,and Donal J. Stanton, editors,

The Civil War Reminiscences of

General M. Jeff Thompson, 177

Bethel Union, 7, 15

Big Darby Reservoir, 123

Birney, James G., 64

B. Kittredge & Co.'s Gun Shop

(Cincinnati, Ohio), 29, 44

Black codes, 64, 66

Black, Glen, 119

Black, Gregory D. and Clayton R.

Koppes, Hollywood Goes to War: How

Politics, Profits & Propaganda Shaped

World War II Movies, rev., 199-200

Blackmore, William, 107

Black suffrage, 63-64

Blue, Frederick J., "Salmon P. Chase,

First Historian of the Old Northwest,"

52-69; book rev., 181-182

Bodnar, John, The Transplanted: A

History of Immigrants in Urban

America, rev., 75-76

Bohi, Charles W. and H. Roger Grant,

The Country Railroad Station in

America, 96

Bohlen, Charles E., The Cautious

Diplomat: Charles E. Bohlen and the

Soviet Union, 1929-1969, by T.

Michael Ruddy, rev., 72

Bordin, Ruth, Frances Willard: A

Biography, rev., 184-185

BOR. See Bureau of Reclamation

Boston Herald, 112

Bowers, Paul C., book rev., 74-75; and

Donal J. Stanton, Goodwin F.

Berquist, editors, The Civil War

Reminiscences of General M. Jeff

Thompson, 177

Bowers, Ruth and Anita Short,

compilers, Gateway to the WEST,

volume 1, 96; Gateway to the WEST,

volume 2, 96

Brcak, Nancy J., "Country Carpenters,

Federal Buildings: An Early

Architectural Tradition in Ohio's

Western Reserve," 131-146

Bremner, Robert H., American

Philanthropy, 177

Bridges, The Beauty of Railroad Bridges

in North America. Then and Now, by

Richard J. Cook, bk. note, 92-93

Brinkerhoff, (General) Roeliff, 105, 106,

107, 111

Bruning family, Johann Genning

(1818-1898) and his Descendants: A

Toledo Family with notes on the

families of Rust, Gunn, Kleinhans,

Bruning, Holtgrieve, and Nesper, by

William Bart Saxbe, Jr., bk. note,


Buchanan administration, 151

Buchanan, James, 150

Buchman, Randall L., book rev., 76-77

Buckingham, C. P., 172

Buffalo (New York), 110

Bulfinch, Charles, 132, 146

Bureau of American Ethnology (BAE),


Bureau of Reclamation (BOR), 120, 121

Burnet family, 24

Burnet, Jacob, 62, 68. Works: Notes on

the Early Settlement of the

North-Western Territory, 68

Burton (Ohio), 135

Index 203

Index                                                   203

"CALL-UP." See Mobilization

Cameron, Simon, 159, 166, 168

Campbell, Clyde, Challenges of the

HOMESTEAD: Peace River Letters of

Clyde and Myrle Campbell, 1919-1924,

edited by J. Gordon Moyles, 96

Campbell Island, 109

Campbell, James E., 113

Campbell Mound. See Shrum Mound

Campbell, Myrle, Challenges of the

HOMESTEAD: Peace River Letters of

Clyde and Myrle Campbell, 1919-1924,

edited by J. Gordon Moyles, 96

Campbell, Tom C., 25-26, 48

Camp Dennison, 162, 165, 168, 169, 170,


Camp Harrison, 165

Camp Jackson, 162, 165, 167

Camp Taylor, 162, 165, 167

Canmacher, S. H., 109

Canals, 66

Carpenter's handbooks. See Carpenter's


Carpenter's manuals, "Country

Carpenters, Federal Buildings: An

Early Architectural Tradition in Ohio's

Western Reserve," by Nancy J.

Break, 131-146

Carrington, Henry B., 152, 154-155, 163,

166, 167, 172

Casa Grande, 117

Case Western Reserve, 135

Catholic charities, 5-22 passim

Catholic Diocese, 5-22 passim

Cautious Diplomat: Charles E. Bohlen

and the Soviet Union, 1929-1969, The,

by T. Michal Ruddy, rev., 72

CCC. See Civilian Conservation Corps

Challenges of the HOMESTEAD: Peace

River Letters of Clyde and Myrle

Campbell, 1919-1924, edited by J.

Gordon Moyles, 96

Chamberlain and Roosevelt British

Foreign Policy and the United States,

1937-40, by William R. Rock, 177

Chamberlain, Neville, Chamberlain and

Roosevelt British Foreign Policy and

the United States, 1937-40, by William

R. Rock, 177

Chang, Hao, Martyrdom and Critical

Consciousness: An Intellectual

Biography of Tan Ssu-t'ung, 177-178

Charities, "Homes for Poverty's

Children: Cleveland's Orphanages,

1851-1933," by Marian J. Morton,

5-22; illustrations, 13

Charles Grandison Finney, 1792-1875:

Revivalist and Reformer, by Keith J.

Hardman, rev., 83-84

Charleston Harbor, 156

Chase, (Rev.) Philander, 52, 66

Chase, Salmon Portland, "Salmon P.

Chase, First Historian of the Old

Northwest," by Frederick J. Blue,

52-69: 150, 154, 155. Works: The

Statutes of Ohio, 52-69; "Preliminary

Sketch of the History of Ohio," 52-69;

illustrations, 53

Chauncy Eggleston House, 135, 145;

illustrations, 144

"Cheyce, Spencer Payne." See Chase,

Salmon Portland

Chicago (Illinois), 110

Children, "Homes for Poverty's

Children: Cleveland's Orphanages,

1851-1933," by Marian J. Morton, 5-22

Chillicothe (Ohio), 63, 105

Cholera epidemics, 8, 18

Church, (Colonel) S. H., 24, 41

Cincinnati College, 52

Cincinnati Commnercial-Gazette, 40

Cincinnati Courthouse, 28, 31, 34-49, 50;

maps, 26, 33, 39; illustrations, 35, 43

Cincinnati Enquirer, 25, 27, 30, 46

Cincinnati Ist Regiment, ONG, 28-51

Cincinnati Gas Works, 45, 47

Cincinnati Jail, 23-51; maps, 26, 33, 39;

illustrations, Winter-Spring cover

Cincinnati Lyceum, 53

Cincinnati Music Hall, 27, 28, 40, 45, 47

Cincinnati (Ohio), "A Test for the Ohio

National Guard: The Cincinnati Riot of

1884," by Mark V. Kwasny, 23-51; 52,

64, 67; Lighting The Way ... The

Woman's City Clhb of Cincinnati

1915-1965, by Andrea Tuttle Kornbluh,

rev., 82-83; The First Description of

Cincinnati and Other Ohio

Settlements: The Travel Report of

Johann Heckewelder (1792), edited by

Don Heinrich Tolzmann, 96; 105, 122,

151, 153, 154, 161, 162, 165; maps, 26,

33, 39; illustrations, Winter-Spring

cover, 35, 43, 152

Cincinnati Train Depot, 36, 37, 46

Circleville (Ohio), 104, I11

Citizen-soldiers, "A Test for the Ohio

National Guard: The Cincinnati Riot of

1884," by Mark V. Kwasny, 23-51;

"Mobilization of the Ohio Militia in

the Civil War, The," by Matthew

Oyos, 147-174

City Buildings (Cincinnati, Ohio), 42, 43,

45, 46, 47


204                                       OHIO HISTORY

"City of Eros: New York City,

Prostitution, and the

Commercialization of Sex, 1790-1920,"

by Timothy J. Gilfoyle, 70-71

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 118

Civil War Eyewitnesses: An Annotated

Bibliography of Books and Articles,

1955-1986, by Garold L. Cole, 95

Civil War Reminiscences of General M.

Jeff Thompson, The, edited by Paul C.

Bowers, Donal J. Stanton, and

Goodwin F. Berquist, 177

Civil War, 6, 23, 24, 25, 27; Civil War

Eyewitnesses: An Annotated

Bibliography of Books and Articles,

1955-1986, by Garold L. Cole, 95; 105;

"The Mobilization of the Ohio Militia

in the Civil War," by Matthew Oyos,

147-174; The Civil War Reminiscences

of General M. Jeff Thompson, edited

by Paul C. Bowers, Donal J. Stanton,

and Goodwin F. Berquist, 177; The

Battle of New Market: Self-Guided

Tour, by Joseph W. A. Whitehorne,


Civil Works Administration (CWA),


Clark, George Rogers, 58

Clay Guard, OM, 153

Clay Street (Cincinnati, Ohio), 34, 38,

46, 50; maps, 26, 33, 39

Cleveland battery, ONG, 34, 43

Cleveland Children's Bureau, 17-18, 19,

20, 21

Cleveland Community Chest, 20

Cleveland Grays, OM, 158

Cleveland Humane Society, 10, 19, 20

Cleveland Infirmary, 7, 14, 15

Cleveland Leader, 50

Cleveland Museum of Art, 14

Cleveland (Ohio), "Homes for Poverty's

Children: Cleveland's Orphanages,

1851-1933," by Marian J. Morton,

5-22; 24, 135, 153, 162

Cleveland Orchestra, 14

Cleveland Orphan Asylum. See Beech


Cleveland Protestant Orphan Asylum.

See Beech Brook

Cleveland Welfare Federation, 17, 21

Clifton Heights (Ohio), 45

COE. See U. S. Army Corps of


Cole, 123

Cole, Garold L., Civil War Eyewitnesses:

An Annotated Bibliography of Books

and Articles, 1955-1986, 95

Collected Writings of Jessie Forsythe,

1847-1937: The Good Templars and

Temperance Reform on Three

Continents, The, by David M. Fahey,


Colonization movement, 64-65

Columbian Exposition (1893), 110

Columbus 14th Regiment, ONG, 31-34,

36-47, 51

Columbus (Ohio), 34, 40, 105, 106, 122,

123, 152, 153, 158, 161, 162, 168, 171,


Columbus Pentitentiary, 27

Commissary Department, OM, 161

Committee for the Recovery of

Archaeological Remains, 120-121

Company A, 1st Regiment, OVI, 170-171

Company 1, 3rd Regiment, OV, 163

Company K, 3rd Regiment, OV, 163

Condensed Geography and History of

the Western States or the Mississippi

Valley, A, by Timothy Flint, 57

Confederation Congress, 61

Congregationalists and Evolution: Asa

Gray and Louis Agassiz, by C. George

Fry and Jon Paul Fry, 96

Congress, U. S., 52-69 passim

Connecticut, 155

Connecticut Land Company Office, 135,

145; illustrations, 143

Connecticut Western Reserve. See

Western Reserve

Conscription, Civil War, 148-149

Conservatism, 52-69 passim

Contract archaeology, 128

Cook, Richard J., The Beauty of

Railroad Bridges in North America.

Then and Now, bk. note, 92-93

Cooley, Michael, editor, The Pettit

Correspondent, 71

Coons, Jessie Campbell, 113

Cordray Mound, 123

Country Builder's Assistant, The, by

Asher Benjamin, 133; illustrations, 139

"Country Carpenters, Federal Buildings:

An Early Architectural Tradition in

Ohio's Western Reserve," by Nancy J.

Brcak, 131-146

Country Railroad Station in America,

The, by H. Roger Grant and Charles

W. Bohi, 96

Court of Inquiry, ONG, 49

Court Street (Cincinnati, Ohio), 31, 37,

38, 46, 50; maps, 26, 33, 39;

illustrations, Winter-Spring cover, 35

Index 205

Index                                                   205

Courtwright, (Colonel) Samuel, 24, 45

Covington (Kentucky), 44

Cowan Creek Reservoir, 122

Cox, Jacob B., 161-162

Cracker Culture: Celtic Ways in the Old

South, by Grady McWhiney, rev.,


CRM. See Cultural Resource


Crusade Against Slavery: Friends, Foes,

and Reforms, 1820-1860, by Louis

Filler, rev., 181-182

Cultural Resource Management (CRM),


Curator of Archaeology, 101-130 passim

Curtain, Andrew, 159

Cuyahoga County Child Welfare Board,


CWA. See Civil Works Administration


DAM construction, 120-124

Dane, Nathan, 59

Dartmouth College, 52

Daugherty, Robert L., book rev., 89-90;

bk. note, 95

Davis, (Dr.) Edwin H., 105. Works: and

Ephraim George Squier, Ancient

Monuments of the Mississippi Valley,


Dayton 4th Regiment, ONG, 31-34, 36,

38, 40, 41,42, 47, 49

Dayton Light Artillery, OM, 153

Dayton Light Guard, OM, 153, 158

Dayton (Ohio), 34, 152, 153

De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard, Pioneering

A Theology of Evolution: Washington

Gladden and Pierre Teilhard De

Chardin, by C. George Fry and Jon

Paul Fry, 96

"De Cheyce, Spencer." See Chase,

Salmon Portland

Delaware County (Ohio), 163

Delaware Reservoir Area, 122

Democratic Dilemma: Religion, Reform,

and the Social Order in the

Connecticut River Valley of Vermont,

1791-1850, The, 176

Democrats, 160, 161

Dennison administration, 172-173

Dennison, William, 155-156, 159,

161-163, 166, 167, 168, 170, 172-173

Department of Sociology and

Anthropology, OSU, 123

Department of Transportation Act (1966),


Depression, The, 20, 116

Description of Ancient Works in Ohio, by

Charles Whittlesey, 105

Desmond, (Captain) John, 28, 35, 48

de Tocqueville, Alexis, 67

Detroit (Michigan), 63

Developmentalist school of social

studies, 101

Dictionary of American Conservatism:

The First Complete Guide to Issues,

People, Events, Organizations, by

Louis Filler, rev., 180-181

Dillon and Rocky Fork Reservoir sector,


Drake, Daniel, Natural and Statistical

View or Picture of Cincinnati and the

Miami Country, 57

Dubofsky, Melvyn, and Warren Van

Tine, editors, Labor Leaders in

America, rev., 85-87

DuPont County Plant, 122


EAKIN site, 122

Early Homes of Ohio, by I. T. Frary, 131

Earthworks, "A History of Public

Archaeology in Ohio," by P. Nick

Kardulias, 101-130

Echoes, 123

Economics and orphans, 5-22 passim

Edmunds, R. David, Kinsmen Through

Time: An Annotated Bibliography of

Potawatomi History, bk. note, 94

Education of orphans, 11-12

Edwin Harness Mound, 109

Eggleston, Chauncey, 135, 145. Works:

Chauncy Eggleston House, 135, 145;

illustrations, 144

Eighth Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

EIS. See Environmental Impact


Eleventh Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

Ellis, H. Holmes, 116

Enabling Act (April 1802), 63

Encampments, OM, 132

Enfranchisement of blacks, 63-64

Enlightenment, 101

Enos Holmes Mound, 126

Environmental Impact Statements (EIS),

125, 128

Episcopal Church, 53

Ethnic Communities of Lorain County:

History and Directory, compiled by

Nicholas J. and Wendy Marley Zentos,


Ethnocentrism, 52-69

Euclid Avenue (Cleveland, Ohio), 7

Evans, Oliver, The Young Mill-Wright


206                                       OHIO HISTORY

and Miller's Guide, bk. note, 94

Everett, Glenn D., The Streetcars and

Interurbans of Old Sandusky, by

Glenn D. Everett, 96

Excavations, 101-130 passim;

illustrations, Summer-Autumn cover,

108, III

Executive Order 11593, Protection and

Enhancement of the Cultural

Environment, 125


FAHEY, David M., The Collected Writings

of Jessie Forsythe, 1847-1937: The

Good Templars and Temperance

Reform on Three Continents, 177

Fallen Timbers, 62

Federal-Aid Highway Act, (1956), 121;

(1966), 121

Federalist party, 56, 57, 62, 69

Federal style, "Country Carpenters,

Federal Buildings: An Early

Architectural Tradition in Ohio's

Western Reserve," by Nancy J.

Break, 131-146

Federal support of public archaeology,


Federation of Charity and Philanthropy,


FERA, 118

Ferrell, Robert H., editor, and Curtis V.

Hard, Banners in the Air: The Eighth

Ohio Volunteers and the Spanish-

American War, bk. note, 95

Fieldwork, 101-130 passim

Fifth Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

Filler, Louis, book rev., 87-89;

Dictionary of American Conservatism:

The First Complete Guide to Issues,

People, Events, Organizations, rev.,

180-181; Crusade Against Slavery:

Friends. Foes, and Reforms,

1820-1860, rev., 181-182

Findley, Carter V., Ottoman Civil

Officialdom: A Social History, 178

Finley, Ebenezer, 24, 28, 31, 41, 42-51

Finney, Charles Grandison, Charles

Grandison Finney, 1792-1875:

Revivalist tand RefJrmer, by Keith J.

Hardman, rev., 83-84

First Battle of Bull Run, 159

First Description of Cincinnati and Other

Ohio Settlements: The Travel Report

ofJohann Heckewelder (1792), The,

edited by Don Heinrich Tolzmann, 96

First Regiment, OVI, 158, 159, 160, 168.

170, 171, 173

Fleming, Ronald Lee and Renata von

Tscharner, New Providence: A

Changing Cityscape, bk. note, 95

Fletcher, Alice, 112

Flint Ridge, 115, 127

Flint, Timothy, A Condensed Geography

and History of the Western States or

the Mississippi Valley, 57

Flu epidemic, 18

Ford Homestead, 135, 145; illustrations,


Ford, John, 135. Works: Ford

Homestead, 135, 145; illustrations, 143

Forsythe, Jessie, The Collected Writings

of Jessie Forsythe, 1847-1937: The

Good Templars and Temperance

Reform on Three Continents, by David

M. Fahey, 177

Fort Ancient, 111, 112, 113, 115, 118

Fort Hill, 113, 115, 118, 123

Fort Sumter, 147, 156, 157

Fort Washington, 122

Fountain Square (Cincinnati, Ohio), 47

Fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 163

Fourth Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

Francaviglia, Richard V., bk. note,

91-92; bk. note, 92; bk. note, 95

Frances Willard: A Biography, by Ruth

Bordin, rev., 184-185

Franklin County (Ohio), 123

Frary, I. T., Early Homes of Ohio, 131

Freedom's Despots: The Critique of

Abolition, by Robert J. Loewenberg,

rev., 87-89

Freeman, (Colonel) George D., 37, 45,

46, 47, 51

Free Soil party, 68

Friedrich A. Sorge's Labor Movement in

the United States: A History of the

American Working Class. from 1890 to

1896, translated by Kai Schoenhals,

rev., 78-79

From Ally to Enemy: The Enigma of

Fascist Italy in French Diplomacy,

1920-1940, by William Shorrock, 177

From Margin to Mainstream: American

Women and Politics Since 1960, by

Susan M. Hartmann, 178

Fry, C. George and Jon Paul Fry,

Pioneering A Theology of Evolution:

Washington Gladden and Pierre

Teilhard De Chardin, 96;

Congregationalists and Evolution: Asa

Gray and Louis Agassiz, 96

Fry, Jon Paul and C. George Fry,

Pioneering A Theology of Elolittion:

Index 207

Index                                                   207

Washington Gladden and Pierre

Teilhard De Chardin, 96;

Congregationalists and Evolution: A sa

Gray and Louis Agassiz, 96

Fuert, 109

Fugitive Slave Law (1856), 64, 150-151,



GAI..ATIN, Albert, 104

"Garibaldi uniform," 165

Garden of Eden, 104

Gartner, 109

Gateway to the WEST, volume I,

compiled by Ruth Bowers and Anita

Short. 96

Gatewavy to the WEST, volume 2,

compiled by Ruth Bowers and Anita

Short, 96

Gelfand, Lawrence E. and Robert J.

Neymery, editors, Agricultural

Distress in the Midwest Past &

Present, rev.. 182-184

Genning, Johann, Johann Genning

(1818-1898) and his Descendants: A

Toledo Family with notes on the

families of Rust, Guinn, Kleinhans,

Brlnintg, Hollgrieve, and Nesper, by

William Bart Saxbe, Jr., bk. note,


Gerlach, Don R., Proud Patriot: Philip

Schyler and the American Revolution

in New York, 1733-77, 70

German population (Cincinnati, Ohio), 24

Getz, Put Israel, 48

Gienapp, William E., The Origins oj the

Republican Party, 1852-1856, rev.,


Gilfoyle, Timothy J., "City of Eros: New

York City, Prostitution, and the

Commercialization of Sex, 1790-1920,"


Ginther Mound, 109

Gladden, Washington, Pioneering A

Theology of Evolution: Washington

Gladden and Pierre Teilhard De

Chardin, by C. George Fry and Jon

Paul Fry, 96

Goldsmith, Jonathan, 133, 135; Jonathan

Goldsmith, by Elizabeth Hitchcock,


Goldsmith Mound, 123

Goodale Park (Columbus, Ohio), 162

Gordon, Steve, bk. note, 91

Gould, Lewis L. and Craig H. Roell,

William McKinley: A Bibliography, bk.

note, 91

Governor's Guards of Columbus, OM,


Grafton (Virginia), 167

Grant, H. Roger and Charles W. Bohi,

The Country Railroad Station in

America, 96; Spirit Fruit: A Gentle

Utopia, 177

Grant, Ulysses S., The Papers of

Ulysses S. Grant, The, volume 13:

November 16. 1864-FehruarIy 20, 1865,

edited by John Y. Simon, rev.,

197-199; The Papers of Ylysses S.

Grant, volume 14: February 21-April

30, 1865, edited by John Y. Simon,

rev., 197-199

Gray, Asa, Congregationalists and

Evolution: AsaC Gray and Louis

Agassiz, by C. George Fry and Jon

Paul Fry, 96

Gray, Ralph D., Indiana's Favorite Sons,

1840-1940, 96

Great Flood, The, 104

Greek Revival Architecture in America,

by Talbot Hamlin, 131, 132

Greek Revival style, 134, 135; Greek

Revival Architecture in America, by

Talbot Hamlin, 131, 132

Greenbrier Farm, 123

Greenman, Emerson, 115, 118

Gubernatiorial election (1857), 150

Guilmartin, John F., A Shuttle

Chronology 1964-1973: Ahstract

Concepts to Letter Contracts, 178

Gunn family, Johann Genting

(1818-1898) and his Descendants: A

Toledo Family with notes on the

families of Rust, Glnn, Kleinhans,

Bruning, Holtgrieve, and Nesper, by

William Bart Saxbe, Jr., bk. note,


Guthrie Grays, OM, 153-154, 156, 164;

illustrations, 155


HAAS, Edward F., Political Leadership in

a Southern City: New Orleans in the

Progressive Era, 1896-1902, 178

Habich, Robert D., Transcendentalism

and the Western Messenger: A History

of the Magazine and Its Contributors,

1835-1841, rev., 77-78

"Half orphans," 8, 11

Hall. Aryres, and Company (Columbus,

Ohio), 167

Hamby, Alonzo L., book rev., 72

Hamilton, Alexander, 56

Hamilton County (Ohio), 122, 151, 154


208                                        OHIO HISTORY

Hamlin, Talbot, Greek Revival

Architecture in America, 131, 132

Hammond Street Police Station

(Cincinnati, Ohio), 40, 45, 47

Hard, Curtis V. and edited by Robert H.

Ferrell, Banners in the Air: The Eighth

Ohio Volunteers and the Spanish-

American War, bk. note, 95

Hardin County (Ohio), 163

Hardman, Keith J., Charles Grandison

Finney, 1792-1875: Revivalist and

Reformer, rev., 83-84

Harmar, (General) Joshua, 62

Harper, (Colonel) J. W., 24, 31, 32, 41

Harrisburg (Pennsylvania), 159

Harrison, (General) William Henry, 65

Harrison, James, 134

Harry Hopkins: Ally of the Poor and

Defender of Democracy, by George

McJimsey, rev., 179-180

Hart, (Dr.) Frank, 108

Hartje, Robert, book rev., 197-198

Hartmann, Susan M., From Margin to

Mainstream: American Women and

Politics Since 1960, 178

Hawkins, Morton, 27, 28-49

Hay, Robert P., book rev., 84-85

Hearth and Knapsack: The Ladley

Letters, 1857-1880, edited by Carl M.

Becker and Ritchie Thomas, 95, 178

Heckewelder, Johann, The First

Description of Cincinnati and Other

Ohio Settlements: The Travel Report

of Johann Heckewelder (1792), edited

by Don Heinrich Tolzmann, 96

Henry R. Luce and the Rise of the

American News Media, by James L.

Baughman, rev., 196-197

Herrick, [Myron T.], 112

Highway Archaeological Salvage

Program, 121

Highway construction, 121-124

Hildreth, (Dr.) Samuel P., Pioneer

History: Being an Account of the First

Examinations of the Ohio Valley and

the Early Settlement of the Northwest

Territory, 68; 104

Hine Mound, 109

Hirsimaki, Eric, Lima, the history, bk.

note, 91-92

Historical and Philosophical Society of

Ohio, 105

Historical Records Survey and Federal

Archives Survey, 118

Historical Society of Ohio, 105

Historic Sites Act (1935), 117

Historic Sites and Markers Along the

Mormon and Other Great Western

Trails, by Stanley B. Kimball, bk.

note, 91

Historic Sites, NPS, 117

History of Academic Freedom in Ohio,

by Erving Beauregard, 177

History of Kentucky, The, by Humphrey

Marshall, 57

"History of Public Archaeology in Ohio,

A," by P. Nick Kardulias, 101-130

History of the Chinese in the Philippines,

by He Sibing and Huang Zisheng, 177

History of the State of Ohio, Natural

and Civil, A, by Caleb Atwater, 67-68

History of the United States from the

Discovery of the American Continent,

by George Bancroft, 52, 57, 69

History of Wisconsin, The, volume 111:

Urbanization & Industrialization,

1873-1893, by Robert C. Nesbit, rev.,


Hitchcock, Elizabeth, Jonathan

Goldsmith, 133

Hoadly, George, "A Test for the Ohio

National Guard: The Cincinnati Riot of

1884," by Mark V. Kwasny, 23-51; 107

Hodges, James A., book rev., 79-80

Hogan, Michael, The Marshall Plan, 176

Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics,

Profits & Propaganda Shaped World

War 11 Movies, by Clayton R. Koppes

and Gregory D. Black, rev., 199-200

Holtgrieve family, Johann Genning

(1818-1898) and his Descendants: A

Toledo Family with notes on the

families of Rust, Gunn, Kleinhans,

Bruning, Holtgrieve, and Nesper, by

William Bart Saxbe, Jr., bk. note,


Homel, Michael W., book rev., 189-190

"Homes for Poverty's Children:

Cleveland's Orphanages, 1851-1933,"

by Marian J. Morton, 5-22

Hopewell group, 109

Hopkins, Harry, Harry Hopkins: Ally of

the Poor and Defender of Democracy,

by George McJimsey, rev., 179-180

House Bill 418, 128

House of Corrections, 10

Hudson, David, 134-135

Hudson (Ohio), 133, 134-135

Hunt, (Colonel) J. B., 28-49

Hurt, R. Douglas, book rev., 182-184

Hutton, Paul Andrew, editor, Soldiers

West: Biographies from the Military

Frontier, rev., 73-74

Index 209

Index                                                   209

IHS. See Indiana Historical Society

Illinois, 167

Immigration and orphans, 5-22 passim

Inca textiles, 109

Indenturing of orphans, 11

Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, 7, 9

Indiana, 114, 119

Indiana Historical Society (IHS), 119

Indiana's Favorite Sons, 1840-1940, by

Ralph D. Gray, 96

Indiana Way: A State History, The, by

James H. Madison, rev., 81-82

Indian Lake, 122

Indian policy, 60

Indians, Kinsmen Through Time: An

Annotated Bibliography of Potawatomi

History, by R. David Edmunds, bk.

note, 94; 52-69

Inscription Rock, 115

Inter-Agency Archaeological Salvage

Program (IAASP), 121

IQ and personality testing of orphans, 19

Isserman, Maurice, book rev., 85-87


JACKSON, Andrew, 54, 67

Jacksonian Democrats, 53-54, 67

Jamestown Tricentennial (1907), 110

Jefferson administration, 56

Jeffersonians, 62, 63

Jefferson, Thomas, 63

Jewish charities, 5-22 passim

Jewish Orphan Asylum. See Bellefaire

Johann Genning (1818-1898) and his

Descendants: A Toledo Family with

notes on the families of Rust, Gunn,

Kleinhans. Bruning, Holtgrieve, and

Nesper, by William Bart Saxbe, Jr.,

bk. note, 93-94

Jonathan Goldsmith, by Elizabeth

Hitchcock, 133

Jones, Robert H., book rev., 185-186

Jones, Wilson E., editor, The Next

Station Will Be .... An Album of

Photographs of Railroad Depots in

1910, volume IX: Salamanca, NY, to

Marion, Ohio, bk. note, 92

Journal of the Constitutional Convention

of Ohio, 56

Journals of Congress, The, 56

Joyce, (Captain) Frank, 30, 40, 49

Judd, Neil, 117


KAHLER, Bruce R., book rev., 186-187

Kanawha Valley, 167

Kardulias, P. Nick, "A History of Public

Archaeology in Ohio," 101-130

Keeping the Promise: A Pictorial History

of the Miami Conservancy District, by

Carl M. Becker and Patrick B. Nolan,


Kent, Chancellor James, 55, 57, 69

Kenyon College, 66

Kern, Richard, book rev., 83-84

Kettering, Charles, 113-114

Kimball, Stanley B., Historic Sites and

Markers Along the Mormon and Other

Great Western Trails, bk. note, 91

Kinsman Congregational Church, 133,

134; illustrations, 136

Kinsman (Ohio), 133, 134

Kinsmen Through Time: An Annotated

Bibliography of Potawatomi History,

by R. David Edmunds, bk. note, 94

Kirby, Jack Temple, Rural Worlds Lost:

The American South 1920-1960, rev.,


Kleinhans family, Johann Genning

(1818-1898) and his Descendants: A

Toledo Family with notes on the

families of Rust, Gunn, Kleinhans,

Bruning, Holtgrieve, and Nesper, by

William Bart Saxbe, Jr., bk. note,


Klotter, James C., editor, The Public

Papers of Governor Simeon Willis:

1943-1947, 96

Knepper, George W., book rev., 81-82

Knox County (Ohio), 163

Koppes, Clayton R. and Gregory D.

Black, Hollywood Goes to War: How

Politics, Profits & Propaganda Shaped

World War II Movies, rev., 199-200

Kornbluh, Andrea Tuttle, Lighting The

Way . . . The Woman's City Club of

Cincinnati 1915-1965, rev., 82-83

Kurtz Village site, 122

Kusmer, Kenneth L., book rev., 75-76

Kwasny, Mark V., "A Test for the Ohio

National Guard: The Cincinnati Riot of

1884," 23-51


LABOR Leaders in America, edited by

Melvyn Dubofsky and Warren Van

Tine, rev., 85-87

Ladies of the Sacred Heart of Mary, 6

Ladley family, Hearth and Knapsack:

The Ladley Letters, 1857-1880, edited

by Carl M. Becker and Ritchie

Thomas, 95, 178

Lafayette Jagers, OM, 153

Lancaster Guards, OVI, 171

Lancaster (Ohio), 161


210                                   OHIO HISTORY

Lancaster (Pennsylvania), 159

Land claims, 58-59

Land Ordinance of 1785, 59

Laslett, John H. M., book rev., 78-79

Launius, Roger D., book rev., 73-74

Leo Petroglyph, 115, 127

Letters of Delegates to Congress,

1774-1789, volume 12: February I-May

31, 1779, edited by Paul H. Smith,

rev., 84-85

Liberty party, 68, 150

Life of George Washington, Commander

in Chief of the American Forces ...

The, by John Marshall, 56

Lighting The Way ... The Woman's City

Club of Cincinnati 1915-1965, by

Andrea Tuttle Kornbluh, rev., 82-83

Lilly, Eli, 116, 119

Lima (Ohio), Lima, the history, by Eric

Hirsimaki, bk. note, 91-92

Lima, the history, by Eric Hirsimaki, bk.

note, 91-92

Lincoln, Abraham, 154, 156, 157, 168,

170; The Lincoln Legals: A

Documentary History of the Law

Practice of Abraham Lincoln,

1836-1861, 177

Lincoln Legals: A Documentary History

of the Law Practice of Abraham

Lincoln, 1836-1861, The, 177

Lincoln (Nebraska), 121

Lithics Laboratory, Ohio State Museum,


Little Crow, Little Crow: Spokesman for

the Sioux, by Gary Clayton Anderson,

rev., 76-77

Little Crow: Spokesman for the Sioux,

by Gary Clayton Anderson, rev., 76-77

Little Miami River, 162

Loewenberg, Robert J., Freedom's

Despots: The Critique of Abolition,

rev., 87-89

Log structures, 132-133

Lorain County (Ohio), Ethnic

Communities of Lorain County:

History and Directory, compiled by

Nicholas J. and Wendy Marley Zentos,


Lora, Ronald, book rev., 180-181

Louisiana Purchase Exposition (1904),


Luce, Henry R., Henry R. Luce and the

Rise of the American News Media, by

James L. Baughman, rev., 196-197

Luttwak, Edward N., Strategy: The

Logic of War and Peace, rev., 89-90

MCCLELLAN, George B., 161, 162, 167, 170

McCulloh, (Dr.) J. H., 103-104

McCulloch v Maryland, 65

McDowell, (Major) Irvin, 161

McIntire, Samuel, 134, 146. Works:

Pingree House, 134; illustrations, 141,


McJimsey, George, Harry Hopkins: Ally

of the Poor and Defender of

Democracy, rev., 179-180

McKinley, William, William McKinley: A

Bibliography, by Lewis L. Gould and

Craig H. Roell, bk. note, 91

McLean, John R., 25, 48

MacMaster, Richard K., Augusta

County, Virginia 1865-1960, 177

McWhiney, Grady, Cracker Culture:

Celtic Ways in the Old South, rev.,


Madison, James H., The Indiana Way: A

State History, rev., 81-82

Main Street (Cincinnati, Ohio), 28, 34,

37, 38, 46, 48; maps, 26, 33, 39

Mansfield (Ohio), 105

"Map of the area of the riot." Map, 26

Marietta (Ohio), 59, 68, 103, 104, 111

Marietta Works, 103

Marion County (Ohio), 163

Market House (Cincinnati, Ohio), 38, 40,


Marshall, Humphrey, The History of

Kentucky, 57

Marshall, John, The Life of George

Washington, Commander in Chief of

the American Forces. . ., 56

Marshall Plan, The, by Michael Hogan,


Martyrdom and Critical Consciousness:

An Intellectual Biography of Tan

Ssu-t'ung, by Hao Chang, 177-178

Maryland, 159

Marysville Reformatory, 18

Massachusetts, 107, 155

Medical Department, OM, 161

Mental Health, 19

Mexican War, 147, 161, 164

Miami Canal and Basin (Cincinnati,

Ohio), 30, 34, 37, 39; maps, 26, 33, 39

Miami Conservancy District, Keeping

the Promise: A Pictorial History of the

Miami Conservancy District, by Carl

M. Becker and Patrick B. Nolan, 96

Miamisburg Light Guard, OM, 153

Miamisburg Mound, 114, 115

Miami University, 66

Miesse Mound, 109

Migrants, 131-132

Index 211

Index                                                     211

Miles Greenwood (Cincinnati, Ohio), 167

Miles Wolford Mound, 122

Military organization, "Mobilization of

the Ohio Militia in the Civil War,

The," by Matthew Oyos, 147-174

Militia Appropriations bill, 160

Militia camps, 162

Militia reforms, 151-152

Miller, Robert Earnest, book rev.,


Mills, William C., 109, 114; illustrations,

Summer-Autumn cover, 108, 111

Missouri River, 121

"Mobilization of the Ohio Militia in the

Civil War, The," by Matthew Oyos,


Montgomery Calvary, OM, 153

Montgomery Guards of Columbus, OM,


Montgomery Guards, OM, 153

Moorehead, W. K., 108

Morgan, (General) John Hunt, Rebel

Raider: The Life of General John Hunt

Morgan, by James A. Ramage, rev.,


Morgan, Richard, 115

Morton, Marian J., "Homes for

Poverty's Children: Cleveland's

Orphanages, 1851-1933," 5-22

Mott, (Colonel) Frank B., 36, 40, 42, 49

Mound Builders Earthworks, 101-130


Mound City group, 109, 114

Mounds, "A History of Public

Archaeology in Ohio," by P. Nick

Kardulias, 101-130

Mt. Ararat, 104

Movie industry, Hollywood Goes to War:

How Politics, Profits & Propaganda

Shaped World War II Movies, by

Clayton R. Koppes and Gregory D.

Black, rev., 199-200

Moyles, J. Gordon, editor, Challenges of

the HOMESTEAD: Peace River

Letters of Clyde and Myrle Campbell,

1919-1924, 96


NATIONAL Environmental Policy Act

(1969), 125

National Guards, OM, 153

National Historic Preservation Act

(1966), 124

Nationalism, 52-69 passim

National landmarks, 117

National monument, 115

National Park Service (NPS), 117, 118,

120-121, 122, 123, 124, 126

National Register of Historic Places, 124,

125, 126, 127, 128

National Research Council Division of

Anthropology and Psychology, 114

National Survey of Historic Sites and

Buildings, 117

Native Americans, "A History of Public

Archaeology in Ohio," by P. Nick

Kardulias, 101-130

Natural and Statistical View or Picture

of Cincinnati and the Miami Country,

by Daniel Drake, 57

Neoclassicism, 132

Nesbit, Robert C., The History of

Wisconsin, volume III: Urbanization &

Industrialization, 1873-1893, rev.,


Nesper family, Johann Genning

(1818-1898) and his Descendants: A

Toledo Family with notes on the

families of Rust, Gunn, Kleinhans,

Bruning, Holtgrieve, and Nesper, by

William Bart Saxbe, Jr., bk. note,


Nettleton-Law Residence, 135, 145-146;

illustrations, 144

Nettleton, Merritt, 135. Works:

Nettleton-Law Residence, 135,

145-146; illustrations, 144

New Deal, The, 22, 117

New England, 131

New Hampshire, 52

Newman, Charlotte A., The

Anglo-Norman Nobility in the Reign of

Henry 1, 177

Newport Barracks, U.S. Army, 46

Newport (Kentucky), 44

New Providence: A Changing Cityscape,

conceived by Renata von Tscharner

and Ronald Lee Fleming, bk. note, 95

New York, 24, 55, 131, 155

Next Station Will Be .... An Album of

Photographs of Railroad Depots in

1910, The, volume IX: Salamanca,

NY, to Marion, Ohio, edited by Wilson

E. Jones, bk. note, 92

Neymery, Robert J. and Lawrence E.

Gelfand, editors, Agricultural Distress

in the Midwest Past & Present, rev.,


Ninth Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

Ninth Street (Cincinnati, Ohio), 34, 36,

37, 38, 40; maps, 26, 33, 39

Noah's Ark, 104


212                                     OHIO HISTORY

Nolan, Patrick B. and Carl M. Becker,

Keeping the Promise: A Pictorial

History of the Miami Conservancy

District, 96

Norfolk (Virginia), 110

North American Review, 53

North Canal Street (Cincinnati, Ohio);

maps, 26, 33, 39

North Court Street (Cincinnati, Ohio),

29, 30, 35, 36, 37; maps, 26, 33, 39

Northwest Ordinance, The, 59-61, 63, 64,

66; Pathways to the Old Northwest:

An Observance of the Bicentennial of

the Northwest Ordinance. Proceedings

of a conference held at Franklin

College of Indiana July 10-11, 1987,

95; The Northwest Ordinance, 1787: A

Bicentennial Handbook, edited by

Robert M. Taylor, Jr., rev., 190-192;

Statehood and Union: A History of the

Northwest Ordinance, by Peter S.

Onuf, rev., 192-193

Northwest Ordinance, 1787: A

Bicentennial Handbook, The, edited by

Robert M. Taylor, Jr., rev., 190-192

Northwest Territory, The, "Salmon P.

Chase, First Historian of the Old

Northwest," by Frederick J. Blue,


Notes on the Early Settlement of the

North-Western Territory, by Jacob

Burnet, 68

NPS. See National Park Service


OAC. See Ohio Archaeological Council

O'Brien, Michael, Rethinking the South:

Essays in Intellectual History, 177

Octagon Earthworks, 115

ODNR. See Ohio Department of Natural


Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, 161

"Ohio Archaeological Inventory:

Numbers of Forms Submitted October,

1976, through October, 1983," Table 2,


Ohio Capitol, 109

Ohio Company, The, 59

Ohio Department of Natural Resources

(ODNR), 122, 126-127, 128

Ohio General Assembly, 105, 106, 110,

112, 128, 150, 154, 156, 160, 161, 167

Ohio Highway Department, 122

Ohio Historical Center, 127

Ohio Historical Society (OHS), "A

History of Public Archaeology in

Ohio," by P. Nick Kardulias, 101-130

Ohio Historic Site Preservation Advisory

Board (OHSPAB), 125, 126

Ohio Land Company, 103

Ohio Military Department, 154, 158, 161,

171, 173

Ohio Militia (OM), "Mobilization of the

Ohio Militia in the Civil War, The," by

Matthew Oyos, 147-174

Ohio Mother's Pension Law (1913), 15,


Ohio National Guard (ONG), "A Test

for the Ohio National Guard: The

Cincinnati Riot of 1884," by Mark V.

Kwasny, 23-51; Banners in the Air:

The Eighth Ohio Volunteers and the

Spanish-American War, by Curtis V.

Hard and edited by Robert H. Ferrell,

bk. note, 95; "The Mobilization of the

Ohio Militia in the Civil War," by

Matthew Oyos, 147-174

Ohio personal libery laws, 150

Ohio Preservation Act (1967), 124

Ohio River, 119, 167

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

Society (OSAHS), A History of Public

Archaeology in Ohio," by P. Nick

Kardulias, 101-130

Ohio State Fairgrounds, 110

Ohio State Museum, 109, 110, 113, 116,


Ohio State University, The (OSU), 108,

109-110, 122, 126

Ohio Supreme Court, 151

Ohio Turnpike, 122

Ohio University, 66

Ohio Volunteer Infantry (OVI), 147-174

Ohio Volunteers (OV), 147-174

Ohio War legislation, 160

OHS. See Ohio Historical Society

OHSPAB. See Ohio Historic Site

Preservation Advisory Board

"Old Northwest." See Northwest

Territory, The

Olentangy River, 122

OM. See Ohio Militia

ONG Armory (Cincinnati, Ohio), 28, 29,


ONG. See Ohio National Guard

Onuf, Peter S., Statehood and Union: A

History of the Northwest Ordinance,

rev., 192-193

Origins of the Republican Party,

1852-1856, The, by William E.

Gienapp, rev., 195-196

Orphanages, "Homes for Poverty's

Children: Cleveland's Orphanages,

Index 213

Index                                                     213

1851-1933," by Marian J. Morton,

5-22; illustrations, 9, 13, 16, 21

Orton Hall, OSU, 110

OSAHS. See Ohio State Archaeological

and Historical Society

OSU. See Ohio State University, The

Ottoman Civil Officialdom: A Social

History, by Carter V. Findley, 178

Overly Mound, 109

OVI. See Ohio Volunteer Infantry

OV. See Ohio Volunteers

Oxford (Ohio), 66

Oyos, Matthew, "The Mobilization of

the Ohio Militia in the Civil War,"



PAINT Creek Reservoir, 126

Page Hall, OSU, 110

Pan American Exposition (1901), 110

Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, The, volume

13: November 16, 1864-February 20,

1865, edited by John Y. Simon, rev.,

197-199; volume 14: February 21-April

30, 1865, edited by John Y. Simon,

rev., 197-199

Parkman, Francis, 69, 112

Parmadale, "Homes for Poverty's

Children: Cleveland's Orphanages,

1851-1933," by Marian J. Morton,

5-22; illustrations, 9, 16

Pathways to the Old Northwest: An

Observance of the Bicentennial of the

Northwest Ordinance. Proceedings of

a conference held at Franklin College

of Indiana July 10-11, 1987, 95

Pattern books. See Carpenter's


Peabody Museum, The, 107, 112-113

Peet, (Rev.) Stephen, 104

Pennsylvania, 159

Pennsylvania Capitol, 159

Pershing: General of the Armies, by

Donald Smythe, rev., 187-189

Pershing, John J., Pershing: General of

the Armies, by Donald Smythe, rev.,


Peter Allen House, 134, 145-146;

illustrations, 140

Pettit Correspondent, The, edited by

Michael Cooley, 71

Philadelphia Centennial Exposition, 106

Philippi (Virginia), 167

Physics Department, University of

Kentucky, 118-119

Piano in America, 1890-1940, The, by

Craig H. Roell, 178

Picard, (Colonel) Frederick J., 42

Pike County (Ohio), 122

Pingree House, 134; illustrations, 141,


Pioneer History: Being an Account of

the First Examinations of the Ohio

Valley and the Early Settlement of the

Northwest Territory, by Samuel

Hildreth, 68

Pioneering A Theology of Evolution:

Washington Gladden and Pierre

Teilhard De Chardin, by C. George

Fry and Jon Paul Fry, 96

Pitkin, Timothy, A Political and Civil

History of the United States of

America from the Year 1763 to the

Close of the Administration of

President Washington in March, 1797,

56, 57, 69

"Placing Out," I I

Plum Street Police Station (Cincinnati,

Ohio), 47

Political and Civil History of the United

States of America from the Year 1763

to the Close of the Administration of

President Washington in March, 1797,

A, by Timothy Pitkin, 56, 57, 69

Political corruption in Cincinnati, 25

Political Leadership in a Southern City:

New Orleans in the Progressive Era,

1896-1902, by Edward F. Haas, 178

Politics, From Margin to Mainstream:

American Women and Politics Since

1960, by Susan M. Hartmann, 178

Portage County, 133

Porter, Lemuel, 133, 134-135. Works:

Tallmadge Congregational Church, 133,

134; President's House, Western

Reserve College, 135; illustrations,

138, 142

Porter, Simeon, 135

Portland (Oregon), 121

Potawatomi Indians, Kinsmen Through

Time: An Annotated Bibliography of

Potawatomi History, by R. David

Edmunds, bk. note, 94

Poverty, "Homes for Poverty's Children:

Cleveland's Orphanages, 1851-1933,"

by Marian J. Morton, 5-22

Powell, John W., II

Power Hall (Cincinnati, Ohio), 45

Prehistoric sites, "A History of Public

Archaeology in Ohio," by P. Nick

Kardulias, 101-130

Prehistoric studies, "A History of Public

Archaeology in Ohio," by P. Nick


214                                         OHIO HISTORY

Kardulias, 101-130

"Preliminary Sketch of the History of

Ohio," by Salmon P. Chase, 52-69

Priest, Joshua, 104

Preservation, 101-130

President's House, Western Reserve

College, 135; illustrations, 142

Proclamation of 1763, 58

Property acquisitions, 110-114

Protestant charities, 5-22 passim

Protestant Orphan Asylum. See Beech


Proud Patriot: Philip Schyler and the

American Revolution in New York,

1733-77, by Don R. Gerlach, 70

Public Papers of Governor Simeon

Willis: 1943-1947, The, edited by James

C. Klotter, 96

Public Square (Cleveland, Ohio), 7

Putnam, F. W., 107, 111, 112-113


QUALITY Image, The, by Larry

Schweikart, 177

Quartermaster General, OM, 148, 149,

152, 155, 156


RACIAL disturbances, 64

Railroads, Summit Hill, The Balloon

Route Over The Detroit, Toledo and

Ironton Railroad, by Scott D. Trostel,

bk. note 92; The Next Station Will Be

.... An Album of Photographs of

Railroad Depots in 1910, volume IX:

Salamanca, NY, to Marion, Ohio,

edited by Wilson E. Jones, bk. note,

92; The Beauty of Railroad Bridges in

North America. Then and Now, by

Richard J. Cook, bk. note, 92-93; The

Country Railroad Station in America,

by H. Roger Grant and Charles W.

Bohi, 96; 178

Railroad Strike (1877), 23

Raisch-Smith, 123

Ramage, James A., Rebel Raider: The

Life of General John Hunt Morgan,

rev., 185-186

RBS. See River Basin Surveys

Reagan administration, 126

Rebel Raider: The Life of General John

Hunt Morgan, by James A. Ramage,

rev., 185-186

Regional Preservation Offices (RPO),

127-128, 129

Regional studies, "Salmon P. Chase,

First Historian of the Old Northwest,"

by Frederick J. Blue, 52-69

Regular Army, 147-174 passim

Reid, M. C., 105, 106

Reilly, [?], 28

Relief efforts, 5-22

Religious instruction of orphans, 11

Republican party, 53, 68, 69; 147-174

passim; The Origins of the Republican

Party, 1852-1856, by William E.

Gienapp, rev., 195-196

Reservoir Salvage Act, 121-122, 126

Rethinking the South: Essays in

Intellectual History, by Michael

O'Brien, 177

Rightmire, George, 116

Riots, "A Test for the Ohio National

Guard: The Cincinnati Riot of 1884,"

by Mark V. Kwasny, 23-51

River Basin Surveys (RBS), 121

Road to Soviet Power and Peace, The,

by Allan K. Wildman, 176

Rock, William R., Chamberlain and

Roosevelt British Foreign Policy and

the United States, 1937-40, 177

Roell, Craig H. and Lewis L. Gould,

William McKinley: A Bibliography, bk.

note, 91; The Piano in America,

1890-1940, 178

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano,

Chamberlain and Roosevelt British

Foreign Policy and the United States,

1937-40, by William R. Rock, 177

Ross County (Ohio), 105

Roth, Randolph, The Democratic

Dilemma: Religion, Reform, and the

Social Order in the Connecticut River

Valley of Vermont, 1791-1850, 176

Rover Guards, OM, 158, 164

RPO. See Regional Preservation Offices

Ruddy, T. Michael, The Cautious

Diplomat: Charles E. Bohlen and the

Soviet Union, 1929-1969, rev., 72

Rural Worlds Lost: The American South

1920-1960, by Jack Temple Kirby, rev.,


Russell, Laura, bk. note, 91; bk. note,

93-94; bk. note, 94

Rust family, Johann Genning (1818-1898)

and his Descendants: A Toledo Family

with notes on the families of Rust,

Gunn, Kleinhans, Bruning, Holtgrieve,

and Nesper, by William Bart Saxbe,

Jr., bk. note, 93-94

Ryan, (Brigadier General) Michael, 24,

32, 34, 37, 44, 48

Index 215

Index                                                  215

SAAO. See State Archaeological

Association of Ohio

St. Clair, Arthur, 62-63, 68

St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum. See


St. Louis (Missouri), 110

St. Mary's Female Asylum. See


St. Nicholas Hotel (Cincinnati, Ohio);

illustrations, 155

St. Vincent's Asylum. See Parmadale

Salem (Massachusetts), 134

Salisbury (England), 107

"Salmon P. Chase, First Historian of the

Old Northwest," by Frederick J. Blue,


Salvage archaeology, 120-124

Sandusky (Ohio), The Streetcars and

Interurbans of Old Sandusky, by

Glenn D. Everett, 96

"Saturday night's battle." Map, 39

"Saturday's preparations." Map, 33

Saxbe, William Bart, Jr., Johann

Genning (1818-1898) and his

Descendants: A Toledo Family with

notes on the families of Rust, Gunn,

Kleinhans, Bruning, Holtgrieve, and

Nesper, bk. note, 93-94; book rev.,


Scharf, Lois, book rev., 82-83

Schleich, Newton, 161-162

Schneirov, Richard, Union Brotherhood,

Union Town: The History of the

Carpenters' Union of Chicago,

1863-1987, 178

Schoenhals, Kai, translator, Friedrich A.

Sorge's Labor Movement in the United

States: A History of the American

Working Class from 1890 to 1896, rev.,


Schweikart, Larry, The Quality Image,


Schyler, Philip, Proud Patriot: Philip

Schyler and the American Revolution

in New York, 1733-77, by Don R.

Gerlach, 70

Scioto Valley, 113

Secession crisis, 147-174 passim

Second Regiment, OV1, 158, 159, 160,

168, 170, 173

Secretary of Interior, 121, 122, 124

Seip Mound, 109, 115

Serpent Mound, 104, 111, 112-113, 115,


Seventh Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

Shawnee Indians, 65

Sheldon Farm (Aurora, Ohio), 145

Shellenberger, (Lieutenant Colonel)

James E., 46

Shetrone, Henry C., 109, 114, 116;

illustrations, 108

Shorrock, William, From Ally to Enemy:

The Enigma of Fascist Italy in French

Diplomacy, 1920-1940, 177

Short, Anita and Ruth Bowers,

compilers, Gateway to the WEST,

volume 1, 96; Gateway to the WEST,

volume 2, 96

SHPO. See State Historic Preservation


Shriver, Phillip R., book rev., 190-192

Shrum Mound (Campbell Mound), 113,

115, 127

Shumard, (Colonel) C. G., 161

Shuttle Chronology 1964-1973: Abstract

Concepts to Letter Contracts, A, by

John F. Guilmartin, 178

Sibing, He and Huang Zisheng, History

of the Chinese in the Philippines, 177

Sidner #2 Mound, 123

Simmons, David A., bk. note, 92-93; bk.

note, 94

Simon, John Y., editor, The Papers of

Ulysses S. Grant, volume 13:

November 16, 1864-February 20, 1865,

rev., 197-199; The Papers of Ulysses

S. Grant, volume 14: February

21-April 30, 1865, rev., 197-199

Sintz, (Captain) George, 40, 42

Sisters of Charity, 6; illustrations, 16

Sixth Ohio, 165

Sixth OV Infantry, 164

Sixth Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

Skaggs, David Curtis, book rev., 192-193

Slaughter, Thomas P., The Whiskey

Rebellion: Frontier Epilogue to the

American Revolution, rev., 74-75

Slavery issue, 52-69 passim

Smith, Paul H., editor, Letters of

Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789.

volume 12: February I-May 31, 1779,

rev., 84-85

Smithsonian Institution, 107, 117, 121,

122. Works: Contribution to

Knowledge, 105

Smith, William. See Smith, Willie

Smith, Willie, 133, 134, 135. Works:

Kinsman Congregational Church, 133,

134; Peter Allen House, 134, 145-146;

illustrations, 136, 140

Smith, Willis. See Smith, Willie

Smythe, Donald, Pershing: General of


216                                       OHIO HISTORY

the Armies, rev., 187-189

Social Security Act (1935), 22

Society. See Ohio Historical Society

Soldiers West: Biographies from the

Military Frontier, edited by Paul

Andrew Hutton, rev., 73-74

Sorge, Friedrich A., Friedrich A. Sorge's

Labor Movement in the United States:

A History of the American Working

Class from 1890 to 1896, translated by

Kai Schoenhals, rev., 78-79

South Canal Street (Cincinnati, Ohio);

maps, 26, 33, 39

South Court Street (Cincinnati, Ohio),

29, 30, 35, 36, 37; maps, 26, 33, 39

Spanish-American War, Banners in the

Air: The Eighth Ohio Volunteers and

the Spanish-American War, by Curtis

V. Hard and edited by Robert H.

Ferrell, bk. note, 95

Spirit Fruit: A Gentle Utopia, by H.

Roger Grant, 177

Springfield battery, ONG, 31-34, 40

Springfield Armory, OM, 167

Springfield (Ohio), 32, 34

Squier and Davis collection, 107

Squier, Ephraim George, 105. Works:

and Edwin H. Davis, Ancient

Monuments of the Mississippi Valley,


Ssu-t'ung, Tan, Martyrdom and Critical

Consciousness: An Intellectual

Biography of Tan Ssu-t'ung, by Hao

Chang, 177-178

Staff, OM, 148-149

Stanton, Donal J., Goodwin F. Berquist,

and Paul C. Bowers, editors, The Civil

War Reminiscences of General M. Jeff

Thompson, 177

Stanton, Edwin M., 171

Stark County (Ohio), 163

State Archaeological Association of Ohio

(SAAO), 105, 129

State arsenal, OM, 152

State basic militia law (1857), 151-152

State Fencibles, OM, 158

State Historic Preservation Office

(SHPO), 125, 127-128

Statehood and Union: A History of the

Northwest Ordinance, by Peter S.

Onuf, rev., 192-193

Statehood convention, 63-64

Statehood movement, 63

State Library (Columbus, Ohio), 107

State militia organizations, 147-174

Statutes of Ohio, The, by Salmon P.

Chase, 52-69

Stephens, Thomas J., 25, 42, 44, 48, 49,


Steuben Guards, OM, 163

Story, Joseph, 55

Story Mound, 115

Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace,

by Edward N. Luttwak, rev., 89-90

Streetcars and Interurbans of Old

Sandusky, The, by Glenn D. Everett,


Strikes, 23

Summit County (Ohio), 133

Summit Hill, The Balloon Route Over

The Detroit, Toledo and Ironton

Railroad, by Scott D. Trostel, bk. note


Superintendent's Report (1893), Jewish

Orphan Asylum, 10

Superior Court of Cincinnati, 24

Supreme Court, The, 65-66

Sycamore Street (Cincinnati, Ohio), 27,

28, 29, 30, 37, 40; maps, 26, 33, 39


TALLMADGE Congregational Church,

133-134; illustrations, 138

Tallmadge (Ohio), 133

T. & A. Pickering's Gun Store

(Cincinnati, Ohio), 38

Tappan, Abraham, 135. Works:

Connecticut Land Company Office,

135, 145; illustrations, 143

Tarlton Cross, 115

Taylor, Robert M., Jr., editor, The

Northwest Ordinance, 1787: A

Bicentennial Handbook, rev., 190-192

Tecumseh, 65

Temperance, 53; The Collected Writings

of Jessie Forsythe, 1847-1937: The

Good Templars and Temperance

Reform on Three Continents, by David

M. Fahey, 177

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 118

Tenth Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

Territorial government, 60-61, 62-63

"Test for the Ohio National Guard: The

Cincinnati Riot of 1884, A," by Mark

V. Kwasny, 23-51

3rd Regiment, ONG, 46

Third Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

Thirteenth Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170

Thomas, Ritchie and Carl M. Becker,

editors, Hearth and Knapsack: The

Ladley Letters, 1857-1880, 95, 178

Thompson, (General) M. Jeff, The Civil

War Reminiscences of General M. Jeff

Thompson, edited by Paul C. Bowers,

Index 217

Index                                                    217

Donal J. Stanton, and Goodwin F.

Berquist, 177

Tiffin, Edward, 64

Tippecanoe, 65

Toepfner Mound, 123

Toledo (Ohio), 153

Tolzmann, Don Heinrich, editor, The

First Description of Cincinnati and

Other Ohio Settlements: The Travel

Report of Johann Heckewelder (1792),


Transcendentalism and the Western

Messenger: A History of the Magazine

and Its Contributors, 1835-1841, by

Robert D. Habich, rev., 77-78

Transplanted: A History of Immigrants

in Urban America, The, by John

Bodnar, rev., 75-76

Treaty of Greenville, 62, 65

Tremper Mound, 109

Trostel, Scott D., Summit Hill, The

Balloon Route Over The Detroit,

Toledo and Ironton Railroad, bk. note


Trumbull County, 133

TVA. See Tennessee Valley Authority

Twelfth Regiment, OV, 163-165, 170


UNEMPLOYMENT and orphans, 5-22 passim

Union Brotherhood, Union Town: The

History of the Carpenters' Union of

Chicago, 1863-1987, by Richard

Schneirov, 178

Unions, Union Brotherhood, Union

Town: The History of the Carpenters'

Union of Chicago, 1863-1987, by

Richard Schneirov, 178

Unionville (Ohio), 135

Universal suffrage, 67

University Hall, OSU, 108, 109

Urner, Henry C., 31, 32, 34

U. S. Army, 46

U. S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE),

120, 121, 122, 126

U. S. Department of the Interior, 120

U. S. Eighteenth Infantry, 172

U. S. Secretary of War, 159

U.S.S. Wisconsin: A History of Two

Battleships, The, by Richard H.

Zeitlin, 95

U. S. 23, 122

U. S. Volunteers, 170

U. S. War Department, 148, 149, 157,

161, 166, 169, 170

VAN Tine, Warren, and Melvyn

Dubofsky, editors, Labor Leaders in

America, rev., 85-87

Vazzano, Frank P., book rev., 179-180

Viehe, Fred W., book rev., 184-185

Virginia, 167, 173

Vocational training of orphans, 11-12, 17;

illustrations, 13

Volksfreund, 27

Volpe, Vernon L., book rev., 195-196

Volunteer Militia companies, 147-174

von Tscharner, Renata and Ronald Lee

Fleming, New Providence: A Changing

Cityscape, bk. note, 95

Voss Mound, 123


WALNUT Street (Cincinnati, Ohio), 36

War of 1812, The, 65, 147

Warren (Ohio), 161

Wars of the United States: The

Encyclopedia of the Colonial Wars of

America, 177

Washington, D.C., 52, 54, 63, 67, 150,

151, 154, 159, 168, 169, 171, 173

Washington, George, 56

Waterbury (Connecticut), 133, 134

"Wayne Country." See Detroit


Wayne County (Ohio), 163

Wayne, (General) Anthony, 62

Webb, William, 118

"'We Breathe the Same Air': Eastern

Ontarian Migration to Watertown,

New York," by Randy William

Widdis, 70-71

Welfare Association for Jewish Children,


Western Reserve College, 66, 134-135

Western Reserve, "Country Carpenters,

Federal Buildings: An Early

Architectural Tradition in Ohio's

Western Reserve," by Nancy J.

Brcak, 131-146

Western Reserve Historical Society, 105

Western Reserve University, 122

Western Seaman's Friend Society, 7

West Point, 161, 172

West Unity (Ohio), 108

Whig Party, 156

Whiskey Rebellion: Frontier Epilogue to

the American Revolution, The, by

Thomas P. Slaughter, rev., 74-75

Whitehorne, Joseph W. A., The Battle of

New Market: Self-Guided Tour, 178

White House Conference on Dependent

Children (1909), 15


218                                        OHIO HISTORY

Whittlesey, Charles, 105, 106. Works:

Description of Ancient Works in Ohio,


Widdis, Randy William, '"We Breathe

the Same Air': Eastern Ontarian

Migration to Watertown, New York,"


Wildman, Allan K., The Road to Soviet

Power and Peace, 176

Willard, Frances, Frances Willard: A

Biography, by Ruth Bordin, rev.,


William McKinley: A Bibliography, by

Lewis L. Gould and Craig H. Roell,

bk. note, 91

William Powell & Co.'s Gun Shop

(Cincinnati, Ohio), 37, 44

Williams Mound, 115

Willis, Simeon, The Public Papers of

Governor Simeon Willis: 1943-1947,

edited by James C. Klotter, 96

Wirt, William, 52, 54

Wolcott, (Colonel) C. P., 167

Woman's City Club, The, Lighting The

Way . . . The Woman's City Club of

Cincinnati 1915-1965, by Andrea Tuttle

Kornbluh, rev., 82-83

Women, Lighting The Way . . . The

Woman's City Club of Cincinnati

1915-1965, by Andrea Tuttle Kornbluh,

rev., 82-83; From Margin to

Mainstream: American Women and

Politics Since 1960, by Susan M.

Hartmann, 178

Wood, David L., 167, 172

Wool, (Major General) John E., 167

Works Progress Administration (WPA),

117, 118, 119

World War 1I, 113, 116, 120, 122;

Hollywood Goes to War: How Politics,

Profits & Propaganda Shaped World

War II Movies, by Clayton R. Koppes

and Gregory D. Black, rev., 199-200

WPA. See Works Progress


Wright Earthworks, 115

Wright, G. F., Ill

Wright Mounds, 109


YALE College, 135

Young Men's Colonization Society of

Hamilton County, 65

Young Mill-Wright and Miller's Guide,

The, by Oliver Evans, bk. note, 94


ZEITLIN, Richard H., The U.S.S.

Wisconsin: A History of Two

Battleships, 95

Zentos, Nicholas J. and Wendy Marley

Zentos, compilers, Ethnic

Communities of Lorain County:

History and Directory, 70

Zentos, Wendy Marley and Nicholas J.

Zentos, compilers, Ethnic

Communities of Lorain County:

History and Directory, 70

Zieger, Robert H., American Workers,

American Unions, 1920-1985, rev.,


Zisheng, Huang and He Sibing, History

of the Chinese in the Philippines, 177