OHJ Archive

Ohio History Journal





AAISW. See Amalgamated Association

of Iron and Steel Workers

Akron Beacon Journal, 33

Akron (OH), 6-36; illustrations, 7

Akron Times Press, 23

Allegheny (Allegeny) Mountain, 102-03,

129, 141

Allegheny (Allegeny) River, 140

Amalgamated Association of Iron and

Steel Workers (AAISW), 37-51

Amalgamated Clothing Workers, 25

American Antiquarian Society, 58-59, 66

American Antiquarian Society

Transactions, 58

American Ceramics Before 1930: A

Bibliography, compiled by Ruth

Irwin Weidner, rev., 183-84

American Ethnological Society, 57-58,

62-63, 66

American Ethnological Society

Transactions, 62

American Geologists and Naturalists

Society, 58

"American Historians and Armaments:

The View from Twentieth-Century

Textbooks," by Charles DeBenedetti,


American Journal of Science and Arts,


Americans and Arms: The Twentieth

Century, by Charles DeBenedetti, 148

Amos Bronson Alcott: An Intellectual

Biography, by Frederick C.

Dahlstrand, 149

Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi

Valley, by Ephraim George Squier

and Edwin Hamilton Davis, "A

Question of Authorship: The

Ephraim George Squier-Edwin

Hamilton Davis Controversy," by

Terry A. Barnhart, 52-71; illustrations,

cover Volume 92/Annual 1983

Andrews, John W., 81, 91-92

Anti-Nebraska agitation, 81

"Antiquities of Ohio" (Sept. 4, 1883,

commencement address), 56

Anti-strike movement during 1936

Goodyear strike, 14-18, 30-35

"Archaeological Researches: An Inquiry

Into the Origin and Purposes of the

Monuments of the Mississippi

Valley," 63

Archaeology, 52-71

Argonauts, 83

Armory (Akron, OH), 6-36 passim

Army Generals and Reconstruction.

Louisiana, 1862-1877, by Joseph G.

Dawson, 111, rev., 208-09

Arthur, Chester A., The Presidencies of

James A. Garfield and Chester A.

Arthur, by Justus D. Doenecke, rev.,


As Minority Becomes Majority. Federal

Reactions to the Phenomenon of

Women in the Work Force, 1920-1963,

by Judy Sealander, 149

Associated Brotherhood of Iron and

Steel Heaters, Rollers, and Roughers,


Atwater, Caleb, 63, 69. Works:

"Description of the Antiquities

Discovered in Ohio and Other

Western States," 63

"Autonomous" Workman, the, 37-51

Auto workers, 25

Ayers, Highland Pioneer Sketches and

Family Genealogies, 154


BAILEY, William H., 44-50

Baltimore Monthly Meeting (Quaker),


Barclay, Morgan J. and Charles Glaab,

Toledo: Gateway to the Great Lakes,

149, 155

Barnes, Myron B., Between the Eighties.

Tiffin, Ohio 1880-1980, bk. note, 217

Barnhart, Terry A., "A Question of

Authorship: The Ephraim George

Squier-Edwin Hamilton Davis

Controversy," 52-71

Barns Tavern, 113

Bartlett, John Russell, 58-59, 61-63, 66

Baughman, A. J., History of Richland

County, 154

Baughman, James L., book rev., 172-73

Baumann, Roland M., A Manual of

Archival Techniques, bk. note, 215

Bearers of the Pioneer Spirit, by

Frances Blackburn Hilliard, 154

Beauregard, Erving E., Old Franklin:

The Eternal Torch, 149

Beaver Creek (PA), 121, 123, 126,

135-36, 142

Beaver River Valley, 96-146 passim

Bedford (PA), 102, 142

Becker, Carl, The Village: A History of

Germantown, Ohio, 1804-1976, 148

Beekman, William, 54


220                                      OHIO HISTORY

Beer, Barrett L., Rebellion and Riot:

Popular Disorder in England During

the Reign of Edward VI, 149

Beeson, Jacob, 104

Beeson Town (PA). See Uniontown

Benevolent institutions in Ohio, 72-95

Benjamin Holt: The Story of the

Caterpillar Tractor, edited by Walter

A. Payne, bk. note, 214-15

Bensch, Christopher, bk. note, 214

Berks County (PA), 97

Berlin (PA), 100, 103

Bessmer Steel plant, 39

Between the Eighties: Tiffin, Ohio

1880-1980, by Myron B. Barnes, bk.

note, 217

Big Beaver Creek (PA), 98, 139

Bills, Scott L., editor, Kent State/May 4:

Echoes Through A Decade, rev.,


Birbeck, Morris, 112n60

Blackburns: Today and Yesterday, by

Frances Blackburn Hilliard, 154

Black Chanticleer, The, 155

Blackford, Mansel G., A Portrait Cast in

Steel: Buckeye International and

Columbus, Ohio, 1881-1980, 149; bk.

note, 216

Black Liberation in Kentucky:

Emancipation and Freedom, by Victor

B. Howard, 150

Blue Ball Ordinary, 103

Blue Mountains, 100, 144

Bobbitt, Philip, Constitutional Fate:

Theory of the Constitution, rev., 173-74

Bolinger, Jan, Map of Joseph Gibbons

Route, 127

Bonnets Tavern. See McCullochs Tavern

Bonsall, Isaac, 98-99n3

Bonsall, Edward, Jr., 96-146 passim

Boryczka, Ray and Lorin Lee Cary, No

Strength Without Union: An Illustrated

History of Ohio Workers, 1803-1980,


BOSC. See Ohio Board of State


Boss, Frank, 15, 35

Boston Academy of Science and Art, 58

Boston Journal, 58

Braddock Mills, 45

Brady's Run, 136

Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection: The

Secret Political Activities of Two

Supreme Court Justices, The, by

Bruce Allen Murphy, rev., 198-200

Brandywine River, 102

Bread Upon the Waters, by Rose

Pesotta, 6-7, 17, 36

Bremner, Robert H., 72. Works: and

Gary W. Reichard, editors,

Reshaping America: Society and

Institutions, 1945-1960, 149, rev., 178

Bridgeport (PA), 105

Brinkerhoff, Roeliff, 89, 91

Brophy, John, 24-25, 28

Browning, Reed, Political and

Constitutional Ideas of the Court

Whigs, 149

Brownsville (PA), 105

Brucker, Roger W. and Robert K.

Murray, Trapped! The Story of Floyd

Collins, bk. note, 218

Buley, R. Carlyle, The Old Northwest:

Pioneer Period 1816-1840, 155

Bull Creek Settlement (OH), 121, 139

Bundy, Josiah, 122

Burns, Thomas F., 21-22, 25-26, 28,


Burnt Cabbins (Jamesons Tavern), 143

Butler, Jonathan, 99-103

Butler, Noble, 99-103

Byers, Albert Gallatin, "Origins of

Welfare in the States: Albert G. Byers

and the Ohio Board of Charities,"

by Robert M. Mennel and Steven

Spackman, 72-95; illustrations, 85

Byrne, Frank L., book rev., 208-09


CADWALLADER, Elizabeth (Mrs.

Reese), 138

Cadwallader, Reese, 138

Campbells (PA), 101

Canneconece, 138

Canton Repository, 150

Captena Creek, 109

Carlisle (PA), 143, 145

Carl Schurz: A Biography, by Hans L.

Trefousse, rev., 200-01

Carnegie, Andrew, 51

Carney, William, 22

Carruthers, Lyle, 13, 15-16, 18

Cary, John H., book rev., 167-69

Cary, Lorin Lee, 6. Works: The

Organizers: Workers Who Built Unions

1880-1980, 148; and Ray Boryczka, No

Strength Without Union: An Illustrated

History of Ohio Workers, 1803-1980,


Cattle, Jonas, 105

Cavanaugh, Hugh, 43, 49-50

Central Insane Asylum (Columbus, OH),


Index 221

Index                                                221

Central Labor Union (Akron, OH), 25

Chambers Ferry, 145

Chambersburg (PA), 100

Champaign County Infirmary, 86

Chapin, Bradley, Criminal Justice in

Colonial America, 1606-1660, 149

Chappell, P. W., 13-14, 18, 21, 23-24, 30,

32, 34-35

Charleston (WV), 128

Charlestown (Wellsburg, WV), 133

Charlestown (PA), 106

Chase, Salmon P., 74

Cheshire (OH), 83

Chickamauga, 83

Chillicothe Road. See Zane Trace

Chillicothe Scioto Gazette, 55-56, 66

Chillicothe (OH), 52-71 passim;

(Chilocothe), 120

Chinese as They Are: Their Moral and

Social Character, By G. Tradescent

Lay, The, compiled by Ephraim

George Squier, 54

Cigarmakers' International Union, 44

Cincinnati Gazette, 68

Cincinnati Medical College, 56

Cincinnati (OH), 88-89

CIO. See Congress of Industrial


Circleville (OH), 88

Cities in the Commonwealth. Two

Centuries of Urban Life in Kentucky,

by Allen J. Share, bk. note, 216-17

"Citizens Committee," 31-32

Civil War, 74, 83, 89, 95

Claherty, Coleman, 25

Cochran, Patte, 145

Coleman, McAllister, 26

Collins, Floyd, Trapped! The Story of

Floyd Collins, by Robert K. Murray

and Roger W. Brucker, bk. note, 218

Columbia Chemical Company, 10-11

Columbus City Council, 89

Columbus (OH), 82-83, 88

Combined 1873 and 1896 Atlases of

Richland County, 155

Common School Fund, 78, 80

Concord (OH), 107, 111-13, 120, 138

Concord Meeting (Quaker), 107, 121-22

Congress of Industrial Organizations

(CIO), 6-36

Connecticut Academy of Science, 59

Connellsburg (PA), 101

Connellsville (PA), 104

Conover Pioneers and Pilgrims:

Celebration of a Family, by Elizabeth

Conover Kelley, bk. note, 217

Constitutional Fate: Theory of the

Constitution, by Philip Bobbitt, rev.,


Cooke, Dan and Marilyn Cook, Covered

Wagons, Canals and Characters, 154

Cook, Marilyn and Dan Cooke, Covered

Wagons, Canals and Characters, 154

Cost of Ohio State Institutions, 1867,

79-80; table, 79

Cottle, Elizabeth and Bernice Graham,

Wills and Estate Settlements:

Washington County, 1788-1840, 155;

Marriages: Washington County,

1788-1840, 155

Cove Mountain, 100-01

Covered Bridges of Pennsylvania: A

Guide, The, by Susan M. Zacher, bk.

note, 214

Covered Wagons, Canals and

Characters, by Marilyn Cook and

Dan Cooke, 154

Cox, Jacob, 81

Criminal Justice in Colonial America,

1606-1660, by Bradley Chapin, 149

Crisis of the House Divided: An

Interpretation of the Issues in the

Lincoln-Douglas Debates, by Harry

V. Jaffa, rev., 202-04

Croatia and the Croatians. A Selected

and Annotated Bibliography in

English, by George J. Prpic, 149

Cross Creek, 121-22

Custer, (General) George Armstrong,

Custer Victorious: The Civil War

Battles of General George Armstrong

Custer, by Gregory J. W. Urwin, rev.,


Custer Victorious: The Civil War Battles

of General George Armstrong Custer,

by Gregory J. W. Urwin, rev., 164-66

Cuyahoga Jail, 87


DAHLSTRAND, Frederick C., Amos

Bronson Alcott: An Intellectual

Biography, 149

Dalrymple, S. H. ("Captain"), 21-22,

25-27, 28-30

Daniels, Bruce C., book rev., 157-58

Davey, Martin, 33, 35

Davis, Avis Slocum Towne (Mrs.

Henry), 55

Davis, Edwin Hamilton, "A Question of

Authorship: The Ephraim George

Squier-Edwin Hamilton Davis

Controversy," by Terry A. Barnhart,

52-71; illustrations, 61. Works: and


222                                         OHIO HISTORY

Ephraim George Squier, Ancient

Monuments of the Mississippi Valley,


Davis, John, 58

Davis, Henry, 55

Davis, Lucy Woodbridge (Mrs. Edwin

Hamilton), 56

Dawson, Joseph G., III, Army Generals

and Reconstruction: Louisiana,

1862-1877, rev., 208-09

Dayton (OH), 88

DeBenedetti, Charles, Americans and

Arms: The Twentieth Century. 148:

"American Historians and

Armaments: The View from

Twentieth-Century Textbooks," 149

Democratic Party in Ohio, 72-95 passim

Denny, A. G., 46-47

"Description of the Antiquities

Discovered in Ohio and Other

Western States," by Caleb Atwater,


Devol, Jerry B. and Richard B.

Graham, First United States

Government Post Offices in the North

West Territory, 1794-1803, 155

Dickeson, Montroville Wilson, 60-62

Dictionaries of American Negro

Biography, edited by Rayford W.

Logan and Michael R. Winston, 154

Dillon, Merton, book rev., 207-08

District Assembly, KOL, (137), 39-40,

43; (48), 43

Divided Mind of Protestant America,

1880-1930, The, by Ferenc Morton

Szasz, rev., 187-88

Dixon, William, 104

Doenecke, Justus D., The Presidencies

of James A. Garfield and Chester A.

Arthur, rev., 170-71

Dominick, Raymond H., 111, Wilhelm

Liebknecth and the Founding of the

German School Democratic Party, 149

Dorn, Jacob H., book rev., 187-88,


Drake, Daniel, 69

Dreadful Month, The, by Carlton

Jackson, rev., 186-87

Dubbert, Joe L., book rev.. 196-97

Duckworth, Christopher S., bk. note,


Dunlaps Creek, 105


EACHUS, Sara A. L., The Leedom

Family, bk. note, 217

Earthworks in Mississippi Valley, 52-71

East Liverpool, Ohio, Pottery District:

Identification and Marks, The, by

William C. Gates, Jr., and Dana E.

Ormerod, rev., 182-83

Economic History Association, The, 98

Edinburg New Philosophical Journal, 58

Elizabethtown (PA), 145

Ellmakers Tavern, 145

Elmore, Andrew, 93

Eleutherian Mills-Hagley Foundation, 98

Emahiser, Mrs. George, "From River

Clyde to Tomachee," 154

Enumeration of Youth and Partial

Census for School Districts in Portage

County, Ohio, 1832-1838, by William

C. Johnson, 149

Ethnology, 52-71

Evans, Amos, 99-103, 136-37

Evans, Eli, 99-103, 136-37


FAIRFIELD County Jail, 84

Fannetsburg (PA), 144

Farming conditions in early Ohio, 96-146


Federal Land Series: A Calendar of

Archival Materials on the Land

Patents Issued by the United States

Government, with Subject Tract, &

Names Indexes. Volume 4, Part 1:

Grants in the Virginia Military District

of Ohio, by Clifford Neal Smith. bk.

note, 215-16

Field, Phyllis F., The Politics of Race in

New York: The Struggle for Black

Suffrage in the Civil War Era, rev.,


Fire in America: A Cultural History of

Wildland and Rural Fire, by Stephen

J. Pyne, rev., 180-81

Firestone Company, 9-10, 23

First United States Government Post

Offices in the North West Territory,

1794-1803, by Jerry B. Devol and

Richard B. Graham, 155

Fleming, John E., 154

Flower, Jim, 15-16, 21-22, 31, 33, 35

"Flying squadron," 12, 28, 34

Fogarty, Robert S., The Righteous

Remnant: The House of David, rev.,


Folmar, John Kent, book rev., 210-11

Fones-Wolf, Elizabeth and Kenneth,

"The War at Mingo Junction: The

Autonomous Workman and the

Decline of the Knights of Labor,"


Index 223

Index                                                     223

Foster, "Calico Charlie," 95

Foster, Lawrence, Religion and

Sexuality: Three American Communal

Experiments of the Nineteenth

Century, rev., 191

Fox, Stephen C., book rev., 159-60

Freedom and Grace: The Life of Asa

Mahan, by Edward H. Madden and

James E. Hamilton, rev., 188-89

French Creek. 129

Friedman, Lawrence J., Gregarious

Saints: Self and Community in

American Abolitionism 1830-1870, rev.,


From Pentecost to the Present: A Short

History of Christianity, by James B.

North, 149

"From River Clyde to Tomachee," by

Mrs. George Emahiser, 154


GALLATIN, Albert, 58-59, 61-63, 66

Gara, Larry, book rev., 202-04

Garfield, James A., The Presidencies of

James A. Garfield and Chester A.

Arthur, by Justus D. Doenecke, rev..


GAR. See Grand Army of the Republic

Gates, William C., Jr., and Dana E.

Ormerod, The East Liverpool, Ohio,

Pottery District: Identification and

Marks, rev., 182-83

Genealogical Research Guide, compiled

by Rebecca Hill, Grace Suebke, Tille

Moyer, and Allan Gray, 155

Genealogical Research Guide. Northwest

Ohio Libraries, 154

General Assembly, KOL, 39

General Executive Board, KOL, 45

General Revenue Fund, 78-79

General Tire Company, 9-10, 23

Germer, Adolph, 24-30, 32, 36

Gibbons, Deborah Hoopes (Mrs.

James), 99n6

Gibbons, Jacob, 97

Gibbons, James, 97, 99

Gibbons, Joseph, "The Travel Notes of

Joseph Gibbons, 1804," edited by

Joseph E. Walker, 96-146

Gibbons, Mary P., 96-97nl

Gibbons, Sarah Milhaus (Mrs. Joseph),

96-146 passim

Gibson, Phebe, 104

Gibson, Thomas, 104

G. I. Jive: An Army Bandsman in World

War II, by Frank F. Mathias, rev.,


Gilpin, Joshua, 100n8, 102n22

Glaab, Charles and Morgan J. Barclay,

Toledo: Gateway to the Great Lakes,

149, 155

Glade Road, 103n23

Glass, Alexander, 42-44

Glessner, W. L., 44, 49

Glorious Cause: The American

Revolution, 1763-1789, The, by Robert

Middlekauff, rev., 157-58

Goldstein, Joel K., The Modern

American Vice Presidency: The

Transformation of a Political

Institution, rev., 172-73

Gompers, Samuel, 50

Goodrich Company, 10, 23

Goodyear Company, "The Great

Goodyear Strike of 1936," by Daniel

Nelson, 6-36; illustrations, 7

Gordon, David, The Republic of

Lebanon: Nation in Jeopardy, 149

Gould, Lewis L., book rev., 200-01

Graebner, William, book rev., 186-87

Graham, A. A., History of Richland

County, 154-55

Graham, Bernice and Elizabeth Cottle,

Wills and Estate Settlements:

Washington County, 1788-1840, 155;

Marriages: Washington County,

1788-1840, 155

Graham, Richard B. and Jerry B.

Devol, First United States Government

Post Offices in the North West

Territory, 1794-1803, 155

Grahams Tavern (Hartleys), 101-02,


Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), 95

Grant, H. Roger, book rev., 191. Works:

Self Help in the 1890s Depression, 149

Grant, Ulysses S., The Papers of

Ulysses S. Grant. Volume 9: July

17-December 31, 1863, edited by

John Y. Simon, rev., 160-61; The

Papers of Ulysses S. Grant. Volume

10: January I-May 31, 1864, edited

by John Y. Simon, rev., 161-63;

Ulysses S. Grant: Essays and

Documents, edited by David L.

Wilson and John Y. Simon, rev.,

163-64; and Personal Memoirs of U.

S. Grant, edited with notes by E. B.

Long, bk. note, 215

Gray, Allan, Rebecca Hill, Grace

Suebke, and Tille Moyer, compilers,

Genealogical Research Guide, 155

Gray, Asa, 70


224                                        OHIO HISTORY

"Great Goodyear Strike of 1936, The,"

by Daniel Nelson, 6-36

Great Society, 72

Green County Infirmary, 87

Green Tree Tavern, 100

Greensburg (PA), 101, 140-41

Green, William, 25

Gregarious Saints: Self and Community

in American Abolitionism 1830-1870,

by Lawrence J. Friedman, rev.,


Greggs, Samuel, 112

Grillo, Frank, 25-26

Guide to Genealogical Materials in the

Dayton and Montgomery County

Public Library, A, compiled by

Stanley Clarke Wyllie, Jr., 154

Guide to Local Government Records at

the Center for Archival Collections,


Gwozdz, Larry, 72


HALL, Christiana, 105

Hall, Kermit L., book rev., 173-74,


Hamilton County Almshouse, 85

Hamilton, James E. and Edward H.

Madden, Freedom and Grace: The

Life of Asa Mahan, rev., 188-89

Hampsten, Elizabeth, Read This Only to

Yourself: The Private Writings of

Midwestern Women, 1880-1910, rev.,


Hapgood, Powers, 22, 25-27, 32

Harris, Thaddeus Mason, 69

Hartford Evening Journal, 54

Hart, Hastings, 92-93

Hartje, Robert, book rev., 160-64

Hartleys. See Grahams Tavern

Hassler, Warren W., Jr., With Shield and

Sword: American Military Affairs,

Colonial Times to the Present, rev..


Haum's Tavern, 100

Haven, Samuel Foster, 65-67

Hayes, John W., 45

Hayes, Martha, book rev., 184-86

Hayes, Rutherford B., 74, 81, 83-84,


Heinke, Ed, 23

Henry, Joseph, 62-66, 69-70

Highland Pioneer Sketches and Family

Genealogies, by Ayers, 154

Hildreth, Samuel P., 67

Hilliard, Frances Blackburn,

Blackburns: Today and Yesterday, 154;

Bearers of the Pioneer Spirit, 154

Hilliard United Methodist Church:

1855-1980, by Mary W. Miller, 154

Hillis, Eli, 138

Hillis (Hillas), William, 105, 138

Hill, Rebecca, Grace Suebke, Tille

Moyers, and Allan Gray, compilers,

Genealogical Research Guide, 155

Hirschman, Albert O., Shifting

Involvements: Private Interest and

Public Action, rev., 176-78

Historical Society of Pennsylvania, The,


History and Legends of Rogue's Hollow,

by Russell W. Frey, 155

History of Kirtland, Ohio, A, by Anne

B. Prusha, 149

History of Richland County, by A. A.

Graham, 154-55

History of Richland County, by A. J.

Baughman, 154

History of the United Jewish Appeal,

1939-1982, A, by Marc L. Raphael,


History, Portage County, 154

Hocking River, 117

Hodgins, William, 110

Hoffman, lone, The Story of the

Restored Northampton Center School,


Holt, Benjamin, Benjamin Holt: The

Story of the Caterpillar Tractor, edited

by Walter A. Payne, bk. note, 214-15

Homestead Works, 51

Hooks, David, 137

Hoops, D., 138

Hoops, Joseph, 136

Horrocks, A. C., 17

Hosmer, Charles B., Jr., Preservation

Comes of Age: From Williamsburg to

the National Trust, 1926-1949,

Volumes I and II, bk. note, 217-18

House, John, 14, 20-21, 23, 28-30, 33

Howard, Horton, 108-09, 122-26

Howard, Victor B., Black Liberation in

Kentucky: Emancipation and

Freedom, 150

Hull, George, 28-29

Hunt, John, 143

Hurt, R. Douglas, book rev., 180-81

Hydrick, 100

ILGWU. See International Ladies

Garment Workers Union

Indiana Short Creek, 106-07

Industrial Assembly, 12-18, 20, 28

Index 225

Index                                                       225

Industrial Valley, by Ruth McKenny,

6-7, 17, 36

Infirmaries in Ohio, 72-95

International Ladies Garment Workers

Union (ILGWU), 25

Irish Slab Cabbin Tavern, 134

Iron and steel furnaces, 37-51 passim;

illustrations, 41, 47

Iron and Steel Roll Hands' Union, 40

Irons, Peter H., The New Deal Lawyers,

rev., 175-76


JACKSON, Carlton, The Dreadful

Month, rev., 186-87

Jackson, Halliday, 112n60

Jaffa, Harry V., Crisis of the House

Divided: An Interpretation of the

Issues of the Lincoln-Douglas

Debates, rev., 202-04

Jails in Ohio, 72-95

Janney, John Jay, 89

Jameson Tavern. See Burnt Cabbins

Jeffries, Abraham, 99

John A. Logan: Stalwart Republican

from Illinois, by James Pickett Jones,

rev., 201-02

Johnson, William C., Enumeration of

Youth and Partial Census for School

Districts in Portage County, Ohio,

1832-1838, 149

Jones, Alfred W., Life, Liberty and

Property, 6-7

Jones, James Pickett, John A. Logan:

Stalwart Republican from Illinois, rev.,


Jones's Mill and Tavern, 103

Junction Iron Company, The, 39, 43

Juniatta River, 102

Just Like Old Times, vol. 1, by Henry R.

Tinman, 154

KAPLAN, Lawrence S., co-editor, The

Most Ancient Testimony: Sixteenth

Century Christian-Hebraica in the Age

of Renaissance Nostalgia, 149

Kaufman, C. F., 46

Kavanaugh, M. J., 43, 46-47

Keller, James, 29

Kelley, Elizabeth Conover, Conover

Pioneers and Pilgrims. Celebration of

a Family, bk. note, 217

Kent State/May 4: Echoes Through A

Decade, edited by Scott L. Bills,

rev., 179-80

Kentucky Fighting Men, 1861-1945, by

Richard G. Stone, Jr., bk. note, 216

Kenyon College, 56

Kerber, Linda K. and Jane DeHart

Mathews, eidtors, Women's America:

Refocusing the Past, rev., 195-96

Kesilman, Sylvan H., book rev., 171-72

Kessler-Harris, Alice, Out to Work: A

History of Wage-Earning Women in

the United States, rev., 191-92

Kilbourne, John, 98

Kings Tavern, Sign of the Unicorn, 100

Kirby, John B., book rev., 176-78

Klotter, James C., book rev., 170-71

Knights of Labor (KOL), "The War at

Mingo Junction: The Autonomous

Workman and the Decline of the

Knights of Labor," by Elizabeth and

Kenneth Fones-Wolf, 37-51

Knox County Infirmary, 92

KOL. See Knights of Labor

Krzycki, Leo, 25, 28

Kusmer, Kenneth L., book rev., 181-82

Kyvig, David E., book rev., 175-76


LABOR disputes in Ohio, 6-36, 37-51

Labor on the March, by Edward

Levinson, 6-7, 17, 24, 36

Labor's New Millions, by Mary Heaton

Vorse, 6-7, 36

Lancaster (PA), 145

Laughlin Nail Company, 39

Laughlin and Junction Steel Plant

(Mingo Junction, OH), 37-51

Laurel Hill (PA), 103, 141

Law and Order League (Akron, OH),

8-9, 30, 32-33, 35

Leedom Family, The, by Sara A. L.

Eachus, bk. note, 217

Letters of Delegates to Congress,

1774-1789. Volume 6: January I-April

30, 1777, edited by Paul H. Smith,

rev., 167-69; Volume 7: May

l-September 18, 1777, edited by Paul

H. Smith, rev., 167-69; and Volume 8:

September 19, 1777-January 31, 1778.

edited by Paul H. Smith, rev., 167-69

Levine, David, bk. note, 215

Lewis, Gene D., book rev., 209-10

Lewis, John L., 8, 9, 23-24

Levinson, Edward, Labor On the

March, 6-7, 17, 24, 36

Levstik, Frank, 72

Liberty and Equality Under the

Constitution, 155

Life, Liberty and Property, by Alfred W.

Jones, 6-7

Litchfield, Paul W., 11-12, 16, 18, 21,


226                                       OHIO HISTORY

26, 28, 31-33

Little Steel Strike (1937), 35

Lobdell, George, book rev., 197-98

Local Assembly 4488 (KOL), 39, 42, 46

Local 2 (Akron URW), 6-36

Locke, John, 67, 69

Logan, John A., John A. Logan:

Stalwart Republican from Illinois, by

James Pickett Jones, rev., 201-02

Logan, Rayford W. and Michael R.

Winston, Dictionaries of American

Negro Biography, 154

Long, E. B., editor, Personal Memoirs

of U. S. Grant, bk. note, 215

Longview Insane Asylum (Cincinnati,

OH), 75

Lookout Mountain, 83

Lotshaus Tavern, 145

Luce, Ray, bk. note, 218

Luchetti, Cathy in collaboration with

Carol Olwell, Women of the West,

rev., 192-95

Lundy, Benjamin, 112n60


McBRIDE, James, 67-69

Macawber (Dickens character), 45

McCormick, Richard P., The

Presidential Game: The Origin of

American Presidential Politics, rev.,


McCullochs Tavern (Bonnets), 141-42

McGrady, Edward F., 21-22

McGrady Plan (1936 Goodyear Strike),


Mcintyre Children's Home (Zanesville,

OH), 87

McKenny, Ruth, Industrial Valley, 6-7,

17, 36

McMans Creek, 111

Madden, Edward H. and James E.

Hamilton, Freedom and Grace: The

Life of Asa Mahan, rev., 188-89

Mad River, 117

Mahan, Asa, Freedom and Grace: The

Life of Asa Mahan, by Edward H.

Madden and James E. Hamilton, rev.,


Manheim (PA), 100

Mansfield (OIH), 88-89

Manual of Archival Techniques, A,

edited by Roland M. Baumann, bk.

note, 215           ·

Map of Joseph Gibbons Route, by Jan

Bolinger, 127

Marriages. Washington County,

1788-1840, by Elizabeth Cottle and

Bernice Graham, 155

Martin, Benjamin, 101

Marsh, George Perkins, 62-63, 68-69

Martins Tavern, 142

Martin, William, 46, 48, 49-51

Material Culture Studies in America,

compiled and edited by Thomas J.

Schlereth, rev., 184-86

Mathews, Jane DeHart and Linda K.

Kerber, editors, Women's America.

Refocusing the Past, rev., 195-96

Mathias, Frank F., G. I. Jive: An Army

Bandsman in World War II, rev.,


Meade, Roger, bk. note, 214

Mechem, John, Jr., 99-103

Mennel, Robert M. and Steven

Spackman, "Origins of Welfare in the

States: Albert G. Byers and the Ohio

Board of Charities," 72-95

Methodists in early Ohio, 83, 133-34

Miami Monthly Meeting (Quaker),


Miami River, 117

Miami University, 75

Middle Dry Ridge, 102

Middlekauff, Robert, The Glorious

Cause: The American Revolution,

1763-1789, rev., 157-58

Middleton Monthly Meeting (Quaker),


Middleton (PA), 145

Middletons, Joseph, 111

Middletown (PA), 106

Milhaus, Mercy, 98-99n3

Milhaus, Sarah (Mrs. Joseph Gibbons),

96-146 passim

Milhaus, William, 96-146 passim

Milhous, Robert, 109-10

Mill Creek, 99-100

Miller, Mary W., Quartoquecentennial of

a Pride Community: Hilliard, Ohio,

1853-1978, 154; Hilliard United

Methodist Church: 1855-1980, 154

Miller, Robert, 104-05

Miller, Zane L., Suburb: Neighborhood

and Community in Forest Park, Ohio,

1935-1976, rev., 181-82

Milltown (PA), 102

Mine workers, 25

Mingo Indians, 133

Mingo Junction (OH), "The War at

Mingo Junction: The Autonomous

Workman and the Decline of the

Knights of Labor," by Elizabeth and

Kenneth Fones-Wolf, 37-51

Index 227

Index                                                        227

Mingo Lodge 22 (AA1SW), 42-51

Miniature View of the French Revolution:

Section Droits de I'Homme, 1789-1795,

A, by Morris Slavin, 149

Minutes of History, compiled by Ray

Schuck, 154

Modern American Vice Presidency: The

Transformation of a Political

Institution, The, by Joel K. Goldstein,

rev., 172-73

Monongalia (Monongahela) River, 105,


Monthly Labor Review, 36

Moral Majority, 93

Morrill Act, The, 75

Morris River, 143

Morris, Robert C., Reading, 'Riting, and

Reconstruction: The Education of

Freedmen in the South 1861-1870, rev.,


Morristown (PA), 109-10

Morse's Geography, 128-29

Morton, Samuel George, 63-64

Most Ancient Testimony: Sixteenth

Century Christian-Hebraica in the Age

of Renaissance Nostalgia, The, co-

edited by Lawrence S. Kaplan, 149

Moundology, 52-71

Mounds in Mississippi Valley, 52-71

Moyer, Tille, Allan Gray, Rebecca Hill

and Grace Suebke, compilers,

Genealogical Research Guide, 155

Murphy, Bruce Allen, The Brandeisl

Frankfurter Connection: The Secret

Political Activities of Two Supreme

Court Justices, rev., 198-200

Murphy, James L., book rev., 182-84

Murray, Robert K. and Rogert W.

Brucker, Trapped! The Story of Floyd

Collins, bk. note, 218

Muskingum River, 115

NATIONAL Conference of Charities

and Correction (NCCC), 74, 92-94

National Prison Association, 92

National Recovery Administration

(NRA), 12

National Guard, 15

NCCC. See National Conference of

Charities and Correction

Nelson, Daniel, "The Great Goodyear

Strike of 1936," 6-36

New Connecticut, 142

New Deal, The, 72

New Deal Lawyers, The, by Peter H.

Irons, rev., 175-76

Newell, David, 112n60

Newellstown (OH). See St. Clairsville

New Holland (PA), 145

New Orleans (LA), 106, 128

New York Mechanic, 54

Nightingale, William, 48-49

1982 Maumee Valley Historical

Calendar, 155

Nixon, Richard M., 72

NLRB v Jones and Laughlin (1937), 13

North, James B., From Pentecost to the

Present: A Short History of

Christianity, 149

Northwest Territory, 96

No Strength Without Union: An

Illustrated History of Ohio Workers,

1803-1980, by Ray Boryczka and

Lorin Lee Cary, 148

NRA. See National Recovery


"OBSERVATIONS on the Fossils,

Minerals, Organic Remains, etc.

Found in the Mounds of the West,"

by Ephraim George Squier, 68

O'Harrah, C. M., 23, 30

Ohio Board of State Charities (BOSC),

"Origins of Welfare in the States:

Albert G. Byers and the Ohio Board

of Charities," by Robert M. Mennel

and Steven Spackman, 72-95

Ohio Boys' Reform School, 91

Ohio Geological Survey, 56, 68

Ohio Girls' Reform School, 92

Ohio House of Representatives, 63, 66

Ohio Penitentiary, 82-83

Ohio Public Debts, 1860-1880, 78; table,


Ohio River, 96-146 passim; illustrations,


Ohio State Accounts, 1867, 78; table, 79

Ohio University, 75

Ohio Taxes, 1860-1880, 75, 78; table, 76

Oil workers, 25

Old Franklin: The Eternal Torch, by

Erving E. Beauregard, 149

Old Northwest: Pioneer Period

1816-1840, The, by R. Carlyle Buley,


O'Leary, Dennis, 43

Olive Branch and Sword: The

Compromise of 1833, by Merrill D.

Peterson, rev., 159-60

Olwell, Carol in collaboration with

Cathy Luchetti, Women of the West,

rev., 192-95


228                                        OHIO HISTORY

Organizers: Workers Who Built Unions

1880-1980, The, by Lorin Lee Cary,


"Origins of Welfare in the States: Albert

G. Byers and the Ohio Board of

Charities," by Robert M. Mennel and

Steven Spackman, 72-95

Ormerod, Dana E. and William C.

Gates, Jr., The East Liverpool, Ohio,

Pottery District: Identification and

Marks, rev., 182-83

Outdoor (Home) Relief, 90

Out to Work: A History of Wage-Earning

Women in the United States, by Alice

Kessler-Harris, rev., 191-92

Oxford (PA), 100


PAPERS of George Washington: The

Journal of the Proceedings of the

President, 1793-1797, The, edited by

Dorothy Twohig, rev., 166-67

Papers of Ulysses S. Grant, The. Volume

9: July 17-December 31, 1863, edited

by John Y. Simon, rev., 160-61;

Volume 10: January I-May 31, 1864,

edited by John Y. Simon, rev., 161-63

Payne, Walter A., editor, Benjamin Holt:

The Story of the Caterpillar Tractor,

bk. note, 214-15

Pennsylvania, 96-146 passim

Perkins, Frances, 21, 33

Perkins, Joseph, 81, 91

Peskin, Allan, book rev., 212-13

Periodical Holdings of the Public

Libraries in Stark County, Ohio, 155

Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant,

edited with notes by E. B. Long, bk.

note, 215

Pesotta, Rose, 6-7, 25-26. Works: Bread

Upon the Waters, 6-7, 17, 36

Peterson, Merrill D., Olive Branch and

Sword: The Compromise of 1833, rev.,


Philadelphia (PA), 143

Philomathesian Society, 56

Pike County Infirmary, 84, 88

Pittsburgh (PA), 103, 128, 140

Plainfield Meeting (Quaker), 112

Plainfield Settlement (OH), 111, 121-22

Plymouth Meeting (Quaker), 121-22

Political and Constitutional Ideas of the

Court Whigs, by Reed Browning, 149

Politics of Race in New York: The

Struggle for Black Suffrage in the Civil

War Era, The, by Phyllis F. Field,

rev., 204-07

Portage County Bi-Centennial Atlas, 154

Portage Heritage, 154

Portage Hotel (Akron, OH), 25

Portrait Cast in Steel: Buckeye

International and Columbus, Ohio,

1881-1980, A, by Mansel G.

Blackford, 149; bk. note, 216

Portsmouth (OH), 82

Portsmouth Volunteer Company (Civil

War), 83

Potts, Samuel, 124, 126

Powderly, Terance V., 42, 44-47, 48

Preservation Comes of Age: From

Williamsburg to the National Trust,

1926-1949, Volumes I and II, by

Charles B. Hosmer, Jr., bk. note,


Presidencies of James A. Garfield and

Chester A. Arthur, The, by Justus D.

Doenecke, rev., 170-71

Presidential Game: The Origin of

American Presidential Politics, The,

by Richard P. McCormick, rev.,


Priest, H. M., 48-49

Prison Reform and Children's Aid

Association of Ohio, 89-91, 93

Prison reform in Ohio, 72-95 passim

Prpic, George J., Croatia and the

Coatians: A Selected and Annotated

Bibliography in English, 149

Prusha, Anne B., A History of Kirkland,

Ohio, 149

Public charity, 72-95 passim

Pugh, Evan, 136, 139

Pugh, John, 137

Pugh, Lydia (Mrs. Evan), 139

Pugh, Sally, 139

Putnam, Douglas, 81

Putnam, Rufus, 69

Pyne, Stephen J., Fire in America: A

Cultural History of Wildland and Rural

Fire, rev., 180-81

QUAKERS in early Ohio and

Pennsylvania, 96-146 passim

Quartoquecentennial of a Pride

Community: Hilliard, Ohio, 1853-1978,

by Mary W. Miller, 154

"Question of Authorship: The Ephraim

George Squier-Edwin Hamilton Davis

Controversy, A," by Terry A.

Barnhard, 52-71


RACCOON Creek, 135

Raphael, Marc L., A History of the

Index 229

Index                                                  229

United Jewish Appeal, 1939-1982, 149

Rathbun, Mary, 83

Reading (PA), 137, 140

Reading, 'Riting, and Reconstruction:

The Education of Freedmen in the

South 1861-1870, by Robert C.

Morris, rev., 210-11

Read This Only to Yourself: The Private

Writings of Midwestern Women,

1880-1910, by Elizabeth Hampsten,

rev., 196-97

Reagan, Ronald, 72

Rebellion and Riot: Popular Disorder in

England During the Reign of Edward

VI, by Barrett L. Beer, 149

Redstone (PA), 103, 105, 118, 138, 143

Redstone Meeting (Quaker), 105

Reflections, 154

Reichard, Gary W. and Robert H.

Bremner, editors, Reshaping America:

Society and Institutions, 1945-1960,

149; rev., 178

Religion and Sexuality: Three American

Communal Experiments of the

Nineteenth Century, by Lawrence

Foster, rev., 191

Republican Party in Ohio, 72-95 passim

Republican State Committee, 89

Republic of Lebanon: Nation in

Jeopardy, The, by David Gordon, 149

Reshaping America: Society and

Institutions, 1945-1960, edited by

Robert H. Bremner and Gary W.

Reichard, 149; rev., 178

Richland County Cemetery Records, 154

Richland County Infirmary, 84

Ricketts Amendments (1936 Goodyear

Strike), 29-30

Ricketts, W. H., 29-30

Righteous Remnant: The House of

David, The, by Robert S. Fogarty,

rev., 189-90

Rise of Literacy and the Common School

in the United States: A Socioeconomic

Analysis to 1870, The, by Lee Soltow

and Edward Stevens, rev., 209-10

Roberts, Harold S., The Rubber

Workers, 6-7

Roberts Rules, 30

Robinson, Edward, 63-64

Rodgers, William, 143

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 33

Rubber industry in Ohio, 6-36

Rubber Workers, The, by Harold S.

Roberts, 6-7

Russell, Laura, bk. notes, 214-18

ST. Clairs, 120

St. Clairsville (Newellstown, OH), 112-13

Salem (PA), 121-22

Satterthwaite, Joseph, 125

Schafer, Ben, 25, 28

Schlereth, Thomas J., compiler and

editor, Material Culture Studies in

America, rev., 184-86

Schuck, Ray, compiler, Minutes of

History, 154

Schurz, Carl, Carl Schurz: A Biography,

by Hans L. Trefousse, rev., 200-01

Schuylkill River, 137, 140

Schwartz, Harold, book rev., 178

Scioto River, 117, 120

Scioto Valley, 56

Sealander, Judy, As Minority Becomes

Majority: Federal Reactions to the

Phenomenon of Women in the Work

Force, 1920-1963, 149

Second District Executive Committee

(AAISW), 43, 45

Selected Bibliography of Black History

Sources at the Ohio Historical Society,


Self Help in the 1890s Depression, by H.

Roger Grant, 149

Settlement of early Ohio and

Pennsylvania, 96-146

Share, Allen J., Cities in the

Commonwealth: Two Centuries of

Urban Life in Kentucky, bk. note,


Shawnee Indians, 133

Shifting Involvements: Private Interest

and Public Action, by Albert O.

Hirschman, rev., 176-78

Shippensburg (PA), 143-45

Short Creek Meeting (Quaker), 108

Short Creek Settlement (OH), 96-146


Shroy, Lee D., 15-16, 22-28 passim,

31-33, 35

Shuttleworth, John J., 43

Sideling Hill, 101

Sign of the Bull, 100

Silliman, Robert, 59, 62

Simon, John Y., editor, The Papers of

Ulysses S. Grant. Volume 9: July

17-December 31, 1863, rev., 160-61;

editor, The Papers of Ulysses S.

Grant. Volume 10: January 1-May 31,

1864, rev., 161-63; and David L.

Wilson, editors, Ulysses S. Grant:

Essays and Documents, rev., 163-64

Sinking Fund, 78, 80


230                                        OHIO HISTORY

Sit-down strikes, 6-36

Skaggs, David Curtis, book rev., 166-67

Skyles Tavern, 141

Slavin, Morris, A Miniature View of the

French Revolution: Section Droits de

I'Homme, 1789-1795, 149

Smalley, Stephen, A Village is Born (Mt.

Washington), 154

Smith, Clifford Neal, Federal Land

Series: A Calendar of Archival

Materials on the Land Patents Issued

by the United States Government, with

Subject, Tract, & Name Indexes.

Volume 4, Part 1: Grants in the

Virginia Military District of Ohio, bk.

note, 215-26

Smith, Paul H., editor, Letters of

Delegates to Congress, 1774-1789.

Volume 6: January I-April 30, 1777,

rev., 167-69; Volume 7: May

I-September 18, 1777, rev., 167-69;

Volume 8: September 19, 1777-January

31, 1778, rev., 167-69

Smithsonian Institution, 52-71 passim

Smith, Thomas, 113

Sobers, Boyd M., book rev., 188-89

Solders' Orphans Home (Xenia, OH), 86

Soltow, Lee and Edward Stevens, The

Rise of Literacy in the Common

School in the United States: A

Socioeconomic Analysis to 1870, rev.,


Southern Honor: Ethics and Behavior in

the Old South, by Bertram Wyatt-

Brown, rev., 212-13

Spackman, Steven and Robert M.

Mennel, "Origins of Welfare in the

States: Albert G. Byers and the Ohio

Board of Charit;es," 72-95

Sparks, C. Nelson, 8, 30, 31-32, 35-36

Spoils System in Ohio, 85-86

Spread Eagle Inn, 101

Springfield (OH), 86

Squier, Catherine Kilmer (Mrs. Joel), 53

Squier, Ephraim George, "A Question of

Authorship: The Ephraim George

Squier-Edwin Hamilton Davis

Controversy," by Terry A. Barnhart,

52-71; illustrations, 60. Works:

compiler, The Chinese as They Are:

Their Moral and Social Character, By

G. Tradescent Lay, 54; "Observations

on the Fossils, Minerals, Organic

Remains, etc. Found in the Mounds

of the West," 68; and Edwin

Hamilton Davis, Ancient Monuments

of the Mississippi Valley, 52-71

Squier, Joel, 53

Stanton, Benjamin, 125

Starr, Stephen Z., book rev., 164-66

State Constitutional Convention (1873),

80, 90-91

Statlers Tavern, 141

Steele, Robert W., 82

Steel industry in Ohio, 37-51

Steers, Joseph, 107-09, 126

Sternsher, Bernard, 6

Steubenville Daily Herald, 38-39

Steubenville (OH), 133

Stevens, Edward and Lee Soltow, The

Rise of Literacy in the Common

School in the United States: A

Socioeconomic Analysis to 1870, rev.,


Stewart, "Mother" (Mrs. E. D.), 86

Stillwater, 121-22

Stillwater Creek, 109

Stone, Richard G., Jr., Kentucky

Fighting Men, 1861-1945, bk. note,


Stony Creek, 103

Story of the Restored Northampton

Center School, The, by lone Hoffman,


Stoyestown, 141

Strabismus, 56

Strall, Jonathan, 116

Strasburg (PA), 143-44

Strikes in Ohio, "The Great Goodyear

Strike of 1936," by Daniel Nelson,

6-36; "The War at Mingo Junction:

The Autonomous Workman and the

Decline of the Knights of Labor," by

Elizabeth and Kenneth Fones-Wolf,

37-51; illustrations, 27, 34

Sturnick, Judith A., book rev., 195-96

Suburb: Neighborhood and Community

in Forest Park, Ohio, 1935-1976, by

Zane L. Miller, rev., 181-82

Seubke, Grace, Tille Moyer, Allan Gray

and Rebecca Hill, compilers,

Genealogical Research Guide, 155

Sugar maple production in Ohio, 115-16

Susquehanna River, 99-100, 145

Sweetara River, 145

Szasz, Ferenc Morton, The Divided

Mind of Protestant America,

1880-1930, rev., 187-88


TAYLOR, Ann (Mrs. Jonathan), 105,

109, 126

Taylor, Jonathan, 108-09, 122

Index 231

Index                                                        231

Temperance movement, 83, 86

Third Avenue Methodist Church

(Columbus, OH), 82

Tinder, Glenn, 95

Tinman, Henry R., Just Like Old Times,

vol. 1, 154

Tire industry in Ohio, 3-36

Toledo: Gateway to the Great Lakes, by

Charles Glaab and Morgan J. Barclay,

149, 155

Townsend, Francis, 113, 115, 122-23,

125, 133-39

Townsend, Joseph, 138

Transportation and the Early Nation:

Papers Presented at an Indiana

American Revolution Bicentennial

Symposium, bk. note, 214

Trapped! The Story of Floyd Collins, by

Robert K. Murray and Roger W.

Brucker, bk. note, 218

"Travel Notes of Joseph Gibbons, 1804,

The," edited by Joseph E. Walker,


Treaty of Greene Ville, 96

Trefousse, Hans L., Carl Schurz: A

Biography, rev., 200-01

Turner, W. W., 63-64

Tuscarora Mountain, 100n13

Twohig, Dorothy, editor, The Papers of

George Washington: The Journal of

the Proceedings of the President,

1793-1797, rev., 166-67

Tyler, Jacob, 123


ULYSSES S. Grant: Essays and

Documents, edited by David L.

Wilson and John Y. Simon, rev.,


Union Humane Society, 112n60

Unions, 6-36, 37-51

Uniontown (Beeson Town, PA), 82, 104

United Nailers, 40

United Rubber Workers (URW), 6-36

United Sons of Vulcan, 40

United States Exploring Expedition, 57

Updegraf, Nathan, 115, 126

Urwin, Gregory J. W., Custer

Victorious: The Civil War Battles of

General George Armstrong Custer,

rev., 164-66

URW. See United Rubber Workers

U.S. Supreme Court, 13

Uwchlan Township (Chester County,

PA), 97


VANLOW, Mrs. Joseph, 128

Van Tine, Warren, 6

Village: A History of Germantown, Ohio,

1804-1976, The, by Carl Becker, 148

Village is Born (Mt. Washington), A, by

Stephen Smalley, 154

Volunteerism, 90

Vorse, Mary Heaton, Labor's New

Millions, 6-7, 36


WAINWRIGHT, Nicholas B., 98

Walker, Joseph E., editor, "The Travel

Notes of Joseph Gibbons, 1804,"


"War at Mingo Junction: The

Autonomous Workman and the

Decline of the Knights of Labor,

The," by Elizabeth and Kenneth

Fones-Wolf, 37-51

Warrentown (OH), 107

Washington Academy, 138

Washington, George, 101-02; The Papers

of George Washington: The Journal of

the Proceedings of the President,

1793-1797, edited by Dorothy

Twohig, rev., 166-67

Washington (PA), 105-06

Way, Caleb, 139-40

Wayne, (General) Anthony, 96, 139

Webster, Daniel, 56

Weidner, Ruth Irwin, compiler,

American Ceramics Before 1930: A

Bibliography, rev., 183-84

Weigley, Russell F., book rev., 156-57

Weihe, William, 42, 43-50

Welfare, "Origins of Welfare in the

States: Albert G. Byers and the Ohio

Board of Charities," by Robert M.

Mennel and Steven Spackman, 72-95

Wellsburg (WV). See Charlestown

West Cain Meeting (Quaker), 99

West Liberty (OH), 106

West Liberty (PA), 141

Westtown (PA), 97

Wharton, (Colonel) James F., 71n49

Wheeling Creek, 114

Wheeling Road. See Zane Trace

Wheeling (VA), 112, 113-15, 121-22, 128

White Horse Tavern, 103

Whittlesey, Charles, 56, 67, 68-69

Wilhelm Liebknecht and the Founding of

the German School Democratic Party,

by Raymond H. Dominick, III, 149

Williams, Richmond D., 98

Wills and Estate Settlements:

Washington County, 1788-1840, by

Elizabeth Cottle and Bernice


232                                        OHIO HISTORY

Graham, 155

Wilson, Conrad, 98

Williams, "Widow," 110

Wilson, David L. and John Y. Simon,

editors, Ulysses S. Grant: Essays and

Documents, rev., 163-64

Wines, Frederick, 92

Winston, Michael R. and Rayford W.

Logan, editors, Dictionaries of

American Negro Biography, 154

With Shield and Sword: American

Military Affairs, Colonial Times to the

Present, by Warren W. Hassler, Jr.,

rev., 156-57

Women of the West, by Cathy Luchetti

in collaboration with Carol Olwell,

rev., 192-95

Women's America: Refocusing the Past,

edited by Linda K. Kerber and Jane

DeHart Mathews, rev., 195-96

Wright, Joseph, 111-12

Wortman, Roy, book rev., 191-92

Wyatt-Brown, Bertram, Southern Honor:

Ethics and Behavior in the Old South,

rev., 212-13

Wyllie, Stanley Clarke, Jr., compiler, A

Guide to Genealogical Materials in the

Dayton and Montgomery County

Public Library, 154


YALE University, 59

Yellow Creek, 124

Youghiogheny (Yoxhiogeni) River, 104

Young, Mary, book rev., 179-80


ZACHER, Susan M., The Covered

Bridges of Pennsylvania: A Guide, bk.

note, 214

Zane, (Colonel) Ebenezer, 114

Zane Trace (Wheeling or Chillicothe

Road), 112