Ohio History Journal




Contributors to This Issue

H. HOLMES ELLIS is Research Associate of the Lithic

Laboratory for the Eastern United States at the Ohio State Mu-

seum, and since 1939, is Assistant Curator of Archaeology, Ohio

State Museum.

WELLINGTON G. FORDYCE, Head of the History Department

and Dean of Boys at Euclid Central High School, is a member

of Cleveland Council for American Unity and worker with im-

migrant groups in the process of Americanization.

JOHN I. KOLEHMAINEN, PH.D. in history, Western Reserve

University, 1937, is Instructor in History and Government at

Heidelberg College, Tiffin, Ohio.

LEO ALILUNAS, Instructor in American History at the Kem-

per Military School, Boonville, Missouri, is working on a PH.D.

in history at the University of Michigan.

CHARLES G. MILLER, has studied in Europe and is now study-

ing at the University of California and tutoring in physical



of Dr. Daniel Drake, graduate of the University of Cincinnati and

Radcliffe College, has specialized in the social history of the Middle


FRANK ANKENBRAND, JR., is Historian of the Vineland

(New Jersey) Historical Society and joint editor of its Quarterly


*  *  *


Reprints of any paper published in the OHIO STATE ARCH-


contributor. Estimate of the cost will be furnished on request,

which should be made to the editor before the issue containing

the article is to be published.






A Correction

The statistical tables appearing on pages 14, 17 and 22 of the January-

March issue of the QUARTERLY, in "The People of Ohio's First County,"

by Wayne Jordan, contain a number of inaccuracies due to a misapprehension

of the Assistant Editor who took the liberty of changing the totals without

consulting the author. The Editorial Staff of the QUARTERLY apologizes to

the author, and herewith publishes the corrected tables, which members of

the Society, and subscribers receiving the QUARTERLY, are to remove and

paste over the pages involved. The tables are printed in the following

order: the first table will correct page 14; the second will correct page 17,

and the third will correct page 22.

Ohio Company Area            Va.        Md.        Ky.    N.C.        Tenn.    La.   Total48

Adams ..............     48                             13              ..                   ..               ..                 ..                 61

Aurelius      ............                                81              20                ..               ..                 ..                 ..                102

Barlow         ..............                              66              8                   1               ..                 ..                 ..                75

Belpre     ..............               155       13          4                      2    1             1           176

Decatur .............    96                             4                 1                   1               ..                          ..                    102

Fearing  .............   14                             8                 ..                   ..               ..                          ..                    22

Harmar .............     87                             13              ..                                    ..                 1                ..                104

Marietta, 1st Ward...            108       12          3                      ..    2             2           129

Marietta, 2nd Ward...           76         23          16                    ..    1             1           123

Marietta Twp. .......                                132            6                   ..               ..                 ..                 4                143

Roxbury      ............                                62              15                1               1                 ..                 ..                79

Salem            ...............                             26              15                3               ..                 ..                 ..                44

Union ...............    34                             4                 1                   ..               1                         ..                    42

Warren   .............                167       15          2                      4    2             1           193

Waterford    ..........                                  69              23                7               ..                 ..                 ..                106

Watertown ..........                                  83              5                   1               ..                 1                ..                90

Wesley ..............   83                             15              ..                   3               ..                          ..                    103


Total........ 1,387  212       40          11       9                9     1,694


Seven Ranges

Grandview ...........                                 148            29                1       ..                                 ..        ..          179

Independence  ........                              79              12                ..                                  ..                 ..          ..    92

Jolly ................      81                             41              2                   ..               ..                 ..                             125

Lawrence   ...........                                 34              7                   1               ..                 ..       ..        43

Liberty ..............   71                             27              1                                    ..                 ..                 ..                             99

Ludlow   ............. 68                             27              ..                   ..                                           ..        ..          98

Newport ............  142                          14              1                   1               ..                 ..                             158


Total........ 623     157       6                       1           0    0                 794

County Total 2,010           369        46                    12  9             9           2,488

Ohio   Company                  Ger-              Ire-          Eng-                      Scot-               Can-

Area                          many             land                 land                      land       ada60        Wales         Total61

Adams ...........           93                    10                 4                   ..                             2                          ..                           109

Aurelius ..........                            18                      8                   51           1                   2                      ..                   85

Barlow       ...........                       1                     4              12             120               ..              ..                  137

Belpre         ...........                       9                     17                     7                    64                5                      ..                   102

Decatur ..........         2                       10                 2                   ..                    ..                   ..               14

Fearing       ..........     376                  2                   29                 10                          ..          ..               417

Harmar        ...........                       28                      15                 7                    ..                   1                      ..                   53

Marietta, 1st Ward                         100              34                 44                 ..                   1                                   1      190

Marietta, 2nd Ward                  207                    42                 29                 9                   6                      1                   296

Marietta Twp. ....                       33                      18                 16                 14                4                      ..                   87

Roxbury            .........                        2                   2                   6                    3                   ..               ..                   17

Salem          ............   200                  9                   8                   6                    1                       12               236

Union .........              141                  64                 4                   5                    4                       ..                  218

Warren    ..........                            27                      12                 7                    11                1              ..                   58

Waterford ........                            6                     24                     5                    7                   2              ..                   52

Watertown  .......                         41                      10                 18                 20                1              ..                   90

Wesley ...........          1                       17                 2                   7                    3                       ..                  30


Total   ......  1,285       298                    251              277               33                    14               2,191

Seven Ranges

Grandview      ........                         25                 16                 20                 ..                   1              ..                   69

Independence .......                     5                     14                     16                 ..                   ..               ..                   82

Jolly  .............            29                    14                 10                 ..                    ..                       ..                  53

Lawrence    ........                        56                      6                   14                 2                   2              ..                   80

Liberty ...........         123                  6                   6                   6                    1                   ..               142

Ludlow      ...........                       7                     21                     3                    ..                   1              ..                   36

Newport           .........                        32                 9                   21                 1                   1              2                  68


Total  ......                      324                    86                 90                 9                   6              2                  530

County Total              1,609            384                  341               286              39                                16                           2,721


New              Middle                                             For-     Un-

Ohio Co. Area            Ohio   England                  States                South             West eign     known90  Total

Adams ..............         964              46                   106                    61     ....                  109          7           1,293

Aurelius       ............                      918                 32                      102                102               3                      85                 8                                              1,250

Barlow         .............  707              33                       109                75                  1                   137           ....    1,062

Belpre          .............. 1,096          61                   174                    176                9                   102                  4           1,622

Decatur .............                            519                 19                      68                  102               1               14                 84    807

Fearing         .............                     697                     9                    77                  22     ....                         417               2      1,254

Harmar        .............   637            90                   125                    104                1                   52             ....    1,010

Marietta, 1st Ward..                      916                 116                    188                129               2               190  ....         1,541

Marietta, 2nd Ward..                     870                 160                    170                123               11                    296               4                                              1,634

Marietta Twp .........   669                                     79                      84                  143               2               87                 5                              1,069

Roxbury       ............                      26  83                  127                79                  2                   17                    9           1,093

Salem           ...............                         807            45                      107                44                 3               236               4                              1,246

Union ...............          760              39                   100                    42                  1                   218                  5           1,165

Warren        ............   909                   68              228                    193                                     2               58                 3     1,461

Waterford          ..........                  1,256              96                      164                106               8                      52                 8                      1,690

Watertown ..........                          982                 62                      147                90                 1               90                 2      1,374

Wesley ..............        1,134           16                   269                    103                5                   30                    3           1,560

Total ........  14,667         1,031                  2,345             1,694                      52        2,191        148  22,131

Seven Ranges

Grandview   ..........                        709                     5                    184                179               8                      69         ....    1,154

Independence ........                       474                 14                      66                  92     ....            82         ....                 728

Jolly  ................          641              3                     183                    125                7                   53                    2           1,014

Lawrence           ...........                      594                7                    84                  43                 1               80                 5      814

Liberty         .............  859                   5                    113                99     ....                  142          5                  1,223

Ludlow         ..............                          790            10                      109                98                 2               36                 6                              1,051

Newport ............                           941                 50                      191                158               1               68                 16    1,425

Total ..........    5,008           94                   930                             794                19            530              34         7,409

Count    Total..                    19,675            1,128                 3,275                      2,488       71         2,721            182  29,540




Including the Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Ohio State

Archaeological and Historical Society, the Ninth Annual Meeting

of the Ohio Academy of History and the Ninth Annual Meeting

of the Columbus Genealogical Society, Held at Columbus, April

4-6, 1940, in Cooperation with Ohio State University, the Com-

mittee on Archives and Medical History of the Ohio State Arch-

aeological and Historical Society, and Local Historical Societies

throughout the State.


Columbus Genealogical Society Annual Dinner Session,

6:30 P. M., April 4, Athletic Club,

Frank A. Livingston, Presiding


The opening session of the 1940 Ohio History Conference

was held Thursday evening, April 4, at the Athletic Club in

Columbus, Ohio, the occasion being the ninth annual dinner of

the Columbus Genealogical Society. Mr. Frank A. Livingston,

president of the society, presided at the dinner.

After welcoming the guests, Mr. Livingston spoke briefly of

the genealogical society, its program, history, and activities.

He was followed by Miss Helen E. Swisher, one of the editors

of the Ohio Genealogical Quarterly, who identified the persons

attending the banquet and introduced those at the speakers' table:

Harlow Lindley, Secretary, Editor and Librarian of the Ohio

State Archaeological and Historical Society; Mrs. Harlow Lindley;

Frank A. Livingston; Mrs. Frank A. Livingston; Mrs. Harry B.

Longsworth, Secretary of the Allen County Historical and Arch-

aeological Society, Lima, Ohio; Dr. George W. Rightmire, Presi-

dent-Emeritus of the Ohio State University. Miss Swisher led

the group in the singing of several folk-songs.

Mr. Livingston introduced Dr. Rightmire who spoke on

"Does Blood Tell? What's in a Name?" He began his address

