Ohio History Journal

Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting 579

Thirty-Ninth Annual Meeting            579


is evidenced by the registration list, which has been as follows,

for the year ending Sept. 1st, 1924, viz.:

September ..... 1147         April .......... 175

October ....... 413             May   .......... 1173

November ..... 169                                   June .......... 1092

December ...... 128            July .......... 1522

January        .......              35                  August ........ 2108

February       ......               14

March ......... 177                     Total .... 8153

The Maximum Sunday attendance was ........ 245

The maximum week day attendance was........ 160

The average daily attendance was..............  24

The maximum monthly attendance was......... 2108

The average monthly attendance was........... 679

It is proper to call attention to the fact that there are many

visitors who do not register, so that the total attendance is much

greater than that shown above.

We wish here to record our acknowledgment to the Fremont

Federation of Women's Clubs for their voluntary services in

connection with our "open house" on every Sunday afternoon

during the summer season.

Accompanying this report is the budget for the fiscal years

ending June 30th, 1926 and 1927 as prepared and recommended

by your Committee.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) W. J. SHERMAN,


On motion the report was approved and ordered

placed on file.


The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. John R. Horst,

read the report as follows:

Your committee on "Early Ohio School Books" beg to re-

port progress made by the committee as follows: --

At the call of the chairman of the committee, the commit-

tee met at the office of the chairman, Eight East Broad Street,

in the city of Columbus, on the eighth day of May, 1924, at the

hour of two o'clock in the afternoon.

On motion, Jerry Dennis was chosen secretary of the com-

mittee, with duties such as usually pertain to that office,

580 Ohio Arch

580       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

Thereupon, the scope of the work of the committee was dis-

cussed informally. The ends to be attained and the methods to

be pursued to attain these ends, too, received attention. How-

ever, no definite conclusions were reached, or plan, or plans,

adopted, it being the opinion of the members present that time

would aid in the determination of these matters.

Your chairman appointed Miss Alice Boardman, of the com-

mittee, to look up and make memoranda of the material to be

found in the Ohio State Library relating to descriptions of the

exterior and interior of the school houses of the pioneers of the

state, including descriptions of the furnishings, decorations, and

contents of such school houses.

The Honorable D. M. Massie, of the committee, was ap-

pointed to make a collection of the works, particularly of the

school text books, of Dr. Thomas C. Mendenhall, deemed by

your committee to be worthy of preservation by the Society.

To Mr. Jerry Dennis, of the committee, was assigned the

work of collecting text books on arithmetic and grammar that

were in use in the schools of the early settlements of the state.

He already has an interesting collection of these books; but

your committee has not passed on them finally, and they are

therefore not yet in place in the Museum of the Society.

Judge David Davis, of Cincinnati, Ohio, has been solicited to

make a collection of the text books written and published by Dr.

Alfred Holbrook of the National Normal University of

Lebanon, Ohio. Judge Davis accepted this task and has been

actively at work. He has forwarded to your committee a num-

ber of these text books, the copies being in excellent condition.

Your chairman, not only as chairman of your committee

but also as chairman of the McGuffey Memorial Alcove Com-

mittee of the McGuffey Society of Columbus, Ohio, is persist-

ing in his efforts to collect a complete set, all copyrights, of the

McGuffey Readers. These McGuffey Readers are to be pre-

sented by the McGuffey Society, with appropriate ceremonies, to

this Society. He has, at the date hereof, about sixty volumes

for this purpose, many of them old and rare, difficult to find.

The work of your committee has only just begun. Your

chairman is of the opinion that it will take long and persistent

efforts to make even a fair collection of "Early Ohio School

Books". However, the work is fascinating and there will al-

ways be some one to carry it on.

Respectfully submitted,

(Signed) JOHN R. HORST,


The report was received and ordered placed on file.