Ohio History Journal




Deshler-Wallick Hotel

Columbus, Ohio

April 9, 1948


The Ohio Academy of History met in Columbus April 9, 1948,

in connection with the Ohio College Association. The morning

session opened at 10 A. M. with Clayton S. Ellsworth of the

College of Wooster presiding. Two papers were given: "The Name

of the Holy Roman Empire," by Richard G. Salomon of Kenyon

College, and "The Good Neighbor Policy," by Arvid T. Johnson of

the University of Toledo.

Forty members attended the luncheon conference at 12:30,

presided over by Hastings Eells of Ohio Wesleyan University, presi-

dent of the academy. Harold J. Grimm of the Ohio State Univer-

sity spoke on the subject "German Historiography during the Nazi

Regime." Professor Eells also presided over the afternoon session,

at which two papers were given: "History in the General Education

Course," by Benjamin H. Pershing of Wittenberg College, and

"Publications in Ohio History," by James H. Rodabaugh of the

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society.

Thirty seven members attended the business meeting at 3:30.

The minutes of Secretary William D. Overman of the meeting of

April 24, 1947, were read and approved without amendment. His

report as treasurer was also read and approved. The report of the

auditing committee, composed of Stanton Ling Davis, chairman,

Phillip R. Shriver, and Donald P. Gavin attested the figures of the


The report of the committee on awards, composed of Francis

P. Weisenburger, chairman, H. Clyde Hubbart, and William J.

McNiff, selected Earl S. Pomeroy of the Ohio State University for

the annual award of the academy. His book upon which the award





was based is entitled Territories of the United States, 1861-1890,

published in 1947 by the Albert J. Beveridge Memorial Fund of

the American Historical Association.

The committee on nominations (Albert T. Volwiler, chairman,

Harold J. Grimm, and William T. Utter) presented the following

slate of officers:

For president, George F. Howe, Historical Division, Depart-

ment of the Army; for vice president, Stanton Ling Davis, Case

Institute of Technology; for secretary-treasurer, James H. Roda-

baugh. The report of the committee was approved, and on motion

of A. Sellew Roberts of Kent University the secretary was instructed

to cast a unanimous ballot for the nominees.

Following is the report of a special committee on resolutions

which was accepted by a standing vote of all members:

We, as members of the Ohio historical guild, living and working as we

do in three distinct larger areas of the state and several smaller ones, scattered

as we are in a score of educational institutions, and belonging, as many of

us do, to historical associations of a national or regional nature, face the

danger of divided professional allegiance.

All praise, therefore, is due those of our leaders who through the decades

have urged us to cooperative effort, and have worked to bring unity and higher

morale to our profession in Ohio.

One remembers how, back in the nineteen twenties, members of the

History faculty of Ohio State University called some of us together in a series

of history teachers' conferences; how, in the early thirties, David R. Moore

of Oberlin College, and Harold E. Davis of Hiram College, and others, led in

the movement to form this Academy; how Harlow Lindley and others effected

for several years a union of the Academy and the Ohio State Archaeological

and Historical Society in the form of the Ohio History Conference; how

informal fraternal feeling was fostered by Arthur C. Cole of Western Reserve

University and others, in our pleasant sojourns on the shores of Lake Erie,

on the beautiful campus of Kenyon College, and at Kent State University.

Today a warm testimonial of faithful service and unremitting devotion

is due another of our coordinators, Dr. William D. Overman, formerly Curator

of History of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, now

Librarian and Archivist of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company of

Akron, Ohio.

Dr. Overman has been the Secretary of the Ohio Academy of History

almost continuously since 1935. Around him the Academy has radiated; he

has given continuity and direction to our efforts; year after year he has


OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY                       313


briefed us and told us where to go and what to do. Year by year presidents

of the Academy have come and gone, but his office has provided for us, as it

were, a permanent secretariat. As to his personal qualities, any formal

resolution would fail to express the warmth of admiration we feel for Bill's

modesty, integrity, and stability. We yield reluctantly to his valid personal

request to be relieved of the duties of the office.

It is fitting, also, that we should at this time formally recognize the

debt the Ohio Academy owes to the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

Society for releasing enough of Dr. Overman's time to enable him to serve in

this capacity, and for furnishing free stenographic service and postage. This

organization has in many other ways encouraged historical work. We urge

that the office of Secretary of the Academy be held permanently by someone

in this centrally located society.

The committee moves that this testimonial be adopted by the Academy,

be signed by the President, and that a copy be sent to Dr. Overman by mail,

and that another copy be filed with our minutes.

(Signed) H. C. Hubbart

(Signed) Stanton Ling Davis


On motion of Albert T. Volwiler, the secretary was instructed

to forward a copy of the above resolution to Erwin C. Zepp, director

of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, in recog-

nition of Dr. Overman's services for the academy during his

employment by the society.

Respectfully submitted,

