Ohio History Journal





Contributors to This Issue.

Miss LOUISE RAU is assistant editor of the Burton Historical

Collection in the Detroit Public Library.

DR. DAVID A. TUCKER, JR., is professor of the history of

medicine in the College of Medicine of the University of Cin-



Reprints of any paper published in the Ohio State Archaeo-

logical and Historical QUARTERLY may be obtained by the con-

tributor. Estimates of the cost will be furnished on request, and

requests should be made to the editor before the issue containing

the article is published.


Some recent publications of the Society are:

The History of Educational Legislation in Ohio from 1851 to

1925, by Nelson L. Bossing. 1930. 324p. Paper, $.75; cloth,


George Rogers Clark's Conquest of the Illinois and the

Wabash Towns, 1778 and 1779, by Consul Wilshire Butterfield.

815p. $1.50.

Education in Territorial Ohio, by W. Ross Dunn. 1926. 60p.


Archaeological History of Ohio, by Gerard Fowke, 748p.


Expedition of Celoron to the Ohio Country in 1749, edited by

C. B. Galbreath. 140p. $.50.

An Interpretation of the Life and Poetry of Coates Kinney,

by Debora May MacNeilan. 1931. 88p. Paper, $.50; cloth,






Ohio Historical Collections of the Ohio State Archaeological

and Historical Society. 1930-1935. 4v. Cloth, per volume $2.50.

The titles in this series are:

Vol. 1: Party Politics in Ohio, 1840-1850, by Edgar

Allan Holt. 1930. 449p. Cloth, $2.50.

Vol. 2: Chase and Civil War Politics, by Donnal V.

Smith. 1931. 181p. Cloth, $2.50.

Vol. 3: Frontier Ohio, 1788-1803, by Randolph C.

Downes. 1935. 280p. Cloth, $2.50.

Vol. 4: Robert Hamilton Bishop, by James H. Roda-

baugh. 1935. 216p. Cloth, $2.50.

Science Bulletins of the Ohio State Archaeological and His-

torical Society, Natural History Department.

Number 1: Short Paper on Ohio Birds. 79p. $1.00.

Number 2: A Preliminary Annotated List of the Rob-

ber Flies of Ohio, by Stanley W. Bromley. 19p. $.50.

A Life of Charles Hammond, by Francis P. Weisenburger.

1934. 91p. Paper, $.60.

A complete list of publications will be sent free on request;

also see pages 510-514 of this issue.