Ohio History Journal








Archaeological and Historical  Society;                                           gifts to Museum, 623-624; list of ac-

holds  Annual Meeting, 607; urges                                            cessions, 624-629; the Seip Mound,

completion of Building, 607-608; need                                      630; American Anthropological Asso-

for expansion of Building, 656-658.                                          ciation, Central section, at the Mu-

Archives, Committee on, appointed, 608.                                         seum, 630; re-elected, 668.

Donahue, Judge M. H., 651.

Bareis, George F., motions by, 603, 608,    Dryer, Mrs. Orson D., 637.

667, 668; on Nominating Committee,

633; reports for Museum    Committee,    Eaton, Starling L., 620-621, 669.

647-648, for Nominating Committee,

650; captain of second Tour, 651; re-                               Fallen  Timbers, Battlefield  of, Report

marks by, 666; re-elected first Vice-                                        on, 640.

President, 668.                                                                    Fickel, B. M., 669.

Beecher family, 663.                                                                 First daguerreotype west of Alleghanies,

Benedict, P. A., 669.                                                                          662.

Big Bottom Park, Report on, 654.                                              First photographs west of A'leghanies,

Binning, M. B., 669.                                                                           662.

Books, Early Ohio school--, Report on                                      Fischer, Marjorie, 669.

631.                                                                                     Florence, Gen. George, reports on Logan

Bowsher, Hon. T. E., 655.                                                                  Elm Park, 652-653.

Brokaw, Enfield, reports on Big Bottom                                    Fort Amanda, Report on, 655.

Park, 654.                                                                            Fort Ancient, Report on, 631-632.

Bruner, Wilbur, 669.                                                                  Fort Laurens, Report on, 648-649.

Building Committee, Report of, 656-660.                                  Fort Meigs, Report on, 639.

Fort Miami, Report on, 639-640.

Campus Martius, Report on, 653-654.                                       Fort St. Clair, Report on, 634-637.

Cathcart, Wallace H., quoted, 608.                                           Fowke, Gerard, 618.

Cole, W. H., reports on Serpent Mound                                    Furniss, Dr. E. C., captain of first Tour,

Park, 633-634.                                                                            651; reports on Publications, 654-655.

Cotton, Willia D., reports on Campus

Martius, 653-654.                                                               Galbreath, Charles B., annual report as

Crabbe, Clara H., 669.                                                                       Secretary, 539-543; visits properties

"Cridland, Thomas W.," 661-664.                                                      of the Society, 608; at dedication of

Curry,   Col.  W. L., reports on    Fort                                                Fort St. Clair monument, 635; reports

Laurens, 648-649.                                                                      on Fort Amanda Park, 655; re-elected

Secretary, Editor and Librarian, 668.

Davis, Alice S., 669.                                                                   Goodman, Joseph    C., 608; reports on

Director, Report   of, 618-631; work of                                            Tours and Membership, 650-652; at

cabinet-maker, 619-620; of superinten-                                    Trustee's meeting, 667; remarks by,

dent, 620-622; World    war trophies,                                        667-668.

621-622; work  of Curator of arch-                                   Goodwin, Howard R., work of, 623-629;

aeology, 622, of natural history, 622-                                        re-elected  Registrar  and  Honorary

623; of Registrar, 623-629; outstanding                                     Curator of mineralogy, 669.


694 Index

694                                    Index


Hart, Elmer, 669.                                                                       Miller, O. F., 669.

Hayes, Col. Webb C., 633, re-elected trus-                              Mills, Helen M., 669.

tee, 650.                                                                              Mills, William  C., Annual report as Di-

Hine, James S., work      of, 622-623; re-                                         rector, 618-631; mentioned, 660; re-

elected Curator of natural history, 669.                                    elected Director, 668.

669.                                                                                     Mound City Group, Report on, 640-645.

Historical Societies, Report of, 631.                                          Museum: Report of Director, 618-631;

report  of   Committee   on, 647-648;

John, Alfred L., 669.                            need for more room, 660.

Johnson, Arthur C., Chairman of Annual

Meeting, 603; urges completion      of    Necrology, Report on, 645-646.

Building, 607; remarks by, 618, 633,

634, 638, 648, 649, 655, 664-665, 667;                             Ohio History Day, 633.

re-elected President, 668.                                                  Orton, Gen. Edward, Jr., 633; re-elected

Jones, Richard J., 664-665.                                                                trustee,  650;  reports  on   Building

Jones, Mrs. Richard J., (nee Miss Mabel                                           Committee, 656-660; re-elected second

Wagnalls), 664-665.                                                                  Vice-President, 668.

Justice, Charles W., Secretary of Annual                                  Ortt, Major W. H., 634-635.

Meeting of Society, 604; reports on

Necrology, 645-646.                       Pershing, Prof. B. H., 666.

Prince, Benjamin F., reports on Fort

Kettering, C. F., 647.                           Ancient, 631-632.

Publications, Report on, 654-655.

Lash, Harry D., 648.

Lazenby, Elusina, 635-636.                                                        Sargent, Winthrop, collection    of mss.,

Library  Committee, 608; appoints sub-                                            606; presented to the Society, 665-666;

committee   on   preserving  archives,                                      paper on, 666.

608.                                                                                      Sargent, Winthrop, VII, 606; letter from,

Library of the Society; additions, 604-                                              607; presents manuscripts to Society,

606; newspapers, 604-605; manuscripts,                                   665-666.

605-606, 609; need for expansion, 605,                             Sater, Judge John E., 651.

657-658, 660.                                                                      School-books, Early Ohio, Report on, 631.

Lincoln, Abraham, Photograph of, 664.                                     Secretary, Report of, 539-543: additions

Logan Elm    Park, Report on, 652-653.                                            to Library, 604; newspaper collection,

604-605; need for more space, 605;

McCann, R. R., 669.                                                                           manuscript collection, 605-606; urges

McGrane, Reginald C., 606.                                                              indexing of publications of Society,

McGuffey collection, 631.                                                                 608; visits properties of the Society,

McKinley, Mary, 669.                                                                        608; reports acquisition  of priceless

McKinney, Walter D., presents painting                                           manuscript, 609; reports on new life

to Society, 661; address on Thomas                                           members, 646-647; casts ballot for elec-

W. Cridland, 661-664.                                                                tion of three trustees, 650; remarks

McPherson, H. R., motion by, by, 604; on                                         by 665-666; re-elected Secretary, Edi-

Nominating Committee, 633; reports                                         tor and Librarian, 668.

on Fort St. Clair, 634-637, on Histor-                                 Serpent Mound Park, Report on, 633-634.

ical Societies, 637.                                                              Sherman, W. J., reports on Fort Meigs,

Fort Miami and Fallen Timbers, 639-

Manuscripts in Library: John Brown (ad-                                         640.

ditional), 605-606; Allen G. Thurman;                               Shetrone, Harry C., work of, 622; meets

Winthrop Sargent, 606-607; to be ar-                                        with accident, 622; reports on Mound

ranged, 608; important acquisition,                                           City Group, 640-645; re-elected Cura-

609.                                                                                             tor of archaeology, 669.

Meeker, Claude, gift from, 607.                                                 Siders, Frank, 669.

Members, Roll of, present, 603; list of                                       Siebert, Mae, 607.

new   life members; 646-647; roll of,                                 Siebert, Wilbur H., motion by, 608; chair-

present, at Trustees' Meeting, 667.                                             man committee on Archives, 608.

Index 695

Index                                      695


Simpson, Harold G., 603, 605, 669.                                                  Trustees, re-elected, 650; roll of mem-

Smith, George B., remarks by, 666-667.                                           bers at Annual Trustees' meeting,

Spetnagel, A. C., reports on Mound City                                           667; more frequent meetings urged,

Group, 640-645; on Tours Committee,                                      668.


Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 663.                 Waite, J. S., 619-620, 669.

Waite, Winnie G., 669.

Thompson, Dr. William  O.,  633;  re-                                              Wallace, Guy, 633.

elected trustee, 650.                                                                   Wood, Edwin     F., Annual report      as

Thurman, Hon. Allen G., 606.                                                           Treasurer, 609-618; on    Nominating

Tours and Membership Committees, Re-                                          Committee, 633; remarks by, 637, 668;

port on, 650-652.                                                                        re-elected Treasurer, 668.

Treasurer, Report of, 609-618.                                                         Wright, Orville, 647-648.