Ohio History Journal

Notes and Queries

Notes and Queries



The 38th Annual Missouri Valley History Conference will be held in

Omaha, Nebraska, March 9-11, 1995. For information about the conference,

contact: Dale Gaeddert, Chair MVHC, University of Nebraska at Omaha,

Omaha, Nebraska 68182.


The 1995 Western Historical Association Meeting, will be held October

11-14, 1995, in Denver, Colorado. For details write to: the Western History

Association, University of New Mexico, 1080 Mesa Vista Hall, Albuquerque,

New Mexico 87131-1181; or phone (505) 277-5234.


A call for papers has been issued for a conference to be held June 9-11,

1995, at Youngstown State University, on the subject "Working Class

Lives/Working Class Studies." An interdisciplinary exploration of working

class life and culture in American by both academic and non-academic

workers, the conference will examine personal experiences and social and po-

litical strategies of the American working class from the past to the present as

well as the practical directions working class life may take in the future.

Conference organizers seek academic and non-academic papers, artwork, fic-

tion, poetry, and other representations of American working class life and

culture for both formal and informal presentations, discussion, and/or perfor-

mance. Possible areas for exploration include literature of and by the work-

ing class, social history, material culture, journalism, art, ethnography, biog-

raphy, autobiography, and personal narrative accounts of work. Presenters

should send 250-500 word abstracts describing their project with suggestions

for format presentation to: Bill Mullen and Linda Strom in the English

Department, or Janet Ore in the History Department, Youngstown State

University, Youngstown, Ohio 44555-0001.      E-mail address is:

linkon@unixl.cc.ysu.edu. Panel session proposals are also welcome.

Deadline for proposals is January 15, 1995.


The Center of North American Studies at the University of Alcala de

Henares welcomes contributions to Revista Espanola de Estudios

Norteamericanos (REDEN or the Spanish Journal of North American

Studies) in any area of American Studies. The journal's principal aim is to

provide a forum for a wide variety of approaches to the study of American

Culture and Society, past and present. Submissions may be written in either

Spanish or English, should be twenty-thirty pages in length (double-spaced),

should follow the guidelines of The MLA Style Manual, and should include an

abstract of no more than one hundred word in length. For further informa-

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Notes and Queries                                            201


tion, contact: Revista Espaiola de Estudios Norteamericanos, Jose Antonio

Gurpegui, Centro de Estudios Norteamericanos, Universidad de Alcala de

Henares, c/ Libreros 13, 28801 Alcala de Henares-Madrid (Spain).


Grants ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 for scholars of all disciplines whose

work examines the Irish-American experience are available from The Irish

American Cultural Institute (IACI), an educational foundation based in St.

Paul, Minnesota. For further information write to The Irish American

Cultural Institute, 2115 Summit Avenue, #5026, St. Paul, Minnesota 55105,

or phone (612) 962-6040. Proposals treating the Irish in the Midwest or New

York are especially encouraged.


The Association of One-Name Studies (AONS), started in 1984, encour-

ages the exchange of genealogical ideas and information in an effort to aid re-

searchers and avoid unnecessary duplication of work previously done. The

Association maintains a register of One-Name Studies that is published in a

quarterly newsletter and an annual journal. Besides the register each newslet-

ter contains valuable articles relevant to One-Name Studies. For details about

the newsletter and the AONS write to the Association of One-Name Studies,

57 West South Temple, Suite 300, Salt Lake City, Utah 84101.


The Library of Congress has recently published The African-American

Mosaic: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black

History and Culture. This 300-page volume provides an extensive overview

of the Library's vast holdings on the African-Americans experiences, ranging

from bibliographies on slavery and discographies of contemporary recordings

to descriptions of television documentaries on the civil rights era and portray-

als of African-Americans in popular films. Debra Newman Ham, a specialist

in Afro-American history and culture in the Manuscript Division at the

Library of Congress, compiled and edited the volume, incorporating informa-

tion provided by seven other specialists familiar with the collections. Copies

may be ordered for $24.00 each from the Superintendent of Documents, P.O.

Box 371954, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15250-7954. Please be sure to men-

tion the stock number, S/N 030-000-00254-7, when ordering.


Historic Archaeological Research, Inc., recently published the first in a

planned series of five or six booklets in conjunction with the Fort Recovery

and Greeneville Bicentennial Committee. Archaeology of Prophetstown,

Greeneville, Ohio, 1805-1808, by Richard Green, Tony DeRegnaucourt, and

Larry Hamilton, is a fifty-page historical and archaeological study which sells

for $5.95 plus $1.55 per booklet for shipping. To order, phone (513) 692-

8669, or write to Historic Archaeological Research, Inc., 106 North Street,

Arcanum, Ohio 45304.