Ohio History Journal

Minutes of the Meeting of the

Minutes of the Meeting of the

Ohio Academy of History,

Columbus, April 8, 1961




THE OHIO ACADEMY of History held its twenty-eighth annual meeting

at the Ohio State Museum on April 8, 1961.

Two concurrent sessions were held in the morning and two in the

afternoon. Robert L. Gilmore of Ohio University presided over the

Latin American history section, at which Father Charles E. Ronan, S.J.,

of Xavier University delivered a paper entitled "Clavigero, Eighteenth

Century Voice of America," and Hugh M. Hamill, Jr., of Ohio Wesleyan

University spoke on "The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Origins of

Mexican Nationalism." A discussion of these two papers was led by

John Te Paske of Ohio State University and Charles Ameringer of

Bowling Green State University. The session devoted to Ohio history

was chaired by Eugene Roseboom of Ohio State University. Papers

were read by George J. Ruppel of the University of Dayton on "Another

View of Governor Donahey," and by Sam E. Salem of Case Institute

on "Newton D. Baker's Cleveland Career, 1901-1916." H. Landon

Warner of Kenyon College and Alan D. Harper of Ohio State University

carried the discussion of these topics. Louis Filler of Antioch College

acted as chairman of the session on American history. Papers entitled

"Jefferson's Foreign Policy and Napoleon's Ideologues," by Lawrence

S. Kaplan of Kent State University, and "The London Press and the

First Decade of American Independence," by Charles R. Ritcheson of

Kenyon College, were followed by a discussion opened by Robert Seager

II of Denison University and Jack P. Greene of Western Reserve Uni-

versity. The final session, devoted to the field of European history, was

once again chaired by John Hall Stewart of Western Reserve Univer-

sity. "Russia's Primary Industrial Revolution, 1835-1860: A Considera-

tion and a Critique of a Theory" was the subject of a study by Alfred A.

Skerpan of Kent State University, and "Hitler's First Twelve Hours in


OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY                255


Power (30 January 1933)" were documented by Robert E. Neil of

Oberlin College. Michael S. Pap of John Carroll University and William

J. Darcy of Capital University served as discussants.

The annual luncheon at the Ohio Union was attended by an overflow

crowd of 120 persons and was presided over by Wilfred E. Binkley,

president of the Academy. Lawrence S. Kaplan, representing the Com-

mittee on Awards, presented the 1960 Certificate of Award for Historical

Achievement to Harvey Wish of Western Reserve University for his

book The American Historian, and Dean Everett Walters of Ohio State

University outlined for the membership the program of the Advisory

Committee of Historians to the Ohio Civil War Centennial Commission.

The luncheon session was concluded with an address by Lynn W.

Turner, president of Otterbein College, entitled "The Birth of a Nation."

The business meeting of the Academy was held following the luncheon.

Hilmar Grimm expressed his appreciation to the members of the pro-

gram committee and the speakers, and Lawrence Kaplan addressed

similar remarks to the members of the Awards committee. Speaking for

the Finance committee, William Keener advised the members that the

Academy's financial position could be maintained by continuing a modest

registration fee at the Spring meeting and by further encouraging mem-

bers to pay their dues by sending an annual statement. This report was


The Committee on Standards presented an extensive report which the

Academy chose to submit to the entire membership for approval. Several

members expressed the view that a position taken by the entire organiza-

tion would prove more forceful than a committee report, and the Secre-

tary was requested to prepare the report for balloting.

H. Landon Warner rose to present the following Amendment to the

Constitution of the Academy for consideration:


To Amend Article VI:

Section 5. The first President serving under this amendment shall

appoint a Committee on Historical Societies and Archives, composed of

six members of the Academy, two members of which shall be appointed

for three years, two members for two years, and two members for one

year. Each succeeding President shall appoint two members for the

three-year term. Each President shall name one of the six members

chairman of the committee for one year. It shall be the duty and re-

sponsibility of this committee to consider, observe, receive reports or

complaints on, and investigate the standards of historical societies and

archives in the state, with particular regard for programs, methods and

procedures, qualifications, working conditions, and salaries. The com-




mittee shall report from time to time its activities, findings, and recom-

mendations to the President and the Executive Committee, and shall

present a report at the annual meeting of the Academy.

The amendment was adopted by unanimous vote.

The Committee on Nominations presented the following slate of offi-

cers for 1961-1962 and moved its adoption:


For president--William L. Wannemacher, Kent State University

For vice president--Raymond W. Bixler, Ashland College

For secretary-treasurer--Kenneth W. Duckett, Ohio Historical



The motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Duane D. Smith, speaking on behalf of the University of Toledo,

extended an invitation to the Academy to hold its Fall meeting at that

institution. The invitation was gratefully accepted.

Finally, President Binkley thanked his fellow officers and members

of the various committees for their cooperation during his tenure, after

which the meeting was adjourned.

Committee on Program: Hilmar G. Grimm, Capital University,

chairman; John Huckaby, Denison University; Robert H. Bremner,

Ohio State University.

Committee on Awards: Lawrence H. Kaplan, Kent State University,

chairman; Frank L. Esterquest, Western College for Women; Irwin

Abrams, Antioch College.

Committee on Standards: Harris G. Warren, Miami University,

chairman; Duane D. Smith, University of Toledo; Robert Cruden,

Baldwin-Wallace College; Robert H. Bremner, Ohio State University;

Robert Twyman, Bowling Green State University.

Committee on Finance: William G. Keener, Ohio Historical Society,

chairman; H. Landon Warner, Kenyon College; Phillip R. Shriver,

Kent State University.

Committee on Nominations: Eugene H. Roseboom, Ohio State Uni-

versity, chairman; William L. Fisk, Jr., Muskingum College; Fred B.

Joyner, Miami University; Eugene E. Beauregard, University of


