OHJ Archive

Ohio History Journal





A                         Articles - Concluded.

Abolition in Ohio, 50.                                                                            "History of Ft. Hamilton," Miller,

Adams County -                                                                                            97.

Todd's Trace in, 318.                                                                    "Historic Worthington," Parsons, 71.

Trebor Tavern in, 307.                                                                  "John Brough," Hooper, 40.

Zane's Trace in, 318.                                                                    "Kenton's Gauntlet at Chillicothe,"

Agriculture, Prehistoric people engaged                                                      Brown, 483.

in, 189.                                                                                           "Marcus A. Hanna," Dick, 355.

American Economic Association, Meet-                                             "Ohio in the Spanish and Philippine

ing of, 288.                                                                                              War," Anderson, 551.

American Historical Association, 121.                                                         . K.," Keifer, 350.

Meeting of, Randall, 287.                                                              "Origin, rise, progress, and-decline

American Historical Society-                                                                       of the Whitewater Community of

Entertainment of branches of, 379.                                                       Shakers," MacLean, 40.

Anderson, Gen. Battle of Luzon, in, 652.                                              "Simon Kenton," McFarland, 1, 281.

Anderson, James H.-                                                                             "Songwriters of Ohio,"   Galbreath,

"Life and Letters of Thos. J. and                                                            504.

wife," by, 293.                                                                                "Taylor-Livingston   Centenary   in

Anderson, Thomas J., Life and Letters                                                         Franklin County," 486.

of, 293.                                                                                            "The Bellville Gold Region," Baugh.

Anderson, Thomas M.--                                                                                 man, 83.

"Ohio in the Spanish and Philippine                                               "The Black Hand," McKinley, 444.

Wars," 551.                                                                                     "The Construction of Ohio Canals,"

Andrews, Martin R. Appointed Trustee                                                         Dial, 460.

of Society, 120, 290, 382.                                                              "The Louisiana Purchase," Randall,

Animals used as food by prehistoric in-                                                        248.

habitants of Gartner's Village site,                                                 "The Ludlow Line," McFarland, 278.

156.                                                                                                  "The   Richland   County  Historical

Appleseed, Johnny, 227.                                                                                 Society," 90.

Academies, Worthington, 76.                                                                 "The Sandusky River," Keeler, 191.

Archaeological Collections, 112.                                                            "Who were the Mound Builders?"

Archaeological Specimens, Value of, 116.                                                    MacLean, 91.

Archaeology, Comments on collections                                                "Zane's Trace," Martzolff, 297.

of 564.                                                                                    Arrow-heads, found at Gartner Village

Arnold, Benedict, 495.                                                                            site, (see Flint Ridge), 163, 165, 166.

Articles -                                                                                         Atwater, Caleb -

"An Unknown Grave," Piatt, 555.                                                   Clinton's tour of Ohio described by,

"Asa S. Bushnell," 282.                        467.

"Augustus Newton Whiting," Cole,                                                 Villages on Ohio Canals described

392.                                                                                                   by, 479.

"Commercial vs. Scientific  Collect-                                     Atwood, J W.-

ing," Moorehead, 112.                                                             "Asa S. Bushnell," 282.

"Daniel Boon," Galloway, 263.                                                      Memorial sermon on Whiting, 394.

"Explorations of the Gartner Mound                                     Awls, found in Mounds, 140, 145, 169, 170,

and Village Site," Mills, 129.                                                  171, 172, 173.

"First Newspaper of the Northwest

Territory," Galbreath, 332.

"Governors of Ohio, 1803-1903," Chee-                               Banks, Brough's political Attitude to.

tham, 88.                                                                                 ward, 44, 45, 46.



Index.                                   569


Banks, (United States) Opposition to, in                                          Books - Concluded.

Ohio, 46, 47.                                                                                     Oahape, 97.

Bareis, George, Donations of, to Museum                                             Ohio Canals, on, 481.

of Society, 383.                                                                               Ohio Centennial Celebration, 121.

Bartley, Mordecai, Governor of Ohio, 62.                                            Shakers, donated to Society, 126.

Battles -                                                                                                    "The Bird Stone Ceremonial," 115.

Blue Licks, 275.                                                                               "The Vanished Empire," Review of,

El Caney, 552.                                                                                        295.

Fallen Timbers, 107.                                                               Boon, Daniel, 263.

Lake Erie, 219.                                                                                Comes to the West, 1, %j6.

Thames, Kenton in, 33.                                                                  Companion of, Killed, 267.

(See Spanish War) (See War of 1812)                                          Escapes Indians, 272.

(See   Civil  War)   (See   Revolu-                                                Family of, returns to North Carolina,

tionary War)                                                                                  274.

Baughman, A    J., "The Bellville Gold                                                  Indians capture, 271.

Region," 83.                                                                                    Indian fight of, 17.

Baum Village, Character of People, 187.                                             Indians take to "Chillicothe," 271.

Bayard, Thomas F., 529.                                                                        Kenton appoints, a spy, 15.

Belmont County, Zane's Trace in, 313.                                                 Kenton saves life of, 15.

Blackburn, Senator, Hanna, on, 370.                                                      McFarland on, 263.

Black Hand-                                                                                            Old Chillicothe, at, 265.

Kelly's poem, on, 457.                                                                   Paint Creek Indians against, 16.

Legends of, 447, 449.                                                                     Returns for family, 268.

Cochran's, 453.                                                                       Sandusky, at, 203.

Mrs. Gebhart's, 455.                                                       Boonsborough, Indians attack and be-

Black Hand Rock, Geology of, 445.                                                      siege, 268, 273.

Black Swamp, 240.                                                                          Bouquet, Expedition against Indians, 200.

Boats -                                                                                              Bowman, Col. -

"Adventure," 295.                                                                           Expedition  against Old Chillicothe,

"Mayflower," 295.                                                                                 274.

Bone Implements -                                                                                Relieves Boon, 270.

Arrow  Points, Gartner Village Site,                                             Sends Kenton to Little Miami, 18.

165, 166.                                                                          Bradstreet, Expedition  of, against In-

Gartner Village Site, found at, 165.                                               dians, 200.

Knives, Gartner Village Site, 176.                                         Bridgeport, Zane founds, 300.

Making of, 166.                                                                       Bridges -

Needles, 175.                                                                                 Dutchman's, 86.

Books--                                                                                                   Sandusky River, across, 236.

"Ancient Monuments of Mississippi                                              Toll, 314.

Valley," 149.                                                                          "Y" at Zanesville, 328.

Centennial Volume, 375.                                                       Brinkerhoff, R., 90.

"Clark's Conquest of Illinois Coun-                                                Re-elected President of Society, 389.

try," 376.                                                                         British -

"Clark's Conquest of Illinois Coun-                                                Indians aided by, 206, 212, 275.

try," Review of, 292.                                                             Indians incited by, 203.

"Clark's Conquest of Northwest," 121.                                          Last Invasion of, in Ohio, 217.

Collin's History of Kentucky, 17, 35,                                           Western posts held by, 212.

270.                                                                                 Brough, Charles, associated with John

"Crania Americana," 91.                                                              Brough, 43.

"Fingal's Cave," 121.                                                              Brough, John -

First in Northwest Territory, 345.                                                 Ancestry of, 41.

"Life and Letters of Thos. J. Ander-                                            Banks opposed by, 44, 45, 46.

son and Wife," Review of, 293.                                            Campaign of 1840, in, 54.

"Manual of the Antiquity of Man,"                                               Civil War, Attitude of, toward, 64.

121.                                                                                        Death and burial of, 68, 69.

"Memoirs of Rufus Putnam." Re-                                                Educational advantages of, 42.

view of, 295.                                                                          Elected Auditor of State, 52.

570 Ohio Arch

570            Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


Brough, Joh--- Concluded.                  j  Cambridge -

Election of, to State Legislature, 44.                                                     Settlement of, 323.

Enters politics, 43.                                                                                 Zane's Trace at, 313.

Enters Railroad business, 63.         Campaign of 1840, 54, 242.

Financial Panic averted by, 58.     Canals -

Financial policy, 47, 48, 58, 59, 60.                                                      Erie, 461.

Governor Dennison, on, 61.                                                           Ohio, 447.

Governor of Ohio, as, 64, 65.        Cass, Gen. Lewis, 505.

Marriages of, 69.                                                                                   Purchases land from Indians, 224.

Negro Question, on, 50.                                                                        Quotes Indian tradition, 192.

Portrait of, 48.                                                                                Cayugas, Sandusky River, on, 195.

Portrait of, with Wife, and Sisters,                                                Celeron, de Bienville, Expedition of, into

57.                                                                                                  Ohio, 196.

Printer's trade learned by, 43.       Celts found at Gartner Village Site, 163.

Public services of, 40.                                                                    Centennial -

Purchase of Cincinnati Enquirer by,                                                    Celebration of, at New Philadelphia,

55.                                                                                            291.

Resistance to Draft in Civil War, on,                                                    Chillicothe, Expenses of, 376.

66.                                                                                                Centennial School Syllabus, 376.

Retires from Auditorship, 62.        Chaffee, Gen. Adna R., 552.

Slavery, on, 51.                                                                              Chambers, R. E., Legend of the Black

Whig opFJsition to, 55, 56.                                                             Iand, 417, 449.

Brown, Governor, Initiates Ohio Canal,                                                Champlain, Quebec settled by, 248.

462.                                                                                                  Chase, Bishop-

Brown, T. J., "Kenton's Gauntlet at                                                       President of Worthington College, 76.

Chillicothe," 483.                                                                                   Rector at Worthington, 75.

Bucyrus-                                                                                                 Cheetham, Jean     Dick, Governors of,

Founding of, 227.                                                                            Ohio, 88.

Origin of name of, 227.                                                                  Chiefs--(See   "chiefs" under Indians.)

Buell, Rowena, "Memoirs of Rufus Put-                                               Chillicothe -

nam," 2)5.                                                                                       Kenton's Gauntlet at, 24, 483.

Bullitt, Nathan, 31.                                                                                         Location of, 2.1.

Burials, Gartner Village Site, 154, 184.,                                                "Old Town" identified with, 483.

Bushnell, Asa, S.-                                                                                    Origin of name of, 263.

Ancestry of, 282.                                                                            Site of Council House at, 484.

Atwood, 282.                                                                                   Chillicothe -

Character of, 285.                                                                                 Expenses of Centennial at, 376.

Death of, 286, 291, 380.                                                                        Influence of canal, on, 479.

Early life of, 282.                                                                                  Post office established at, 316.

Enters politics, 283.                                                                        Zane "Mile Tract" at, 328.

Family life of, 285.                                                                         Zane's Trace at, 317.

Genealogy of, 398.                                                                        Chillicothe (Old)-

Governor of Ohio, 284.                                                                  Boon taken to, 271.

Military life of, 283.                                                                       Bowman's expedition against, 274.

Religious life of, 284.                                                                      Location of, 265.

Bushnell, Horace, 282.                                                                           Todd's Trace to, 318.

Butler County-                                                                                        Churches -

Ft. Hamilton, 97.                                                                             Early support of, 491.

Mound Builders, in, 97.                                                                   Episcopal at Worthington, 74.

Butterfield, Consul Wilshire, 121, 376.  First, in Sandusky Valley, 224.

Geo. Rogers    Clark's                     Conquest of                             Methodist at Worthington, 75.

Illinois, etc., Review               of, 292.                                    Moravians in Ohio, 203.

New Lights, 404.

C                              Presbyterian, at Worthington, 76.

Second Adventists, 424.

Calhoun, John C., 44.                            Shaker (See Shakers.)


Index.                                   571


Cincinnati--                                                                                     Croghan, George - Concluded.

First newspaper in, 332.                                                                 Mackinac expedition, in, 220.

Society of, 555.                                                                               Sandusky Valley described by, 199.

Civil War -                                                                                              Treaty with Indians by, 201, 202.

Bushnell in, 282.                                                                      Crosby, Frances J.-

Draft in, resisted, 66.                                                                      Composes Dixie Song, 533.

Emmet in, 507.                                                                               Songwriter, 533.

First soldier in Ohio to enlist for,                                            Cullom, Senator, Hanna, on, 370.

73.                                                                                    Cutler, Manasseh -

Songs of, 535, 536.                                                                          Zane advises as to location of settle-

Clark, George Rogers, 93.                                                                     ment, 306.

Brief Account of Conquest by, 293.                         D

"Conquest of the Illinois, etc." Re-                                         Daniel, John W., Hanna, on, 370.

view of, 292.                                                                   Darby Plains, Shaker Community at, 404.

Conquest of the Northwest by, 16,                                        Daughters of American Revolution, 560.

121.                                                                                          Preserve relic at Hamilton, 110.

Croghan, nephew of, 217.                                                      Davidson Sisters, Indians capture, 211.

Expedition against Indians, 32, 276.                                       Dayton, First canal boats at, 471.

Expedition to "Chillicothe," 264.                                             Deer-

Kenton, spy of, 16.                                                                         Awls made from    shoulder blade of,

"Clark's Conquest of Illinois Country,"                                                   171

Publication of, 376.                                                                        Bones used for implements by pre-

Clark, Wm., associated with Lewis in                                                   historic people, 161, 168.

Northwest explorations, 293.                                                 Delawares -

Clay, Albert T., Lectures before Society,                                            Moravian Missionaries among, 203.

120.                                                                                                  Sandusky River on, 195.

Clay, Henry, 44.                                                                            Dennison, Governor, Brough, on, 61.

Clinton, DeWitt -                                                                            Depew, Chauncey M., Hanna, on, 370.

Inaugurates work on Ohio Canals,                                         Dial, George White, "The Construction

466.                                                                                          of the Ohio Canals," 460.

Tours Ohio, 467.                                                                     Dickens Charles, visits Upper Sandusky,

Cochran, H. C., Black Hand Legend, by,                                              227.

453.                                                                                         Dick, Charles, "Marcus A. Hanna," by,

Coffer, Jesse, 31.                                                                                    355.

Cole, Frank    T., "Augustus    Newton                                           Discoidal found in Gartner Mound, 138.

Whiting," 392.                                                                         Dixie-

College, Medical at Worthington, 76.                                                    Authorship of, 505, 527, 530.

Columbus, Early Families of, 497.                                                        Criticisms of, 517.

Cook, Jay, Birthplace of, 225.                                                               Dispute of authorship of, 528.

Confederates, Prisons for, 239.                                                             Fac Simile of original song, 512.

Corwin, Thomas 44.                                                                               Original Manuscript of, 550.

Anecdotes on, 416.                                                                         Origin of name, 511.

Nominated for Governor, 54.                                                       Popularity of, 516.

Cowan, Benj. R., Harrison-Tarhee Peace                                            Publication of, 516, 529.

Conf. Mem. Address, 560.                                                            Words of, 514.

Crawford, Col. William-                                                                        Writing of, 510.

Execution of, 207.                                                                  Dixie Songs, 532.

Expeditions against Indians, 205, 306.                                  Douglass,  Farnum,   Leader   of  New

Crawford, George T., presents Mexican            Lights, 404.

Clay articles to Society, 291.                                        Dow, Lorenzo, 110.

Crematory, Gartner Village Site, 155, 187.                                 Draft, Resistance to, in Civil War, 66.

Cresap, Michael, connected with Logan                                      Drake, Elam, 487.

episode, 302.                                                                          Drought of 1838, 240.

Crescents found in Mounds, 139.                                                  Dunmore, Lord--

Croghan, George, 98.                                                                            Boone sent against Indians by, 269.

Ft. Stephenson defended by, 215, 216.                                        Expedition of, 11.

572 Ohio Arch

572            Ohio   Arch. and His. Society Publications.


Dunmore's War, 301.                                                                 Emmett, Daniel - Concluded.

Dunn, Waldo H., "The vanquished em-                                               Last appearance before audience, 523.

pire," Review of, 295.                                                           Last tour of, 519.

Dutchman's Bridge, 86.                                                                         Manuscript papers of, 539.

EB*~~ p.~Memorial tribute to, 526.

Monument to, 550.

Earthworks (See Mounds)-                                                                    Natural ability for music, 507.

Cedar Bank, 149.                                                                           Negro Sermon by, 538.

Fort Ancient, 94.                                                                            "Old Dan Tucker," written by, 525,

(See Fort Ancient).                                                                        542.         '

Garnter Mound, 129.                                                                      Organizes Minstrel troupe, 507.

Labor required for, 95.                                                                  Ovations to, in the South, 520.

Manner of exploring, 136.                                                             Politics of, 541.

Marietta, 95.                                                                                   Prayers written by, 549.

Ohio, in, 96.                                                                                    Prolific song writer, 524, 539.

Sandusky, along, 191.                                                                     Retirement of, 522.

Serpent Mound, 92.                                                                        Schooling of. 506

Society's action in Graded Way, 387.                                         Songs written by, 524.

Symbolic Mounds, 92.                                                                   "Standard Drummter," by 541.

"Vanished   Empire," 296.                                                              Striking Ile, by, 536.

Editorialana, Randall, 118, 287, 395, 558.                                             The Connaught Man, by 547.

(See Randall.)                                                                         The Oftishsaiker, by, 545.

Alfred R. McIntire, 123.                                                                 Travels with Field, 518.

Editorial--                                                                                                "Walk Arounds," by, 540.

Commercial versus scientific collect-                                           When thish ould Poipe was new, by,

ing, 563.                                                                                           544.

Gathering under the oaks, 562.                                                       Writes about "Cat Doggerell," 537.

Harrison-Tarhee   Peace   Conference                                          Writes Life of Louis Wetzel, 539.

Memorial, 56c.                                                              Emmet, Judge La Fayette, 506.

Tarwood R. Pool, 561.                                                          English-French  Contest for Mississippi

Historical Bulletin, 562.                        Valley, 219.

Letters by Governor Tiffin, 563.          English, (See British) -

Ohio State Par Association, 563.                                                     Louisiana sold to humble, 254.

Shakers and the Historical Society                                                  Settlements of in America, 248.

560.                                                                                 Episcopal Church -

Valuable Donations of MSS., 127.                                                   Negro mission of, 393.

William  TrimlI  MlcClintick, 125.                                                  Whiting a member of, 393.

Education, First in Olio, 211.                                                         Ewing, Thomas, 44.

Effigies found at Gartner Village Site,


Elkins, Stephen B, IIanna, on, 370.           Fabrics found at Gartner Village Site,

Elliot, Col. Rob't, Indians kill, 341.              177.

Emmet, Dan, Ancestry of 505.                                                     Fairbanks, Chas. W., Hanna, on, 370.

Anecdotes of last tour, 521.                                                   Fairfield County -

At Rooney's Ball by, 515.                                                                 Early taverns in, 316.

Auld Mrs. Madigan's Cat, by, 548.                                                   Zane's Trace in, 316.

Author of Dixie 505, 510.                                                       Fallen Timbers, Battle of, 107.

Chicago, in, 518.                                                                    Field, Al G., 526, 529, 550.

Civil War, in, 507.                                                                             "Discovers" Emmet, 518.

Claims of authorship of Dixie estab-                                     Financial Panics, 236.

lished, 529.                                                                                 Brough averts, 58.

Dars a Darkey in de Tent, by, 535.                                        Fisheries, Sandusky River, in, 230.

Death of, 526.                                                                         Fish    Hooks found    at Gartner Village

Effects of the brogue, by, 543.                                                                 Site, 174, 178, 179.

Family of, 506.                                                                       Flat Boats, New Orleans trade in, 503.

Irish songs, by, 539.                                                                Flint, Implements of, found at Gartner

Last appearance as Minstrel, 522.                Village Site, 162.


Index.                                    578


Flint Ridge-                                                                                      French - Concluded.

Indian neutral ground, at, 454.                                                       Plan of, for American Empire, 250.

Material from, found at Gartner Vil-                                            Sandusky River, on, 192, 226.

lage Site, 162.                                                                  French and Indian War, Result of, 249.

Florida, Possessors of, 253.                                                            French-English  contest for Mississippi

Food--                                              Valley, 249.

Preparation of, by prehistoric peo-      Funston, Gen. Fred, 552.

pie, 158.

Resources of, prehistoric people, 156.

Vegetable, prehistoric people, 156.                                       Galbreath, C. B.-

Fort Ancient-                                                                                          "First Newspapers of the Northwest

Appropriations for, 381.                                                                             Territory," 332.

Care of, 119, 120, 379, 558.                                                           "Song Writers of Ohio," 504.

Drawing of, at Louisiana Purchase                                       Galloway, William A.-

Exposition, 383.                          "Daniel Boone," 263.

Executive Committee's Visit to, 559.                                    Gartner Mound, 129.

Winsor's error concerning, 280.                                            Gartner Village Site, 149.

Forts -                                                                                              "Gauntlet," running the, 211.

Ball, 226.                                                                                GGebhart, Mrs David-

Ball, Erection of, 216.Black Hand legend, by, 45.

Ferree, Erection of, 216                                                        Girty, Simon, 202.

"Fincastle," changed to "Henry," 303.                                           Dunmore's scout, 11.

Hamilton -                                                                                      Kenton's life saved by, 28.

Deserters at, 104.                                                                   Leads charge against Ft. Henry, 303.

Evacuation of, 108.                                                        Gist, Christopher, 98.

Evacuation of, 108.

History of, 97.                                                                Gold

Indians near, 104.                                                                  Bellville region of, 83.

St. Clair erects, 99.                                                                 Discovery of in Ohio, 83.

THenry -    o,    4Origin of in Ohio, 84.

Location of, 304.                                                            Gordon, John B., 521, 522, 529.

Monument marking site of, 325.                                           Gorgets       (shell),  found   in  Gartner

Siege of, 302, '34.                                                                              Mound, 143, 144, 145, 147, 149.

Zane's description of siege of, (04.                                       Found in Gartner Village Site, 149.

Jumandat, I16, 198.                                                               Governors of Ohio, list of, 88.

Jumandat   6, 198.

McIntosh, 31.                                                                         Garfield, James A., 359.

Meigs, Relief of, 214.                                                            Grant, U. S., 551.

Recovery, Battle of, 33.Greiner John, 62.

Sandusky, 196.                           Green County, Maxwell's home in, 347.

Indians attack, 197..

Location of, 1 9Greenough, M. S. -

Location of, 198.

,andusky River, on, 2c16.                   Appointed Trustee of Society, 290,

Sandusky River, on, 216.v                             I                                        \.

Seneca, Erection of, 215.                        9

St. Clair, 102.                              Remarks before Society, 387.

St. Clair, 1(.2.

                                    ~Stephenson  ~Griswold, Ezra, 78.

Stephenson --

ASttacknson -  16.Guernsey County -

Attack on, 216.

Erection of, 215~ .            Zane's Trace in, 314.

Erection of, 215.

Proctor sends flag of truce to, 217.  Gunsaulus, Frank W., 76.

Result of Battle of, 217.

Washington, 99.

Foster, Charles, Death of, 291, 380.         Hamilton County, Shaker Community in,

Fourth of July, Celebration of, at San-            401.

dusky, 215.                                                                    Hamilton, Ohio, Beginnings of, 108.

Fremont   (See Sandusky, Upper).                                               Iammer Stones, found in Gartner Vil-

French -                                                                                                lage Site, 164.

America, in, 248.                                                                  Hanna, Marcus A. -

Louisiana regained by, 250.                                                       Ancestry of, 357.

New   Orleans settled by, 249.                                                     Business success of, 358.

574 Ohio Arch

574           Ohio Arch. and        His. Society Publications.


Hanna Marcus A. - Concluded.                                                                 Illustrations - Continued.

Connection with Panama Canal, 364.                                           Awls found at Gartner Village Site,

Death of, 291, 380.                                                                                 170, 171.

Early life of, 357.                                                                           Bellville, 86, 87.

Eulogy on, 373.                                                                               Bellvi.le Gold Region, 85.

General characteristics of, 368, 369.                                             Black Hand Rock, 456.

Oratory of, 365.                                                                              Bone Beads, 181.

Patriotism of, 372.                                                                          Bone Knives, Gartner Village Site,

Philanthropy of, 358.                                                                             176.

Political career of, 362.                                                                  Bone Scraper, 168, 169.

Political sagacity of, 360.                                                              Boon, Daniel, 266.

Relations with labor, 359.                                                               Brough, John, 49.

Senator Elkins on, 370.                                                                   Brough, Wife and Sisters, 57.

Sketch of, Dick, 355.                                                                       Burial in Gartner Village Site, 186,

Social instincts of, 359.                                                                          188.

Statesmanship of, 363.                                                                    Burial in Refuse Pits, Gartner Village

Harmar, General, 99.                                                                                    Site, 187.

Harrison, Win. H., 44, 54, 102, 351.                                                      Bushnell, Asa S.

Escapes assassination, 219.                                                            Celt from Gartner Village Site, 164.

Headquarters at Sandusky, 213.                                                     Cob and charred corn found in Gart.

Peace Conference with Tarhee, 560.                                                   Vil. Site, 152.

Harrison Trail, Sandusky Valley, in, 221.                                             Concretion containing pins and beads,

Hawkins, Thos. L., Fremont pioneer, 245.                                                    Gartner Mound, 174.

Hayes, Mrs. R. B., 488..                                                                         Cover Page of Emmet's Plantation

Hay, John, 562.                                                                                              Songs, 531.

Heckewelder, John, 204, 211.                                                                Crescents found in Gartner Mound,

Prisoner of Indians, 203.                                                                       141.

Heer, Fred J--                                                                                         Cut Digits of Deer, 183.

Donates books to Society Library, 384.                                         Cut Jaws and Heads, 184.

Publishes Clark's Conquest of Illi-                                                  Cut Wingbone of trumpeter Swan,

nois Country, 376.                                                                          177.

Herrick, Myron T. -                                                                                Daniel Emmet at Home, 509.

Appoints new trustees of Society 382.                                           David Taylor's "West Crest," 496.

Interested in Society, 289.                                                              Discoidal found in Gartner Mound,

Vetoes appropriation for Society, 382.                                                  138.

Highland County, First Settler of, 322.                                                   Dixie, ac Simile of, 512.

Hinsdale, B. A., "Ludlow    Line,' by,                      a     S         in

280. „~~~~~~Earthenware and Sklceleton in G;art.


280 ,  ~~~~~~.  .0.Vil. Site, 149.

Hock-hocking River -

Zane to locate lands on, 309.                         Electric Car on C. D. & M. Line, 81.

Zane's Trace crosses, 316.                                                             Emmet, Daniel, 505, 519, 520.

Hoes, found in Gartner's Village Site,                                                   Face of Black Hand Rock, 444.

164.                                                                                          Fish hooks, 178.

Hogs, Pioneer trade in, 502.                                                                  Fort Hamilton, 100.

Hooper, Osman C., "John Brough," by,                                                Gartner Mound and Village Site, 14S.

40.                                                                                           Gartner Mound, Sectional View of,

Hull, General, 213.                                                                                        130.

Hutchins,   Thomas,   Surveys   Bounty                                                Gartner Mound, Section of showing

lands, 98.                                                                                        six burials, 157.

Gartner,  Prehistoric  Village  Site,

ITJ~~~~ ~~Cross Section of, 153.

Greenrough, M. S., 290.

Illustrations -                                                                                           Hanna, Marcus A., 355.

A Mound Burial, 131.                                                                     Jefferson, Thomas, 248.

Andrews, M. R., 120.                                                                     Kenton, Simon, 6.

At Work in the Gartner Mound, 129.                                             Kenton's Monument, 37, 39.

Awl found in Gartner Mound, 140.                                               Kilbourne's Boarding House, 73.


Index.                                   575


Illustration - Conciuded.             . IaIllustrations - Concluded.

Long's Ravine where Gold is found,                                                Shell Gorget found in Gartner Mound.

84.                                                                                                   144, 145.

MacLean's figure   of the   Serpent                                                 Shell Hoe found at Gartner Village

Mound, 96.                                                                                     Site, 165.

Maps -                                                                                               Shaker Center Residence at White-

Louisiana Purchase, 260.                                                              water, 425.

Ohio Canals, 482.                                                                     Shaker Meeting   House at White-

Sandusky River, 190.                                                                     water, 413.

Zane's Trace, 301.                                                                   Shaker Office at Whitewater, 434.

Masonic Hall at Worthington, 78.                                                   Showing Grave containing Prepared

McIntire, Alfred B., 123.                                                                      Clay, 135.

McIntire, John, 299.                                                                        Skeleton  found  with  Discoidal in

McIntire, Sarah, 299.                                                                           Gartner Mound, 139.

McIntire Children's Home, 319.                                                     Skeleton, Headless, Gartner Mound.

McIntire Hotel, 311.                                                                             in, 141.

McIntire's (Crave, 321.                                                                  Skeleton with Platform Pipe, 143.

Monument marking site of Ft. Henry,                                            Sloane, Rush R., 118.

325.                                                                                          Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument at

Mound    near  Big  Walnut    Creek,                                                   Hamilton, 106.

Franklin County, 499.                                                             Spear Points found at Gartner Village

Mussel Bake in Gartner Village Site,                                                  Site, 163.

155.                                                                                         Stages of Fish-hook Manufacture, 179.

Mussel Shells in refuse pits, Gart-                                                 St. John's Church, Worthington, 74.

ner Village Site, 153.                                                              Sugar Grove House, 353.

Napoleon, 254.                                                                               Taylor, David, 489.

"Narrows" at Black Hand, 448, 450.                                             Taylor, Henry C., 501.

Necklace of Elk Teeth, 180.                                                          Taylor, Livingston Lodge, 502.

Nucleus of Kenyon College, 80.                                                  Taylor, Margaret Livingston, 489.

Old Channel of River at Black Hand,                                           Taylor, Mrs. Henry C., 501.

452.                                                                                        Treber Tavern on Zane's Trace, 307.

Pendants of Bear Teeth, 181.                                                       Tunnel at Black Hand, 454.

Perforated Humerus of Wild Turkey,                                         WalUk Ai the Water, 247.

S-2.                                                                                        White, Nancy Maxwell, 344.

Perforated Teeth found in Gartner                                             \Vhiting, A. N., 392.

Mound, 141, 146.                                                                  William Maxwell's Grave, 348.

Piatt, John James, 555.                                                                William Maxwell's Home, 347.

Pipe, Perfect Clay, from Refuse Pit,                                         Worthington Mill Stones, 72.

185.                                                                                            "Y" Bridge at Zanesville, 328.

Pipe, Platform, 1S5.                                                                    Implements -

Pipe, Platform, found   in  Gartner                                            Arrow Points (Bone) found at Gart-

Mound, 142.                                                                                     'ner Village Site, 165, 166.

Pipe, Unfinished Sandstone, 185.                                                    Awls found at Gartner Village Site,

Platform in Gartner Mound, 133.                                                           169, 170, 171, 172, 173.

Pottery found in Gartner Mound, 147.                                            Bone, found at Gartner Village Site,

Pottery at Gartner Village Site, 160.                                                     165.

Pottery Decorations, 1S9.                                                               Bone Knives, 176.

Povder Magazine at Ft. Hamilton,                                                  Bone, Making of, 167.

109.                                                                                          Fish hooks found at Gartner Village

Private Paper Money, 79.                                                                     Site, 174, 178, 179.

Private School at \orthington, 77.                                                   Flint found at Gartner Village Site,

Railroad Cut, Black IIand Rock, 446.                                                    161, 162.

Refuse Pits of Gartner Village Site,                                               Gartner Village Site, found at, 161.

151.                                                                                          Needles found at Gartner Village Site,

Robert Taylor Home, 490.                                                                    175.

Scene of Kenton's Gauntlet, 484.                                                  Scrapers found at Gartner Village

Shell Crescent, 180.                                                                               Site, 169.

576 Ohio Arch

576           Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


Implements - Concluded.                                                             Indians - Concluded.

Stone found at Gartner Village Site,                                             Kenton captured by, 22.

161.                                                                                         Kenton's escape from, 27.

Indians -                                                                                                 Kenton's expedition against, in Miami

Account of exploits of, in first N. W.                                                    Valley, 18.

Newspaper, 336.                                                                    Kenton's fight with, 15, 16.

Battle of Blue Licks, 275.                                                               Kenton recaptured by, 27.

Black Hand, at, 449.                                                                       Kenton runs the gauntlet, 25-27.

Black Hand, Legend of, 449, 453, 455.                                         Kentucky settlers killed by, 1, 14.

Boonsborough, Attacked by, 268.                                                 Last invasion of, in Ohio, 217.

Boonsborough, Besieged by, 272.                                                 McDonald, James, educated, 111.

Boone captured by, 271.                                                                McDonald's expedition against, 303.

Boon's experience with, 268.                                                        Aliamis, intelligence of, 110.

Boon's   and   Kenton's   expedition                                               Miami Valley, in, 98.

against, 16.                                                                              Montgomery killed by, 22.

Boon taken to Chillicothe by, 271.                                                 Onondagas, on Sandusky River, 195.

Bouquet's expedition against, 200.                                                 Reference to Ohio, 294.

British help, 212.                                                                             Removal from Ohio, 503.

Captives of, run gauntlet, 211.                                                       Sandusky River, on, 192.

Cass Allots Lands to, 224.                                                              Sandusky Valley, in after treaty, 208.

Character' of, 93.                                                                           Seneca Reservation purchased from,

Chiefs-                                                                                                    224.

Black Fish, 24.                                                                         Todd's expedition against, 317.

Comstock, 225.                                                                       Traditions of, 93.

Cornplanter, 94.                                                                      Trails of, 484, 315, 221, 312, 320.

Crane, 222.                                                                             Treaty at Watanga with, 269.

Francis Godfrey, 111.                                                            Treaties with, 208, 212, 560.

Half King, 206, 209.                                                               Uprising of, during Revolution, 205.

Little Turtle, 110.                                                                    War of 1812, in, 213.

Logan, 30, 195, 302.                                                               Wayne defeats at Fallen Timbers, 107.

Pontiac, 197.                                                                           Witchcraft among, 225.

Pontiac Treats with Croghan, i201.                                        Zane's Trace in trail of, 312, 314, 320.

Red Jacket, 209.                                                             Indian Dog, 156.

Red Pole, 30.                                                                  Internal Improvements-

Tarhee, 209, 560.                                                                    Muskingum   River "canalized," 476.

Tecumseh, 212, 483, 498, 216.                                              Webster's Reply to Hayne, on, 474.

Death of, 33.                                                           Zane's Trace, as, 321.

The Pipe, 205.                                                                Irvine, Gen. Sandusky expedition planned

The Prophet, 212.                                                                   by, 208.

Tobacco, 93.

Clark's expedition against, on MadJ

River, 32.                                                                        Jackson, Andrew, 520.

Col. Ball, attack on, by, at San-                                            Jackson, Stonewall--

dusky, 218.                             Emmett at statue of, 520.

Crawford's expedition against, 306.                                      Jefferson, Thomas -

Cresap's dealings with, 302.                                                           Appoints envoys to purchase Louis-

Croghan's Treaty with, 201.                                                                   iana, 253.

Davidsen Sisters captured by, 211.                                                Louisiana retrocession, 251.

Defeat of St. Clair by, 102.                                                   Jesuits -

Depredations of, in Kentucky, 275.                                               On the Sandusky, 193.

Depredations of, near Ft. Hamilton,      Johnsons Island -

105.                                     Confederate prisoners at, 239.

Fort Henry besieged by, 303.                                               Johnson, Richard M., 215.

Fort Sandusky attacked by, 197.                                                     Visits Fremont in Campaign of 1840,

Franklin County, in, 500.                       243.

Isaac Zane captured by, 324.                                                Johnson, Sir William--

Johnson's treaty with, 201.                                                              Treaty with Indians, 201.


Index.                                     577


K                                                            Kenton, Simon - Concluded.

Kearns, Senator, Hanna, on, 370.                                                         Todd assists, against Indians, 317.

Keeler, Lucy E., "The Sandusky River,"                                               War of 1812, in, 33.

191.                                                                                                  Wild horse-back ride of, 23.

Keifer, J. Warren, 551.                                                                  Kentucky, Indian traditions of, 94.

Kenton, on, 3.                                                                         Kenyon College, 392.

"O. K.," by, 350.                                                                     Kilbourne, Col. James, 489.

Kelly, Alfred, Ohio Canal Commissioner,                                            Address, Ohio S. A. R. 397.

449, 463.                                                                                  Kilbourne, Col. James-

Kenton, Simon -                                                                                      Comes to Worthington, 71.

Alertness of, 17.                                                                              Daughter born to, 73.

Ancestry of, 3.                                                                                Describes Ohio country, 71.

Birthplace of, 2, 4.                                                                           Founds Bucyrus, 227.

Boone's life saved by, 15.                                                      Knight, Dr., Indians capture, 207.

Captured by Indians, 22.                                                        Knives found at Gartner Village Site,

Captures horses from Indians, 17, 19.            176.

Change of name, 28, 33.

Church connection of, 35.

Comes to Kentucky, 1, 4, 9, 13.                                             Labor, Hanna's relation to, 359.

Comes to Ohio, 4.                                                                           Required for earthworks, 95.

Condemned to death, 28-30.                                                  Lancaster--

Descendants of, in Civil War, 281.                                                Method of selling original lots, 329.

Dunmore's scout, 11.                                                                      Post-office established at, 328.

Early life of, 5.                                                                               Zane's "Mile Square" at, 328.

Episodes of, 32.                                                                               Zane's plat, 328.

Escapes from  Detroit, 32.                                                             Zane's Trace at, 316.

Escapes from Indians, 27.                                                     Lands, Military Bounty, 98.

Family relations of, 5.                                                            La Salle -

Girty saves life of, 28.                                                                   Explorations of, 248.

Guide to Clark on Mad River expe-                                               Miami explored by, 98.

dition, 32.                                                                                 Sandusky Bay visited by, 228.

Harrodsburg, at, 13.                                                               Lawson, Gen., Battle of El Caney, 552.

Indian fight of, 16.                                                                  "Leaden Plates" Bienville buries, 196.

Indians recapture, 27.                                                            Leffel, Daniel, uses O. K., 352.

Indian Spy, 15.                                                                       Lenni-Lenape, Traditions of, 93.

Indians take to Chillicothe, 24.                                               Lewis, Elias, Pioneer hat maker, 81.

Keifer, on, 3.                                                                          Lewis, Meriwether, Northwest expedition,

Land possessions of, 34.                                                                 in, 293.

Locates on Salt River, 32.                                                      Lewiston Reservoir, 477.

Love affairs of, 7.                                                                  Licking Reservoir, 476.

Marriages of, 34, 281.                                                                    Building of, 471.

McClung's sketch of, 2.                                                          Licking River, Black Hand on, 444.

McDonald's sketch of, 2.                                                       Little, Nathan W., explores Ohio Coun-

McFarland, on, 1, 281.                                                                   try, 71.

Mission of, to Little Miami, 18.                                             Livingston, Col. James, 494, 496, 497.

Monument to, 36.                                                                   Livingston, Edward Chinn -

Old Chillicothe at, 24.                                                                     Comes to Columbus, 497.

Paint Creek Indians, against, 16.                                                    Family of, 497.

Pension granted to, 34.                                                                   Military career of, 498.

Personal characteristics of, 35.                                             Livingston Family (See Taylor-Livings-

Portrait of, 6.                                                                                  ton Centenary.)

Residence of, 34.                                                                            Ancestry of, 493.

Runs gauntlet, 25-27.                                                                     Comes to Columbus, 497.

Sandusky, at, 203.                                                                          Military history of, 496.

Spy to George Rogers Clark, 16.                                                   Origin of, 492.

Taken to Detroit, 31.                                                                       Revolutionary War, in, 494.

Taken to Mad River, 26.                                                                Sketch of, 494.

Vol. XIII - *37

578 Ohio Arch

578           Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


Livingston, Rev. John, 493.                                                            Mail Routes over Zane's Trace, 323, 328.

Livingstons secure Refugee Land, 496.                                        Marietta, Brough, born at, 41.

Locofocoism, 53.                                                                                   Earthworks at, 95.

Logan, Col., Expedition against Indians                                                Settlement at, 295.

on Mad River, 32.                                                                  Martzolff, Clement L.-

Logan -                                                                                                   Remarks before Society, 391.

Family of, killed, 30.                                                                      "Zane's Trace," by, 297.

Intercedes for Kenton, 302.                                                   Mason and Dixon's Line, 511.

Loramie Reservoir, 477.                                                                Masonry at Worthington, 78.

Loramie's store, Burning of, 82.                                                    Mastodon, Remains of, in      Sandusky

Louisiana-Valley, 227.

Ceded to English, 249.                   Matthew, John, Extracts from     Journal

Trench regain, 250.                             of, 301.

Naming of, 248.                                                                     Maxwell Code, Printing of, 345.

"Louisiana Purchase, The," Randall, 248.                                             Publication of, 346.

Ceremonies of transfer, 258, 259, 260,                                 Maxwell, James, comes to Wheeling, 300.


261.                                                                                  Maxwell, William -

Extent of, 257.                                                                                 Early life of, 34

Napoleon's reasons for selling, 254.                                              Edits first newspaper in N. W. Ter-

Negotiations for, 255.                                                                     ritory, 33

Result of, 262.                                                                                 Grave  f, 348

Retrocession of effect on Commerce,                                          Last days of, 347.

252. '  .Public services of, 346.

States carved from, 261.                     Sketch of wife of, 343

Sketch of wife of, 343.

Treaty of, 256.

Treaty of, 256.                          Maysville Turnpike, 316, 318.

Louisiana Purchase Exhibition--Masi                      r            .

Louisiana  Purchase Exhibition- ,        McArthur, Gen., purchases land from

Society's exhibit at, 380, 383, 395, 559.       Indians, 224

Love, N. C. B., Remarks before Society,      McCarthy, Harry, claims authorship of

T 390. ^  T  1Dixie, 528.

Ludlow, Israel, Surveys Symmes Pur-

Ludlow, Israel, Surveys Symmes Pur-          McClellan, George B., Song about, 535.

chase, 99.

Lchasie, 99.                                                                     McClintick, William  Trimble-

Ludlow Line, 278.                                                                                   Death of, 380.

Hinsdale's error, on, 280.                                                               Sketch of, 125.

Sketch of, 125.

urveying of, 278.                        McClung, John A., Sketch of Kenton

Surveying of, 278.                                                                          b

Lucas, Rob't, Governor of Ohio, 44.                                                      by, 2.

McCullochs, The, Related to Zane, 299.

M                          McCulloch, William, maintains Ferry at

MacLean, J. P.-                                     Zanesville, 324.

Donates valuable literature to Society   McDonald, Col. Angus, Expedition of,

126, 384.                                    303.

Figure of Serpent Mound, 96.             McDonald, Col. John, Sketch of Ken-

Graded Way, before Society   387.               ton, by, 2.

Presents beaver hat to Society, 388.     McFarland, R. W.-

Presents copyrights and    plates to                                                Boon, on, 263.

Society, 121.                                                                             Chillicothe, on, 483.

Royalist Refugees, before Society,                                                "Simon Kenton," 1, 281.

387.                                                                                           "The Ludlow Line," 278.

Secures gifts from  Shakers to So-                                          Mclntire, Alfred R.-

ciety, 566.                                                                                 Death of, 119, 380, 382.

"Whitewater Community of Shakers,"                                            Sketch of, 123.

401.                                                                                   McIntire Children's Home, 298.

"Who were the Mound Builders " 91.                                     McIntire, John -

Mad River -                                                                                              Accidentally shot, 319.

Clark's expedition against Indians on,                                             Ancestry of, 311.

32.                                                                                             Assists Zane in making "Trace," 311.

Kenton taken to, by Indians, 26.                                                      Beneficiaries of, 327.

Tecumseh's home on, 483.                                                             Burial place of, 298.


Index.                                    579


Mclntire, John - Concluded.                                                           Mingoes -

Children's home provided for, by,                                                Legend of, 453.

327.                                                                                          Sandusky River on, 195.

Grave of, 321.                                                                         Minstrelsy, Negro, initiation of, 508.

Louis Phillippe at tavern of, 326.                                           Missionaries-

Maintains ferry over Muskingum, 326.                                         Badger, Joseph, 222.

Marries Sarah Zane, 311.                                                              Early, in Sandusky Valley, 222.

Marriage of widow of, 326.                                                           Finley, James, 223.

Public services of, 327.                                                                  Stuart, John, 223.

Settles at Zanesville, 324.             M'Kinley, John    D. H., "The Black

Tavern kept by, 311, 325.                      Hand," 444.

Wife of, 325.                                                                          Money made at Worthington, 79.

"Zanesville Mile Tract" received by,                                    Monroe,   James,  negotiates  Louisiana

323.                                                                                          Purchase, 255.

McKinley, William, 359, 551.                                                       Montgomery, Gen. -

McMahon, Major, in Wayne's army, 33.                                            Bowman sends to Little Miami, 18.

Medary, Samuel, 352.                                                                            Indian scout, 18.

Brough supported by, 43.                                                               Indians kill, 22.

Merrill, Mrs. Rath, Presents book plate                                                  Invades Canada, 495, 497.

to Society  388.                                                               Moorehead, Warren K-

Mexico -                                                                                                  Comments on "scientific collecting,"

Aborigines of, 98.                                                                           564.

Pottery from, presented to Society                                               "Commercial versus scientific collect-

291.                                                                                         ing," 112.

Miami Canal -                                                                                 Moravians -

Contracts for building, 468.                                                            British incite attack upon, 204,

Extension of, 474.                                                                          Massacre of, 204.

First boats over, 470.                                                                      Settlement of, on Muskingum, 203.

Reservoirs for, 475, 477.                                                               Wyandots attack, 203.

Route of, 469.                                                                         "Morgan's Raid" at Whitewater Shaker

Work begun on, 467.                             Community, 437.

Miami County, Tecumseh's home in, 483.                                   Morris, Thomas, Senator from Ohio, 44.

Miami, Great Expedition against In-                                             Morrow, Jeremiah -

dians on, 32.                                                                            Advocates tax for canals, 465.

Miami, Little--                                                                                        Canal Commissioner, 464.

Kenton's expedition, to, 18.                                                    Morton, Samuel George, Archeologist,

Source of, 278.                                91.

Miami Purchase, 557.                                                                    Mound Builders -

Miami Valley, Mound Builders in, 97.                                                  Agricultural Products of, 397.

Military Roads, Sandusky Valley, in, 221.                                            Butler County, in, 97.

Militia, Hamilton, at, 109.                                                                      Claps of, 397.

Miller, W. C.-                                                                                         Crania of, 91.

History of Ft. Hamilton, 97.                                                   Franklin County, in, 500.

Miller, William, originates Second Ad-                                                Geometrical figures of, 93.

ventism, 424.                                                                          Military disposition of, 94.

Mill Stones at Worthington, 72.                                                              Origin of, 91.

Mills, W. C., 566.                                                                                    Relics of, at Louisiana Purchase,

Curator's report to Society, 383.                                                    Ex., 395.

Describes pre-historic remains at St.                                            Sandusky River, on, 191.

Louis Ex., 395.                                                                        Temple Mounds of, 91.

Explorations of Gartner Mound, 119.                                            "Vanished Empire," of, 296.

"Explorations of Gartrer's Mound                                         Mounds, (See Earthworks) -

and Village Site," 129.                                                            Bones found in, 132.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition, at,                                                Burials in, 130.

380, 559.                                                                                 "Commandment Stone," 447, 45L

Society's Exhibit at St. Louis pre-                                                 Cremated burials in, 132.

pared by, 120.                                                                        Fish hooks found in, 132.

580 Ohio Arch

580            Ohio Arch. and His. Society            Publicatiols.


Mounds - Concluded.                                                                            Newspapers - Concluded.

Gartner, 129.                                                                                  Centinel of the North Western Terri-

Gartner, explored, 136.                                                                         tory, Fac Simile of, 333.

Gartner, survey of, 383.                                                                Cincinnati Enquirer,   Brough   pur-

Gorgets found in, 143, 147.                                                                   chases, 55.

Harness, exploration of, 383.                                                        Cincinnati Enquirer, Brough sells 63.

Pipes found in, 141, 142.                                                               Contents of first in Northwest Terri-

Pottery found in, 146.                                                                            tory, 334-337.

Skeletons found in, 134, 137, 141.                                                 First, in Northwest Territory, 332.

Skulls, perforated, found in, 134.                                                   Freeman's Journal, 343.

Mount Vernon -                                                                                     Huron Reflector, 506.

Emmet's home near, 505.                                                             Mirror (Athens), 43.

Influence of canal on, 479.                                                           Ohio Eagle   edited by Brough, 43,

Museum, Society's, 383.                                                                                44.

Museums, Archaological work of, 113.                                                Ohio Statesman, 44.

Muskingum County, Zane's Trace in, 314.                                           Ohio State Journal, on Brough, 53.

Muskingum River -                                                                                Poetry in first Northwest, 339.

Expeditions against Indians on, 303.                                              Predecessor of Ohio State Journal,

Indian trail crossing, 315.                                                                       78.

Moravians on, 203.                                                                         Royal Prentiss' American Friend, 42.

Moravian villages on, destroyed, 204.                                          Scioto Gazette, 343.

Zane advises settlement on, 308.                                                   Western Aurora, 506.

Zane to locate land on, 309.                                                           Western Intelligencer, 78.

Mussels in   Gartner Village Site, 153,                                                  Western    Republican,   edited  by

154, 155.                                                                                                  Brough, 43.

Worthington, at, 78.

N                                                                   Nonconformists, 493.

Napoleon, 557.                                                                                       Northwest, Virginia's claims to, 278.

Influenced to sell Louisiana, 253.

Reasons for selling Louisiana, 254.

Regains Louisiana, 250.                                                                 O'Connell, Daniel, Liberation of, 508.

Nash, George K., 489.                                                                           Oddfellowship at Worthington, 78.

National Guard, Ohio, in Spanish War,                                                 Ohio Canal-

553.                                                                                         Difficulty of construction of, 471.

National Road, Establishment of, 501.                                                   Reservoir for, 471.

Zane's Trace relative to, 313.                                                       Route of 472.

Needles found at Gartner Village Site,                                                 Work begun on, 466.

175.                                                                                                 Ohio Canals -

Negroes--                                                                                               Agitation for, 461, 462.

Attitude toward in Ohio, 50.                                                          Bibliography of, 481.

Brought to Sandusky Valley, 210.                                                 Ceremonies attending beginning    of

Episcopal mission of, 393.                                                                      work on, 466.

Negro Minstrelsy, Origin of, 507.                                                         Commercial value of, 473.

Negro Sermon, Dan Emmet, by, 538.                                                  Commissioner of, 449.

Net sinkers, found in Gartner Village                                                   Congress donates lands for, 474.

Site, 164.                                                                                         Construction of, 460.

Newark--                                                                                                Cost of, 478.

Emmet's appearance, in, 520.                                                      Cost of transportation decreased by,

Influence of Canal on, 479.                                                                    479.

New Orleans, American Hist. Association                                           De Witt Clinton's interest in, 467.

meets at, 281.                                                                         Dimensions of, 476.

Ceremonies attending transfer of La.,                                          First Board of Commissioners for,

258, 259, 260, 261.                                                                          463.

Dixie sung in, 517.                                                                          Financial backing of, 468.

New Philadelphia, Centennial at, 291.                                                  General effects of, on State, 480.

Newspapers--                                                                                        "Golden Age" of, 478.

Advertisements in first, 337.                                                        "Great Debate" concerning, 473.


Index.                                     581


Ohio Canals - Concluded.                      Philippine War -

Initiatory survey of, 464.                                                              Lawson in, 552.

Legislative enactment for, 463, 465.                                             Ohio in, 551.

Location of, 460, 465.                                                            Piatt, Captain, 555.

Locks and aqueducts for, 476.                                               Piatt, Captain James-

Map of, 482.                                                                                   In war of 1812, 556.

Miami Canal (See Miami Canal).                                         Piatt, John James-

Necessity for, 462.                                                                         "An unknown Grave," 555

Private branches of, 475.                                                       Piatt Family, military services of 556.

Origin of, 462.                                                                        Piatt, Captain Wm., Poem to, 556.

Reservoirs for, 476, 471, 477.                                                Piatt, Jacob, on Washington's staff, 555.

Success of, 475.                                                                      Pickaway County, First settler in, 322.

Value of, 461.                                                                         Pike, Gen. Albert, composes "Dixie"

Work begun on, 466.                              Song, 532.

Ohio--                                                                                             Pike County, "Graded Way" in, 387.

Character of settlers of, 491.                                                 Pioneers, at Worthington, 73.

Civil War, in, 66.                                                                            Customs of, 500.

Cosmopolitan people of, 356.                                                        First in Ohio, 99, 491.

Early emigration to, 490.                                                               Location of, 308.

Early settlers of, 356, 490.                                                     Pipes at Gartner village site, 183.

Kilbourne's description of, 71.                                                       Platform, 141, 183.

Place of, in Nation, 504.                                                                Views of, 185.

Settlers of, 356.                                                                      Piqua, origin of name of, 264.

Spanish and Philippine War, in, 551.                                     Point Pleasant, Battle of, 11.

Worthington's opinion of, 72.                                                 Political Campaign, 1840, 351.

"Ohio Railway," Sandusky Valley, in,                                          Pool, Harwood R.-

236.                                                                                          Sketch of, 561.

Ohio University, Brough student at, 43.                                                Death of 380.

0. K.-                                       Pottery, Decorations of, at Gartner Vil-

Origin of, 350.                                                                                lage Site, 189.

Permanency of, 354.                                                                     Found at Gartner Mound, 146.

"Old Betsey," 215, 234.                                                                          Found at Gartner Village Site, 159,

Old Dan Tucker, 507.                                                                             160, 102.

Emmet writes, 525, 542.                                                                Mexican, presented to Society, 291.

Old Northwest Genealogical Quarterly                                         Proctor, General, at Ft. Stephenson, 217.

298.                                                                                         Carriage of, at Sandusky, 220.

"Old Town," Kenton at, 23.                                                            Publications,  (See    Society),   (See

Onondagas, Sandusky River, on, 195.                                                   Books, (See Newspapers), His-

Order of American Knights, 66.                                                            torical Bulletin 562.

Ornaments -                                  Putnam, Rufus, 98.

Beads, bone, 180.Career of, 295.

Beads, shell, 179.Memoirs of, 295

Gorgets, 179.

Pendants, bones, 180.

Pendants, shell, 179.                                                               Quakers, Aversion to war, 416.

Village Site, Gartner, 177.                                                              Zane descends from, 298.


P                                                            Railroads, "Ohio Railway," 236.

Paint Creek, 16.                                                                               Randall, E. 0., 90.

Panama Canal, 364.                                                                               Affairs Ohio Archaeological and His-

Parsons, Mira Clark-                                                                               torical Society, 289.

"Historic Worthington" by 71.                                                        Annual Meeting Ohio Society S. A.

Pendants, 179, 180.                                                                                R., 397.

Perry County, Zane's Trace in, 316.                                                     Annual report to Society, 375.

Perry's Victory, 219.                                                                             "Clark's Conquest of thi     Illinois"

Philippe, Louis, 326.                                                                               Rcv:cw of, 2I2.

582 Ohio Arch

582            Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


11andall, E. O. - Concluded.                                                                 Roads- Concluded.

Commercial versus scientific collect-                                                 Todd's Trace, 317.

ing, 563.                                                                                          Turnpike in Sandusky Valley, 241.

Editorialana, 118, 287, 395, 558. (See                                                  Zane petitions Congress for, 308.

Editorialana.)                                                                                 Zane's Trace, 297.

Exhibit at St. Louis, 395.                                                                Roberts Line, 278.

Gathering under the oaks, 562.                                                      Rosenthal, Baron, Crawford Expedition,

Harrison-Tarhee   Peace   Conference                                        in, 207.

Memorial, 560.                                                                       Ross County, Gartner Mound in, 129.

Harwood, R. Pool, 561.

Leland University, Address by, 289.                         S

Letters by Governor Tiffin, 563.                                                   Saltlicks, on Muskingum, 306.

"Life  and   Letters of Thomas J.                                                   Sandusky -

Anderson and Wife" Review of,                                           Early justice in, 244.

293.                                                                                                 Origin of name, 193.

Meeting of American Historical As-                                                    Philander Rexford arrives at, 220.

sociation, 287.                                                                         Sandusky County, First Courthouse in,

"Memoirs of Rufus Putnam," Review                                           244.

of, 295.                                                                                    Sandusky (Lower)-

National Meeting of S. A. R., 399.                                                 Early steamboats of, 232, 233.

Ohio State Bar Association, 563.                                                    Early trade of, 230.

"Old Northwest" Geneaological Ouar-                                          Port of Entry, 231.

terly, 398.                                                                                Sandusky River -

Proceedings of the Society, 558.                                                   Bradstreet's expedition on, 200.

Shakers and the Historical Society,                                                Early boats on, 228.

566. .                                                                                        Early bridges across, 236.

Society represented by, at Am. Hist.                                             Early description of, 194.

Association, 121.                                                                     Early English traders on, 202.

St. Memin Portraits, 296.                                                                Earthworks along, 191.

"The Louisiana Purchase," 248.                                                     English obtain possession of, 196.

Reeve, Dr. J. C., Remarks of, before                                                     Fish in, 230.

Society, 388.                                                                            Floods of, 240.

Refugees, Livingston family, 495.                                                         French on, 192.

Refugee Tract, 496.                                                                                Game of, 199.

Refuse Pits -                                                                                            Improved for navigation, 237.

Burial in, at Gartner Village Site,                                                  Indian tribes on, 192, 195.

187.                                                                                          Plains of, 195.

Prehistoric Village Sites, of, 151.                                                  Smith's description of, 199.

Republican   Party, Semi-Centennial of,                                              Territory drained by, 191.

562.                                                                                                  Water route to Mississippi, 193.

Reservoirs, Ohio Canals, for, 476, 471,                                                 Water supply of, 240.

477.                                                                                                  Schools -

Revolutionary War -                                                                              Early support of, 491.

Captain Piatt in, 555.                                                                      Shakers' interest in, 411.

Emmet's Ancestry in, 505.                                                            Worthington, 76.

Livingston family in, 495.                                                              Scioto Company -

Ohio in, 98.                                                                                     Ohio Country explored by, 71.

Richland County Historical Society, 90.                                               Organization of, 72.

Annual meeting of, 292.                                                                        Settlers sent by, 73.

Roads -                                                                                                    Scioto River -

Early, in Sandusky Valley, 222, 221.                                                   Indian towns on, destroyed, 276.

First, 297.                                                                                        Salt Springs on, 272.

Lands for, 241.                                                                               Zane to locate land on, 309.

Maysville Pike, 316.                                                                       Sandusky, Upper, (See Fremont.)-

Old Wheeling, 314.                                                                                Founding of, 227.

Pittsburg to Wheeling, 308.                                                                   Harrison's headquarters at, 213.

St. Clair reports on absence of, 308.                                              Name changed to "Fremont," 239.


Index.                                     583


Sandusky Valley -                                                                            Shakers - Concluded.

Early maps of, 198.                                                                        Manuscripts of Whitewater Commun-

Early missionaries in, 222.                                                                     ity, 403.

Early settlers of, 225.                                                                      Mary Black episode, 420.

First Church in, 224.                                                                        McNemar, Richard, 404, 416, 417.

First mill in, 245.                                                                             Meacham, David, 412.

French settlers in, 226.                                                                    Members at Whitewater, 419, 436.

Military operations in, 213.                                                            "Morgan's Raid" at Whitewater, 437.

Military roads in, 221.                                                                    Morrell, Calvin, 404, 4e6, 408, 418, 424.

Negroes brought to, 210.                                                                Officers change at Whitewater, 423.

Old Army Road in, 221.                                                                 Officers of, at Whitewater, 412.

Troops leave, for Canada, 219.                                                      Organization   of  Whitewater   Com-

Turnpikes in, 241.                                                                                    munity, 407.

Whittaker Romance of, 210.                                                          Schools among, 411.

Scouts -                                                                                                   Second Adventism   among, 424.

Brady, William, on Sandusky, 202.                                               Sherman, Ezra, 422, 423, 426, 436, 439.

Girty, (See Girty.)                                                                         Spiritualism  among, 427.

Maxwell, James, 300.                                                                    Sturr, Chas. H., 402, 439, 440, 442.

Zane, Jonathan, 303.                                                                      Rufus Bishop, Death of, 432.

Scrapers found at Gartner Village Site,                                                Thriftiness of, 401.

168, 169.                                                                                         Union Village Community, 405.

Seneca Reservation, Purchase of, 224.                                                 Whitewater Community of, 401.

Serpent Mound--                                                                                    Whitewater Community of sued, 435,

Appropriations for 381.                                                                          439.

Care of, 118, 119, 378.                                                            Shannon, Wilson -

Drawing of, at St. Louis Exposition,                                              Financial policy of, 53.

383.                                                                                         Nominated governor, 54.

MacLean's figure of, 96.                                                               Re-nominated governor, 54.

Symbolical character of, 296.                                               Shawnees -

Shakers -                                                                                                Bowman's expedition against, 274.

Archibald, Elder, 423.                                                                   Clark's expedition against, 32.

Arrests among, 420.                                                               Shelby, Governor, Kenton in army of, 33.

Aversion of, to War, 415.                                                       Shell Beads at Gartner Village Site, 179.

Ball, Stephen W., 430, 433, 436, 439.                                    Shell Hoe at Gartner Village Site, 165.

Bear, Henry, 436, 438, 439, 442.                                          Shell Pendants at Gartner Village Site,

Bellamy Storer defends, 422.

Burlingame, Nathan, 405, 406.                                                     17     Ge

Chronicles of Whitewater, 417, 424,                                     herian, Gen. Mike, 552.

431, 433, 438.                                                                 Sherman, John, 90, 359, 506, 526.

Sherman, W\m. T., 506, 526, 551.

Conflagration at Whitewater, 417.


Covenant of, 416.                                                                   Slavery-

Customs of~, ~442.                                         tBrough's attitude toward, 51.

Customs of, 442.

Darby Plain Community of, 403.

Trl at  ariSon, 90, 118.

Discouragements at Whitewater, 410.                                 Sloane, Rush R., 90, 11.

Farnham, Louisa, 435, 439, 441.                                           Smith, B. F., presents cane to Society

Farnbam, Louisa, 435, 439, 441.

Farnum, Douglass, 404.

Garden seed enterprise of, at White-                                   Society -

water, 431.                                                                            Affairs of, 289.

Gifts of, to Society 566.                                                                Appropriations for, 122.

Improvements at Whitewater, 414.                                            Annual Meeting of Trustees of, 389.

Judicial persecution of, 430.                                                        Annual Report of Treasurer to, 385.

Lands purchased by, for Whitewater                                         August Meeting of Executive Con-

Community, 411.                                                                          mittee, 558.

Literature of, donated   to  Society                                              Building for, 289, 377.

127, 384.                                                                               Cane presented to, 292.

Litigation among, 414, 430, 435, 439.                                         Care of Ft. Ancient, 379.

MacLean's interest in, 566.                                                         Care of Serpent Mound, 378.

684 Ohio Arch

684            Ohio Arch. and His. Society            Publications.


Societies - Concluded.                       Songs - Concluded.

Co-operation of, with Local Societies,                                           Dixie, 514.

390.                                                                                          Dixie Songs, 532.

Correspondence of Secretary of, 80.                                            Effects of the Brogue, 543.

Curator's Report to, 383.                                                                 Mac will win the Union back, 535.

Death of Members of, 291, 380.                                                    Old Dan Tucker, 542.

Donations to Museum of, 383.                                                       Striking lie, 536.

Election of Trustees of, 386.                                                          The Connaught Man, 547.

Executive Committee of, 389.                                                       The Offishsaiker, 545.

Meeting of, 391.                                                                      When thish old Poipe was new, 544.

Visits Ft. Ancient. 559.                                                   "Song Writers of Ohio," Galbreath, 504.

Exhibit of, at Louisiana Purchase                                          Sons of American Revolution, 530.

Exposition, 383, 305, 558.                                                      Annual Meeting of Ohio Society of,

Governor appoints new Trustees for,                                            397.

382.                                                                                          Delegates to National Meeting of, 398

Governor Herrick interested in, 289.                                             National Meeting of, 399.

Governor vetoes appropriations for,                                             National officers of, 399.

382.                                                                                         Officers of Ohio Society of, 397.

Growth of Library of, 384.                                                            Ohio Society of, 555.

Harrison-Tarhee   Peace   Conference                                Sons of Liberty, Order of, 66.

Memorial at, 560.                                                          Spanish-American War -

Invited to participate in New Phila-                                              Lawson, Gen. in, 552.

delphia Centennial, 291.                                                         Ohio, in, 551.

Legislative Appropriations for, 381.                                      Spanish, Louisiana, in, 249.

Legislative attitude toward, 379.                                            Spears found at Gartner Village Site, 163.

Martzolff's remarks before, 390.                                           Spiegel Grove, 221.

Meeting of Executive Committee, 377.                                Spiritualism, Shakers, among, 427.

Members present at annual meeting                                     Sprague, Mrs. William, 487.

of, 375.                                                                                    Poem     read by, at Taylor-Livingston

Merrill presents bookplate to, 388.                                                               Centenary, 488.

New Members of, 290, 381.                                                 Squier and Davis -

New Trustees of, 290.                                                                   Cedar Bank Works described by, 149.

Nineteenth Annual Meeting of, 375.                                             Harness Mound explored by, 383.

Proceedings of, 118, 558.                                                      Staley, Mrs. James, 487.

Publications of, 121, 375, 382.                                              St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, 556, 557.

Relics of clay articles from  Mexico,                                           Appointed Commander, 99.

290.                                                                                         Defeat of, 101, 555.

Remarks of J. C. Reeve before, 388.                                            Failure of Monument for, 292.

Represented at Am. Hist. Associa-                                               Reports on absence of roads, 308.

tion, 121.                                                                         St. Louis Exposition, Society's part in,

Secretary's annual report to, 375.                                                 120.

Secretary's report on publications of,                                   St. Mary's Reservoir, 477.

559.                                                                                 St. Memin Portraits, 296.

Shakers' gifts to, 566.                                                             Steamboats-

Standing Committees of, 558.                                                       Cincinnati, 229.

St. Louis Exposition, at, 380.                                                          Nautilus, 229.

Tiffin's Letters presented to, 563.                                                 Ohio, 229.

Wood reports on care of Ft. Ancient,                                           Pegasus, 228.

588.                                                                                         Sandusky, early on, 228.

Work of Secretary in, 379.                                                            Walk in the Water, 228.

Songs -                                                                                                    Wyandot, 229.

At Rooney's Ball, 545.                                                            Stone, Implements of, 161.

Auld Mrs. Madigan's Cat, 548.                                              Storer, Bellamy, defends Shakers, 422.

Cross ober Jordan, 536.                                                         Stuart, John, Companion of Boon, 266.

Dars a Darky in de Tent. 535.                                               Symmes, John Cleves, 99, 557.


Index.                                      585


T                          Treaties -

Caverns -                                                                                                 Louisiana Purchase, 256.

McIntire's, at Zanesville, 325.                                                        Tarhee Peace Conference, 560.

National Road, along, 502.                                                     Treber Tavern, 322.

Sugar Grove House at Springfield,                                        Trenton, Battle of, 535.

352.                                                                                  "Turnpike Lands," 241.

Treber, 307.                                                                            Tuscarawas Indians on Sandusky River,

Zane's Trace, on, 316, 322.                                                            195.

Taylor, Daniel, 500.                                            V

Taylor, Edward L., 489.

Address at Taylor-Livingston Centen-                                  Vallandigham, C. L., 40, 64.

ary, 492.                                                                          Van Buren, Martin, 44, 54.

"Royal Refugees," on, 387.                                                    "Vanished Empire, The," Dunn, Review

Taylor Family -                                                                                      of, 295.

Locates in Nova Scotia, 498.                                                 Vegetable food of prehistoric people, 156.

Origin of, 498.                                                                        Veto Power, Exercise of, 382.

Unites with Livingston family, 499.                                      Village Site, (See Gartner Mound)-

Taylor, Henry C., 488.                                                                          Baum, 187.

Address, Taylor-Livingston   Centen-                                           Bone implements, Gartner Mound at,

ary, 489.                                                                                 165.

Provides for Taylor-Livingston Cent-                                           Builders of Gartner, 150.

enary, 487.                                                                             Burial method at Gartner, 184.

Taylor-Livingston Centenary -                                                             Burials in Gartner, 154.

Address of Welcome at, 468.                                                        Celts found at Gartner, 163.

Edward L. Taylor's address at, 492.                                             Character of people at Gartner, 187.

Program at, 488.                                                                            Crematory found in, 136.

Taylor, Matthew, 498.                                                                           Cross section of Gartner (Prehistoric),

Taylor, Robert, comes to Ohio, 499.                                                     153.

Tecumseh -                                                                                            Effigies found at Gartner, 160.

Ft. Stephenson, at, 216.                                                                  Food at Gartner, 156, 158.

Home of, 483.                                                                                Flint spears found at Gartner, 163.

Plans Indian uprising, 212.                                                            Gartner, Exploration of, 149.

Teeth -                                                                                                    Hammer stones found in Gartner, 164.

Elk, for ornaments, 180.                                                                Hoes found in Gartner, 164.

Necklace of Elk, 180.                                                                     Implements found in Gartner, 161.

Perforated, in Gartner Mound, 143,                                             Mussel Bakes in Gartner, 154.

144, 145, 146.                                                                         Net-sinkers found in Gartner, 164.

Temple Mounds, 92.                                                                              Occupation of people of Gartner, 189.

Tiffin, Governor, Letters of, presented to                                             Ornaments found at Gartner, 177.

Soc:ety, 563.                                                                                  Pipes found at Gartner, 183.

Todd, Col. Robert-                                                                                  Pottery found at Gartner, 158.

Expedition of, 317.                                                                         Prehistoric, 129, 383.

Pursues Indians, 275.                                                                     Refuse pits of, 150.

Todd's Trace--                                                                                       Shell beads at Gartner, 179.

Adams County, in, 318.                                                                 Shell pendants at Gartner, 179.

History of, 317.                                                                              Whetstones at Gartner, 183.

Toltecs -                                                                                                  Woven fabrics at Gartner, 177.

Family of, 95.                                                                        Virginia -

Religious inclination of, 95.                                                           Cedes Northwest Territory, 278.

Trading Posts on Sandusky River, 196.                                                 Claims in Northwest, 278.

Trails, Indian, at Zanesville, 315.                                                          Reservation of Northwest Territory,

Miami County, in, 484.                                                                  278.

Sandusky Valley, in, 221.                 Virginia Military District -

Zane's Trace follows, 312, 320.                                                    Boundaries of, 278, 279.

Fort McIntosh, 208.                                                                        Purpose of, 278.

Greenville, Effect of, 212.                                                    Virginia Minstrels, Organization of, 508.

586 Ohio Arch

586           Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.


W                          Worthington - Concluded.

Early manufactories at, 79.

Ward, John Q. A., 351.                                                                                 Episcopal Church at, 74.

Designs Kenton's Monument, 37.                                                        First Christmas Dinner at, 74.

War of 1812, 505.                                                                                         Kilbourne comes to, 71.

Indians part in, 213.                                                                               Masonry at, 78.

Kenton in, 33.                                                                                        Methodist Church at, 75.

War, Shakers' aversion to, 415.                                                                    Mill Stones at, 72.

(See Revolution.) (See Civil War.)                                                      Odd Fellows at, 78.

Washington,   George,   suggests  Ohio                                                        Pioneers come to, 73.

Canal, 460.                                                                                            Schools at, 76.

Wayne County organized, 212.                                                            Worthington, Col. Thomas -

Wayne, Gen. Anthony-                                                                                Canal Commissioner, 463.

Appointed commander, 104.                                                                Opinion of Ohio Country, 72.

Ft. Hamilton visited by, 106.                                                         Worthington Female Seminary, 77.

Indians attacked by, 107.                                                               "Worthington, Historic," Parsons, 71.

Influence of victory of, 308.                                                         Worthington   Manufacturing   Company,

Kenton in army of, 32.                                                                  80.

Treaty with Northwest Indians made                                           Wright, George B., Death of, 118, 380.

by, 208.Wyandots-

Webster, Daniel, 44.Character of, 195.

Ohio Canals, on, 474.                                                                     Crawford's expedition against, 205.

Wheeling -                                                                                             Ft. Sandusky attacked by, 197.

Ft. Henry in, 304.Legend of, 453.

Zanes locate at, 300.                                                                      Missionaries among, 223.

Whetstones, at Gartner Village Site, 183.                                             Sandusky River on, 192.

Whigs -                                                                                                   Wyrick, David, "Moses" Mound, of, 447,

Opposition of, to Brough, 54, 55, 56.                                             451.

Victory of 1844, 62.

Whiting, Augustus N.-                                         y

Abstract of Memorial sermon on, 394.

Business career of, 393.                                                                 Yorktown, Battle of, 555.

Death of, 291, 380.                                                                         Yellow  Creek, Logan family killed at,

Early life of, 392.                                                                           30, 302.

Educational advantages of, 392.                           Z

Mission spirit of, 393.

Negro interest of, 393.                                                                   Zane Burial Ground, 297.

Religious tenets of, 393.                                                                 Zane, Ebenezer -

Sketch of, 392.                                                                                Ancestry of, 298.

Whittaker, James--                                                                                 Birth of, 299.

First educator of Ohio, 211.                                                           Bridgeport founded by, 300.

First white settler in Ohio, 210.                                                      Burial place of, 298.

Whittaker's Romance of, 210.                                                                Cause of Dunmore's War, on, 301.

Whittlesey, C h a r I e s  "Archaeological                                             Chillicothe Mile Tract of, 329.

Frauds," 447.                                                                                   Comes to the West, 299.

Wilkinson, Gen. buries St. Clair's dead,                                                 Congress permits building road, 309.

102.                                                                                                  Distributing Agent at Wheeling, 303.

Willis, Nathaniel, Edits Scioto Gazette,                                                 Lancaster Mile Tract of, 328.

343.                                                                                                 Land owner, 300.

Wills Creek, Zane's Trace at, 313.                                                        Land received from government, 323.

Winsor, Justin, Error concerning    Ft.                                                   Locates at Wheeling, 300.

Ancient, 280.                                                                                  McIntire assists in "blazing" Trace,

Witchcraft among Indians, 225.                                                                   311.

Worthington -                                                                                          McIntire opposes marriage of, 311.

Academy at, 76.                                                                            Originates new apple, 300.

Boarding house at, 73.                                                                    Origin of family of, 298.

Considered as site for Capital, 82.                                                  Refusal of, to harbor criminal, 300.


Index.                                     587


Zane, Ebenezer - Concluded.                                                                "Zane's Trace" -Concluded.

Second marriage of, 345.                                                              Early travel over, :322, 323.

Siege of Ft. Henry, at, 303.                                                           Factor of History, 321.

Survey of "Mile Square" obtained at                                            Fairfield Coun'y, in, 316.

Zanesville, by, 315.                                                                Guernsey County, in, 314.

Zanesville "Mile Tract" transferred                                              "Internal Improvement," as, 321.

by, 323.                                                                                   Jonathan Zane aids in making, 312.

Zane, Elizabeth -                                                                                            Lancaster, at, 316.

Career of, 306.                                                                               Locating of, 320.

Heroism  of, 305, 344.                                                                   Mail carried over, 316, 323, 328.

Zane, Isaac, Services against Indians, 324.                                          Mclntire assists in making, 311.

Zane, John, Lancaster platted by, 328.                                                 Muskingum   County, in, 314.

Zane, Jonathan -                                                                                    Original condition of, 320.

Aids in making "Zane's Trace," 312.                                            Perry County, in, 316.

Comes to West, 299.                                                                      Route of, 312.

Guide for Crawford's Expedition, 306.                                         Taverns on, 314, 316, 322.

Guide for McDonald's Expedition,                                               Travellers description of, 330.

303.                                                                                         Treber Tavern, on, 307.

Judge Parsons meets, 306.                                                            Zanesville -

Zanesville "Mile Tract" received by,                                                   First hotel in, 311.

323.                                                                                                 First white child born at, 324.

Zane, Noah, Lancaster platted by, 328.                                                       Legislature meets at, 82.

Zanesfield, Kenton's home near, 34.                                                            Mclntire buried in, 298.

"Zane's Trace," Martzolff, by, 297.                                                              McIntire Tavern at, 325.

Adams County, in, 318.                                                                         Platting of, 326.

Belmont County, in, 313.                                                                      Settlement of, 324.

Blazing of, 212.                                                                                      "Zane Mile Tract" leased at, 323.

Chillicothe, at, 317.                                                                                Zane Mile Square at, 315.

Completion of, 319.                                                                       Zeisberger, David, 204.

Congressional enactments for, 308.