Ohio History Journal




Abington, Virginia--Presbytery........... 218                  Antioch College......................... 12

Abolition   Intelligencer   and   Missionary                  Anti-slavery Friends.................... 300

Magazine ............................. 221                              Apollo Exhibition....................... 74

Abolition society....................219-257                          "Apostle to the Indies"................ 82

Abolitionists, Ohio, 240; Presbyterian,  247                  Appalachian Mountains................. 224

Abraham    (Bible) ..................... 247                           Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biog-

Adams, Alice      D.--Neglected   Period   of                           raphy ..............................42, 221

Anti-slavery in America.............219                          Arapaho Indians      ........................ 85

Adams, Henry--History       of  the    United                Archives, U. S.......................... 177

States ............................... 134                                   "Arkansas Traveler" (picture) ......... 282

Adams County, O.........4, 27, 233, 237, 238                 Armstrong, John ...............139, 140, 141

--Meigs Township ....................                                             33                  Armstrong, Ensign John............... 265

--Tiffin Township.....................                                 30        "Artemus Ward" see Charles F. Brown.

Adena Mound .......................fac.                                 82        Arteneet Club........................... 113

Aetna Mound...........................                                      41        Artifacts .............................317-345

Adjutant and  Inspector-general's Office,                    Artl, Joseph............................. 114

General Orders ....................... 146                          Ashtabula County, Ohio, 27, 39, 53, 56,

"Adventure Galley" ....................                                  17             65, 66.

"The Aetna," furnace ..................                                 41        Astor House..........................73, 75

African .................................245                                  Aten, Rev. A........................... 234

Age of Freedom........................                                     13        Atheists ................................ 13

Agnew, D., and Company.............                                41        Athens, Ohio............................ 42

Akron, O.--Arlington Street...........                               34        Atlanta, Georgia ....................... 282

Albany, N. Y...............78, 137, 140, 142                      Atwater, Caleb--History       of the State of

Albertson, Ralph--"Survey of Mutualistic                                Ohio ..........................            39

Communities in America"...........       2                     Aughinbaugh, B. A.--Know Ohio...... 12

Aldrich, Lewis Cass, ed.--History of Erie                    Austin, Mrs. Eliphalet.................. 53

County, Ohio. ......................... 14                              Austinburg, Ohio....................... 53

Alexandria, O ......................167, 168                           Aux Canards River .................131, 169

Alleghany Mountains .............2, 171, 185                     Averill,    James    P.--History      of   Gallia

Allen, William .......................... 106                                          County           ............................... 38

Allison, Charles M...................... 104                            Aztec ................................86, 279

Allison, William   B ...............152, 158

"Allison" amendments..................   162                         Babcock, Stephen Moulton............. 302

Allston, Washington ..............68, 79, 80                        Babka, John J........................... 113

Alum     Creek ..........................171                               Bacchus   ................................   88

Amanda, Fort............................ 285                              Backus, James.......................... 18

Amblema costata (Rafinesque)............ 344                  Bacon, Francis.......................... 100

America    .........     .............82, 262                              Badeau, Adam.......................... 149

American aborigines.................   83, 84                       Badger, Rev. Joseph ................... 53

American Anthropological Association.     81              Baehr, Herman................111,                                     115, 125

American    Anti-slavery  Society,  227,230,                Bain, John, Jr.--Tobacco  in                                        Song and

231, 235.                                                                                     Story ...................... 88

American Army, 132, 260; in Ohio,        130.                           Bainbridge, Ohio........................ 34

American Association of Museums ......... 272              Baird, Chambers........................ 254

American Colonization Society  .......... 300                              --Reminiscences ...................... 255

American Educational Society.........      56                   Baird, William.......................... 238

American Historical Association--Annual                   Baker, Newton D      ...............113, 117

Reports ...............................  5                                    Baldwin, Mrs. J. F..................... 282

American    Journal of Science and Art,                        Baltimore, Lord. ........................166

40, 175.                                                                                   Baltimore, Md...................20, 159, 228

American    Legion .....................                                  103      Baltimore and Ohio Railroad........27, 185

American Patent System...............                                 279      Bancroft, Edward....................... 21

American Phalanx........................                                  10        Banker ................................. 212

American Railway Journal.............                                187      Banking and Currency    Committee, 156,

American Reform Society ............ 249                                     164.

American State   Papers: Indian    Affairs                     Bannon, Henry T.--Stories Old and Often

....................................                                              257           Told  ..................................                          39

Ammen, David ..........................                                     223      Baptist Church .........................                       5

Amory, Mississippi......................                                   40        Barber, Rev. E......................... 178

Anderson, Captain......................                                    75        Bareis, Miss Grace M..............274, 282

Anderson, A. M........................                                      184      Barnes, Albert--The Church and Slavery

Animal   magnetism   ..................... 77                                       ........................................ 242

Anne, Queen of England ..............      93                      Barnes, Gilbert H.--The Anti-slavery Im-

"Anti-Hullism"       .................... 134                                           pulse ..............................229, 251

Antilles  ................................ 83                                     Barrie,  J.  M ............................ 101





--"My Lady Nicotine" ............... 100                          Binkley, Robert C ...................... 292

Barry, Cordelia ...........................    13                           Binning, Charles ........................ 283

Barry, Francis ..........................       13                           Biographical     Cyclopaedia     and    Portrait

Barstow, Dr .............................       73                           Gallery   .................................  42

Barstow, Caleb ..........................     23                           Birney, William .....................227, 253

Bartlett, Laurence     H ...............273, 291                                --James G. Birney and His Times, 221,

Bartley, Mr ..........                        184                                        252.

Bartlow, B. S.                                                                              Bishop, Robert Hamilton ............... 296

--A History and Biographical Cyclopae-                  Black, Joseph ........................... 112

dia of Butler County, Ohio ....... 11                        Black, Louis ............................. 112

--Centennial History of Butler County,                      Black, Morris ...................117, 121, 124

Ohio .                             11      Black River ............................. 175

Basting, Louis--"The Believers of Indiana                   Bland, Richard Parks ..........150, 156, 162

in 1811" .............................4        Bland-Allison Law............................. 164

Batavia, Ohio .......................103, 231                           Bland Bill ....................     156, 158, 159

Bateman, W. M ........................ 150                              Blazer, Mrs. James T .................. 283

Battle Run..................................  42                               Blennerhassett, Harman ..........19, 20, 21

Bayard, Thomas Francis ............... 162                         Blennerhassett, Margaret ............... 20

Baxter's Saints' Everlasting Rest ......       57                  Bliss, Eugene     F.--Diary                        of David             Zeis-

Beard, James H ......................70, 73                                         berger,   a Moravian                     Missionary         among

Beardsley, Clement ........................... 55                                   the Indians of Ohio.......................... 8

Beardsley,   David H .......172, 175, 194, 198               Bloom    Forge .........................27,   39

Beasley, Dr. Alfred ....................238                            Bloomingburg, Ohio.................... 282

Beaumont, Francis..............................  89                     Boat-building    industry, decline ........     24

Beaver Creek ...............................                                             3Bobadilla .............................. 94                            94

Beck, Dr. Isaac......................... 237                              "Bogus Democrat" ...................... 194

Bedle's Station ..........................       2                             Bohemians ............114, 117, 118, 120, 126

Beebe, Mrs. Belinda.........................64                         Bohn, Ernst .........................119, 126

Beebe, Lydia ............................      189                         Boice Fort (prehistoric) .................. 357-366

Beecher, Dr. Lyman....................   240                         Bond, Beverley      W.--The      Civilization                         of

Beers and Co.--History of Brown County,                     the Old Northwest        .................                                        3

O. ..........................................  236                             Bone implements .........................328-330

Beery, Willard .............................. 282                          Bonser, Mrs. Robert................... 283

Believers, Society of .................2,   4                            Boston...............68, 75, 78, 79, 259, 260

Bell, Gertrude ........................... 281                              --Park Street Church ................ 228

Belle Prairie, Ohio .....................      18                          Boston Book ...............................  74

Bellefontaine, Ohio ..................... 188                           Boston Courier ......................... 68

Bellingham, Washington ................ 304                        Boston Herald.............................. 161

Belmont, August................153, 159, 163                       Bourbon County, Ky ......................... 220

Belmont County, Ohio ..........     10, 258, 261                Bourne, Rev. George .....................225, 227

Belpre, Ohio ...............................20                               Bowen, Mrs ............................ 180

Benesch, Alfred A..................... 117                             Bowsher, E. L ............103, fac. 105, 290

Benjamin, Park ............................... 76                          Braceville, Ohio.........................11

Benner, Judge C........................34                                 Brackett...................72, 74, 78, 79, 80

Benner Forge .................26, 27, 34, 35                         Bradbury, John--Travels in          the Interior

Bennett, James Gordon ..............76,  77                                     of   America ...........................                                 57

Bennett, John I ........................152  Braden, Ohio.........................27,                                              38

Bennett, Judge   Sanford                 S.........180, 183      Brazil ...................................                     87

Benton, Elbert J.--The                     Wabash     Trade   Breck, Rev...................                              .. 208

Route in the Development of the Old                         Breese, Mary Longsworth..............                                     275

Northwest.................................. 199                           Brinkerhoff, Jacob ...................... 106

Benzoni ...................................... 84                               Brisbane, Albert .......................     9

Berea, Ohio ............................. 305 British, 21, 144; flag, 257; transports, 257

Berea College ................................ 14                           British  Museum .....................98, 291

Berea Community..................... 14  Brock, Isaac.........................134, 169

Berea Lyceum School.....................                               14         Brocklehurst, Miss Harriet........... 282

Berlin Community .        .....................                            13         Brooke, Dr. A................................                          12

Berlin Heights, Ohio................12, 13                             Brooke, E ...................................                                                                                                   12

Bernon, Maurice........................ 117                              Brooke's Experiment..................11                                      12

Bernstein, Alexander ........... 112, 113, 117                  Brooklyn, Connecticut .................. 225

Bernstein, Harry ............................ 110                         Brother Jonathan ............................. 76

Berry, George W.............. 189, 191, 196                      Brotherton, May ........................ 180

Bessenyey, August ........................... 115                       Brough, John ................................. 196

Beulah, Ohio................................... 3                             Brown, Charles F .......................       14

Beverly (Morgan County)     Association                      Brown, Jacob .......................141, 144, 146

............................... 10, 11              Brown, James .................20

Beible .....53, 57, 167, 217, 220, 229, 247                      Brown, M. S............................ 282

Big Bottom, Ohio....................... 285                               Brown, N. A............................ 13

"Big Business Era".................... 213                               Brown, Owen.................................. 133

Big Creek ...................................36 Brown, Samuel R.--Views            of the   Cam-

Biggs, Rev  ................................       48                           paign of the Northwestern Army .... 128

Bimeler (Bameler), Joseph ...................                         5Brown, Symmes E....................... 282


INDEX                                           373


Brown, William..............167, 172, 184, 185                    Campbell, Milton D............103, fac. 105

Brown    County, Ohio, 90, 170, 177, 233,                 Campbell, Washington.................. 238

236, 237, 253.                                                                         Campbell Memorial..................... 285

"The Brown God and His White Imps" 96                      Campbellism               ............................  5

Brown, Charles F. (Artemus Ward).. 14                         "Campus                     Martius"..................18, 285

Browne, Isaac      Hawkins-- "A       Pipe    of                 Canada, 136, 139, 146, 147, 239, 241, 252, 300

Tobacco" ............................. 100                                  Canal Commissioners................... 187

Browning, Elizabeth.................... 69                                Canal Winchester....................... 282

Browning, Robert....................... 69                                  Cane Ridge, Ky ........................ 220

Brownstown, Mich...................... 169                              Canton, Ohio............................  9

Brueggemann, Emma................... 104                             Cantrell, Edgar......................... 273

Brush, E................................133                                      Capek, Thomas--The Czechs (Bohemians)

Brush, Captain Henry.................. 133                              in America............................ 113

Brush Creek............................                                          30      Carew, Sir John........................ 166

Brush Creek Forge...........26, 27, 30, 31                          Carey, Allethea ......................183, 190

Bryan, Major H. S ................... 279                                 Carey, Catherine........................ 177

Bryan, Ohio............................. 214                                  Carey, Cinderella ...................181, 190

Buchanan, James.............................. 194                         Carey, Dorcas, 171, 174, 175, 176, 177, 182,

"Buckeye Cabin"....        ................ 182                           188, 189, 196; port. fac. 166.

Buckskin Run........................... 34                                    Carey, Edward.......................... 166

Bucyrus Journal........................ 195                                Carey, Eliza.........................180, 190

Budd, Rev. R. E....................... 103                                  Carey, Emma ..................179, 180, 183

Buddha   ................................. 283                                   Carey, Isaac............................. 177

Buell, William   M....................... 184                              Carey, John, 166-199; port. fac. 166; home-

Buffalo, N. Y........................36, 141                                stead, fac. 167.

Buffington Island ...........285                     --Speech on Agriculture............. 193

Buford, Ohio ........................238, 242      Carey, Joshua ........................... 177

Bull Durham ............................ 93         Carey, MacDonnough   179, 180, 189

"Bull" forge..................................   31                          Carey, Napoleon .....178, 179, 180, 183, 190

Bulwer-Lytton .......................... 100                                Carey, Sarah............................ 177

Bundle Run.................................. 33                                Carey, Stephen Brown................. 166

Bunyan, John--Pilgrim's Progress ..... 57                  Carey   Thomas.......................... 166

Burford, Canada........................ 144                                Carey, William.................167, 169, 170

Burgess ................................ 253                                     Carey, 0................................ 188

Burgess, Dyer................................                                   40      Carey family.......................... 166

Burials ................................322-323                           "Carey's Adventure" ...............166

Burlington Heights.......................144                         Carey's Run.................................. 167

Burnett, Mrs....................................  71                      Carey's tannery ......................... 170

Burnett, Elder D. S......................... 48                       Careytown, Ohio........................ 189

The Burning Shame of America".......96                         Caribbean Sea ...................... 22

Burns, Robert.......................... 167                             Carlisle, Ky............................. 221

Burr Conspiracy ......................19, 24                        Carlisle   Penn..................215, 280, 283

Burrill fort (prehistoric) ...........357-366                         Carolinas ............................90, 295

Burt, Andrew................................ 46                              Carothers, Neil-Silver in America.... 148

Burt, Catherine Gano.................  46                                Carrol, Hannah......................... 58

Burt, Samuel B......................... 37                              Carroll County, Ohio.............258, 261

Burton, Harold ......................... 117                           Cartwright Peter...........................   4

Bushee, Frederick A.-"Communistic So-                   Carter Dr C. E............................. 287

cieties" ................................. 5                                               Carter   Lorenzo........................56-60

Bushnell, Henry-History of Granville         33           Carters Tavern... 170

Bushy Run (battlefield)................ 260                       Case, Leonard--"Early Settlement of War-

Business ................................ 213                              ren, Trumbull County, Ohio"........ 63

Busro, Indiana............................                                      4        "Casket maidens"....................... 90

Busseron Creek ............................                             4

Butler, Mrs .............................. 180                            Cass, Lewis, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,

Butler, Frederick....................       281                       137, 169.

Butler, Joseph G. --History of Youngstown                      Cassel, A. B............................. 283

and the Mahoning Valley .........27, 41                         Castigator .....................223, 227, 250

Butler, General Richard.............. 268                        Catawba Islands  ............................ 281

--Journal ................................ 265                           Catherine de Medici ..................88, 93

Butler County, Ohio .................. 3, 11                        Cavalier ................................ 294

Butler's Analogy........................ 57                             Cecil, Lord Baltimore.................. 166

Byron, Lord............................ 100                             Cedar Cliff D. A. R.................... 283

Cedarville, Ohio........................ 283

Cedarville dolomite..................... 81

CCC   .................................... 281                               Cedron,  Ohio.............................. 242

California ...........................161, 256                          Celebrezze, Frank....................... 114

Calumet (pipe) ......................... 85                             Central America........................ 84

Cambridge, Ohio, Glass Co............. 282                   Centre College.......................... 253

Campbell, Alexander .............6, 237, 238                 Champion, Aristarchus.................. 275

Campbell, Edwin R...............68, 72, 81                      Channing, William    H...................    9

Campbell, John.......................... 40                            Chardon, Ohio.......................... 36

Campbell, L. W......................... 280                          Chagrin Falls, Ohio.................... 351




Charleston, S. C.......................... 158                           Clermont County, Ohio.....9,                                       104, 231, 232

Chase, Philander.......................    170                          --Franklin township.............                                                                                    7, 12, 15

Chase, Salmon P.....  106, 176, 190, 251, 298              Clermont Phalanx ..............7, 9, 12, 15

Chautauqua County, N. Y..............                              35          Cleveland, Grover .................148, 162

Cherry, M. L...........................                                      56          Cleveland, Ohio, 53, 56, 70, 109-128, 170,

Cherry, P. P.--The Western Reserve and                                  172, 175, 187, 194, 279, 290, 306, 307; for-

Early Ohio ...........................                                     55              eign vote, 119; census figures, 119.

Chester County, Penn..................                                 235            --Annual Report, 1913................ 110

Chicago ...................118, 152, 159, 188                                     -"Bernstein's Elbow"................ 110

Chicago Times ..........................                                    161        --Board of Education................ 117

Chicago Tribune ........................                                  156            --Board of Elections .....109, 117, 119, 121

Chillicothe, Ohio,   30, 31, 34, 99, 128, 133,                              --Official Records.................119, 126

134, 138, 141, 143, 146, 168, 169, 184, 230                          --Charter    .................................... 126

--Supporter ....................... 34, 131                                          --Citizens' Bureau.................... 114

--Paint Street ..................... ..                                      35              --City Council..112, 114, 117, 118, 121, 124

Chillicothe Presbytery..................                                224            --City Hall........................111, 121

Chinese ................................. 153                                              --Court of Appeals................... 118

Chippawas ............................208, 209                                       --Democratic Club......................... 113

Chittenden, Henry T ...................... 104       --East 55th-Woodland districts....... 112

Christ ..................................                                          236            --Euclid Central High School....... 214

Christian Commission...................                                256            --Fifteenth Ward..................... 110

Christian era ............................                                    82              --Mayfield Road...................... 126

Christian Republic......................                                  13          --Ninth Ward......................... 123

Christianity, American..................                                229            --Police Bureau....................... 114

Church, H. O...........................                                     282        --Police Prosecutor................... 118

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day                --Public Square ........................4, 305

Saints ...................................6                                   --Republican Club.................... 113

Cincinnati, 9, 11, 30, 42, 68, 81, 103, 139,                                 --Russian Civic League.................... 115

157, 163, 169, 187, 233, 251, 257, 282, 293,                          --Russian Jewish Colony..................  110

297, 299.                                                                                  --Syrian American Club............. 113

--Academy of Fine Arts.......     68, 72, 75                               --Twelfth Ward ...................113, 120

--Art Museum........................                                      69          Cleveland Bar Association............. 117

--Christian Church....................                                  48          Cleveland Centennial Commission--

--House of Refuge..................                                    44              Woman's Department--Memorial to the

--Hughes High School...............                                   48              Pioneer Women of the Western Re-

--Spring Grove Cemetery............                                 48

--Spring Grove Cemetery............                                48              serve .................................. 53

--Union Board of High Schools.....                               48

--Vine Street Congregational Church                          249        Cleveland Herald....................... 36

Cincinnati College ......................                                  296        Cleveland Leader ...................122, 125

Cincinnati Columbian & Great West..                          49          Cleveland News......................... 126

Cincinnati Commercial Tribune,       150, 226,             Cleveland Plain Dealer................ 112

239.                                                                                          Cleveland Press......................30, 112

Cleveland Railway Companies......... 124

Cincinnati Foundry.....................                                   32          Cleveland Year Book...............118, 121

Cincinnati Gazette......................                                  48          Clevenger--Bust of Harrison.......... 77

Cincinnati Presbytery..................                                  232        Clevenger, Olive........... 281

Cincinnati Spirit of the Times........... 70                        Clifton, J. L.--Know Ohio  ............. 12

Cincinnati Synod.................... 240, 243                        Clinton County Ohio.................. 12

Cincinnati Teachers' Association......    47                   Closson, Carl.......................... 283

Circleville, Ohio ........................128                             Coates, William R.--A History of Cuya-

Citizens' League of Cleveland .....  120, 121                             hoga County and the City of Cleve-

City manager plan .................. 120, 126                                    land ..........................4, 14

Civic League of Cleveland.............                             121

Civil Service Commission..............                               117        Cob .................................... 94

Civil War, 145, 212, 236, 243, 252, 254, 256              Cobb, Miss............................. 56

280, 299, 303.                                                                         Coffin, Levi............................. 253

Clark, Edna M.........................                                     279        Cole, Fay-Cooper--"Rediscovering Illinois"

Clark, Enoch W........................                                    213            ........................................ 348

Clark, Grace Julian....................                                  275        Cole, G.................................. 74

Clark, Harold T........................                                    291        Cole, G. D. H.--Robert Owen.........      8

Clark, John R........................... 283                              Cole, Robert............................. 281

Clark Memorial.........................  285                           Coleman, Dr. Warren.................. 282

Clarke, Annie T.....................275, 282                         Coleman, Ohio ......................... 29

Clarke, General George Rogers........    267                College Hill, Ohio...................... 300

Clarke, James F.--History of the Cam-                        College of Teachers ....................... 44

paign of 1812 and the Surrender of the                    Collins, Joel............................. 297

Post of Detroit....................... 137                             Collinwood Colonies ................... 126

Clarke, Lillian D....................... 275                             Colton, M................................ 37

Clarke, Warren V......................   275                         Columbia University .................... 214

Clay, Henry............................. 182                              Columbian Phalanx..................10, 11

Cleaveland, Moses........................ 62                          Columbiana County, O...........27, 29, 258

--Journal .............................                                       59          --Center twp ........................ 29

Clendenen, Mary........................                                  215        Columbus, Christopher ..........82, 84, 87


INDEX                                           375


Columbus, O., 104, 150, 170, 175, 180, 183,                            Crothers, Samuel, 229, 230, 251, 252--An

277, 279, 281, 282, 287.                                                                Appeal to Patriots and Christians in Be-

--Blake Avenue....................... 171                                                 half of the Enslaved Africans, 253.

--Dodridge Street.................... 171                                         Cuba ................................... 82, 94

--High Street ......................... 171                                         Cumbaugh .............................. 71

--Indianola Avenue................... 171                                     Cumberland Mountains................. 219

--Maynard Avenue.................... 171                                     Cumi, Tabitha........................... 62

--Oakland Avenue.................... 171                                      Curry, Nellie Egbert................... 275

Columbus Cadets....................... 283                                         Curry, Otway..................174, 176, 182

Columbus (Ohio) Sunday Journal-Dis-                                    Cushing, Representative................ 175

patch .............................. 30                                                   Cushman, Mrs. Victor N............... 282

Commissariat ........................... 115                                          Custer Memorial........................ 285

Common Pleas Court ................... 113                                      Cutler, Manasseh.....258, 259, 262, 269, 270

Communism      ............................. 116                                     Cuyahoga County, Ohio............... 114

Communistic Communities ..............1-15                                          --County clerk........................ 122

Compromise of 1850..................... 301                                              --Court House........................ 121

Concord, Ky.........................220, 221                                                --Republican Committee.............. 122

--Presbyterian Church ............... 222                                                --Middleburgh township.............. 14

--Cuyahoga River...........170, 257, 305, 306

Concord, Ohio ............................. 27                                        Cclopaedia of American Biography.. 230

Concord Forge....................        27, 36                                     "Czar" Bernstein........... 111

Conestoga County, Penn ................... 92                                           Czechs ..........................112, 118

Confederacy    .......................... 196

Confederate sword...................... 282

Congressional Globe.................... 192                                       D. A. R., of Cedarville Township, Greene

Congressional Record................... 155                                              Co., O................................. 280

Congressmen     ........................... 155                                       Dailey, Rachel.......................... 63

Conkling, Roscoe....................... 158                                         Damascus Scientific Academy of Colum-

Conneaut, Ohio...............26, 27, 39, 59                                     biana County, Ohio.................. 276

Conneaut Creek......................... 39                                           Damm, Adam........................112, 113

Conneaut Forge .....................27, 39                                          Dana, R. H............................. 79

Connecticut ..................53, 56, 73, 260                                     Dandridge, Tenn ....................... 217

Connecticut Land Company............ 62                                     Darby Plains, Ohio, 3; Shakers, 4.

Connecticut Reserve.................... 51                                         "Darling Nelly Gray".................. 292

Connecticut Valley...................... 90                                         Daughters of Union Veterans.......... 104

"Constitutional" Presbyterian Church. 242                                Davey, Martin     L., 114, 290; cabinet, 117

Continental Congress................... 21                                         Davis, Harry L......................... 114

Continental uniform.................... 264                                        Davis, Jerome........................... 117

Continental veterans.................... 261                                               --The Russians and Ruthenians in

Converse, Col. George L............... 276                                             America ............................ 116

Cook, Thomas........................... 13                                             Davis, Margaret E...................... 30

Cooke,  Jay .............................. 212                                           Davis,  Tice.............................. 239

Cooper, Myers Y........103, fac. 106, 114                                  Davis library .......................274, 275

Cooper, Peter ........................... 185                                          Dawes, B. G............................ 283

Cooper, Thomas......................... 183                                         Day, George............................. 283

Copp, Mrs. Ellen Rankin.............. 255                                       Dayton, Ohio, 3, 76, 129, 130, 132, 169, 174,

Coronado ............................... 86                                               187, 280, 290.

Corti, Count E.--A History of Smoking 102                               Decatur, Ohio..................233, 237, 242

Covenanter faith........................ 242                                         Decatur County, Ind................... 222

Covington, Ky........................... 38                                             Declaration of Independence .......167, 234

Cowdery, Oliver........................   6                                           Declaration of War with England..... 169

Cowles, Mr.............................. 181                                            Dehner, Alma ........................... 104

Cowles, Rev. Giles H.................. 53                                          Defiance, Fort........................... 173

Cowles, Sally White................... 54                                           Delaware (State) ....................... 166

Cox, bookseller of Maysville, Ky...... 223                                 Delaware, Ohio......................... 282

Cox, Jacob D............................ 156                                           Delaware River......................16, 17

Cox, James   M  ........................... 294                                       Delawares   .............................. 208

Cox, Mrs. Rensselaer W............... 282                                      Dellenbaugh, Frank E.................. 122

Cox, Samuel S. "Sunset".............. 106                                        DeMaioribus, Alexander............118, 119

Coxsackie community...................  9                                         Dement Cemetery....................... 42

Crabbe, Mrs. Clara..................... 273                                        Democratic press........................ 191

Craig, Neville B........................ 265                                          Democrats, 109, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 120,

Cramer, Clarence H.................... 214                                        122, 126, 191.

Cranch, John............................ 70                                              Dennis, Jerry .......................... 108

Crane's Nest (furnace)................ 40                                         Denny, James........................... 131

Crawford County, Ohio............... 190                                       Depression   ............................. 149

--Court of Common Pleas........... 173                                      Derry County, Ireland................. 215

Creighton, William..................... 59                                           DeSchweintz, Edmund--The Life and

"Crime of '73".......................... 152                                            Times of David Zeisberger.................                                8

Crim ea  ................................... 93                                             DeSoto  ..................................                                         85

Crimean War........................... 93                                              Detroit, 118, 131, 132, 133, 134, 138, 139,

Croats .................................. 125                                                142, 144, 169, 253, 257.

Croghan, George........................ 141                                        Detroit River........................... 177




Deuel       Thorne .......................... 350                          Encyclopedia of American Quaker Gen-

--"Basic     Cultures    of   the   Mississippi                               ealogy   ..........................         210

Valley" ............................. 349                               England.. .87, 92, 166, 172, 211, 284, 291, 300

--"Rediscovering Illinois"............. 348                          Enoch,    Abner ..........................     11

Dickeys ................................. 253                                  Equity, Ohio ............................        15

Dictionary         ofAmerican             Biography.. 42       Erie     County, Ohio ..............12, 55, 56

Dictionary         of American            Painters, Sculp-                 --Berlin    twp .......................... 13

tors and Engravers ...................   69                           Erie, Fort ...........................144, 145

Dictionary of Congress .................  171                         Erie, Penn ...........................64, 143

Dille, Mrs. Asa .........................       62                           Erie Canal .............................. 199

Dillon, John ............................. 28   Erie, Lake ............26, 141, 174, 257, 350

Dillon, Moses ........................26, 28                                           Erie Railroad ........................... 34

Dillon, Moses and Son .................                                  29Eskimo            fur garments .................. 282

Dills, R. S.--History       of Greene County,                   Espana                ................................. 84

Ohio ...........................9....            Eton .............                             93

Disciple Church ........................     44                                       Europe ..................83, 87, 93, 115, 284

Disease ................................. 205    European nobility ...................... 211

Dixon, George ........................ 38                                  Europeans .......................84, 86, 87

Dixon, Noah ............................                                       38        Evans, Nelson W.

Dixon, Silas ............................                                        38            --History of Adams County, Ohio... 30

Doak, Dr. Samuel ..................217, 226            --History of Scioto County, Ohio...      39

Doane of Doane's Corners ..........62, 64                        Everhart, J. E.--History of Muskingum

Dodge, Alderman ......................     73                                       County, Ohio ......................... 28

Doherty & Gary, of New      Orleans ....                       19        Ewing, Thomas ........156, 157, 162, 164, 176

Dominic (brig) .........................       23                           Ewing, Thomas, Jr ..................... 150

Donkin, Thomas ................279, 282, 305                       Exodus     .............................208, 248

Donnell, Samuel.......................        222                         Eyles, Wilfred      C ...................... 282

Doughty, Major John................. 261

Dover, Ohio ......................              64

Dow, Patent Sermons.................. 101                            Fairchild, E. H.0--Historical Sketch           of

Drake, Daniel-Natural       and    Statistical                              Oberlin College..................... 15

View or Picture of Cincinnati and the                        Fairchild, James H.--Oberlin: The Colony

Miami Country .................3                                                    and the College....................          15

Drake, Sir Francis...........88            Fairfield, Ohio...............                283

Draper Manuscripts .................... 70                             Fallen Timbers ........................ 285

Drury, A. W.-History          of the    City   of                  Fanning, Frederick..................... 137

Dayton and Montgomery County .....            3Farina, Eleanor C...................... 118

Dry Forks ...............................        3                             "Farmers' Castle......................         18

Dubuque, Iowa ......................                                        152Farmin                  ........              197

Dunbar, Paul Laurence, home ........ 272                       Fear,   Valentine.             .30

-- State memorial .....................286    Federal Archives Survey  ........... 278

Duncan, Rev. James ................... 227Federal Government         ...........91, 193, 226

Dunlap, William ........................ 238                             Federal Secret Service ................ 122

DuPont, Fort ........................... 282                                 Felicity, Ohio          ..........       232, 242

Du Ponts ......................          143   Ferry, Thomas W .                                     .           164

Ferry,  Thomas W...................... 164

Fesler, Mayo                                   ................... 121

Fess, Simeon D                                ................. 294

Eagle   Creek   Believers .................     4                      Feurt Site                   ..        .......fac. 82

Eagleson, Freeman       T ..............290, 291                  Field, Cyrus W   ....................... 151

Earl Cemetery .......................... 177                              Field, Eliakim .   .........................     37

Early   Settlers' Association     of Cuyahoga                  Field, Stickney &      Co ..................           36

County, Ohio, Annals ..............57, 64                         Fielding, Mantle ........................      69

East         ................................187, 269                          Filmore, Millard ....................... 194

East         Cleveland    .........................  62                     Financier                   .................... 213

Eastern    States .......................... 261                             Fincastle, Ohio   ................. 177

Eclectic Readers ........................ 294                            Findlay, James ............... 131, 133, 169

Edward, Fort ........................... 138                                Findlay, Ohio      ................. 188

Egypt .................................. 118      Finkle, Herman                 ................. 112

Eidenier, O. O .......................... 276                              Finney, Fort        .................. 257

Eliza Green (brig) ......................  23                             Finns ................................... 119

Elizabeth, Queen of England ........89, 94                      Fioretti, Anthony           ................ 118

Elizabethan age .....................100, 101                          Fisher, Dudley, Sr ...........278, 283, 290

Elizabethtown, N. J ....................    75                           Fisher, John              .................       30

Ellett, Mrs ..............................         60                           Fitch, John .............................          269

Elliott, Alexander C ................... 60                               Fletcher, John .................                 89

Ellison, Andrew ....................35, 40                               Fletcher, Robert S.--"The Government of

Ellsler, Fanny ..........................      79                                        the Oberlin Colony  ..................... 14

Elyria, Ohio ...........................27, 40                              Flint implements ................... .324-325

Elyria Forge .........................27, 40                                Flint-chipping implements............. 331

Emerald, Ohio.......................... 177                               Flint Ridge............................. 318

Emery, Mrs. Homer....................    282                         Flood, James C ......................... 154

Encyclopaedia Britannica, 14th edition                         42        Florence, George ..........272, 286, 290, 291

Encyclopedia Americana...............                                42        Florence, Italy  ............................. 69


INDEX                                           377


Florida   ..............................16, 90                                            Garland, Hamlin........................ 294

Folsom Phenomena..................... 283                                        Garrett, Mrs............................ 54

Folsom-like implements................ 281                                      Garrett, John........................... 65

Foos, Joseph............................ 282                                            Garrettsville, Ohio..................... 65

Foraker, Mrs. J. B..................... 275                                                                    Garrison, Francis Jackson--Life of Gar-

Ford, Henry............................ 294                                            rison .................................. 225

Fordham, Forrest....................... 283                                         Garrison, Wendell Phillips--Life of Gar-

Fordyce, Wellington G................ 214                                       rison  ................................. 225

--"Immigrant Colonies in Cleveland" 119                                    Garrison, William  Lloyd, 225, 227, 229, 231,

Foreign Population in the City of Cleve-                                   254.

land and Where They Live......... 110                                   Gaspee (British schooner).............. 21

Foreign vote............................ 127                                            Gaylord, Thomas P.................... 39

Forest, actor............................ 73                                              Geauga County, Ohio ...............53, 58

"Forge    Hill" ........................... 35      -- Parkman township.................. 35

Forges in Ohio.........................25-41                                         Genealogy .............................. 210

Fort, Greenbury L ..................... 157                                        Geneva, Switzerland.................... 20

Fort Ancient........................280, 285                                         Genius of Universal Emancipation, 219,

Fort Hill................................ 285                                               221, 224, 228.

Fort Laurens State Park.............. 289                                        George, Lake........................... 138

Foster, Charles ..................... 156, 194                                      George, Saint........................... 134

Fountain of Perpetual Youth.......... 86                                      Georgetown, Ohio...................233 244

Fourier plan .....................   ...... 12                                           Georgia ............................210 256

Fourierites .............................    9                                              Germans.........112, 115, 118, 119, 120, 295

Fowler, T. T........................... 70                                               Germany ..........................5,70, 211

Fox, Clifford R......................... 103                                           Giddings, Joshua........................ 275

Fraley, Frederick....................... 157                                         Gide, Charles-Communist and Cooperative

Framingham, Mass..................... 231                                         Colonies ..............................        2

Frampton--Joyful Newes Oute of the                                       Gilbert, Alfred W ..............         299

Newe Founde Worlde ................        94                              Gilliland, James ................229, 238, 253

France...................21, 87, 88, 93, 211                                       Gilman, ship-builder.................... 23

Frankenstein, Godfrey................. 72                                         Gilmore, W. E........................ 275

Frankenstein, John.....................      75                                      Gilruth, James.......................... 14

Franklin, Benjamin........21, 75, 129, 260                                  Glassburn   Mrs. H. D.................     282

Franklin County, Ohio......10, 11, 173, 276                                Glover, John............................ 39

Franklin Furnace....................... 37                                            Gnadenhutten, Ohio ...................7, 285

Fredonian ............128, 130, 133, 134, 135                                God                                         249

Free coinage.. ........................     155                                        Goebel, Dorothy Burne-William Henry

Free Presbyterian       Church, 222, 236, 243,                          Harrison; A Political Biography .... 139

244, 252.                                                                                 Golden Fleece ........................... 86

Free Presbyterians ..................... 229                                        Goldman                   ........          119

Free Soil Movement................... 254                                         Goldsmith, Oliver....................... 100

Free Thinkers..........................      13                                         Gongall, Ireland....................... 88

Freeman, Mrs. L. S................... 282                                          Good Time Coming              .............  13

Fremont, Ohio ......................... 172                                           Goodman, Joseph C.........286, 290, 291

French and Indian Wars--......-...... 21                                      Goldman, Robert P.................290, 291

Friends, Society of ....44, 210, 211, 212, 300                             Goodrich, Calvin.....................       306

--Indiana Yearly Meeting............ 301                                     Goodwin, H. R .....................281, 283

--Monthly Meetings.................. 210                                         Gordon Creek                                 86

--North Carolina Yearly Meeting.... 210                                 Gormely, Mrs............... 176

Fruit Hill ......................133, 139, 140                                         Gorton, Hezekiah...................... 176

Fugitive Slave Law................249, 251                                      Goshen, Ohio........................... 231

Fugitive   slaves ......................... 252                                         Goslin, Robert.................279, 282, 310

Fulton, Robert .......................... 24                                             Gospel .................................. 216

Furth   .................................. 119                                                Gould, Ezra Barnes.................... 276

Gould, H. T., and Co.--Illustrated        Atlas

Gaddis, Maxwell P.--Foot-prints          of  an                           of Ross County and Chillicothe, Ohio, 31

Itinerant ............................. 30                                               Graham, Margaret                      .                                  ..................... 42

Galbreath, Charles B.--"John Brown" 133                                Graham, Scott....                          ..        .......    282

Galena, Kansas .................. 283                                                Grand Army of the Republic......103, 104

Galician Russians ....................... 116                                        Grand Banks        .                       .................  22

Gallagher ............................... 119                                             Grand Rapids, Mich                    .    ............. 282

Gallia County, Ohio.................... 27                                           Grand River                        .        ................. 144

--Ohio township......................  38                                            Granger, Francis                 .        ....................... 14

Gallipolis, Ohio .....................26, 38                                           Granger, Gideon                 .        ................ 14

Galloway, William A.--The History of                                      Grant, E. P............................ 10

Glen Helen..........................9, 12                                           Grant, Ulysses S., 103, 104, 244; birth-

Gambrinus ............................. 88                                               place, 282.

Garabelli, Theodore..................... 110       --Cabin..................103, fac. 105, 285

Gardner, Hamilton--Communism among                 --Memorial ...............103-104, 285

the Mormons .........................  6                                             Grant, U. S. III......108, fac. 105, 280, 282

Garfield, Harry A...................... 121                                         Granville, Ohio...................27, 33, 248

Garfield, James A ...................150, 154                                     Granville Forge...................26, 27, 38




Gray, H. P............................. 73                                                            Harding, Chester ....................... 80

Grdina, Anton.......................... 112                                                       Hariot, Thomas--A   Brief and    True Re-

Great Britain ..................128, 257, 261                                                 port of the New          Found Land of Vir-

-- Parliament    .........................  16                                                     ginia  ....... ..........................  87

Great Lakes Exposition................ 281                                                  Harlem, N. Y.......................... 75

Great Lakes Region.................... 306                                                   Harmar, Josiah......................... 261

Great Manny Creek.................... 166                                                   Harmar, Fort....................17, 261, 262

Greathouse, Charles H.--Historical Sketch                               Harmonic Society....................... 12

of the Department of Agriculture... 192                                            Harper, Elizabeth ....................56, 65

Greece .................................     88                                                        Harpersfield, Ohio................53, 56, 66

Greek Democratic Club          .............. 114                                         Harrington, M. R.--"A Midcolonial Sen-

Gleeks ................................. 114                                                           eca Site [Silverheels] in Erie County"

Greeley, Horace .......................9, 76                                                   .................................350, 351

Green, secretary, Clermont Phalanx..                                       9                                            Harris, Addie...........................55

Green, Beriah ........................... 251                                                     Harris, Eliza............................ 240

Green, David E.                                                                                    Harris, George.......................... 241

--The City and Its People............ 115                                                  Harris, Joseph .......................... 302

--The Invasion of Cleveland by Euro-                                                   Harrison, William Henry, 70, 137, 138. 139,

peans ............     .............      119                                                       140, 181, 182, 185, 194.

Green, William ....................... 32                                                         Harrison Administration, 1890.......... 148

Greenbackers ................         ... .  155                                                 Harrison Campaign, 1840............... 282

Greene, President Cincinnati Union Board                                          Harrison County, Ohio............258, 261

of High Schools..................... 48                                                       Harrison Memorial.................283, 285

Greene, Gerald U ..................282, 283

Greene County, Ohio.................8, 12                                                   Hart, Albert Bushnell .................. 230

Greenfield, Ohio................238, 241, 253                                                                                --Slavery and Abolition..........224, 252

Greenman, Emerson F.                                                                                                            Hart, Elmer.......       ................ 273

--"Excavations of the Reeve Village                                                  Hart, Joel T............................ 69

Site"  ...........           ............ 348                                                         Hart, Jonathan......................... 267

--"Seven Prehistoric Sites in Northern                                                Hartford, Connecticut.................. 256

Ohio"                                                   .............................. 124

Ohio"   .............................. 350     Harvard ............................111, 124

Greensburgh, Indiana .................. 256          --Baker Library...................... 275

Greenville, Ohio........................ 283                                                     Havana, Cuba ........................ 23

Griffin, Dr. James B ................306, 346                                               Hawkins, Sir John..................... 88

Griffin, William......................... 184                                                     Hayden, John.............103, 104, fac. 105

Grim, Paul R.......................... 304                                                         Hayes, Rutherford B., 149, 150, 151, 156,

Grossman, Mary ....................... 118                                                     157; administration, 148, 149.

Grove City, Ohio....................... 283                                                                                        --Diary and Letters..............149, 150

Guernsey County, Ohio ................ 258                                                                                   --Memorial .......................271, 285

Guilford, Nathan....................... 49                                                        Hayes, Webb C., II.................... 272

Gun, Anna...........................62, 66                                                         Hearne, Thomas........................ 93

Gun, Elijah ............................. 62                                                          Heaton, James...................26, 27, 29

Gunn, Alexander--The Hermitage Zoar                                    Heckewelder, John......................       8

Note Book and Journal of Travel..       5                                 Heintz, M. G              ..................103, fac. 105

Hempstead, S. B....................... 41

Hench, Martha B....................... 283

Hale, Mrs. Ellena ..................281, 282                                                  Henderson, Ed .........................      22

Hall, James--Letters from the West.. 57                                     Henderson, James...................... 217

Hall, Lawrence W .............190, 191, 192                                  Hendrixson, John      E ................... 103

Halstead, Murat .......... 152, 157, 158, 163                                Henry IV, King of England........... 166

Hamilton, Milton W.--The Country                                            "Hero of Chillicothe................. 139

Printer, New York State, 1785-1830.. 105                              "Hero of Tippecanoe"................. 139

Hamilton, Robert. ................ 30, 40                                            Hess Brothers........................... 171

Hamilton County, Ohio. ........... - 3, 5, 230                                            Heubner, Francis C....................   8

Hamlin, Mrs. Howard E.............. 283                                        Hickcox, Colton and Co............... 36

Hammond, James Henry .............. 195                                       Hickcox, Jonathan...................... 37

Hamtramck, John F ................260, 264                                      Hicks, Frederick Charles.............. 258

Hancock, John ......................47                                                 Hicks  Dr. L. E.  ........................ 280

Hancock County, Ohio ................. 173                                      Hicksite Quakers....................10, 235

Hanging Rock Iron Region, 26, 27, 35, 37,                                Highland County, Ohio.............231, 251

39, 40, 41.                                                                                "Highland Laddie"..................... 182

Hanks, Mrs. J. D..................... 283                                             Hildreth, Samuel P .................... 40

Hanna, Henry.......................... 41

Hanna, Mark ................... ....... 111                                                       --Contributions to the Early History of

Hanna machine......................... 125                                                                                         the North West, Including the Mora-

Hannastown, Penn ..................... 260                                                                                       vian Missions in Ohio..............       8

Hannay, James......................131, 145                                        Hill, N. N., jr.--History of Licking County,

Hannum, Rev. W. H.................. 280                                                     Ohio .................................               33

Harbinger.........................9, 10, 11                                             Hillhouse, Ohio.........................                  36

Hardesty, H. H., and Co.--Historical                                         Hillquit, Morris--History of Socialism        in

Hand Atlas, Lawrence and Gallia Coun-                                           the United States ....................         2

ties  ...................................  38                                                Hillsboro. Ohio......................... 238

Hardin County, Ohio................... 190                                         Hillsborough, Lord..................16, 18


INDEX                                                                                       379


Hinds, William Alfred--American Com-                       Independence, Missouri ................                                           6

munities ..............................                                       2          Independence, Ohio .................306, 307

Hinshaw, William Wade ...............                               210      Indian meal .............................    20

Historical Memorials ................... 272                          Indian River ........................... 166

Historical Records Survey ............. 278                        Indian Wheeling, Ohio         ......... 268

Hollyday, Robert H .................... 297                            Indiana...86, 90, 106, 185, 199, 210, 250, 251

Hollyday, Wilson C.................... 297          --State Board of Education .......... 46

Hoit, A. G ..............................                                        80        --State Library ......................  275

Holinshed, Raphael .....................                                  94        Indiana State Anti-slavery Society.... 301

Holland    ................................ 211                                Indianapolis ........................151, 283

Homemaking on the frontier ..........62-65                     Indianapolis Sentinel................... 161

Hoops, Adam ........................... 260                              Indians, American, 53, 84, 87, 94, 131, 134,

Hoover, Herbert ........................ 111                                        141, 144, 169, 177, 208, 258; depredations,

Hope, Hulitt ............................ 31                                              267; tribes, 257, 303; villages, 7

Hopewell Culture Tobacco Pipes..fac. 82                    Indians, Ohio ........................... 257

Hopewell Furnace ....................27, 28                           Industrial Fraternity ...................                                               13

Hopkins, Gordon ....................... 238                             Ingham, painter........................                                                  74

Horse Shoe, Battle ..................... 218                            Ingham, Mrs. W. A.--Women of Cleve-

Horst, John R .......................... 283                                            land and Their Work................       51

Hostetter, Hiram--Diary ............... 275                         Inman, Henry .......................... 73

House, Captain ......................... 170                              Inscription Rock........................ 285

Hover, Ezekiel .......................... 275                             Integral Phalanx .....................10, 11

Howard, Mrs. Paul Smith ............. 283                          Inter-state Publishing Company--History

Howe, Frederick C ................... 117                                         of the Lower Scioto Valley, Ohio... 39

--Confessions of a Reformer ........ 121                           Iowa ........................46, 158, 180, 346

Howe, Henry--Historical Collections of                       Ipswich, Massachusetts ................. 269

Ohio ................................3, 216                                 Ireland ..................42, 88, 166, 211, 215

Howison, Geo. H ......................       49                         Irishmen ........................109, 118, 125

Hoyt, Judge Noah ..................... 35                               Ironton, Ohio ........................... 255

Hubbart, Henry Clyde ................ 106                            Iroquois aspect .................348, 350, 351

Hudson (N. Y.) Weekly Gasette..... 208                       Italians ..............110, 114, 118, 120, 126

Hudson River ........................... 24                                Italy .................................69, 70

Huebner, Francis C.--The Moravian Mis-                     Izard, George........................... 146

sions in Ohio .........................  8

Huggins community .................... 238

Hughes, Gideon ......................... 29        Jackson, Andrew, 175; administration, 177

Hughes, Gideon .........................     29

Hughes, Rupert--"The Lady Who Smoked                   Jacksonville, Ohio....................27, 33

Cigars" ............................... 100                                  Jacoby, Helen E........................ 280

Hughes, Forge.......................27  29                                           James, King of England--Counterblaste to

Hulbert, Archer Butler--Ohio in the Time                                 Tobacco                                 95

of the Confederation .................                                             James, William--A Full and Correct Ac-

Hull, William, 66, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133,                               count of the Military Occurrences of

134, 138, 169, 170; campaign, 137; mili-                                                    the  Late War between Great Britain

tary trial, 137.                                                                             and the United  States.............145

Hungarians .......... 110, 112, 116, 118, 123                James and Steele....................... 32

Hungary   ..............................  121                                             James and Woodruff................... 34

Hunt, Mrs. Mary Fulton .............. 282                            Jamestown, Va ..................... 89

Hunter, John ..........................                                        238      Jefferson, Thomas ................    75, 167

Huntington, painter.................... 74                                Jefferson, Fort .......................... 285

Huntington, Margaret..................                                               58    Jefferson   County, Ohio ............224, 258

Jefferson County, Tenn.....            215, 216, 219

Huntington, Samuel .................. 51, 58

--"Letters, 1800-1812" ................52, 59                       Jennings, Dr. Isaac .........14

Huntington, Webster P.--"Gunn of the                                      Jernegan, Henry .......................  12

Zoarites"..................           5                                                   Jewett, Colonel A..................... 33

Huntington, W. Va .................... 242                                         Jews ....................... 110, 117, 118, 119, 126

Huntington (W. Va.) Herald-Advertiser                                       Jobes, Mrs. George A................. 283

....................................... 245                                                  Joe (coin) .............................. 263

Huntington family......................    56                             Johns Hopkins University--Studies... 199

Huron Institute ........................ 178                                Johnson, Arthur C ........272, 286, 290, 291

Huston, John.................              3Johnson, Crisfield-- History of Cuyahoga

Hutchins, Thomas ........258, 259, 260, 261                                County, Ohio ........................  14

--A Topographical Description of Vir-                         Johnson, L. N .......................... 282

ginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and                            Johnson, Sherman......................        41

North Carolina ....................   258          Johnson, Tom L.......... 111,  115, 117, 125

Johnston, John ......................... 177

Jones, George.......................... 153

Idaho ................................... 161                                     Jones, John P............154, 155, 156, 157

Illinois .......    11, 86, 106, 157, 185, 244                        Jones, Samuel M ...........124, 125, 157, 160

--State Board of Education .......... 46                            Jones, T. C ...........................     47

--Regiment, 74th ......................    256                           Jonesborough, Tenn .................217, 224

--Regiment, 113th..................... 256                                          Jonson, Ben ............................. 89

--Regiment, 116th ..................... 256                                             --Every Man in His Humour ........     94

Inca .......................                 86                                                --Gipsies Metamorphosis ............. 95




Joshua, Sr., Mohican..................                                      7        Lancaster, Penn........................ 260

Journal of History, Mormon paper...                               6                            Lancaster County, Penn............... 235

Jugoslav, 118; colony in Cleveland, 113.                                   Landis, George B.--"The Society of Sepa-

ratists of Zoar, Ohio" ...............

Kansas ..............................190, 299                                            Lane, Boodle.........................     283

Kauffman, Mrs. L. B.................. 282                                         Lane, Ebenezer ....................173, 187

Kear, Jonathan......................... 184                                           Lane, Samuel A.--Fifty Years and Over

Keith, Sir Arthur ...................... 291                                 of Akron and Summit County....... 34

Kelley, Alfred ......................176, 279                                        Lane Seminary, Cincinnati .........230, 252

Kelley, William D. ..................... 150                                        Lanman, Charles........................ 171

Kellock, Harold--Parson       Weems of the                    Larson, Henrietta M................... 212

Cherry-tree ......................... 129                                            Las Casas, Father....................82, 94

Kemper, William ....................... 275                               Lash, H. D........................... 289

Kendall, Ohio--Social Library.........       9                       Laskowski, Rose........................ 114

Kendrick, of Chillicothe ................  30                                      Latter Day Saints...................        6

Kennedy, Captain ....................... 141                              Laufer, Berthold

Kennedy, Charles E.--Fifty Years of                                --Introduction of Tobacco into Europe

Cleveland            .        ....       117.........................................................99-102

Kennedy, James H.--Early Days of Mor-               --Tobacco and Its Use in Asia...... 102

monis    ...............................  6                                      Laurens, Fort .......................257, 286

Kent, Alexander--"Cooperative Communi-                    Lausche, Frank J...................... 113

ties in the United States" ...........    2                                       Laut, John A........................... 13

Kentucky, 70, 221, 223, 226, 227, 230, 236,                   Lawrence, Amos........................ 299

241, 250, 253, 254.                                                                 Lawrence, Amos A..................... 299

Kentucky Abolition Society............ 221                          Lawrence, Sarah........................ 299

"Kentucky Boat" ....................... 167                                Lawrence County, Ohio.............27, 30

Kenyon College ........................ 49         --Hamilton township................. 40

Kerr, Joseph............................ 275                                            Lawrence furnace...................... 40

Kersting, Elizabeth..................... 104                                         Lebanon, Ohio..........................     2

Keyes, Charles Reuben--"Progress of the                                 Lebold, C. J............................ 289

Archaeological Survey of Iowa" ...... 346                             LeCompton Constitution................ 190

Keyes, Elias ........................... 39                                               Ledbetter, Eleanor E ................... 112

Keyes, James--Pioneers of Scioto County                                Leal tender............................ 19

.. .......................................37                                                  Leggett,  J.  C...........................  255

Keys, William .......................... 238                                 --"Address," in     Ceremonies Attendant

Kilbourne, James...............171, 172, 181                         upon the Unveiling     of a Bronze Bust

"Kilbourne Turnpike"................. 171                               and Granite Monument of Rev. John

King, member of the Cincinnati Board of                       Rankin ............................... 216

High Schools......................... 48                                   Leggett, Conway & Co.--History of Wy-

King, David ....................       .  275                                           andot County, Ohio................... 188

Kingsbury, Mrs. Eunice ............... 59                                        LeGrange's Brigade..................... 256

Kingsbury, James....................... 62                                 Lesley, John Peter..................... 13

Kingsbury family....................... 59         --Iron Manufacturer's Guide ........ 30

Kinney, Muriel......................... 214                                 Letart's Falls .......................... 22

Kirtland   Ohio .......................... 5-6                                Levine, Manuel......................... 118

Klamet, John    .......................... 115                                Lewis, Samuel ..........................44-49

Klippart, John H ...................... 275                                           Lexington, Ky........................... 220

Klippart, Josephine, 272; library, 274.                                      Liberator ......      .......... 225, 229, 251

Knight, Margaret...................279, 282                             Liberty Hall and Cincinnati Gazette..31, 32

Knox, Henry ............................ 259                                           Liberty Loan ............................ 276

Knox County, Indiana--Busseron twp.          4                Liberty Party in Ohio................. 254

Koons, G. C............................ 281                                   Lichtenau, Ohio........................ 7, 8

Kovachy, Julius ......................... 117                               Licking County, Ohio ................27, 33

Krueck .................................                                                      Licking Forge....................27, 28, 29

Kueven, Harry .......................... 282                               Licking Furnace........................ 29

Kundtz, Theodore..............110, 112, 123                        Licking River........................28, 29

Liggett, Mrs. W. K.................... 282

Laborers, Irish ...................204                                                  Ligumia recta latissima (Rafinesque).. 344

Lafayette, Indiana ................. 199                                   Lily, court poet........................ 94

Lafayette Forge..............26, 27, 37, 38                                     Lilly, Josiah K.............    ......... 292

LaFollette, Robert M     ................. 109                           Limestone, Kentucky................... 22

Laird and Norton of Middleburg fur-                             Lincoln, Abraham...................194, 254

nace.......                                                                                 34                Lincoln and Agriculture ............... 192

Lake, Henry ...........................                                                   Linderman, Henry Richard.... 154, 160, 164

Lake County, Ohio ................. 5, 27                                Lindley, Harlow ...........271, 290, 291, 292

--Concord twp........................ 36                                             Linn, W. A.--The Story of the Mor-

Lamb, Charles.......................... 100                                 mons..                                    6

Lamb, Judson Paul..................... 118                               Linton, Ralph--Use       of  Tobacco   among

Lambert, W. C ........................ 104                                 North American Indians ............. 102

Lamoni, Iowa...........................  6                                    Lippincott's Magazine ..................   69

Lampsilis siliquoidea (Barnes)......... 344                                  Lisbon, Conn............................ 53

Lancaster, Ohio .....................279, 282                           Lisbon, Ohio............................ 27


INDEX                                           381


Little Beaver Creek ............29, 260, 265                                    McGregor's Mills ....................... 131

Little Cuyahoga River                    ............... 34                          McGuffey, Alexander................... 298

Little Miami Railroad          ................ 187                                 McGuffey, William     Holmes, 43, 44, 293-299;

Little Sandusky......................... 175      cult, 295; association, 293.

Little Sandy River                          .      ............. 40                     --Readers ...................          45, 298

Little Scioto River                ............... 37, 40                              --Charts .............................. 45

Liverpool .............................      20       --Spellers ............................ 45

"Liza   house".     .     ................. 240    McMillan, T. W .....................       276

Lloyd, H. E............................ 281  McIlvain, John......................173, 177

Lockwood, George B.--The New Harmony                               McIlvain, Purdy........................ 177

Movement ............................       8    McIntosh, Fort ................257, 259, 260

Logan, Benjamin                            .                                             ................ 267                                                                  Mack,    Horace--History      of   Columbiana

Logan County, Ohio                       .                                             .............  10                                                                      County, Ohio......................... 29

Logan Elm.............................. 285        McKern, W. C.--"Wisconsin Pottery" 346

Lograsso, Samuel.       ................  . 118                                      Mackinaw    .............................. 141

London, England ...............20, 149, 301                                     McKinley, Kenneth William........273, 291

--University                                                                                 McLane, Louis..........................     154

--Commonwealth Foundation....... 301                                    McLean, John.......................... 275

--University College................ 301                                       MacLean, John Patterson

London Times .......................... 163                                            --A     Bibliography  of Shaker Literature

Long, Dr. David....................      66.                                           ......... 2

Long, Juliana ........................... 66        --Shakers of Ohio....................                                                                              2

Long Knife                          .                 .................. 209              --Shaker Community of Warren County,

Longfellow, Henry             W.      ...... ..... ..... 68                                 Ohio ................................    3

Longworth, Nicholas.                    .................68-81                   McMahon's Creek ...................... 268

Loofburrow, Wade.....................         9                                     McMasters, William .................... 125

Lorain, Ohio.........................26, 40      McNemar, Rev. Richard ...............         2

Lorain County, Ohio.............14, 27, 64                                      McNichol's rolling mill................ 38

--Russia township        .   ..............  14                                      Macon, Ga.............................. 237

Loramie's    Fort......................... 257    McPherson, H. R...................... 104

Loskiel, George     Henry--History      of  the                            Mad River .............................      3

Mission of the United Brethren among                                   Mad River and Lake Erie Railroad, 174,

the Indians of North America......          8                                185-198.

Louisiana Purchase Exposition........ 282                                    Mad River Railroad ................187, 188

Lower Sandusky........................ 172    Madison, James ....................167, 193

Lowry, Adam........................... 219     Madison, Indiana....................70, 71

Lowry, Jean .........................218-255  Magyars    ............................... 116

Lucas, Sir Charles Prestwood--The Cana-                                Mahan, Asa ...................237, 251, 253

dian War of 1812..................... 146  Mahan, John B......................... 229

Lucas, John ........................... 169       Mahoning County, Ohio................ 27

Lucas, Robert--Journal of the War of 1812                    Mahoning River........................ 27

during    the   Campaign     under   General                          Mahoning Valley .....................27, 28

Hull        ..................................  131                                       Maine   ...............................3,   18

Lundy, Benjamin..........224, 227, 228, 254                                Malcolm's Mills ........................ 144

Lundy's Lane........................... 141      Malden, Canada................131, 146, 169

Lyle, Rev. John......................... 220    Manchester Mills ...................... 11

Lynchburg, Ohio ...................... 238   Mandan, North      Dakota................ 283

Manifesto ..............................      4

McAfee, Robert B.--History of the Late                                   Mankovich, Eugene..................... 115

War in the Western Country....... 128                                    Mann, Horace ........................ 12

McAlister, Dan ......................... 276   Mansfield, Ohio........................ 153

McAlister, R. F........................ 276     Marble   Furnace........................ 35

McArthur, Duncan ..............38, 128-147                                  Marietta. Ohio, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24, 40, 257

--MSS. .............................. 137    260, 282.

McArthur, Nancy..............137, 138, 140                                  Marion, Captain......................74, 77

McArthur, Fort ......................... 130   Marion, Ohio........................... 180

McCague, James ........................ 238 Marion County, Ohio.................. 190

McCague, Theodore.................... 238                                       Mark, Clara............................. 274

McCague, Thomas .................... 238  Marlboro Association................... 12

McClelland,    Samuel    S.--"Busro"....       4                            Marsh, Serepta......................... 179

McCook, General....................... 256 Martin, Absalom ........................ 260

McCoy, James .......................... 238   Martinsville, Ohio...................... 238

McCoy, Kenneth........................ 238  Marvel, Ike............................. 100

McCoy, Matthew ....................... 275 Marvin, Mrs. George U............... 278

McCoy, William........................ 238   Maryland ...................90, 158, 166, 260

McCutcheonville, Ohio................. 180                                     Maschke, Maurice..............111, 117, 123

McDermott, Wayne P.................. 273                                      Mason, J. Alden--Use of Tobacco in Mex-

MacDonald, A. J ....................... 10   ico and South America.............. 102

McDonald, John -- Biographical Sketches                              Mason and Dixon's line............... 229

........................................ 130  Mason County, Ky.................... 237

McElwee, Jane.......................... 215  Massachusetts ....................3, 258, 269

McGinty     ............................... 119   Massachusetts Historical Society....... 260




Massie, David      Meade--Nathaniel Massie                            Mississippi pattern ..................... 348

........................................ 267 Mississippi River................23, 24, 83

Mast-raising ............................     22                                         Mississippi Territory................... 259

Mathews, Alfred--Ohio and Her Western                                Mississippi trait......................... 349

Reserve    .............................. 57                                           Mississippi Valley ...................... 226

Matia, Felix............................ 114                                             Mississippi Valley Historical Review.. 14

Matthews, Charles E................... 46                                          Missouri....................90, 150, 221, 346

Matthews, Mrs. Florence M. F....... 282                                    Missouri River.......................24, 106

Matthews, John.....................260, 266                                       Mitchell, Lane.......................... 282

Matthews, Stanley..........47, 150, 153, 156                                Mizer, Conrad.......................... 112

Matthews Resolution.................... 158                                       Mohicans ...............................       7

Matyjank, Anton....................... 123                                          Mohler, Mrs. J. G...................... 280

"Maumee fever"....................... 206                                          Monardes     .............................. 87

Maumee     Rapids ....................... 169                                      Monongalia County, Virginia.......... 166

Maumee River ..................169, 199, 257                                   Monroe, James.................142, 143, 146

Maumee Valley......................... 199                                         Monroe, Ohio........................... 65

May, Samuel J ......................... 244                                           Monroe County, Ohio.................. 258

--Some Recollections of Our Anti-slav-                                     Monterey    (ship)........................ 282

ery Conflict ........................... 250                                          Montezuma ............................. 279

Maynard, Apollos       ...................171, 181                               Montgomery       County, Ohio--Van         Buren

Maysville, Kentucky   ................... 223                                      township     ............................     3

Meacham, John .........................        2                                      Moomaw, Elizabeth..................... 297

Means, John............................ 30                                              Moravian Indians       ....................                                  8

Medary, Samuel........................ 106                                          Moravian Mission Settlements .........                 7

Medina, Ohio........................... 248                                            Moravians ..........                       ............ 7,         8

Medill, Joseph..................152, 158, 163                                     Morgan, John .........                   ............                           256

Meigs, Return J................129, 132, 169                                     Morgan, Richard G ................273, 279

Meigs, Fort............................. 182                                              Morgan County, Ohio................10, 11

Memnonia Institute..................... 12                                           Morley, Isaac...........................       6

Mentor, Ohio ........5, 6 Mormons......6 5

Mentor, Ohio....... ..................5,       6                                        Mormons ............................... 5-6

Meredith, Owen........................ 69                                            Morrill, J. S........................150, 165

Mermaid     tavern........................ 89                                         Morris, Major ..........     .....   .... 131, 132

Merriman, Charles...................... 184                                        Morris, George P....................76, 77

Merwin, Mrs. Noble H................. 53                                         Morris, William....................... 260

Metcalf, Dr. Jonathan................. 56                                          Morrison, Samuel....................... 275

Methodist Church....................30, 231                                       Morrison, William      Brown............. 303

Methodists ......................55, 232, 253                                        Morrow, Dr............................. 182

Mexican ................................ 279                                              Morton, L. P........................... 153

Mexican    War.......................183, 187                                     Morton, O. P ......................... 151

Mexico ...         ...........                 .......... 83                                Mosquito Creek ...................       28, 29

Miami Canal         ...    ..................11, 174, 187                          Mosquito Creek Forge.................27-29

Moulton,      Mrs. Stephan................       65

Miami University.........287, 296, 297, 304            Mound         Builders   Park................ 285

--Bulletin     ....  ..........   ......... 293

Mound City.................fac. 82, 99, 285

Miamisburg Mound ..................... 285          Mounds, Ohio.........................         81

Mounds, Ohio......................81

Michigan..................8, 46, 86, 164, 185                                     Mount Auburn..........................         80

Michigan--University                  Mt. Pleasant, Ohio..................... 224

--Museum   of Anthropology.....306, 346                               Mowrystown       Ohio..................      231

--Ceramic Repository         306                                           Mud-sill                ................ 195

--Museum      of Zoology.............306, 310                             Munson, Augustine.....................        33

Michigan-Indiana-Ohio      Museums Associa-                         Munson, Jeremiah.....                                         .          . 130

tion ................................... 281 Museum    Echoes ........                            273, 292

Michilimackinac     .......................257

Middle West........................252   Muskingum                            (brig)...................... 23

Middle West..........................Virginia . . 252                             Muskingum         County, Ohio                           27

Middlebrook, Virginia ..............223, 245        --Falls township ...........                 .. 28

Middleburg, Ohio....................... 27                                            Muskingum      River, 8, 17, 18, 19, 22, 208,

Middletown, Ohio............... ...... 34                                            229, 261, 270.

Middletown, Ohio...................... 11     --Coshocton branch ...................    28

Mihelich, John......................113, 119         Myers ................... 77

Milan, Ohio...............            ...... 178        Myers,  George  S       ...............282

Miller, Clark E ......................... 109       Myers, W. C ...............................103

Miller, Gerrit S .....................306, 310

Miller, John.........................132, 142

Miller, Oscar F ...............271, 290, 291                                      NYA............................272, 273, 279

Mills, John ........           ..............   ... 282                                     Narragansett Bay....................... 22

Mills, William              Stowell--The Story of the                        Nash, George K........................ 125

Western Reserve of Connecticut..... 56                                  National Academy of Design.......... 74

Miner, Horace .......................... 344                                           National Bank System................. 176

Miner, Richard......................... 306                                            National Banking Law ................. 176

Mingo    Bottom.......................... 266                                          National Cyclopaedia      of American     Biog-

Minneapolis, Minn...................... 283                                          raphy    ................................ 42

Minnich, Harvey C.................... 293                                           National Era............................ 251

Mississippi ............................. 40  National Greenback      Party............. 165


INDEX                                            383


--Convention ......................... 161                                 Nicotiana rustica .....................83, 88

National Library     of Wales--Bibliography                 Nicotiana sylvestris..................... 83

of Robert Owen, the Socialist .......        8                  Nicotiana   tabacum ...................83, 87

National Road ........................24, 42                              Niles, Ohio .......................27, 28, 29

National Tube Co ................. 357-366                          Nixon, Edgar B.

Naturalization and registration frauds 123                                          --The                 Society   of Separatists of Zoar,

"Naughty Marietta".................  90    MS                                   ..................................  5

Naysmith, originator of vertical type                                                   --"The                Zoar   Society: Application for

steam hammer ........................26                                           Membership" ......................          5

Neal, Ida    L ............................                                     38        Nixon, Fanny H     ......................... 282

Nebraska ............................... 346                                 Nixon, Mrs. Frank ..................... 225

Negroes, 110,     118,   120, 158,   195,  245;                Noble, Warren P .................           196

schools. 251.                                                                           Noble County, Ohio.................... 258

Nelson, John ........................... 238                                Noel, Jacob  P..........................   39

Nevada .................................     154                              Nordhoff, Charles-The Communistic So-

Nevada Bank of California        .......... 154                  cieties of the   United   States ........   3

New     Deal .................. ............  302                            Norman          French               family................ 166

New    England .......... .17, 46, 52, 129, 158                             ..................................   300

New England Magazine ................                                 15        North America ......................16, 83

New England Quarterly          ............12                        North American Review ............... 184

New   Hampshire ..............3, 59, 259, 269                    North Baltimore, Ohio ................. 281

New International Encyclopaedia ..... 42                       North Carolina .................210, 259, 300

New Jersey ......................63, 158, 260                          North   Union. Ohio ................      ..  4

New Lebanon, N. Y ...................       2                          Northern        Pacific   Railroad, 213; securi-

New Light faith ......................2, 220                             ties, 212.

New Orleans ................... 19, 158, 284                         Northwest Territory, 16-25, 86, 219, 258,

New Republic ...             .............  13                              259, 289; ordinance, 219.

New Richland, Ohio--Baptist Church 232                     Northwest Territory Celebration Commis-

New Schoenbrunn ...................... 8           sion.....................................272                       272

Northwest Army ................138, 139, 140

"New School" Presbyterian Church, 242,

243.                                                                                         Northwest, Old, 257; history, 272, 287.

New World .....................    76, 82, 86                            Norwalk, Ohio, Seminary ............ 184

New York, 2, 3, 9, 16, 35, 52, 90, 105, 137,                             "Notorious Thirteen"                124

151, 153, 158, 159, 253, 260, 270, 282, 348,                         Nowak, W. J...........................112

350.                                                                                                        --Survey and Maps of Polish Cleveland

New  York  City, 68  72, 74, 75  187  192  ......................................... 114

230, 255; bankers, 157, 159.                    Noyes, John Humphrey--History of Amer-

--Metropolitan Museum     ..............69                             ican Socialism  ..........8-15

New   York Commercial Advertiser.....                         76        Nursing in the Western Reserve.....66

New York Commercial and Financial

Chronicle ............................. 149                               Oberlin, Ohio ....................14, 15, 251

New York Currency ....................                                 19        Oberlin College--Library ...............                             249

New   York Economist ..................                                159      Oberlin   Colony .........................                                  14

New York Evening Express ............ 74                        Oberlin Evangelist ...................... 243

New York Herald .................... 76, 158                        Oberlin Society ......................... 14

New     York Mirror ......................      76                      Ochsner, Eugene .................... 305, 307

New     York Post ......................... 158                          Octagon State Memorial ...........285, 286

New     York Sun ......................... 151                           Oerter, Maurice  Frederick--A Book   of

New     York Times.......................      150                      Remembrance, the Tragedy of Gnaden-

New    York Tribune ..................76, 150                       hutten  ................................    8

New    York Weekly Dispatch ...........        76              Ohio, 9, 86, 105, 129, 136, 153, 219, 223,

Newark, Ohio ..................138, 279, 290                        241, 244, 251, 263, 276, 281, 290, 349, 350;

Newburg, Ohio ......................... 170                              social experimentation, 1-15.

Newcomer, Lee .........................      214                       --Department of Education .......... 103

Newport, R. I ........................22, 259                             --General Assembly, 173, 174, 177, 178,

Newspapers, Ohio ...................... 277                                       179, 180, 272.

Newton, Isaac .......................... 194                              --Geological Survey--Report, 27, 30, 39,

Niagara    Falls ................... ...191, 196                                     40.

Niagara River ........................... 144                             --Legislature, 103, 112, 114, 121, 125, 174,

Nicholas County, Ky ................... 220                                       175, 179, 187, 236, 272.

Nichols, Jennette Paddock ............. 214                        --Ninth    District...................... 190

Nichols, Mary S. Gove ................. 12                           --Registration    Law...................   122

Nichols, Roy F........................ 214                                 --State Fair grounds................. 104

Nichols, Dr. T. L......................       12                           --State House......................... 277

Nichols, Harold D.........103-104, fac. 105                    --State Superintendent of Instruction 44

Nichols, Hugh L...........103-104, fac. 105                     Ohio (brig) .............................  24

Nicholson, Valentine ....................                                 10        Ohio Academy of History ............. 288

Nicodemus .............................                                       96        Ohio Academy of Science............. 281

Nicola, Benjamin D .................... 118                           Ohio Anti-slavery     Society, 230, 231, 237,

Nicot, Jean ...........................88, 93                               245, 248, 251, 252.

Nicotiana alata ..........................    83                             Ohio Canal .......................29, 41, 174

Nicotiana attenuata ..................... 83                             Ohio Centennial ........................ 282




Ohio communities ....................... 1                                            "Old Nick in Nicotine"................ 96

Ohio Company.....18, 21, 258, 259, 262, 270                            Old   Northwest    Genealogical   Quarterly,

Ohio country ............16, 19, 167, 262, 270                                130, 131, 134.

Ohio County, Virginia.................. 42                                         "Old School"............................ 242

Ohio Federalist ........................ 136                                           Old World............................84, 87

Ohio Female College ................... 300                                       Olentangy River........................ 171

Ohio Gazette............................ 24                                             Oneida Community......................      2

Ohio Historical Collections.........284, 299                                 Oneida County, N. Y ................... 35

Ohio Historical and Philosophical Society,                               Ontario .........     ...............241, 350

Cincinnati  ............................ 299                                           Ontario,  Lake........................... 144

Ohio Journal of Education............ 49                                        Optimist, and Kingdom of Heaven.... 13

Ohio Laws............................9, 11                                               Ordinance of 1785 ....................... 257

Ohio Magazine..........................     5                                          Ordinance of 1787 ...................192, 258

Ohio Mechanics' Institute.............. 72                                        Oregon ................................ 161

Ohio Medical College ................43, 49                                     Orlikowki ............................. 119

Ohio Militia....................128, 140, 141                                      Orton, Mrs. Edward, Jr ............... 274

Ohio Navigator ......................... 22                                            Osborn, Charles................224, 225, 251

Ohio Phalanx........................... 10                                              Osborn, Joseph .......................... 275

Ohio River, 7, 9, 10, 16, 17, 22, 25, 26, 31,                               Osborn Run............................. 40

38, 39, 40, 106, 167, 170, 198, 208, 236, 239,                       Osburn, Raymond C.................... 282

253, 257, 258, 260.                                                                 Ottawa County, Ohio.................. 190

Ohio Soldiers'   and   Sailors'   Orphans'                                    Ottawas ................................ 209

Home Band, Xenia................... 103                                       Overman, William D...........277, 279, 291

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical                                Overton, C   M........................

Society ..................    103, 305, 345                                       Owen, Robert ..........8, 9

--Annual Meeting ................271-292                                     Owenite Community..................8, 9

--Nominating Committee..278, 284, 286                                   Owen's Iron Works, Ky...............       32

--Board of Trustees .....284, 289, 290, 291                            Oxford, Canada......................... 144

--Committee on Classification........ 290                                   Oxford, Ohio .......................290, 297

--Committee on Membership......... 291                                   Pacific Coast............................ 210

--Committee on Recognition of the So-                                   Painesville, Ohio........................ 36

ciety by the State Legislature..... 290                                 Paint, Ohio.............................. 31

--Constitution ................288, 289, 291                                   Paint Creek, 31, 34; falls of, 32.

--Department of Archaeology, 99, 278, 279                           Paris, France........................... 21

--Lithic Laboratory.............284, 291                                       Paris, Ky................................ 220

--Department of History.........278, 279                                  Parker,   Arthur               C.--"The     Ripley   Erie

--Department of Natural History 278, 280                                      Site" .........                ................350, 351

--Library .....................273, 276, 277                                     Parker, Orrel A........................ 272

--Archives Division     .............. 277                                          Parker, Robert Allerton--A      Yankee Saint

--Cataloging Division ............. 274         --John Humphrey Noyes and the Oneida

--Manuscript Division......274, 276, 278                                        Community ...........................   2

--Map Division    .   ................ . 276                                    Parkman, Ohio.......................27, 35

--Newspaper Division, 273, 276, 277, 289                          Parkman    Forge......................27, 35

--Shaker     Collection  ..............                                         Parrott, Josephine...................... 282

--Woodbridge-Gallaher Collection.. 275                             Patterson, J. S.......................... 18

--Museum                                                                                  Patterson, N. J......................... 187

--Registrar       .    ..... ............... 278                                      Patterson, Robert....................... 188

--Shipping Department........... 277                                       Paul's Epistle to the Romans........ 217

--Stephen    Collins   Foster  Collec-                                  Paullin, Charles    O.--Atlas of the His-

tion        .............................. 292                                             torical Geography of the United States

--Museum       and  Library   Building, 272,........................................ 302

273, 277, 279, 280, 285.                                                     "Peace-at-any-price-Democrat" ......... 190

--Information Desk      ................. 277                                  Pearse, A................................ 184

--Maintenance Department .....277, 278                              Pease, Seth--Journals to and from        New

--Quarterly                                                                               Connecticut ........................... 59

--General Index..................... 367                                          Peeke, Hewson L.

--Publications--Index      ............. 274                                      --A Standard History of Erie County,

Ohio  State  Journal..................11, 176                                             Ohio     ................................  14

Ohio State Museum, see Ohio State Ar-                                   --The            Centennial    History   of   Erie

chaeological and Historical Society--Mu-                                   County, Ohio........................ 14

seum.                                                                                       Peixotto, Benjamin..................... 118

Ohio State University.........214, 215, 283                                  Pendleton, George H................... 106

--Department of Geology............. 282                                        Penn grant.............................. 166

--Department of History............. 304                                        Pennsylvania, 11, 17, 28, 42, 68, 90, 92, 150,

--Bureau of Educational Research.. 304            158, 160, 166, 194, 216, 243, 251, 258, 260

Ohio University ..................42, 49, 282                                     --University--History Department... 214

Ohio Volunteers--7th Corps, Company E                                  Pennsylvania Currency ................. 19

........................................ 256                                                 -Penny Magazine ........................     5

"Old Black Joe"..         ....................... 292                                 Pepy's Diary............................ 93

"Old Commodore .            ............. . 22                                      Perkins, Mrs. Simon .................53, 54

Old Dominion.........................     224                                         Perrin, William  Henry--History of Sum-

"Old Forge"........................... 34                                                 mit County, Ohio..................... 34


INDEX                                           385


Perry, William    .......................... 275                                      216  234, 253; tenets, 220; societies, 242

Pershing, B. H......................... 304                                               --General Assembly................... 242

Peruvian archaeological specimens, 279, 282                            --Synod of Cincinnati................ 243

Peterson,  Z.............................. 6                                              Preston,  Ohio ...........................   3

Petrash, Louis.................112, 116, 119                                     Principia, or Personality............... 13

Petterson (R. R. station), Ohio....... 189                                    Proctor, Henry A...................... 137

Pfeister, Fred........................... 104                                           Protestant Episcopal Church........... 170

Phalanx ...............................9, 11                                              Providence, R. I....................21, 22

"Phantom    Ship" (novel)............... 77                                      Public .................................. 162

Philadelphia, 16, 19, 22, 75, 78, 137, 138,                                Purdy   family...........................   38

157, 159, 190, 213, 215, 255, 260; bank-                             Puritanism    ............................. 53

ers, 157.                                                                                 Puritans ................................ 294

--Independence Hall.................. 75                                        Putnam, Frederick W.................. 99

Philadelphia mint....................... 154                                          Putnam, Rufus .......................17, 20

Philanthropist ......................224, 300                                        Putnam, Ohio........................... 229

Phillips, Josephine E................... 108

Phrenological Journal ................. 184                                      Quakers, 28, 166, 210, 211, 251, 253, 300;

Picciano, Michael....................... 118                                            settlement, 238.

Pickering, Mrs. Ida.................... 276                                         Quarterly Journal of Economics.......        6

"Picketed Point"....................... 18                                             Quebec ................................. 129

Pierce, S. H............................ 283

Pine Grove furnace .................... 30                                         Raccoon Creek..........................     33

Pinneo, Timotheus Stone .............. 45                                       Ragan, Jno .............................. 184

Pinney ancestors.......         ..........172                                        Raleigh, Sir Walter ....     ...........88, 101

Pioneers, clothing, 61; women, 51-67.                                      Randall Emilius O.

Pipes ........                ....... fac. 82                                                  --History of Ohio..................... 55

Pirc,  Louis.............................. 112                                                --"History of the Zoar Society.....5

Pitt, Fort .......--................... .269                                                Rankin, Dr. A. C....................... 256

Pittsburgh, 11, 24, 63, 103, 188, 208, 260,                                 Rankin   Rev. A. L.        .256

262, 283.                                                                               Rankin, Alexander T................... 232

Pittsburgh Gazette...................... 24                                           Rankin, Rev. Arthur T.............226, 256

Placier, Henry W...................... 282                                             --Truth        Vindicated   and   Slander    Re-

Planetarium    ............................ 175                                             pelled         ............................... 226

Pleasant Hill, Ohio .....................     4                                        Rankin, David.......................... 217

Plowshare and Pruning-Hook.......... 11                                    Rankin, Jean Lowry................... 255

Plumb, C. S............................. 278                                             Rankin, Rev. John, 215-256, connection with

Pocahontas ............................. 89                                                  anti-slavery movement, 225; underground

Podmore, Frank--Robert Owen, a Biog-                                      railroad work, 236; religious and educa-

raphy.                                                                                      8                     tional work, 242; place in  anti-slavery

Point  Hope Community .............12, 13                                         movement; monument at Ripley; char-

Point Pleasant, Ohio ......103, 104, 105, 282                                  acteristics; family, 254.

Poles ......................114, 118, 125, 126                                          --An Address to the Churches in Rela-

Polish Monitor Daily................... 112                                            tion to Slavery ..................... 248

Political Science Quarterly .............     5                                      --"An     Address    to  the   Churches    on

Ponce de Leon.......................... 86                                                Prejudice Against People of Color" 248

"Poor Richard"......................... 167                                               --A Present to Families............. 250

Pope ................................... 100                                                     --A Review    of the Statement of the

Portage County, Ohio.................. 65                                              Faculty of Lane Seminary......... 250

Porter, John............................ 238                                                 --Short    Memoir     of  Samuel    Donnell,

Porter, Mrs. Nehemiah ................ 64                                            Esq. ................................ 221

Portland (Maine) Courier .............. 72                                          --Letters on Slavery, 223, 224, 225, 227,

Portman, Henry........................ 283             228, 245, 247, 248.

Portsmouth, Ohio....25, 27, 39, 41, 167, 169                                  --The Duty of Voting for Righteous

--Front Street......................... 39                                                  Men for Office...................... 249

--Washington Street.................. 39                                         Rankin, John, of Chester County, Penn.

Portsmouth Road.......................                                                  30                   .                                                                    . ...................................  235

Portugal ..................     .......87, 88                                              Rankin, John C......................... 256

Portuguese gold coin................... 263                                        Rankin, John T......................... 256

Post, Charles A.--Doans Corners and the                                  Rankin, Captain R. C.....215, 236, 240, 256

City Four Miles West ...............        4                                    Rankin, Richard.....................215, 216

Potawatomie    ........................... 133                                         Rankin, Rev. S. G. W.................. 256

Potsherds ...........................335-338                                            Rankin, Thomas................215, 223, 250

Pottery, Ohio, vessels...........283, 333-334                                 Rankin, William...................... 215

Poughkeepsie    .......................... 105                                         Rankin, William    A..................... 256

Powell, W. H........................73, 74                                            Rapid Forge Company.................31-33

Power, James........................... 32                                              Ray, Daniel Gano ...............46, 47

Powers, Hiram.......................69, 80                                           Ray, John .......       .................. 42

Prairie Home Community .............. 10                                       Ray, Joseph.............................42-50

Pratt, Parley P .........................     6                                            --Bibliography .......................45-51

Pre-Columbian Indian village.......... 306                                    Ray, Moses.............................. 43

Presbyterian   Church, 2, 53, 54, 215, 219,                                Ray, Victor.............................                                       47

220, 222, 232, 251, 254, 255; ministers,                                 Ray, William ...........................                                      42




Read, Thomas Buchanan                                                           Robinson, Francis W................... 69

--Poems                                                                                   Rochelle, J. M...........................283

--"Drifting" ............................  69                                      Rocky Fork...........................   81

--"The Wagoner of the Alleghanies"                                Rocky River............................. 14

.................................... 69                                       Rodabaugh, James H...............296, 299

--"Sheridan's Ride"................ 69                                            --Robert Hamilton Bishop............ 304

--"To E R C"......................        76                                     Rodgers Brothers....................... 238

--Paintings                                                                                Rogers, James .................... 30, 33, 40

--"The Harp of Erin" ............. 69                                            Rogers, Mary A.......................                         82

--"Hero" ........................... 69                                              Rogers, Grosvenor and Ketchem                    Co... 187

--"Portrait of an Old Man"....... 69                                       Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works,

--"Longfellow's     Children"......... 69                                    --Catalogue     .......................... 186

--"General Harrison".............. 72                                      Rolf, John............................. 89

--"Ruth and Naomi" ............... 73                                        Rome ................................... 88

--Sculpture                                                                             Roop, David    ............................ 169

--"General Sheridan"............... 69                                        Roosevelt, Mr........................... 24

--Letters .............................70-80                                          Roosevelt, Franklin D..............109, 148

Rebecca Furnace........................ 29                                          Root, A.................................. 184

Rechabite ............................... 219                                            Root, Abigail............................ 56

Recovery, Fort.......................... 285                                          Roscoe, Ohio       .     .................. 283

Redoak, Ohio--Presbyterian Church... 237                               Ross County, Ohio     ..................                     253

Reed, John.............................. 241                                                 --Paint township......................                      31

Reeve site ............................. 351, 357-366                              --Paxton township...........................                  34

Reeves, Mr. ............................ 72                                              Roush, Rev. L. L......................                         284

Rehoboth Bay ........................... 166                                          Ruffin, Edmund............................                    302

Reid, Whitelaw ......................... 153                                          Ruhe, C. H. W           ................103, fac. 105

Religious Bodies: 1926 ..................                                           2  Rumania                 ............................. 118

Renick .................................. 183                                              Rumanians                 .........................  113

Renick Memorial........................ 285                                        Rushtown, Ohio......................27, 41

Republican Convention ................. 190                                     Russell, James, planetarium........... 175

Republican National Committee....... 111                                  Russell, John              ........................ 276

Republican Party ..............152, 190, 196                                   Russell, William         B....................... 41

Republicans, 109, 111, 120, 126, 190, 191,                               Russellville, Ohio...............237, 238, 242

254; Ohio, 150.                                                                       Russian Jews............................ 120

Reserve City Banks.................... 148                                         Russians .........................110, 115, 116

Resumption ........................156, 165                                          Russo, Charles I.................... 118

Revolution of 1848..................... 117                                             Ryan, Daniel J.

Revolutionary M e m o r i a 1 Commission--            --Historic Failures in Applied Socialism

Clark State Memorial ................ 285                                                ...................     6, 9, 10, 11, 12

Revolutionary War.........21, 105, 215, 258                                   --History of Ohio................... 55

Reynolds, Mr............................ 75

Reynoldsburg, Ohio.................... 292                                        Saginaw   River ......................... 144

Rhode Island ........................... 260                                           St. Clair, Arthur ....................208, 258

Rice, Harvey--Pioneers        of the   Western                           St. Clair (brig).......................22, 23

Reserve   ...............................  56                                           St.        Clair,  Fort.......................... 285

Richard II.............................. 166                                              St. Clair River......................... 144

Richards, Giles .......................... 299                                         St. Clairsville, Ohio.................... 300

Richland, Ohio.......................... 184                                           St.  Louis................................ 181

Ridgeville, Ohio........................ 64                                            St. Louis Globe-Democrat.............. 150

Ridgeway, Joseph ...................... 182                                         St. Pierre............................... 100

Rigdon, Sidney ..........................5, 6                                          Salem, Mass.........................73, 208

Riggs, Joseph........................... 40                                              Salem, Ohio ............................. 7,  8

Rightmire, George W..........290, 291, 292                                Salineville, Ohio........................ 282

Riley, Jesse K.......................... 282                                            Salisbury, Thomas...................... 238

Ripley, Ohio, 26, 222, 224, 225, 227, 236,                                Sample, George......................... 33

237, 240, 241, 244.                                                                 Sample Forge........................27, 38

--First Presbyterian Church......... 244                                     Sample's Landing....................... 38

--Maplewood Cemetery ............... 255                                  San Francisco, 282; banks, 154.

Ripley Anti-slavery Society ............ 229                                   San Salvador............................ 82

Ripley Presbytery ...................232, 242                                     Sand, George........................... 69

Ripley (Ohio) Bee...................... 255                                         Sandwich, Canada...................... 145

Ripley College.......................... 244                                           Sandusky, Ohio.................185, 187, 268

Ripley Erie site.................350, 357-366                                    Sandusky Clarion ....................... 187

Ritchie, Andrew.....................223, 250                                      Sandusky County, Ohio................ 190

--The Soldier, the Battle, and the Vic-                                   Sandusky (locomotive).................. 187

tory  ................................. 215                                            Sandusky    River ......................7,    8

Ritchie, William   A.--"A    Prehistoric Forti-                           Sandy and Beaver Canal Company.... 276

fled Village Site at Canadaigua, Ontario                              Sangamon .............................. 11

County, New     York".................. 349                                  Sarasota, Florida........................ 282

Robinson, Charles Edson--A        Concise His-                        Sardinia ........................237, 238, 242

tory of the United Society of Believers                                  Sargent, Epes.............................. 74

Called Shakers........................      2                                       Sargent, William     L.--Robert Owen and


INDEX                                           387


His Social Philosophy ................      8                       Ship-building ...........................   20

Sargent, Winthrop ..................257, 258                        Shipley, Frank .......................... 283

Satterfield, Floyd .........................  30                           Shoemaker, Robert Myers ............. 188

Savannah                               .................... 158              Shoemaker, R. W ...................... 282

Sawicki, Joseph                     ................. 114                 Sickness ................................ 204

Sayles, Augustus                           ............... 35              Siebert, William H.................239, 301, 304

Scammel              ..................... 129                               --Underground Railroad from Slavery to

Schafer, Joseph......................... 301                                         Freedom       ............................ 225

Schencks of Dayton         ................                              76                --Collection    of   Underground     Railroad

Schlosson, Leon .........................  282                                       material for Ohio ................... 225

Schoenbrunn, Ohio .................7, 8, 280                        Silver Purchase Act .................... 148

--Memorial ........................... 285                                Silverheels Site ..................350, 357-366

Schooler, Ester ......................... 104                              Silverites ............................... 152

Scioto  County, Ohio, 27, 37, 99, 167, fac.                    Simon, Louis J.....................109, 117

82, 83.                                                                                    Simpson, Harold G...................... 273

--Harrison township ................ 37, 40                        Simpson, James ................... 260, 264

--Rush township            ...............                               41       Sinton family ...........................   30

Scioto Furnace ..........................   37                              Slavery ........................219, 224, 246

Scioto Gazette ............................135, 168                      Slavs ................................... 120

Scioto River ....................130, 167, 267                         Slight, Joseph........................... 282

Scioto Trail ............................. 170                                Slight, Josephine ........................ 280

Scioto Valley Traction Company ....... 275                    Slough, M. A........................... 47

Sciotoville, Ohio ...................... 27, 40                           Slovaks ...............................     126

Scotch-Irish   ........................215, 294                           Slovenians .....................112, 113, 126

Scotland ................................ 211                                  Smith, Alfred E........................109

Scots ................................... 295   Smith, Mrs. C. E.......................275

Scott, John W ............................. 296                             Smith, George B........................ 290

Scripture ...........255              Smith, John ............................. 275

Sears, John D..........................    184                              Smith, Joseph ...........................                                                38

"Secret" caucuses ...................... 161                             Smith,   Ophia   D.--Colonel A.       W.                                  Gil-

Seip Mound ............................ 285                                 bert ................................. 299

Selden ..................................   89  Smith, Seba .............................   72

Senators ............................153, 155                                Smith, Mrs. Seba ................70, 75, 77

Seneca County, Ohio ...............171, 190                        Smith, Stephen .......................... 167

Separatist Society of Zoar .............      5                        Smith, Theodore C.--The Liberty and the

Serpent Mound .....................280, 285                           Free Soil Parties in the Northwest, 251

Seven Cities of Cibola .................     86                         Smith, W. H ............................ 152

Seven   Ranges ......................257, 258                          Smith, William    E.--Colonel A. W. Gilbert,

Shakers, communities, 1, 4; converts, 3;                        Citizen-soldier of Cincinnati......... 299

records, 3.                                                                               Smith, William Henry--The Life and

--Manifesto .................         2      Public Services of Arthur St. Clair with

Shakertown ...........................       2                                His Correspondence and       Other Papers

Shakespeare .........................89, 101                              ........................................266

Shambaugh, Bertha--Amana That Was                         Smith's Tavern ......................... 260

and Amana That Is.................     5                              Smithsonian Institution ................. 306

Shannon, Squire ........................ 173                              Social Revolutionist ...................... 13

Shawnee Indians ........................264                              Socialism   ....................... 6, 112, 120

Shawnee towns .......................... 267                             Socialists .........................9, 116, 117

Shay's Rebellion ........................ 269                              Soderburg, G............................ 34

Shedd, E. E............................ 283 Soldiers Run............................    30

Shedd, Frederick....................... 283        Solonaceae ................................ 83

Sheldon, Rev. Henry O..................      14                       Somerset County, Maryland........... 166

Shellabarger, S.......................... 150                               Sons of Union Veterans ............... 104

Shenandoah Valley .................... 145                             Sotheran, Charles--Horace        Greeley                             and

Shenandoah (airship).................. 282                             Other  Pioneers    of   American                                            Social-

Shepard, John ................... 238                                       ism ...................................  9

Shepart, Dr................................ 59                                 South .............    219, 237, 242, 299, 300

Shephardson, Rev ....................... 48                              South America.........................      83

Sheridan, Phillip H.............. 69, 145, 146                       South Carolina      ................... 195, 210

Sherman, C. E.--Original Ohio Land Sub-                     South Park, Ohio....................305-366

divisions ... .......................... 258                                  South Union, Ohio.....................   4

Sherman, Isaac ......................260, 265                           Southeastern Teachers College ......... 303

Sherman, John, 149-165, 195, 214; resump-                  Southern     Illinois  State    Normal     Uni-

tion bill, 165.                                                                           versity           ............................... 214

--MSS        ............................... 149                             Southern Literary Messenger ....74, 76, 77

--Recollections of Forty Years in the                          Southern question....................... 151

House, Senate, and Cabinet ........ 153                    Soviet State ............................. 116

--Resumption of Specie Payments... 159                       Spafford, Annie .........................   56

--Selected Speeches and Reports .... 153                      Spain, Howard B ....................... 282

Shetrone, Henry Clyde, 81, 103, 281, 290,                     Spain  ................................87, 92

291, 306, fac. 105.                                                                  Spaniards ...............................                                                                                                                                                                                         93

--Mound-builders ..................... 102                              Spanish America ........................                                             92




Spanish-American War Veterans...... 103                                     City   of   Zanesville   and    Muskingum

Spanish Main........................... 89                                                   County, Ohio.......................... 28

Sparks, Edwin Erle--The Expansion of                                      Svarch, Ven............................ 117

the American People .............2 5, 8                                       Sweet,    William     Warren--Circuit-Rider

Sparks, John............................ 30                                                   Days in Indiana......................  4

Spaulding, Solomon ..................... 39                                         "Sweet Caporal"........................ 93

Spencer, Charles..........272, 290, 291, 292                                Swinburne, William.................... 187

Spencer Forge........................27, 41                                          Symmes, P. S........................... 70

Spenser, Edmund-Fairy Queen....... 94                                     Syrians .............................113, 114

Spenser,  J.  C...........................   78                                           Szcznka   ...........................  .... 119

Spetnagle, Albert C.......272, 286, 290, 291

Spirit of the Times ..................70, 72                                          Tache, Simon..........................123

Spiritualistic Community ...............      7                                     Tait, John R............................ 69

Spiritualists  ..........................7, 13                                              Talmadge, Ohio......................... 56

Springdale, Ohio ........................ 234                                         Tappan, Eli T.......................... 49

Sproat, Ebezener...............260, 264, 265                                  Taylor ................................ 133

Sproat, Mrs. Ebezener................. 20                                         Taylor, Royal .......................... 275

Sprosty, Anton......................112, 119                                        Taylor, Zachary......................... 194

Squier and Davis....................... 291                                          Teachers' Institute..................... 44

--Contributions to Knowledge........ 99                                       Telberg, Ina............................ 116

Stadtverbandt Society.................. 115                                       Temperance ............................ 197

Stafford, Vermont...................... 150                                         Tennessee ....... 90, 210, 215, 226, 266, 300

Stahl, Mrs. Irene Cotton ...........281, 292                                   Thackeray    ............................. 100

"Stake of Zion," Ohio.................        6                                     Thames River, Canada ................. 21

Stanwix Fort........................... 257                                             Thames River, England............137, 145

Stark County, Ohio ...................9, 258                                       Thevet, Andre ......................... 87

Starr, Mrs ............ 184                                                               Thomas, Edward S..................... 280

State Memorials ......236, 272, 278, 280, 281                            Thompson, Mrs......................... 184

State road ............................... 173                                            Thompson, Dr. Edward ................ 184

Steam      Furnace Forge ...............27, 33                                  Thompson, Robert E .................        242

Steam      hammers......................... 26                                            --A History of the Presbyterian Churches

Stearns, Bertha-Monica--"Two Forgotten                                     in the United States................ 244

Reformers" ....................... 12                                                Thornton, William M................. 297

Steele, Donnally and Steele........... 32                                       Thorp, Joel.............................. 65

Steele, Isabella......................... 215                                           Thurman, Allen G..................         106

Stehr, W. C............................. 282                                             Thwaites, Reuben Gold, ed.--Early West-

Steinbruck, E. R....................... 283                                                ern Travels ..........................     57

Stephen, Alexander H.................. 163                                      Tiffin, Edward.......................... 168

Stephens, Mrs. Ann--Fashion and Famine                               Tiffin, Joseph........................... 168

........................... 78                                                Tiffin, Ohio.............................. 187

Stevens, Hannah ....................  63                                             Tiffin  Weekly Tribune................ 195

Stevens family......................... 63                                             Tilt-hammer ...........................25-26

Stewart, William Morris ............... 161                                     Timber .................................16-24

Stiles, Job...............................   62                                              Tindle, Thomas.....................        32

Stiles, Mrs. Job     ........................ 59                                         Tobacco, 81-102, and health, 96; and the

Stiles, Tabitha Cumi................... 62                                               colonists, 89; commercially      considered,

Stillwater Creek........................ 267                                              90; prehistoric use, 98; social aspects, 94.

Stilson, Charles......................... 73                                            Tobacco pipes ..........................     332

Stivers, Emmons B...............30, 33, 34                                      "Tobacco Skunk and His Depreda-

Stockham,    Aaron.......................    40                                         tions"    .................................  96

Stockham, G. L......................... 40                                            Tod, George ..........................58, 59

Stockham    Forge......................27, 40                                     Toledo, Ohio...............13, 124, 199, 283

Stone, Barton ........................... 220                                          Toledo Sun.............................. 13

Stone, Mrs. Jessie L................... 282                                         Tom   Thumb (locomotive)..........185, 186

Stone, William .......................76, 77                                         Townsend, Col.......................... 281

Stone implements....................326-327                                     Treat, Payson Jackson--The National

Storrs, President Western Reserve Col-                                       Land System......................... 257

lege ................................... 251                                              Treaty of Greenville, Ohio ..........85, 86

Stout, Ruth Stockham................. 40                                           Treaty of Paris......................... 257

Stout, Wilbur ...........25, 31, 40, 108, 291                                 Tremper Mound.................99, fac. 82

Stowe, Harriet Beecher--Uncle Tom's                                    Trevor, J. B............................ 151

Cabin            ...................240, 241                                         Trimble, William     Allen............130, 132

Straight Creek........................4, 222                                          Trinastic, Joseph ....................... 114

Strong, Silas G           ................ 175                                         Trollope, Mrs. Frances..............69, 77

Stroud, George......................... 227                                          Troy, Ohio--Congregationalist Church. 53

Sugar, Hermina........................ 108                                          True, A. C.--Historical Sketch of the De-

Sullivan, Mark               ............ . 294                                           partment of Agriculture ...........      192

Sully, Inman.....................70, 71, 73                                          Trumbull County, Ohio......11, 27, 54, 63

Sulzman, John.................119, 125, 126                                    Trumbull Phalanx ...................... 11

Summit County, Ohio ............27, 34, 56                                   Tuckerman, Henry T................... 74

Surveys, Ohio........................... 258                                          Tunis, Captain.......................... 208

Sutliff, Mr. and Mrs....................                                              54                Turkish allies..........................     93

Sutor, J. Hope--Past and Present of the                                   Tuscarawas (boat)...................... 24


INDEX                                           389


Tuscarawas County, Ohio........5, 8, 258                                   Vernon, Thomas........................ 54

Tuscarawas River .....................8, 257                                      Victoria, Queen of England........... 73

Tuscarawas Valley, Ohio...............     7                                    Vilas, Malcolm  B....................... 121

Tuttle, Hudson.......................... 13                                             Vincennes .............................. 4

Tuttle Hill ...........................305-366                                          Virginia, 20, 42, 88, 90, 166, 167, 208, 210,

Twelvetree, Herbert................125, 126                                    224, 296; cavaliers, 294.

Tymochtee Creek....................171, 189                                     --University .......................... 297

Tyrell, Asahel........................... 41                                             Virginia Colony    ....................... 89

Tyrell Hill.............................. 41                                                Virginia Currency...................... 19

Virginia Military District.............. 267

Underground Railroad ..............231, 304        Voorhies ................................    30

Union Army............................ 256

Union County, Ohio ....................  5                                           WOSU   ................................. 281

--Union township...................3, 4                                             WPA, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279,

Union Democrat.....................190, 194                                     280, 281.

Union Village, Ohio ...............2, 3, 4                                         Wabash and Erie Canal ............199, 214

United Believers ........................ 2                                             Wabash River.......................199, 267

United States ..................106, 284, 286                                      Waite, James S......................... 281

--Board of Treasury Commissioners. 270                               Waite, Winnie N....................... 281

--Bureau of Railroad Economics..... 187                                Wales ................................... 211

--Cabinet .........................153, 163                                          Walhonding River......................     8

--Circuit Court of Appeals ........... 298                                    Walker, Rev. W. R..................... 283

--Congress, 112, 135, 185, 191, 257, 258,                               Wallace, William A..................... 160

269; president, 261.                                                            Walcutt, Gen. C. C..................... 283

--Committee on Agriculture........ 193                                  Walnut Forge .......................27, 41

--Committee on Banking and Cur-                                       Waltz, O. B........................306, 314

rency  .............................  164                                        Walz  ...................................  119

--Committee on Coinage, Weights                                       War for Independence................. 17

and Measures.................156, 163                                  War of 1812, 30, 64, 128, 130, 131, 136, 145,

--Finance Committee, 149, 157, 159,                                   215, 254, 299.

160, 161, 162, 163, 164.                                                 Ward, Artemus, see Brown, Charles F.

--House of Representatives, 150, 156,                                Ware, John L........................... 283

166, 173, 175.                                                                 Waring, George E...................... 302

--Senate ........................158, 173                                         Warren ................................. 129

--Constitution .....................167, 231                                        Warren, Josiah......................... 15

--Continental Congress...........257, 269                                    Warren, Ohio.....................53-54, 58

--Department of Agriculture .....192, 194                               Warren County, Ohio..................  2

--Department of Labor, Bulletin....     2                                  Washington, George ................129, 167

--Department of State-Archives.... 178                                   Washington, Horace.................... 241

--Foreign Service ..................... 193                                      Washington, D. C., 103, 140, 141, 152, 153,

--Library of Congress..............2, 214                                    168, 177, 192; National Gallery, 69.

--National Museum ...............310, 351                                  Washington College .................... 217

--National Park Service ..........280, 281                                Washington County, Ohio.............. 258

--Patent Office........................ 193                                        Waterford .............................. 18

--Post Office Department ............. 168                                 Watervliet, Ohio ......................3, 4

--Superintendent of Indian Affairs.. 268                               Wattles, John O.......................7, 10

--Supreme Court...................... 58                                          Watts' Hymns .......................... 57

--Treasury, 145, 151, 152, 154, 157, 159,                             Watts' On the Mind.................... 57

163, 164, 165, 181.                                                             Wayne, "Mad" Anthony, 85; army, 167;

--War Department .......141, 144, 146, 147                           victory, 18.

United States Bank .................175, 176                                     Wayne, Ohio............................ 56

United States bonds .................... 159                                        Wayne, Fort........................133, 188

United States District Attorney....... 118                                    Wayne County, Indiana ................ 253

United States mails.................... 168                                          Weaver, Clarence L.................... 274

United States Statutes at Large....... 148                                    Webb, Thomas D....................... 58

United States Treaty with the Wyandot                                    Weber, Mrs. H. P...................... 282

Indians ............................... 178                                             Weddings on frontier.................. 61

Upper Mississippi phase............348, 350                                  Weems, Parson--Life of Washington. 129

Upper Ohio Valley..................... 42                                          Weinland, Joseph E.--The Romantic Story

Upper Sandusky, Ohio .....172, 173, 184, 188                           of Schoenbrunn.......................  8

Upton, Harriet Taylor ......11, 27, 35, 54                                   Weisenburger, Francis P...........300, 304

Urbana, Ohio........................... 130                                           Weld, Benjamin .....................229, 230

Uren site ........................350, 357-366                                      Weld, Hastings......................... 76

Utopia ...............................12, 15                                               Weld, Theodore D...................... 251

Welford, William....................... 111

Vallandigham, Clement L......106, 196, 281                              Wells, Miss............................. 79

Vallandigham party ..................... 190                                      Welsh ...............................118, 124

Valodin, Frank, Jr ...................... 37                                          Werner, M. R.--Brigham Young......     6

Van Amringe, H. H.................... 10                                          Wesleyan Methodists................... 229

Vance, Joseph........................... 237                                          West ......................135, 139, 259, 270

Vance, Wilson.......................... 173                                          West Alexandria, Penn., Academy.... 42

Varga, Hugo............................ 117                                           West Farmington, Ohio................ 283

Venice, Ohio............................ 209                                           West Innies.......................16, 23, 88




West Liberty, Ohio..................... 10                Wilson, General......................... 256

West Liberty, Virginia................ 42               Wilson, Frazer.......................... 283

West Point ............................. 244                   Wilson, Henry--Rise and Fall of the Slave

West Union, Ohio.............4, 30, 41, 232        Power in America.................... 226

West Union-Peebles Road ............. 33           Wilson   farm............................  30

West Virginia........................42, 245              Winchester, Ohio ..........233, 237, 238, 242

Westchester County, Penn............. 42            Windsor, Ontario....................... 241

Western    Hemisphere................... 82           Winstanley ............................. 92

Western Reserve College ...........251, 252     Wintemberg, W. J.--"Uren Prehistoric

Western    Reserve    Historical   Society,      Village Site, Oxford County, Ontario"

Library, 2; Museum, 170; Tracts, 52, 59,   ........................................ 350

63, 258.                                                                                   Wisconsin ........................46, 86, 90

Western Reserve of Connecticut, 6, 36, 51,   Wisconsin State Historical Society, 70, 301

67, 68; education, 55; religion, 52.             Withamsville, Ohio..................... 233

--Board of Directors of the Land Com-              Witherall, Major.............                 134

pany .................  ............... 62                 Witt, Peter .....................117, 119, 124

Western Reserve University.......111, 292      Wittenberg College .................... 304

Western Tract and Book Society ...... 249      Wittke, Carl.........................271, 290

Western    Washington     College                  of Educa-          Wolf, Simon........................... 118

tion, Junior High Training School...304      Wolfe, Gregg D..................        275

Westerville, Ohio...................... 280               Wolfe, H. Preston.............290, 291, 292

Westminster Duke of.................. 88               Woltz, J. M............................. 275

Weygandt, Judge Carl V.............. 291            Woman's Relief Corps................ 104

Wheeling, W. Va................10, 39, 268          Women's Temperance Crusade........ 197

Whetstone River ........................ 171              Wood County, Ohio.................... 173

Whigs ..............................182, 191                  Wood County, Virginia.............20, 49

Whipple, Abraham .....................20-25          Woodbridge, Dudley.... 18, 19, 20, 21, 23

Whipple, John..........................      23              Woodbridge, Dudley, jr .............19, 20

Whiskey ............................204, 205                Woodbridge, John ....................... 31

White, Miss..........................74, 75                  Woodbridge, Samuel.................... 21

White, Calvin ........................... 275                Woodbury     Conn........................ 214

White, Ebenezer........................ 35                Woodlands pattern ...................... 350

White, Horace.......................... 156                Woodstock, Ohio....................... 283

White, T. L..............                    74                Woodward College...................... 297

White, Thomas W............74, 75, 76, 77         Woodward High School................43-50

White Eyes (Indian chief)............ 208           Worcester, Samuel F.--Readers....... 298

White House...................150, 151, 157           World Anti-slavery Convention ........ 301

White House Conference .............. 157          Worley, Malcolm.....................    2

Whitehead, Howard .................... 275            Worth, Guy C......................... 183

Whitewater, Ohio, community....3, 4, 5          Worthington, Thomas, 129, 130, 139, 142,

Whitmer, Peter.........................  6 143, 168; manuscripts, 136, 138.

Whittlesey, Asaph...................... 34                 Worthington, Ohio.... 170, 171, 179, 180, 181

Whittlesey, Charles....56, 66, 258, 306, 351    Worthington Female Seminary........ 179

Whittlesey focus........................ 351               Wright, Elizur......................230, 252

Whittlesey Forge.................26, 27, 34             Wright, Elizur, jr...................... 251

Wigwam     ....................... 292     Wright, G. Frederick--Oberlin College         15

Wilcox, George Pinney        ............... 180     Wurtz, Mr.        ......................... 38

Wilcox, Roswell.....................171, 172           Wyandot County, Ohio .............183, 190

Wilcox, Simeon.......................  181                 Wyandot Indians, 28, 177; chiefs, 268.

Wilkinson, James ...................138, 139           Wyandot Pioneer..............190, 191, 195

Willard, E. B., ed.--Standard History of         Wyandot Telegraph..................... 184

the Hanging Rock Iron Region of Ohio      Wyandot Town......................... 268

...................................... 39        Wyllys, Major John P................. 261

Willey, Austen--The History of the Anti-       Yankees ..................          ...     209

slavery Cause in State and Nation.. 251      Yellow               Creek............27, 28

William the Conqueror ................. 166           Yellow               Springs, Ohio..................                                                 12

Williams, Mrs. Addie B................ 283            Yellow               Springs Community ............                                             8

Williams, E. J.......................... 281                  Young, president of Centre College... 253

Williams, W. W.--History of Ashtabula          Young, Alvin H........................ 282

County, Ohio.......................... 39                 Young, Silas............................ 58

Williams Brothers                                                                       Youngs, Benjamin S...................         2

--The History   of   Geauga    and   Lake     Youngstown, Ohio ....................27, 41

Counties, Ohio...................... 35

--History of Huron and Erie Counties           Zane's Island........................... 262

.....................................    13  Zanesville, Ohio, 27, 28, 59, 229, 230, 251,

Williamsburg, Ohio..................... 231              252.

Williamson, David ......................  8                Zanesville, Beverly and Parkersburg Rail-

Williamson Mound..................... 285              way .................................. 275

Willis, Frank B......................... 111                 Zeisberger, David.....................7, 8

Willis, Nathaniel                            ............... 168                       Zepp, Erwin C......................104, 273

Wilmington, Ohio                          ............... 238                       Zoar, Ohio, community................. 272