Ohio History Journal






Abbott,   Wilbur    C.--"The     Influence   of              American Historical Review, 243, 291, 292,

Graduate Instruction on Historical Writ-                293.

ing"  ..............................243, 244                              American   Imprints ..................232, 234

Aberdeen, Lord     (Gordon, George Hamil-          --Inventory of........................ 238

ton)   ...............................20, 21                                American Institute of Instruction..... 18

Abolition Movement ...37, 323, 324, 325, 327             American Library Association.......... 255

Academie de Medicine, Paris.......... 158                     American Literature.................... 254

Academie des Sciences.............129, 132                     American Moral Reform       Society......    1

Adams, John     Quincy, 21, 23, 24, 25, 38,                 American    Philosophical Society    Library,

300, 301.                                                                                  132.

Adams County, Ohio...............292, 294                        American Russian Messenger.......... 92

Adams Haverhill Resolutions.......22, 23                      American Scholar .......................     3

Adrian College.......................... 8                                 American State Papers.............192, 299

Adult Education, Journal of........... 254                        --Indian    Affairs...................... 190

Agricultural History    Society.......... 254                     American System of Henry Clay..... 301

Ahepa ................................. 100                                   Amerikan Sanomat.............126, 127, 128

Aho, J. G ............................... 127                                Amerikan Sanomat ja Suometar... 126, 128

Akron, Ohio ................99, 297, 303, 307                     Amerikan Uutiset...................... 124

Alabama .........................191, 339                                Amherst College .................15, 16, 66

Alaska   ................................. 195                                Amherst Student....................... 16

Albemarle County, Virginia........... 84                         Amherstburg     (Malden), Canada, 171, 176,

Alexa, Sister............................ 99                                178, 180.

Alexandria, Ohio ...................203, 287                        Anderson, J. H......................... 203

Alexandria, Virginia ................... 157                         Anderson, Oscar ....................... 127

Algonquian Indians ................189, 281                       Andover, Massachusetts ............213, 283

Allegheny Mountains..84, 119, 154, 188, 269             Andrews, Sherlock James...........24, 25

Allen County, Ohio..................... 203                           Angell, James Burrill.................       9

All Fools' Day .........................  344                              Anglo-Saxons    .......................... 105

All Souls College, Oxford University, 264,                 Ann Arbor, Michigan.................. 249

266.                                                                                          Annals of Iowa ........................ 254

Alliance, Ohio.......................... 213                             Annals of Congress.................... 298

Allman, Amos .......................... 81                               Annan, John E......................... 42

--Collection   ..........................  81                              Anson, Asser........................... 123

Alsberg,  Henry G...................... 246                           Antelope ...............................  32

Alton, Illinois.......................236, 237                            Antioch College....8, 9, 12, 15, 17, 203, 372

Amberly, Lady ......................10, 11                             Antiquarian Society....................265

Amberly, Lord ....................... 11                                 Anti-Slavery Movement....2, 6, 27, 37, 72

Amberly Papers, The ................... 11                           Appalachian Mountains.................       1

America, 5, 10, 12, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93, 97, 106, Appletons' Cyclopaedia of American Biog-

119, 123, 124, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135,            raphy, 160, 161, 163, 166.

138, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 153, 154,           Appleseed, Johnny...................... 108

157, 169, 221, 231, 239, 242, 243, 263, 266,           Appomattox     ............................ 326

269, 271, 283, 336, 363.                                                          Archer, Mr............................. 342

American Agriculturist................. 81                           Archer, William................325, 336, 349

American Annals of Education......2, 5                         Archibald the Grim..................... 104

American Anthropological Association, 209-             Archives of the Indies................. 233

210.                                                                                          Arizona ........................212,  213, 242

American Antiquarian Society........ 229                     Armenians ............................. 100

--Proceedings ........................ 145                           Armstrong, Samuel..................... 54

American Archivists, Society of...... 255                     Armstrong, Thomas.................... 54

American    Association   of Museums, 210-              Arranganta ............................. 32

211.                                                                                         Arthur,  John ...........................54-55

--Convention of...................... 211                             Asclepias incarnata .................282, 286

American Association of University Pro-                   Ashburton, Lord (Alexander Baring), 20,

fessors        ...............................                                253         21.

American       Catholic Historical Society                    of           Ashland, Kentucky..................... 203

Philadelphia Records................. 142                        Ashtabula, Ohio..123, 124, 125, 126, 301, 302

American Farmer......................81                               Ashtabula Beacon Record .............. 126

American    Friend   and   Marietta  Gazette,              Ashtabula Sentinel.................... 307

60, 61, 63, 305.                                                                        Ashtabula Telegraph................124, 125

American Guide Series.................246                         Ashtabula County, Ohio...23, 163, 164, 297

American Historical Association, 243, 244,                Ashtabula Harbor, Ohio..123, 124, 126, 128

251, 252, 253, 254, 255.                                                          Asia .................................... 218





Athens, Ohio............................ 333                                Battle of the Rivers ................... 114

Athens, University of .................. 94                             Bavaria   ................................   99

Atkeson, Mary Meek................... 183                            Baynton, Wharton and Morgan....... 186

Atkeson, Thomas Clark ............183, 184                        Beach, Arthur G.--A Pioneer College, A

--Semi-Centennial History of the Pa-                          History of Marietta................  60

trons of Husbandry................ 185                          Beacon Hill, Boston, Massachusetts... 15

Atkeson, Thomas Clark, and Mary Meek                       Beard, Charles........................ 114

--Pioneering in Agriculture; One Hun-                       "Beautiful River" (See Ohio River).

dred Years of American Farming and                    Beaver River        .     ................. 303

Farm   Leadership    .................. 183                      Bebb, William....................46, 47, 54

Atkins, Q. F ........................302, 314                              Bedford, Pennsylvania       ............. 154

Atlantic Ocean......................... 288                               Beedy, Mary E..................12, 14, 17

Atwater, Caleb--A History of the State                                      --The Joint Education of Young Men

of Ohio    Natural and Civil.......... 298                                     and Women in American Schools and

Auburn Theological Seminary......... 239                                    Colleges ......................12, 14, 15

Audrain (Audrin), Pierre ..........139, 141                      Beeler, Cordelia........................ 52

Audubon, John James .................. 108                           Begges, David.......................... 299

Augusta, Georgia ....................... 81                              Belford, Mahlon ....................336, 349

Augusta County, Virginia .............. 84                           Belgium ................................ 43

Augustana Synod .......................  124                            Belle Isle............................... 169

Aumann, Francis R.................. 258                                "Belle Riviere" (See Ohio River).

Austinberg, Ohio.......................23                                 Belle Valley, Ohio ................. ... 337

A ustria .................................                                          89         Bellows,   G.  W  .........................  161

Austria-Hungary .......................                                    43         Belmont Chronicle, 326, 330, 333, 334, 335,

Ayer Edward E....................... 271                                336, 337, 339, 343, 344.

Ayer's American Newspaper Annual and                      Belmont County, Ohio..............162, 163

Directory ............................. 126                               Beloit College...........................     8

Bemis, Samuel F.--Jay's Treaty....... 83

Bailey, Arta I.......................       213                              Bennet, Samuel......................... 55

Bailey, Fred W. C..................... 213                               Benson Prize Medal .................... 264

Bailly, Jean Sylvain ................... 132                             Benton Historical Collection .......... 196

Bainbridge, Ohio........................ 277                              Berea,  Ohio ............................. 90

Baker, Archibald ...................35, 345                            --Children's Home .................... 99

Ball, Flamen...................320, 345, 317                           Berea   College.........................8, 15

Ballard, Mary A. J.................         212                          Bergson, Henri ......................... 224

Ballard, Mrs. M. A.................... 203                              Berkeley, California.................... 233

Baltimore, Maryland ............32, 288, 301                     Beswick, Jay ......................202, 216

Baltimore-town (Baltimore), Maryland 149                  Bethel, Kansas..........................  213

Bancroft Library, University of Cali-                                         Beveridge, Albert J.--"The Making of a

fornia, 233.                                                                              Book" ...............................  245

Bank   of United     States   (See  United                                     Bexley, Ohio .......................213

States, Bank of).                                                                       Bibliographical Society of America, 229,

Baptists..............27, 90, 93, 94, 236, 238                        230.

--Historical Society of ............... 236                           Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.......233

--Records of ...................236, 237                              Biddle, Nicholas ........................ 297

Barboursville (Morris Harvey) College,                       Big Bottom State Memorial.........199

185.                                                                                          Big Captina............................ 111

Barca, Don Ramon de la .............. 136                          Big and Little Captina, Battle of.....111

Barclay, Jean ......................152                                     Big Kanawha River ................ 115

Barclay, John .................... 156                                      Big Miami River...............146, 149, 365

Bardstown, Kentucky.................. 154                            Big Sandy River....................... 115

Bareis, George F...................207, 210                           Bigelow, Ira F.......................52, 55

Baring, Alexander (Lord Ashburton), 20,                    Bingham, Luther G., 59, 61, 63, 64, 66,

21.                                                                                            67, 68.

Barnard, Frederick A.--Higher Education                     Bining, Arthur Cecil--Pennsylvania Iron

of Women ............................ 15                                  Manufacture     in  the   Eighteenth   Cen-

Barnard's  American Journal of Educa-                        tury .................................. 269

tion...................................                                                         Binning,   Charles  ...................212, 213

Barnes, Gilbert H., and Dumond, Dwight                     Biographical Encyclopedia       of   American

L.--Letters of Theodore Dwight Weld,                        Jews .................................. 165

Angelina Grimke Weld and Sarah                             Biographical Encyclopedia of Ohio, 309,

Grink, 1822-1844......................     4                           363, 365.

Barnhouse, William..321, 325, 336, 344, 346                Birch, Hugh Taylor .................. 372

Barrows and Hills...................... 55                                Birney, James G ....................35, 38

Bascom, John ........................... 15                                 Birney, William    ....................34, 35

"Basket Maker, The".................209                                Birney v. The State................34, 37

Bassett, John S........................  243                                Bishop, E ........................                                                            55

--"The Present State of History Writ-                        Bishop, Jane R........................                                                     52

ing" ............................  243, 244                             Bishop, Robert Hamilton, 42, 43, 45, 46,

Bates College .......................... 15                                  47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57.

Baton Rouge, Louisiana ............... 186                                        --Weekly Journal of................. 57

Battle of Big and Little Captina......111                          Bishop, Robert Hamilton, Jr....44, 51, 54


INDEX                                           383


Bishop, William   Wallace, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47,             Braud, Denis ........................... 233

48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57; debts of,                      Breslau, University    of .................  96

46-47.                                                                                      Briar Hill, Youngstown, Ohio ......... 297

Bishop and Noble....................47, 53                            Brickner, Barnett.......................  96

Bishop and Ward Bookstore........... 43                          Brigham, Clarence S ................. 229, 230

Bittikofer, F. G ......................... 212                              Brinton, Howard H.--Children of Light

Bivens, Taylor .......................... 336                              in Honor of Rufus M. Jones....... 272

Bivins, Alexander ......................                                   349       British ........................174, 270, 368

Black, Morris..................                                                98         British Empire........................... 338

"Black Douglases" .................104, 105                          British  Museum........................ 374

Black Hawk ........................... 174                                 Brock, Isaac ..........171, 172, 173, 178, 179

"Black Republicans".................. 321         Brookbank, Rachel M. C............... 213

Blackstone, Charles...................... 264                           Brookfield Township, Noble County, Ohio,

Blackstone, William.........263, 264, 265-266                325.

--Commentaries.............265, 266, 267                      Brooks, William....................... 115

--"Essay on Collateral Consanguinity,"                     Brotton, Virgil T.............. 323, 345

266.                                                                                      Brough, Charles Henry................ 854

--"Law Tracts" ...................... 266                             Brown, Dr.........................          63

--Treatise    on the   Law   of Descents in                Brown, Mr.............................. 27

Fee Simple ......................... 266                             Brown, Andrew................336, 344, 346

Blaine, Ephraim.....................148, 153                          Brown, Antoinette......................  10

Blanchester, Ohio ...................... 188                            Brown, Charles................336, 344, 346

Blane, Willson.......................... 55                                 Brown, Edmund P...........321, 322, 336

Blankenburg, Germany .................       59                     Brown, Ethan ........................... 370

Blardieres, Delauney des.............. 157                         Brown, George R.......................  52

Bliss, Eugene F................ 145       Brown, J. R.

Blout, William--"Journal of the Proceed-                     Brown, J. W.................................  33

ings"  .................................. 192                                   Brown, Tertullus W., 319, 320, 321, 326,

Blue Lick, Kentucky ..................     154                                      336, 344, 345, 347, 349, 350, 352, 353.

Blum, R. F............................. 161                                   Brown Brothers Abstracting Company 203

Bogart, E. L.--Internal Improvements in                      Brown's Hotel Cambridge, Ohio...... 333

Ohio...........290, 292, 303, 304, 307, 311                  Brownstown, Battle of................. 171

Boggs, Captain ......................... 111                              Brownstown, Michigan .... 171, 172, 174, 178

Boggs, Robert.............336, 343, 344, 348                     Brunet, Marie.......................... 134

Bohemia..................................... 96                               Brunet, Dr .............................. 140

Bohm, Carl............................       93                              Brunot's Island (No. 1 Island) ........ 140

Bolton, John ............................ 29                                  Brunson, Alfred ....................... 179

Bond. Beverly W., Jr..........252, 255, 262                     Brush, Elijah............................. 171

--Civilization of the Old Northwest,                             Brush, Henry............. 171, 172, 173, 178

The .............................252, 262                             Bryan, H. S................................ 213

--Letters of John Cleves Symmes, The,                     Bryant, Oren........................... 203

252, 369.

252, 369.                                                                             Bryn Mawr College..................... 13

--Monroe Mission to France, The.. 252                    Buckeye Lake, Ohio .................... 213

--Quit-rent Systems in the American                         Buckmaster, A. H. .................... 213

Colonies. The....................... 252                          Buffalo, New York..................... 304

--State Government in Maryland, 1777-                   Buffington Island State Memorial........... 199

1781 ................................. 252                               Bull, John ..............................369

Bond, John ............................. 349

Book of Doom.....................           121                          Bull Run, Battle of .................... 326

Boone, Daniel.......................... 108                               Bunker Hill, Battle of................. 369

"Boone's Road".............             106                              Bureau of   American     Ethnology,    Thir-

Bordeaux, France, Jesuit College at.. 129                                         teenth Annual Report .............. 283

Borglum, Gutzon ....................... 242                             Bureau of   Standards    at  Washington,

Bory    De   Saint-Vincent,    Jean   Baptiste                D. C ................................... 280

George Marie ............................ 132                        Burke, Edmund .....................222, 225

Boston, Massachusetts, 11, 13, 18, 156, 191,                Burckhardt, Jacob--The Civilization of the

230, 236, 238, 239, 291; Boylston     Street,              Renaissance in Italy ................. 221

239.                                                                                          Burkhardt, F. A ....................... 203

Boston   University ......................                                  15         Burial Mounds of Ohio, 273-287 (See Ohio

Botts, John  Minor .....................                                    23                 Burial Mounds).

Botts Resolution ........................ 23                                Burlingame, Richard ..............337, 348

Bourbon, Kentucky ..................... 154                           Burnet, G. W .......................... 365

Bowling Green College ................ 216                         Burnet, Jacob, 262, 290, 309, 315, 364, 365,

Boy   Scouts .............................  102                             366.

Brackenridge, Hugh Henry ... 139, 141, 142                --The American Pioneer............. 262

--Gazette Publications ................                              141       --Notes on the Early Settlement of the

Brackett,            Anna    C.--The     Education              of                  Northwest Territory ............262, 290

American       Girls ......................                              17         Burnet, Baum      and Company .......... 293

Brady, Hugh ............................ 108                               Burr, Aaron, Conspiracy of ............   78

Brady, Samuel .................108, 109, 116                       Burton, Clarence Monroe .............. 168

Brandon, England ...................... 211                            --City of Detroit, Michigan .......... 173

Brason, Mr ............................. 154                                Buskirk, John Van ..................... 365




Butler, Ruth Lapham--A                 Check List of                        --The     Territory   South    of  the  Ohio

Manuscripts        in  the               Edward    E. Ayer                River ............................... 191

Collection           ............................ 271                     Carthagena ............................. 136

Butler County, Ohio...........163, 284, 293                      Case, Leonard ..........................    96

Butternut Democrats ......... 328, 333, 348                     Cass, Lewis, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 178,

"By the Fireside"...................... 374                                            179, 180, 297, 302, 368.

Byers, William ......................... 240                              Cass County, Michigan ................ 37

Castle Priory ........................... 265

Cable, George W................ 69, 70, 71                          Catawba Indians........................ 195

--Dr. Sevier..........................       69                           Catherine Brown, the Converted Cherokee,

Cackler, Christian -- Recollections of                            an                  237.

Old Settler............................. 307                              Catlin,  George B...........168

Cadiz, Ohio.............................   212                               Cattell, J. M.--American Men of Science,

Cadiz, Spain.............................. 136                                            164.

Cahokia ................................ 133    Caughey, John Walton--Bernardo de Gal-

Cain, Abel .............................. 337                                vez in Louisiana......................  135

Cain, Samuel ................... 337, 344, 346                       Cedar Rapids, Iowa ............... 236, 244

Cain, William..................337, 346, 349                      --Masonic Library....................     236

Caldwell, Ohio ........324, 325, 341, 343, 344                Census of the United States, 294, 303, 313,

Calhoun, John C............22, 296, 299, 306                     319, 321, 337, 352.

Calhoun Resolutions....................   21                            Chaddock, Robert E.................... 262

California.............194, 232, 233, 238, 374                    --Ohio before 1850........... 289

--University of, 233; Bancroft Library,                       Chalgrin, Louise Josephine............ 134

233.                                                                                          Chamberlin, Wm. E.................52, 55

Chamberlin and Roots.................. 52

Calumet, Michigan ..................... 125                            Chambersburg, Pennsylvania ........... 154

Calvin, John ........................... 121  Champaign County, Ohio ............... 293

Calvinism    ............................1, 93 Chapman, Elizabeth ....................     82

Cambrelling, C. C ...................... 305                             Charles, Mr ............................. 135

Cambridge, Massachusetts..16, 233, 238, 239               Charleston, South Carolina .........234, 235

Cambridge, Nebraska ................... 213                                       --Charleston    Library   Society ........ 235

Cambridge, Ohio, 326, 328, 330, 332, 333,                   "Charleston of Ohio" (See Sharon, Ohio).

334, 335, 342, 343, 348.                                                           Charlestown, Ohio ...................... 284

Cambridge University..................   10                           Charles    Town    (See   Charleston,   South

Camel, John B.........................         55                           Carolina).

Cameron, Meribeth E .................. 218                           Charter House, London, England ...... 264

--"The Russian Angle"............... 218                         Charter of the Portage Canal and Manu-

"Camp Frazier," Ohio .................     342                        facturing Company ................... 307

"Camp    Hardy," Hoskinsville, Ohio, 341,                    Chase, Salmon Portland..34, 35, 36, 37, 38

342.                                                                                           --Revised Statutes of Ohio .......... 310

"Camp Hopper," Ohio ................. 342                           Chattanooga, University of ............. 252

Campbell, Dudley--"Mixed Education of                      Chauncey, Elihu ........................ 297

Boys and Girls in England and Amer-                       Chauncey, Ohio ......................... 297

ica" ..........................        12        Cheapside, London, England ........... 264

Campbell, Henry....................... 337                              Cherokee Rose Hedge .................81

Campbell, James E ..................... 207                            Cherry Creek, Colorado............... 240

Campbell, John S., Jr.................. 212                             Cherry Creek Pioneer.................. 240

Campbell, William................. 337, 348                          Chesapeake and Ohio Canal ........... 304

Campbell State Memorial.............. 199                          Chester, Elisha W...............45, 53, 56

Campus Martius State Memorial..199, 207                    Chesterville, Morrow County, Ohio... 203

--Handbook of........................216           --Methodist Episcopal Church........203

Canada, 27, 79, 80, 81, 106, 116, 169, 171,                   Chicago, Illinois, 11, 166, 230, 235, 237, 283,

173, 174, 175, 176, 179, 181, 182, 338, 352,             304.

369.                                                                                           Chicago Imprints ....................... 237

Chicago Prairie Farmer................ 81

Canadian Historical Review ............ 251                       Chicago, University of ....251, 252, 254-265

Canadians .............................. 143   Chillicothe, Ohio, 121, 171, 203, 267, 287,

Canal Commissioners of Pennsylvania 304                   290, 292, 307, 308, 366, 367.

Canal Fund ...............                 313                               --"Fruit Hall"...................... 121

Canard   River .........................176, 178                         Chillicothe Scioto Gazette.............. 305

Canfield, Ohio .......................... 302                               Chillicothe Supporter and Scioto Gazette,

Canton, Ohio ........................... 165 316.

Canton   (Ohio) Repository ............. 304                        China   ..............................      218

Captina, Battle of Big and Little ..... 111                        Christianity ................... 94

Cardenas, Don Juan de ................ 260                           Churches, Federated .................... 88

Carleton College ........................    8                              Cincinnati, Ohio, 34, 43, 45, 47, 53, 56, 79,

Carlisle, John F ................ 74, 200, 206                          86, 107, 113, 119, 130, 164, 165, 183, 237,

Carlisle, Pennsylvania ..............153, 185                        288, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 305, 307,

Carnegie Institution .................... 234                             309, 310, 314, 318, 319, 321, 322, 327, 328,

Caroline County, Virginia ............. 84                            330, 336, 342, 344, 345, 346, 348, 350, 357,

Carroll County, Ohio................        305                         364, 366, 367.

Carrouthers, Robert ...............         35                           --New Jerusalem Church............. 86

Carter, Clarence Edwin ........... 191, 193                      --University of ...........85, 196, 218, 252


INDEX                                        385


Cincinnati American ...................   291                      on the Heights, 96; The Temple, 96;

Cincinnati Christian Journal........... 61                       Tiffereth Israel Congregation, 96.

Cincinnati Chronicle.................... 314                 --Immigrant Religions of, 87-97; Amer-

Cincinnati Commercial....333, 337, 340, 352             ican Dutch, 95; Christian    Reformed,

Cincinnati Daily Gazette, 37, 81, 319, 320,               95; Druse, 94; Greek Catholic, 88, 92,

321, 324, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334,          93, 94; Greek    Orthodox, 88, 93, 94;

335, 336, 337, 339, 344, 346, 348, 351, 352,         Lutheran, 89, 93; Maronite, 94; Mo-

353.                                                                                                 hammedan, 94; Protestant, 88, 89, 90,

--F. C., "war correspondent" of paper,                    93; Reformed, 93; Roman Catholic,

381, 332, 333, 334, 335.                                                              87-94; Rumanian Orthodox, 94; Rus-

Cincinnati Directory .................... 45                         sian Orthodox, 91; Syrian Orthodox,

Cincinnati Enquirer, 319, 320, 321, 324, 325,           94; Uniat, 91, 92, 94, 97.

326, 336, 339, 340, 345, 346, 348, 349.          --Non-Religious Immigrant Institutions

Cincinnati Gazette...................... 296                          of, 97-103; Alta House, 98, 99; Alten-

Cincinnati Manufacturing Company... 293                heim, 99; Beer and Skittles Club, 98;

Cincinnati Type Foundry ........44, 53, 54                   Bohemian    National Hall, 98; Carpa-

Circleville, Ohio ..................74, 75, 290                    tina, 100; Deutsche Zentrale, 99; East

--Park Place.....................74, 75                              End Neighborhood House, 99; Federa-

Cist, Charles ....................... 296, 306                         tion of Jewish Charities, 101; Good-

--Cincinnati in 1841, 296, 298, 306, 307,               rich House, 98-99; Jewish Center, 102;

310.                                                                                              Kuffenein, 100; Merrick     House, 99;

Civil War, 10, 79, 160, 161, 183, 203, 213,               Mt. Sinai Hospital, 101; Polish Na-

319.                                                                                                  tional Hall, 101; St. Alexis Hospital,

--Ohio Troops in........319, 320, 328, 342               99; St. Johns Hospital, 99; Slovene

Clarendon Press ........................ 265                          National Home, 100; Theatre Guild

Clark, General .......................... 137                          of the Temple, 102.

Clark, George Rogers.....185, 186, 187, 188       --Public Library of................... 89

Clark, Harold T...........201, 206, 215, 248           --Public Square of................... 98

Clark, Mrs. J. E........................ 258                     Cleveland Daily Herald.....21, 24, 25, 27

Clark, Thomas D. -- A History of Ken-

tucky  ................................. 78

Cleveland Herald..                                                 .        262, 303

Clark County, Ohio .................... 163                  Cleveland Imprints.                                        ........237, 238

Clark State Memorial.................. 199                  Cleveland Jewish Independent .........102

Clarke, Edward H ................... 13, 15                Cleveland Jewish Society Book .....96, 102

Cleveland Morning Leader............. 332

--Sex in Education........13, 15, 16, 17        Cleveland Plain Dealer, 91, 95, 98, 99, 101

Cleveland Press,......................89, 100

Clay, Henry .......... 181, 300, 310, 315, 369      Cleveland Year Book, 88, 90; 91, 93, 95,

--American System of .....................301                    98, 99.

Clayton, John M ........................ 316

Clayville, Ohio ........................ 334                     Clevelander, The ........................ 96

Clemens, Samuel L. (Mark Twain), 69,             Clevenger, S. V.................166

70, 71, 72, 73                                                                           Clifton, John L........................ 258

Clinton, DeWitt ..................301, 369

Clermont County, Ohio ................. 293              Clitherow, Sarah...............          265

Cleveland, Ohio, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,       Codrington   Library, Oxford    University,

96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 127, 165,         264.

196, 203, 206, 211, 231, 237, 238, 241, 301,

302, 303, 304.                                                                                 Co-education  ............................7-18

--Chinatown, Ontario Street............96            Colby, Charles W.--"The Craftsmanship

--Euclid Central High School........ 196          of the Historian," 248.

--Immigrants in, 87-103; Chinese, 96;           Colby, Samuel, 319, 320, 321, 322, 326, 328,

345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 353

Czechs, 89-90, 98; Dutch, 94-95; Finns,

95, 101; Germans, 88-89, 99-100; Greeks,       Cole, ?.............................55

93-94, 100; Hungarians, 93, 98; Italians,   Cole  Arthur H.--American Wool Manu-

90-91, 98; Jews, 96-97, 101-102; Jugo-            facture, 299.

slays, 91-95;   Lithuanians,   99,   102;      Colgate  University                         .................... 238

Poles, 90, 99, 101-102; Rumanians 94;             --Samuel Colgate                     Baptist   Historical

Russians,             91-93;  Slovaks,                99,  100;                  Collection ...................... 238

Swiss, 95;           Syrians, 100-101;             Ukra-               College Manors, Oxford University... 264

nians,  99.                                                                            Collins,  Joel ..........................50,  52

--Immigrant Churches of, 87-97; Bethel        Columbia .............................. 32

Congregational, 95; Calvary Reformed,    Columbia University.................... 15

95; Chapel of St. Joseph, 90; Church                 --Studies in      History, Economics and

of  the   Annunciation, 93; Emanuel                  Politics     ..............                  289

Lutheran, 95; Euclid Avenue Temple,      Columbiana, Ohio .....................     300

96; Jewish    Center, 96; Norwegian          Columbiana County, Ohio, 162, 163, 292,

Church of Our Savior, 95; Old Stone                294, 295, 305.

Church, 95; St. Elizabeth's, 93; St.              Columbus, Ohio, 35, 74, 86, 165, 168, 196,

George's   Syrian  Orthodox, 94; St.                  201, 203, 205, 210, 212, 213, 214, 217, 228,

John the Baptist, 92; St. Marys on                      230, 258, 259, 290, 307, 355, 358.

"The Flats," 90; St. Mary's Rumanian                --Deshler-Wallick    Hotel ....214, 217, 219

Orthodox, 94, 100; St. Paul, 92; St.                    --Founder's Society of...........198, 203

Peter, 92; St. Stanislaus, 90; Temple                 --Public Schools of................... 208




Columbus Crisis, 319, 320, 321, 324, 327,                     Cumming, John N........363, 364, 365, 366

339, 340, 342, 348, 352, 353, 354.                                          Cunningham     Creek ..................297, 302

Columbus Dispatch ................... 210                              Custer State Memorial................. 199

Columbus Freeman ..................... 37                             Cutler, Carroll.......................... 18

Columbus Imprints.................... 230                              Cuyahoga County, Ohio, 24, 162, 163, 164,

Columbus Ohio Monitor ............313, 315                      165.

Columbus Ohio State Journal, 27, 36, 291,                   Czechs ...........................89, 90, 98


Columbus-Portsmouth Road ............ 305                       Daily Courier........................... 331

Comfort, George F.--Woman's Education                    Dall, Caroline H......................8, 17

and Woman's Health................. 17                           D'Allambert (D'Alembert), Jean Baptiste

Commercial Bank of Lake Erie........ 313                                   le Rond............................... 136

Communism     ...................223, 224, 261                      Dallas, Texas ........................... 241

Congregational Church ................. 238                         "Damon and Pythias of frontier"..... 109

Congress (See United States, Congress).                      Danes .................................. 95

Congressional Debates ..........30, 291, 300                   Daniels, E.     .......................325, 345

Congressional Globe.........21, 22, 23, 39                      Danville, Kentucky..................... 154

Conneaut, Ohio......................... 302                              D'Arcet, Jean........132, 137, 138, 152, 156

Conneaut Post Herald.................. 126                           Darke County, Ohio.................... 293

Connecticut ...................320, 338, 351                          Darlington, William    M................. 141

Conner, John ....................81, 82, 83                              Dartmouth College....................5, 15

Conner, Richard ......................81, 82                            Davey, Martin L....................... 251

Conner, William ................81, 82, 83                            Davidowitz, Harry .....................96-97

Connersville, Indiana...................83                              Davidson,                   D.   S. -- Twenty-fifth  Anni-

Conservatism    ........................... 222                            versary         Studies....................... 195

Converse, George L...........203, 212, 213                      Davidson, James F., 319, 320, 321, 322, 328,

Cook's Voyages ......................... 136                              345, 350.

Cooley, Thomas M...................... 168                            Davis, Abner........................... 337

Coome's School, Mrs................... 78                              Davis, E. H............................. 285

Cooper, D. C ............................ 365                               Davis, Emily............................ 10

Cooperative Trading Company......... 196                      Davis, Harold E ...................217, 376

Copperheads .......................331, 335                             --"Economic and  Social Basis of the

Corey and Fairbank ..........45, 47, 53, 56                                    Whig Party in Ohio".............. 301

Cornell College .........................                                                  --Pennsylvania-Ohio Canal........... 304

Cornell University ...............15, 17, 18                          Davis, Jefferson ................331, 335, 354

Corunna    ................................ 136                               Davis,  W  .  G............................ 212

Corwin, Thomas ........................ 203                             Davis, William.......................... 337

Coshocton, Ohio .....................305, 307                         Day, William    R......................... 203

Coulter, C. W.--The Italians in Cleve-                           Dayton, Ohio..............165, 212, 296, 309

land  ..................................  91                                   Dayton Journal.....................292,  296

--The Poles in Cleveland ............ 90                          Dearborn, Henry ....................... 176

Covenanters ............................ 105                                Dearborn, Michigan.................... 171

Cowles, Alice Welch ...................                                 4           DeBow's Review ....................... 81     81

Cowles, John P.........................                                       4           DeCamp, John.......................... 52

Cox, I. J................................ 309                                    Declaration of Independence........... 369

Cox, Kenyon............................ 166                                de Crevecoeur, St. Jean................ 156

Cox, Samuel Sullivan.................. 203                             Defiance College........................ 253

Coyle, Andrew...325, 337, 344, 349, 350, 351              Delaware .......................270, 316, 338

Coyle, John ..........................337, 349                            Delaware County, Ohio................ 162

Crabbe, C. C ............................ 74                                 Delaware Indians....................... 82

Cramer, C. H., 168, 169, 171, 172, 176, 178,                Delaware Valley ....................... 269

181.                                                                                          Demler, Geo............................. 190

--"Duncan       McArthur:     the   Military                 Democratic Party, 313, 317, 327, 328, 331,

Phase" ............................. 168                                332, 335, 339, 340, 345, 354.

Cramer, Mrs. J. G...................... 213                              Denison    University.............85, 250, 252

Cramer, Zadok--Who's Who on the Ohio                      --Department of History and   Govern-

River  .................................                                        140               ment      ...............................  252

Creed, Chs ..............................                                        55         Dennis,          Ella............................. 213

Creole ............20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 39                        Denver, Colorado ..................239, 240

Crimean War ........................... 10                                 DePeyster, Major...................... 82

Criminal Docket A      United States Circuit                   Deshler-Wallick    Hotel   (See    Columbus,

Court, Southern District of Ohio, 349,                        Ohio).

350, 352.                                                                                  D'Estrehan, J. B....................... 135

Crippen,  H.  C........................... 213                              d'Etienville,  M .......................... 136

Croghan, George....................179, 180                          Detroit, Michigan, 82, 94, 169, 171, 172,

Cromwellian Wars ..................... 265                             173, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 196.

Crooks, Thomas .....................323, 345                           --Map of ............................. 177

Crothers, John M...................... 55                                 --Public Library of, Benton Historical

Crouse, D. E.--The       Ohio   Gateway, 261,                             Collection, 196.

262.                                                                                           Detroit Campaign of 1812 ...........168-182

Cumberland, Ohio..................334, 342                           Detroit River........................... 169

Cumberland Gap........................ 106                                           --Map of River Area ................ 170


INDEX                                                            387


Deutsche Akademie..................... 251                                         Eisenchiml,    Otto -- Why   Was                         Lincoln

Devonshire, England................... 105                                               Murderedf ......................... 194

DeWees, Mary--"Journal" ............ 141                                      Ekman, Ino (John).................... 125

Dewey, Davis R.--Financial History  of                                     Eliot, Charles W......................16, 17

the United States, 311, 314, 317.                                             Elliott, E............................. 55

Dewey, John--"Education, The Founda-                                    Ellis, Homer H.....................211-212

tion for Social Organization," 373.                                          Emancipation Proclamation............ 353

Dewitt, John............................ 221                                              Emerson, Benjamin..................... 23

Dewitt, Tella Axline................... 213                                          Emmons, John W..............323, 343, 345

Dial,   George    White--"Construction   of                                Enciclopedial Journal of de Bouillon, 136

Ohio Canals," 303, 306, 307.                                                   England, 10, 11, 12, 13, 20, 21, 25, 106, 186,

Dickinson, William R.................. 299                                                188, 200, 211, 222, 239, 263, 266, 269, 338.

Dictionary   of American     Biography, 159,                                    --Parliament of ..................... 10

160, 164, 165, 166, 168, 253, 254, 255, 290,                          Engle, Henry.................387, 344, 346

309, 345, 363.                                                                           Engle, Samuel ................... 323, 324

Dictionary of American History, 253, 254,                                 Engle, William...............337, 344, 346

255.                                                                                          English (See British).

Didot, Henry........................... 134                                              English "Annual Register"............. 136

Didot, Therese Angelique Saugrain... 134                                 Enos, W. Clinton..................368, 369

"Disillusionment"    ..................... 374                                         Ensor, Captain......................... 20

Disney, David T........................ 315                                           Episcopal Church...................... 121

District of Columbia. .................. 338                                         Erie Canal ..................301, 302, 369

Doll, Walter Floyd..................... 213                                           Erie County, Ohio ................163, 164

Donaldson, T. C.--Public        Domain, 304,                              Essex County, Virginia................. 84

316.                                                                                          Etowah Temple Mound, Georgia......278, 283

d'Orcantille, ?.......................... 153                                             Euclid, Ohio.......................... 238

Dorn, Walter L................217, 218, 219                                     Eureka College........................ 252

--"Some      Problems    of   Contemporary                            Europe, 2, 10, 79, 135, 144, 152, 200, 211,

Historiography," 219-228.                                                        218, 221, 228, 263.

Dover, Delaware........................ 316                                         Evans, Charles..........230, 231, 233, 234

Downes, Randolph C................... 262           --American Bibliography ........230, 233

--Frontier    Ohio...................... 262                                        Everett, Edward.....................20, 22

--"Trade in Frontier Ohio"......289, 290                                    Ewing, Thomas.....................297, 299

Downing, C. E.......................... 353                                            Ewing Collection....................... 81

Downing, Jason E...................... 353                                          Eyak Indians.......................... 195

Doyle, Joseph               B.--20th Century History

of Steubenville          and  Jefferson   County,

Ohio, 292.                                     Fairchild, James Harris...7, 8, 13, 14, 15

Drake, Benjamin and Mansfield, E. D.--             --Addresses of...............7, 8, 12, 14

Cincinnati in 1826, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294,                                --Co-education of the Sexes........14, 15

298, 301.                                                                                        --Educational Arrangements and College

Drake, Daniel, 108, 110, 111, 113, 119, 120,                                  Life at Oberlin...................    8

121.                                                                                          --"Joint Education of the Sexes"....7, 14

--Natural and Statistical View: or Pic-                                   Fairfield County, Ohio................ 162

ture of Cincinnati, 293.                                                        Fairport, Ohio....................126, 127

Drumlin, Angus.........................983                                           Fairport Amerikan Sanomat............. 127

Dryer, Mrs.............................. 206                                             Fairport (Ohio) Publishing Company.... 127

Duck Creek............................. 334                                             Fairport Harbor, Ohio.............211, 213

Duke University........................ 252                                           Fallen Timbers, Battle of.........189, 192

Dunbar, Paul Laurence............199, 212                                    Fallen Timbers State Memorial......... 199

Dunn, Caroline--Jacob Piatt Dunn; His                                    Falls of Niagara...................... 175

Miami Language       Studies and Indiana                             Falls of Ohio ....................146, 298

Manuscript Collection ................ 271                                    Falmouth, England..................... 156

Dunn, Jacob Piatt...................... 272                                           Farm   Bureau ........................ 268

Durango, Mexico....................... 195                                         Farmer's College....................... 57

Dutch.......................94, 95, 221, 270                                         Farmer's Friend....................... 184

Farnsworth, ? ..........................55

Eagle Plume............................ 74                                               Fascism ..............  222, 224, 225, 226

Eames, Wilberforce.................  232, 233                                  Fayette County, Indiana................ 83

--Collection of American Imprints.. 232                               Federal Archives Survey...........205, 212

Earlham   College........................ 254                                        Federal Writers' Project in Ohio, 200, 215,

Eastman, Lieutenant Colonel, 320, 328, 347,                                  246, 247.

350.                                                                                         Federalist Party....................... 369

Easton, Pennsylvania................... 213                                       Federated Churches..................... 88

Eaton, Starling L....................... 207                                          Fellenberg, Philipp von.................  2

Ecorse, Michigan....................... 171                                         Ferguson, Mr........................... 149

Edes, Richard S........................ 141                                           Feuillet, Jean B....................... 134

Edict of Nantes........................ 105                                           Feurt Site............................. 207

Edinburgh     University.................. 43                                      Field Museum of Natural History, 283, 284

Edison,          Thomas......................... 165                                 Fijians  .............................. 195

Educating for Democracy..........872, 873                                 Findlay, James......................... 298

Edwards, August ....128, 124, 125, 126, 127                            Finney, Charles Grandison...........1,    9




Finnish          National    Temperance     Brother-                      --Writings...............144, 150, 154, 157

hood         ............................... 123                                          Franklin, William            Temple............... 137

Finnish Publication in Ohio...........123-128                                        --Letters  to              William   Temple    Frank-

Finnish Publishing Company ..........127, 128                                      lin ................................. 137

Finns.............95, 101, 126, 127, 128, 196                                    Franklin, Ohio ............365, 366, 367, 371

Fire Thunder, William .................... 74                                              --Water Street........................ 365

Fisher, Lewis .............325, 337, 344, 349                                   Franklin County, Ohio, 37, 162, 163, 164,

Fisher, Melvin M ........................ 337                                                 203, 295, 300.

Fisher, Phebe H ......................... 213                                          Franklin Mills, Ohio .................... 307

Fitchburg, Massachusetts................. 127                                    Franklin       Silk  and   Manufacturing Com-

Flagg,  Abram  ..........................  49                                                   pany     ................................. 307

Fleming, Sir Malcolm, Earl of Wigtown,                                    Franklinton, Ohio........................ 371

104.                                                                                          Frazier, W. H............................ 342

Fletcher, Robert S........................ 85                                           Frederick, Maryland...................... 353

--"The First Coeds" ...............      3                                          Free Soil Party.......................... 322

Fletcher, Robert S. and Wilkins, Ernest                                      Free Thinkers............................. 89

H.--The Beginning of College Educa-                                     Freehold, New Jersey..................... 363

tion for Women and of Coeducation on                                   Fremont, Ohio.........................82, 215

the College Level ....................   3                                           French   ............................129, 219

Flick,   Lawrence     F.--"Mathias    James                                  French, Mansfield .....................67, 68

O'Conway," 142, 143, 148, 154.                                              French and Indian War.................... 231

Flint, E. H .............................  55                                                 Frenchtown    ........................... 180

Florence, Mr............................. 215                                            Freret, Nicolas.......................... 136

Florida  ...............................  236                                                 Freytag,  G.............................. 221

--Masonic Grand Lodge in.............. 236                                     Friends (See Quakers).

Fogle, Elisha ........................... 337                                              Froebel, Friedrich........................ 59

Folwell, W. W..........................18, 19                                          Frouhart, Mr.........................135, 136

Forbes' Road ............................ 193

Fordyce, Wellington G.................87, 196                                   Galbreath, Charles B.................207, 210

Forman, Jonathan             ................... 200                                  --History of Ohio....................... 366

Forman,   Samuel              S.--"Autobiography"     141               Gales, Joseph, Sr., comp.--Debates and

Fort Amanda State Memorial............... 199                                Proceedings in Congress, 27, 28.

Fort Ancient State Memorial......... 199, 207                               Galliger, Mrs. H. H...................... 213

Fort Duquesne ........................... 190                                           Gallipolis, Ohio ................... 157, 163

Fort Finney.....      ................... 188                                              Galvez, Don Bernardo de, 131, 135, 136,

Fort Harrod............................... 78                                              137, 138.

Fort Hill State Memorial................. 199                                      Garber, J. Otis.......................... 258

Fort Jefferson State Memorial............ 199                                  Garfield, J. A........................... 160

Fort Laurens State Memorial .........199, 207                               Gates, Seth Merrill....................24, 25

Fort MacIntosh........................... 188                                           Geauga County, Ohio ..................24, 292

Fort Malden.............................. 176                                             Geddes, G. E ....................... 337, 348

Fort Meigs ..........................179, 180                                            Genealogie de la fainille Saugrain....... 134

Fort Pitt.............139, 142, 149, 153, 154                                      George II of England..................... 106

Fort Recovery State Memorial............. 199                                Georgia ......................29, 61, 81, 278

Fort St. Clair State Memorial............ 199                                           --Circuit Court of ..................    32

Fort St. Joseph.......................... 171                                             German General Woman's Club............... 10

Fort Seneca    .......................... 179                                             Germans........79, 80, 90, 99, 219, 269, 270

Fort Stanwix............................. 188                                             Germany...........59, 96, 203, 222, 225, 226

Fort Stephenson......................179, 180                                        Gettysburg, Battle of.................... 326

Fort Washington .....................113, 114                                       Gibson, J. R. ............................ 55

Fort Wayne............................72, 174                                           Giddings, Joshua Reed, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25,

Forward, Laura........................... 213                                                 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38,

Fosdick, Harry Emerson ...............      5                                      39, 316.

Foster, James ..............    174, 175, 176                                       --Giddings, Joshua R. MSS...24, 25, 38

Foster, John...........................   334                                                     --Giddings Resolutions, origin of.....20-39

Foster, J. W ............................ 284                                               Gilkey, Howard E.--The Ohio Hundred

Founder's Society  of  Columbus,    Ohio,                                           Year Book............................. 321

198, 203.                                                                                   Gillespie, Stewart ...................... 349

Fowke, Gerard........................277, 285                                        Gillin, John............................. 213

Fowler, Philetus......................... 349                                            Girl Scouts.............................. 102

France, 10, 105, 129, 130, 131, 135, 136, 138,                           Girton College............................ 10

150, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 188, 200,                           Girty, Simon............................. 108

226, 233, 243, 266.                                                                   Glouster County, Virginia................. 84

--Reign of Terror in ................. 158                                        Glover, Jose............................. 239

Franco, General.......................... 261                                          Gnadenhutten State Memorial.............. 199

Franco-American Review .................. 130                                  Goble, George............................. 55

Franklin, Benjamin, 27, 129, 131, 132, 137,                                Goebel, William........................... 79

138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 149, 150,                           Gold Seal Books......................261, 262

154, 155, 157, 235.                                                                   Goldman, Mr.............................. 215

--Franklin  Collection, Letters    to  Dr.                                      Gollman, Daniel........................... 55

Franklin, 132, 137, 139, 140, 143, 144,                               Goochland County, Virginia ...........84, 110

147, 154, 156, 157.    Good Corn Harvester....................... 74


INDEX                                  389


Goodwin, Frank P ...................... 293                                          Hamburg, Germany........................ 203

--"Rise of Manufactures in the Miami                                       Hamilton, Captain....................... 140

Country," 291, 292, 293.                                                     Hamilton, Alexander .................... 369

Goodwin, Howard R .................198, 282                                  Hamilton, Mrs. Charles.................. 213

Goodwin, Mrs. J. 0..................... 213                                          Hamilton, New York...................... 238

Gordon, George Hamilton      (Lord   Aber-                             Hamilton, Ohio, 34, 43, 46, 50, 53, 54, 56,

deen), 20, 21.                                                                              84, 163, 164, 165, 285, 293, 294, 295, 300,

Gordon, John M............................ 55                                              344, 349.

Graham, James............................. 33                                          Hamilton County, Indiana ................ 83

Graham, Sylvester......................     6                                         Hamilton County, Ohio ................... 37

Grain Corporation........................ 359                                        --Court Records of.................... 365

Grand   River ........................... 302                                                --Militia  of......................... 368

Grange Movement.................183, 184, 185                                   --Third Regiment of in War of 1812,

"Granny's Garden"........................ 374                                            368.

Grant, U. S..........................160, 212                                          Hamilton Intelligencer................... 44

Grant, Washington......................... 55                                        Hamilton's Island....................... 140

Grant Hill Tavern ....................... 139                                        Hamilton Journal-News ................... 85

Grant State Memorial..................... 199                                     Hamlet ................................. 347

Granville, Ohio.......................85, 252                                        Hampton Bays, New York.................. 213

Gray, Mr................................. 149                                             Hampton Roads, Virginia.................. 20

Great Britain....................23, 180, 226                                       Hancock, John............................ 18

Great Kanawha River...................... 183                                   Hanna, M. A............................. 160

Great Lakes..........................273, 301                                         Hanna, Robert............................ 37

Great Lakes Exposition, Ohio    Building                                   Hannaford, Demming L.................... 213

at  .................................. 211                                                   Hanover  College     ...................  44

Great Meadows, Battle of................. 190                                  Hanover County, Virginia................. 84

Great Miami River.....................41, 364                                     Hardin, John   ......................... 113

Great Salt Lake.......................... 240                                          Harding, Lyman........................... 55

Greece ................................... 93                                               Harding, W. G   ........ ............... 160

Greeks  ..............................93, 100                                             Hardy,      Lucius.......................... 354

Green Bay, Wisconsin..................... 304                                    Hardy,      Moses   D., 321, 322, 323, 324, 325,

Greenback Party .....................184, 337                                          326, 333, 336, 337, 338, 341, 346, 348, 349,

Greene County, Ohio...................... 293                                         352, 354.

Greenman, E. F........................... 210                                         Harkins, James  .....................337, 349

Greensburg, Pennsylvania ................ 154                                      Harmar, Josiah........113, 114, 145, 154, 189

Greenville, Treaty of................189, 190                                    Ha-ro-en-you ............................ 190

Grinnell College .........................  8                                            Harper, W. R  ....................... 160-161

Grove, George--Dictionary   of   Music and                             Harper's Ferry ..................... 353

Muscians, American Supplement......... 164                            Harrington, Eveline ............... 213

Groves,  Moses...........................  33                                          H arris,  J.  A..........................                                        25

Groves et al v. Slaughter .............32, 37                                    Harris, Richard L........................                                   74

Guernsey County, Ohio ...............328, 332                                Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ................ 299

Guernsey   Times, 326, 333, 334, 335, 336,                               Harrison, Benjamin  ..................... 160

339, 343, 344.                                                                          Harrison, C. B..........................   55

Guide to Chillicothe and Ross County, 247                                Harrison, William     Henry, 174, 175, 179,

Guilford,   ?............................  54                                                   180, 296, 306.

Guillotin, Joseph Ignace, 129, 130, 131, 132,                            Harrison, W. & J.......................... 55

134, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145,                          Harrison County, Ohio...........162, 163, 305

149, 150, 151, 154, 156, 157, 158.                                          Harrison State Memorial.................. 199

--Writings of.......................... 158                                            Harry et al. v. Decker and Hopkins......30-31

--Political Activities of.............. 158                                       Hart, Albert Bushnell..................... 37

Gulf of Mexico........................... 187                                         Hartley, Joseph A ....................... 213

Gwathmey,     John   H.-Twelve      Virginia                              Harvard College ......................16, 239

Counties .............................. 84                                                   --Harvard College Library..........233, 238

Harvard University ...............15, 16, 253

Hacker, Louis M.......................... 262                                             --Harvard         Andover    Divinity    School

Hacker, Louis M., Modley, Rudolph, and                                       Library             ............................ 239

Taylor, George R.--The United States--          --Medical School, Department of Com-

A  Graphic History.................... 261                                           parative Pathology.................... 280

Hadleyburg ........................71, 72, 73                                             --Overseers of University................ 16

Hague John............................... 320                                                --Peabody Museum, 279, 284, 285, 286,

Hail, W. J.--"What China Fights For,"                                            376.

218.                                                                                          Harvey, T. Edmund......................... 272

Hake, Lewis F........................328, 334                                       Hatcher, Harlan H ....................246, 258

Hall, James--Statistics of the West...... 296                                     --"Historical      Opportunities    Offered

Hall, Samuel Read.....................      2                                              Through Writers' Project," 246-247.

Hall, William .......................113, 114                                         Havana, Cuba..........................185, 187

Hall, William C.......................... 212                                           Haverhill, Massachusetts................... 23

Hallida (See Halliday).                                                               Hawaiian Islands.......................... 271

Halliday, Franklin    (United States Com-                                   Hawes, E. M.--"The Historical Program

missioner), 321, 326, 332, 336, 344,348,350                              of the Northwest Territory Celebration

Halstead, Murat............ ............. 203                                              Commission," 241-242.




Hay, John ...............................  96                                        Horst,  John  R........................... 203

Hayden, James .................45, 47, 53, 54                             Horst, Leopold............................ 203

Hayes, R. B.............................. 160                                      Horstmann, Ignatius A...................... 89

Hayes, Webb  C .......................... 210                          Hosford,  Mary ............................  3

Hayes, Webb C., II, 201, 206, 207, 215,                             Hoskins, Erastus.......................... 320

216, 248.                                     Hoskinsville, Ohio, 319, 320, 322, 323, 325,

Hayes Memorial, Fremont, Ohio........199, 207                    326, 327, 328, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 339,

Heiser, Alta Harvey....................... 85                                 341, 342, 343, 345, 346, 349, 352, 353, 354.

Hellyer, Joshua.................337, 344, 349                               --"Hoskinsville Rebellion".............. 326

Helvetius, Mr............................ 137                                     --"Hoskinsville War," 325; Map of, 329.

Herndon, William H ...................... 194                               Hotchkiss, ? .............................. 55

Herrick, Myron T.....................207, 210                               Houghton Mifflin Company.................. 246

Herring, B. S ..........................  334                                      Howe,      Henry............................. 353

Herringshaw,   Thomas               Wilson--Encyclo-                   --Historical Collections of Ohio, 298, 345,

pedia  of American                  Biography   of  the                  351, 353, 364.

Nineteenth Century................... 166                                 Howe,      Julia  Ward--Sex       and   Educa-

Hertz,   Emanuel-The       Hidden    Lincoln                        tion                  .................................. 17

from the Letters and Papers of William                            Howells, W. C............................. 290

H. Herndon........................... 194                                     --Life in Ohio.......................... 290

Hess, Gertrude D......................... 132                                  Howells, William    Dean.........160, 161, 290

Hewell, Mr................................ 20                                       Hubbard, John, comp.--Ashtabula           City

Hiestand, Lois........................... 376                                     Directory for 1885-1886................ 125

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth .............. 16                        Hubbard and Fields........................ 302

Higginson-Eliot Debate.................... 17                               Hubbart, Henry C.......................... 258

Highland County, Ohio ................... 162                              Hudson, Ohio.............................3, 24

Hight, F. A.............................. 319                                        Hudson-Mohawk Valley...................... 288

Hills, Wm................................     55                                      Huguenots  ............................... 270

Hillsdale College ........................                                  8            Hulivili Poika........................125, 128

Hindon, Borough of, England.............. 265                          Hull, William, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173,

Hinds, Mr. .............................. 149                                       174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181.

Hine, James S .......................207, 210                                  --Report of the Trial of Brig. Gen.

Hinkkanen, A. J .....................126, 127                                        Wm. Hull.............................. 174

Hippeau, Celestin .............12, 13, 14, 15                              Humbert, King of Italy .................... 91

--L'Instruction    Publique   aux                                   Etats-               Hungarians ................................ 93

Unis ...............................      13                                      Hungary   ................................  93

Hiram      College .....................217, 376                              Hunter ................................... 175

Hiram      Historical Society  Publications. 304                    Huntington, C. C.--"History of Banking

Hiramsburg, Ohio ........................ 334                                  and Currency in Ohio before the Civil

Historical and    Philosophical Society                          of           War," 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315,

Ohio   ..............................        252                                    316,  317.

--Quarterly Publications .............. 309                               Huntington, C. C. and McClelland, C. P.

Historical Magazine, The   .............. 141                              --Ohio Canals, Their Construction, Cost,

Historical Records Survey........... 205, 212                          Use and Partial Abandonment, 303, 307,

History of Ohio (See Ohio, History of).                               311.

History   of   St. Alexis    Hospital,  1884-                             Huntington, Ellsworth ................... 162

1909, 99.                                                                                  Huntington, Long Island ................. 366

Hoadley, George........................... 35                                   Huntington Library ............ 194, 232, 233

Hockett, Homer C.....................217, 244                        "Hurney, E."............................. 203

--"The Literary Motive in Writing His-                            Huron County, Ohio....................... 164

tory"    ............................ 244                                         Huron   River........................171, 302

--Western      Influences    on   Political                             Huss, John................................ 89

Parties to 1825 ..................... 298

Hocking Valley........................... 297                                    Idaho ................................... 230

Hoikka, J. J............................. 124                                         Illinois, 8, 53, 54, 80, 124, 138, 141, 186,

Holland ...............................   105                                          188, 196, 236, 237, 249.

Holmes, Alexander........................ 370                                Illinois State Historical Society, Journal

Holmes, Anna............................. 117                                    of, 254.

Holmes, Charles John--"Prehistoric Tex-                             Imperial Smith Press....................   44

tile  Art"............................. 283                                          "Inclosure Acts"......................... 106

Holmes, Henry............................ 117                                   Independence Day......................... 368

Holmes, Jane Roney ...................... 117                                Indiana, 31, 32, 44, 80, 81, 82, 83, 203, 212,

Holmes Anniversary Volume ...........282, 284                      213, 234, 271, 291, 330.

Holst, Eduard von......................... 20                                    --Constitution    of ................... 31

Holt,         Edgar    Allan--Party    Politics  in                       --Historical Bureau of.................. 80

Ohio      ................................ 86       --University of........................ 254

Homer ................................... 233                                         diana Historical Collections .....80, 141

Hoover, Frederick......................... 55                                   Indiana Historical Commission............ 254

Hopi Indians--Corn Clan of................ 74                              Indiana Historical Society ............... 83

Hopkins, J. Kent......................... 213                             Indiana Sentinel.......................... 81

Hopkins, Mark ..........................9, 16                                     Indiana State Library................271, 272

Hopkinsville (See Hoskinsville, Ohio).                                                   --Department of History and Archives,

Hopper, James............................ 342                                    254.


INDEX                                           391


Indiana Territory......................... 82                               --"The Letters of Eliab Parker Mack-

Indianapolis, Indiana..................80, 83                           intire" ........................... 254

Indians (American), 74, 75, 76, 78, 82, 108,              Jordan, Wayne.......................... 376

109-116, 117, 118, 135, 141, 146, 147, 148,            Josephson, Bertha E.--"Critical Investiga-

162, 165, 166, 171, 174, 175, 179, 180, 186,                          tion versus Careless Presentation," 243

187, 188, 189, 190, 192, 195, 235, 271, 273,           Journal of Education ................... 60

366, 368.                                                                                  Joutuhetket .......................125, 128

--Museum      of American      Indian, New                Joyner, Fred B ........................ 376

York City............................ 74                              Judaism, Orthodox....................... 96

Infant Schools, ideals of.............60, 61                       Jugoslavs ...       ................94, 100

Ingersoll, Robert........................ 89                             Julian, George Washington--Life of Joshua

Inscho, Charles L ...................... 213                           R  Giddings.......................26, 38

Inscription,Rock State Memorial......... 199                 Jung, Leo............................... 96

Institut Francais de Washington ........ 130                  Juniata Region......................... 269

Interstate Medical Journal ............. 129                     Junk, Joseph C.......................... 55

Interstate Publishing Company .......... 126                     Jusserand, Jean J...................... 243

Iowa .............................8, 80, 236                               --"The Historian's Work"............ 243

--Annals of Iowa...................... 254                            Jusserand, Abbott, Colby    and   Bassett-

--University    of.............9, 251, 254                         The Writing of History............... 248

Iowa College (See Grinnell College).

Iowa Journal of History and Politics.... 254                Kalamazoo, Michigan..................... 232

Ipswich, Massachusetts................... 64                       Kanawha Valley.......................... 183

Ireland ..................117, 183, 185, 338                        Kansas.........................2, 8, 13, 279

Irish  ................................. 269                                    --University   of.....................  18

Irish Sea............................... 104                                  Kansan Lehti ................. 125, 127, 128

Irwin, Mrs..........................      55                                Karinen, Fred.......................123, 124

Ishpeming, Michigan .................... 123                       Kaskaskia .....................133, 138, 143

Isquierdo, Mr........................... 136                            Kay-se-wa-e-se-kah ..................... 190

Italians  .................90,  91,  98, 224                            Keep, John.............................    4

Italy ...............................91, 225                                  Kellar, Herbert Anthony ..............80, 81

Kelley, Alfred............308, 313, 314, 315

Jaatinen,  J ........................... 126                                    Kellog, C. F.126......................  55

Jacobi, Mary Putnam..................                                    17        Kellogg, Arthur......................... 213

Jacobites ...........................                                           104          Kellogg, Mary ........................     3

Jackson, Andrew, 300, 301, 310, 312, 314,                Kelmscott Books......................... 233

317, 318, 351.                                                                          Kemper, A. C........................320, 328

Jackson, "Stonewall" ................... 353                         Kent, Ohio.............................. 307

Jackson County, Ohio.................... 284                       Kent State College...................... 217

Jamaica ................................ 131                                Kentucky, 8, 28, 30, 31, 32, 78, 79, 113, 115,

James, James Alton ....................                                 188                119, 133, 139, 140, 150, 154, 180, 181, 191,

--Oliver Pollock; the Life and                                   Times             203, 234, 279, 291, 295-296, 300, 339, 374.

of a Patriot........................ 185                                 --Constitution of, 1873 ................ 79

Jameson, J. Franklin ...............243, 244                      --Militia of........................... 190

Japan .................................. 218                                     --Supreme Court of...................... 31

Japanese ...........................     218                                   --University of.....................78, 184

Jefferson, Thomas ..................137, 138                      Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions........ 310

--Jefferson Papers, Calendar.......... 137                   Kentucky Gazette, 146, 149, 150, 151, 152,

Jefferson City, Missouri................. 85                            297.

Jefferson County, Ohio, 162, 163, 294, 305,              Kentucky    Imprints..................... 234

366.                                                                                          Ketring, Ruth     Anna--Charles Osborn in

the Anti-slavery Movement............. 86

Jesuits ................................ 129                                   Kettring, Charles F...................... 210

--College of, Bordeaux, France........ 129                Kiefer Collection........................ 203

Jewett, Hugh J.......................... 332                            Kientz,   Philip......................... 213

Jews ..................94, 96, 101, 102, 164                        Kik-tha-we-nund    ...................... 190

Jex-Blake, Sophia Louisa ............ 11, 14                    Kilbourne, John--Public Documents Con-

--A  Visit to  Some   American    Schools                      cerning Ohio Canals.................... 304

and Colleges ....................... 11                            Killbuck River........................... 305

"Johnny Appleseed Comes "............... 374                 Kindergartens ............................ 69

Johns Hopkins University ............... 252                     King, Edward  ..........................           315

Johnson, Arthur C., Sr., 197, 198, 200, 205,               King,   Leicester ................... 36,        37

207, 209, 210, 215.                                                                        King, Rufus--Ohio First Fruits of the

Johnson, W. H ........................... 52                              Ordinance of 1787...................... 262

Johnson & Company........................ 52                      King and Queen County, Virginia........... 84

Johnston, Adelia A. F ................... 18                        "King Sollermun".......................... 69

Jones, H ............................... 213                                King William    County, Virginia.......... 84

Jones, Harrison ...............337, 348, 352                      Kite, Charles W.......................... 213

Jones, Howard ........................... 74                           Klippart Memorial Fund................... 198

Jones, Mrs. Howard ..................74, 207                    Knight, Mrs. G. W                               ..................... 212

Jones, Joseph........................... 337                             Knight, Mrs. George                            .................... 213

Jones, Rufus M.......................... 272                           Knight, Margaret A....................... 213

Jordan, Philip D....................254, 257                         Knights of Labor......................... 184




Knott, ? ................................ 184                                 Lipsanen, Mrs. Gabriel................. 127

Knox College ...............................8                             Lithic Laboratory for the Eastern United

Kolehmainen, John I..................123, 196                   States, 210, 211, 212, 213.

Korea ................................... 218                                Lithuania ............................. 102

Koski,  Ely.............................. 127                               Lithuanians   .........................  99

Little Captina River .................. 111

Lachambre, R............................. 190                          Little Miami River ................146, 365

Laffoon,  Polk ..........................  79                             Logan   ...............................  75

Lahde, John W............................ 124                         Logan Elm     State Memorial .......74, 199

Laissette, M'de de....................... 136                         Logan, Thomas Ackley...............345, 348

Lake County, Ohio......................... 37                         Lombardie, Mine. Louize............147, 156

Lake Erie, 116, 169, 171, 175, 179, 180, 216,            London, England..12, 21, 178, 233, 234, 265

217, 288, 302, 304, 370.                                                          London Contemporary Review ..........11, 12

Lake Ontario............................. 288                            London Sunday Lecture Society........... 12

Lake Superior............................ 304                           London University....................... 10

Lake  St.  Clair......................... 169                             Lone   Deer...........................   74

Lamprecht, Karl.......................... 221                         Long, Frank C.......................... 210

Lancaster, Ohio.......................... 332                          Long Island ........................... 366

Lancaster, Pennsylvania.................. 155                    Longworth, Nicholas.................... 203

Lapatossu ............................... 125                               Lorain County, Ohio..................24, 37

LaSalle, Rene Robert Cavelier Sieur De,                   Lord, Nathan ........................     5

108.                                                                                          "Lord Randall"......................... 105

Lasizze, Nicholas de............145, 153, 156                  Loring, David........................... 43

Lasselle, Ant.[oine]..................... 190                         Loring and Rowan........................ 43

Lassize, Eulalie de...................... 145                          Loughlin, Mrs. Irwin................... 260

Latin  ..................................  90                                   Louisa   County,  Virginia............   84

Laurelville, Ohio........................ 213                           Louisiana, 33, 131, 135, 137, 145, 153, 155,

Laurila, Julius .....................127, 128                          185, 186, 232, 233, 234.

Lavisse, Ernest.......................... 221                            Louisiana Purchase..................... 231

Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent............... 132                   Louisville, Kentucky, 79, 91, 133, 145, 148,

Lavrakas, John .........................93-94                          153, 306.

Lawrence, Mr............................. 316                          Louisville-Portland  Canal ............ 306

Lawrence College ........................   8                         Love Affairs of Captain John Smith...... 84

Layman, Amos............................. 340                         Low, Mr................................ 366

Leavitt, Humphrey Howe................... 351                  Lowe, Andrew........................... 337

Leavitt, Lord & Company................53, 55                 Lowe, William.................337, 348, 349

Lebanon, Ohio............................ 333                          Lower Sandusky (See Fremont, Ohio).

Lebanon Star ............................. 25                             Lucas, Benjamin      L................. 345

Ledbetter,         Eleanor    E.--The   Czechs   in         Lucas, John B. C....................... 141

Cleveland       ........................89, 98                         Lucas, Robert.................177, 312, 314

Leesburg,          Ohio ........................ 212                   Luce   Bay............................. 104

Leland Stanford Jr. University........... 254                  Ludlow, Mr.........................364, 366

Lenin ................................... 224                                  Lukens, Joseph F .............321, 333, 345

Lenotre, G.--La Guillotine............... 158                     Lunsford v. Conquilon .................. 34

Lenox Library............................ 232                           Lutherans ...........................89, 93

Leonarda, Sister.......................... 99                            Lutz, Frank J.--"Josef Ignace Guillotin,"

Leroi,    ?.............................  132                                  129.

Letters Patent of Precedence............. 264                  Lydia .................................. 31

LeVeillard .....................144, 156, 157                        Lyons, Alexander....................... 345

Lewis, Samuel............................. 37

Lexington, Kentucky..................154, 306                    McArthur, Duncan, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,

Liberalism  .........................222, 223                            113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 168, 169,

Liberty Hall and Cincinnati Gazette, 291,                    171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181.

293.                                                                                           McBride, Alexander..................349, 350

Liberty   Party....................36, 37, 38                           McClellan, J. E.......................... 63

--Convention of..............24, 35, 36, 37                      McComas, Mrs. J. A...................... 213

Library of Congress .....25, 28, 38, 231, 239               McConnelsville Weekly Enquirer, 319, 320,

--Manuscript Division ..............191-192                    321, 322, 324, 325, 327, 337, 340, 344, 345,

Licking County, Ohio, 162, 163, 164, 292,                   346, 347, 348, 350, 352.

294, 295, 300, 365.                                                                   McCook family........................... 166

Licking River............................ 365                             McCormac, ? ............................. 55

Liebovitz,  H. A. and Hihaly, P.--'A   Cleve-               McCormick Historical Association......... 81

landi Magyarok Tortente ................93                      McCune, James..................337, 348, 349

Limestone     (Maysville),   Kentucky,                        115,         McCune, Joseph......................337, 348

145, 153, 154.                                                                           McCune, William...........337, 344, 345, 849

Lincoln, Abraham.....................194, 332                      McDermott, John Francis ................ 196

Lincoln   University...................... 85                           McDermott, Wayne ...................201, 202

Lindley, Harlow, 200, 205, 209, 210, 214,                  McDonald, ? ...........................   55

215, 217, 241, 242, 248, 249, 254, 258, 272.            MacDonald, John................111, 114, 117

--"The Quaker Contribution to the Old                      MacDonald, Nancy........................ 117

Northwest" .......................... 272                           McDuffie, George--Message on the Slavery

Lipsanen, Gabriel........................ 127                          Question   .............................29


INDEX                                          393


McFaren (See McFerren).                                                                        Mann, Horace ..................2, 9, 372, 373

McFerren, David.......................... 337                   --Centennial Celebration for........... 372

McFerren, Joel..................337, 348, 349     --Monument to.......................... 373

McFerren,     John Wesley, 319, 320, 321, 322,                        Mannerkorpi, Kalle      H.--Ashtabula   Har-

323, 324, 325, 326, 335, 347, 349, 350, 351,                                 borin Betania Seurakunnan.............. 25

352, 353, 354.                                                                          --Vuotis Julkaisa....... 123, 124, 125, 126

McFerren, Richard C ............337, 344, 346      Mansfield, E. D.......................... 292

McFerren, Samuel, 321, 324, 337, 348, 349,                             Mansfield, Jared......................... 119

350.               ..                                                                        "Margaret Blennerhassett"   ............. 374

McGee, James ...................337, 349, 350   Margolis, Samuel......................... 102

McGhee, Charles ...........45, 47, 48, 53, 54                               Marie, Jean..........................139, 141

McGonigle, Mrs............................ 55          Marietta, Ohio, 59, 60, 66, 68, 85, 143, 154,

McGuffey, Alexander ("Sandy").........104-122                               163, 193, 194, 195, 241, 242, 288, 292, 297,

McGuffey,     Alexander   Hamilton, 104, 118,         305, 319, 366.

120, 121, 196.                                                                         --Marietta      Collegiate   Institute   and

McGuffey,    Ann McKittrick,    106, 107, 110,                        Western Teachers Seminary.........59, 68

119.                                               --Infant School ................59, 60, 61

McGuffey, Anna      Holmes,     117, 118, 119,                                             --Institute    for  Education, 59, 62, 63,

122.                                                                                                 67-68.

McGuffey, Charles Drake..............110, 120                                              --Institute of Education, 59, 63, 64-67,

McGuffey, Elizabeth Drake................ 110                                                  68; Manual Labor Association of, 66.

McGuffey, Henry.......................... 117                                                           --Marietta College.........59, 60, 68, 376

McGuffey, Jane........................... 117         Marietta Register...................331, 354

McGuffey, Mary Hemphill Dickey........... 119                          Marietta Republican.................319, 340

McGuffey, William      Holmes,                  42, 43, 45,              Marion, Ohio............................ 356

104, 106, 107, 117, 118, 119, 121;           Readers,                Markby, Thomas........................... 11

104, 117, 121; Speller, 121.                                                    Marquis, Arthur......................... 337

McGuffey family.......105, 106, 107, 108, 120                           Marquis, John........................... 337

Machiavelli ............................. 225              Marquis, Samuel .....325, 337, 343, 344, 349

Machol, Michallis ........................ 96           Marseilles, France...................... 156

McIlvain, John........................... 299            Marsh, John 0........85, 200, 210, 212, 217

McKee, Benton .......................337, 350       Marshall, George B...................... 251

McKee, James............................. 349                   Marshall, John........................... 32

McKee's Island........................... 141           Martin, Frank M.--The County of Noble,

Mackinac, Michigan....................... 176                                                          320, 323, 336, 337, 342, 352.

McKinley, Irene S......................... 74          Marvin, James............................ 18

McKinley, Kenneth William,     160, 205, 215,                         Marx, Karl..........................223, 224

216, 319.                                                                                  Marxism    ...............223, 224, 225, 226

McKinney, Alexander ...................... 55      Maryland ...........................149, 338

McLane, Louis............................ 303           Marysville, Ohio........................ 212

McLean, John ......................33, 34, 37        Mason, Lowell..........................    2

McMahon, Mrs. J. Sprigg ................. 363    Mason, Samson............................ 25

MacMaster, John Bach--History     of the   Massachusetts, 23, 127, 165, 213, 229, 233,

People of the United States............ 298                                   236, 238, 239, 280, 299, 338.

McMunn, Samuel.......................323, 345     Massachusetts  Bureau   of   Statistics  of

McMurtrie, Douglas C..................... 228       Labor ............................... 18

--"American  Press,"   Record   of   the,    Massachusetts Masonic Grand Lodge.. 239

228-240.                                                                               Massachusetts State House, Boston, Massa-

MacPherson, H. R................210, 212, 216   chusetts ........................... 236

McShane, M. C............................ 362          Massie, Nathaniel....................... 110

Massillon, Ohio......................... 307

Madison Furnace.......................... 203          Massinen, Otto ......................... 127

Madison, James............................ 28            Masters, Florence....................... 213

Madison, Ohio ........................... 302            Masury, Ohio............................ 213

Madison, Wisconsin....................... 249        Matilda ..........................34, 35, 37

Madrid, Spain ........................... 260             Matson,     ........................333, 336

--National Archives of................. 260       Maumee River .............171, 175, 179, 188

Magill, Edward H.--Co-education        of the                             May, John--The Journal and Letters of

Sexes...............................   15                     Col. John May...................141, 149

Magrath, Willis ......................... 213             Mayo, H. B............................... 55

Maham, Alfred T.--Sea Power in Its Re-     Maysville (Limestone), Kentucky, 115, 145,

lation to the War of 1812 ............ 83                                        153, 154.

Mahoning Valley.......................... 297          Maysville-Lexington Turnpike............ 306

Maine...................15, 61, 238, 321, 338        Maytown, Ohio........................... 155

Majault,  ? ............................. 132                 Mead,  Hiram ...........................  16

Malden (Amherstburg), Canada, 171, 176,  Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania............. 184

178, 180.                                                                                   Medina County, Ohio ............24, 163, 164

Manchac   ............................... 186               Meeker,  Claude......................... 210

Manchester, Ames G....................... 213      Meeks, John A.....................51, 52, 55

Manchester, Massachusetts................ 280   Meikalainen ............................ 124

Manifold, George......................... 337          Mekinges ................................ 82

Manifold, John........................... 337             Memorial to the United States........... 242




Memphis, Tennessee...................... 319                         Mohammedanism  .......................... 94

Mendenhall, Thomas C. ed., History of                         Mohr, John--Map of the City of Cleve-

the Ohio State University .........9, 361                                    land Showing Colonies of Foreign Born,

Mercer County, Pennsylvania............. 121                                 88, 90.

Mercier, ? ............................. 156                                  Monfort, Joseph G ....................53, 55

Mercnant,  John,   Jr................... 156                             Monfort,  P.............................  55

Merrick, Jack........................... 240                                Monguagon, Michigan .................... 178

Mexican War ............................ 345                                          --Battle of ......................171, 175

Mexicans ............................... 240                                 Monica, Sister M........................ 260

Mexico.....135, 136, 137, 138, 195, 282, 283                --And Then the Storm.................. 260

Mexico, Gulf of......................... 187                             Monmouth County, New Jersey............. 363

Meynen, Emil .........................79, 80                            Monroe, James........................... 181

--Bibliographie  des   Deutschtums                             der        Monroe, Michigan.....171, 172, 177, 178, 179

Kolonializetlichen Einwanderung                          in           Monroe County, Ohio..................... 342

Nordamerika 1683-1933, 79.                                              Montana ................................ 240

Miami Canal....................291, 305, 306                        Montgomery, James ....................... 65

Miami Exporting Company................. 291                   Montgomery County, Ohio, 163, 164, 287,

Miami River ............................ 155,         365                            294, 295, 300.

Miami University, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49,               Montgomery     County, Ohio, History      of,

50, 51, 55, 57, 58, 191, 254, 368, 376.                                       309.

--Bishop House at...................51, 58                          Montreal, Canada........................ 181

--Library of .....................366, 368                              Monvel, Solange......................... 193

--Trustees of ..................45, 50, 51                            Moore, Clarence B...................277, 285

Miami Valley ................ .162, 293, 305                       Moore, John Bassett--History and Digest

Miamisburg Mound State Memorial......... 199                          of   the   International   Arbitration to

Michigan, 8, 37, 82, 95, 123, 125, 126, 168,                              Which the United States Has Been a

173.  232,  249.                                                                          Party  ................................20

--University of ..................252, 253                             Moorehead, Warren King, 210, 278, 283,

Michigan-Indiana-Ohio Museums, Confer-                              284.

ence of.............................. 211                                  --Exploration    of the   Etowah   Site  in

Michigan Territorial Militia............ 171                                    Georgia ............................. 279

Michigan Territory...................... 181                          Moravians ............................... 82

Michillimackinac ....................... 189                            Moreau, Jean............................ 184

Middle Temple, London, England.......... 264              Morgan, Bessie J........................ 213

Middletown, Ohio...............155, 284, 356                    Morgan, John...........................4, 16

Mill, John     Stuart--The  Subjection    of                    Morgan, Richard G...................210, 211

Women ............................... 10                                 Morgan County, Ohio ................320, 321

Miller, J.  C. ........................  203                                 Morgan Herald ............339, 340, 342, 343

Miller, James M        .............178, 202                         Morgan-Hopkins MSS....................... 16

--The Genesis of Western Culture: The                   Morgantown, West Virginia............... 184

Upper Ohio Valley, 1800-1825, 86, 202.            Morison, Samuel Eliot--Three     Centuries

Miller, Oscar F., 198, 199, 210, 215, 216,                                of Harvard............................ 16

217.                                                                                        Mormons ................................ 240

Millikin, John M......................... 46                              Morris ................................. 187

Mills, Benjamin.......................... 31                                          Morris, B. F............................. 55

Mills, William  C ..................207, 208                         Morris, Calvary.......................... 25

Milton, John............................ 264                                            Morris, George M........................ 251

Minnesota ........8, 123, 124, 126, 213, 238                  Morris, Robert.......................... 186

--University of........................ 18                                           Morris, Thomas ......................... 312

Minnigerode, Meade--Black        Forest, 193,                        Morris Harvey      (Barboursville)   College,

242.                                                                                           185.

Minor, Stephen........................... 55                                          Morrow, Jeremiah........................ 299

Miramont, Mr............................ 136                                          Morrow   County, Ohio...............162, 203

Missionary Review    of the World........ 90                               Moscow, Russia.......................... 261

Mississippi............31, 36, 191, 235, 236                      --Kremlin ............................. 261

--Constitution of ...................                                     33             Mound-builders of Ohio--Types of Textile

--Supreme Court of ...............                                  31             Weaving ..........................273-287

--Territorial Legislature of.......... 236                                         Mound Builders State Memorial........... 199

--University of....................18, 252                                         Mound City State Memorial...........199, 207

Mississippi Imprints ................... 236                                        Mounds, Burial, of Ohio, 273-287      (See

Mississippi River, 82, 138, 143, 155, 186,                                Ohio Burial Mounds).

187, 288, 301, 374.                                                                   Mt. Holyoke College...................... 16

Mississippi Valley .......186, 187, 290, 296                               Mount Holyoke Seminary................... 17

Mississippi Valley Historical Association,                               Mt. Vernon, Ohio, High School........... 253

252, 253, 254, 255.                                                                   Mundy, R. M.............................. 37

--Proceedings ....................291, 292                                      Munich, Germany......................... 251

Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 243,                              Murray, ? .............................. 141

244, 251, 252, 253, 251, 289, 290.                                          Museum Echoes ......................202, 272

Missouri .........34, 85, 141, 196, 234, 238                                Muskingum, Ohio......................... 145

Missouri Historical Society............. 156                                  Muskingum             Academy,    Marietta,   Ohio. 59

--Library of ....................134, 135                                          Muskingum             County, Ohio, 162, 163, 164,

Modley, Rudolph ........................ 262                                       292, 294, 295, 300.


INDEX                                          395


Muskingum       River..............143, 154, 305                Noblesville, Indiana.................... 83

Mussolini         ............................... 225                       Normandy     .............................. 141

Norse  ................................... 104

Napoleon ...........................224, 341                           North America......................... 79

Nassau, West Indies................... 20                           North Carolina..................80, 155, 192

Natchez, Mississippi.........33, 81, 186, 236                 North Channel .......................... 104

National Archives.........355, 356, 362, 376                Northern Almanac...................... 81

National Intelligencer .................. 81                          Northfield College......................    8

National Republican Party, 299, 300, 305,                 Northwest Territory, 46, 86, 107, 188, 189,

308, 313, 315.                                                                           192, 193, 194, 212, 214, 242, 250, 364, 366,

National Road.......................301, 305                         368, 374.

Neal, B. R ..............................                                     55              -- Brochure on...........242

Nebraska .....................                                               . 213          --Caravan    ........................241, 242

Negroes, 1, 6, 8, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35, 37, 81,               --Celebration, 86, 193, 194, 195, 212, 241,

162, 167, 186, 338.                                                                          242.

Neil, Olive .. ......................... 213                               --American Historical Association Com-

Nelsonville, Ohio ....................... 297                                           mittee on, 251.

Neptune, Charles....................... 212                          --Federal Government's Commission on,

Nevanpera, Justaa ...................... 127                                          201, 241.

New England, 5, 12, 80, 162, 231, 235, 246                               --Ohio Advisory Commission of.... 255

269, 270  338.                                                                           -Legislature of ....................366-367

New England Primer................... 121                                          --U. S. House of Representatives Jour-

New   Gnadenhutten, Michigan ......... 82                                   nal, 366, 367.

New Hampshire.....................337, 338                       "Northwestern Oberlin"...............        8

New Inn Hall, Oxford, England...... 264                   Northwestern University ............... 254

New   Jersey.......80, 270, 338, 363, 364, 369            Norwegians .........95

New Kent County, Virginia........... 84                       Norwood, William....327, 337, 343, 344, 349

New Mexico .........................240, 242                       Nowak, Abram.................         .     97

New   Orleans, Louisiana, 20, 81, 131, 185,             Nowak     W. J.--Survey and Maps of

186, 187, 188, 211, 233, 288, 291, 306.                                   Polish Cleveland................      .. 90

New   Philadelphia, Ohio ............307, 356                No. 1 Island ..........................140

New York ..........................3, 4, 15                            Nye, Russel B...............           69, 85

New   York, New     York, 11, 53, 74, 78, 80,

81, 89, 123, 156, 159, 160, 164, 165, 183,             Oberlin, Ohio......6, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 85

185, 193, 194, 230, 232, 236, 238, 243, 249,         --Twain-Cable Lecture at............ 69

288, 299, 311, 315, 338, 363, 369, 376.                                   --Union Library Association ......69, 70

--Public Library of................... 232                       Oberlin College, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16,

--Bulletin   of .......................... 254                          17, 18, 85, 164, 251.

New York and Ohio Railroad......... 308                                     --Bulletin   ............................3

New York Courier and Enquirer ...... 310                                  --Co-education          at.................... 1-19

New   York Evangelist...........3, 4, 5, 7                       --"Collegiate    Department".........2,                                                 9

New York Independent ................        6                  --Collegiate     Institute.................                                                    3

New York Mills, Minnesota ........... 123                    --Early Courses of Study at........                                                      2

New York Tribune...................26, 330                       --First Women       Students ..........2,                                                3

New York World....................... 341                          --"Joint Education of the Sexes"...                                                   2

Newark, Ohio.........212, 213, 307, 363, 365              --Ladies' Course at ...........2, 3, 4, 5

Newberry Library....................... 271                        --Library     of ...................... 16, 69

Newcomerstown, Ohio .................. 356                    --"Report on Educating the Sexes To-

Newnhan College....................... 10                                            gether"   ............................3

Newton, E............................... 316                            --Trustees of ........................3, 4

Niagara, New York, 171, 174, 175, 179,                  Oberlin Evangelist .................. 6,     7

181.                                                                                          Oberlin Review ........................ 70

Niagara Falls.........................11, 175                         Oberlin Weekly News ...............69, 70

Niche, ? ................................ 134                               O'Conner, Theodore T................. 213

Nickerson, J. R......................... 322                           O'Conway, Cecelia..................... 141

Nickerson, Sparrow .................... 322                       O'Conway, Mathias James, 141, 142, 143,

Nikander, J. K......................... 124                                             144, 145, 146, 148, 154.

Niles, Ohio.............................. 293                            O'Conway, Rebecca Archer............ 141

Niles' National Register..20, 22, 23, 24, 26               Octagon   State Memorial...........198, 199

Niles' Weekly Register, 290, 291, 292, 296,             Ogden, Edward......................... 203

297, 298, 299, 302, 303, 305, 306, 307,                Ogden, James .......................... 203

309, 310.                                                                                   Oglala Sioux .........................74, 75

Noble, Andrew.......................44, 54                         Ohio, 5, 8, 11, 12, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,

Noble   County, Ohio, 319, 320, 321, 322,                                 34, 35, 36, 39, 42, 43, 49, 50, 53, 59, 69,

323, 324, 325, 326, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333,                          74, 77, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 113, 117, 118,

336, 339, 340, 341, 342, 344, 345, 347, 348,                          119, 121, 123, 126, 127, 128, 143, 159, 160,

350, 352, 353, 354.                                                                         162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 171, 173, 174,

--"Noble County Insurrection       ......  326                              175, 176, 177, 178, 180, 181, 188, 189, 196,

Noble County Republican, 319, 320, 326,                                  201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210,

328, 341, 342, 343, 344.                                                                 211, 212, 213, 215, 217, 228, 232, 234, 237,

Noble Township, Noble County, Ohio, 320,                              238, 239, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254,

337, 352.                                                                                         255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 263, 267, 270,




273, 274, 277, 278, 283, 288, 289, 290, 291,          Ohio Observer ................. .....   ,   4

292, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302,          Ohio   Revolutionary    Memorial Commis-

303, 304, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313,          sion ..............255

314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 328, 330,

331, 332, 333, 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 345,          Ohio River ("Beautiful River"), 107, 110,

351, 352, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 360, 361,          111, 113, 114, 115, 118, 129, 130, 132, 133,

362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 368, 369, 370, 374.          136, 138, 139, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147,

--Federal Writers Project in, 200, 215,                    148, 149, 150, 157, 193, 288, 290, 291, 297,

246, 247.                                                                                       298, 301, 305, 306, 370; Falls of, 145, 148,

--"Gateway of the West"...........263                        153, 154.

--General Assembly of, 68 202, 213, 251,                Ohio Roster Commission, Official Roster

258, 299, 304, 311, 321; House Journal,             of the Soldiers of the State of Ohio in

290, 304.                                                                                   the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866 319

--Governor of ........................ 217                            Ohio  Schools ........................... 254

--Great Lakes Exposition, Ohio building                   Ohio Star ............................... 308

at                                    211                                 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical

--Historical and Philosophical Societ                                        Society, 85, 196, 197, 205, 215, 217, 218,

--Historical Memorials in  (See  State      219, 228, 242, 243, 246, 248, 250, 251, 253,

Memorials).                                                         254, 255, 258, 259, 356, 376.

--Legislative Reference Bureau...... 251                                    --Accessions to ....................    212-214

--Legislature of (See Ohio General As-                                           --Annual Meeting: Minutes of, 247-248;

sembly).                                          Report of, 197-248.

--Committees of: Membership, 201, 215;

--Masonry            in ...................... .                239

--Militia               of ........................                           173         Nominating, 206.

--Notables         of ......................159-167                --Constitution   of... ......... 200-201, 214

--State House of .................... 213                           --Departments of: Archaeology, 200, 211;

--State Memorials of.          209, 210, 216                                   History, 210; Library, 202-204; Medical

--State Parks of (See State Memorials).                                       (Proposed), 200; Natural History, 207,

--Supreme Court of ................       34                                           212; Parks, 215-216.

--Troops in Civil War, 319, 320, 328, 342                                     --Displays in Museum:  Hall of Ohio

Ohio Academy of History, 201, 214, 217,                                      History, 209; Hall of Ohio Prehistory,

218, 219.                                                                                           209; "Story of Flint," 209; "Story of

--Report of Annual Meeting .....217-247                                    Stone,"209.

--Executive Board of................. 197

Ohio Board of Canal Commissioners, Re.                                          --Library of, 24, 38, 202, 204, 205, 207,

port........304                 319;                                     Cataloguing    Department,     202;

Ohio   Burial   Mounds,    273-287:   Adena                                   Manuscript Department, 203; News-

Mound, 287; Harness (Liberty) Mound,                                     paper Department, 204; Reference De-

275, 281, 282, 284; Hopewell Group, 207,                                 partment, 202.

275, 280, 283, 284; Piketown Mound, 275;              --Lithic   Laboratory of ............... 200

Seip Mound, 207, 275, 276, 277, 278, 281,             --Membership      ....................... 201

283, 285, 286;   Serpent    Mound, 207;                                       --Museum, 86, 196, 197, 206, 207, 208, 209,

Tremper Effigy           Mound, 207, 275, 280,                            210, 211, 214, 217, 241, 255, 259, 282,

287; Turner Group, 285; Van          Meter                                  284, 285, 286, 287.

Mound,    275,   277, 285;   Westenhaver               --Museum     and Library Building of, 199,

Mound, 275, 280, 283, 286, 287.                                                     205, 207, 208; North Wing, 207; South

Ohio Canal ....... 297 302, 303, 304, 305, 311                                 Wing, 207, 208.

Ohio Canal Commissioners       ............. 290    --National Youth Administration (N. Y.

Ohio Company ........................       193                                           A.) help in......................... 203

Ohio Food Administration, 355, 356, 357,                                      --Officers and    Staff, 211-212:  Director,

358, 359, 360, 361, 362.                                                                   211, 216, 248; Report of, 211-212; Presi-

Ohio Guide .............200, 215, 246, 247                                          dent, 201; Registrar, 212; Secretary,

Ohio Historical Collections ..........85, 86                                        85, 86, 196, 200, 201, 247, 251; Report

Ohio   History   Day   Association, 74, 75;                                     of, 200-205; Treasurer, 198, 248; Report

Twenty-fifth Anniversary Meeting, 74-77.                                of, 198-200.

Ohio, History of (six volumes), 201, 202,                                       --Publications ........................ 207

216, 242.                                                                                       --Publications of ...................... 376

--Contents         of .................... 255-258                 --Quarterly, 80, 85, 87, 130, 168, 196, 197,

--Distribution    of ..................258-259                                        202, 243, 253, 291, 293, 303, 306, 307,

--Editorial Committee ................ 248                                          309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316,

--Genesis    of .......................250-251                                         317, 376.

--Prospectus for .........201, 243, 249-259               --Staff (See Officers and Staff).

--Staff ....251-255                                --State  Archives of ................. 204

Ohio Imprints.......................... 230                              --Trustees of, 197, 200, 201, 206, 215, 248,

Ohio Jourual of Education ............      7                                         250; Minutes of, 215-217.

Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Company             --Works Progress Administration     (W.

of Cincinnati .................313, 314, 315        P. A.) help in ............ 202, 204, 205

Ohio Magazine ......................... 208

Ohio Monitor ........................... 315                             Ohio State Archives.................... 205

Ohio Mound-builders ................... 274                        --Executive Documents in.......204, 205

--Types     of   their   Textile   Weaving,                   Ohio State Journal, 303, 304, 305, 307, 312,

273-287.                                                                                        313, 314, 315, 331, 339, 371.


INDEX                                                                                      397


Ohio   State   Museum                (See   Ohio         State               Pacific University.......................                                   8

Archaeological and               Historical           Society,          Paine, Albert Bigelow, ed.--Letters                              of

Museum).                                                                                Mark Twain ......................... 69

Ohio State Teachers' Association ......     7          --Life of Mark Twain............... 69

Ohio State University, 9, 85, 208, 213, 214,        Paine, Thomas.......................... 89

217, 218, 228, 246, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254,   Painesville, Ohio....................... 211

255, 282, 286, 361, 375.                                                          Painesville Telegraph ...............125, 127

--Chapel of........................... 217                       Palencia, Dr............................ 260

--Departments of: Education, 258; Eng-           Palimpsest, The......................... 254

lish, 228, 258; History, 217-218; Journal-    Palmer, John--Journal of Travels in the

ism, 258; Political Science, 258; Soci-                                 United States . . . in the Year 1817, 293

ology, 213.                                                                           Pareto, Vilfredo...........220, 224, 225, 226

--Faculty Club................... 217, 228                   Paris, France, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 136,

--Page Hall........................... 207                        137, 139, 142, 145, 146, 147, 150, 152, 158,

-University Hall..................... 228                    233, 341

Ohio Statesman, 336, 337, 339, 340, 341, 343,    --Faculty of Medicine at............. 129

344, 350, 354.                                                                          Paris, Treaty of........................ 188

Ohio Teacher...........................      7                     Parker, Orrel A ....................215, 216

Ohio University ........................ 333                    Parkman, Francis....................... 169

Ohio Valley, 86, 129, 162, 163, 262, 272,                                  --The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the In-

288, 289, 364.                                                                                  dian   War    after   the   Conquest    of

Ohio Valley Historical Association.... 255                                 Canada .........................190, 191

Ohio Wesleyan University, Department of         Parliament (English) .....106, 265, 266, 272

History ............................... 258                        Parrett, Josephine...................... 212

Ojibwa Indians......................... 286                     Parrington, Vernon Louis.............. 252

Okey, William    C....................... 344                  Parsons Wm............................ 55

Oklahoma .............................. 279                        Passy, France..................132, 137, 157

--University of, Archaeological Depart-          Patterson, Mary Jane..................              5

ment  ...............................  279                     Payne, J. H    .............................               37

Oldham, Lieutenant-Colonel............ 190             Peabody         Museum    (Harvard University),

Old Stone Academy.................... 118                  279, 284, 285, 286, 376.

Olds, Edson   B.......................... 332                     Pease,  Calvin........................... 203

Oliver, Robert......................... 366                       Peck, Elisabeth--American Frontier... 374

Olivet College...........................    8                      Peck, John Mason ...................... 236

Olivve,  Miss............................ 136                      Pee-kee-lund   ........................... 190

Olmsted Imprint........................ 230                     Peirce, David, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150,

Olmsted, P. H.......................... 230                        151, 154, 155.

Omaha, Nebraska....................... 239                   Pelkonen, Frank........................ 127

Ondrak, Andrew ....................... 216                    Pelzer, Louis--"Economic Factors in the

Oneida Community, New York........ 11               Acquisition of Louisiana"........... 292

Ontario, Canada........................ 80                       Pembroke College, Oxford University. 264

Orange County, Virginia............... 84                  Pendleton, Nathanael Greene .......... 25

Order    Book   L   United    States  Circuit          Pennsburg, Pennsylvania...............

Court, S. D. 0 ...................349, 350                  Pennsylvania, 7, 15, 27, 79, 80, 105, 106,

Ordinance of 1787 ......31, 40, 189, 193, 250      107, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 121, 134, 139,

Ordinance of 1787 and the Old Northwest           153, 165, 180, 183, 184, 213, 238, 269, 270,

Territory, History of the ....194, 201, 242         288, 289, 299, 317, 337, 338, 342.

Oregon   ...............................8, 231                      --General Assembly of............... 142

Orton, Edward ......................209, 210                 --University of....................... 195

Orton, Mrs. Edward, Jr............... 203                  Pennsylvania-German ...............79, 80

Orton, James, ed.--The Liberal Education           Pennsylvania-German Society.......... 79

of Women................. 14, 15, 16, 17                  Pennsylvania Historical Commission, Pub-

Orton, Mary Anderson................. 203                 lications of............................ 269

Osborn v. United States Bank......... 310              Pennsylvania    Magazine    of History    and

Osburn, Mrs. Raymond C.............. 258                Biography ............................ 141

Ostanberg (See Austinburg, Ohio).                                             Pennsylvania-Ohio Canal..302, 303, 307, 308

Otterbein College .......................    8                   Pennsylvania Railroad.................. 305

Ouiatanon .............................. 189                        Pennsylvania School Journal .........7,      8

Overman, William     D..........200, 210, 212        Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion

Owens, Charles R...................... 213                    of Manufactures...................... 299

Oxford, Ohio, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 62,       Pennsylvania     State   Teachers'   Associa-

53, 57, 58.                                                                                tion ...................................

--First Printing Press................ 42                      Pensacola, Florida      ............ .... 187

-Societies' Press at...........42, 43, 44                 Pepin, F................................. 190

Oxford University ..................264, 267               Perheen Ystava     .                                   ..............125, 128

-All Souls College...............264, 266                Perkins, Simeon     ............. .... 370

-Chair of Civil Law at.............. 264                 Perkins. Simon G ......308, 313-314, 315, 316

-Codrington Library ................. 264                Perry, Oliver Hazard            ............. 180

-College Manors..................... 264                   Pershing, Benjamin H          ............. 258

-Pembroke College .................. 264                 Peru, South America                                ............... 153

-Vinerian           Professor of English     Com-                       Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich ..........2, 59

mon Law        at ....................... 264             Peterboro, New York                               .        ............   4

"Oyez, Oyez" ..................        ... 374                   Petit, Antoine       .                                    ................. 129




Petrograd, Russia....................... 91                                             Pratt, Julius S.--Expansionists of 1812, 83

Peyster, Major de...................... 82                                             Pratt's Forks, Ohio           .       .................... 214

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 106, 119, 132,                                 Preble County, Ohio       ..............52, 293

139, 141, 144, 145, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156,                          Prehistory Research Series............. 271

185, 186, 195, 210, 230, 231, 235, 239, 249,                          Prentice-Hall History Series........... 78

290, 291 301, 304, 305, 307.                                                   Prentiss, Samuel             .       ............... 30

Philadelphia Anthropological Society Pub-                               Presbyterians            ..................105, 121

lications  .............................. 196                                             --New School.........................  57

Philanthropist (Cincinnati, Ohio)...... 24                                            --Old School .......................45, 57

Philippine  Islands...................76, 271                                         Presque'isle (Presqu'ile) ............... 189

Phillips,      Eleazer........................ 235                                        Price,  Ella..............................        213

Phillips, Josephine E .................85, 319                                      Price, Robert--"Johnny Appleseed--the

Phillips, Wendell....................... 16                                                     Myth and the Man" .............. 228

Phillips Academy....................... 235                                           Prime, S. Irenaeus--The Higher Educa-

Phipps, Albert.......................... 55                                                      tion of Women....................... 14

Phipps, Helen........................... 203                                             Princeton College....................... 363

Phipps Papers, The William Hall..... 203                                    Procter, Henry               ................179, 180

Piatt's Bank, Cincinnati, Ohio......... 310                                      Protestants                .................. 95, 106

Pic, Jean................................ 193                                                Prucha, John--"Among the Slavic People

Pickaway County, Ohio...275, 280, 283, 286                                     in Cleveland"......................... 90

Picque, J. N., 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,                                      --The Churches and the Foreign Situa-

137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 146,                                 tion in Greater Cleveland........88, 95

147, 149, 150, 151, 156, 157.                                                  Pte  San          Wickte    (Thomas    White    Cow

Pied Piper of Hamelin................ 169                                                 Killer)     .................. 74, 75, 76

Pierce, Captain......................... 141                                            Public Record           Office, London, England,

Pike County, Ohio........275, 277, 283, 285                                         234, 235.

Pikes Peak.............................. 239                                                Pugh. George Ellis .......344, 345, 346, 347

Piketown, Ohio .................277, 283, 285                                     Purdue University          .   .............. 252

Pilgrims ................................ 87                                                  Puritans       .             ................... 87, 121

Pine Ridge, South Dakota............. 74                                          Purviance, Samuel         ................ 149

"Pioneer Widow"   ...................... 374

Pipen, Mr...............................    55                                              Quaife, Milo M ................168, 194, 196

Pitcher,  Joseph ........................ 337                                            Quakers    .............................27, 272

Pitcher, Joshua.........................   337                                           Quebec Act............................. 189

Pitcher,      William ....................337, 349                                   Quill,  The............................... 254

Pitkin,         Caleb ............................ 290

--Statistical View    of Commerce..... 291                                 Racey, George A........................ 337

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 139, 140, 141, 143,                             Racey, John, 322, 324, 326, 337, 347, 348,

144, 145, 147, 148, 150, 153, 154, 241, 288,                                 349, 350, 351, 353.

291 296, 298, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306.                           Racey, Peter ..................337, 349, 350

--University of ........................ 142                                           Race, Thomas........... 324, 337, 348, 349

Pittsburgh Academy.................... 142                                         Radcliffe College ...................... 196

Planters' Pictorial Almanac ............ 81                                      Ragan, Allen E ......................... 202

Plassan, Marie Therese Saugrain...... 134           --Chief Justice Taft............86, 202

Plassan, Pierre ........................ 134                                             Raguet, ? .................141, 145, 146, 149

Pleasant City, Ohio....................343                                            Raid, J. S............................ 320

Pleasant Hill, Ohio..................... 57                                             Randall, Emilius 0..................... 207

Plow ........................81                                                                 Randall, E. 0. and Ryan, D. J.--History

Pohjan Tahti .......................125, 128                                                  of             Ohio ...........................297, 310

Point Coupee, Louisiana ............... 145                                       Randolph-Macon College............... 252

Point Pleasant, Ohio ................... 343                                          Ranke, Leopold von.................... 223

Poland       .................................  102                                          Rankin    ? ...............................  31

Polasky      (Pulaski) ...................... 141                                       Rankin, John............................ 201

Poles ............................90, 99, 101                                              Rankin State Memorial ................ 215

Pollard, James E....................... 258                                            Rappe, Louis A......................89, 90

Pollock, Calvin.......................... 213                                            Rardin, J. J.............................   49

Pollock, Oliver.......................185-188                                         Ravenna, Ohio......................301, 308

Pomeroy, Ohio.......................... 298                                            Ravenna Ohio Star..................... 291

Pomeroy, Samuel Wyliss.............. 298                                       Ravenna Western Courier............. 304

Pont Andemer, Normandy............. 141                                      Read, Helen............................ 212

Pontiac      ................................. 188                                           Reasoner,       Charles  F.................... 213

Pope,         Frederick .........................  55                                    Reeder,          C.       W ......................... 218

Portage, Ohio .......................... 307                                             Reformed Church....................... 342

Portage Canal and Manufacturing Com-                                   Reid, Whitelaw......................... 160

pany .................................. 307                                               --Ohio in the War ......320, 327, 336, 337

Portage County, Ohio, 24, 162, 163, 294,                                   Reinius, Rafael......................... 124

300.                                                                                          Religious Intelligencer and New Haven

Portland,  Maine.........................  61                                                   Journal    ..............................  5

Portsmouth, Ohio, 275, 280, 281, 287, 297,                                Renaissane ............................ 222

302, 307.                                                                                  Renick State Memorial................. 199

Portugal  ................................  32                                                Reprints  ................................ 375

Prall, Elizabeth .........................3                                                 Republicans ...................324, 325, 331


INDEX                                         399


Revolutionary War, 78, 82, 106, 113, 185,                               Ross County, Ohio, 162, 163, 247, 275, 276,

186, 187, 229, 230, 368.                                                                277, 280, 281, 284, 285, 287, 292.

Rheims, France......................... 129                                          Rothacker, Erich....................... 220

Rhode Island ........................337, 338                                       Rouge River....................171, 173, 178

Rhodes, C............................... 340                                             Rowan, John W........................ 43

Rice, Rev................................ 342                                             Rowland, Captain....................... 178

Richardson, J. D--A Compilation of the                                    Rowley, M. V.......................... 70

Messages and Letters of the Presidents,                                 Roy, Andrew--"Mines and Mining Re-

314.                                                                                         sources of Ohio"..................... 298

Richmond, Indiana..................203, 212                                     Royal Historical Society ............251, 252

Richmond, Virginia, Inquirer.......... 81                                      Rudd, Caroline Mary...................      3

Rickert, Heinrich....................... 220                                          Ruggles, Alice McGuffey Morrill, 104, 196

Ridout, Thomas......................... 149                                           "Rule of Three"....................... 120

--"An Account of My Capture by the                                      Rumanians .........         ........... 94, 100

Shawnee Indians" ................. 149                                      Rush, Benjamin......................... 119

Rightmire, George W., 201, 206, 215, 217,                               Russia ...............................91, 218

248.                                                                                          Russian Orthodox Church ............. 92

Ripley, Ohio............................ 201                                             Russians .............................91, 92

Ripley, Robert ("Believe-it-or-not").. 169                                 Ruthenians ............................. 92

Ripon College .........................     8                                            Ryan, Daniel J......................... 207

Ritola, Jacob. ............................ 127

River Rouge                                      Saari, Matti ............................ 127

Rivers, Battle of...................... 114                                             Saastamoinen, Emil      ................. 126

Robert, Mr .........................       135                                            Saastamoinen, Julius................... 126

Roberts, E. A., ed.--Official Report of the                                  Sabin, Joseph--Dictionary of Books Re-

Centennial Celebration    of the City    of                                       lating to America................ 230, 231

Cleveland   and   the Settlement of the                                   St. Alexis    Hospital,  History   of, 1884-

Western Reserve ...................87, 89                                       1909 ...............99

Roberts, R. M ..                           33                                            St. Clair, Arthur...........116, 143, 189, 192

Roberts, Sellaw A...................... 217                                          St. Clairsville Gazette, 213, 326, 331, 336,

Robinson, Solon ......................... 81                                             337 340, 343.

Robles, Gil .. .................... ....... 261                                            St.    Joseph   River ....................... 113

Rochester, Ohio........................ 342                                            St. Lawrence River .................... 288

Rock, W ..........     .............   55                                                   St. Louis, Missouri, 130, 135, 141, 145, 196,

Rock Island, Illinois ................. 124                                            231, 236, 237, 288.

Rock Springs, Illinois.................. 236                                          St. Mary's River ....................... 113

Rockefeller Foundation................. 231                                        St. Mary's, Treaty of.................. 82

Rockwood, Michigan.................... 172                                        St. Mathews Lutheran Church, Shawnee

Rocky Mountain News ................. 240                                        Township, Allen County, Ohio....... 203

Rocky Mountains....................... 239                                           St. Maxent, Felicie de................. 135

Rodabaugh, James H................51, 85                                         St. Maxent, Gilbert Antoine de, 131, 135,

-History of Miami University from Its                                    137.

Origin to 1845...................... 368                                         St.    Paul..............................94, 240

-Robert Hamilton Bishop .........51, 86                                     St. Peter's   Church, Wallingford, Eng-

Rodgers,  Peter.......................... 337                                            land  .................................. 265

Rogers, Elizabeth....................... 366                                           St. Prokop's     Roman    Catholic   Church,

Rogers, Wm. C......................... 55                                               Cleveland, Ohio....................... 89

Rogers, W. S........................... 55                                                Saintes, France ......................... 129

Rollins,  John............................  55                                              Sallin,    ?  ................................  132

Roman Catholic Church ..........87, 93, 95                                    Saltillo, Don Miguel Marques del..... 260

Roney, Hercules........................ 117                                            San Diego, California.................. 241

Roof, J. S.............................. 207                                                 San Marino, California ........194, 232, 233

Roos, Frank J., Jr.--An Illustrated Hand-                                     Sands, Alexander C., 320, 328, 332, 333,

book of Art History.................. 375                                           334, 336, 341, 342, 344, 345.

Roosevelt, Franklin D .................. 242                                         Sandusky, Ohio.......................7, 116

Roosevelt, Theodore................243, 244                                      Sandwich, Canada..................169, 173

--"History as Literature"............ 243                                         Sanscrit ................................ 173

Roots, Alanson .......................... 55                                              Sapp, Alexander........................ 214

Roots, Gurnsey Y ....................52, 55                                          Saratoga, Battle of..................... 369

"Rope Spinner"........................ 374                                              Saratoga Springs, New York.......... 18

Roscoe, Ohio........................212, 213                                          Sargent, John........................... 304

Roseboom, Eugene Holloway.......253, 257                                 Sargent, M. B .........................    43

--History of Ohio, A.       (With Weisen-                                   Saturday Evening Post................. 245

burger, F. P.), 253, 254, 331, 345, 369,                                Saugrain, Antoine Claude, 130, 134, 135;

371.                                                                                        bibliography for, 130.

--"Ohio in the 1850's" ................ 253                                         Saugrain, Antoine Francois de Vigny, 130,

--"Ohio in the Presidential Election of                                       131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139,

1824" .............  ........254, 291, 301                                       140, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149,

Rosecrans, W. S....................... 160                                              151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157.

Rosedale, Indiana....................... 213                                           --"Notebooks ......139, 145, 146, 153, 155

Ross, Randall........................... 342                                               --"Relations of His Voyage Down the

Ross, Robert............................ 365                                                       Ohio River"................145, 146, 149




Saugrain, Antoine Pierre.............. 134                                         Shriver, James ................ 303

Saugrain, Claude Marin................ 134                                         --An Account of Surveys and Examina-

Saugrain, Marie Brunet ...........130, 134                                      tions ...............................   304

Saugrain, Marie Louise................ 134                                         Shurtleff College....................... 236

Saugrain, Marie Therese ............... 134                                       --Library of ......    ................... 237

Saugrain, Therese Angelique .......... 134                                     Siebert, Wilbur H.--The University in the

Saugrain Collection............135, 155, 156                                    Great War ......................    ... 361

Sault  Ste.  Marie....................... 189                                            Sillers,  Wm.............................  55

Savage, W. Sherman................... 85                                            Silver, Abba Hillel..................... 96

Savannah, Georgia...................... 61                                            Simmons, Garland...................... 149

"Save Out-door Ohio," Council of.... 216                                    Sims, H. Z ............................. 320

Scales, Laura W. L....................  5                                              Sinai League........................  96

Schaffner, J. H.....................282, 286                                          Sioux Indians ....................74, 76, 281

Schenck, Elizabeth Rogers............. 366                                       Sketches of Eminent Americans....... 309

Schenck,  James F...................... 366                                            Slavs      ..........................   .  92

Schenck, Peter.......................... 368                                             Slight, Joseph ......................... 212

Schenck, Robert Cummings ....363, 365, 366                               "Slivwitz Punch"....................... 98

Schenck, William    Cortenus, 363, 364, 365,                              Sloo, Thomas, Jr ................... 309

366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371.                                                   Slovaks .............................90, 99

--His Ancestry and  His Descendants,                                       Slovene Roman Catholic Church....... 94

363, 364, 366, 368, 370.                                                       Smart, Charles Allen.............. 267, 268

Schenck MSS ........365, 366, 367, 368, 369                                 --R. F. D............................. 267

Schlosser, Kilian........................ 99                                             Smith, Balliard ..........     ....... ... 149

Schmidt, Charles D.................... 328                                           Smith, Delazon--A History of Oberlin, or

Schneider, Norris F................194, 212                                        New Lights of the West ............       4

Schoenbrunn, Ohio .................... 82                                            Smith, Donnal V.--Chase and Civil War

Schoenbrunn State Memorial.......... 199                                     Politics ...................  ......... 86

Schooley, Miss.......................... 55                                              Smith, Gerrit, 4; MSS., 4.

Schools Inquiry Commission........... 10                                       Smith, Ophia D.--The Life and Times of

Schrembs, Joseph ....................... 89                                           Giles Richards.....................86, 198

Schukers, J. W......................... 37                                               Smith, Thomas ............    ............ 55

Schurz, Carl............................59                                                 Smith College ...........13

Schuylkill Valley....................... 269                                            Smithsonian Institute, Annual Report of,

Scioto County, Ohio.................... 287                                          282.

Scioto Gazette .............262, 305, 308, 315                                  Snowden, ? ............................ 55

Scioto River ............................ 304                                             Social Science Abstracts ............... 253

Scioto Valley........................280, 305                                         Social Science Convention............. 16

Scotch-Irish Covenanters............... 117                                      Social Science Research Council...... 251

Scotland..............104, 109, 117, 121, 338                                   Socialism  .....................222, 223, 224

Scott, J. W  ............................. 55                                                Society for the Amelioration of the Con-

Secessionists .......................327, 338                                          dition of Women and for Demanding

Seeley, William ......................... 297                                          Women's Rights ...........     ........ 10

Seip Mound State Memorial.......... 199                                      Society for Promotion of Collegiate and

"Selections from the Torrence Papers,"                                     Theological   Education, Twenty-second

309.                                                                                          Annual Report .......................     6

Sells, Stanley M........................ 213                                            Sombart, Werner....................... 220

Semple, Ellen C.--American History and                                   "Sons of the Wilderness" (See Conner,

Its Geographic Conditions............ 302                                    John and William).

Senate Executive Documents .......... 29                                     Sorel, George ..................224, 225, 226

Serpent Mound State Memorial....... 199                                   South Carolina....29, 80, 234, 235, 238, 300

Seville, Spain..................233, 235, 260                                       --Legislature of ...................... 29

--Archives of the Indies............. 260                                       South Carolina Gazette................. 235

Seward, William Henry ................ 38                                        South Carolina Journal................. 235

"Shakers, The"........................ 374                                              South Dakota........................... 74

Sharon, Ohio.........323, 327, 328, 342, 343                                South Detroit (Windsor), Canada..... 169

Sharon (Ohio) Democratic Club....... 343                                  Southern Confederacy.................. 327

Sharon College.......................... 342                                          Southern Cultivator .................. 81

Shaw, John L..................341, 342, 343                                      Southwestern Presbyterian University..252

Shawnee Township, Allen County, Ohio,                                  Spain....32, 135, 186, 187, 233, 235, 260, 261

203.                                                                                         Spaulding, Miss....................... 64

Shelby County, Ohio................... 164                                         Spetnagel, Albert C............198, 215, 216

Shenango River ......................... 119                                          Spiro Mound, Oklahoma............... 279

Sherman, John......................160, 203                                        Spooner,    Walter   W.--"Simon       Perkins,

Sherman, W. T ........................ 160                                           1771-1844" ............................. 316

Shetrone, Henry C., 197, 200, 206-12, 215,                              Spring Wells, Michigan................ 173

217, 247, 248, 255.                                                                 Springfield, Illinois ...................8, 14

--"History Museums; Present and Pro-                                    Springfield, Ohio ....................351, 371

spective Programs" ................ 210                                     Springsboro, Ohio..................... 365

--Mound Builders, The.............. 209                                        Squier, E. G. and Davis, E. H.--Ancient

Shipherd, John J........................    3                                            Monuments of the Mississippi Valley,

Shippensburg, Pennsylvania............ 155                                   285.

Short, Hugh............................. 55                                               Stahl, Mrs. Harold..................... 213


INDEX                                           401


Stanton, Edwin......................... 160   Thomas, Thomas E..................... 55

Stark County, Ohio...24, 162, 294, 295, 300                   Thomas     White    Cow    Killer   (Pte   San

Starr, John ............................ 55        Wickte) ......................74, 75, 76

Statesman .............................. 327      Thompson, Charles N...............82, 83

Staye-tah ............................... 190     --Sons of the       Wilderness: John      and

Stenroos, Charles Sr................... 123                                          William   Conner ................... 81

Stetson, John B. Jr.................... 236   Thompson, William      0..............207, 210

Steubenville, Ohio, 288, 292, 294, 296, 297,                  Thorla, Benton .................   337, 348, 349

299, 305, 315.                                                                          Thucydides ............................. 13

Steubenville Herald.................304, 305                         Tocqueville, Alexis Henri Charles Mau-

Stevens, Harry R ..................159, 196                            rice Clerel, Comte De............... 159

Stevenson, James....................... 52   Tod, David....................297, 320, 332

Stewart, David.......................... 55     Tod, George............................ 203

Stewart, James.......................... 349  Toledo, Ohio..................165, 189, 316

Stillman's River........................ 174    Toledo   Blade.......................330, 352

Stilson, J ...................                                                       52        Tople, Norbert       ................... 213

Stoddard, John F.......................         7                           Torrence Papers, Selections from..... 309

Stone, Lucy...........................5, 10     Townsly, Thomas ...... ............. 55

Stoneking, Andrew     J...............337, 349                      Toynbee,   Arnold....................... 219

Storer, Bellamy ......................43, 166                            "Tragic Tale of a Fishwife, The".... 69

Storer and Fox ......................... 43    Treaty of Paris       .                  ............... 188

Stout, ? ................................ 55          Treaty of St. Mary's                  .             ............ 82

Stout, Wilbur........................... 255    Trenton, Michigan           .        ............... 171

--"Early Forges in Ohio".......293, 294                          Trimble, Allen           ................. 203

Strait, Harry Robinson Collection..... 81                        Trimble, Jacob .................337, 344, 346

Straker, R. L........................... 372     Trimmer, Stevenson ................325, 345

Strom, Oscar ........................... 95     Trotter, Benjamin...................... 55

Stuart  kings............................ 105     Trouhart,   Mr...........................  136

Suffield, Connecticut.................... 351                           Trowbridge, H. M.................213, 279

Sullivant, Elizabeth..................... 213                             Trudeau, Zenou        .......................145

Summit County, Ohio ......24, 164, 295, 300                   Trumbull County, Ohio, 24, 36, 118, 162,

Suometar ............................... 126     163, 164, 247, 294.

Susquehanna Valley ................... 269                            "Trying Situation, A"................. 69

Sutherland, J. B........................ 304   Tucson, Arizona       ...................... 212

Sutton, Peter.........48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 56                        Turnvereine    ........................... 100

Swarthmore College.................... 15                              Tuscarawas County, Ohio ............ 165

--Trustees of.......................... 15     Twachtman, J. H         ...................... 161

Swedenborg, Emanual .................. 86                           Twain, Mark  (Clemens, Samuel L.), 69,

Swedes ..............................95, 270    70, 71, 72, 73.

Swiss ............................          95       --Letters of, edited by Albert Bigelow

Symmes, John Cleves.................. 364                                        Paine        .................... 69

Symmes' Purchase..................364, 365                                      --Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, The,

Syracuse University.............15, 17, 18                          69, 71.

--Library of ...........................         4                           Tyler, W. S.--The Higher Education of

Syria ..........................                       94                                     Women                                  .......................   16

Syrians ................................. 100      Tyomies                            ................... 124

Syrjaniemi, Onni....................... 127 Tyzzer, E. E....................... 280

Tabor College...........................         8                           Ukranians     ............................. 99

Tacitus  .................................            15                         Ulster, Canada......................... 106

Taft, Robert A......................... 355   Underground Railroad.................         2

Taft, W. H .........................86, 160   Underwood, ?.......................... 110

Taft Memorial Teaching Fellowship, Uni-                   Uniat Church....................91, 92, 93

versity of Cincinnati................. 196                           Unitarians ............................. 93

Taney, Roger Brooke................... 33                             United   Presbyterian    Church.......... 342

Tappan, Benjamin ..................203, 315                        United States, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23,

Tappan, Eli............................. 166                                 24, 25, 27, 31, 33, 59, 62, 76, 77, 79, 80,

Tar-baby stories........................ 195                                          81, 82, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 103, 132, 133,

Tardiveau, Barthelemi................. 141                                       143, 152, 162, 169, 175, 181, 190, 192, 231,

Tariff of 1832........................... 300                              232, 241, 246, 274, 277, 319, 320, 322, 326,

Taylor, George R....................... 262                                         327, 331, 336, 344, 345, 346, 350, 355, 368,

Taylor,  H . C............................  37                               374.

Tecumseh .............................. 174                                 --Bank    of the United States, 298, 309,

Telberg, Ina--Russians in Cleveland.. 91                                 310, 312, 314, 315.

Tennessee....80, 180, 234, 291, 319, 339, 374              --Circuit Court of, Cincinnati, Ohio 350

Tennessee Imprints..................... 234                                        --Coeducation in..................... 9-10

Territorial Papers of the                   United States,                   --Congress of the United States, 24, 25,

The   ..............                               .............. 191                    26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 35, 36, 39, 40, 141, 187,

Texas ................................... 374                                   290, 291, 297, 298, 299, 302, 304, 314,

Thames River.......................... 180                                316, 335, 337, 347, 350, 366, 370; Annals

Thomas, Edward S.............206, 210, 255                                 of, 298; Committees of--Commerce, 187,

Thomas, Stanley........................ 213                                          302, Manufactures, 299, Roads and




Canals, 302, Ways and       Means, 302;       Vincennes, Indiana, 31, 133, 145, 153, 193,

Library of, 25, 28, 38, 191-192, 231, 239.            366.

--Constitution of, 22, 28, 30, 31, 33, 36,            Viner, Charles.......................... 264

77, 327.                                                                               Vinton, Samuel F..................291, 297

--Department of State............... 191                   Virginia, 23, 27, 29, 31, 84, 110, 121, 165,

--Department of War................ 191                           180, 183, 186, 187, 188, 203, 300, 337, 338,

--District Court of at Cincinnati, Ohio,                        339, 343, 365.

319.                                           --Counties of......................... 84

-House of Representatives, 22, 23, 24,           --Legislature    of..................... 29

25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 39, 298, 299, 303.                     Virginia Military District, Ohio, 162, 163,

--Memorial to........................ 242                                365.

--Senate of, 21, 27, 30, 191, 298, 345;                "Visit to General Zachary Taylor at New

Senate Executive Documents, 29.                                      Orleans" ............................. 81

--Supreme Court of...32, 33, 36, 86, 310            Vlcek, Anton........................... 89

United States Commissioner of Education,           Volney    (Volnes),   Constantin    Francois

Report of............................. 14                                   Chasseboeuf ......................... 137

United States Food Administration, 356,

357, 358, 359, 360, 361, 362.                                                  Wabash River .................143, 188, 189

--Divisions: Cereal, 359; Conservation,              Wabash River, Upper ..........188, 189, 190

357; Education, 356; Illustrations and           Wa-bat-thoe ............... 190

Plates, 356; Tin Plate, 359.                                                  Wade, Benjamin F.................203, 316

U. S. vs. Mowry....................... 347                       Wade, D................ 306

University Quarterly    (New   Haven, Con-        Wade, Edward .........................316

necticut) .............................6                                      Wadsworth, Elijah ..................... 203

Unsere Farm........................... 99                          Wahlstrom, George..................... 127

Unzaga, Luis de....................       135                    Wakeman, John.........          ......313, 316

Upper Arlington, Ohio................. 213                   Walker, ?...............                                                                              31

Upper Wabash River ..........188, 189, 190            Walker, Amasa............                                                                       3

Upton, Emory--Military Policy  of   the                Walker,  John...........                                                                           55

United States ................ 180                              Walkerville, Canada.................... 169

Upton, Harriet Taylor--History                             of the            Wall, Walter D                             199

Western Reserve ................                               . 293             Wall,   Mann & Hall, pub.--Illustrated

Urbana, Ohio ........174, 175, 181, 213, 368           Atlas of Noble County, Ohio, 320, 336,

Ustick, Mr ......                                                        55     352.

Utah University ......................                               9       Wallingford, England.................. 265

Utter, William   T.........249, 250, 252, 256            --Borough of......................... 265

--"Judicial Review in Early Ohio".. 252              "War Hawks" in War of 1812 ........ 369

--Marcus W. Jernegan Essays in Amer-             War of 1812, 78, 82, 83, 121, 168, 169, 292,

ican Historiography................. 253                 368, 369.

--"Ohio and the English Common Law,"              Ward, C. A.............................                                                            43

252.                                                                                      Ward, John.............................                                       161

--"Ohio Politics and Politicians"... 252                 Warden, Lewis C.--The    Life of Black-

--"St. Tammany in Ohio; A Study in

--"St. Tammany in Ohio; A Study in                  stone ................................. 263

Frontier Politics".................. 252                    Wardwell, ? .....................55

Unsi Kotimaa........................... 123                        Warren, Ohio..............36, 293, 301, 316

Warren County, Ohio, 163, 247, 293, 365,

Vail, R. W. G......................... 230                          370.

Valencia, Spain........................ 261                        --Court Records of................... 365

Vallandigham, Clement L..332, 339, 345, 354               --History of Warren County, Ohio.. 367

Valparaiso, Indiana .................... 81                      Warren Trump of Fame............... 293

Valvoja ........................124, 126, 128                     Warthington, Chas..................... 55

Vanartsdalen, John..................... 213                     Warville, Brissot de......140, 145, 155, 156

Van Buren, Martin.................... 318                               --"Journey of Two Frenchmen to the

Vance,  David........................... 366                               Ohio"     .............................. 155

Vance, Joseph.......................... 203                        --New Travels in America..141, 145, 155

Vanceville, Ohio ....................... 366                      Washburn College ......................     8

Vandenburg, Henry.................... 366                     Washington, Bushrod.................. 347

Van Fossen, William Harvey--The Story               Washington, George................106, 108

of Ohio............................... 272                           Washington, Madison................. 27

Van Horn, Thomas B.--The Capitulation,              Washington, D. C., 6, 11, 24, 25, 74, 76,

174.                                                                                           91, 181, 185, 191, 231, 233, 260, 280, 303,

VanMater, ? ........................... 55                            356, 357, 359, 361, 376.

Van Wert Examiner...................                                     348       Washington, Kentucky................. 154

Vassar College ....................                                   13, 17           Washington, Mississippi................ 236

Veillard, Le...............137, 144, 156, 157                Washington County, Ohio, 107, 162, 163,

Venezuela .............................. 32                                    164, 321, 331.

Vera Cruz, Mexico.................... 135                      Washington C. H., Ohio............... 213

Vermont ............................... 30                              Washington University................. 196

Vernet, Horace......................... 134                       Water Street, Franklin, Ohio......... 365

Versailles, France...................... 158                      Watertown, Wisconsin................. 59

Vinacke, H. M.--"The Internal Changes                Watkins, L. H. & Company--History of

and Foreign Policies in Japan"...... 218               Noble County, Ohio, 319, 320, 322, 328,


INDEX                                         403


331, 333, 334, 336, 337, 341, 342, 344, 352,                         Weygandt, Carl V .................215, 216

353, 354.                                                                                   Wheaton College.....             ........   8

Watterman, John ....................... 55                                            Wheeling, (W.) Virginia, 107, 108, 111,

Waukegan, Illinois...................... 196                                         112, 114, 115, 145, 153, 301, 305.

Way, R. B.--"Mississippi Valley and In-                                   Wheeling Press .............        ..... 343

ternal Improvements".......291, 302, 305                                Whig Almanacs....................... 300

Wayne, "Mad"       Anthony, 59, 116, 188,                                Whig Party, 279, 299, 300, 302, 305, 308,

189, 192.                                                                                 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 369.

Wayne, Michigan....................... 171                                         Whiskey Rebellion...................... 338

Wayne County, Ohio................... 164                                        White, Andrew     D...................... 15

Weaver, Clarence L................202, 214                                    White, G. G............................ 55

Weaving, types done by Mound-builders                                  White, George.......................... 241

(See Ohio, Mound-builders).                                                 White, John............................ 30

Webb, George .......................... 235                                          White, Joseph W...................... 335

Weber, Max........................220, 221                                          White    Cow   Killer, Thomas     (Pte   San

Webster, C............................. 55                                                Wickte), 74, 75, 76.

Webster, Daniel.........20, 21, 22, 29, 310                                  White House, Washington, D. C..... 355

--Writings and Speeches............ 29                                         "White    Man".......................... 374

Webster, Taylor........................ 54                                             Whitmarsh, Thomas.................... 235

Webster and Cameron    Publishing Com-                                 Whittlesey, Elisha, 297, 302, 303, 304, 305,

pany ................................. 54                                                  308, 313, 314, 315, 316.

Weik, Jesse A ...................... 194                                               Whittlesey MSS., 297, 302, 303, 304, 305,

Weisenburger, Francis Phelps, 253, 254,                                  313, 314, 315, 316.

256.                                                                                         Who's Who in America ......251, 252, 254

--"A        Life of Charles Hammond"... 253                             Wickliff, David......................... 213

--"A        Life of John McLean" ........ 253                               Wigtown, Scotland............104, 105, 106

Weisenburger, Francis Phelps and Rose-                                  Wigtown Bay, Scotland ................105

boom, Eugene Holloway,                                                       Wigtownshire, Scotland................ 104

--A   History of Ohio.............331 332                                       Wilberforce College ...................     8

Weld, Theodore........................      4                                         Wilder, Horace.........................316

Well,  B................................. 292                                               Wilke's  Case............................ 266

Weller, John B ........................ 23                                              Wilkins, Ernest H. and Fletcher, Robert

Wellesley College ...................... 13                                           S.--The Beginning of College Education

Wells, Bezaleel......................... 299                                           for Women and of Coeducation on the

Wells College ...........................  13                                            College Level .........................   3

Wellston, Ohio ......................... 214                                           Wilkinson and Seeley................. 297

Wellsville, Ohio........................ 305                                           Will, Stella............................. 213

Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson....... 270                                  Willey, Absalom ....................337, 349

--The Founding      of American    Civiliza-                             Willey, Asher ......................337, 349

tion--The Middle Colonies......... 270                                  Willey, Curtis.............325, 337, 349, 350

West, John D........................... 320                                            Willey, Mrs. Curtis.................... 325

West Galloway, Scotland............... 104                                     Willey, George .....................337, 348

West Indies............................. 20                                               Willey   Henry......................325, 345

West Newton, Ohio.................... 241                                         Willey, John............................ 349

West    Point    United    States   Military                                   Willey, Marshall....................... 349

Academy ............................. 119                                           Willey, Martin......................... 349

West Virginia ..................107, 183, 184                                    Willey   Milton ............    ..   337, 349

--Board of Agriculture.............. 184                                        Willey, Wesley.....................337, 349

--University of...............184, 185, 251                                    Willey, William.....................337, 349

West Virginia Agriculturist ........... 184                                      William  Fire Thunder................. 74

Westbury (England), Borough of..... 265                                  Williams, Adolphus G..............200, 213

Westcott, Gordon..........337, 344, 345, 348                               Williams, I. Junr ..................... 190

Western Herald and Steubenville Gazette,                               Williams, Micajah T...............315, 316

292, 296, 314.                                                                         Williams College.....................15, 16

Western   Pennsylvania    Historical Maga-                             Williamson Mount State Memorial.... 199

sine       ................................... 149                                         Willing,  Thomas....................... 186

Western Ranger........................ 81                                             Willoughby, Charles C................. 376

Western   Reserve, Ohio, 22, 25, 35, 162,                                 Willow Grove, Pennsylvania........... 213

163, 237, 302, 303, 304, 313, 316, 317.                                 Wilson, Frazer Ells................188, 190

Western    Reserve    Anti-slavery   Conven-                                    --Advancing the Ohio Frontier: A Saga

tion ................................... 24                                                          of the Old Northwest, 188, 191.

Western Reserve Bank ................. 313                                              --The Peace of Mad Anthony           Wayne

Western Reserve Chronicle............ 25                                              ..................................... 188

Western Reserve Historical Society, 238,                                 Wilson, James.......................... 299

307.                                                                                         Wilson, Woodrow...................... 355

--Library of..................297, 309, 314                                      Willson, Thomas....................... 55

Western Reserve University, 18, 91, 196,                                 Winchester, James..................179, 180

218.                                                                                         Windsor    (South   Detroit), Canada, 169,

--Trustees of ..........................18                                              173, 176, 180.

Western Spy and Hamilton Gazette... 367                                 Windy Hill, Wigtown, Scotland....... 105

Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania.. 342                               Winship, Lavina........................ 82

Wetzel brothers ........................ 108                                          Wirtamo, Alex ............... .123, 124, 125




Wisconsin           ........................8, 59, 249                                  World War ....................43, 218, 355

--Universityof.............9, 18, 85, 252                                        Worth, Gorham      A...................... 309

Wittenberg         College, Department of His-                           Wooster, Ohio.......................... 301

tory  .............................. 258                                                    Wooster     College....................... 218

Wittke, Carl Frederick....78, 249, 250, 251                                 Works Progress Administration....... 238

--George     Washington     and  Seine   Zeit                            --Historical Records Survey......... 238

..................................... 251                                               --In Ohio ...............215, 216, 246, 258

--German-Americans        and    the   World                            Wright, Almon R...................355, 376

War .............................86, 251                                            Wright, Carroll D...................... 18

--A        History of Canada .............. 251                                  Wright, George Frederick ............. 207

--A        History   of English   Parliamentary                            Wright, John .......................... 52

Privilege ........................... 251                                           Wright, John C......................... 299

--Tambo and Bones--A History   of the                                     Wright and Walker.................53, 55

American Minstrel Stage.......... 251                                   Wurtz, John............................ 55

Woelfflin, Eduard von................. 220                                        Wyandotte, Michigan................... 171

Wolfe, II. Preston............200, 210, 217                                     Wyllys, John     P........................ 149

Wolfgang, Father ...................... 90

Wolfram, Charles J.--The Germans in the                                Xenia Ohio Free Press ..... 25, 26, 36, 37

Making of Cleveland................ 89                                          Yale      University .....................4,                                  9

Wood, Edwin F....................207, 210                                                       --University Quarterly ...............                       6

Wood,     William--The       War     with   the                             Yellow  Springs, Ohio ................8, 373

United States ......................... 182                                          Yhdysvaltain Sanomat, 123, 124, 125, 126,

Woody William     C....................... 46                                       128.

Woodbridge, William      C..............2,    5                                  York   County, Pennsylvania........... 106

Wooddell, L ........................216, 217                                         Young, Philip.......................... 55

Woodruff, Joseph....................52, 55                                          Youngstown, Ohio ..................118, 293

Woodruff, Mrs. LaFayette............ 213          --Briar Hill........................... 297

Woods, John, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 54,          Ypsilanti, Michigan.......171, 172, 173, 178

55, 56.

Woodward, Walter C.--"Timothy Nichol-                                 Zanesville,        Ohio...............212, 331, 368

son, Candle of the Lord"........... 272                                       Zanesville         Daily   Courier, 319, 320, 334,

Woolf, Leonard--Empire         and   Commerce                       341, 343, 344.

in  Africa............................. 219                                              Zepp, Erwin C............198, 210, 212, 216

Woolsey, Theodore Dwight ............         9                               Ziler, George .......................... 337

Worcester, Massachusetts.............. 229                                     Zimmerman, Dean..................... 203

Wordsworth, Fayette................... 55                                           Zuiano, Luis J.--"Our Chinatown"... 96