Ohio History Journal





Abels, A., 71.                                                                              Bicentennial commission for Ohio, Names

"Abroader the better," 392.                                                                of, 8-9.

Adams, S. E., 114.                                                                      Bicentennial commission for West Vir-

Alexander, W. L., quoted, 128-129.                                                  ginia, Names of, 7.

American Colonists in English Records,                                     Blaine, James G., Speech in Cincinnati,

Ser. 1, reviewed, 241-242.                                                         385-386; his affability, 387-388.

American Legion, 64.                                                                Blazier, Ann, 39.

"Anchor" iron, 171, 180.                                                             Blumenberg, Hugo, 29.

Ashmun, George, 108.                                                               Bolles, Col. William  M., 169.

Atkinson, L. A., 176.                                                                   Boone, Col. E. A., 223.

Audubon, John J., 284.                                                                Boone, Forest I., 36.

Austin, A., 195n.                                                                         Bowers, Claude G., Remarks on his his-

Austin, H. F., 168, 181.                                                                       tories, 364-365.

Bracton, Henry de, Remarks on, 368-370.

Baker, W. S., 199n.                                                                     Bricker, John W., 31-32.

Balls given during Bicentennial Celebra-                                  Briggs, Caleb, quoted, 146-147, 156.

tion: at Steubenville, 27; at Parkers-                                  British  antagonism  during  Civil War,

burg, 41; Point Pleasant, 53.                                                       314-316.

Banner, L. C., 71.                                                                       Bloadwell, Mrs. Lily (Lytle), 306.

Barber, Judge Gershom    M., 114.                                            Brown, Bannister, 175.

Beckett, Mayor T. Y., 29.                                                           Brown, Hon. C. L., 49.

Beecher, Henry Ward, 113.                                                      Brown, Isaac, 184.

Bell, Robert, 14, 71.                                                                    Brown, Robert, 63.

Bentley, A., 158.                                                                        Brown family, 221.

"Bicentennial Celebration--George Wash-                               Brownsville affair, 378-379.

ington's Voyage on the Ohio River                                   Bruner, Claude, 22.

in 1770," 3-56; general interest in, 3;                                 Bruner, Mrs. Claude, 24, 26.

inception of the Celebration, 5; first                                  Bundy, Caroline (Paine), 379.

newspaper   article  on  subject, 5-6;                                 Bundy, Eliza, 137, 186n, 408.

pageant suggested, 5-6; effect of the                                Bundy, Hezekiah S.: co-owner of La-

depression, 6-7; the   leading  states                                          trobe Furnace, 168; owner, 181; co-

in the movement, 7-9; commissioners                                      owner   of  Buckeye    Furnace,  181;

appointed, 7-9; Washington's objec-                                        makes improvements, 186; sells farm

tives in making the tour, 9, 12; his                                             to Wells, 195-196; takes stock in Key-

business acumen, 12; departure from                                       stone  Furnace, 196n; co-owner     of

Pittsburgh, 13; members of his party,                                       "Ophir," 199n; president of Wellston

13-14; progress of the Bicentennial                                          Furnace, 201; loses heavily, 204; sells

party, 15-56: at East Liverpool, 15-17;                                     "Keystone" and "Latrobe," 214; fa-

at Wellsville, 18-20; at Toronto, 20;                                          ther of Julia B. Foraker, 377, 379-384.

at Steubenville, 20-21, 27; at Mingo                                  Bundy, Julia, 377; birth, 379; early home,

Junction, 22-27; at Wheeling, 28-29; at                                     380-384; at college, 384; marriage, 384.

Powhatan Point, 31-32; at Fly, 32; at

Sistersville, W. Va., 32-34; at Mari-                                  Campbell, John, 79, 158-159, 168.

etta, 34-41; at Parkersburg, 39-41; at                                "Cartter, David Kellogg," 105-115: birth,

Hockingport, 41-43; at Long Bottom,                                        ancestry, and education, 105; the law.

43-48; at Pomeroy, 48, 50; at Ravens-                                     yer, 105-106; in Congress, 106 et seq.

wood, 48-50; at Point Pleasant, 50-54;                                      part in nomination of Lincoln, 107-

happy conclusion of the Celebration,                                        108; of Grant, 108-109; rewarded by

54; tributes to all who assisted, 54-56.                                       Lincoln, 109-110; the Chief Justice,


462 Ohio Arch

462          Ohio Arch. and         Hist. Society   Publications.


110-115; characteristics, 110-111; anec-                                  Contributors                     and  Contributions:  Gal-

dote of the Italian, 111-112; of Chief                                        breath, C. B., "Bicentennial Celebra-

Justice Taney, 113-114; death, 114-115.                                  tion--George Washington's Voyage on

Cartter, David K., Sr., 105.                                                                the Ohio River in 1770," pp. 3-56;

Cartter, Elizabeth (Hollister), 105.                                                     Sindlinger,  Edmond   S., "Washing-

Cartter, William, 114.                                                                        ton and the Ohio in 1770, as seen by

Caruthers, L. E., 44.                                                                           a Voyager in 1932," 57-71; Stout, Wil-

Catalan iron forge, 133.                                                                     bur, "The Charcoal Iron Industry of

Cavett, N. T., 176.                                                                              the Hanging Rock Iron District--Its

Cawood, Mrs. R. L., 16.                                                                     Influence on the Early Development

Chandler, Zachariah, 112, 113.                                                         of the Ohio Valley," 72-104; Curran,

Chapman, Horace L., 199n.                                                              Ruth   G., "David   Kellogg  Cartter,"

105-115; Wilkin, Robert M., "Joseph

"The   Charcoal Iron   Industry  of the

Hanging Rock Iron District--its In-             E. Weinland, Rebuilder of Schoen-

brunn," 116-123; Keeler, Vernon D.,

fluence on the early Development of

the Ohio Valley," 72-104:   Introduc-        "An Economic History of the Jack-

son County Iron Industry," 133-238;

tion, 72-78; periods of furnace-build-                                        Morril,    Mrs. Anna  McGuffey, "A

ing, 79; outstanding  features, 79-80;                                         Daughter of the McGuffeys," 246-340;

development of area, 81-82; distribu-                                       Rightmire, Pres. George    W.,   "The

tion of people, 82; diversity of labor,                                         Historian and His Materials," 360-373;

83; building  of the furnace, 83-85;                                         Galbreath, C. B., "Mrs. Julia B. For-

capacity, 85; chopping of wood, 85-                                         aker: a Review                of Her Autobiog-

86; charcoal making, 86-90; mining                                          raphy," 377-408;             Langhorst,  Winfred

ore and limestone, 90-95; furnace oper-                                   B., "Puritanic Influence in the North-

ation, 95-96; market for local sup-                                            west Territory, 1788-1803," 409-445.

plies, 97-98; shipment by river, 98-

99; furnaces and railroads, 99-100; lo-                                      Coombs, Joseph  S., 158.

cation of roads, 101; social life, 101-                                         Coon            John, 114.

103; effects of abandonment of fur-                                         Cornstalk, Shawnee Chief, impersonated,

naces, 103-104.                                                                           39, 52, 53, 69.

Charcoal making, 86-90, 140-141; merits                                         Corwin, Thomas, 107.

of charcoal iron, 161-162; end of char-                                    Craik, Dr. James, 13, 40, 71.

coal made iron seen, 217.                                                          Crandall, Elias, 188.

Crawford, Capt. William, 13; sketch of,

Chase, Salmon P., 107, 109, 112; story         13-14 n, 57 n, 71.

13-14 n, 57 n, 71.

of Chase and Granville Moody, 383.                                         Cresap, Elizabeth, impersonated, 39.

Cherrington, H. E., quoted, 127-128.                                          Croghan, Col. George, 14; sketch of, 14

Chesnut, James, 184.

n, 15.

Chillicothe, Tablet dedicated at, 456-458.                                         Crossland, S. C., quoted, 175.

Cholera in Cincinnati, 287-288, 294.                                                  Crowther, Joseph, 174.

Christ church, Cincinnati, 305-306.                                                    Cushman, Louise (Foraker), (Mrs. Vic-

Civil War, Work of furnaces during, 135,                                         tor Cushman), 398, 403.

180-183; "Jefferson's" prominence, 180;                                  Custer monument dedicated, 344.

others that profited, 181-183; antago-

nism of the British during, 314-316.                                           Dailey, Mrs. O. D., 16, 24, 26, 42-43, 47.

Claig, Frank, 71.                                                                                  Darrow, Mrs. Eleanor (John) 446 et seq.

Clark, Edna Maria (     ), 126; Ohio Art                                              Daugherty, Mayor W. H., 18.

and Artists, reviewed, 124-129.                                                  "A                                    Daughter of the    McGuffeys," 246-

Click, Mayor Monroe, 49.                                                                  340: foreword, 246-247; birth, 249;

Coal industry in Southern Ohio, 227.                                                 authorship of the McGuffey Readers,

Coal-mining, 90-95.                                                                            249-254; the McGuffey family, 254-270;

Cold-blast iron, Value of, 155, 179-180.                                            the Drake family, 270-287; Dr. Daniel

Colonial Dames of West Virginia, 48-49.                                         Drake, 272-287; early recollections of

Compton,         , 69.                                                                             the author, 287-313; the cholera, 287-


Index.                                      463


288; the "good old days," 290-293; the                                     earliest blast-furnace, 134; Ohio iron

story of Mary Anne, 293-295; school-                                    used in Crimea, and in Civil War,

days, 295-302; home training, 302-309;                                                         135; Hanging Rock Iron region, its

religious training, 305-307; the coun-                                       richness, 139-140; the charcoal indus-

try home, 309-313; a European trip,                                        try, 140-141; transportation difficulties,

313-316;  Abraham    Lincoln,  316-318;                                                        141-142; origin of the country store,

death of her mother, Elizabeth Drake                                       143; necessity for iron, 143; first at-

McGuffey, 318-320; her father's second                                                       tempts   to  smelt in Ohio, 144-146;

marriage, 324-325; marriage                of the                                                building of Ohio canal, 148; rise of

author, 325-328; her new                       home, her                                         new   industries, 148-149; introduction

children, 328-337; later life, 337-340.                                      of hot blast, 149; importance of Hang-

Daughters of American pioneers, 40.                                              ing  Rock        iron       region, 149-150; im-

Daughters   of   1812,  National  Society,                                         portance        of          salt-licks  in  Jackson

State of Ohio, 456-458.                                                                                    County, 151-152; the problem of roads,

Daughters of 1812, Ohio soc., Gen. Dun-                                        152-153; first Jackson County furnace,

can McArthur chapter, 456-458.                                               154-157;        coming    of   William                  W.

D. A. R., work for Washington Bicen-                                              Mather,          156-157; prosperity  of                 the

tennial, 6, 16, 24, 26-27, 32, 42-43, 46,                                     existing furnaces, 157; influx of labor-

47, 48, 50, 53, 55, 59, 63, 67, 68, 70.                                         ers, 157-158; the building of Keystone

Davies, David D., 222.                                                                                             Furnace, 158-162; the "Raccoon Navi-

Davies, John L., 201.                                                                                                gation  Company," 158-159; other at-

Davies, Lot, 187, 200, 210.                                                                                       tempts at solving transportation prob-

Davis, Homer, quoted, 224, 224n.                                                    lem, 159; Sunday observance at the

Davis, John, 183.                                                                                                       furnaces, 160; The Buckeye Furnace,

Davis, Capt. Lewis, 183, 187.                    161; hot-blast vs. cold-blast, 161; value

Deering, John, 145.                                                                                                   of charcoal iron, 161-162; the dawn of

Deering, Richard, 74, 144-145.                                                                                the Railroad, 164-178; effects on com-

Delano, Columbus, 107                                                                                            munity, 165 passim; more furnaces,

Depression. See Panics.                                                                                            167-168; the Jefferson Furnace, and its

Dewey, Admiral George, 391-392.                                                                         prosperity, 169-172; ups and downs in

Dickason, C. S., 191.                                                                                                 the furnace industry, 172 passim; use

Donally, Henry, 49.                                                                                                  of stone-coal, 176-177; the panic of

"Dove," 270.                                                                                                              1857, 179; effect of Civil War on the

Drake, Charles, 323-324, 324n.                                                                                iron industry, 179-183; superiority of

Drake, Dr. Daniel, 259-261, 266, 273-288.    cold-blast iron, 179-180; the  "Jeffer-

Drake, Elizabeth M.,261, 270 passim.                                                son" dividends, 181; other furnaces

Drake, Elizabeth S., 272, 284.                                                             that profited by the war, 181-184; con-

Drake, Sir Francis, 272n.                                                                    test between charcoal and stone-coal

Drake, Harriet (Sisson), 270, 278-281.           iron, 185; experiments of H. S. Bundy,

Drake, Isaac, 272, 284.                                                                       186; competition with other furnaces,

Drinkwater, John, 286.                                                                        188; decline of charcoal iron making,

Dungan, D. D., 184.                                                                            190 pass m; a rainy day for furnaces,

Dutiel, Andrew, 137, 218-219.                                                           192; Harvey Wells and the founding

Dye, Rev. A. A., 33.                                                                           of Wellston, 193-203; organization of

a society to promote interests of char-

East Liverpool: her part in the Bicen-             coal iron industry, 203; causes for the

tennial, 15-17, 58-59; center of North     decay of this industry, 204-205, 208-209.

American pottery industry, 125.             Education, Early: in Ohio, 295-305; in-

Eathorn, Hiram, 71.                                                                            fluence of New England on, in North-

Eberle, Sen. L. J., 43.                                                                          west Territory, 412, 415-417, 426, 437-

Eberle, W. S., 41.                                                                                443.

"An Economic History of the Jackson            Edwards, David, 170.

County       Iron  Industry," 133-238: an-                                   Elberfeld, Helen E. (Mrs. Alfred), 47.

tiquity        of iron   industry, 133, 134;   Electric railways in Jackson Co., 223.

464 Ohio Arch

464           Ohio    Arch. and      Hist. Society       Publications.


Elliot, Matthew, 14 n.                                          Foraker, Sen. Joseph B., Recollections of,

Ellison, --, 144, 167.                                                                    by his wife, 377 et seq.: Conflict with

Elwell, J. J., 107, 112.                                                                  Theodore   Roosevelt, 378-379, 396-397,

Emery, Mrs. C. S., 451.                                                              399; relics of, 405; Gen. Sherman on,

Enoch, Gordon, 40.                                                                     405.

Erskine, De Mar, 27, 71.                                                             Foraker, Julia Benson, 408

Estep, E. J., 114.                                                                          Foraker, Julia (Bundy) (Mrs. Joseph B.

Foraker), I Would Live It Again,

Fear, Valentine, 145.                                                                  Review   of, 377-408; her last visit to

Ferree, J. E., 188, 195n.                                                                       Columbus, 405-407; presents valuable

Ferro-silicon, or "Silvery" iron, 223-224,                                  relics and books to the Society, 405-

230, 231.                                                                                       406; her death, 407-408.

Firmstone, William, 149.                                                           Foraker, Louise, 398, 403.

First bank in Jackson, Ohio, 163.                                                Foraker, Pauline S., 408.

First capital of Ohio, dedicates tablet,               Forney, John W., 108-109.

456-458.                                                                              Fort Gower, 42.

First charcoal furnace in Ohio to cease            Fort Hill, 344.

work on Sunday, 79.                                                           French, --, 113.

First city  on                   Ohio   River to             dedicate           French, Abraham, 175.

Washington            Bicentennial                marker.            French, L. W., 195n.

15 n.                                                                                    Friends, Society of, in Northwest Terri-

First daily stages in Jackson Co., 175.                                        tory, 426 et seq.

First form of blast-furnace, 134.                                               Fugitive slave bill, 436.

First furnace built for stone-coal, 176.              Furnaces of the Hanging Rock Iron Dis-

First furnace   in  Hanging    Rock   iron                                    trict 74-78, 235-238; value of, to com-

region, 145, 146.                                                                 munity, 228, Aetna, 139; Argillite, 74,

First furnace in Jackson County, 154-157.                                145; Brush Creek, 144, 145-146; Buck-

First furnace in Kentucky, 145.                                                          eye, 161, 163, 167, 181, 186-187, 209-

First furnace in Ohio, 144.                                                                  210, 214; Cambria, 169, 183, 187, 202,

First iron-manufacture in United States,                                   236-237; Charlotte, 74; Clinton, 146-

134.                                                                                              147;  Cornelia, 167;   Diamond, 180;

First iron stack in Jackson Co., 185.                                           Eliza, 202, 212-214; Fulton, 187, 191;

First newspaper to suggest reenactment                                   Globe, 187-188, 191-192, 199, 211, 219,

of Washington's Ohio River journey,                               220 passim; Grant, 74; Hecla, 79, 83,

5-6, 34.                                                                                        146, 147; Howard, 83; Iron Hills, 74;

First Ohio River steamboat, 141-142.                                       Iron Valley, 167; Jackson, 154-157, 167,

First railroad in Jackson County, 164-165.                                183, 186; Jefferson, 81, 83, 169-172,

First steam furnace in United States, 144.                                180-181, 192, 207, 214-215, 219, 222, 225;

First telegraph line in Jackson Co., 175.                                    Jisco, 222-223, 224-225, 229, 230; Junior,

First twin furnace in Jackson Co., 197-                                     83; Keystone, 79, 158-162, 167, 180, 186,

198.                                                                                             192, 196n, 214; Latrobe, 168, 181, 186,

Fitch, James, 114.                                                                               192, 204, 214; Limestone, 172-174, 187;

Fithen, Mayor G. E., 26.                                                                    Lincoln, 167, 181, 202, 214; Madison,

Fitzhugh, Henrietta, 49.                                                                      168, 169, 170, 183, 187, 218, 219, 222;

Fitzhugh, Henry, 49.                                                                 Milton, 202, 210, 212-213, 219, 221, 227;

Fitzhugh, Norman, 49.                                                              Monroe, 79, 169, 183, 202, 211, 237;

Fly, O., 32-33, 63-64.                                                               Ophir, 199-200; Pine Grove, 79; Rich-

Folwell, William   Watts: The Autobiog-                                  land, 83; Salt Lick, 175; Scioto, 166;

raphy and Letters of a Pioneer of                                     Star, 184-185, 211-212, 219, 221, 223,

Culture: reviewed, 239-241.                                                     237; Triumph, 192; Tropic, 198-199,

Foraker, Arthur St. C., 408.                                                               211-212, 219; Union, 74, 146; Vesuvius,

Foraker, Mrs. Arthur St. C., 398.                                              79; Vinton, 83; Washington, 169, 174;

Foraker, Benson, 394-395.                                                                Wellston, 212-213, 219, 221, 227; Young

Foraker, Florence, 398, 403.                                                             America, 176-177.


Index.                                    465


Galbreath, C. B., historian of Executive                                     Historical Collections of Ohio, quoted,

Commission of Bicentennial, 8; speaker                                     140, 146, 156, 157, 158n, 179.

at East Liverpool, 16; poem   "Ohio"                                  History of Iron in All Ages, quoted, 134.

read at Hockingport Celebration, 43;                                 History of Jackson County, quoted, 152,

at Long Bottom, 47; mentioned, 137;                                          157, 194.

"Mrs. Julia B. Foraker, a review,"                                      History of Lower Scioto Valley, quoted,

377-408; "Governor Othniel Looker and                                    172, 186, 187.

His Descendants," 446-451; "Dr. B.                                   History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region

F. Prince," 452-455; "Dedication   of                                          of Ohio, quoted, 139, 140, 144, 145,

Tablet at Chillicothe," 456-458; makes                                       148, 149, 229-230.

address at Chillicothe dedication, 456;                               Hoag, Reno G., 37.

"Our Alibi," 459.                                                                 Hockingport, O., 41-43, 66-67.

Galbreath, Mrs. C. B., 405.                                                        Hoffman, R. C., 168, 175.

Gambling, Laws against, 422, 427, 431.                                   Hogg, Robert L., 53.

Germans make first blast-furnace, 134.                                   Holmes, Anna, 257-258.

Giles, Charles, 158.                                                                    Hoop, Geo., Jr., 199n.

Girty, Simon, 14 n.                                                                     Hoop, Peter, Jr., 191.

Globe Furnace: built, 187-188, 191-192; im-                            Hoop, Robert, 199n.

proved, 199; used stone-coal, 211, 219;                            Horst, John R., 357.

built a second stack, 220-221; made                                  Horton, V. B., 168.

"Silvery" iron, 223; rebuilt, 224, still                                  Hoskins, Rev., 49.

operates, 229; rebuilt again, 230; verses                           Hossman, Henry H., 222.

on the "Old Globe," 233-234.                                             Hot blast, Introduction of, 79, 149, 155;

Globe Iron Co., 191, 222.                                                                    compared with cold blast, 161, 179-180.

Goehring, Mrs. Eliza (Cranmer), 26, 27.                                  Howe, Henry, quoted, 140, 146, 156, 157,

Goforth, Dr. William, 276-278.                                                          158n, 179.

"Good old days, The," 290-293.                                                Hughes, Thomas, 258.

Grant, Ulysses S., D. K. Cartter's part                                      Hulbert, Archer    B., contributions  on

in nominating, 108-109.                                                              Washington, to O. A. & H. Quar-

Gratton, Alexander, 175.                                                                    terly, 4.

Gray, Benoni, 199.                                                                    Humphrey, Mrs. --, 66.

Greeley, Horace, 112.                                                              Hurd, Jacob, 154.

"Gridiron duel," 378-379.                                                          Huron Furnace Co., 192, 200-201, 210, 211.

Griffin, Ebenezer, 105.

Gunning, Robert, 456.                       I Would Live it Again, Review of, 377-


Hagner, Judge, 111.                                                                   Illustrations:

Hallowell, Allan, 176.                                                                         George Washington, frontispiece.

Hamilton, Lt. Robert, 14, 15.                                                              Boat with representatives of the Wash-

Hamilton, Robert, 79, 160.                                                                 ington party on the Ohio, 1932, 10.

Hanging   Rock  Iron  District, Charcoal                                           Indian guides in their canoe, 11.

Iron Industry of, 72-104; 135-136; 139                                     Representatives of Washington    and

passim.                                                                                         his party landing at East Liverpool,

Hanna, Marcus A., 386-387.                                                             17.

Hannah, Mrs., 66.                                                                               L. R. Webb       representing  George

Harrison, Pres. Benjamin, Incident of,                                             Washington, with Sen. William    I.

388.                                                                                             Spangler, 21.

Harrison, William, 14, 71.                                                                 Gov. George White, 25.

Hawes, E. M., 39.                                                                               Representatives of Washington     and

Heaume, Mrs. John, 43.                                                                     his party at Powhatan Point, 30.

Herzog, W. C., 24, 26.                                                                        Boat   with  representatives  of  the

Hildreth, Samuel P., quoted, 139.                                                      Washington party on the Ohio, ap-

Hinckley, Francis E., 227.                                                                  preaching Marietta, De Mar Erskine

"The Historian and His Materials," 360-                                           representing George Washington, 35.

373.                                                                                             Pageant at Marietta, 38.

Vol. XLII--30

466 Ohio

466           Ohio      Arch. and        Hist. Society      Publications.


Tablet erected              on    river bank            near                   Elizabeth Mansfield Drake McGuffey.

Long Bottom, 45.                                                                    From portrait by T. Buchanan Read

Pageant at Point Pleasant, W. Va.,                                           ..., 271.

51.                                                                                           Residence and Office of Daniel Drake,

Map of charcoal furnaces of Hanging                                      M. D., 280.

Rock region, 73.                                                                      Alexander   H.   McGuffey   and   his

Hecla, the most noted charcoal fur-                                         daughter Anna about 1850, 298.

nace of the Hanging Rock Region,              Anna McGuffey Morrill, 1885, 321.

80.                                                                                           Henry Albert Morrill, 1889, 321.

Monroe, the largest charcoal furnace             Anna McGuffey Morrill at the time of

of southern Ohio, 80.                                                              writing her memoirs, 334.

Jefferson, the last charcoal furnace in            Home of Anna MGuffey and Henry

Home of Anna McGuffey and Henry

Ohio. Taken in 1915, 84.                                                        A. Morrill, Ohio Avenue, Cincin-

Jefferson Furnace stock bank. Taken                                         nati, 338.

in 1915, 84.                                                                             Dr. George W. Rightmire, president

Charcoal pit--preparatory to firing, 87.                                    the Ohio State University, 361.

The ox-team--main reliance for trans-          Mrs. Julia B. Foraker, 376.

portation. Taken about 1870, 97.                  Mrs. Foraker presenting the Tributes

Residence of manager, Mount Vernon                                     to Abraham   Lincoln to Mr. C. B.

Furnace. Taken about 1870, 102.                 Galbreath, 406.

Gallia Furnace. Cabin home near by,             Dr. B. F. Prince, 452.

104.                                                                                         Memorial Tablet at Chillicothe, 457.

David K. Cartter, 106.

Map of Jackson County, Ohio, facing             Indians, A tale of, 311-313.

p. 133.                                                                                      Influence of charcoal iron industry on the

Hecla Furnace, near Ironton, 147.                                            development of the Ohio Valley, 81-82,

Jackson Furnace, 154.                                       97-104.

Keystone Furnace, about 1850, 159.               Iron, Charcoal, in southern Ohio, 72-104;

Bird's-eye view  showing  "Jefferson"            prospects in 1880, 205-206; the iron

furnace and surroundings, 170.                                             industry of Jackson County, 229, 230.

Ox teams used for transportation, 171.            Iron masters of the Hanging Rock Iron

Limestone Furnace, 173.                                 District, 74-78.

Jefferson Furnace, which supplied iron           Iron Trade Review, quoted, 214.

for construction of the Merrimac,               Irons, Mrs. Harry, 24.

182.                                                                                         Italian and monkey, Story of, 111-112.

Milton Furnace stack as it appears

today, 195.                                                                              Jackson County, Ohio, Iron Industry of.

Globe Furnace's old and new stacks.               72 passim; Economic History of the

Taken 1902, 221.                                                                    . . . Industry, 133-238.

Wellston twin furnaces, 225.

Globe Furnace today, 233.               Jackson newspapers quoted: Herald, 170-

Globe Furnace today, 233.

171, 218-219; Journal, 201, 211-212, 213-

Anna McGuffey. From portrait by

Thomas Buchanan Read, 248                215; Standard, 163, 166n, 174, 190, 198.

Thomas Buchanan Read, 248.

Alexander Hamilton McGuffey, 1886,              James, Charles, 199n.

251.                                                                                          Jefferson and Hamilton, by C. G. Bowers,

William Holmes McGuffey. From en-           Remarks on, 364-365.

graving made while he was at the               Jefferson Furnace; built, 81; history, 169-

University of Virginia, 251.                                                  172; an aid during Civil War, 180-181,

Elizabeth Shotwell Drake . . . mother              outlived panic, 192; most famous char-

of Daniel Drake, 230.                                   coal furnace, 207; its latter days, 214-

Isaac Drake . . . father of Daniel                     215, 222; dividends paid, 219; final

Drake, 260.                                                                             closing, 225-226.

Daniel Drake, M. D., 262.                                Jenkins, Robert 136.

Harriet Sisson Drake, wife of Daniel              Jisco, last furnace built in Jackson Co.,

Drake, 262.                                                                             222-223, 224-225, 229, 230.


Index.                                     467


John family, 447 et seq.                                                              "Looker, Governor Othniel and His De-

Johnson, Pres. Andrew, 108.                                                               scendants," 446-451.

Jones, Ezekiel T., 184, 198-199.                                                  Looker  family   (Othniel Looker, 1757-

Jones, John E., 225-226, 231; mentioned,                                           1845), 446-451.

137, 188, 224.                                                                      Loy, Turner, 70, 71.

Jones, John M., 184.

Jones, Joseph J., quoted, 207, 222, 226;                                      McClister, George, 71.

mentioned, 136, 171n.                                                         McConnell, John, 159.

Jones, Miles, 199n, 200.                                                               McCormick, Samuel, 188.

Jones, Thomas M., 169, 176, 199n.                                            McFadden, Mrs. H. E., 16, 24.

Jones, Thomas T., 170, 188.                                                       McFeely, Harry, 26.

Jordan, Edith, 53.                                                                         McGhee, William, 168, 181, 202.

"Joseph   E.   Weinland,   Rebuilder   of                                     McGuffey, Alexander, 255-258.

Schoenbrunn," 116-123                                                      McGuffey, Alexander H., 249-253, 263-270.

McGuffey, Alice, 288.

Kahn, B., 184.                                                                             McGuffey, Anna, 289.

Keystone Furnace: never ran on Sunday;                                 McGuffey, Charles, 288-289, 328.

its success, 160.                                                                  McGuffey, Edward, 289.

Kiashuta, Mingo chief, impersonated, 40;                                McGuffey, Elizabeth   (Drake), 261, 270

43-44, 46, 67.                                                                              passim, death of, 318-320.

Kincaid, Thomas, 71.                                                                 McGuffey, Fred, 289.

McGuffey, William, 254.

Laird, J. W., 163, 176.                                                                McGuffey, William   H., 249-259, 261-264,

"Landings," 169n.                                                                                325.

Lasley, H. G., 195n.                                                                   McGuffey, William H. jr., 289-290, 301.

Last charcoal furnace built in Ohio, 74.                                    McGuffey   readers, History  of, 249-254,

Last charcoal furnace in Ohio to burn                                               263-264; remarks on Society's collec-

out, 81.                                                                                         tion, 357.

Law, Beginnings of, in Northwest Terri-                                  Mclvaine, Nain, 306.

tory, 417- passim; Maxwell code, 427,                             McKay, A. W., 46-47.

442.                                                                                     McKee, Alexander, 14; sketch of, 14 n,

Leffel Mechanical News, quoted, 205.                                               15.

Leonard, B. B., 40.                                                                     McKinley, Pres. William, and Bellamy

Lewis, David H., 169.                                                                        Storer, 392; friendship with Foraker,

Lewis, Sen. Earl R., 16, 24, 31, 54.                                                    395.

Lewis, James, 158.                                                                    McKittrick, Anna, 254, 257.

Lewis, Paul, 43.

Lewis, Roy W., 28, 71.                                                              Mackley, Davis, quoted, 166n.

"Lightning Calculator," 193.                                                      Mains, Mrs. Charles M., 456.

Limestone   ores,  Importance   of,  140;                                 Mansfield, Colonel Edward, 283.

wealth of in Jackson Co., 153.                                           Marietta, 0., 34-39, 64-65; Centennial cele-

Lincoln, Abraham, D. K. Cartter's part                                            bration, 388-389.

in nominating, 107-108; the latter's re-                            Markers  unveiled   during  Bicentennial

ward, 109-110; helped by Cartter, 112;                                    Celebration in Ohio: at East Liver-

aided by Dr. Daniel Drake, 281-383; in                                   pool, 15n; at Mingo, 26; at Powhatan

Cincinnati, 316-318; soldiers' love for,                                     Point, 32; at Parkersburg, 41, 66; at

383.                                                                                             Hockingport, 43; at Long Bottom, 44,

Liquor laws: in Northwest Territory, 421,                                        46-48; at Ravenswood, 48-49, 68; at

427-428; 431-432.                                                                      Point Pleasant, 52-53, 70.

Lloyd, Rev. H. R., 32.                                                               Martin, C. M., 175.

Lockwood, Mrs. --, 111.                                                           Martin, J. M., 175.

Logan Elm repaired, 344.                                                        "Mary Anne," The Story of, 293-295.

Lones, Mrs. Luella (Southwick), 19-20.                                   Mather, William W., 156-157.

Long Bottom, O., 43-48, 67.                                                     Matthews, Caroline, 408.

Looker, Henry Clark M., 447-448.                                           Matthews, Florence, 408.

468 Ohio Arch

468           Ohio    Arch. and      Hist. Society       Publications.


Matthews, Mrs. Florence (Foraker), 398,                                          augural Celebration, 390; Foraker as

403.                                                                                              U. S. senator, 390-393; Admiral Dewey,

Matthews, Foraker, 408.                                                                     391; Gen. Miles, 392; the Bellamy

Matthews, Mary R., 408.                                                                                     Storers, 392; Benson Foraker, 394-395;

Matthews, Moses R., 158.                                                                   McKinley, 395; reviews of I Would

Maxwell Code, 427, 442.                                                                    Live it Again, 396-401; extract from

Maynard, H. H., 136.                                                                                           article in The Week, 401-402; obituary

Meals, Gertrude (Whittier), (Mrs. Wal-                                                             editorials, 403-404; last visit to Co-

ter), 16, 24.                                                                                                   lumbus, 405-407; sketch   of life  and

Means, John, quoted, 146, 179; mentioned,                                       activities, 407-408;  her                   descendants,

145, 146.                                                                                      408.

Means, Thomas W., 145, 146, 149.                                                   Murdock, Mayor Allen C., 41.

Messenger, Amanda (Long), (Mrs. Asa),                                         Murfin, L. T., 188.

16.                                                                                                Murphy, Frank, 24.

Methodism, in Northwest Territory, 425-                                         Mussey, Dr. R. D., 308-309.

passim.                                                                                         Muth, John, 24, 26.

Miles, General Nelson A., 392.

Miles, Mrs. Stanley, 27.                                                                      National  Republican   Convention, 1860,

Miller, J. H. C., 176.                                                                            107-108.

Mills, Lt. C. E., 36.                                                                              Nelson, E. G., 33.

Mills, William A., 22.                                                                         New England, Influence of, on Northwest

Mingo Junction, O., 20-27, 60-61.                                                     Territory, 411-424, 428-434; on slavery,

Mitchell, John, 199n.                                                                           434-437; on education, 437-442.

"Modern Old Globe" [verses], 234.                                                   New Orleans (steamboat), 141-142.

Monkey and Italian, Story of, 111-112.                                             Newberry, John S., quoted, 190.

Moody, Granville, Stories of, 382-383.                                             Newell, S. J., 137.

Moore, Nannie (Washington), 44.                                                     Newman, Bp. John P., 114.

Morgan, Charles, 14, 71.                                                                    Nicholson, Joseph, 13, 71.

Morgan, D. D., 199.

Morgan, John F., 222.                                                                         Oak Hill News, quoted, 214-215.

Morgan, Moses, 186, 222.                                                                  Ohio Art and Artists, reviewed, 124-129;

Morley, J. W., 195n.                                                                           need for such a book, 124; biographies

Mossgrove, Daisy P. (Mrs. J. R.), 27                                                of  Ohio   artists,  126;  reviews  by

Morrill, Albert, 332.                                                                           writers in Cleveland and Cincinnati,

Morrill, Alice, 246-247.                                                                      127-129.

Morrill, Anna McGuffey, "A Daughter of                                        Ohio artists, mentioned in review of Mrs.

the McGuffeys," 246-340.                                                                           Clark's Ohio Art and Artists: Barn-

Morrill, Elizabeth D., 328 passim.                                                                       horn, Clement J., 129; Bellows, George

Morrill, Ellen C., 329 passim.                                                                              W., 129; Blum, Robert F., 129; Clark,

Morrill, Genevieve, 332-333 passim.                                                                  Edna    M.--(Mrs. J. E.), 126; De

Morrill, Henry A., 325 passim.                                                                           Camp, Joseph R., 129; Dumm, Ed-

Morrill, Julia, 267-268.                                                                       wina, 129; Duveneck, Frank, 127, 129;

"Mrs. Julia B. Foraker: a Review of Her                                                             Edmondson, William    J., 129; Evans,

Autobiography," 377-408: prelude, 377-                                                    Ray, 127; Farny, Henry       F., 129;

378; the  Brownsville   affair, 378-379;                                                      Fauley, Albert C., 127; Fauley, Lucy

393; birth of the author, 379; child-                                                             (S--), 127; Fisher, Dudley, Jr.,

hood and early life, 380-382; famous                                                        127; Forsyth, William, 129; French,

guests, 382-383; the Civil war, 383-384;                                                     Thomas E., 127; Gest, J. H., 128;

at O. W. U., 384; her marriage, 384:                                                          Gottwald, Frederick  C., 129; Henri,

the governor's wife, 384-385; Foraker                                                       Robert, 129; Hopkins, James R., 129;

at National Republican     Convention,                                                        Ireland,                           William   A., 127;   Keller,

385; James G. Blaine, 385-386; Mark                                                         Henry                             G., 129; Meakin, Lewis H.,

Hanna, 386-387; comparison of Blaine                                                      129;                                 Mosler,  Henry,    129;  Myers,

and Harrison, 387-388; the Marietta                                                           Frank H., 129; Niehaus, Charles H.,

Centennial, 388-389; Washington    In-                                                      129; Opper, Frederic, 129; Outcault,


Index.                                      469


Richard,   129;  Schille, Alice,  129;                                   Parr, Mont, 71.

Selden, Dixie, 129; Sharp, Joseph H.,                                Paull, Colonel --, 144.

129; Sonntag, William L., 129; Twacht-                            Pekrun, Victor, 71.

man, John H., 129; Weis, John E.,                                     Pence, Harry, quoted, 142.

129; Wessel, Herman H., 129; Whit-                                Pennewell, Judge C. E., 114.

tredge, Thomas W., 129; Wyant, Alex-                           Peoples, Judge C. E., 47.

ander H., 129.                                                                     Perkins, Eunice (Proctor), 49.

Ohio Bicentennial Commission, Names of,                              Peters, Isaac, 187.

8-9.                                                                                      Peters, John, 187.

Ohio Canal, 148-149.                                                                 "Pheasant, The," 14, 71.

Ohio Company, 410-411, 415-416, 440-441.                           Pickrel, Peter, 184.

Ohio Geological Survey, 1869, quoted, 147,                            The Piketon Belle (steamboat), 159.

150, 187.                                                                             Pine Grove Furnace, first to close down

Ohio   Geological Survey, 1870, quoted,                                           on Sunday, 79.

188-189.                                                                              "Pittsburgh of the West," 227.

Ohio Geoloical Survey, 1875, quoted, 200.                              Pixley, Capt. J. A., 37.

Ohio Geological Survey, 1883, quoted, 211.                            Point Pleasant, W. Va., 50-54, 69-70.

Ohio iron used in Crimean War, and in                                    Pomeroy, O., 50, 68-69.

Civil War, 135, 180-183; in     World                                Portsmouth Iron and Steel Co., 148.

War, 224-225, 230-231.                                                     Portsmouth   Times, quoted, 228.

Ohio River in History, quoted, 142.                                           Powell, Peter, 175.

Ohio towns that participated in Bicenten-                                 Powhatan Point, O., 31-32, 62-63.

nial Celebration, 15-27, 31-32, 34-41,                               Prince, Dr. Benjamin F., 452-455.

41-48, 50.                                                                           Profanity, Laws against, 430-431.

Ohio Valley, Influence of Charcoal fur-                                 Pullins, Ray, 44.

naces on development of, 97-104.                                    Pullins, Mrs. Ray, 44.

"Old Globe" [verses], 233-234.                                                 "The Puritanic Influence in the North-

Oldham, Mrs. Betty (Washington), 39.                                             west Territory, 1788-1803," 409-445.

Orange Furnace, 183, 184, 187.                                               Putnam, Gen. Rufus, impersonated, 37.

Orange Furnace Company, 176, 184.

Organizations that assisted in Washington                                "Raccoon Navigation Company," 158-159.

Bicentennial Celebration, 6, 40, 48-49,                             Radcliff, --, 181.

55, 34.                                                                                 Radcliffe, Maxine, 43.

Orton, Edward, quoted, 211.                                                     Railroads, Early Ohio, 99-100; Baltimore

& Ohio, 100, 164, 228-229; Chesapeake

Paden City, W. Va., 63-64.                                                               &        Ohio, 228; Cincinnati &    Hocking

Pageants given during Bicentennial Cele-                                        Valley, 212, 229; Cincinnati & Mari-

bration: at East Liverpool, 16, 58-59;                                        etta 100, 175; Cincinnati, Hamilton &

at Mingo Junction, 23-24, 26, 60-61; at                                     Dayton, 100; Detroit, Toledo & Iron-

Powhatan Point, 31-32, 62-63; at Mari-                                    ton, 100, 175, 222, 229; Hillsboro,

etta, 36-39, 64-65; at Parkersburg, 39-

Jackson & Pomeroy, 175; Hocking and

41, 65-66; at Hockingport, 42-43, 66;          Scioto, 162; I. B. & W., 216; Iron,

at Long Bottom, 44-47, 66-67; at Point       99-100, 164-165; Jackson & Pigeon, 196;

Pleasant, 52-53, 69-70.                                                              Marietta & Cincinnati, 100, 165, 166,

Paine, Caroline, 379.                                                                          175, 184, 197, 202; Ohio Southern, 210,

Paine, David, 396.                                                                    216; Scioto and Hocking Valley, 100,

Paisley, William, 18.                                                            162-163, 165, 167, 197; Sprinfield

Panic of 1857, 172, 178-179.                                               Jackson & Pomeroy, 197; Springfield


Panic of 1873, 184, 192, 202.                  Southern, 197n; Toledo, Cincinnati &

Panic of 1884, 214.                                                              St.Louis, 212, 216.

Panic of 1907, 223.                                                                   Rapid Calculations, Author of, 193 n.

Parkersburg, W. Va., 39-41, 65-66.                                         Rardin, Alice, 43.

Parkinson, Helen (McGuffey), 289.                                        Rathburn, Katharine (Flesher) (Mrs. C.

Parkinson, Robert, 289.                                                                      F.), 43, 46, 47-48.

Parks, Anna Washington, 44.

470 Ohio Arch

470           Ohio    Arch. and      Hist. Society       Publications.


Ravenswood, W. Va., 48-50, 67-68.                                          Scotch-Irish, Influence of, on Northwest

Read, Thomas     Buchanan, 270-271, 322,                               Territory, 424 passim.

324n.                                                                                    Scott, Mrs. Florence (Matthews), 408.

Reames, O. K., 23, 26, 31, 47, 54.                                              Scrip, Use of, 155, 202, 215.

Reardon, David, 14, 43, 71.                                                        Seward, William   H., 107.

Red Men, Improved Order of, 55.                                             Shade River. See Long Bottom.

Reed, --, 69.                                                                                 Sherman, Gen. William     T., opinion of

Reif, Fred, 43.                                                                                      presidency, 109.

Religion, Influence of New   England on,         Shotwell, Elizabeth, 272.

412-417, et seq., of Scotch-Irish, 424-       Shotwell, Lydia, 273, 275.

425, 429; of Methodists, 425 et seq.;          "Silvery" iron. See Ferro-silicon.

of Friends, 426 et seq.                                                         Simeral, Jessie G. (Mrs. Carl), 27.

Reno, O., 34-41.                                                                          Simmons, Mrs. Holly, 53.

"Reviews, Notes and Comments," by the          Sinclair, Katherine, 27.

Editor, 124-129: Ohio Art and Artists,        Sindlinger, Edmond S. "Washington and

124-129; Life of a Notable Scholar and                            the Ohio in 1770, as seen by a voy-

University  President, William                   Watts                        ager in 1932," 57-71.

Folwell, 239-241; American                       Colonists          Sisson, Harriet, 270.

in English Records, Ser. 1, 241-242;          Sistersville, W. Va., 33-34, 64.

Roosevelt takes hold, 242-243; "Dr.          Slavery: in   Kentucky, 259-261; in the

Joseph   H.   Todd,"   243-244;  "Gov.                                Northwestern Territory, 433-437.

Othniel Looker and his Descendants,"       Smith, Mrs. E. C., 49.

446-451; "Dr. B. F. Prince," 452-455;        Smith, E. Darrow    105.

"Dedication of Tablet at Chillicothe,"

Smith, Guy-Harold,   co-historian  of  Bi-


centennial, 8.

Rice, James L., 177.

Smith, J. M. G., 154.

Ricker, E. D., 169n, 187.

Ricker, E. D., 169n 187.                     Smith, J. Russell, quoted, 133-134.

Ricker, J. H., 154.                        Sons of the American Revolution, 55.

Ricker, Jacob, 154.

Spangler, Sen. William   I., 16, 47.

Riggs, James, 158.

Robbins, Alanson, 184, 195n.                  Sparks, 145.

Spencer, Margaret, 24, 26.

Robinson, B. O., 40.

Stanton, Edwin M., 112.

Rodgers, James, 74, 144, 145, 154.

Steadman, Mayor F. A., 37, 41.

Roosevelt, President Theodore, Conflict           Stearns, -----, 193n.

with  Foraker, 378-379; treatment of         Sternberger, Mark, 199n.

Gen. Miles, 392; the break with For-         Stevens, Thaddeus, 112, 113.

aker, 393, 396-397, 399.

r, T93 396-r97,j 399   0        Storer, Bellamy, and    Pres. McKinley,

Roosevelt Takes Hold, reviewed, 242-243.

Rostovtzeff, Mikhail I., Remarks on, 368.        392

Story of Iron and Steel, quoted, 133-134.

Roy, Andrew, quoted, 191, 201n, 215-216.

Rubber overshoes, Story of, 291-292.              Stout, Wilbur E., "The Charcoal Iron

Ruggles, Mrs. Alice (Morrill), ed., "A                                       Industry of the Hanging Rock Iron

District-Its Influence on the Early

Daughter of the McGuffeys," 246-340.          District--Its  Influence on the Early

Development of the Ohio Valley," 72-

Rust, Orton G., Roosevelt Takes Hold:


a review, 242-243.

Ruth, C. Z., 40.                                                                            Sulphur, 177, 231, 232.

Rutledge, Ann, 281.                                                                    Sunday observance, in charcoal furnace

district, 79, 160, 171; first Sunday

St. Clair, General Arthur, Influence on                                     laws in N. W. Territory, 421, 430.

religion  and education  in Northwest       Sutherland, T. P., 191.

Territory, 419 passim.                                                       Swank, James M., quoted, 134.

Salt-licks of Jackson   County, 0., 151-             Swisher, Hoadley, 44.

153; of West Virginia, 153.                                               Sylvester, John S., 137.

:Scioto Company, 410-411.                                                       Symmes, John C., 287-288.


Index.                                    471


Taft, Pres. William     H., break   with                                      Washington, Mrs. Mary, 12.

Roosevelt, 393.                                                                   Washington, Samuel, 44.

Taney, Chief Justice Roger B., 113-114.                                  "Washington and the Ohio in 1770, as

Terry, John P., 149, 181.                                                                   seen by a voyager in 1932," the story

Tewksberry, --, 144, 167.                                                                  of the river pageant told by a member

Thayer, Lyman C., 106.                                                                    of the party, 57-71.

Thevenin, Nicholas, 158.                                                           "Washington on the Ohio," (poem), 19-20.

Thomas, Judge D. H., 37.                                                          Watson, Augustus, 184.

Thomas, John J., 222.                                                                 Watson, James, 184.

Thomas, Samuel, 197n.                                                             Watts, J. M., 191.

Thorn, Gay, 36.                                                                          Webb, L. R., impersonates George Wash-

Thorn, Sent, cited, 167-168, 203n.                                                     ington, 24; in pageant, 26; passim.

Tilden, Judge Daniel R., 114.                                                     Weed, Thurlow, 105.

Tod, David, 176.                                                                         Weinland, Rev. Joseph E., Tribute to,

Todd, Dr. Joseph H., 243-244.                                                           116-123.

Transportation, a problem in early Ohio,                                 Wells, Agrippa, 193n.

147-148, 152-153, 199-200, 212; shipment                       Wells, Mrs. Eliza (Bundy), 137, 186n, 408.

by river, 98-99, 141-142; by railroad,                              Wells, Harvey, arrives in Jackson Co.,

99-100; by road, 101, 142; improved                                        193; brings new ideas, 193-194; builds

conditions, 165-167, 177, 216; changes                                     Wellston, 194-195; his business trans-

through the years, 228-229.                                                       actions with Hon. H. S. Bundy, 195-

Trimble, David, 74, 145.                                                                    196; promotes railroads, 196-197; and

Trimble, John, 74, 145.                                                                      furnaces, 197-198, 200, 201-202; mar-

Trollope, Mrs. Frances M., 285.                                                        ries daughter of H. S. Bundy, 137.

A true Indian story, 311-313.                                                    Wellston, Ohio, rise and growth, 194-203,

Tulloss, Dr. Rees E., quoted, 455.                                                      216; reaches greatest population, 223;

Steel and Nail Co., 216.

U. S. D. 1812. Gen. Duncan McArthur

Wellston Telegram, quoted, 210, 223, 227,

chapter, 456-458.                                                                       228, 230.

Vance, Miles W., 176.                                                               Wellsville, O., 18, 59-60.

Van Dyke, --, 184.                                                                     Welsh in Jackson Co., 169, 170-171.

Vaughn, William, 201.                                                              West Virginia Bicentennial Commission,

Vice and Immorality Act, 431-432.                                                 Names of, 7.

Vinogradoff, Sir Paul, 368-370.                                                West Virginia towns that participated in

Bicentennial Celebration, 28-29, 33-34,

Wade, Ben, 112, 113.                                                                        39-41, 48-54.

Wainwright, -- (Foraker),  (Mrs.                                               Westerfield, Ray B., 136.

King Wainwright), 404.                                                     Wheeling, W. Va., 28-29, 61-62.

Wainwright, J. Foraker, 408.                                                     Wilkin, Robert M., "Joseph    E. Wein-

Walker, Mary     (Wells), (Mrs. Foster                                             land, rebuilder of Schoenbrunn," 116-

Walker), 27.                                                                                123.

Walterhouse, George B., 176.                                                   Willard, H. S., 195n, 228.

Washam, W. T., 199n.                                                              Williams, Dr. --, 187.

Washington, Augustine, 49.                                                       Williams, Alexander, 158.

Washington, Charles, 44.                                                           Williams, D. W., 152, 156-157.

Washington, General George, his voyage                                Williams, John, 173.

down the Ohio River in 1770, Cele-                                  Wilson, Elinor, 24, 26.

bration of, 3-71; impersonations of, 40,                            Wittenberg College, Springfield, O., 453-

55, 71.                                                                                         455.

Washington, Lawrence, 12.                                                       Woodman, Mrs. Frank, 49.

Washington, Mrs. Martha, impersonated.                                 World War, Effect on iron industry, 224-

39.                                                                                               225, 230-231.