Ohio History Journal







Volume 59


AARON, MOHAWK INDIAN, 33.                                                  Athens Co., O., California company organized

Abolitionism, blamed for the Civil War, 150.                                    in, 263-264.

"About Historians,"  98-100, 201-203, 321-                                       Auburn, 0., Forty-Niners from, 265.

323, 448-451.                                                                                  Audubon, ,- son of John James, robbed

Adams, Charles Francis, nominated for presi-                                   en route to California, 261.

dent by National Christian   Association,                                       Audubon, John James, connected with West-

284.                                                                                                 ern Museum, 373.

Agassiz, Louis, founder of museums, 379.                                        Auer, J. Jeffery, "Lincoln's  Minister to

Agriculture, Ohio, recent publications on,                                         Mexico," 115-128.

419.                                                                                                 Auntie Kate: Her Journey Through Ninety

Aiken, Dr. -     , opposed Sherman, 74.                                              Years, by Thomas, rev., 324-325.

Akron, O., California company left, 262, 267;                                  Aurora, O., body snatching in, 337.

body snatching in, 343.                                                                   Austin, Jane, body taken   from  grave at

Akron Mining Company, left for California,                                     Austinburg, 336.

262.                                                                                                 Austinburg, O., body snatching in, 336.

Allen Co., O., California company formed                                        Avondale, O., body snatching incident in,

in, 264.                                                                                            350.

America, steamboat, 140, 268.

American Antiquarian Society, published re-

port on   Ohio  antiquities, 369; Daniel                                          BACTERIOLOGY, J. H. Salisbury's contribu-

Drake a counselor of, 373.                                                            tion to, 358.

American Baptist, published articles against                                      Bank Note Reporters and Counterfeit Detec-

Freemasonry, 278; open to Finney, 281.                                       tors, 1826-1866, by Dillistin, rev., 461-462.

The American Indian: An Introduction to                                          Banks and banking, Ohio Supreme Court

the Anthropology of the New   World, by                                       case, 1884, 85-86, 87-88, 172, 175-176;

Wissler, rev., 327-328.                                                                  failures, 166-167, 188,

American National Prison Congress, Hayes                                     Banta, Richard E., comp., Indiana Authors

and Brinkerhoff presidents of, 171n.                                            and Their Books, 1816-1916, rev., 227-229;

American Party, organized, 284.                                                       The Ohio, rev., 224-227.

American Wesleyan, published articles against                                Baptist  Association  in  Illinois,  opposed

Freemasonry, 278.                                                                         secret societies, 286.

Amherst, Sir effery, Indian policy, 29-30.                                        Baptist Church, passed resolutions against

Amusements: 'Oscar Wilde in Cleveland,"                                        secret societies, 272.

by Francis X. Roellinger, Jr., 129-138; on                                    Barker, George W., flatboatman, 305; iden-

flatboats, 290, 392-393, 401.                                                         tified, 305n.

Anatomy, human, procurement of dissection                                    Barker, Henry, flatboatman, 297, 300, 304,

material for the study of, 329-351.                                               305n; identified, 297n.

Anderson, [Edward], Columbus, O., Beatty's                                    Barker, James Gage, flatboatman, 305n, 308,

comments on oratory of, 66, 86.                                                   405; farm located, 308n.

Anderson, [James H.], on Thomas Corwin,                                      Barker, Jesse H., flatboatman, 305, 308, 388,

63.                                                                                                  401, 405, 411, 414; identified, 305n.

Anderson, James M., uncle of James W.                                          Barker, Luther, flatboatman, 297, 298, 300,

Anderson, 56, 57.                                                                          304, 305n; identified, 297n.

Anderson, James W., Confederate prisoner                                     Barlow, J. L., nominated for vice president

at Camp Chase, letters and diary, 38-57.                                      by National Christian Association, 284.

Antislavery movement: "The Mobbing of the                                   Barth, Dave, flatboatman, 307, 308, 393, 408,

Crisis," by Eugene H. Roseboom, 150-153;                                  413; identified, 307n.

Charles Finney and, 270; in Ohio, recent                                     Barton, Abner, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.

publications on, 419-420.                                                              Bay State, steamboat, California company

Applebutter, flatboat cargo, 308, 416.                                              embarked on, 262.

Apples, flatboat cargo, 287, 287n, 288, 297,                                    Bayard, Thomas Francis, as presidential possi-

307, 392, 393, 400, 407, 408, 413.                                                bility, 194; biographical note, 194n.

Archaeology, Ohio, recent publications on,                                     Beans, flatboat cargo, 287, 287n, 405.

419-420.                                                                                         Beatty, Hobart, 66, 82, 169, 173-174.

Armstrong, Donald B., winner, health edu-                                      Beatty, Jennie, 82.

cation award, 383.                                                                         Beatty, John, "The Diary of John Beatty,

Armstrong, J. E., Ohio Forty-Niner, 263.                                          January-June 1884," Part III, 58-91; Part

Armytage, W. H. G., "William Chambers in                                    IV, 165-195; pamphlet by, 66n; delegate

America, 1853," 139-149.                                                             to  national Republican  convention, 79;

Arthur, Chester A., 74, 183; supported by                                        presidential elector from Ohio, 90n.

Robert Lincoln, 70n; in convention of 1884,                                Beatty, John, 2d, son of Gen. John Beatty,

173, 179.                                                                                        68.

Arts and crafts in Ohio, recent publications                                     Beatty, Mrs. John, 173-174, 189.

on, 420.                                                                                          Beatty, Lucy, 66, 82, 169, 173-174.

Astor House, New    York, Wm. Chambers                                     Beatty, Viola, sister-in-law  of Gen. John

commented on, 145.                                                                      Beatty, 69, 82.


470 Ohio State Archaeological and -istorical Quarterly

470       Ohio State Archaeological and           -istorical Quarterly


Beatty, William, brother of Gen. John Beatty,                                  Broadway Hotel, Cincinnati, Dickens stopped

69, 82.                                                                                            at, 21.

Beck, Gustavus, Ohio Forty-Niner, 268.                                           Brooklyn, O., Forty-Niners from, 268.

Bedbugs, annoyed travelers in Ohio, 23.                                          Brown, James M., vice chairman, Republi-

Beecher, Henry Ward, 129; lectured in Case                                  can  state central committee, 187; bio-

Hall, Cleveland, 135.                                                                     graphical note, 187n.

Beecher, Lyman, and Finney, 271.                                                   Brown, John, 152.

Beginnings of Literary Culture in the Ohio                                        Brown, Joshua K., on Republican state execu-

Valley; Historical and Biographical Sketches,                             tive committee, 188, 188n.

by Venable, rev., 462-463.                                                           Browne, Henry J., The Catholic Church and

Bell, John, Ohio Forty-Niner, 268.                                                    The Knights of Labor, rev., 110-111.

Bellevue Mining Company, bound for Cali-                                     'Buckeye Argonauts," by Robert Thomas,

fornia, 264.                                                                                    256-269.

Benjamin, Charles Wilford, flatboatman, 393,                                 Buffalo Bill, see Cody, William F.

394; identified, 393n.                                                                     Buffalo Science Museum, 382.

Berner, William, trial of, for murder, 60n-                                       Building and loan associations, and Ohio

61n.                                                                                                Supreme Court decision, 172-173.

Best, Robert, curator, Western Museum, 373-                                 Bundy, Hezekiah   Sanford, meeting  with

374, 376.                                                                                        Beatty, 89; biographical note, 89n.

Beverly, Thomas, resurrectionist, 344.                                             Burnet House, Cincinnati, Wm. Chambers'

Bibliography: publications on Ohio history,                                      comment on, 143.

archaeology, and natural history, 419-437;                                  Burwell, William  M., opinion on Corwin's

writings of Ohio Academy of History mem-                                appointment quoted, 120.

bers, 438-443.                                                                                Bushnell, Horace, and Finney, 271.

"Big 4" Republican politicians, 80n.                                                  Business and industry in Ohio, recent pub-

Big Miami River, see Great Miami River.                                         lications on, 423.

Billings, John Shaw, established Army Mcdi-                                   Butterworth, Benjamin, ignored by state Re-

cal Museum, 380; quoted, 380.                                                     publican convention, 80; biographical note,

Biography, Ohio, recent publications on, 421-                                 80n.


Bird, Richard Montgomery, play by, given

in Cleveland, 129.

Birds, Ohio, recent publications on, 429-430.                                   CAINE, A. C., secretary, Republican state

Blaine, James G., in political campaign of                                        central committee, 187.

1884, 64, 65, 70, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81                                   Cairo, 111  294 391, 407, 408, 410, 412, 413;

84, 86, 89, 166, 168, 173, 179, 181n, 182,                                     satirized by  ickens, 16.

183, 193; railway schemes, 71; supported                                    Caldwell, H. Van Y., incorporator, Cleve-

by Lewis, 75; defended by W. W. Phelps,                                    land Health Museum, 383.

82-84; and Garfield, 184; and Hayes, 185-                                  California Club  of Cincinnati, organized,

186; nomination for president, 185n.                                            259-260, 262-263.

Blanchard, Jonathan, reformer, 272, 272n                                        California Mining and Trading Company, see

282, 284; letter to Finney, quoted, 27,                                           California Club of Cincinnati.

282; addressed Christian organization, 280.                                 California Mining Company of Cleveland,

Blegen, Theodore C., The Land Lies Open                                        capitalization and members, 265.

rev., 463-465; With Various Voices: Re-                                      Calvary Cemetery, Columbus, O., body snatch-

cordings of North Star Life, rev., 463-465.                                    i  in, 340.

"Body Snatching in Ohio During the Nin.e-                                      Camridge,   ., Forty-Niners from, 264

teenth Century," by Linden F. Edwards,                                       Cameron, [Jesse L.], Marysville, 0., 177.

329-351.                                                                                         Camp Chase, J. W. Anderson prisoner in,

Boerstler, Dr. S., Lancaster physician, 358                                       38n; described, 45, 46-48, 49, 55; con-

Book reviews, 101-113, 204-229, 324-328, 452                                ditions in, 49-57; soldiers from, and mob-

468.                                                                                                 bing of the Crisis, 152-153.

Booker, William A., Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.                                     Camp Dennison, dietetic study at, 358.

Bouquet, Henry, Papers in Canada Archives                                    Campbell,   David,   publisher,  Sandusky

28; to spread smallpox among Indians, 30                                     Clarion, 170.

30n.                                                                                                 Campbell, Donald, discovers Indian plot, 32.

Boyer, Jonathan, body removed from grave,                                    Campbell, William, British commander, Fort

349.                                                                                                 Miamis, 246.

Boynton, Washington Wallace, 64; attorney                                      Canada, British conquest of 1760, 31; visited

in bank case, 171; biographical note, 1711.                                  by Wm. Chambers, 1853, 140-143; educa-

Braceville, O., Forty-Niners from, 265.                                             ton in, 142.

Brasee, Clara, married J. H. Salisbury, 358.                                      Canton,  ., California company from, 266.

Brasee, John Schofield, sought supreme judge                                  Capital City Fact, charged  with inciting

ship, 75; biographical note, 75n.                                                     rioters, 152.

Br emner, Robert H., "Tom    L. Johnson,"                                         Carson, William  G. B., Managers in Dis-

113bokBremnerr,     4 6Robert   otress: The St. Louis Stage, 1840-.1844, rev.,

1-13; book rev., 453-456.                                                               210-211.

Breyfogle, Capt. ---, Columbus, 0., leader                                         Carter, Clarence Edwin, comp. and ed., The

mining company, 268.                                                                     Territorial Papers of the United States.

Brinkerhoff, Roeliff, 185; held interview with                                   Vol. XVII, The Territory of Illinois, 1814-

Beatty, 171; biographical note, 171n; held                                     1818, rev., 458-459; Vol. XIV, The Terri-

interview with Gov. Hoadly, 172-173; and                                    tory of Louisiana-Missouri, 1806-1814, rev.,

supreme court bank case, 175, 194; and                                        211-213

Hague Mission, 184-185.                                                                Cartter, David K., elector at large, 1860, 89;

British, and Indians of the Old Northwest,                                          biographical note, 90n.

29, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 245, 247, 248, 252;                                      Carver, Chauncy, body taken from grave at

travel accounts, 225.                                                                       Aurora, 337.

The British  Post Office: A   History, by                                              Case  Hall, Cleveland, O., Oscar Wilde

Robinson, rev., 1il-ij.                                                                       lectured at, 130, 133, 135.

Index 471

Index                                       471


Castle, John, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.                                                      76, 77; Bureau of Education Course, 129;

The Catholic Church and The Knights of                                                Oscar Wilde in, 129-138; Wm. Chambers

Labor, by Browne, rev., 110-111.                                                      in, 143, 145; preservation  of historical

Catlett, Thomas A., rebel prisoner, 46, 47.                                            materials, 162; California companies formed

Cave in Rock, described, 410-411.                                                        in, 265, 268; body snatching in, 338, 344;

Cemeteries, and grave robbing, 330-351.                                              J. H. Salisbury in, 352, 359, 365, 368,

Central Lunatic Asylum, Columbus, superin-                                        370; health museum, 371, 383-384.

tendents of, 85, 85n.                                                                           Cleveland Academy of Medicine, health edu-

Chambers, William, biographical data, 139-                                         cation program, 382-383.

140; tour in America in 1853, with criti-                                           Cleveland Academy of Music, Buffalo Bill

cism of, 140-149; publications by, 140.                                             played at, 129.

Chandler,  [William   Easton], intimate of                                             Cleveland Homeopathic College, attacked by

Blaine, 183.                                                                                        mob, 338.

Charity Hospital Medical College, Cleveland,                                       Cleveland Medical College, and body snatch.

J. H. Salisbury connected with, 359, 365,                                         ing, 338-339, 349-350.

365n.                                                                                                   Cleveland Museum   of Health and Hygiene,

"Charles Dickens in Ohio," by Alfred R.                                               371, 383-384; incorporated, 383.

Ferguson, 14-25.                                                                                Cleveland Opera House, 131.

Chase, Salmon P., campaigned for Republi-                                         Cleveland Railway Company, 6; organization

can  party, 116; warned   against former                                          and franchise, 5.

Whigs, 117.                                                                                        Cleveland Tabernacle, T. D. Talmage lec-

Chattanooga, Tenn., battle of, Rosecrans at,                                         tured at, 129.

175; George Maney wounded at, 182n.                                           Clover Coffin Torpedo, 346.

Cherokee Indians, urged to join Seneca plot                                         Cody, William  F. (Buffalo Bill), played in

vs. British, 32.                                                                                     Cleveland, 129.

Chicago, Ill., hotels mentioned, 179; site of,                                          Cole, Charles C., Jr., "Finney's Fight Against

ceded by Indians, 254; Republican national                                     the Masons," 270-286.

convention, 1884, 76, 178-183.                                                         Collins, Wilkie, lectured in Cleveland, 135.

Chickamauga, battle of, Rosecrans at, 175;                                          Colored   American   Cemetery,  Cincinnati,

H. C. Hobart captured at, 181.                                                          bodies exhumed from, 350.

Christian, Dr., alias, see Morton, Charles O.                                         Colt, R. E., Sandusky landlord, described by

Church   of the   United  Brethren, barred                                            Dickens, 23.

members of secret societies, 272.                                                     Columbiana   Co., O., California  company

Cider, flatboat cargo, 287, 308, 416.                                                     formed in, 264.

Christian Cynosure, 282, 284.                                                                Columbus, Ohio, 60n, 82; Dickens in, 18, 20,

"Christian Men," 272, 280. See also Na-                                               21-22; weather conditions in 1864, 46, 48,

tional Christian Association.                                                              50, 51, 52-53; in 1884, 88, 189; Republican

Christian Statesman, published articles against                                     rally in, 73n; Goodale Park, 82; state Re-

Freemasonry, 278.                                                                             publican convention, 1860, 89n, 90n; Samuel

Cincinnati, 0., 138, 173, 186n, 302, 391, 394,                                        Medary as postmaster of, 150; mobbing of

404, 414, 416; Charles Dickens in, 16, 17,                                        the office of The Crisis in, 151; fair grounds,

18, 21; comments by Dickens on, 20-21;                                          174; churches, 174; Democratic state con-

courthouse, burned by mob, 60n, 61; riot,                                         vention in  1884, 194n; California corn-

1884, described, 60-62; Tom Corwin prac-                                     pany formed in, 263; body snatching in,

ticed law  in, 116; Wm. Chambers in,                                               339, 341-342, 343, 344, 345-346.

143-144; Republican  national convention,                                      Columbus, steamboat, 267.

1876, in, 178; California companies in,                                            Columbus and    California Industrial Asso-

259, 260, 261, 262, 264; W. D. Devol at,                                          ciation, organized, 261-262, 263.

290, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390; medical                                               Columbus and Sandusky Turnpike, Dickens

schools in, 335; body snatching in, 346,                                            traveled over, 22.

350, 351; J. H. Salisbury in, 359; Western                                        Columbus State Hospital, cemetery used by

Museum, 371-379; in 1820, described, 375;                                     resurrectionists, 331.

boats damaged at, 407.                                                                      Comly, James M., Republican      elector at

Cincinnati College, 374.                                                                         large, 79; biographical note, 79n-80n.

Cincinnati Commercial Gazette    Beatty in-                                         Commerce, Ohio: "Flatboating    Down   the

terview in, 64; article on Keifer in, 74.                                            Ohio  and  Mississippi, 1867-1873: Corre-

Cincinnati University, see University of Cin-                                        spondence and   Diaries of the William

cinnati.                                                                                                Dudley Devol Family of Marietta, Ohio,"

Circleville, O., body snatching in, 342.                                                  by Robert L. Jones, 287-309, 385-418.

Civil War: "A Confederate Prisoner at Camp                                       Compton, James, rebel prisoner, 47.

Chase: Letters and   a Diary of Private                                            Comstock's Opera House, Columbus, O., 68;

James W. Anderson," by George C. Os-                                          Democratic state convention in, 194n.

orn, 38-57; "Lincoln's Minister to Mexico,"                                     Conant James B., "Science and the Ameri-

by J. Jeffery Auer, 115-128; "The Mobbing                                     can Tradition," 231-238.

of the Crisis," by Eugene H. Roseboom,                                           "A                           Confederate Prisoner at Camp Chase:

150-153.                                                                                             Letters and a Diary of Private James W.

Clark, E. M., arrested for body snatching,                                            Anderson," by George C. Osborn, 38-57.

336.                                                                                                    Confederate states, angered by Corwin's ap-

Clay, Henry, and Dickens, 16.                                                               pointment, 120; diplomatic relations with

Clemens, Samuel (Mark Twain), lectured                                            Mexico, 115, 121, 122, 126.

in Cleveland, 135.                                                                              Congregational Church, origin of American

Cleveland, Grover, as presidential possibility,                                      liberties in, 234; and Finney, 270; Second,

193.                                                                                                    Oberlin, O., opposed   Freemasonry, 271-

Cleveland, O., Tom L. Johnson as mayor of,                                        272; opposed to secret societies, 286.

1-13; charter revoked, 5; municipal re.                                           Congregationalist, published articles against

form, 12; street railway controversy in,                                           Freemasonry, 278.

3-6, 11-12; Dickens in, 22, 24; state Re-                                          Conneaut, O., California company formed

publican convention of 1884 in, 69, 70,                                            in, 260, 266.

472 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

472       Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly


Conservation of natural resources in Ohio,                                          Democratic party and Democrats, 192, 193:

recent publications on, 430-432.                                                       Tom L. Johnson as, 3, 8, 10; prominent,

Contra Costa Co., Calif., Ohioans in, 257.                                             63n, 64n, 67n, 90n, 171n, 175n, 181n, 418;

Converse, Julius 0., chairman, Republican                                            in campaign and election of 1884, 67; in

state central committee, 78.                                                               state election  of 1867, 72n, 73n; and

Cooke, Jay, contract with the Northern                                                 Scott law, 76n; organ of, edited by Samuel

Pacific, 71.                                                                                         Medary, 150; political terroristic program

Cooper, William Craig, 179, 180; biographi-                                         in Mississippi, 191; Ohio state convention,

cal note, 179n.                                                                                    1884,  194,  194n; national convention,

Copperhead movement, 43; Samuel Medary                                         1884, 194n; opposed free political action,

and the, 150-151, 153.                                                                       195.

Corn, flatboat cargo, 287, 405.                                                               Detroit, Mich., 240; Indian    attack  on,

Corwin, Thomas, as orator, 63-64; biographi-                                       planned, 32; site of, ceded by Indians, 254.

cal note, 63n; as United States minister                                             See also Fort Detroit.

to  Mexico, 115-128; as spokesman    for                                         Devin, Augustus, body taken from    grave,

Lincoln, 117, 118; left Mexico, 127.                                                 347, 348.

Corwin, William, secretary of Mexican lega-                                       Devol, Bitha Marshall, diary  and  corre-

tion, 120; as charge d'affaires, in Mexico,                                        spondence with husband, W. D. Devol,

127.                                                                                                     289-309, 388-391, 399-418; death, 418.

Cotton, Will, promoted Oscar Wilde lec-                                              Devol, Helen, 289.

ture in Cleveland, 133-137.                                                               Devol, Mabell, 249; father's letter to, 410-

Count Monte Christo, played in Columbus,                                            411.

68.                                                                                                       Devol, Marsha, 417.

Craighead, Samuel, on Sherman committee                                          Devol, William Dudley, correspondence and

at Republican national convention, 179,                                           diaries of flatboating on the Ohio and

179n.                                                                                                   Mississippi, 287-309, 385-418.

Crary, Isaac Edwin, 63; biographical note,                                           Diaries and letters: "A Confederate Prisoner

63n.                                                                                                     at Camp Chase-Letters and a Diary of

Crisis (Columbus), mobbing of office of, 150-                                      Private James W. Anderson,"    ed. by

153.                                                                                                     George C. Osborn, 38-57; "The Diary of

Croghan, George, 28n, 32, 36; biography                                              John Beatty, January-June 1884," ed. by

of, quoted, 26n; Indian policy, 30; dis-                                              Harvey S. Ford, 58-91, 165-195; "Flat-

covered Seneca plan, 32; Journal, quoted,                                       boating down the Ohio and Mississippi,

33.                                                                                                       1867-1873: Correspondence and Diaries of

Crook, Isaac, pastor, Broad Street Methodist                                        the William  Dudley Family of Marietta,

Church, 86, 169, 174, 193.                                                                 Ohio," ed. by Robert L. Jones, 287-309,

Cummer, Clyde L., "Dr. James H. Salis-                                                385-418.

bury and the Salisbury Diet," 352-370.                                             "The Diary of John Beatty, January-June

Cunz, Dieter, The Maryland Germans, rev.,                                         1884," ed. by Harvey S. Ford, 58-91, 165-

108-109.                                                                                             195.

Curtis, Carolyn, joint comp., Guide to the                                              Dickens, Charles, in Ohio in 1842, 14-25;

Burlington  Archives  in  the  Newberry                                            Household Words, pirated, 147.

Library, 1851-1901, rev., 325-326.                                                   Dickens, Mrs. Charles (Kate), accompanied

Curtis, George William, 181; led bolt to                                                 husband on trip through Ohio, 16.

Cleveland in 1884, 171n.                                                                   Dickey, Judge -     , Cleveland, 0., 87.

Curtis, W. F., &   Co., of Marietta, 414;                                                 Dillistin, William H., Bank Note Reporters

identified, 414n.                                                                                 and Counterfeit Detectors, 1826-1866, rev.,

Cushman, Charlotte, appeared in Case Hall,                                         461-462.

Cleveland, 135.                                                                                   Diplomacy: "Lincoln's Minister to Mexico,"

Cuyahoga Co., O., Johnson controlled Demo-                                       by J. Jeffery Auer, 115-128.

cratic party in, 8; California company                                               Doan, Azariah W., called on Beatty, 81.

formed in, 264, 267.                                                                           "Dr. James H. Salisbury and the Salisbury

Cuyahoga County Medical Society, 369.                                               Diet," by Clyde L. Cummer, 352-370.

Domestic Manners of the Americans, by

Frances M. Tollope, ed. by Smalley, rev.,


DALZELL, JAMES MONROE, biographical                                       Donaldson, J. C., 65.

sketch, 73n; Beatty's estimate of, 73-74.                                            Dorfeuille, Joseph, took over Western Mu-

Darlington, D. N., leader, Delaware mining                                         seum, 376-378.

company, 267.                                                                                    Dorfeuille's "Hell," 377.

Defiance, O., site of, ceded by Indians, 254;                                        Douglass, Frederick, quoted by Washington

California company left, 263.                                                            Gladden, 195.

Delano, Columbus, 178, 178n, 179; and                                                 Doull, James A., incorporator, Cleveland

Blaine-Garfield controversy, 184.                                                     Health Museum, 383.

Delaware, O., 77, 82, 86; John Beatty to                                               Dow, Neal, 65; biographical note, 65n.

speak at, 173; Memorial Day ceremonies,                                       Drake, Daniel, founder, Western Museum,

1884, 175-177; City Hall, crowd in, to                                              372-376.

hear Beatty,  . 177.  187n; mDraper, Lyman C., on the Pontiac uprising,

Delaware Co., 0., 175, 187n; mining corn-                                            33.

pany left, 267; body snatching in, 335                                               Dresden, Muskingum Co., O., body snatch-

343, 348, 349.                                                                                     ing in, 347.

Delaware Indians, aroused against whites                                            ing i,   7.     de

30, 31; to aid   Seneca vs. British, 32:                                                Drinkle, H. C., defeated   as delegate to

Wayne's preliminary treaty with, 248n; at                                         national Republican convention, 78.

peace negotiations at Greene Ville, 250,                                          Drown, H. H., 389; identified, 389n.

253n.                                                                                                   Duck   Creek  Cemetery, Cincinnati, bodies

Delaware Mutual Protection Company, left                                          exhumed from, 350.

for California, 267.                                                                             Duke, John H., 43, 45.

Index 473

Index                                       473


Dunn, James Taylor, ed., James Wickes                                           Fishes, Ohio, recent publications on, 432.

Taylor, "A   Choice Nook of Memory":                                         "Flatboating down the Ohio and Mississippi,

The Diary of a Cincinnati Law      Clerk,                                       1867-1873: Correspondence and Diaries of

1842-1844, rev., 452-453.                                                             the William    Dudley  Devol Family, of

Dyar, Augustine, "Gus," flatboatman, 294n,                                     Marietta, Ohio," ed. by Robert L. Jones,

297, 300, 306.                                                                                 287-309, 385-418.

Flatboats, description of, 288.

Flour, flatboat cargo, 287, 287n, 288.

EARNEST     CHRISTIAN, published    articles                                 Foraker, Joseph B., 89, 178; elected dele-

against Freemasonry, 278.                                                            gate to national Republican   convention,

The Earth   Brought Forth: A    History  of                                        79; one of "Big 4," 80n; on Republican

Minnesota Agriculture to 1885, by Jarchow,                                state executive committee, 188, 188n.

rev., 205-207.                                                                                 Ford, Harvey S., ed., "The Diary of John

East  Cleveland,  O.,  California  company                                       Beatty, January-June 1884," 58-91, 165-195.

formed in, 260, 268.    Forest City Gymnasium, reception for John

Eaton, L. S., arrested for illegal disinterment,                                   L. Sullivan in, 129.

345.                                                                                                 Forest City House, Cleveland, O., hotel,

Eclectic Medical College of Cincinnati, char-                                  133, 135.

tered, 335; and body-snatching, 346.                                            Fort Defiance, American forces at, 246.

Ecuyer, Simeon, gave Indians blankets from                                    Fort Detroit, British  stronghold, 32, 34;

smallpox hospital, 30n.                                                                   Indians attacked, 33, 35, 36.

Edgell, Aaron, flatboatman, 300; identified,                                     Fort Henry, 40, 43.

300n.                                                                                               Fort Le Boeuf, fell to Indians, 32, 34.

Edmunds, George Franklin, in campaign of                                      Fort Massac, 254.

1884, 74, 181, 182; biographical note, 74n.                                  Fort Meigs, grave robbery at, 334.

Education, Negro, 59-60; Wm. Chambers                                        Fort Miamis, 245, 246, 254.

comments on Canadian and American, 142,                                Fort Michilimackinac, fell to Indians, 34.

143, 144-145, 147, 148; in Ohio, recent                                       Fort Pitt, Indian trade regulations, 29n; In-

publications on, 423-424.                                                               dians plan attack on, 32; withstood Indian

Edwards, David, elected president of National                                attack, 34, 35n.

Christian Association, 280.                                                            Fort Presqu' Isle, fell to Indians, 34.

Edwards, Linden             F., "Body Snatching in                               Fort Recovery, attack on, by Indians, 245;

Ohio   During              the Nineteenth   Century,"                         on Indian boundary line, 252.

329-351; book rev., 456-458.                                                        Fort Smith and Little Rock Railroad, land

Eel River Indians, at peace negotiations at                                       grant bill, 83.

Greene Ville, 250, 253n.                                                               Fort Venango, fell to Indians, 34.

Effler, Louis, cited, 334. Fort Wayne, erected, 246; site of, ceded

Eis, Father, Holy Cross Church, Columbus,                                       by Indians, 254.

searched for stolen body, 240.                                                      The Forty-Eighters: Political Refugees of the

Elizabeth  S. Prentiss National Award    in                                        German Revolution of 1848, ed. by Zucker,

Health Education, established, 383.                                              rev., 467-468.

Elyria, O., Forty-Niners from, 265.                                                   Forty-Niners, see Gold rush.

Emperor, steamboat, 386.                                                                  "Fossil Whig," 117.

Enterprise, steamboat, 264.                                                                Foster, Charles, 75, 76, 77; and John Beatty,

Erie Co., O., California company formed                                         58-59; supported by J. S. Brasee, 75; one

in, 264.                                                                                            of "Big   4,"  80n; appointments, 179n;

Eureka, sailing vessel, 266; route from Cleve-                                 on Republican state executive committee,

land to California, 265.                                                                  188, 188n.

Evansburg, O., Forty-Niners from, 264.                                            Fostoria,  ., 59.

Ewing, Charles, 185; biographical note, 185n.                                  Fox Indians, aroused by Pontiac, 30-31.

Ewing, Hugh Boyle, minister to Holland,                                          Franklin  California Mining  Company, or-

185; biographical note, 185n.                                                        ganization, 263.

Ewing, Thomas, 185n; Chase warned against,                                  Franklin  Co.,  ., Republican politics in,

117.                                                                                                69; delegation from, at state Republican

convention, 78; body snatching in, 335, 339,

FAIRCHILD, JAMES I-I., addressed Chris-                                    341-342.

tian organization, 280.                                                                   Franklin County Cemetery, body found in,

Fairfield Co., O., delegation from, at state                                        342.

Republican convention, 1884, 78.                                                 Free Church movement, Finney aided, 270.

Fallen Timbers, battle of, 249, 255, 426.                                           Free Methodist, published    articles against

Ferguson, Alfred R., "Charles Dickens in                                         Freemasonry, 278.

Ohio," 14-25.                                                                                  Freemasonry: "Finney's Fight Against the

Fiction, historical, Ohio, recent publications,                                     Masons," by Charles C. Cole, Jr., 270-286.

426.                                                                                                 Fremont, O., site of, ceded by Indians, 254.

Filler, Louis, ed., The New Stars: Life and                                          French, Edwin, body taken from    grave at

Labor in Old Missouri, rev., 220-221.                                           Willoughby, 344.

Financial panic, 1884, 166-167.

Financial panic, 1884, 1669167.               French government, Indian policy, 29, 31,

Finkel, Peter, 299, 307; identified, 299n.

Finney, Charles Grandison, and his fight                                           32.

against Freemasonry, 270-286; The Charc-                                  French  settlers, lands of, not ceded   to

ter, Claims and Practical Workings of                                           Indians, 254.

Freemasonry, summarized, 283.                                                   "From   Cincinnati's  Western                            Museum   to

"Finney's Fight Against the Masons,"    by                                         Cleveland's Health Museum,"                           by Bruno

Charles C. Cole, Jr., 270-286                                                         Gcbhard, 371-384.

Firestone, Dr. Leander, superintendent Cen-                                    Frost, E. D., rebel prisoner, 47, 54.

tral  Lunatic  Asylum, 85;   biographical                                      Funstom, C. D., elected delegate to national

note, 85n.                                                                                        Republican convention, 78.

474 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

474        Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly


GABRIEL, resurrectionist, see Morton, Charles                               Greene, R. C., president, California Club

O.                                                                                                     of Cincinnati, 259.

Gage, Thomas, 28n, 31n.                                                                    Greene Ville, O., treaty negotiations at,

Gallia Co., O., California company formed                                       248, 251.

in, 264.                                                                                             Griggs Hotel, Chicago, Ill., 179.

Gallipolis, O., 75n; California company left,                                      Groce,  Charles  C.,  elected  delegate  to

262.                                                                                                  national Republican convention, 78.

Gamelin, Antoine, peace mission to Indians                                      Grosvenor, Charles H., temporary chairman,

of Wabash and Maumee rivers, 241-242.                                     state Republican convention, 78.

Gann, O., body snatching incident at, 350.                                         Grundy, Dr. -      , superintendent Central

Garfield, James A., 73n; preservation    of                                        Lunatic Asylum, 85.

materials concerning, 162; and   political                                      Guide to the Burlington Archives in the

appointments, 183, 183n; and Blaine, 184;                                    Newberry Library, comp. by Jackson and

and bargain with W. Reid, 187.                                                     Curtis, rev., 325-326.

Gaskill, Sam, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.                                                 Guyashusta, see Kaiaghshota.

Gaver, E. S., Ohio Forty-Niner, 263n.                                                Guyashusta's War, 33.

Gebhard, Bruno, "From Cincinnati's West-

ern   Museum     to  Cleveland's   Health

Museum," 371-384.                                                                        HAGUE MISSION, applicants for, 184-185.

Geiger, Joe, related Corwin incident, 63.                                          Hains, W. R., 40.

Genealogy, Ohio, recent publications on,                                          Hall, Basil, 139.

424-425.                                                                                          Hall, Enos F., 75.

Geology, Ohio, recent publications on, 432.                                      Halsey, George Armstrong, 178, 178n.

George, Henry, influence on Tom   L. John-                                    Hamilton, Cornelius S., murder of, 72n.

son, 1, 3, 7, 12.                                                                                Hamilton, I. W., Beatty's estimate of, 85.

Georgia, steamboat, 267.                                                                   Hamilton Co., O., records destroyed by mob,

Germ theory of disease, advanced by J. H.                                       61, 62; California company formed in, 264.

Salisbury, 354, 357, 363, 370.                                                        Hammon, S. L., provost marshal 7th U.R.C.,

German Protestant Cemetery, Cincinnati, 0.,                                     46, 47.

body snatching in, 341.                                                                   Hammond, William A., founder Army Medi-

Germans, Sherman    popular with, 65; in                                         cal Museum, 380.

Cleveland, 143; in Cincinnati, 144.                                                Handerson, Henry A., 357.

Gettysburg, battle of, panorama, 180.                                                Hanna, Marcus A. [Mark], 179n, 181: Tom

Gilbert and Sullivan, Patience, popularized                                      L. Johnson business rival of, 1; delegate

Oscar Wilde, 130, 131.                                                                  to national Republican convention, 79; on

Gilliand, John, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.                                               Sherman  committee at convention, 179,

Gladden, Washington, 82: John       Beatty's                                      179n: on Republican state executive corn-

comments on, 66, 86; summary of sermon                                    mittee, 188, 188n.

of, 165; article by, criticized by Beatty,                                        Harington, Sir John, 380.

189, 191, 192-193, 194-195.                                                         Harmar, Josiah, expedition  against Miami

The Gladiator, played in Clevelanad, 129.                                        towns, 242.

137.                                                                                                Harmar, 0., 385, 385n; Forty-Niners from,

Glenville, Cleveland, 0., suburb, 366, 367,                                        268.

368.                                                                                                 Harpers, publishing firm, described by Wm.

Goddar, Henry, resurrectionist, 346.                                                 Chambers, 148.

Gold rush, California: "Buckeye Argonauts,"                                   Harris, Lovell, at national Republican con-

by Robert Thomas, 256-269.                                                         vention, 179.

Goodale Park, Columbus, O., 82.                                                       Harrisburg, O., body snatching in, 348.

Goodwin, Homer, 69.                                                                         Harrison, John Scott, body found in medi-

Gordon, W. J., 368.                                                                            cal laboratory, 347-348.

Gould, Jay, 187, 193n.                                                                        Harrison, William  Henry, 63, 347.

Gould, [Orin B.], supported Sherman, 89.                                         Harrison, William Henry, grandson of presi-

Government, see Politics and government.                                       dent, death of, 260, 261.

Graham, J. H. [L.], Jackson, Tenn., 40, 47.                                      Harrison Co., O., California company formed

Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, III., 179.                                           in, 264.

Grant, Ulysses S., 185; as broker, 88, 88n.                                        Hart, Alphonso, at national Republican con-

Grant & Ward, New York, suspended, 88,                                       vention, 181; biographical note, 181n.

88n; failure of, 166.                                                                       Harte, Bret, lectured in Clevelanad, 135.

Granville, O., Forty-Niners from, 264.                                             Harvey  Cushing: Surgeon, Author, Artist,

Great Britain, diplomatic   relations with,                                         by Thomson, rev., 456-458.

during Civil War, 115, 124-125; landed                                       Hascall, Milo Smith, 179; biographical note,

troops in Mexico, 123; withdrew    forces                                    179n.

from  Mexico, 126; education    in, com-                                     Hassaurek, Fred, elector at large in 1860,

pared with the U. S., 144-145; treaty with                                    89, 90n; biographical note, 90n.

the United States, May 12, 1784, 239.                                          Hatcher, Harlan H., The Western Reserve:

Great Miami River, 250, 252, 394; proposed                                    The Story of New    Connecticut in Ohio,

Indian boundary, 240.                                                                   rev., 215-216.

Great Revival, 286.                                                                            Hayes, Rutherford B., 73n, 76, 79, 171,

Great Western Sanitary Fair, 379.                                                    185, 186; opposition to, 76.

Grave robbery, see Body snatching.                                                 Hays, R. B., 40, 47.

Greeley, Horace, 90n; opinion on Corwin                                        Heald, Edward T., The Stark County Story,

appointment to Mexico quoted, 119; lec-                                     Vol. I, The Cities, Towns and Villages

tured in Cleveland, 135.                                                                of Stark County, Ohio, rev., 213-215.

Green, Howard Whipple, incorporator, Cleve-                               Hebron, O., Forty-Niners from, 264.

land Health Museum, 383.                                                            Heyl, Irwin, and body snatching, 345-346.

Green Creek, O., Forty-Niners from, 265.                                       Hill, Prescott, deck hand, 296n, 300.

Green Lawn Cemetery, Columbus, 0., 339,                                      Hilliard, Cap, arrested for illegal disinter-

343.                                                                                                ment, 345.

Index 475

Index                                     475


Hinman, Edward L., 66, 68, 174; interview                                           Iroquois Indians, 243; strength of Seneca

with Gov. Hoadly, 175.                                                                      in confederacy, 31: to attack British forts,

Hinman, Flora, 66.                                                                                  32.

"Historians and Their Helpers," by John                                               Iuka, battle of, Rosecrans at, 175.

Hall Stewart, 154-164.

"Historical News," 92-113, 196-203, 313-

323, 444-451.                                                                                     JACKSON, ELISABETH       COLEMAN, joint

History and historians: "Historians and Their                                        comp., Guide to the Burlington Archives in

Helpers," by John Hall Stewart, 154-164.                                         the Newberry Library, 1851-1901, rev., 325-

Hoadly, George, governor of Ohio, 171, 177;                                      326.

mobilized state militia, 60n; interview with                                       Jackson, J. C., 86.

Brinkerhoff, 172-173; and supreme court                                        Jacobs, Wilbur R., "Was the Pontiac Up-

bank case, 175-176: delegate to national                                         rising a Conspiracy?" 26-37.

Democratic convention, 194n.                                                          James Millingar, steamboat, Ohio passengers

Hoar, George Frisbie, 181, 181n; report on                                          on, 268-269.

political murders in Mississippi, 191.                                                James Wickes Taylor, "A                  Choice Nook of

Hobart, Harrison Carroll, visited with John                                           Memory;"   The Diary                      of a   Cincinnati

Beatty at Chicago, 180-181; biographical                                        Law Clerk, ed. by Dunn, rev., 452-453.

note, 181n.                                                                                         Jarchow, Merrill E., The Earth    Brought

Hocking Co., O., delegation from, at state                                            Forth: A History of Minnesota Agriculture

Republican convention, 1884, 78.                                                     to 1885, rev., 205-207.

Hocking Valley, coal schemes in, 71.                                                   Jarrell, Hampton M., Wade Hampton and the

Holden, Liberty E., 367, 368n.                                                               Negro: The Road Not Taken, rev., 208-

Homeopathic Medical College, Cleveland, and                                    210.

body snatching, 344.                                                                          Jefferson, Thomas, chairman of committee

Hone, Philip, Diary, quoted, 14, 15.                                                       for study of Indian boundary, 240; quoted,

Howe, Frederic C., 13: Confessions of a                                                243.

Reformer, quoted, 2.                                                                          Jefferson Co., O., California company formed

Huddleston, Jonathan, rebel prisoner, 54.                                             in, 264.

Hudson, John, body taken from    grave at                                            John Hancock, steamboat, California com-

Painesville, 335.                                                                                 pany embarked on, 263.

Hulbert, William  Davenport, White Pine                                             John Quincy Adams, steamboat, California

Days on the Taquamenon, rev., 326.                                                company sailed on, 261.

Hull, Thomas H., 382.                                                                            Johnson, Arthur C., commended by James B.

Hunter, Joseph, Ohio Forty-Niner, 263.                                                Conant, 231.

Huron Co., O., California company formed in,                                    Johnson, John, led Sandusky group to Cali-

264, 265, 267.                                                                                    fornia, 260.

Huron Indians, aroused by Pontiac, 30-31.                                           Johnson, John C., Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.

Hutchinson, James A., Ohio Forty-Niner,                                             Johnson, Oliver, acting editor of the In-

262.                                                                                                    dependent, and Finney, 275-276, 278n.

Hygiene expositions, 380-382.                                                              Johnson, Tom   L., as mayor of Cleveland,

Hyms, Rufus, resurrectionist, 346.                                                        1-13.

Johnson, Sir William, 28; Indian policy,

ICE, hazard to river traffic, 290, 389, 390,                                          30-31; received intelligence of Seneca plot,

391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398,                                            33; influence with Indians, 34.

399, 400, 401, 404, 405, 406, 407, 410,                                            Johnson, William  Wartenbee, criticized by

411, 412, 413.                                                                                    Brasee, 75; biographical note, 75n; and

Illinois, anti-Masonic movement in, 285.                                              supreme court bank case, 171.

Independence, O., Forty-Niners from, 265.                                         Jones, A. H., and Company, Ann Arbor,

Independent, series of articles by Finney                                             Mich., contracted for human bodies, 344.

Sublished in, 272-278, 281, 282.                                                       Jones, Daniel, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.

Independent Dispatch Company of Cincin-                                          Jones, Robert L., book rev., 205-207, ed.,

nati, embarked for California, 263.                                                  "Flatboating down the Ohio and Missis-

Indiana, Indian boundaries in, 254; cadavers                                      sippi,  1867-1873:  Correspondence                            and

for Ohio medical schools obtained from,                                         Diaries of the William    Dudley      Devol

351.                                                                                                    Family of Marietta, Ohio," 287-309, 385-

Indiana Authors and   Their Books, 1816-                                             418.

1916, by Banta, rev., 227-229.                                                         Jones, Samuel M., 13.

Indiana Politics During the Civil War, by                                             Jordan, Philip D., book rev., 207-208; ed.,

Stampp, rev., 106-108.                                                                      With Various Voices: Recordings of North

Indians and Indian wars: "Was the Pontiac                                          Star Life, rev., 463-465.

Uprising a Conspiracy?" by Wilbur R.                                             The Journals and Indian Paintings of George

Jacobs, 26-37; "Wayne's Peace with the                                          Winter, 1837.1839, rev., 221-224.

Indians of the Old Northwest, 1795," by                                          Juarez, Benito, 120; Thomas Corwin in sym-

Dwight L. Smith, 239-255; in Ohio, re-                                            pathy with government of, 123; Corwin

cent publications on, 426.                                                                 tries to aid, 124, 125, 126, 127.

Ingersoll, Robert, lectured in Cleveland, 135;

related story concerning Hayes and Blaine,

185-186; nominated Blaine for president,                                       KAIAGHSHOTA, Seneca chief, 33.

185n.                                                                                                 Kaskaskia Indians, signed Treaty of Greene

"Inferno Regions," see Dorfeuille's "Hell."                                          Ville, 253n.

Insects, Ohio, recent publications on, 433.                                          Kate Putnam, steamboat, 386, 389, 390, 400.

International Hygiene Expositions, Dresden,                                       Kautz, August V., disclaimed responsibility

381, 382.                                                                                           for mobbing of the Crisis, 152.

Invertebrates, Ohio, recent publications on,                                        Keelboatmen, 225.

433.                                                                                                   Keeth, Tennessee, body of, shipped to Cin-

Irish, immigrants in Cleveland, 143.                                                     cinnati, 351.

476 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

476       Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly


Keifer, J. Warren, 64, 183, 187; denounced,                                    Logan, John  Alexander, in  campaign  of

74; ignored by state Republican conven-                                      1884, 74; and railroad legislation, 83; as

tion, 80.                                                                                           Republican presidential possibility, 173.

Kennard House, Cleveland, Republican head-                                 Long, John Davis, governor of Massachusetts,

quarters, 77, 78.                                                                             181, 181n.

Kentucky, people in, hinder peace with In-                                      Lorain Co., O., California company formed

dians, 249; cadavers for Ohio    medical                                      in, 264; body snatching in, 340.

schools obtained from, 351.                                                           Loramie, O., site of, ceded by Indians, 254.

Keyashuta, see Kaiaghshota.                                                             Loramie's store, 250.

Kiasola, see Kaiaghshota.                                                                  Louisville, Ky., 413; rebel prisoners in, 44:

Kickapoo Indians, signed Treaty of Greene                                     military prison, 44; described, 45; number

Ville, 253n.                                                                                     of flatboats passing, 1849-1870, 287.

King, H. C., incorporator, Cleveland Health                                     Lucas Co., O., Forty-Niners from, 267.

Museum, 383.                                                                                 Luminary, steamboat, 301.

Kirk, William, murder of, 60n.                                                           Lynch, John R., temporary chairman, national

Kleinschmidt, Harry E., winner health edu-                                      Republican convention, 180, 180n.

cation award, 383.

Knox, Henry, secretary of war, quoted, 240-

241; instructions to St. Clair, 241-242; In-                                     McCLELLAN, GEORGE B., 175.

dian policy, 242, 250; letter quoted, 246;                                      McCullough, John, played  in  Cleveland,

and peace negotiations with the Indians,                                      129, 137.

249.                                                                                                 McDowell, Irvin, 187.

Koch, Robert, planned German hygiene ex-                                    McGrane, Reginald C., book rev., 452-453.

position, 381.                                                                                  Mcdlvaine, George W., judge, Ohio Supreme

Kurtz, C. L., 84, 179n; letter to Beatty                                               Court, 167, 171; biographical note, 167n;

quoted, 166; on Sherman committee at                                         wrote decision in bank case, 176n.

national Republican convention, 179, 179n.                                 McKenna, Zachariah, deck hand, 296; iden-

tified, 296n.

McKinley, William, 81; permanent chair-

LABOR, in Ohio, recent publications on, 426.                                  man, state   Republican  convention, 78;

Lake, Zaphna, leader Conneaut Argonauts,                                     enthusiasm for, 79, 80.

266.                                                                                                McWray, -      , Delaware, O., judge, 177.

Lake Shore Railroad, 133.                                                                 Mahan, Asa, and theory of prefectionism, 271.

Lancaster, William, 399; identified, 399n.                                        Mammals, Ohio, recent publications on, 433.

Lancaster, O., California company formed                                      Managers in Distress: The St. Louis Stage,

in, 263.                                                                                           1840-1844, by Carson, rev., 210-211.

Lancaster Seminary, subscriptions for, 374.                                     Maney, George, 182; biographical note, 182n.

Land cessions, Indian, 254.                                                               "Manifest Destiny," Thomas Corwin and,

The Land Lies Open, by Blegen, rev., 463-                                       115, 118, 125.

465.                                                                                                Manly, Robert, 86.

Langlois, Marina Holmes, joint author, South                                   March, Alden, professor, Albany Medical

Bass Island and Islanders, rev., 103-105.                                     College, 353.

Langlois, Thomas Huxley, joint author, South                                   Marietta, O., ship to be built in, 266; the

Bass Island and Islanders, rev., 103-105.                                     Devols part of society of, 418.

Lawrence, William, 193.                                                                   Marine National Bank, N. Y., suspended,

Lawrence, steamboat, 386.                                                                88; failure of, 166.

Lebanon, O., Dicken's visit to, 1842, 19;                                           Marshall, Alfred Spencer, 289, 289n, 290,

Thomas Corwin in, 116, 120.                                                        293, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304,

Lecturers, see Amusements.                                                              308, 387, 393, 398, 401, 404, 405, 415.

Lewis, Joseph Morgan, partner of J. H.                                            Marshall, Elijah, 417; identified, 417n.

Salisbury, 364, 365-366, 366n.                                                      Marshall, Nancy Stowe, "Nannie,"     (Mrs.

Libraries, in Cincinnati in 1843, 145.                                                Alfred S.), 291, 291n, 299, 415, 416.

Lincoln, Abraham, 151; and appointment of                                    Martin, Charles, 75.

Thomas Corwin as minister to Mexico,                                        Martin, John H., comp., List of Documents

115, 118, 119, 128; supported by Corwin,                                    Concerning  the Negotiation  of Ratified

116; Corwin as spokesman for, 118; and                                     Indian Treaties, 1801-1869, rev., 101-103.

diplomatic relations with Mexico, 123; con-                                Mary Huston, steamboat, 396.

sented to Corwin's withdrawal from Mexico,                               The Maryland Germans, by Cunz, rev., 108-

127.                                                                                                109.

Lincoln, Benjamin, Indian peace commis-                                       Masonic Monthly, and Finney, 279, 280, 281.

sioner, 244.                                                                                    Masons, see Freemasonry.

Lincoln, Robert Todd, 70; biographical note,                                   Massillon, Ohio, Forty-Niners in, 266.

70n.                                                                                                "Master of Life," Delaware Indian prophet,

Lincoln Club of Cincinnati, at Chicago con-                                     30-31.

vention, 179.                                                                                  Matthews, Stanley, appointment to U. S.

"Lincoln's Minister to Mexico," by J. Jeffery                                   Supreme Court, 187.

Auer, 115-128.                                                                              Maumee, O., Forty-Niners from, 267.

List of Documents Concerning the Negotia-                                      Maumee Indians, peace mission to, 243.

tion of Ratified Indian Treaties, 1801-1869,                                 Maumee River, 241, 246, 250, 252; proposed

comp. by Martin, rev., 101-103.                                                   Indian boundary, 240; Miami towns on,

Literature, Ohio, recent publications on, 427.                                  destroyed, 242.

Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad, Blaine                                      Mead, David, book rev., 210-211.

associated with, 71, 71n.                                                               Meat, sides of, flatboat cargo, 287, 298, 299,

Little Turtle, Miami chief, 242; at peace                                          302.

negotiations at Greene Ville, 252, 253.                                        Medary, Samuel, and the Copperhead move-

Local history, Ohio, recent publications on,                                     ment, 150-151; and the mobbing of The

427-428.                                                                                        Crisis, 151-153.

Index 477

Index                                     477


Medical College of Ohio, 374.                                                               Mulvany, Joseph W., Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.

Medical history, Ohio: "Body Snatching in                                            Municipal ownership, Tom     Johnson   ad-

Ohio During the Nineteenth Century," by                                         vocate of, 1, 3-6.

Linden F. Edwards, 329-351; "Dr. James                                         Muskingum   River, 242; products shipped

H. Salisbury and the Salisbury Diet," by                                            from, 287n, 393n; flatboatmen leave, 290,

Clyde L. Cummer, 352-370; "From     Cin-                                       391, 417.

cinnati's Western Museum  to Cleveland's                                        Mussey, [F. D.], son-in-law of Gov. Foster,

Health Museum," by Bruno Gebhard, 371-                                       59.

384; recent publications on, 429.                                                       Mutual Mining Association, Cincinnati, O.,

Medical schools, procurement of dissection                                          equipment, 264.

material for, 329-351.                                                                        Myers, Benjamin F., Ohio Forty-Niner, 267.

Medina Co., O., California companies formed                                     Myers, L. D., Columbus, O., postmaster,

in, 259, 264, 267.                                                                          82, 177; visited Sherman, 84, 85.

Meigs Co., O., California company formed

in, 263-264.

Memphis, El Paso, and Pacific Railroad, land

grant bill, 83.                                                                                      NATION (New York), opposition to Blaine,

Messenger, Ohio River boat, 16.                                                            71, 83.

Metcalf, W. V., rebel prisoner, 47.                                                        National Bank of Commerce, Cleveland, O.,

Methodist Episcopal Church, Cincinnati group                                      defalcation o  cashier, 188.

formed California company, 260; passed                                         National Christian Association, planned, 272

resolutions against secret societies, 272.                                           organ of, 282; annual meetings, 283, 284.

Metropolitan National Bank, New York, sus-                                       National Museum, see Smithsonian Institu-

pension of, 166, 167.                                                                          tion.

Mexico, diplomatic relations with, during                                              Native Forests of Cuyahoga County, Ohio,

Lincoln's administration, 115-128; France                                        by Williams, rev., 105-106.

and Great Britain hostile to, 125.                                                       Natural history, Ohio, recent publications

Miami Indians, to aid Seneca vs. British,                                               on, 429-433.

32; failure of peace mission to, 241-242;                                          Negro suffrage, 58, 70-71, 175n, 191, 192;

Harmar's expedition against, 242; Wayne's                                      in Ohio, 171n; Beatty's opinion on, 189,

preliminary treaty with, 248n; and Treaty                                        190.

of Greene Ville, 252-253n.                                                               Negroes, education of, 59-60; bodies of, used

Miami Medical College, and body snatching,                                        as dissection material, 346, 347, 350.

346, 348.                                                                                             Neil, Moses H., nominated for elector to

Miami River, Indians at rapids, 246.                                                      national Republican convention, 78.

Michigan, Indian boundaries in, 254.                                                     Neil House, Columbus, O., 58, 68, 176, 187,

Milan, O., Forty-Niners from, 265.                                                        188; Dickens at, 20, 22.

Miller, T. Ewing, on     Republican  state                                              Nettleton, Asahel, and Finney, 271.

executive committee, 188, 188n.                                                       New Lebanon, N. Y., Finney asked to lead

Millersburg, O., Forty-Niners from, 266.                                               revival in, 273.

Mills, Joshua, greeted Dickens in Cleveland,                                        New Orleans, La., California company em-

24.                                                                                                       barked from, 261; market for Ohio pro-

Mining companies, Ohio, for mining Cali-                                             duce, 287, 300.

forma gold, 259-268.                                                                         New   Philadelphia, O., body snatching in,

Mississippi River, as Indian boundary, 248;                                          349

flatboating on Ohio and, 287-309, 385-418.                                     The New  Stars: Life and Labor in Old

Mitchell, John G., and Hayes-Blaine affair,                                         Missouri, by Morgan, rev., 220-221.

185-186; biographical note, 185n.                                                    New York City, Wm. Chambers' criticisms

"The Mobbing of the Crisis," by Eugene                                               of, 145-146; exhibition in, 148; Chambers

H. Roseboom, 150-153.                                                                     urged to settle in, 149; bank failures in,

Mobs, Cincinnati, 1884, 60-62; Columbus,                                            166-167, 188; Republican compaign circu-

1863, 150-153.                                                                                   lars mailed from, 168; G. Cleveland un-

Mohawk Indians, loyal to British, 34.                                                    popular in, 193n; Finney aided Free Church

Monaghan, Jay, This Is Illinois; A    Pic-                                               movement in, 270; J. H. Salisbury in, 365.

tornal History, rev., 217-219.                                                            New York Post, charges made against Blaine

Monongabela, steamboat, 263.                                                              by 83.

Montieth, John, flatboatman, 385, 395, 398,                                          New York State Christian Association Op-

404; identified, 385n.                                                                         posed to Secret Societies, organized, 284.

Moody, Granville, story relating to, 90-91.                                           New York World's Fair, Hall of Man, health

Morey, Henry Lee, ignored by Republican                                          exhibits, 382.

convention, 80; biographical note, 80n.                                            Newark, O., Forty-Niners from, 264, 267-

Morgan, General, Mt. Vernon, 0., 177.                                                 268; body snatchers in, 345.

Morgan, Manie K., The New Stars: Life and                                         Newburg State Hospital for the Insane, J.

Labor in Old Missouri, rev., 220-221.                                               M. Lewis superintendent of, 365n.

Morgan, William, abduction, 270; murder,                                           Newspapers, numerous in America, 148; and

273.                                                                                                    the Copperhead movement, 150-153; Beatty's

Morrow, T. V., sued for illegal disinter-                                               comments on reading of, 170-171.

ment, 335.                                                                                          Nichol, T. M., 183.

Morrow Co., O., California company formed                                       Norman, W. B., organizer, California Club of

in, 264.                                                                                                Cincinnati, 259.

Morton, Charles 0., resurrectionist, 343-                                               North Bend, O., body snatching in, 347.

344, 346, 348.                                                                                    Northhampton, O., Forty-Niners from, 267.

Morton, Henry, resurrectionist, 344.                                                     Northern Ohio Fair Grounds, 367.

Mott, Daniel, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.                                                    Northern Pacific Railroad, Blaine and the,

Mound builders, J. H. and C. B. Salis-                                                   71, 83-84.

bury's report on, 369.                                                                         Nortbwoods Sketches, by Osborn and Osborn,

Mulligan, James, and Blaine, 71, 71n.                                                   rev., 460.

478 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

478        Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly


Northwest Territory, British to evacuate, 251-                                  Okey, John Waterman, and supreme court

252; peace negotiations with Indians in,                                        bank  case, 171, 173, 176; biographical

249.                                                                                                  note, 171n.

Nute, Grace Lee, Rainy River Country: A                                         "Old  Cunny,"   professional resurrectionist,

Brief History  of the Region    Bordering                                        339.

Minnesota and Ontario, rev., 463-466.                                          "Old Tom Is in the Field Again," Corwin

Nutting, Lyman, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.                                            campaign song, 116.

O'Neal, J. W., chairman, Republican state

central committee, 187.

Oneida Indians, objected to British forts, 31.

OAKLAND, towboat, 397, 410.                                                           Onions, flatboat cargo, 287n.

Oats, flatboat cargo, 287, 405.                                                            Orr, Thomas, rebel prisoner, 43-44.

Oberlin, 0., and   anti-Masonic movement,                                        "Oscar Wilde in Cleveland," by Francis X.

271-272, 280-281, 284, 285.                                                          Roellinger, Jr., 129-138.

Oberlin College, Finney at, 270.                                                         Osborn, Chase S., Northwoods Sketches, rev.,

Oglevee, John F., 69, 188.                                                                  460.

Ohio, favored Blaine in 1884, 64; politics                                          Osborn, George C., "A Confederate Prisoner

in, 166; in campaign of 1884, 193; Indian                                     at Camp Chase: Letters and a Diary of

boundaries in, 254.                                                                         Private James W. Anderson," 38-57.

Ohio, steamboat, steerage   accommodations                                    Osborn, Stellanova, Northwoods Sketches,

criticized, 268.                                                                                rev., 460.

The Ohio, by R. E. Banta, rev., 224-227.                                           Ottawa Indians, 30-31; at peace negotiations

Ohio Academy of History, minutes of meet-                                     at Greene Ville, 250, 253n.

ing, April 21, 1950, 310-312; Committee on                                  Otto, D. H., rebel prisoner, 47.

Publications, Report for 1949, 438-443.                                        Our German Senator, played in Cleveland,

Ohio Archaeological Society, founded, 171n.                                   129.

Ohio Board of Public Works, 79.                                                       Overman, William   D., book rev., 325-326.

Ohio Cavalry, 2nd regiment in Crisis mob,

152, 153.

Ohio City, Forty-Niners from, 265, 268.                                            PACIFIC HOTEL, Chicago, 180, 184.

Ohio   Constitution, 1852, banking  powers                                        Painesville, O., California company left, 262,

under, 85-86; amendment to permit Negro                                   265.

suffrage proposed by Boynton, 171n.                                           Painesville Mining Company, left for Cali-

Ohio Constitutional Convention, 1852, bank-                                    fornia, 262.

ing power struggle in, 86.                                                              Palmer, Joseph, 60n.

Ohio General Assembly, anatomy acts passed                                  Palmer Hotel, Chicago, 111., 179.

by, 329, 334.                                                                                   Papworth, J. B., planned model city near

Ohio Medical College, and body snatching,                                      Cincinnati, 379.

341, 347-348, 350.                                                                         Parkes, Edmund Alexander, 380.

Ohio National Guard, and Cincinnati riot,                                         Parkman, Francis, thesis regarding Pontiac

1884, 60-62.                                                                                   as organizer of conspiracy in   1763, de-

Ohio Penitentiary, cemetery used by resurrec.                                 fended, 26, 33; questioned, 28; as his-

tionists, 332.                                                                                    torian, 156.

Ohio River, 32, 249, 250, 252, 254, 300n;                                         Patience, opera by   Gilbert and  Sullivan,

Chas. Dickens and party on, 16; as In-                                         Clevelanders familiar with, 130, 131, 132.

dian boundary, 244; flatboating on Mis-                                       Paul, Carey, 177.

sissippi and, 287-309, 385-418.                                                     Paupers, bodies of, taken for dissection, 338.

Ohio Secretary of State, candidates for, in                                       Pawnee   Indians, boy   chief, played  with

1884, 69.                                                                                        Buffalo Bill in Cleveland, 129.

Ohio State Agricultural Report, 1863, study                                     Payne, Henry P., 171.

by J. H. Salisbury published as, 354.                                             "Peace of Mad Anthony," see Treaty of

Ohio   State Archaeological and   Historical                                    Greene Ville.

Society, presidents of, 171n; text of ad-                                       Pearson, J. M., rebel prisoner, 54n.

dress of James B. Conant at sixty-fifth                                         Pearson, John E., rebel prisoner, 54n.

annual meeting, 231-238.                                                              Pease, Theodore C., The Story of Illinois,

Ohio State Board of Equalization, and Cleve-                                  rev., 217-218.

land railroad case, 8.                                                                     Peck, Daniel, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.

Ohio State Journal, and the mobbing of the                                      Peckham, Howard      H., Pontiac   and  the

Crisis, quoted, 151-152, 153; Beatty and                                      Indian Uprising, 27, 28, 35, 37.

Gladden controversy in, 189, 194-195.                                        Penn Bank, Pittsburgh, Pa., failure of, 188.

Ohio State University, 332.                                                                Peoria, Ill., site of, ceded by Indians, 254.

Ohio  Statesman, Democratic party    organ,                                   Pepper, [William], 354.

150; presses not destroyed by mob, 151;                                      Perkins, C. N., rebel prisoner, 47.

account of mobbing of the office of the                                       Phelps, William  Walter, defense of J. G.

Crisis, quoted, 152.                                                                        Blaine, 82-84; biographical note, 82n.

Ohio   Supreme Court, 67; and     Cleveland                                     Philadelphia, steamboat, 268.

railroad case, 8; and Pond law, 75, 75n;                                      Piankashaw Indians, signed Treaty of Greene

and Scott law, 76-77; bank case, 1884,                                        Ville, 253n.

pending in, 85, 87-88, 166, 171-173, 175-                                    Pickaway Co., O., delegation from, state Re-

176n; judges of, 171n, 179n; appointments,                                 publican convention, 78.

187n.                                                                                              Pickering, Timothy, Indian peace commis-

Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 3d, 185n; 23d,                                          sioner, 244; instructions to Wayne, 249-

J. M. Comly in command of, 79n; 43d,                                         250; draft of peace treaty, 252n.

J. M. Comly resigned commission in, 79n;                                   Pickett, John, Confederate envoy to Mexico,

101st, G. E. Seney served in, 64n; 142d,                                     120-121, 123, 127.

W. C. Cooper, colonel of, 179n.                                                   Piqua, O., California company formed in,

,Ohio Wesleyan University, 193.                                                       266.

Index 479

Index                                      479


Piracy, literary, in America, 146-147.                                                  Randolph, Beverly, Indian   peace commis-

Pittsburgh, Pa., convention  of "Christian                                              sioner, 244.

men" in, 280.                                                                                      Reading rooms, in Cincinnati in 1843, 145.

Plain City, O., body snatchers at, 332.                                                   Reformed   Presbyterian,  published  articles

Plants, Ohio, recent publication on, 433.                                               against Freemasonry, 278.

Platt, Laura, niece of R. B. Hayes, 185.                                                Reid, Whitelaw, and bargain with Garfield,

Platt, Thomas C., 183.    187.

Poindexter, James Preston, Beatty's comments                                     Religion, in Ohio, recent publications on.

on candidacy of, 71-72; selected as mem-                                       434-435.

ber of Republican state executive commit-                                      Religious Telescope, published articles against

tee, 188.                                                                                             Freemasonry, 278; open to Finney, 281-

Politics and government: "The Diary      of                                           282.

John Beatty, JanuaryJune 1884," ed. by                                           Reptiles, Ohio, recent publications on, 432.

Harvey  S. Ford, 58-91, 165-195; "Lin-                                            Republican party and Republicans, 182-183;

coin's Minister to Mexico," by J. Jeffery                                          Tom   Johnson and, 10; in campaign of

Auer, 115-128; in Ohio, "Tom    L. John-                                         1884, 67, 68, 72, 74n, 168, 186; national

son," by Robert H. Bremner, 1-13; recent                                        conventions, of 1876, 185; of 1880, 187; of

publications on, 434.  1884, 68-69, 168-169, 173, 178-179, 182;

Pollock, William  G., Cleveland, O., sports-                                         state convention of 1884, 58-59, 68, 69,

man, 368.                                                                                           77-82; Tom  Corwin campaigned for, 116-

Pomeroy, Earl S., book revs., 211-213, 458-                                        117; Ohio delegation to national conven-

459.                                                                                                    tion, 1884, 178, 179, 180n, 182; Ohio state

Pond law, 75, 75n.          central committee meeting, 187; favored

Pondiac, see Pontiac, Ottawa chief.                                                      free political action, 195.

Pontiac, Ottawa chief, organizer, Indian War                                     Resurrection  and resurrectionists, see Body

of 1763, 26-37.                                                                                  snatching.

Pony Wagon Town, Along U. S. 1890 by                                               Revivals, religious, Charles Finney and, 270.

Riker, rev., 204-205. Rhees, Morgan J., advice to Wayne con-

Pork, flatboat cargo, 287, 288, 301, 305.                                               cerning peace, 250-251.

Portages, ceded by Indians, 254.                                                           Rich Mountain, battle of, Rosecrans hero

Potatoes, flatboat cargo, 287, 287n, 288, 293,                                      of, 175.

297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308,                                    Richfield, O., Forty-Niners from, 267.

387, 390, 391, 392, 395, 396, 400, 402, 403,                                    Richland  Co., O., mining  company  left,

405, 407, 411, 416, 417.                                                                    267.

Potawatomi Indians, Wayne's     preliminary                                        Richmond, steamboat, 304.

treaty with, 248n; chief of, quoted, 252;                                           Rigney, Eugene D., book rev., 213-215.

signed Treaty of Greene Ville, 253n.                                               River pilots, 291, 303, 307.

Potter, Dr.       , superintendent, Central                                                Robertson, Blaine urged Garfield to appoint

Lunatic Asylum, 85.  as collector, 183.

Potter's fields, as source of cadavers for dis-                                       Robinson, Charles, flatboatman, 388.

section, 331, 332, 342, 343, 346.                                                       Robinson, Howard, The British Post Office,

Powers, Hiram, created    wax   figures for                                          rev., 111-113.

Western Museum, 377.                                                                     Robinson, James Sidney, nominated for sec-

The Prairie Waif, drama, played in Cleve-                                            retary of state, 79, 177; biographical note,

land, 129.                                                                                           79n.

Prentiss, Elisabeth  S., home given  Cleve-                                            Rodabaugh, James H., book revs., 215-216,

land Health Museum, 383.                                                                462-463; "Minutes of the Ohio Academy of

Presqu' Isle, Indians plan attack on, 32.                                                History, Deshler-Wallick Hotel, Columbus,

Presbyterian Church, and Finney, 270; passed                                     Ohio, April 21, 1950," 310-312.

resolutions against secret societies, 272,                                          Roellinger, Francis X., Jr., "Oscar Wilde

286.                                                                                                    in Cleveland," 129-138.

Price, Robert, book rev., 460.                                                                Rogers, L. M., secretary, California Club of

Prisons, Tennessee penitentiary, 44; Louis-                                          Cincinnati, 259.

ville military, 45; Camp Chase, 45-57.                                              Rogers, William K., 186; note on character,

Proctor, Thomas, peace mission to Indians,                                          186n.

243.                                                                                                    Roll, John L., body taken from grave, 349.

Public utilities, municipal ownership of, 1,                                            Roosevelt, Theodore, John Beatty's estimate

3-6.                                                                                                     of, 180-181.

Publishers, in Cincinnati in 1843, 145.                                                   Roseboom, Eugene H., "The Mobbing of the

Pusey, William               H., 382.                                                           Crisis," 150-153; book revs., 463-467.

Putnam, George             W., secretary   to  Chas.                                 Rosecrans, William Starke, and Delaware Co.,

Dickens, 16, 19, 23, 24.                                                                     175-177; war   record,  175; biographical

Putnam, Lewis J. P., 299, 409, 414, 416;                                               note, 175n.

identified, 299n.                                                                                 Routzahn, Evart, winner health    education

Putnam,   Rufus,  quoted,  242;  negotiated                                           award, 383.

peace treaty with Indians, 244.                                                         Routzahn, Mary, winner health     education

"Putnam    community," flatboatmen   from,                                         award, 383.

298n, 418.                                                                                          Rowsburg, O., Forty-Niners from, 266.

Rudolph, Daniel, grave disturbed, 349.

QUAIFE, MILO M., book rev., 326.             Rutter, Dr.        , superintendent, Central

Lunatic Asylum, 85.

RAGATZ, LOWELL, book rev., 461-462.

Railways,   street,  Cleveland,   Johnson's                                             SABBATH OBSERVANCE, John Beatty on,

struggle with companies owning, 3, 11, 12.                                      67, 174; and Columbus company of Forty-

Rainy River Country: A Brief History of the                                         Niners, 261.

Region Bordering Minnesota and Ontario,                                       Salisbury, Charles  B., archaeological re-

by Nute, rev., 463-466.                                                                     search, 369.

480 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

480        Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly


Salisbury, James H., birth and early educa-                                     pointment on Hague Mission, 185.

tion, 352; medical training, 352-353; teach-                                 Sherman House, Chicago, Ill., 179, 184.

ing career, 353; scientific investigations and                               Shoemaker, Floyd C., book rev., 220-221.

publications, 353-358; dietetic theory, 358-                                 Simcoe, John Graves, 246, 247.

366, 369-370: residence, 352, 365-368, 370:                               Simpson,  Matthew,   Methodist   Episcopal

cultural interests, 369.                                                                   bishop, 193.

Salisbury, Lucretia (Babcock), 352.                                                 Sioux Indians, Pontiac sent ambassadors to,

Salisbury, Nathan, 352.                                                                      33; princess, played with Buffalo Bill in

Salisbury, Trafford B., 365.                                                               Cleveland, 129.

Salisbury steak, 369-370.                                                                   Six Nations, see Iroquois Indians.

Salt, flatboat cargo, 393n.                                                                  Slack, Elijah, 374.

St. Clair, Arthur, 249; expedition  against                                         Slavery, Tom Corwin and, 116; Wi. Chan-

Indians, 243-244; attempted peace negotia-                                bers' attitude on, 146; John Beatty's atti-

tions with the Indians, 241-242; instructed                                   tude on, 190.

to relax vigilance, 248.                                                                  Smalley, Donald, ed., Domestic Manners of

St.  Clairsville,  O.,  California  company,                                        the Americans, by Prances M. Trollope,

members of, 262.                                                                           rev., 207-208.

St. Francis Hospital, Columbus, 0., 340.                                            Smallpox epidemic, Louisville, 1873, 413.

St. Joseph, Mo., companies of Ohio Forty-                                       Smith, Amor, on     Sherman  committee  at

Niners in, 265.                                                                               Chicago convention, 179, 179n.

Sandusky, 0., 254; Dickens at, 22, 23;                                               Smith, Dwight L., book revs., 101-103, 221-

criticized by Dickens, 23; Wi. Chambers                                     224, 327-328; "Wayne's Peace with the

at, 143; company left for California, 260,                                    Indians of the Old Northwest, 1795," 239-

265; California company organized in, 264.                                255.

Satan, river steamer, 43.                                                                    Smith, Gerrit, honorary president, National

Sauk  Indians, Wayne's preliminary   treaty                                     Christian Association, 284.

with, 248n.                                                                                     Smith, John Gregory, of Vermont, at na-

Schenck, Robert C., Chase warned against,                                     tional Republican convention, 181; rail-

117.                                                                                                road president and governor, 181n.

Schenk, Lt. J. F., commander, Ohio, 268.                                         Smith, Lewis, body taken from     grave in

Schurz, Carl, at national Republican conven-                                  North Columbus, 343.

tion, 182; biographical note, 182n.                                                Smith, S. Winifred, comp., "A    Survey of

"Science and the American Tradition," by                                       Publications in Ohio History, Archaeology,

James B. Conant, 231-238.                                                            and  Natural History, August 1949-July

Scotch  immigrants, number in    Cincinnati,                                     1950," 419-437.

144.                                                                                                Smithsonian Institution, establishment, 379.

Scott, Charles, expedition against Wea In-                                       Smythe, A. E., published Beatty's lecture,

dians, 243.                                                                                      66.

Scott law, W. H. West champion of, 76;                                           South Bass Island and Islanders, by Langlois

historical note on, 76n.                                                                  and Langlois, rev., 103-105.

Second National Bank, New York, suspen-                                     Spring  Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, body

sion of, 166, 167.                                                                           snatching in, 346.

Secret societies, opposition to, 270-286.                                           Spuhler, J. N., book rev., 103-105.

Seneca Co., O., California company formed                                    Stacy, Joel Elliott, "Lett," flatboatman, 297,

in, 264.                                                                                           298, 298n, 300; identified, 297n.

Seneca Indians, strength and influence, 31;                                     Stacy, Miles A., flatboatman, 290, 299, 308;

planned attack on British, 32, 33, 34; and                                     identified, 290n.

Pontiac, 36; favored peace, 243.                                                  Stampp, Kenneth M., Indiana Politics During

Seney, George Ebbert, 64; biographical note,                                  the Civil War, rev., 106.108.

64n.                                                                                                Stanton, Edwin M., Chase warned against,

Seward, William H., 123; approved Corwin's                                   117.

appointment as Mexican minister, 119; gave                               Stark Co., O., Forty-Niners from, 266.

Corwin diplomatic instructions, 120; pre-                                     Stark County Story, Vol. I, rev., 213-215.

sented Corwin's treaty to senate, 125; con-                                  Starling Medical College, and body snatch-

sented  to   Corwin's  withdrawal   from                                       ing, 340, 346.

Mexico, 127.                                                                                  State militia, see Ohio National Guard.

Shakers, preservation of historical materials Steamboats, see names of boats.

on, 162.

Shanks, John Peter Cleaver, of Indiana, 178,                                   Steel, Clemet S., Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.

178n.                                                                                              Sterling, Elisha, 368.

Shannon, William, Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.                                       Steubenville, O., California company left,

Shannon, Wilson, leader, St. Clairsville Cali-                                   262.

fornia company, 262.                                                                    Steubenville mining company, equipment, 264.

Shauck, John A., supported Beatty, 72; bio-                                     Stewart, John Hall, "Historians and Their

graphical note, 72n.                                                                       Helpers," 154-164.

Shawnee Indians, to aid Seneca vs. British,                                      Stone, Jonathan  Franklin, 300; identified,

32; massacred settlers at Big Bottom, 242;                                   300n.

Wayne's preliminary   treaty  with, 248n;                                    Stone River, battle of, Rosecrans at, 175.

signed Treaty of Greene Ville, 253n.                                           Storm, Joseph, leader, Delaware mining con-

Shera, J. I-I., book: rev., 217-219.

Sheridan, John, Sr., grave disturbed, 340                                          pany, 267.

Sherman, John, supported by John Beatty                                         The Story of Illinois, by Pease, rev., 217-218.

58; in campaign of 1884, 64, 65, 70, 74                                        Stowe, James Smith, flatboatman, 289, 294n,

76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 89;                                            415.

supported by J. 5M. Comly, 79; in political                                   Stowe, Pitnam Lyman, flatboat owner, 287n,

campaign of 1884, 165, 168, 169, 177, 178,                                 289n.

179, 182; urged Beatty to attend Chicago                                    Streeter, S. W., sermon on dissection quoted,

convention, 173; urged Brinkerhoff's ap-                                     336-337.

Index 481

Index                                     481


Stuart, Elma, book on Salisbury treatment,                                          Transportation: "Flatboating Down the Ohio

363-364.                                                                                           and Mississippi, 1867-1873: Correspondence

Sturgiss, J. W., 403, 406, 414; identified,                                             and Diaries of the William Dudley Devol

403n.                                                                                                 Family of Marietta, Ohio," ed. by Robert

Success, John Beatty's philosophy of, 169-                                          L. Jones, 287-309, 385-418; in Ohio, recent

170.                                                                                                   publications on, 435-436.

Sugar Grove, O., body snatching in, 349.                                            Travel and description: "Charles Dickens in

Suggs, D. W., 40, 43.                                                                            Ohio," by Alfred R. Ferguson; "William

Sullivan, John L., 132, 133; reception in                                              Chambers in America, 1853," by W. H.

Cleveland for, 129.                                                                          G. Armytage, 139-149; in Ohio, recent

Summit Co., O., Forty-Niners from, 266,                                            publications on, 436.

267.                                                                                                   Treaties, Indian, 1784-89, 240, 240n.

Supreme Court Commission, members of, 75.                                     Treaty of Fort Finney, 240n, 249.

"A Survey of Publications in Ohio History,                                         Treaty of Fort Harmar, 240n, 249, 252; as

Archaeology, and Natural History, August                                    basis for negotiations at Greene Ville, 247,

1949-July 1950," comp. by S. Winifred                                         251.

Smith, 419-437.                                                                                Treaty of Fort McIntosh, 240n, 249.

Susquehanna Indians, to attack British, 32.                                         Treaty of Fort Stanwix, 240n.

Swan, Joseph R., 65-66.                                                                       Treaty of Greene Ville, 239, 247-255; signed,

Syren, tugboat, 397, 398, 415.                                                             253; terms, 253-254; significance, 255.

Treaty of Paris, 1783, 251, 255.

Trescott, Samuel C., letter to cousin, quoted,


TAFT, WILLIAM     HOWARD, pressed suit                                   Trinity  Episcopal Church, Columbus, O.,

against T. C. Campbell, 60n.                                                           John Beatty attended lecture at, 174.

Talmage, T. DeWitt, lectured at Cleveland                                        Trollope, Frances M., 17, 139; Doestic

129.                                                                                                 Manners of the Americans, ed. by Smalley,

Tappan, Lewis, letter to Finney, quoted,                                            rev., 207-208; quoted, 377.

276, 278.                                                                                          'rrollope, Tom, quoted, 377.

Tax reform, Tom Johnson and, 6-9.                                                   Trumbull Co., O., 181n; California company

Tayler plan, Cleveland street railway agree-                                    formed in, 263, 264, 265.

ment, 6.                                                                                            Tugboats, 290, 386, 393, 394, 395, 397.

Taylor, Beverly, family of, murdered and                                         Tullahoma, battle of, Rosecrans at, 175.

bodies taken for dissection, 350.                                                    upper, Dr. C. E., 85.

Taylor, James Wickes, "A Choice Nook of                                         tlurney, Joseph, 177, 177n.

Memory": The Diary of a Cincinnati Law                                      Tyner, James Nobel, of Indiana, 178, 178n.

Clerk, 1842-1844, ed. by Dunn, rev., 452-


Taylor, Lester, incorporator, Cleveland Health

Muiseum, 383.                                                                                UNION BANK OF MARIETTA, 386, 389.

Teedyuscung, Delaware sachem, 35n.                                              Union Cemetery, Columbus, 0., body snatch-

Temperance, John Beatty on, 174-175; favored                               ing in, 341.

by Columbus company     of Forty-Niners,                                    Union Church graveyard, Franklin Co., body

261.                                                                                                 snatching in, 339.

Temperance  movement, National Christian                                     Union party, see Republican party.

Association and, 284; Charles Finney and,                                    United Brethern Church, see Church of the

270.                                                                                                 United Brethren.

The Territorial Papers of the United  ates,                                         Und    States Supreme Court, and negro

cd. by Carter, Vol. XIV, rev., 211-213;                                        suirtage, 70.

Vol. XVII, rev., 458-459.                                                              University of Michigan, and body snatching,

Thayer, Proctor, tried for illegal disinter.                                          348     o

sent, 338-339.ckens at, 23.

This Is Illinois; A  Pictorial History, byndu              ,   , Dickens at,23.

Monaghan, rev., 217-219.                                                             Upson, William H., at national Republican

Thomas, Katharine Garford, Auntie Kate:                                        convention, 179; biographical note, 179n.

Her Journey Through Ninety Years, rev.,                                     The Utopian Communist: A     Biography of

324-325.                                                                                         Wlilhelm  Weitling, Nineteenth-Century Re-

Thomas, Robert, "Buckeye Argonauts," 256-                                    former, by Wittke, rev., 453-456.


Thomson, Elizabeth H., Harvey Cushing:

Surgeon, Author, Artist, rev., 456-458.

Thumb, Tom, appeared in Cleveland, 135.                                       VALLAN4DIGHAM, CLEMENT L., hated by

Thurman, Allen G., as presidential possi-                                         Unionists, 150.

bility, 193.                                                                                       Van Dyke, Walter, Ohio Forty-Niner, 265.

Tiffin, O., Dickens at, 22, 23.                                                            Van Horn, Burt, of New York state, 178,

Tilton, Theodore, editor of the Independent,                                    178n.

and Finney, 276, 277.                                                                    Vegetation, see Plants.

Todd, Wingate T., 383.                                                                      Vales, --   , shot as Confederate prisoner,

Toledo, 0., site of, ceded by Indians, 254;                                         40.

body snatching in, 343-344.                                                          Veniable, William H., Beginnings of Literary

"Tom L. Johnson," by Robert H. Bremner,                                       Culture in the Ohio Valley: Historical and

1-13To   coin, in   , 36                                                                   Biographical Sketches, rev., 462-463.

Torpedo coffin, inventor, 346.                                                          Venango, Indians plan attack on, 32.

Traders, British, property destroyed, 246.                                        Venango, Indians plan attac  on, 32.

Trading posts, ceded by Indians, 254.                                               Vincennes, Ind., U. S. kept claim to, 254.

Transeau, Edgar N., book rev., 105-106.                                         Vcglegesang,  [Leo?], Columbus, wounded

"Transparent Man," first shown at Dresden,                                    in Cincinnati riot, 62.

382.                                                                                                Volwiler, Albert T., book rev., 106-108.

482 Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly

482       Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly


WABASH INDIANS, 244: peace mission to,                                   Whig party and Whigs, Tom      Corwin as,

243.                                                                                                 63n, 116, 125: former, 117: discredit Polk,

Wade Hampton and the Negro: The Road                                         119, 119n.

Not Taken, by Jarrell, rev., 208-210.                                             White Pine Days on the Taquamenon, by

"Wagon Boy of Ohio," see Corwin, Thomas.                                    Hulbert, rev., 326.

Waite, Frederick C., 333, 351.                                                           Whitlock, Brand, 13; "The Gold Brick,"

Walcutt, Charles C., on state Republican                                           quoted, 2.

executive committee, 188n.                                                           Whittlesey, Charles C., 368.

Walker, Timothy, host to Chas. Dickens, 18.                                     Wilde, Oscar, in Cleveland in 1882, 129-

"Walnut Hill," farm home of W. D. Devol,                                       138.

289, 299, 305, 306, 308, 405, 409, 414,                                         Wildwood, steamboat, 387.

415, 418.                                                                                         Wilkinson, James, expedition against Wea

Warner, Landon, book rev., 224-227.                                               Indians, 243.

Warren Co., O., Corwin represented, in state                                   "William  Chambers in America, 1853," by

legislature, 116.                                                                              W. H. G. Armytage, 139-149.

Wars, Ohio in the, recent publications on,                                         William  L. Clements Library, papers re-

433.                                                                                                 lating to Indian war of 1763 in, 28.

"Was the Pontiac Uprising a Conspiracy?"                                       Williams, Arthur B., The Native Forests of

by Wilbur R. Jacobs, 26-37.                                                          Cuyahoga County, Ohio, rev., 105-106.

Washington, George, 241; suggested Indian                                     Williams, Eddie, 306, 409; identified, 306n.

boundary, 240.                                                                               Williams, Gus, comedian, played in Cleve-

Washington Co., 0., flatboatmen in, 288,                                           land, 129.

294n; Forty-Niners in, 268; decline of                                          Williamson, Samuel, 368.

flatboating from, 418.                                                                    Willoughby, O., Forty-Niners from, 265;

Waterloo, fairfield Co., O., body snatching                                       medical college mobbed, 335; body snatch-

in, 349.                                                                                            ing in, 344.

Wayne, Anthony, campaign against Indians                                     Willoughby University of Lake Erie, and

of Old   Northwest, 239, 244-246; and                                          body snatching, 335.

Treaty of Greene Ville, 247-253.                                                 Wilson, George W., Ohio Forty-Niner, 262.

Wayne Co., O., Forty-Niners from, 266-267.                                   Wilson, James Falconer, 67; biographical

Wayne Hotel, Sandusky, O., Dickens stopped                                  note, 67n; speech of, 70.

at, 23.                                                                                              Windsor Club, Cleveland, O., Oscar Wilde

"Wayne's Peace with the Indians of the Old                                     entertained at, 137.

Northwest, 1795," by Dwight L. Smith,                                        Winnebago Indians, chiefs, played with Buf-

239-255.                                                                                         falo Bill in Cleveland, 129.

Wea Indians, military expeditions against,                                        Winslow, C. E. A., 381, 383.

243; signed Treaty of Greene Ville, 253n.                                   Winsor, Quincy J., assistant to J. H. Salis-

Weather, Ohio, 53; in Columbus, in 1864,                                         bury, 366.

46, 48, 50, 51, 52-53; in 1884, 88, 189;                                         Winter, George, The Journals and Indian

along Ohio and Mississippi rivers, 1867-73,                                 Paintings of George Winter, 1837-1839,

290, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296, 302, 303, 304,                                rev., 221-224.

386, 388, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396,                                        Wissler, Clark, The American Indian: An In-

397, 398, 400, 403, 407, 408, 412, 416,                                        troduction to the Anthropology of the New

417.                                                                                                 World, rev., 327-328.

Webb, Lieut. Col.        , organized Cali-                                            With Various Voices: Recordings of North

fornia company, 260, 261.                                                            Star Life, ed. by Blegen and Jordan, rev.,

Weber, Gustave C. E., 359.                                                               463-465.

Weisenburger, Francis P., book revs., 108-                                      Wittke, Carl, The Utopian Communist: A

111, 468.                                                                                        Biography of Wilhelm    Weitling, Nine-

Wellsville, O., California company formed                                      teenth-Century Reformer, rev., 453-456.

in, 259; California company left, 262, 267.                                   Wolcott, Simon P., state senator, 69.

Weltz, Lee, called on John Beatty, 81; bio-                                      Wolves, in Delaware Co., 176.

graphical note, 81n.                                                                       Wood, Thomas J., at Chickamauga, 175.

Wesley Chapel Cemetery, Columbus, body                                      Wood, F. W., 62.

snatching in, 342.                                                                           Woodburn, [Robert L.], Marysville, 0., 177.

Wessen, Ernest J., book rev., 227-229.                                             Woodlawn Cemetery, Cleveland, body snatch-

West, Henry Clay, flatboatman, 414; iden-                                       ing in, 338.

tified, 414n.                                                                                    Woodring, Warner F., book rev., 111-113.

West, William H., delegate at large to na-                                        Wooster, O., Forty-Niners from, 265, 266-

tional Republican convention, 76-77, 79,                                     267,

80, 81; biographical note, 76n.                                                      Worthington, O., "resurrection   riot"  in,

Western Academy of Natural Science, Cin-                                    334-335.

cinnati,  offered  holdings  of  Western                                        Worthington Reformed Medical College, and

Museum, 378.                                                                                 body snatching, 334-335.

Western  Mining   Company   of Cincinnati,                                     Wyandot    Co.,  O.,  California  company

equipment, 264.                                                                             formed in, 264.

Western Museum, Cincinnati, 0., 371-379.                                       Wyandot Indians, 246; chief of, quoted, 253;

Western Museum Society, 375.                                                         signed Treaty of Greene Ville, 253, 253n;

Western Reserve, Crisis rioters were men                                        peace delegation to Wayne, Nov. 3, 1794,

from, 152.                                                                                      247.

Western Reserve Historical Society, officers                                   Wyandot Indian  Reservation, Dickens at,.

in 1876, 368; Lake County Chapter, ad-                                       23.

dress before, published, 154n.

The IVestern Reserve: The Story of New                                          ZANESVILLE, O., California companies left,

Connecticut in  Ohio, by Hatcher, rev.,                                        264, 265; body snatching in, 333, 344, 345.

215-216.                                                                                         Zucker, A. E., ed., The Forty-Eigbters:

Western Tract and Book Society, published                                     Political Refugees of the German Revolu-

book by Finney, 282-283.                                                              tion of 1848, rev., 467-468.