Ohio History Journal







ABOLITIONISM, at Oberlin, 87

Abraham Lincoln, by Ehrgott, For-

briger & Co., 413; illustration, 412

Abraham Lincoln, Late President of

the U.S. Assassinated April 14th,

1865, by Gibson & Co., 413-414, 417; il-

lustration, 413

Abraham Lincoln Writing the Eman-

cipation Proclamation, by David

Gilmour Blythe, 404-406; illustra-

tions, cover Autumn 1980/Number 4,


Adams, Charles Frances, Jr., 381

Adams, Henry, 381

Admission Age Quartiles (1859-79),

Ohio Reform Farm, table, 289

Aesculapius, 232

Age of Jackson, The, by Arthur M.

Schlesinger, 56, 56n.39

Agricultural experiments, Ohio Reform

Farm, 312

Alcohol, Reform and Society: The Li-

qour Issue in Social Context, edited

by Jack S. Blocker, Jr., rev., 350-351

Alcorn, Richard S., 33

Alexander, Charles C., book rev., 355-


Alexander, Edward P., Museums in Mo-

tion: An Introduction to the History

and Functions of Museums, rev.,


Alexander Hamilton: A Biography, by

Forrest McDonald, rev., 268-270

A. Lincoln, by Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co.,

415-417; illustration, 416

Alitto, Guy S., The Last Confucian:

Lian Shu-ming and the Chinese

Dilemma of Modernity, 439

Allen, William, 286, 317

Allison, Richard, 225, 236

Alston, Philip, Making and Breaking

Human Rights: The UN's Specialized

Agencies. Implementation of The In-

ternational Covenant On Economic,

Social and Cultural Rights, 345;

Human Rights and the Basic Needs,

Strategy for Development, 345

Alumni Association of the Ohio Reform

School, The, 311

American Commonwealth, The, by

James Byrce, 383

American Journal of Education, 138

American Made: Men Who Shaped the

American Economy, by Harold C.

Livesay, rev., 349-350

Americans on the Road: From Auto-

camp to Motel, 1910-1945, by Warren

James Belasco, rev., 454-456

American Sunday School Union, 301

America Revised: History Schoolbooks

in the Twentieth Century, by Frances

FitzGerald, rev., 257-258

"An Archbishop, A University and

Academic Freedom," by Erving E.

Beauregard, 440

Anderson, Irvine H., book rev., 362-363

"Androgynous Superman," 218

Andy Johnson, Military Gov. of Tenn.,

by Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co., 415-417;

illustration, 416

Angel, William D., Jr., book rev.,


Angle, Isaac, 41

Animalculae, 238

Animal husbandry, 340-341

Annual Reports, B.H.L., 166, 169, 174,

175, 179, 180

Anti-banking sentiment, Jacksonian,

46-64 passim

"Anti-Nebraska" party, 132

Antitrust and the Oil Monopoly: The

Standard Oil Cases, 1890-1911, by

Bruce Bringhurst, rev., 109-110

Anti-Tuberculosis League of Cincinnati,

158-159, 162

Apotheosis prints, 406, 410-412

Appleton, Thomas H., Jr., book rev.,


Apprentice to Genius: Years With

Frank Lloyd Wright, by Edgar Tafel,

rev., 102-103

Armstrong, Robert, 196

Arson, Ohio Reform Farm, 314, 320

Arthur, Chester Alan, 389

Associated Charities of Cincinnati, 158,


Astors, The, by Virginia Cowles, rev.,


BADGER, Joseph, 182

Bailey, Dr. and Mrs., 212-213

Bailey, Thomas A. and Paul B. Ryan,

Hitler vs. Roosevelt: The Undeclared

Naval War, rev., 465-466

Bain, George W., book rev., 104-105

Baird, Jay W., book rev., 93-94

Bakke Case: The Politics of Inequality,

The, by Joel Dreyfuss and Charles

Lawrence III, rev., 448-449




Baldwin Michael, 426, 427, 428, 432

Banking and currency regulation, 46-

64 passim

Bank taxation, as issue in 1857 Ohio

Gubernatorial race, 46-64 passim

Barbour, James, 203

Barkers, Hadens, 41

Barnard, Henry, 314

Barnhill, J. Herschel, book rev., 457-


Barnum, William H., 392, 393, 394,

396; illustration, 387

Barstow, Lydia, 195

Bartin's Materia Medica, 224, 233

Battle of Lake Erie, The, by William

Henry Powell, 65-77; illustration, 71

Bauer, K. Jack, editor, Soldiering: The

Civil War Diary of Rice C. Bull, rev.,


Beard, James H., 65

Beauregard, Erving E., "Franklin Col-

lege: The First Quarter Century of an

Eminent College," 439-440; "The

Slavery Controversy at Two

Colleges," 440; "An Archbishop, A

University and Academic Freedom,"


Beaver, Daniel R., book rev., 98-99

Beecher, Catharine, 79-80, 87-88

Beecher, Philemon, 432, 433

Beginnings of National Politics:

An Interpretive History of the Con-

tinental Congress, The, by Jack N.

Rakove, rev., 445-447

Beilhart, Edith, 210

Beilhart, Evelyn Gladys, 211-212; il-

lustration, 212, 217

Beilhart, Harry, 210

Beilhart, Jacob, "Free Love in Ohio:

Jacob Beilhart and the Spirit Fruit

Colony," by Robert S. Fogarty and H.

Roger Grant, 206-221; illustration,


Beilhart, Loruma, 210, 214

Beilhart, Mary, 212; illustration, 217

Belasco, Warren James, Americans on

the Road: From Autocamp to Motel,

1910-1945, rev., 454-456

Bell, John, 401

Belz, Herman, Emancipation and Equal

Rights: Politics and    Constitu-

tionalism in the Civil War Era, rev.,


Benedict, Michael Les, book rev., 245-


Bethals, 206

Better, Daniel, 42



Better Housing Company, 165-166

Better Housing League of Cincinnati,

(BHL), "Housing the City: The Better

Housing League and Cincinnati,

1916-1939," by Robert B. Fairbanks,


Bettman, Alfred, 162, 176

"Between-the Logs," illustration, 187

BHL. See Better Housing League of


Big House System, 153

"Big Injun." See Howe, George E.

Biko, Steve, Steve Biko: I Write What

I Like, edited by Aelred Stubbs, rev.,


Biographical and Portrait Encyclopedia

of Cambria County, Pennsylvania,

compiled by Samuel T. Wiley, 346

Biographical and Portrait Encyclopedia

of Westmoreland County, Penn-

sylvania, compiled by Samuel T.

Wiley, 346

Bishop, Richard, 318, 319

Bispham, Henry C., 74

Black Hawk uprising, 238

Black population of Toledo, Ohio, 1880-

1930, table, 6

Black Swamp Farm, by Howard Good,


Blair, Decalb, 35

Block-busting, 172

Blocker, Jack S., Jr., editor, Alcohol,

Reform and Society: The Liquor Issue

in Social Context, rev., 350-351

Bloody shirt, the, 383, 388, 392

Blythe, David Gilmour, Abraham Lin-

coln Writing the Emancipation Pro-

clamation, 404-406; illustrations,

cover Autumn 1980/Number 4, 404

Board of Directors, Cincinnati House

of Refuge, 129, 130

Board of Managers, Ohio Reform Farm,


Bogue, Allan G., 27, 30-31, 323, 330,

333, 338

Bond, W. B., Grindstone Country, 345

Boston House of Reformation, 127-


Botanics, 231

Boyer, Kathryn and Robert Boyer,

Grace Miller and Elizabeth Spellman,

The Story of Independence, bk. note,


Boy's Town, A, by William Dean

Howells, 321

Boys' Industrial School. See Ohio

Reform Farm, The




Brace, Charles Loring, 138, 314

Bradstreet, E. P., 162, 163, 167

Brady, Cyrus Townsend, Northwestern

Fights and Fighters, rev., 456-457

Brandreth's Vegetable Universal Pills,

Dr. Benjamin, 231

Braus' School for Vagrant Boys, Mr.,


Brazee, John T., 151

Breckinridge, 137

Bremner, Robert H., book rev., 367-

368. Works: From the Depths, 157

Breslin, John G., 51

Breslin-Gibson state treasury scandal,


Bringhurst, Bruce, Antitrust and the

Oil Monopoly: The Standard Oil

Cases, 1890-1911, rev., 109-110

Bringing Up the Rear: A Memoir, by

S.L.A. Marshall and edited by Cate

Marshall, rev., 368-369

Brinkerhoff, Roeliff, 298

Brown, Albertus, 24

Brown, Ethan Allen, 201

Brown, Jefferey P., "Samuel Hunting-

ton: A Connecticut Aristocrat on the

Ohio Frontier," 420-438

Brown, Seyom, The Crises of Power:

An Interpretation of United States

Foreign Policy During the Kissinger

Years, rev., 259-261

Brown's Government of Ohio, 300

Brunner, Edmund de S., 342

Bryant, William Cullen, and the New

York Evening Post, 136

Buchanan, James, 62, 64

Buchanan v. Warley, 13

Bull Moose Years: Theodore Roosevelt

and the Progressive Party, The, by

John Allen Gable, rev., 353-355

Bull, Rice C., Soldiering: The Civil War

Diary of Rice C. Bull, edited by K.

Jack Bauer, rev., 103-104

Burlingame Treaty, 384, 386, 388, 390

Burned-over-district, 324

Bushman, Evert, 42

Butler, Robert, bk. notes, 273-274

"Butternuts." See Hite, John C.

Byers, Albert G., 298

Byrce, James, The American Common-

wealth, 383

Byrd, Charles W., 426-427, 433


Calhoun, John C., 137, 184-205 passim

Campton Township, Kane County, Il-

linois, 25-45 passim



Camp Dick Robinson, 409

Canal, sale of Ohio's state owned,


Carpenter, Edward, 218, 219, 220.

Works: Homogenic Love, 218; Sex,

Love and Its Place in a Free Society,


Carter, George E., book rev., 444-445

Cary, John H., book rev., 445-447

Cass, Charles L., 203

Cass, Lewis, 184-205

Catherwood, Mary Hartwell, Craque-

O-Doom, 321

Cavaignac, 144

Cebula, James E., book rev., 271-272

Cemetery Records of Clinton County,

Ohio, 1798-1978, 345

Census, U.S. (1860), 50

Centennial History of Christ Lutheran

Church, by Hilmar Grimm, 439

Central Budget Committee of the Coun-

cil of Social Agencies, 162

Central Labor Union of Toledo, 23

Chaffy, Joseph, 199

"Chamber of reflection, the," 320

Chase, Salmon P., 48, 54, 55, 63, 132,

137, 149, 151, 279-280, 282, 287; il-

lustration, 49

Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul

Railroad, 214

Chidlaw, Benjamin, 292

Chillicothe, Scioto Gazette, 434, 435

Chillicothe Supporter, 434, 435

Chittenden, S.B., 395

Christian Science, 209, 210

Cincinnati and Dayton Short Line Rail

Road, 136, 138

Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce, 158

Cincinnati City Council, 128

Cincinnati Community Chest, 170, 179

Cincinnati Daily Enquirer, 52, 53

Cincinnati House of Refuge, 125-131,

279, 282, 295, 297, 303

Cincinnati, "Housing the City: The

Better Housing League and Cincin-

nati, 1916-1939," by Robert B. Fair-

banks, 157-180; illustrations, cover

Spring 1980/Number 2, 171, 176

Cincinnati Metropolitan Housing Au-

thority, 177, 179

Cities of the American West: A History

of Frontier Urban Planning, by John

W. Reps, rev., 243-244

Citizens' Committee on Slum Clearance

and Low Cost Housing, (Cincinnati,

Ohio), 177, 179

Citizens' Realty Plan of East Toledo, 14




City Planning Commission, (Cincinnati),


Clarry, Michael, 42

"Clash of Leadership at the Grand Re-

serve: The Wyandot Subagency and

the Methodist Mission, 1820-1824,

The," by Robert E. Smith, 181-205

Clasper, James W. and M. Carolyn

Dellenbach, Guide to the Holdings of

the American Jewish Archives, rev.,


Clemens, Samuel, 395

Cleveland Architecture, by Eric Johan-

nesen 439

Cleveland Plain Dealer, 53

Cleveland Reporter, 215

Cleveland Union Leader, 347

Clive, Alan, State of War: Michigan

in World War II, rev., 355-356

Coeducation, 82-87 passim

Cogswell, Seddie, 32, 333

Cohen, Ronald D. and Raymond A.

Mohl, The Paradox of Progressive

Education: The Gary Plan and Urban

Schooling, rev., 267-268

Collins, B. W., "Economic Issues in

Ohio's Politics During the Recession

of 1857-1858," 46-64

Colons, Mettray, 280, 300, 307

Colonel of Chicago: A Biography of

the Chicago Tribune's Legendary

Publisher, ColonelRobert McCormick,

The, by Joseph Gies, rev., 271-272

Columbus, Christopher, as painted by

William Henry Powell, 67

Columbus Ohio State Journal, 70-73

Columbus Ohio Statesman, 72

Commerce Club of Toledo, 9, 12

Commitment charges, Ohio Reform

Farm, 302

Communitarianism, 206-217

"Community," as a cohesive ideal of

Oberlin College, 78-88 passim

Conant, Horatio, 226-227, 228, 240

Conestoga Crossroads: Lancaster, Penn-

sylvania: 1730-1790, by Jerome L.

Wood, Jr., rev., 255-257

Conestoga horse and wagon, 332

Conger, C. C., 392

Congressional elections (1858), 61, 63

Conkling, Roscoe, 389

Connecticut Land Company, 421, 423

Connolly, Harold X., A Ghetto Grows

in Brooklyn, rev., 462-464

Conot, Robert, A Streak of Luck: The

Life and Legend of Thomas Alva

Edison, rev., 100-102



Constitutional Convention, (1850-1851),

303; (1873-1874), 316

Conzen, Michael, 32, 33

Copperheadism, 285

Correction Paternelle, 144

Corwin, Matthias, 437

Cosner, Edward M., 12

Cotton, William, 185

Cottrill, Charles, 12

Coughlin, Charles, 42

Coughlin, John, 42

Coughlin, Morris, 42

Coughlin, Timothy, 37, 42

Cousin, Victor, 144

Cowles, Helen, 81

Cowles, Virginia, The Astors, rev., 447-


Craque-O-Doom, by Mary Hartwell

Catherwood, 321

Credit Mobilier, 391

Crises of Power: An Interpretation of

United States Foreign Policy During

the Kissinger Years, The, by Seyom

Brown, rev., 259-261

Cropping practices, 341-342

Crosby, Abijah, 29

Cross, Whitney, 81

Crume, Moses, 183

"Cultural rebound," 337

Currier & Ives, 401, 403

Currier, Nathaniel, 401

Curti, Merle, 332-333. Works: The Mak-

ing of an American Community: A

Case Study of a Democracy in a Fron-

tier County, 40, 43

DANA, Charles A., 394

Danbom, David B., The Resisted Revo-

lution: Urban America and the In-

dustrialization of Agriculture,

1900-1930, rev., 254-255

Daniels, Roger, 384, 385

"Darkest Cincinnati, " 159

Davis, William E., 282

Davis, Sylvester E., book rev.,


Dawes, Henry, 60

Dayton, Ohio: Pioneer in City Manage-

ment, 346-347

"DDT on Trial: The Wisconsin Hearing,

1968-1969," by Thomas R. Dunlap,


DeBenedetti, Charles, Origins of the

Modern American Peace Movement,

1915-1929, rev., 99-100; The Peace

Reform in American History, 440

Declaration of Independence, by John




Trumble, 68

de Crevecoeur, J. Hector St. John, 331-


Delavenay, Emile, 218

Delaware, Indians, 182, 185, 186

Delinquency, problem of, 125-156

passim, 280-322 passim

Dellenbach, M. Carolyn and James W.

Clasper, Guide to the Holdings of the

American Jewish Archives, rev.,


DeMetz, Frederic Auguste, 139-147,

156, 279

Denkendorf, 135

Denver Rocky Mountain News, 397

Derrick, W. Edwin, book rev., 459-461

Deveaux, Andrew, 341

Devine, Michael J., "The Historical

Paintings of William Henry Powell,"


Dhru, Rodrich, as painted by William

Henry Powell, 66

Dinnerstein, Leonard, 382

Dinwiddie, Courteney, 162

Directory of Archives and Manuscripts

Repositories in the United States,

edited by Nancy Sahli, rev., 373-374

Discovery of the Mississippi by DeSoto,

The, by William Henry Powell, 67, 68,

71, 72

Disney, David T., 128

Divine Science, 209

Dixie's Forgotten People: The South's

Poor Whites, by J. Wayne Flynt, rev.,


"Doctors and Diseases on the Ohio

Frontier," by Marilyn Van Voorhis

Wendler, 222-240

Documentation of Collections. Vol. 4 in

A Bibliography on Historical Organ-

ization Practices, compiled by

Rosemary S. Reese, Edited by

Frederick L. Rath, Jr. and Merrilyn

Rogers O'Connell, bk. note, 273

Doenecke, Justus D., Not to the Swift:

The Old Isolationists in the Cold War

Era, rev., 98-99; book rev., 262-264

Donhol, Clarence H., 28

Dorn, Jacob H., book rev., 258-259

Doty, Swamp, 16

Double-Edged Secrets: U.S. Naval In-

telligence Operations in the Pacific

during World War II, by W.J.

Holmes, rev., 452

Doucet, Michael J., Mark J. Stern, and

Michael B. Katz, "Migration and the

Social Order in Erie City, New York:



1855" 32

Douglass, Charles, 319

Douglas, Stephen, 401

Drake, Daniel, 225, 230, 238; illustra-

tion, 235

Drake, (Rev.) L. F., 409

Dred Scott decision, The, 48

Dreyfuss, Joel and Charles Lawrence

III, The Bakke Case: The Politics of

Inequality, rev., 448-449

DuBois, Jessie K., 414

Duden, Gottried, 135-136

Dunlap, Thomas R., "DDT on Trial:

The Wisconsin Hearing, 1968-1969,"


Dunquod (Wyandot Chief), 181-182, 199

Dwellers in Vale Sunrise, The, by J.

William Lloyd, 220


ECKES, Alfred E., Jr., The United

States and the Global Struggle for

Minerals, rev., 362-363

Ecole Preparatoire, 139

"Economic Issues in Ohio's Politics

During the Recession of 1857-1858,"

by B. W. Collins, 46-64

Eddy, Mary Baker, 210

Edison, Thomas Alva, A Streak of Luck:

The Life and Legend of Thomas Alva

Edison, by Robert Conot, rev.,


Education, of Ohio Reform Farm farm-

boys, 298-301

Edwards, John Starke, 424, 425

Ehrgott and Krebs, Union Prisoner's

Occupation, 417; illustration, 417

Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co., 405, 407, 413,

414, 415. Publications: 405, 408, 412,

414, 416

Ehrgott, Peter E., 405, 417

1866: The Critical Year Revisited,

by Patrick W. Riddleberger, rev.,


Electro Magneticism, Dr. Sherwood's


Ellicott, Charles, 195

Ellicott, George, 182

Elliot, John, 225

Elusive Equality: The Status of Black

Americans in Higher Education, by

Lorenzo Morris, rev., 466-467

Elusive Quest: America's Pursuit of

European Stability and French Securi-

ty, 1919-1933, The, by Melvin P. Lef-

fler, rev., 93-94

Emancipation and Equal Rights:

Politics and Constitutionalism in the




Civil War Era, by Herman Belz, rev.,


Emancipation Proclamation, The, 400-

419 passim

Embarkation of the Pilgrims, by Robert

Weir, 68

Embezzlement scandal of 1857, in Ohio

Gubernatorial race, 51-52

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 220

Emery, Mary, 175n.43

End of the Russian Imperial Army:

The Old Army and the Soldiers Revolt

(March-April 1917), The, by Allan K.

Wildman, 440

English, William H., 388

Erie Company, the, 421-422

Erie Territory, the,424

"Ethnicity and American Agriculture,"

by Robert P. Swierenga, 323-344

Ethnicity: Ohio Reform School Admit-

tees, table, 293

Ethnic groups, Ohio Reform Farm treat-

ment of, 292-296

Etzold, Thomas, book rev., 452

Evangelism, 78-88 passim

Exclusion, 1882 Chinese, 382

Exhorter's license, 183


FABRONIOUS, Dominique C., 409

Fairbanks, Robert B., "Housing the

City: The Better Housing League and

Cincinnati, 1916-1939," 157-180

Fairchild, Ephraim, 27

Fairchild, James, 82, 96; illustration, 83

Fairfield County, as possible Ohio Re-

form Farm site, 150-151

Fairfield County Temperance Crusade

(1876), 302

Fairfield School for Boys, The. See Ohio

Reform Farm, The

Faith-healing, 209

Fall and Rise of the Pentagon: Ameri-

can Defense Policies in the 1970s, The,

by Lawrence J. Korb, rev., 356-357

"Falling back," 7

"'Family System of Common Farmers':

The Early Years of Ohio's Reform

Farm, 1858-1884, The," by Robert M.

Mennel, 279-322

"'Family System of Common Farmers':

The Origins of Ohio's Reform Farm,

1840-1858," by Robert M. Mennel,


Farley, Thomas, 226

Farmboys, Ohio Reform Farm, 286-312

Farm School. See Ohio Reform Farm,




Fauster, Carl W., compiler, Libbey

Glass Since 1818: Pictorial History

and Collector's Guide, rev., 95

Favretti, Rudy J. and Joy Putnam Fav-

retti, Landscapes and Gardens for

Historic Buildings: A handbook for

reproducing and creating authentic

landscape settings, rev., 250-251

Federal Emergency Administration of

Public Works, 176

Federalist Party, the, 420-438 passim

"Federal Republicans," 433

Fehrenbacher, Don E., 48

Ferro Concrete Construction Company,


Field, Phyllis F., book rev., 112-114

"Filter-down" theory of housing, 157-

180 passim

Finley, James B., 194-205 passim

FitzGerald, Frances, America Revised:

History Schoolbooks in the Twentieth

Century, rev., 257-258

Flynt, J. Wayne, Dixie's Forgotten

People: The South's Poor Whites, rev.,


Fogarty, Robert S. and H. Roger Grant,

"Free Love in Ohio and the Spirit

Fruit Colony," 206-221

Folmar, John Kent, book rev., 369-370

Foner, Philip S., Women and the Ameri-

can Labor Movement: From Colonial

Times to the Eve of World War I, rev.,


Foot, John A., 134-135, 149, 152, 154,

279-280, 281-283, 296

Foot, Samuel A., 134

Forbriger, Adolphus, 405

Ford, Seabury, 131

Formisano, Ronald P., 46, 47

Fort Washington, 225

Fort Wayne (Indian) Agency, 183, 186

Frankenstein, John P., 65

Franklin, Benjamin, 331, 332

"Franklin College: The First Quarter

Century of an Eminent College," by

Erving E. Beauregard, 439-440

Franklin County Infirmary, 307-308

Free Comrade, The, by J. William Lloyd,


"Free Love in Ohio: Jacob Beilhart

and the Spirit Fruit Colony," by

Robert S. Fogarty and H. Roger

Grant, 206-221

Fremont, Mrs. John Charles, 76

French Revolution of 1848, 144

Fresno Weekly Expositor, 396

Friedberger, Mark, "The Local Soci-




ety," 37, 40, 42-43

From   the Depths, by Robert H.

Bremner, 157

Frontier doctors, illustrations, 229, 235

Frontier Women: The Trans-Mississippi

West 1840-1880, by Julie Roy Jeffrey,

rev., 111-112

Fruitlands, 206

Fugitive Slave Act (1850), 48, 87

Funeral Car of President Abraham Lin-

coln passing the State House at Co-

lumbus, April 29, drawn by Albert

Ruger, 407-409; illustration, 407

Funeral Car used at the Obsequies of the

late Pres. A. Lincoln at Columbus, 0.,

April 29th 1865, drawn by Albert

Ruger, 407-410; illustration, 408

Funeral Obsequies of the late Pres't

A. Lincoln, Columbus, O. April 29,

1865, drawn by J.H. Studer, 409-410;

illustration, 408

GABLE, John Allen, The Bull Moose

Years: Theodore Roosevelt and the

Progressive Party, rev., 353-355

Gans, Herbert J., Nathan Glazer,

Joseph R. Gusfield, and Christopher

Jencks, editors, On the Making of

Americans: Essays in Honor of David

Riesman, rev., 92-93

Garfield, James A., "The Politics of

Sinophobia: Garfield, the Morey Let-

ter, and the Presidential Election of

1880," by Ted C. Hinckley, 381-399

Gatewood, Willard B., Jr., editor, Slave

and Freeman: The Autobiography of

George L. Knox, rev., 252-253

George, Henry, 210

Gerber, David A., book rev., 371-372

Gerlach, Don R., book rev., 268-270

Gerlach, Russell, 336

German, C.S., photograph of Abraham

Lincoln, 413-414

Germ theory, the, 234

Gervais, Lewis, 341

Ghetto Grows in Brooklyn, A, by

Harold X. Connolly, rev., 462-464

Giannini, Amadeo Peter, 343

Gibson & Co., 412. Publications: 413

Gibson, William G., 51

Gies, Joseph, The Colonel of Chicago: A

Biography of the Chicago Tribune's

Legendary Publisher, Colonel Robert

McCormick, rev., 271-272

Gilded Age government, 381-399


Gillett, Ann, 84



Ginzberg, Lori D., "Women in an

Evangelical Community: Oberlin,

1835-1850," 78-88

Glazer, Nathan, Joseph R. Gusfield,

Christopher Jencks, and Herbert J.

Gans, editors, On the Making of

Americans: Essays in Honor of David

Riesman, rev., 92-93

Goforth, William, 225

Goldwater, Barry, With No Apologies:

The Personal and Political Memoirs of

Senator Barry Goldwater, rev.,


Good, Howard, Black Swamp Farm, 321

Gottfried family, the, 31

Gould, Lewis L., book rev., 348-349

Grand Reserve, the, "The Clash of

Leadership at the Grand Reserve: The

Wyandot Subagency and the

Methodist Mission, 1820-1824," by

Robert E. Smith, 181-205

Granger, Gideon, 423, 424, 425, 426

Grant, H. Roger, Insurance Reform:

Consumer Action in the Progressive

Era, rev., 360-362; Land, Air and

Water: Transportation and Ohio, 439;

and with Robert S. Fogarty, "Free

Love in Ohio: Jacob Beilhart and the

Spirit Fruit Colony," 206-221

Graves, Gregory R., book rev., 254-255

Great Depression, The, 23, 180

Greenback Party, the, 388

Gregory, Timothy, Vox Populi: Violence

and Popular Involvement in the

Religious Controversies of the Fifth

Century A.D., 440

Grimke, Sarah and Angelina, 79-80,


Grimm, Hilmar, Centennial History of

Christ Lutheran Church, 439

Grimm, Wendelin, 341-342

Grindstone Country, by W. B. Bond, 345

Griswold, Stanley, 430, 435-436

Gritty Cities: A Second Look at Allen-

town, Bethlehem, Bridgeport, Hobo-

ken, Lancaster, Norwich, Paterson,

Reading, Trenton, Troy, Waterbury,

Wilmington, by Mary Proctor and Bill

Matuszeski, rev., 365-366

Gubernatorial race of 1857 (Ohio), 46-

64 passim

Guide to the Holdings of the American

Jewish Archives, by James W.

Clasper and M. Carolyn Dellenbach,

rev., 374-375

Guns of Lattimer, The, by Michael

Novak, rev., 371-372




Gusfield, Joseph R., Christopher

Jencks, Herbert J. Gans, and Nathan

Glazer, editors, On the Making of

Americans: Essays in Honor of David

Riesman, rev., 92-93

HALL, Jacquelyn Dowd, Revolt

Against Chivalry: Jessie Daniel Ames

and the Women's Campaign Against

Lynching, rev., 110-111

Hamilton, Alexander, Alexander Hamil-

ton: A Biography, by Forrest

McDonald, rev., 268-270

Hamilton County Regional Planning

Commission, 173

Hamilton, William T., book rev., 248-250

Hammock drill, Mettray, 141, 142n.40

Hammond, John L., The Politics of

Benevolence: Revival Religion and

American Voting Behavior, rev.,


Hancock, (General) Winfield S., 388

Handlin, Oscar, Truth in History, 367-


Hansen, Marcus Lee, 343-344

Harper, Joseph C., 317

Harris, Ann, 84

Harrison Township, Ross County, Ohio,

35-45 passim

Hart, Josiah, 226

Hatzenmessen family, the, 31

Hayes, Rutherford B., 318, 386-399


Heildsburg College (California), 208

Henkle, Moses, 183, 194

Henry, "Freedom Hill," Jacob Beil-

hart: Life and Teachings, 220

Herbeson, Katharine "Blessed," 213-

214; illustration, 217

"Heroic age" of medicine, 239

Herrick, Clarence Luther, The Pio-

neering Role of Clarence Luther Her-

rick in American Neuroscience, by

William Frederick Windle, rev.,


Hewitt, Abram S., 392, 394; illustration,


Hicks, John (Wyandot Chief), 200

Hildreth, Samuel, 222, 226, 230, 239-240

"Hilikens," 307

Hill, David, 199

Hinckley, Ted C., "The Politics of Sino-

phobia: Garfield, the Morey Letter,

and the Presidential Election of

1880," 381-399

Hiss, Alger, A Tissue of Lies: Nixon

vs. Hiss, by Morton Levitt and



Michael Levitt, rev., 261-262

"Historical Paintings of William Henry

Powell, The," by Michael J. Devine,


History of England, A, by Clayton and

David Roberts, 440

History of Social Welfare and Social

Work in the United States, A, by

James Leiby, rev., 246-247

Hite, John C., 290, 318-319, 320; il-

lustration, 297

Hitler vs. Roosevelt: The Undeclared

Naval War, by Thomas A. Bailey and

Paul B. Ryan, rev., 465-466

Hocking Cottage, Ohio Reform Farm,


Hocking Hills, 150

Hocking Valley coal fields, 150

Holloway, David, 188

Holmes, W. J., Double-Edged Secrets:

U.S. Naval Intelligence Operations in

the Pacific during World War II, rev.,


Holt, Michael F., 46

Holzer, Harold, "Lincoln and the Ohio

Printmakers," 400-419

"Home, Health and Happiness," dis-

tributed by BHL, 164

Homer, Winslow, 76

Homogenic Love, by Edward Carpenter,


Hopkins, Gerald T., 182

Hosford, Frances, 84

Housekeepers (BHL), 164-165, 169, 172;

illustration, 165

Housekeeping plan (BHL), 164-165, 169,


House of Correction. See Ohio Reform

Farm, The

House of Reformation. See Ohio Reform

Farm, The

Houses of Refuge. See Ohio Reform

Farm, The

Housing Committee of Cincinnati's

Women's City Club, 161-162, 163

"Housing the City: The Better Housing

League and Cincinnati, 1916-1939,"

by Robert B. Fairbanks. 157-180

Howe, B. F., 284

Howe, Frances Milliken (Mrs. George

Howe), 284, 311

Howe, Frank M., 284

Howe, George E., 156, 290-293, 297,

300, 305, 308, 310-321 passim

Howe, G. Worth, 284

Howells, William Dean, A Boy's Town,





Hubbard, C. M., 159

Hubbard, Elbert, 221n.49. Works: The

Philistine, 219

Hubschneider, Johnny, 307

Hughes, Thomas E., 182

Hull, (General) William, 429-430

Human Rights and the Basic Needs,

Strategy for Development, by Philip

Alston, 345

Humors, the, 232-233

Hunt, George, 185

Hunt, Henry T., 159

Huntington, Hannah, 421

Huntington, (Rev.) Joseph, 421

Huntington, Samuel, Jr., "Samuel

Huntington:    A   Connecticut

Aristocrat on the Ohio Frontier," by

Jefferey P. Brown, 420-438; illustra-

tion, 431

Huntington, Samuel, Sr., 420

"Hydra" portraits, 415-416




If All We Did Was to Weep at Home:

A History of White Working-Class

Women, by Susan Estabrook Ken-

nedy, rev., 464-465

Immigrant farmers, "Ethnicity and

American Agriculture," by Robert P.

Swierenga, 323-344

Independent Treasury, as an issue in

1857 Ohio gubernatorial race, 51-64


Index to the American Jewish Ar-

chives, Volumes I-XXIV, by Paul F.

White, rev., 374-375

Indian removal policy, 186-205 passim

Industry projects, Ohio Reform Farm,


Ingleside, Illinois, 214

Inman, Henry, 66

Inner Mission, The, 315

Innis Gustavus Swan, 319

Insurance Reform: Consumer Action in

the Progressive Era, by H. Roger

Grant, rev., 360-362

International Prison Congress (1872),

The, 314

Interstate: Express Highway Politics,

1941-1956, by Mark H. Rose, rev.,


Irving, Washington, as painted by

William Henry Powell, 67

Irwin, William, 386

Isetts, Charles A., book rev., 461-462

Ives, James Merritt, 401



JACKSON, Andrew, The Presidency

of Andrew Jackson: White House

Politics, 1829-1837, by Richard B.

Latner, rev., 95-97

Jacksonian banking questions, 46-64


Jackson, W. Sherman, book rev.,


Jacob Beilhart: Life and Teachings,

by "Freedom Hill" Henry, 220

Jaeger, William H., 152, 282

Janney, John Jay, 287

Jeffersonian Republicans, 420-438 pas-


Jefferson, Thomas, 433, 434, 435

Jeffrey, Julie Roy, Frontier Women:

The Trans-Mississippi West 1840-

1880, rev., 111-112

Jencks, Christopher, Herbert J. Gans,

Nathan Glazer, and Joseph R.

Gusfield, editors, On the Making of

Americans: Essays in Honor of David

Riesman, rev., 92-93

Jenkins, Glen, book rev., 105-107

Jenner, Edward, 236

Jewell, Marshall, 392, 394, 395-396

Johannesen, Eric, Cleveland Architec-

ture, 439

"John Chinaman," 384

Johnson, Andrew, 415; illustration, 416

Johnston, John, 183-205

Jordan, Joe, 8

Jordan, Terry, 335-336, 337, 338

Josephy, Alvin M., Jr., On the Hill:

A History of the American Congress,

From 1789 to the Present, rev.,


Journal of Southern History, 241


Kates, Don B., Jr., editor, Restricting

Handguns: The Liberal Skeptics

Speak Out, rev., 114-115

Katz, Michael B., Michael J. Doucet

and Mark J. Stern, "Migration and

the Social Order in Erie City, New

York: 1855," 32

Katz, Milton S., book rev., 99-100

Kearney, Denis, 386-399 passim

Kellogg, E.B. & E.C., 401

Kellogg, John Harvey, 209

Kennedy, (Capt.) Howard F., 75-76

Kennedy, Susan Estabrook, If All

We Did Was to Weep at Home: A

History of White Working-Class

Women, rev., 464-465

Kentucky: Decades of Discord 1865-




Klotter, James C. and Hambleton Tapp,

Kentucky: Decades of Discord

1865-1900, rev., 363-364

Know-Nothing Party, the, 62, 64, 137

Knox, George L., Slave and Freeman:

The Autobiography of George L.

Knox, edited by Willard B. Gatewood,

Jr., rev., 252-253

Korb, Lawrence J., The Fall and Rise of

the Pentagon: American Defense

Policies in the 1970s, rev., 356-357

Kraska, Dan J., book rev., 95-97

Krebs, Adolph K., 417

Kuhn, Setty S., 162, 177

Kupperman, Robert and Darrell Trent,

Terrorism: Threat, Reality, Response,

rev., 449-450

Kurtz, Ernest, Not God: A History of

Alcoholic Anonymous, rev., 461-462

Kusmer, Kenneth L., book rev., 92-93

Kyvig, David E., Repealing National

Prohibition, rev., 459-461


LADD, James D., 134, 138, 147, 149,


Lafferty, Michael B., editor-in-chief,

Ohio's Natural Heritage, rev., 248-250

Lake Michigan, 214

La Maison Paternelle, 145

Land, Air and Water: Transportation

and Ohio, by H. Roger Grant, 439

Landing of Columbus, by John Vander-

lyn, 68

Landscapes and Gardens for Historic

Buildings: A handbook for reproduc-

ing and creating authentic landscape

settings, by Rudy J. Favretti and Joy

Putnam Favretti, rev., 250-251

Langham, Elias, 426, 432

Lansing Chair Factory, 314

Last Confucian: Lian Shu-ming and the

Chinese Dilemma of Modernity, The,

by Guy S. Alitto, 439

Latner, Richard B., The Presidency of

Andrew Jackson: White House

Politics, 1829-1837, rev., 95-97

La Vita Inn, 209

Lawrence, Charles III and Joel Drey-

fuss, The Bakke Case: The Politics of

Inequality, rev., 448-449

Lawrence, D. H., 218

Lecompton Constitution, The, 63, 64

Lee, Everett S., "A Theory of Migra-

tion," 26-27, 45

Leffler, Melvin P., The Elusive Quest:

America's Pursuit of European

Stability and French Security,

1919-1933, rev., 93-94



Legaux, Pierre, 341

Leiby, James, A History of Social Wel-

fare and Social Work in the United

States, rev., 245-247

Lemon, James, 332

Leonard, William, 226

Leone, Mark P., Roots of Modern Mor-

monism, rev., 258-259

Lerner, Gerda, 79. Works: The Ma-

jority Finds Its Past: Placing Women

in History, rev., 372-373

Leutze, Emanuel, Washington's Cross-

ing the Delaware, 70

Lever Act, The, 16

Levitt, Morton and Michael Levitt, A

Tissue of Lies: Nixon vs. Hiss, rev.,


Levstik, Frank R., book rev., 373-374

Lewis, John, 189

Lewis, Samuel, 126

Libbey Glass Since 1818: Pictorial His-

tory and Collector's Guide, compiled

by Carl W. Fauster, rev., 95

Lichtman, Allan J., Prejudice and the

Old Politics: The Presidential Election

of 1928, rev., 348-349

"Lincoln and the Ohio Printmakers,"

by Harold Holzer, 400-419

Lincoln photographs, taken by Mathew

Brady Studios, 412-413, 415-417; il-

lustrations, 411, 412, 416

Lindsay, Robert. See O'Brien, James

Lindstrom, Diane, book rev., 251-252

Lisbon Buckeye State, 212-213, 214

Lisbon, Ohio, 211

List of References for the History of

Agricultural Technology, A, compiled

by Vivian B. Whitehead, bk. note, 274

List of References for the History of

Agriculture in Iowa, A, compiled by

Earl M. Rogers, bk. note, 274

"Little Mettray," the Eighth Regiment

of Hussars, 144

Livesay, Harold C., American Made:

Men Who Shaped the American

Economy, rev., 349-350

Lloyd, J. William, The Free Comrade,

220; The Dwellers in Vale Sunrise,

220; The Natural Man, 220

Lobenthall, Lippen, 151

"Local Society, The," by Mark Fried-

berger, 37, 40, 42-43

"Long debate," 10

Longworth, Nicholas, 66

Lora, Ronald, book rev., 261-262

"Lord Howe." See Howe, George E.

Los Angeles Daily Herald, 396, 397, 398

Louis Phillipe (King of France), 144




"Long debate," 10

Longworth, Nicholas, 66

Lora, Ronald, book rev., 261-262

"Lord Howe." See Howe, George E.

Los Angeles Daily Herald, 396, 397, 398

Louis Phillipe (King of France), 144

Love child. See Beilhart, Evelyn Gladys

Lubove, Roy, 157

Lukin, David, 343

"Lumbering and the Public Timber-

lands in Washington: The Era of

Disposal," by Frederick J. Yonce, 241

McARTHUR, Duncan, 200

McCormick, Charles H., book rev.,

111-112, 257-258

McCormick, Robert, The Colonel of

Chicago: A Biography of the Chicago

Tribune's Legendary Publisher, Col-

onel Robert McCormick, by Joseph

Gies, rev., 271-272

McDonald, Forrest, Alexander

Hamilton: A Biography, rev., 268-270

McGuffey's readers, 155, 299, 300

McIntosh, Nathan, 226

McKendre, William, 198

McKenny, Thomas L., 201, 202-203

McLean, John, 196

McMillan, William, 427

McPherson, James, 193

McQuillan, David, 334-335

McWilliams, (Rev.) Benjamin, 24

Mahan, Asa, 87

Majority Finds Its Past: Placing

Women in History, The, by Gerda

Lerner, rev., 372-373

Making and Breaking Human Rights:

The UN's Specialized Agencies, Im-

plementation of The International

Covenant On Economic, Social and

Cultural Rights, by Philip Alston, 345

Maney, Patrick J., book rev., 357-358

Mann, Arthur, The One and the Many:

Reflections on the American Identity,

rev., 357-358

Mann, Horace, 314, 315

Manual training programs, Ohio Reform

Farm, 320

Mariemont Project, The, 175, 175n.43

Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad, 60

Marietta Railroad, 152

Marquette, Bleeker, 167, 173, 175, 176,


Marriage, statistics of, among co-eds at

Oberlin, 86-87

Marshall. S.L.A. and Cate Marshall

(editor), Bringing Up the Rear: A



Memoir, rev., 368-369

Martineau, Harriet, 81-82

Martin, John D., 286

Martin, John L., 151

Matuszeski, Bill and Mary Proctor,

Gritty Cities: A Second Look at Allen-

town, Bethlehem, Bridgeport,

Hoboken, Lancaster, Norwich, Pater-

son, Reading, Trenton, Troy, Water-

bury, Wilmington, rev., 365-366

Marx, August, 177

Maslowski, Peter, book rev., 368-369

Massie, Nathaniel, 426, 428, 432, 433

Mathew Brady Studios, and Lincoln

photographs, 412-413, 415-417.

Publications: 411, 412, 416

Mathews, Alexander, 182

Mathias, Frank F., book rev., 247-248

Matthews, Increase, 226

Maumee Express, 231

Maumee Insurance Company, 228

"Maumee River 1834, with the William

C. Holgate Journal, May 16-June 24,

1935 from Utica, N.Y. to Huntington,

Indiana," by Louis H. Simonis, 440

Maumee Valley, 222-240 passim

May, George S., book rev., 454-456

Medical Policy and Rules and Regula-

tions, Cincinnati Code of, 230

Medicine, "Doctors and Diseases on the

Ohio Frontier," by Marilyn Van

Voorhis Wendler, 222-240

Medill, William, 137

Meigs, Return J., 426-438 passim

Melvin, Patricia Mooney, book rev.,

246-247; book rev., 364-365

Mennel, Robert M., "'The Family Sys-

tem of Common Farmers': The

Origins of Ohio's Reform Farm,

1840-1858," 125-126; "'The Family

System of Common Farmers': The

Early Years of Ohio's Reform Farm,

1858-1884," 279-322

Merging Traditions-Jewish Life in

Cleveland. A Contemporary Nar-

rative, 1945-1975. A Pictorial Record

1839-1975, by Sidney Z. Vincent and

Judah Rubinstein, rev., 352-353

Merriam, Paul G., book rev., 450-452

Methodist Conference, the (1821), 194

Methodist missions, "The Clash of

Leadership at the Grand Reserve: The

Wyandot Subagency and the

Methodist Mission, 1820-1824," by

Robert E. Smith, 181-205

Metropolitan bill-brokers, as issue in

1857 Ohio Gubernatorial race, 54-64





Mettray, 139-147, 152, 279, 280, 300,

306, 307, 314; illustrations, 143, 156

Meyers, Allen O., 311

M'Fadden, Daniel, 432

Michigan Superintendency, 189, 190

Michigan Territory, 184, 187

Middlebury College, 226

Middleton, Elijah C., 409, 418-419

Middleton, Strobridge & Co., 409. Pub-

lications: 408

Middleton, Wallace & Co., 409

Miers, Henry, 150-151, 152

Migrant Americans, illustrations, cover

Summer 1980/Number 3

"Migration and the Social Order in Erie

City, New York: 1855," by Michael B.

Katz, Michael J. Doucet and Mark J.

Stern, 32

Miller, Grace, Elizabeth Spellman,

Kathryn Boyer and Robert Boyer,

The Story of Independence, bk. note,


Miller, Zane L., book rev., 243-244

Milliken, Frances (Mrs. George E.

Howe), 284, 311

Missionaries, 181-205

Model Homes Company, 170-171

Mohl, Raymond A. and Ronald D.

Cohen, The Paradox of Progressive

Education: The Gary Plan and Urban

Schooling, rev., 267-268

Monroe, James, 133, 152, 201

Montgomery, James, 183, 200-201

Moore, John, 35

Moravian missionaries, 182

Morey, H. L., 381-399 passim

Morey Letter, the, "The Politics of

Sinophobia: Garfield, the Morey Let-

ter, and the Presidential Election of

1880," by Ted C. Hinckley, 381-399

Morgan, John, 85

Morril Act (1862), 148

Morrill, Lot M. 73-74

Morris, Lorenzo, Elusive Equality: The

Status of Black Americans in Higher

Education, rev., 466-467

Morris, William, 220

Morrow, Jeremiah, 430

Morse, Samuel F. B., 66

Morton, Marian J., book rev., 110-111

Morton, Oliver P., 390

Muir, Malcolm, Jr., book rev., 356-357

Mumaw, Henry, 410. Works: Wash-

ington and Lincoln, 411

Murphy, James L., book rev., 95

Murphy, Percy E., book rev., 448-449



Museums in Motion: An Introduction to

the History and Functions of

Museums, by Edward P. Alexander,

rev., 104-105


NAACP. See National Association for

the Advancement of Colored People

Nadell, Pamela S., book rev., 374-375

Napolean III, (Emperor of France),


Narrative of Hosea Hudson: His Life

as a Negro Communist in the South,

The, by Nell Irvin Painter, rev.,


Nast, Thomas, 390

National Association for the Advance-

ment of Colored People (NAACP), 13

National Association of Real Estate

Boards, Code of Ethics, 14-15

National Conference of Charities and

Correction, The, 159

National Conference on Social Work

(1932), 168

National Guards, French, 144

National Housing Association (NHA),


National Recovery Act (NRA), 176

National Reformatory Union, 139-140

Natural Man, The, by J. William Lloyd,


Nautical Reform School, Boston, 311

Negrophobia, 10-11, 384

Neighborhood Improvement Associa-

tion (Toledo, Ohio), 14

Nelson, Daniel, book rev., 109-110

"Newcomers to the City: A Study of

Black Population Growth in Toledo,

Ohio, 1910-1930," by Lee Williams,


New Design Township, Monroe County,

Illinois, 25-45 passim

Newberry, Roger, 422

New York Central Railroad, 11, 12

New York Evening Post, 136

New York Herald, 394

New York Historical Society, and Wil-

liam Henry Powell, 68

New York House of Refuge, 132, 138

New York State Tenement Committee,


New York State Tenement House Com-

mission (1900), 158

New York State Tenement Law, 160-161

New York Sun, 394

New York Times, 392, 398

New York Truth, 391-393

NHA. See National Housing Asso-





Nixon, Richard M., A Tissue of Lies:

Nixon vs. Hiss, by Morton Levitt and

Michael Levitt, rev., 261-262

Nolen, John, 170

Northwest Democrat, 236

Northwestern Fights and Fighters, by

Cyrus Townsend Brady, rev., 456-457

Not God: A History of Alcoholic

Anonymous, by Ernest Kurtz, rev.,


Not to the Swift: The Old Isolationists

in the Cold War Era, by Justus D.

Doenecke, rev., 98-99

Novak, Michael, The Guns of Lattimer,

rev., 371-372

NRA. See National Recovery Act


Evangelical Community: Oberlin

1835-1850," by Lori D. Ginzberg,

78-88; illustrations, 85

"Oberlinisms," 87

O'Brien, James, 395

O'Connell, Merrilyn Rogers and Fred-

erick L. Rath, Jr., editors. Compiled

by Rosemary S. Reese, Documenta-

tion of Collections. Vol. 4 in A

Bibliography on Historical Organiza-

tion Practices, bk. note, 273

O'Connor, Mrs. Charles, 76

O'Donnell, James H., III, book rev.,


Ohio Board of State Charities, 280,

285, 298

Ohio Building, Ohio Reform Farm, 290

Ohio Cultivator, 301

Ohio Democrats' Central Committee,

The, 53

Ohio Eagle, 283, 285-286, 317-318

Ohio Farmer, 301

Ohio Farmer's Insurance, 310

Ohio General Assembly, 67-77 passim,


Ohio Journal of Education, 155

Ohio Medical College, 229, 230

Ohio Medical Convention, 231

Ohio Medical Society, 225

Ohio Penitentiary, 319

Ohio Reform Farm, The, "'The Family

System of Common Farmers': The

Origins of Ohio's Reform Farm,

1840-1858," by Robert M. Mennel,

125-156; "'The Family System  of

Common Farmers': The Early Years

of Ohio's Reform Farm, 1858-1884,"

by Robert M. Mennel, 279-322; il-



lustrations, 313, 315, 317

Ohio's Natural Heritage, Michael B.

Lafferty, editor-in-chief, rev., 248-250

Ohio State Grange, 148

Ohio State Legislature (1858), 51, 56-64

One and the Many: Reflections on the

American Identity, The, by Arthur

Mann, rev., 357-358

On the Hill: A History of the American

Congress, From 1789 to the Present,

by Alvin M. Josephy, Jr., rev.,


On the Making of Americans: Essays in

Honor of David Riesman, edited by

Herbert J. Gans, Nathan Glazer,

Joseph R. Gusfield and Christopher

Jencks, rev., 92-93

Onyejekwe, Okey, book rev., 107-108

"Open-field" system, 340

Ordinance of 1787, The, 432

Ordinances of the City of Cincinnati,

Codification of, 158-159n.4

Origins of the Modern American Peace

Movement, 1915-1929, by Charles

DeBenedetti, rev., 99-100

Orphans, care of, 298

Ostergren, Robert, 334

Ottawa Indians, 236

Outhouse, James, 39-40

Ozanam, Frederic, 144


Painter, Nell Irvin, The Narrative of

Hosea Hudson: His Life as a Negro

Communist in the South, rev., 457-458

Panic of 1857, The, "Economic Issues

in Ohio's Politics During the Reces-

sion of 1857-1858," by B. W. Collins,

46-65; illustrations, cover Winter

1980/Number 1, 59

Paradox of Progressive Education: The

Gary Plan and Urban Schooling, The,

by Ronald D. Cohen and Raymond A.

Mohl, rev., 267-268

Payne, Alma J., book rev., 447-448

Peace Reform In American History,

The, by Charles DeBenedetti, 440

Peck, Erasmus, 228

Penn Central Railroad, 11

"Pennsylvania    Line, The," by

Southwest Pennsylvania Genealog-

ical Services, 346

Pennsylvania's Eastern State Peniten-

tiary, 144-145

Percent Distribution of Population and

Agricultural Workforce, by Nativity,

1880-1912, table, 325




Perkins, James Handasyd, 126, 127,

128, 130

Perkins Report, The, 128

Perry's Victory on Lake Erie, by Wil-

liam Henry Powell, 65-77; illustration,


Persistence levels of farm laborers, 25-

45 passim. Tables: 33, 36, 38, 39, 40,

41, 42, 43, 44

Peskin, Allan, book rev., 244-245

Philip, Kenward, 313, 395

Philistine, The, by Elbert Hubbard, 219

Philpott, Thomas L., 157

Pickaway County Fair, 310

Pioneering Role of Clarence Luther

Herrick in American Neuroscience,

The, by William Frederick Windle,

rev., 105-107

Piqua (Indian) Agency, 183-205 passim

Platt, Thomas Collier, 382

Pocket Aesculapius or Everyone His

Own Physician, The, 232

Pointer, Jonathan, 194

Politics of Benevolence: Revival Re-

ligion and American Voting Behavior,

The, by John L. Hammond, rev.,


"Politics of Sinophobia: Garfield, the

Morey Letter, and the Presidential

Election of 1880, The," by Ted C.

Hinckley, 381-399

Pollak, Julian A., 170

Pollak, Louise, 162

"Pop Corn," Ohio delinquent, 297

Population growth, "Newcomers to the

City: A Study of Black Population

Growth in Toledo, Ohio, 1910-1930,"

by Lee Williams, 5-24

Portraiture, Lincoln. See "Lincoln and

the Ohio Printmakers"

Post, C. W., 209

Powell, William Henry, "The Historical

Paintings of William Henry Powell,"

by Michael J. Devine, 65-77. Works:

Perry's Victory on Lake Erie, 65-77, il-

lustration, 70; Battle of Lake Erie,

65-77, illustration, 71; Self-Portrait,

75, illustration, 75; portrait of Rodrich

Dhru, 66; painting of Columbus before

the Council of Ecclesiastics, 67; The

Discovery of the Mississippi by

DeSoto, 67, 68, 71, 72

Prairie Farmer, 28

Prejudice and the Old Politics: The

Presidential Election of 1928, by Allan

J. Lichtman, rev., 348-349

Prescott, Benjamin, 303



Presidential elections (1860), 401;

(1880), "The Politics of Sinophobia:

Garfield, the Morey Letter, and the

Presidential Election of 1880," by Ted

C. Hinckley, 381-399

President Lincoln Writing the Pro-

clamation of Freedom, January 1st,

1863, by Ehrgott, Forbriger & Co.,

405-406; illustrations, cover Autumn

1980/Number 4, 405

Presidency of Andrew Jackson: White

House Politics, 1829-1837, The, by

Richard B. Latner, rev., 95-97

Pritchard, James, 432, 437

Proctor and Gamble, 166

Proctor, Mary and Bill Matuszeski,

Gritty Cities: A Second Look at Allen-

town, Bethlehem, Bridgeport,

Hoboken, Lancaster, Norwich, Pater-

son, Reading, Trenton, Troy, Water-

bury, Wilmington, rev., 365-366

Progressive Party, The Bull Moose

Years: Theodore Roosevelt and the

Progressive Party, by John Allen

Gable, rev., 353, 355

"Proper Care of the Home, The,"

BHL essay contest, 164

Prudden, Nancy, 84

Public Works Administration of the

National Recovery Act, 177

Pugh, John M., 305


QUAKERS, 182-205 passim

RAILROADS, and their influence on

Ohio party doctrines during the Panic

of 1857, 46-64 passim

Rakove, Jack N., The Beginnings of

National Politics: An Interpretive

History of the Continental Congress,

rev., 445-447

"Randall's Island Nursery," 154

Raphael, Linda S., book rev., 352-353

Rath, Frederick L., Jr. and Merrilyn

Rogers O'Connell, editors. Compiled

by Rosemary S. Reese, Documenta-

tion of Collections. Vol. 4 in A

Bibliography on Historical Organiza-

tion Practices, bk. note, 273

Rauhe Haus, 138, 146, 314-316

Ray's Intellectual Arithmetic, 300

Reagan, Patrick D., book rev., 360-362

Real Estate Board and the Home

Builders Association, 179

Record-linkage, and geographic mobil-

ity, 32-33

Red Hill (Surrey, England), 139, 314




Reese, Rosemary S., compiler. Edited

by Frederick L. Rath, Jr. and Mer-

rilyn Rogers O'Connell, Documenta-

tion of Collections. Vol. 4 in A

Bibliography on Historical Organiza-

tion Practices, bk. note, 273

Reese, William J., book rev., 267-268

Reform Farm. See Ohio Reform Farm,


Reform school bills (1856), 133-135;

(1857), 148-149; (1858), 154

Reform School Commissioners, 133-154,

279-322 passim

Reform  school law, 281, 282, 317,

318, 319

Regnier, John Baptiste, 226

Reid, Whitlaw, 393

Reinmund, J. F., 307

Repealing National Prohibition, by

David E. Kyvig, rev., 459-461

Report on Elementary Public Instruc-

tion in Europe, by Calvin Stowe, 138

"Report on the New York State Tene-

ment Commission of 1900," 160-161

Repression, Ohio Reform Farm, 319-321

Reps, John W., Cities of the American

West: A History of Frontier Urban

Planning, rev., 243-244

Resisted Revolution: Urban America

and the Industrialization of

Agriculture, 1900-1930, The, by David

B. Danbom, rev., 254-255

"Restless Americans: The Geographic

Mobility of Farm Laborers in the Old

Midwest, 1850-1870," by Rebecca A.

Shepherd, 25-45

Restricting Handguns: The Liberal

Skeptics Speak Out, edited by Don B.

Kates, Jr., rev., 114-115

Restrictive covenants, 13-15

Resurgence of Race: Black Social

Theory from Reconstruction to the

Pan-African Conferences, The, by

William Toll, rev., 444-445

Revolt Against Chivalry: Jessie Daniel

Ames and the Women's Campaign

Against Lynching, by Jacquelyn

Dowd Hall, rev., 110-111

Rice, John, 339

Richards, James K., book rev., 265-


Riddleberger, Patrick W., 1866: The

Critical Year Revisited, rev., 369-370

Riesman, David, On the Making of

Americans: Essays in Honor of David

Riesman, edited by Herbert H. Gans,

Nathan Glazer, Joseph R. Gusfield



and Christopher Jencks, rev., 92-93

Roberts, Clayton and David, A History

of England, 440

Rockwell, Irwin E., 211

Rogers, Earl M., compiler, A List

of References for the History of

Agriculture in Iowa, bk. note, 274

Roller, David C., book rev., 363-364

Roosevelt, Theodore, The Bull Moose

Years: Theodore Roosevelt and the

Progressive Party, by John Allen

Gable, rev., 353-355

Roots of Modern Mormonism, by Mark

P. Leone, rev., 258-259

Rose, Mark H., Interstate: Express

Highway Politics, 1941-1956, rev.,


Rowe, Stanley, 177

Royal Philanthropic Society (London,

England), 139

Rubinstein, Judah and Sidney Z. Vin-

cent, Merging Traditions-Jewish

Life in Cleveland. A Contemporary

Narrative, 1945-1975. A Pictorial

Record 1839-1975, rev., 352-353

Ruddy, Michael T., book rev., 465-466

Ruger, Albert, 407-409. Works: Funeral

Car of President Lincoln passing the

State House at Columbus, April 29,

407-409, illustration, 407; Funeral Car

used at the Obsequies of the late Pres.

A. Lincoln at Columbus, 0., April 29th

1865, 407-410, illustration, 408

Ruger & Stone, 407

Rumelin, Carl Gustav. See Reemelin,


Rupp, Leila J., book rev., 443-444

Rush, Benjamin, 331, 332

Russell Sage Foundation, 161

Russian Looks at America: The Journey

of Aleksandr Borisovich Lakier in

1857, The, translated and edited by

Arnold Schrier and Joyce Story, rev.,


Rutherford, Benjamin, 432

Ryan, Paul B. and Thomas A. Bailey,

Hitler vs. Roosevelt: The Undeclared

Naval War, rev., 465-466



Sahli, Nancy, editor, Directory of Ar-

chives and Manuscripts Repositories

in the United States, rev., 373-374

St. Clair, Arthur, 423

St. Pierre, Lewis, 341

St. Vincent de Paul Society, 144

Sale bill of 1858, The, 60




St. Clair, Arthur, 423

St. Pierre, Lewis, 341

St. Vincent de Paul Society, 144

Sale bill of 1858, The, 60

Salem Township, Wyandot County,

Ohio, 24-45 passim

"Samuel Huntington: A Connecticut

Aristocrat on the Ohio Frontier," by

Jeffrey P. Brown, 420-438

San Francisco Alta, 396

San Francisco Bulletin, 396

San Francisco Chronicle, 392, 396, 398

San Francisco Examiner, 396

Sangamo Insurance Company of

Springfield, 414-415; illustration, 414

Sargent, Aaron A., 385, 396

Satterfield, James, 182

Saunders, Stephen L., 26

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., The Age of

Jackson, 56

Scharf, Lois, book rev., 462-464

Schreiber, Cornell, 16

Schrier, Arnold and Joyce Story, trans-

lator and editor, A Russian Looks at

America: The Journey of Aleksandr

Borisovich Lakier in 1857, rev.,


Schwartz, Harold, book rev., 458-459

Shultz, Richard, book rev., 449-450

Scipio Township, La Porte County,

Indiana, 25-45 passim

Scioto Village, Women's Reform School,


Scott, George M., 182

Self-Portrait, by William Henry Powell,

75; illustration, 75

Sellman, John, 225, 230

Seneca Indians, 183, 184, 186, 201

Seneca Reserve, 201

Seneca Subagency, 201

Senior, Max, 162

Seventh-day Adventists, 208-209

Seventh-day Adventist Sanitarium

(Battle Creek, Michigan), 209

Sex, Love and Its Place in a Free So-

ciety, by Edward Carpenter, 218

Sexual abuse, Ohio Reform Farm, 290

Shade, William G., 46

Shannon, Frederick A., 26, 31, 34

Shaw, Edward, 188

Shaw, John, 186-205

Shaw, Mrs. John (Elizabeth Wright),

188, 204

Shawnee Indians, 182, 183, 186, 201

Shaw, Thomas, 188

Shepherd, Rebecca A., "Restless Ameri-

cans: The Geographic Mobility of



Farm Laborers in the Old Midwest,

1850-1870," 25-45

Sherman, John, 62, 72, 389

Sherman's March: An Eyewitness His-

tory of the Cruel Campaign That

Helped End a Crueler War, by Richard

Wheeler, rev., 97-98

Sherman, William T., Sherman's March:

An Eyewitness History of the Cruel

Campaign That Helped End a Crueler

War, by Richard Wheeler, rev., 97-98

Shugert, Frank, 320

Sibley, Solomon, 429-430

Sickles, Dan E., 415

Simmons, David A., book rev., 255-257

Simonis, Louis H., "Maumee River

1834, with the William C. Holgate

Journal, May 16-June 24, 1935 from

Utica, N.Y. to Huntington, Indiana,"


Sinophobia, "The Politics of

Sinophobia: Garfield, the Morey Let-

ter, and the Presidential Election of

1880," by Ted C. Hinckley, 381-399

Slave and Freeman: The Autobiography

of George L. Knox, edited by Willard

B. Gatewood, Jr., rev., 252-253

"Slavery Controversy at Two Colleges,

The," by Erving E. Beauregard, 440

Slidel, Ruth, Urban SurvivaL- The World

of Working-Class Women, rev.,


Small, E. L., 319, 320

Smallwood, William, 35

Smith, Henry, 8

Smith, John, 427, 429, 430

Smith, Richard W., book rev., 97-98

Smith, Robert E., "The Clash of

Leadership at the Grand Reserve: The

Wyandot Subagency and the

Methodist Mission, 1820-1824,"


Smyth, Anson, 155

Southwest Pennsylvania Genealogical

Services, "The Pennsylvania Line,"


Spaulding, Jason, 13

"Special attachment," 8-9

Spellman, Elizabeth, Kathryn Boyer

and Robert Boyer, and Grace Miller,

The Story of Independence, bk. note,


Spencer, Lilly Martin, 65

Spirit Fruit, 211

Spirit Fruit Colony, "Free Love in

Ohio: Jacob Beilhart and the Spirit

Fruit Colony," by Robert S. Fogarty




and H. Roger Grant, 206-221; illustra-

tion, 217

Spirit's Voice, 211

Spiritualism, 209

Soldiering: The Civil War Diary of Rice

C. Bull, edited by K. Jack Bauer, rev.,


S. Selleck & Co., 407. Publications: 407

Stabler's "Expectorant and Diarrhea

Cordial," 231

Stalwarts, 389

Starr, Stephen Z., book rev., 103-104.

Works: The Union Cavalry in the Civil

War. Vol. I. From Fort Sumter to

Gettysburg, 1861-1863, rev., 265-267

State Board of Agriculture (Ohio), 148,


State Board of Housing (Ohio), 177

State Constitutional Convention of 1850

(Ohio), 136

State Farm, the. See Ohio Reform Farm,


Statehood movement, the Ohio, 423-

425 passim

State Horticultural Society, 312

State House (Ohio), 407; illustrations,

407, 408

State Imbecile Asylum, 308

State of War: Michigan in World War

II, by Alan Clive, rev., 355-356

State Reform Farm, See Ohio Reform

Farm, The

State Reform School for Boys (Meri-

den, Connecticut), 284

State Teachers Association, 132

Staudenmaier, John M., S.J., book rev.,


Stern, Mark J., Michael B. Katz, and

Michael J. Doucet, "Migration and

the Social Order in Erie City, New

York: 1855," 32

Steve Biko: I Write What I Like,

edited by Aelred Stubbs, rev., 107-108

Stewart, John, 183, 194, 199

Stickney, Benjamin F., 183, 184

Still, William N., Jr., book rev., 264-265

Stockton Daily Evening Herald, 396

Story, Joyce and Arnold Schrier, editor

and translator, A Russian Looks at

America: The Journey of Aleksandr

Borisovich Lakier in 1857, rev.,


Story of Independence, The, by Grace

Miller, Elizabeth Spellman, Kathryn

Boyer and Robert Boyer, bk. note, 273

Stowe, Calvin, Report on Elementary

Public Instruction in Europe, 138



Stowe, Calvin, 314

Streak of Luck: The Life and Legend

of Thomas Alva Edison, A, by Robert

Conot, rev., 100-102

Strong, Annie P., 161

Strobridge, Hines, 409

Stubbs, Aelred, editor, Steve Biko: I

Write What I Like, rev., 107-108

Stubbs, Harriet, 194-195

Studer, J.H., 409. Works: Funeral Ob-

sequies of the late Pres't. A. Lincoln,

Columbus, 0., April 29, 1865, 409-410,

illustration, 408

Sturnick, Judith A., book rev., 372-373

Sumner, Charles, 71

Surrender of Lord Cornwallis, by John

Trumble, 68

Swierenga, Robert P., "Ethnicity and

American Agriculture," 323-344

"Swisser" stone barns, 326

Sylvester Thompson, Ohio Pioneer, and

Descendants, compiled by Harold and

Glenda Thompson, bk. note, 273

Syndenham, Thomas, 232-233


TAFEL, Edgar, Apprentice to Genius:

Years With Frank Lloyd Wright, rev.,


Taft, Alphonso, 126, 129, 130-131

Tallmadge House, 310

Tammany societies, 436

Tapp, Hambleton and James C. Klotter,

Kentucky: Decades of Discord

1865-1900, rev., 363-364

Tarhe (Wyandot Chief), 181, 182

Tax bill of 1858, The new Ohio, 56

Tecumseh (Michigan), 227

"Tenderloin," (Toledo, Ohio), 15

Tending the Talking Wire: A Bucl

Soldier's View of Indian Country

1863-1866, edited by William E

Unrau, rev., 358-360

Tenement House Committee of thi

Charity Organization Society for Nev

York City, 160

Tenement House Inspection Depart

ment (Cincinnati, Ohio), 162

Tentler, Leslie Woodcock, Wage

Earning Women: Industrial Work an,

Family Life in the United States

1900-1930, rev., 251-252

Terril, Edwin, 27

Terrorism: Threat, Reality, Response

by Robert Kupperman and Darre

Trent, rev., 449-450

"Theory of Migration, A," by Evi

rett S. Lee, 26-27, 45




Theosophy, 209, 220

Thernstorm, Stephan, 32, 34, 41-42, 43

Third Baptist Church of Toledo, 24

Thompson, Harold and Glenda, com-

pilers, Sylvester Thompson, Ohio

Pioneer, and Descendants, bk. note,


Thompson's Island (Boston harbor),

127, 128, 129

Thompson, John, 437

Thompson, Sylvester, Sylvester Thomp-

son, Ohio Pioneer, and Descendants,

compiled by Harold and Glenda

Thompson, bk. note, 273

Tiffin, Edward, 224-224, 228, 239, 240,

423-438 passim

Tissue of Lies: Nixon vs. Hiss, A,

by Morton Levitt and Michael Levitt,

rev., 261-262

Tobey, George B., book rev., 250-251

Tod, George, 432-438 passim

Toledo Blade, 10-11, 13, 16-17, 20

Toledo City Council, 17

Toledo City Journal, 15, 16, 17

Toledo House of Refuge, 307

Toledo Observer, 18

Toll, William, The Resurgence of Race:

Black Social Theory from Reconstruc-

tion to the Pan-African Conferences,

rev., 444-445

Towne, Charles, 333

Transylvania Medical College, 229

Trent, Darrell and Robert Kupperman,

Terrorism: Threat, Reality, Response,

rev., 449-450

"Trickle-down" theory of housing, 157-

180 passim

True, Jabez, 222-223, 236

Trumble, John, Declaration of Indepen-

dence, 68; Surrender of Lord Corn-

wallis, 68

Truth in History, by Oscar Handlin,

rev., 367-368

Tukerman, Joseph, 127n.7

Turner, Frederick Jackson, The Frontier

in American History, 26n.1, 34, 35,


Turner, Sydney, 139

Tuthill, Abraham G. D., 65

Twain, Mark. See Clemens, Samuel


UNGER, Irvin and Debi Unger, The

Vulnerable Years: The United States,

1896-1917, rev., 458-459

Union Cavalry in the Civil War, The.

Vol. I. From Fort Sumter to Get-

tysburg, 1861-1863, by Stephen Z.



Starr, rev., 265-267

Union Prisoner's Occupation, by Ehr-

gott and Krebs, 417; illustration, 417

Union Republican state convention of

1858, 63

United Jewish Charities of Cincinnati,

158, 162

United States and the Global Struggle

for Minerals, The, by Alfred E. Eckes,

Jr., rev., 362-363

United States Bureau of Indian Affairs,

201, 202

United States Congress, and William

Henry Powell, 65-77 passim

United States Superintendent of In-

dian Affairs, 184

United States Treasury Department,


"Universal Life," 210

Unrau, William E., editor, Tending the

Talking Wire: A Buck Soldier's View

of Indian Country, 1863-1866, rev.,


Upper Sandusky, 181-205 passim

Urban, Charles, 177

Urban Survival: The World of Working-

Class Women, by Ruth Slidel, rev.,


Utopian societies, 78-88 passim

VALLANDIGHAM, Clement, 285, 318

Van Buren, Martin, 415

Van Buren Township, Monroe County,

Indiana, 25-45 passim

Vanderlyn, John, Landing of Columbus,


Van Tine, Warren, book rev., 349-350

Van Wert Court of Common Pleas,


Veiller, Lawrence, 157, 160, 161

Vendantaism, 220

Versatile Guardian: Research in Naval

History, edited by Richard Von

Doenhoff, rev., 264-265

Vincent, Sidney Z. and Judah Rubin-

stein, Merging Traditions-Jewish

Life in Cleveland. A Contemporary

Narrative, 1945-1975. A Pictorial

Record 1839-1975, rev., 352-353

Volksblatt, 136

Von Doenhoff, Richard, editor, Versatile

Guardian: Research in Naval History,

rev., 264-265

Vox Populi: Violence and Popular In-

volvement in the Religious Controver-

sies of the Fifth Century A.D., by

Timothy E. Gregory, 440





trial Work and Family Life in the

United States, 1900-1930, by Leslie

Woodcock Tentler, rev., 251-252

Wagener, Mary L., book rev., 464-465

Walker, Isaac, 196, 203

Walker, William, Jr., 194, 195

Walker, William, Sr., 196

Wall, Robert G., 211

Walls, Dwayne, 9

Wanzo, Elvin B., 24

Warner, Hoyt Landon, book rev., 353-


War of 1812, The, 181, 182, 183

Warpole (Wyandot Chief), 202

Washington and Lincoln, drawn by

Henry A. Mumaw, 410; illustration,


Washington and Lincoln, 410; illustra-

tion, 411

Washington, George, 381

Washington's Crossing the Delaware,

by Emanuel Leutze, 70

Washington, Martin, 8

Waterhouse, Harry, 226

Waukegan Daily Sun, 215, 221, 221n.49

Weir, Robert, Embarkation of the

Pilgrims, 68

Welch, Mary, 11

Wells, Benzaleel, 433

Wells, E.M.P., 127

Welter, Barbara, 79

Wendler, Marilyn Van Voorhis, "Doc-

tors and Diseases on the Ohio Fron-

tier," 222-240

Wentworth, Edward, 333

Werner, Gustav, 146

Westboro, 131, 138

Western Reserve Seminary, 284

West Virginia History, 241

Westward movement, the, 25-45 passim

Wheeler, Richard, Sherman's March:

An Eyewitness History of the Cruel

Campaign That Helped End a Crueler

War, rev., 97-98

White, Charles, 227

Whitehead, Vivian B., compiler, A List

of References for the History of

Agricultural Technology, bk. note,


White, Oscar, 227, 228, 236

White, Paul F., Index to the Ameri-

can Jewish Archives, Volumes

I-XXIV, rev., 374-375

Whitman, Walt, 218-219, 200. Works:

"Song of Myself," 218, 219

Whittridge, Thomas Worthington, 65



Wichern, Johann Hinrich, 138, 146,


Wildman, Allan K., The End of the

Russian Imperial Army: The Old Ar-

my and the Soldiers Revolt (March-

April 1917), 440

Williams, Edward, 8

Williams, Lee, "Newcomers to the City:

A Study of Black Population Growth

in Toledo, Ohio, 1910-1930," 5-24

Willoughby College, 229-230

Willys, John North, 9

Windle, William Frederick, The Pioneer-

ing Role of Clarence Luther Herrick in

American Neuroscience, rev., 105-107

Winters, Donald, 334

With No Apologies: The Personal and

Political Memoirs of Senator Barry

Goldwater, by Barry Goldwater, rev.,


Wittke, Carl, 326

Wolff, Gerald W., book rev., 452-454

Women and the American Labor Move-

ment: From Colonial Times to the Eve

of World War I, by Philip S. Foner,

rev., 443-444

"Women in an Evangelical Community:

Oberlin 1835-1850," by Lori D. Ginz-

berg, 78-88

Wood, Fernando, 401

Wood, Jerome L., Jr., Conestoga Cross-

roads: Lancaster, Pennsylvania:

1730-1790, rev., 255-257

Wood, Reuben, 131

"Wood Self-Rake Reaper," illustration,


Wooster Lake, 214

Workingmen's Party, 386

Worthington, Thomas, 423-438 passim

Wortman, Roy, book rev., 114-115

Wright, Elizabeth (Mrs. John Shaw),

188, 204

Wright, Frank Lloyd, Apprentice to

Genius: Years With Frank Lloyd

Wright, by Edgar Tafel, rev., 102-103

Wright, James, 199

Wright, Jonathan, Jr., 188

Wyandot Council House, the, 185

Wyandot Indians, "The Clash of

Leadership at the Grand Reserve: The

Wyandot Subagency and the

Methodist Mission, 1820-1824," by

Robert E. Smith, 181-205

Wyandot Treaty (1817), the, 184






YONCE, Frederick J., "Lumbering and

the   Public   Timberlands    in

Washington: The Era of Disposal,"


Young, Paul E., Jr., book rev., 102-103

Youngstown Telegram, 214

Youthful Offenders Act (1854), 139



ZAHNISER, Marvin R., book rev.,


Zikmund, Barbara, 81

Zoars, 206

Zoning proposals (Cincinnati, Ohio),


Zwink, Timothy A., book rev., 456-457