Ohio History Journal





Adams, John, characterized, 30-31.                                                    Pacific squadron present, 208-209, 213.

Adams, Rufus W., Young Gentleman and                                           Press notices, 207-213.

Lady's Explanatory Monitor, 138-141.                                         Scrapped, 206-207.

"The Akron Centennial," 522-547.                                                       Silver service, 207.

"Akron Day," 531-533.                                                                Sponsor presents loving cup, 213.

Balloon race, 523-524.                                                                 Sponsor receives flags, 213.

D. A. R., Dedication of Tablet by, 546.                             The battleship Ohio, launched 1820, press

Dedication   of Tablet to    Industrial                                           notices, 213-215.

Leaders, 534-545.                                                           Benham, Joseph S., 105.

Dick, Charles, 546.                                                              Bickerton, Major, 379-380, 395, 400, 402,

Historical Parade, 532-533.                                                         408-409.

Hull, Charles T., 525-531.                                                  Big Jim, Shawnee leader, 146, 147, 149-153.

Opening Exercises, 524-531.                                             Birney, James G., 265.

Pageants, 532-534, 547.                                                     Bishop, Thomas, 322, 334-336.

Popularity Contest, 524.                                                     Blackfeet tribe, portraits of members of,

Sieber, George W., 534-545, 547.                                              132-137.

Tolstoy, Count Ilya, 547.                                                    Bock. C. A., and Morgan, A. E., 474-503.

Willis, Frank B., 545.                                                           Bolivar, Ohio, 109.

Youth's Day, 533-534.                                                       Book Reviews:

Alford, Thomas W.                                                                              An Early Ohio School Book, 138-141.

At dedication of Clark monument, 143.                                      The Horse: Cruiser and the Rarey

Descendants, 144-147.                                                                Method of Training Horses, 428.

Education, 151-153.                                                                     Recollections of Men and Events: An

Lineage, 143-146.                                                                        Autobiography, 428-133.

Allen, William, A Study in Western De-       William Allen: A Study in Western

mocracy, reviewed, 611-613.                    Democracy, 611-613.

Anderson, Osborn P., 272.                                                         Boone, Daniel, 119, 122, 126.

Andrews, Allen, 28.                                                                   Bowles, William, 383-384, 387-388.

Breese, Commodore, 58.

Baker, Newton D., 21, 28.                                                          Briggs, Kora F., 138.

Ballot, Australian, 16.                                                                 Brooks, Preston S., 444, 446, 448-450, 452-

Banks, Nathaniel P., 436, 438, 456, 472.                                             456, 462-465, 471, 614-615.

Barber, Miss, 211-212.                                                              Brough, Governor John, 219, 220.

Barron, James, 459.                                                                   Brouse, Edwin   W., "The Akron       Cen-

The battleship Ohio.                                                                             tennial." 522-547.

Address of President McKinley, 210-                              Brown, John. 270, 272, 278-283, 318-320, 324,

211.                                                                                           318,   314,  389,  420-421.

Built, 1898, 212.                                                                  Buchanan, President James, 279.

Ceremonies at launching, 211-212.                                   Buffalo five cent piece; possible original

Cost, 212.                                                                                      of model, 136.

Crew presents flags, 213.                                                   Buffum, David, murder of, 338-339, 340,

Demonstration, 208-212.                                                             318, 354, 382, 404-405, 417.

Deshler, Helen, sponsor, 206, 207.                                    "Burials, Admissions to Communion and

Flags, presented, 213; transferred, 213.                                      Marriages at Schoenbrunn:"

Launched, 1901, 206-213.                      Admissions to Communion, 595-596.

Loving cup, 213.                                                                          Burials, 590-594.

Ohio   Archaeological and    Historical                                      Marriages, 596.

Society  receives flags, 213; silver                                Burlingame, Anson, 444, 455-457, 460, 462-

service, 207.                                                                             473, 614-615.


618 Index

618                                    Index


Bushnell, Governor Asa S., 18.                                                     Recent addresses of, 29-62.

Butler, Andrew P., 443-444, 447-448, 454,                                          "Children's hospital," 53-56.

472.                                                                                                 "Gospel of burnished steel," 48-53.

Butler, Joseph, Jr., Recollections of Men                                              "How and when (?) Ohio became

and Events, reviewed, 428-433.                                                    a state," 29-48.

Birth, 429.                                                                                       "Mississippi squadron," 56-62.

Business career, 429-430.                                                             "Sumner - Brooks - Burlingame," 435-

Butler Art Institute, 431.                                                                473.

Famous acquaintances, 432.                                                         Red Cross activities, 20.

McKinley Birthplace Memorial, 431.                                          Serves three terms in Congress, 15-16.

Tribute to Governor Tod, 430.                                                      Social qualities, 6.

Butler, Simon, pseudonym of Simon                                                   Sponsors tax   levy  for State Uni-

Kenton, 119.                                                                                  versity, 16-17.

Byrd, Charles Willing, 42-43.                                                              Strength of intellect, 95.

Success as presiding officer, 4-5.

Campbell, Ex-Governor James E.                                                       Testimonial to, 21.

Banquet for, 21.                                                                   Campbell, Lewis D., 436, 453-455, 457, 460-

Birth, 11.                                                                                       472.

Birthday messages, 20-21.                                                  Canals, Ohio.

Broadmindedness, 7.                                                                   Cost, 112.

Celebrates eightieth birthday, 20.                                               Inaugurated, 63-65.

Chairman Ohio delegation, National                                           Last canal boat, 109-116.

Democratic conventions, 18.                                                  Length, 110-111.

Change of political belief, 14.                                                     Press notices, 100-108.

Defeated by Bushnell, 18; by Mc-                                              Speeches, 71-99.

Kinley, 17; for Congress, 18.                                                  Work commenced, 66-70.

Editorial tributes, 21-28.                                                      Cannon, Speaker Joseph G., 8.

Education, 13-14.                                                                Children's homes: originator of, 241-243.

Enters U. S. navy, 14.                                                         "The children's hospital," 53-56.

Fills public offices, 14.                                                        China, Imperial canal of, 110.

Financial success, 20.                                                         Chittenden, General H. M., 485, 495.

Friendliness, 22.                                                                  Cilley, Jonathan, 459.

Good humor, 6-8.                                                              Cincinnati, political reforms in, achieved

Governor of Ohio, 16.

Honesty 17, 21-22.                                                                by Governor Campbell, 17; visited by

Interest in and work for Memorial                    Governor Clinton and others, 100-101;

Wing, 4-5, 9.                         104-108.

Introduces Australian ballot, 16.                                        Cincinnati Times-Star, extract from the,

Introduces reforms, 1617.                                                         427-428.

Kindheartedness, 6-7.                                                        Clarke, Sarah J., "The Doomed Soldier

Lineage, 11-13.                                                                          of Fort Meigs," poem, 202-205.

Loyalty to state and country, 4, 5-7, 47.                           Clay Cassius M., 128.

Member of Codifying commission, 18.

Member of Executive Mansion board,                             Clay, Henry, 100, 127, 128, 469.

18.                                                                                   Clinton, Governor Dewitt.

Member of Ohio Council of National                                       Attends banquet, 107-108.

Defense, 19-20.                                                                     "Champion of internal improvements,"

Obsequies, 26-28.                                                                       63-64.

Perennial youth, 8-9.                                                                 Orates at commencement of Ohio

Personal charm, 22-23.                                                             canals, 68, 88-91.

Poem on, 10-11.                                                                        Portrait, 65.

President  Ohio   Archaeological and                                       Press notices of his visit to Ohio,

Historical Society, 5.                                                             100-108.

Public spirit, 9.                                                                           Responds to address, 97-99; to toasts,

Public work for Ohio Archeological                                         93, 94, 103-104.

and Historical Society, 5.                                                      Speaks at Cincinnati, 105-107.

Index 619

Index                                    619


Visits Columbus, 95-99; Dayton, 100;                                         "Newspaper Correspondence," 292-

Hamilton, 100, 102; Lancaster, 94;                                              421.

Lawrenceburg, 104; Licking Summit,                                     Launching  of Another Battleship

66-99; Louisville, 101; Middletown,                                              Ohio, 213-215.

102; Newark, 66-67.                                                                 McKinley, William.

Code Duello, 457, 459, 471.                    "Address at Launching of Battle-

Contributors and Contributions.                                                                 ship Ohio," 210-211.

Biographical  sketch   of   Governor                                            McKinney, Walter D.

Campbell, 11-21.                                                                      "Simon Kenton, Thomas W. Crid-

Brouse, Edwin W.                                                                             land--Pioneers," 116-131.

"The Akron Centennial," 522-547.                                           Morgan, Arthur E. and Bock, C. A.

Burials, Admission to Communion and                                                    "A History of Flood  Control in

Marriages at Schoenbrunn, 590-596.                                            Ohio," 474-503.

Campbell, Governor James E.                                                     Orton, Edward.

"Children's Hospital," 53-56.                                                    "Presentation of Portraits of Amer-

"Gospel of Burnished Steel," 48-53.                                         ican Indians," 133-137

"How and When (?) Ohio Became                                          Perkins, George.

a State," 29-48.                                                                      "The Ohio Canal," 597-604.

"Mississippi Squadron," 56-62                                                  Press notices.

"Sumner - Brooks - Burlingame,  or,                                       "Governor Clinton's Visit to Ohio,"

The Last of the Great-Challenges,"                                           101-108.

435-473.                                                                                 "Launching   of Battleship   Ohio,"

Clarke, Sarah J.                                                                                   207-215.

"The   Doomed    Soldier  of   Fort                                           Reviews, Notes and Comments, 138-

Meigs" (poem), 203-205.                                                      141, 241-246, 426-433, 611-616.

Commencement of Ohio Canals, 66-99.                                     Shetrone, Harry C.

Doerschuk, Albert N.                                                                    "Exploration of the Ginther Mound,"

"Last Ohio Canal-boat," 109-116.                                                  154-163.

Editorial tributes to Governor Camp-                                           "Exploration of the Miesse Mound,

bell, 21-28.                                                                                      163-168.

Editorials on Battleship Ohio, 207-216.                                         "Exploration of the Shilder Mound,

Ewing, Senator Thomas.                                                                    162-163.

"Oration at Commencement of the                                          Stump, V. C.

Ohio Canals," 71-91.                                                              "Early Newspapers of Cincinnati,"

Galbreath, Charles B.                                                                         169-183.

"Arthur C. Johnson, President Ohio                                          Workman, Charles H.

Archaeological and Historical So-                                        "Tablet to   Abraham    Lincoln  at

ciety," 249-250.                                                                     Mansfield," 505-521.

"Battleship Ohio," 206-215.                                                       Yager, Elizabeth F.

"Dedication    of  the  Wagnalls Me-                                        "Presidential Campaign of 1864 in

morial," 251-262.                                                                        Ohio," 548-589.

"In  Memoriam--James E. Camp-                               Copeland, Foster, 28.

bell," 3-10.                                                                  Cox, Governor James M., 21,, 28, 490.

"John Henri Kagi," 263-291.                                         Cox, Samuel S., 220.

"Ohio's Fugitive Slave Law," 216-                                Crawford, William   H., 459.

240.                                                                             Cridland, Thomas W., 121-131.

"Reviews, Notes and    Comments,"                             Crum, Ira, 607.

138-141, 241-246, 426-433, 611-616.                       Crumley, J. J., speaks on "Preservation

"Tecumseh and His Descendants,"                                           of Our Forests," 608, 609.

143-153.                                                                      Curly Bear, Indian chief, 134.

"Thomas    Jefferson's  Views   on                               Cutler, Ephraim, 41-42.

Slavery," 184-202.

Horst, John R.                                                                     Daughters of the American Revolution,

"The   McGuffey   Society  at Fort                                           Cincinnati chapter, 426.

Hill," 605-610.                                                            Daguerre, M. Louis, 127.

Kagi, John H.                                                                      Daguerreotypes, 127-128

620 Index

620                                    Index


Dana, Charles A., 281.                                                                       paper-mills  established, 174; money

Davis, Jefferson, quoted, 341, 452.                                                   scarce, produce accepted, 174-175; dif-

Davis, Marshal, 398, 404.                                                                   ficulties in collecting news, 175; polit-

Davis, Timothy, 456.                                                                         ical articles  over  assumed    signa-

Dawes, Charles, 41-42.                                                                      tures, 175-176; contents of average

Day, Judge Robert H., 28.                                                                 paper, 176-177; poetry, 179-180; anec-

Decatur, Stephen, 459.                                                                       dotes, 180; advertisements, 180-181;

Dedication of the Wagnalls Memorial.                                             fleeing  slaves, 181-182; underground

Address by F. H. Vizetelly, 256-262.                                        railroad forecasted, 182; apprentices

Building, 251-254.                                                                      also escape, 182; advertisements of

Dedication, 255-262.                                                                  early schools, 182; bibliography, 183.

Exercises, 251, 255.                                                            Edwards, Mrs. Ida L., 255.

Guests, 255.                                                                         Elmore, Judge Rush, 275-278; 316-317; 371;

"The Descendants of Tecumseh," 141.                                             419-420; sketch of life, 423-424.

Deshler, Helen, christens battleship Ohio,                                 "Equitation in and about Columbus," 244.

206, 207.                                                                              Ewing, Mrs. Catherine Fay, originator of

Dickey, Dr. T. A., 28.                                                                        children's homes, 241-243.

Dickinson, Charles, 458-459.                                                             Becomes teacher, 242.

Dodge, William E., quoted, 463.                                                       Opens first home, 242.

Doerschuk, Albert N., "The Last Ohio                                              Secures passage of bill providing for

Canal Boat," 109-116.                                                                county children's homes, 243.

Donahey, Governor Vic, 21, 27, 28.                                                Sketch of life of, 241-243.

Donaldson, U. S. Marshal, 358-360, 366,                                  Ewing, Senator Thomas, 64, 67-68; oration

368, 376, 387, 389-390, 395, 400, 412, 417,                             at commencement of      Ohio   Canal,

418-419.                                                                                      1825, 71-88; 94.

"The Doomed Soldier of Fort Meigs,"                                       Ewing, Honorable Thomas, 64.

203-205.                                                                              Ezra Meeker, the Ohioan, 141.

Douglas, Stephen A., 447-448, 472.

Dowling, Joseph H., 28.                                                             Fally, E. R., 403, 406, 414.

Draper, John W., 127.                                                                Fay, Catherine, 241-243.

Dueling: Sumner-Brooks-Burlingame, or,                                 First boat on Ohio canals, 111.

The Last of the Great Challenges,                                      First Ohio canals, 63-70.

435-473.                                                                              First children's homes, 241-243.

Dunmore, Lord, 119.                                                                 First constitutional convention, 33.

Dunsmore, John Ward, 254, 255.                                              First county children's home law, 243.

Early Ohio School-book, 138-141.                                            First legislature, 31-32.

"Early newspapers of Cincinnati," 169-                                    First maker of daguerreotypes west of

183; Centinel of the    Northwestern                                           the Alleghanies, 127-128.

Territory, 169; editor, description,                                     First newspaper, 169.

dimensions, 169-170; sold and name                                First photograph, 127.

changed to Freeman's Journal, 170;                                 First state to secede, 472.

moved to Chillicothe, 171; editor dies,                              First visit of Lafayette to Ohio, 426-428.

and paper discontinued, 171; Joseph                                 First suggestion of Abraham Lincoln for

Carpenter founds Western Spy and                                           President of the United States, 505-

Hamilton Gazette, 171; changes hands,                                    521.

also         name, 171; re-christened    The                         Fithian, George, 123.

Whig,      later  Advertiser, 171; new                                 "Flood Control in Ohio," 474-503.

Western Spy appears, 172; editor dies,                             Fort Hill, McGuffey    Society at," 605-

172; third paper, Liberty Hall, ap-                                             610.

pears, 172; Spirit of the West, 172;                                    Franklin, Battle of, 294-295, 303, 308-309.

The Gazette, 172-173; is consolidated                               Fredonia Censor quoted, 203-205.

with Liberty Hall, and becomes fore-                               Frehman, Charles, 260.

runner of Commercial Tribune, 172-                                Fuller, Adrian, 251-254.

173; peculiarities of early papers, 173;                            Fuller, Ruth B., 255-256.

crude pictures, meager outfit, etc.,                                   Funk, Isaac K., 258.

173-174; supply of paper limited, 174;                             Furniss, Dr. Frank C., 137.

Index 621

Index                                      621


Galbreath, Charles B.                                                                  Herald of Freedom, 302, 343-344, 395.

"Arthur C. Johnson," 249-250.                                           Herrick, Ambassador Myron T., 8, 20.

"Battleship Ohio," 206-215.                                                Hinton, Colonel Richard J., John Brown

"Dedication   of the   Wagnalls   Me-                                       and His Men, 269-271, 278, 282-283, 285.

morial," 251-262.                                                           "A    History of Flood Control in Ohio,"

"In Memoriam--James E. Campbell,"                                      474-503; geological changes in  Ohio,

3-10.                                                                                        474; work of the ice-sheet, 474-475;

"John Henri Kagi," 263-291; 422.                                             swamp    elimination, 475; causes   of

"Ohio's Fugitive Slave Law," 216-240.                                      floods, 476-479; early floods, 477-479;

"Reviews,  Notes   and   Comments,"                                        the Miami project, 479-503; first flood

138-141, 241-246, 426-433, 611-616.                                   control program, 479-481; the flood of

"Tecumseh   and   His  Descendants,"                                      1913, 481-482; "Flood prevention com

143-153.                                                                                 mittee," 481-482; plans, 482-483; army

"Thomas Jefferson's Views on                                                 engineers' report, 483; obstacles, 484;

Slavery," 184-202.                                                                educational campaign to combat, 485;

"Verses on 'Our Governor,' " 10-11.                                        the "Conservancy Act of Ohio," 488-

Gard, Homer, 28.                                                                               491; the Miami Conservancy District,

Geary, Governor John W., 274, 277-278,                                        489-491; the Conservancy Court, 489-

329-333, 336-338, 340, 345-346, 348-350,                              490, 494-495; directors, 491; work of

352, 354, 356, 358, 360-361, 368-369, 371,                              the Flood Prevention Committee, 492

373-374, 376, 378-382, 383, 387, 389-393,                              494; their report, 493-494; report of

401, 403, 405-407, 411-412, 417, 419-420;                              Ohio   Flood  Board   of Army     En-

sketch of life, 422-423.                                                              gineers, 495-496; appraisal of property,

"Giddings, Joshua R., 440, 443, 454.                                                  496; the financial side, 496-497; bond

"Gill, George B., 271-272.                                                                  issue approved by Secretary McAdoo,

"Ginther Mound, Exploration    of the,"                                            496-497; headquarters at Dayton, 498;

154-168.                                                                                    equipment, 498; laborers, 499; Osbor??

Burial, 161.                                                                                moved, 501; importance of work, 501-

Cache for food, 161.                                                                 503.

Contents, 159-161.                                                            Hobart, Mrs. Lowell F., 426.

Dimensions, 157-158.                                                       Hockett, Homer C., Political and social

Floor, 160.                                                                                 history of the United States, 245.

Location, 157.                                                                   Holmes, Oliver W., quoted, 451.

Ohio   Archaeological and   Historical                            Hooper, Osman C., 28.

Society explores, 156-163.                                           Hopps, or Hupps, murder of, 305-306, 309-

Opinions concerning, 154-156.                                                310, 313-315.

Speculation  concerning   Tumuli, or                              Horse, The:     Cruiser and    the  Rarey

Temple mounds, 154.                                                           Method of Training Horses, 428.

"Golden, I. W. H., 322, 334-336.                                               Horseback   riding  in  and  around   Co-

Goodman, Joseph C., 137.                                                                lumbus, 1774-1924, 244-245.

"Gospel of burnished steel," 48-53.                                                  Horst John R.  "The McGuffey Society

Governors, Three, attend launching of             at Fort Hill," 605-610; president of

battleship Ohio, 208.                        the day, 606; speaks on "An Extinct

Governor's mansion, 18.                           Race," 607.

Grant, President Ulysses S., quoted, 442.                                Hospitals:  "The   Children's Hospital,"

Graves, William J., 459.                                                                   53-56.

Greeley, Horace, 267.                        "How                            and when  Ohio became a state."

Grow, Galusha A., 463.                                                                    29-45.

Hague, Maurice, 28.                                                                         Adams, John: determination of, 30-31;

Hale, John P., quoted, 462.                                                       Incident concerning, 30; Ohio's debt

Harding, Chester, 122.                                                                          to, 30.

Harding, President Warren G., 8, 20.                                              Authorities disagree, 46.

Harmon, Governor Judson, 28.                                                        Bill of Rights, 37.

Harrison, President William   Henry, in-                                        Birth of Ohio, 33.

cident of, 203-205.                                                                    Boundary lines, 29-31, 32-33.

Harvey, Miss Lucy, 609.                                                                  Burnet, Judge Jacob, 32.

622 Index

622                                   Index


"How and when Ohio became a state,"                                               Campbell,   Ex-Governor   James   E.,

-- Concluded.                                                                                   great debate at Ada, 19.

Cause of Ohio's supremacy, 44.                                                 Campbell, Lewis D., 437; facsimile of

Constitutional convention, first, 33;                                             letter from, 466.

estimate of, 37-38; people ignored,                                         Canal boat, the old, 109.

34; primaries, direct, 35; St. Clair,                                           Canal lock, the old, 111.

General, 31-33; in trouble with legis-                                      Canal lock, The rebuilt, 115.

lature, 32-33; negro  suffrage, 34,                                           Cartter, David K., 519.

36-37; sketches of members, 38-43;                                       Cedar Bank Works, Map of, 155.

slavery sentiment, 36; woman suf-                                        Challenge, Facsimile of, 458.

frage, 34.                                                                                  Chart, of Operation   of Ohio Con-

Date of Ohio's admission: contro-                                              servancy Law, 486.

versies over, 45; correct, 47.                                                   Chase, Salmon P., 671.

Emigration to Ohio, 44.                                                               Clinton, Governor Dewitt, 65.

Governor a figure-head, 35; loses veto                                      Conservancy Building, Dayton, 492.

power, 35.                                                                                Conservancy law, chart of operation,

Judiciary law, "Non-partisan," 35, 37.                                       486.

Legislature, First, 31-32; conflicts with                                      Conservancy Memorial Tablet at Ger-

Governor, 32, 33.                                                                    mantown, 502.

Love for Ohio, 47-48.                                                                 Debate, Great, at Ada, 19.

Northwestern Territory, 31; division                                         Delano, Columbus, 517.

of, 32; first legislature in, 31-32.                                            Douglas, Stephen A., 439.

Paris, Treaty of, 29; conditions of,                                            Election of 1864 in Ohio, Map of, 585,

29-30.                                                                                      Ewing, Senator Thomas, 65.

Western country, 31.                                                                  Facsimiles.

Hoyt, Major, murder of, 294, 296.                                                    The Challenge, 458.

Huntington, Governor Thomas, 39-40.                                             Answer to Challenge, 461.

Hutton, William E., 28.                                                                      Letters from  Lane, 466, 468.

Illustrations.                                                                                        Letter from Campbell, 468.

Akron Centennial Fraternal Commit-                                        Letters from Burlingame, 461, 470.

tee, 539.                                                                                  Flood Control Work, Map of, 480.

Akron Tablet to Industrial Leaders,                                           Fremont, General John C., 571.

542.                                                                                         Geary, Governor John W., 330.

Alford, Charles R. and family, 145.                                         Germantown, Dam during high water,

Alford, Eugene R., 147.                                                             500.

Alford, Paul Leon and comrade, 146.                                      Germantown, Tablet at, 502.

Alford, Thomas Wildcat and family,                                       Ginther Mound, Plan of, 156, 157.

144.                                                                                         Ginther Mound, Survey of, 159.

Banks, Nathaniel P., 439.                                                           Indians, Signature of, 133, 134, 135.

Bronze Tablet to Industrial Leaders                                          Johnson, Arthur C., 248.

of Akron, 542.                                                                        Kagey, Abraham   N., 266.

Big Jim, 150.                                                                              Kagi, John H., 270.

Bone containing arrow-point, 165.                                           Kagi, John H., birthplace of, 268.

Brooks, Preston S., 445; facsimile of                                        Keitt, Lawrence M., 449.

letter from, 458.                                                                     Kenton, Simon, from painting, 118.

Burlingame, Anson, 437; facsimile of                                     Lane, Joseph, 449; letters from, 466,

letters from, 461, 470.                                                           468.

Butler, Andrew P., 449.                                                            Lincoln, Tablet to, at Mansfield, 504.

Campbell, Ex-Governor James E., 2.                                      McClellan, General George B., 571.

Campbell, Ex-Governor James E., from                                 Map of Election of 1864 in Ohio, 685.

painting in State House, 15.                                                   Map of Flood Control Work, 480.

Campbell, Ex-Governor James E., from                                Medary, Samuel, 279.

photograph taken during Civil War,                                      Miesse Mound, archaeological survey

59.                                                                                          of, 167.

Campbell, Ex-Governor James E., Dis-                                  Shannon, Governor Wilson, 300.

patch cartoon, 24.                                                                 Sieber, Honorable George W., 535.

Index 623

Index                                      623

Skeletons as found in mound, 166.                                         263-265; Bristolville, Trumbull County,

Sumner, Charles, 445.                                                            265; the Kagey, or Kagi family, 265-

Tablet to Lincoln, 504.                                                            269; birth of John Henri Kagi, 266;

Tecumseh, 148.                                                                       education,   266-267;  opposition   to

Vizetelly, Dr. Frank H., 257.                                                  slavery, 267; a reporter, 269; a lawyer,

Wagnalls Memorial, Lithopolis, 252.                                     269; estimate of character, 270-272; de-

Indians, American, portraits of, presented                                    scription of, 271; newspaper corre-

to Ohio Archaeological and Historical

Society, 132-137.                                                                    spondent, 270, 273-274; in Kansas, 273;

Society, 132-137.                                                           joins militia, 273; indicted, 274; im-

Jacobs, Bertha E., The Nation's H                                                   prisoned, 274; released, 274; cruel

246.                                                                                           treatment of, 274; difficulty with Judge

Jacksn, President Andrew, 182, 459.                                              Rush Elmore, 275; attacked by him,

Jackson, Dr. J. C., 256.                                                                     276, 288-289; issues card, 276-277; Gov-

"Jefferson, Thomas, Views on slavery,"                                        ernor Geary's statement, 277-278; Kagi

184-202.                                                                                    joins John Brown's party, 278-283; the

Accuses George the Third of inflict-                                      "Battle of the Spurs," 278-279; John

ing slavery upon the colonies, 188-                                     Brown's    reliance  upon  Kagi, 280;

189.                                                                                        Kagi's religious belief, 280; filial affec-

Advocates gradual emancipation, 198-                                   tion, 280; hopefulness, 272, 280-281; at

199.                                                                                        Harper's Ferry, 281; his death, 281-

Advocates colonization, 197-201.                                            282; burial with John Brown, 282; per-

Approves Enabling Act, 194.                                                   sonal letters, notes and excerpts, 280,

Arraignment of slavery, 192-193.                                           283-291; copies in Ohio Archaeological

Attitude toward slavery shown.                                                and Historical Society, 283; imprison-

In Ordinance of 1784, 189.                                                   ment, 287; released, 287; in danger,

In letter published in Paris, 191.                                           287; love affair, 289-290; in Cleveland,

In Notes on Virginia, 192-193.                                             291; in Chambersburg, 291; newspaper

In approval of Enabling Act, 194,                                        correspondence, 292-421; letters to New

In letter to M. Warville, 194.                                                York   Tribune, 292-354; murder     of

In Jefferson-Lemen compact, 194-195.                              Major Hoyt, 296; speech of Governor

In views concerning emancipation                                       Shannon, 299-301; murder      of  Mr.

and colonization, 198-201.                                                 Hopps or Hupps, 305-306, 309-310, 313-

Letter to Jared Sparks, 200-201.                                                315; the Hyatt outrage, 311-312; battle

Letter to M. Warville, 194.                                                        of Osawatomie, 319-320, 328; shooting

Quotations.                                                                                 of I. W. H. Golden, 334-336; murder

From Life of Manasseh Cutler, 14.                                        of David Buffum, 338-339, 340, 348, 354,

From     Life of Ephraim  Cutler, 185-                                  404-405, 417; the "Society for the Aid

186.                                                                                      of Slave Settlements in Kansas," 341-

From Governor Morrow, 186.                                               343; destruction of Herald of Free-

From Asahel H. Lewis, 186-187.                                           dom,  343-344; Free State convention,

From Life of Edward Tiffin, 187-188.                                  353-354; Letters to the National Era,

From Jefferson's Autobiography, 188-                                 355-417; Kagi arrested, 358-360; in-

189.                                                                                      justice of pro-slavery trials, 370-371;

Summary, 202.                                                                           arrival of Governor Geary, 378-380;

Jennison, murder of, 306.                                                                    treatment of Free       State prisoners,

John -- Two      Guns -- White     Calf, Indian                                    382-384, 394-395, 401-403, 408; death of

chief, 135-136.                                                                            Grayson, 381-382; death of Bowles, 383-

Johnson, Arthur C., 28, 137, 249-250.                                                 384, 388; roster of prisoners, 384-386;

Johnson, Judge James E., 28.                                                               two pro-slavery men     arrested, 394; a

Jones, Mrs. Mabel Wagnalls, 253, 256, 262.                                       reign   of terror, 401-402, 406-407; trial

Jones, Richard J., 253, 256.                                                                  of Hickory     Point boys, 388-389, 390-

393, 396-398, 402 404, 410; courage of

Kagey, Abraham      Neff, 265-266.                                                  Walter     Florentine, 406, 415; Kagi

Kagi, John Henri, biographical sketch of,                                           again indicted 400, 405; pathetic cases,

263-291; the     Western   Reserve   and                                      406-407; Kagi taken to Tecumseh, 413;

slavery, 263-265; the Friends in Ohio,                                         prisoners escape, 415.

624 Index

624                                     Index


"Kansas, Crime against," 446-448; 450.                                       Lindley, Jacob, 138.

Kansas Historical Society, 280, 283.                                           Linn, T. P., 28.

Kansas Territory, Anti-slavery conflict in,                                 Lithopolis, Ohio.

273-421.                                                                                         Address by Dr. F. H. Vizetelly, 256

Kansas Tribune, letters to the, 418-421.                                                262.

Keagy, Franklin, 271.                                                                            Dedication  of   Wagnalls   Memorial,

Keitt, Lawrence M., 446, 450, 453-454, 463,                                      251-262.

472.                                                                                                 Roster of World War soldiers from,

Kenton, Simon.                                                                                      255-256.

Portrait, presented to Society, 117-131.  Lytle, General W. H., 108.

Sketch of, 119-121.

Kentucky commissioners.                                                           McAdoo, William    G., 496-497.

Make veiled threat, 221.                                                      Macaulay, Lord, quoted, 451.

Visit Ohio Legislature, 217-220.                                         McGrane, Reginald C., William Allen, A

Work for fugitive slave law, 217-221.                                         Study in Wester    Democracy, 611-6l3.

Kihn, W. Langdon, paints portraits of                                         "The McGuffey Society at Fort Hill,"

American Indians, 132, 136.                                              605-610.

Kilbourn, Henry, 414.                                                                 McKinley, President William.

Kilbourn, Samuel, 414.                                                                Address (in part), 210-211.

Kilbourn, William, 414.                                                                       Defeats (;overnor Campbell, 17.

Kilbourne, Colonel James, opposed       to                                          Holds   great debate   with  Governor

slavery, 219.                                                                                 Campbell, 18-19.

Kinder, Judge Walter H., 28.                                                               Present at launching     of battleship

Lafayette, Marquis de, visits Ohio,     3;                                             Ohio, 206-210.

anniversary of visit in Cincinnati, 426-                              McKinney, Robert, 123.

428; D. A. R. celebrate, 427; extracts                                McKinney, Walter D., "Simon Kenton--

from Times-Star, 427-428.                                                          Thomas W. Cridland-Pioneers," 117-

Lane, General James H., 464-468, 472.                                            131.

"Last Ohio Canal Boat," 109-116.                                              Malaria in Ohio, 113-114.

Canals: commission, 111.                                                  Mansfield, Ohio, first suggests Lincoln for

Comparisons, 110-111.                                                               President, dedicates tablet, 505-521.

Description, dimensions, etc., 109-110.                            Markham, Edwin, 255, 256, 260, 262.

Effect of on commerce and health, 112-                         Marshall, Humphrey, 459.

114.                                                                                 Mason, John Y., quoted, 452.

Hardships of travelers, 114.                                              Massachusetts, 446, 456, 472, 473.

Location, 108.                                                                    Massie, Nathaniel, 40-41.

Superseded by railways, 116.                                          Medary, Samuel, 279-280; sketch of life,

"Launching of another battleship Ohio,"                                            424-425.

213-215.                                                                             Meeker, Honorable Claude, 21, 28.

Laurens, John, 459.                                                                    Meyers, Mrs. Charles A., 426.

Lee, Charles, 459.                                                                     Miami Canal.

Lehman, Mr. Frank A., 255.                                                              Length, 110.

Lehman, Mrs. Frank A., 255.                                                            Visited by Governor Clinton, 108.

Leonard, Arthur R., The Nation's His-              Work commerced, 102, 108.

tory, 246.

Letters from J. H. Kagi: to his faly,                                         Miesse Mound, Exploration of the, 163-

280-291; to the New York Tribune, 292-                                    168.

354; to the National Era. 355-417; to                                        Burials, 164-168

the Kansas Tribune, 418-421.                                                    Composition, 164.

Lewis, Cornwall, quoted, 451.                                                          Dimensions, 164

Licking Summit, commencement of Ohio                                      Location, 163-164.

canals at, 63-99.                                                               "The Mississippi Squadron," 56-62.

A  Life of William    Allen, reviewed by                               Monitor, Young Getleman and Lady's

Carl Wittke, 611-613.                                                                Explanatory, early Ohio school book.

Lincoln, President Abraham, 129, 472, 505-                                   138-141.

521.                                                                                   Morehead, Honorable James T., 224.

Index 625

Index                                     625


Morgan, Arthur E. and Bock, C. A., "A                                                last canal boat, 109-116; the Ohio

History of Flood Control in Ohio,"                                               canal, 597-604.

474-503.                                                                                     Children's home, first, 241-243.

Morgan, James, 122, 127, 141.                                                         Clinton, Governor, visit of, 100-108.

Morgan, Louis, 141.                                                                          Early newspapers, 169-183.

Morris, Senator, opposes slavery, 220.                                             Early school book, 138-141.

Morrow, Governor Jeremiah.                                                           Ft. Meigs, incident of, 203-205.

Accompanies    Governor   Clinton  on                                    Fugitive slave law, 216-240.

Ohio tour, 100-108.                                                               History of Flood Control, 474-503.

Addresses Governor Clinton, 45-97.                                         Horseback riding around Columbus,

Assists  at commencement     of Ohio                                         244-245.

canals, 66-70.                             How  and when    it became a state,

Is visited by a Duke, 40.                                                               29-48.

Offers toast, 108.                                                                       McGuffey Society, 605-610.

Morse, Samuel F. B., 127.                                                                 Not admitted by Congress, 45.

Murders, in Kansas Territory, 294, 296.                                          Presidential Campaign   of 1864, 548-

305-306, 309-310, 313-315, 334-336, 338-339,                           589.

340, 348, 354, 382, 404-405, 407, 411, 414,                             Schoenbrunn, burials, marriages, etc.,

417.                                                                                                590-596.

Tablet to Lincoln at Mansfield, 505-

Nash, Governor George K., 206, 211.                                                 521.

National Era, letters to the, 355-417.                                                Wagnalls Memorial, Lithopolis, 251-

The   Nation's  History, by   Arthur R.                                                 262.

Leonard and Bertha E. Jacobs, 246.      "The Ohio Canal: an account of its com-

Negro suffrage, in Ohio, 36.

Negro suffrage, in Ohio, 36.                     pletion to Chillicothe," 597-604.

Neil, Henry M., 244.

New England Emigrant Aid Society, 306,                                      Anecdotes, 602-604.

337, 341.                                                                                        Economic conditions, 599-609.

New   York Tribune, letters to the, 293-                                            Extent, 600.

354.         Land granted, 598.

Newman, quoted, 473.                                                                     Opening exercises, 598.

Newspapers, Early, of Cincinnati.                                                   Origin of canal, 597.

Advertiser, 171.                                                                         Ohio canals:

Centinel of the Northwestern Terri-                                          Commenced, 66-70.

tory, 169.                                                                               Governor Clinton's speech on, 88-91.

Freeman's Journal, 170.                                                           Inaugurated, 63-65.

Gazette, 172-173.                            Last canal boat, 109-116.

Hamilton Gazette, 171.                                                              Miami canal, commenced, 101-102.

Liberty Hall, 172-173.                                                               Press notices of Governor Clinton's

Spirit of the West, 172.                                                                  visit to Ohio, 100-108.

Western Spy, 171.                                                                     Senator Ewing's oration, 71-91.

Whig. 171.                                                                                    Ohio State Archxological and Historical

North American Indians, in Kansas, 305,

323.                                                                                               Society.

North Elba, N. Y., 282.                                                                     Acquires copies of Kagi letters, 283.

Becomes custodian of portraits: of

Oberlin-Wellington Rescue case, 291.                                                American Indians, 132-137; of Simon

Obituaries.                                                                                            Kenton, 117-131

Campbell, James E., 3-10, 21-28.                                            Dedication  of Memorial Wing       an-

Ohio.                                                                                                     nounced, 615-616

Akron Centennial, 522-547.                                                      Explorations of Ginther Mound, 154-

Archaeological explorations, 154-168.                                       162; of the Miesse Mound, 163-168;

Battleships launched, 206-215.                                                    of the Shilder Mound, 162-163.

Campbell, Governor, death of, 3-28.                                       Loses president by death, 3-10.

Canals, commencement of, 66-99; more                               New   books in Library, 138-141, 244-

miles of, than China, 110-111; the                                           246, 428-430, 611-619.

Vol. XXXIV--40*

626 Index

626                                    Index


"Ohio's fugitive slave law," 216-240.                                                 vention, 659-560; gloomy outlook for

Bills introduced, 218-219; bill passes,                                         election, 560; Lincoln criticised, 560-

218.                                                                                           563, 580; many peace meetings held,

Committee   from   legislature  confer                                      562; Democratic    campaign, 563-574;

with Kentucky commissioners, 217-                                      Vallandigham, 564-565, 567, 572; Mc-

218.                                                                                           Clellan, 564-570, 580; National Union

Communications from Governor Shan-                                    Convention, 574-581; Fremont move-

non, 222, 224.                                                                          ment, 576-577; Chicago platform   at-

Communication from    Kentucky com-                                   tacked, 577-580; the election, 581-586;

missioners, 224-235.                                                               National Union party victor, 582; the

Kidnapping of free negroes prohibited,                                     soldier vote, 583-584; Lincoln's ma-

221.                                                                                          jority, 583, 584; bibliography, 587-589.

Law of 1839, and steps leading to it,                                      Press, Free, in Kansas, 343-344, 395.

216; main object of law, 221; text of,                                Price, Samuel W., 141.

235-240.                                                                              Prisoners, Free State: Courage, 403, 406,

Negroes, free, kidnapping prohibited,                                        415; treatment of, 274, 382-384, 391-395,

221; resolutions on enticing of, from                                     401-403, 408.

Kentucky, 222-224.

Prominent   supporters  later  change                                   Quantrell, William, 113.

views, 219-221.                                                                  Randolph, John, 459.

Text of the law, 235-240.                                                       Rankin, Rev. John, 235.

Underground railway a cause of dis-                                   Realf, Richard, 267.

sension, 216-217.                                                                Recollections of Men and Events: An

Orton, General Edward, Jr., presents por-                                         Autobiography, reviewed, 428-433.

traits of American Indians, 132-137;                                    Reforms in Ohio, Governor Campbell ac-

presents  testimonial  to   Governor                                           complishes many, 16.

Campbell, 21, 26.                                                                   Reily, John, Revolutionary   soldier, 13,

'Oskaloosa, Battle of, 41, 345-348.                                                     102; toasts Governor Clinton, 103.

Reviews, Notes and Comments by the

Pacific squadron, at launching of battle-                                          Editor.

ship Ohio, 208-209, 213.                                                            Akron Centennial, 246.

Palmer, Dr. S. S., 27.                                                                         Anniversary  of Liafayette's Visit to

Perkins, George, "The Ohio Canal: An                                             Ohio, 42427.

Account of Its Completion to Chilli-                                         Book on the Training of Horses, 428.

cothe," 597C604.                                                                        Brooks and Burlingame, 614-615.

Phillips, William  A., 281.                                                                 Catherine Fay Ewing, 241-243.

Picture-frames, art of making, 123-125.                                          Dedication of Memorial Wing, 615-616.

Poetry:                                                                                               Early Ohio Schoolbook, An, 138-14L

"The Doomed Soldier of Fort Meigs,"                                      Equitation  in and about Columbus,

203-205.                                                                                 244-245.

"Our Governor," 10-11.                                                             History of Akron, 614.

Political and social history of the United                                           I      our next Issue, 141.

States, by Homer C. Hockett and                                             Interesting Book by Joseph Butler,

Arthur M. Schlesinger, 245.                                                              428-433.

Porter, Dr., 255.                                                                                 Life of William   Allen, reviewed by

Porter, Mrs., 255.                                                                                      Call Wittke, 611-613.

Portraits presented to Ohio Archaeological                                     Nation's History, 246.

and Historical Society.                                                              Political and Social History  of the

American Indians, 132-137.                                                             LUnited States, 245.

Simon Kenton, 116-131.                                                           Portrait of Simon Kenton, 141.

Powell, Colonel Thomas E., 28.                                                   Rittner, Mrs. Mary W., 281.

'The Presidential Campaign of 1864 in                                       Roberts, murder of, 334-336.

Ohio," 548-589; conventions held, 549;                               Ross, Olin J., 608-609.

war Democrats, 549-551; Union legis-

lative  caucus,  553-556;  Democratic                                 Sager, Jacob A., 272.

Convention, 656-559; Union State Con-                               St. Clair, General Arthur, 31-33, 35.

Index 627

Index                                     627


Sater, Lowry F., 28.                                                                           exchanged, 457, 460, 464-470; death of

Schlesinger, Arthur M., Political and                                               Brooks, 471.

Social History of the United States,

245.                                                                                    "Tablet to Abraham     Lincoln at Mans-

Schoenbrunn,   Burials,  Admissions   to                                           field: Where the organized movement

Communion and Marriages, 590-596.                                     began to make him    President of the

Schonthal, Joseph, 28.                                                                       United States," 505-521; early sugges-

Seward, William H., quoted, 440, 451.                                            tions, 506-508; the Lincoln-Douglas de-

Shannon, Governor Wilson, 222, 224, 293,                                      bates, 508-509; Illinois Historical So-

299-301, 424.                                                                             ciety  researches, 509-510; other au-

Sharp, Edwin R., 28.                                                                           thorities,  510-511;  still  deeper  re-

Sherman, John, quoted, 442-443.                                                      searches in Mansfield, Ohio, 511-513;

Shetrone, Harry C., Explorations of.                                                in  Illinois, 513-514; nomination  of

Ginther Mound, 154-162.                                                          Lincoln, 516-521.

Miesse Mound, 163-168.                                                  Taft, Chief Justice William H., 21.

Shilder Mound, 162-163.                                                  Tallmadge, Frank, Horseback riding in

Shilder Mound, Exploration of the, 162-                                           and around Columbus, 1774-1924, 244-

163.                                                                                             245.

Contents, 162.                                                                     Tax levy for State University, Governor

Hopewell culture, 163.                                                              Campbell originator    of  permanent,

Tipi-sites near, 162-163.                                                            16-17.

Shorty-WhiteGrass, Indian chief, 133-134.                             "Tecumseh and his descendants," 143-153;

"Simon Kenton--Thomas W. Cridland--                                           birth of Tecumseh, 143-144; his son,

pioneers," 117-131.                                                                    144; his grandchildren, 144-145; his

The frame, 123-125.                                                                 great grandchildren, 146-148; sketch of

The portrait, 121-123.                                                                Tecumseh, 148-149; of   his grandson,

Simon Kenton, 119-121.                                                            Big Jim, 149-151; of Thomas Wildcat

Thomas W. Cridland, 126-131, 141.                                         Alford, 143, 145-146, 151-153.

Simms, William G., 452.                                                          Thompson, President W. 0., 28.

Smith, Abigail, 30.                                                                     Tiffin, Governor Edward, 36, 38-39.

Smith, John, 42.                                                                          Timberman, Dr. Andrew, 28.

Smith, Honorable John S., 224.                                                 Tod, Governor David, 220.

Sombre, Henry J., murder of, 306.                                          Toombs bill, 349-351.

South Carolina, 446-447, 455-456, 472.                                   Trimble, Miss Rachel, 141.

"Spurs, Battle of the," 278-280.                                                 Tufvander, Rev., 255.

Stewart, Mrs. Stanley S., 606.                                                   United   States Navy, The      Mississippi

Stump, V. C., "Early newspapers of Cin-                                         Squadron, 56-62.

cinnati," 169-183.

Sumner, Charles, 441-455, 472.                                                Vance, Joseph, 123.

"Sumner - Brooks - Burlingame, or, The                                  Vandervourt, 332, 344.

last of the great Challenges," 435-473;                             Veto power, misused by St. Clair, 32, 35.

political parties before the Civil War,                               Villard, Oswald G., quoted, 270.

435-441; the question of slavery, 438-                             Vizetelly, Dr. Frank H., 255; address by,

448; Charles   Sumner, 441-455, 472;                                       256-262.

characteristics, 441-444; his stand on                               Vizetelly, Mrs. Frank H., 255.

slavery, 443, 446-448; Andrew P. But-

ler, 443, 447-448, 454, 472; Preston S.                             Wade, Benjamin F., opposes slavery, 219.

Brooks, 444, 446, 454-456; attack on                                 Wagnalls, Adam Willis, 258, 259, 260, 261,

Sumner, 448-455; effect on the nation,                                     262.

450-453; on the South, 451-453; on Con-                          Wagnalls, Mrs. Anna Willis, 258, 259, 261.

gress, 453-454; Lewis D. Campbell, 436,                         Wagnalls Memorial, dedication of, 251-

453-455, 460-472; Lawrence M. Keitt,                                     262.

446, 450, 453-454, 463, 472; "The Crime                         Ward, Artemus, 272-273.

Against Kansas," 446-448, 450, 453, 454,                        "Washington Murder," 459.

463, 472; Brooks challenges Burlin-                                  Wheat, General C. R., 408-410.

game, 456; the result, 457-471; letters                               White Quiver, Indian warrior, 135.

628 Index

628                                    Index


Whittier, John G., quoted, 451.                                                   Workman, Honorable Charles R., "Where

Wigfall, L. T., 446.                                                                             the Organized               Movement Began           tc

"William  Allen, A   Study in   Western                                               Make    Lincoln            President  of                   the

Democracy," by R. C. McGrane, re-                                        United States," 505-521.

viewed, 611-613.                                                                Worthington, Governor Thomas, 39.

Wilson, Henry, 436, 440-441, 454.                                           Wylie, Andrew, 138.

Wilson, President Woodrow, 20.

Wittke, Carl, "A Life of William Allen,"                                  Yager, Elizabeth  F., "The Presidentia??

611-613.                                                                                      Campaign of 1864 in Ohio," 548-589-

Wolfe, Robert F., 28.                                                                 Young Gentleman and Lady's Explana

Woodruff, John, 454.                                                                         tory Monitor, by Rufus W. Adams.

Worcester, Mrs. Edward, 265.                                                         138-141.