Ohio History Journal






May 23, 1913.


The twenty-eighth annual meeting of the Ohio State Archae-

ological and Historical Society was held in the Hunter Society

Room, Page Hall, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, at 2

o'clock P. M., Friday May 23, 1913.

The following members were present:

Mr. E. H. Archer, Columbus,

Mr. George F. Bareis, Canal Winchester,

Mr. T. B. Bowers, Columbus,

Mr. H. E. Buck, Delaware,

Hon. Albert Douglas, Chillicothe,

Mr. C. H. Gallup, Norwalk,

Mr. D. H. Gard, Columbus,

Col. Webb C. Hayes, Fremont,

Mr. Almer Hegler, Washington C. H.,

Mrs. Howard Jones, Circleville,

Rev. I. F. King, Columbus,

Prof. W. C. Mills, Columbus,

Prof. B. F. Prince, Springfield,

Mr. E. O. Randall, Columbus,

Dr. W. B. Rosamond, Gilmore,

Hon. D. J. Ryan, Columbus,

Mr. J. S. Roof, Ashville,

Mr. L. P. Schaus, Mt. Vernon,

Dr. W. H. Scott, Columbus,

Mr. E. F. Wood, Columbus,

Dr. G. Frederick Wright, Oberlin.

The meeting was called to order by President G. Frederick

Wright, who made a brief address touching upon the auspicious

conditions under which this annual meeting was held. He al-

luded to the numerous acquisitions to the Society, such as the

Logan Elm, the erection of the new buildings at Spiegel Grove


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and Columbus and the enlarged growth and responsibility of the

Society, which should be particularly congratulated upon the

generosity with which it had been treated by the new Legislature.

Secretary Randall was then called upon for his report. The

secretary followed the usual custom regarding the reading of the

minutes, by simply referring the members of the Society to the

proceedings of the last annual meeting as published in detail in

Volume 21 of the annual publications, beginning at page 468.

He read letters of regret, as to inability to be present, from

Hon. F. W. Treadway, Cleveland, and Hon. J. W. Yeagley, New

Philadelphia. Mr. Yeagley is the new Trustee of the Society,

appointed by Governor Judson Harmon on September 4, 1912, to

serve until February 9, 1915.

Secretary Randall reported the following Life Members

having been admitted since the last annual meeting:


Mrs. Howard Jones, Circleville,

Prof. Edward Orton, Jr., Columbus,

Mr. William R. Pomerene, Columbus,

Mr. Leonard Marker, Versailles,

Mr. Charles H. Lewis, Harpster.




This report covers the period from the annual meeting, June

26, 1912, to this meeting (May 23, 1913).



May 25, 1912. (Executive Committee). Met at office of the Treas-

urer, Outlook Building, Columbus. Present:  Bareis, Buck, Harper,

Mills, Randall, Ryan, Schaus, Thompson (H. A.) and Wood. At this

meeting the announcement was made of the purchase by Prof. Edward

Orton, Jr., and Curator Mills from Captain Hampton of the Philippine

collection of guns, armor, etc. Prof. Orton was made a Life Member

for his assistance in this purchase. Prof. Mills was authorized to attend

the annual meeting of the American Museum Association, June 3rd, at

New York. Treasurer Wood made a report of the collection of pay-

ments by property owners abutting on Hayes Avenue, Spiegel Grove,

for improvement of said avenue.

May 30, 1912, Decoration Day. Ceremonies were held at Port Clin-

ton, Ohio, at which tablets were unveiled marking the beginning and

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting.              457


the end of the Harrison Trail across the neck of land at that place.

The Society had provided some of the tablets for the monuments. Pres-

ident G. F. Wright and Col. Webb C. Hayes represented the Society on

this occasion and made appropriate addresses. A full report of this cele-

bration, written by Miss Lucy Elliot Keeler, will be found in Volume

21, page 345, annual publications of the Society.

June 8, 1912. (Building Committee). Met in Society Rooms, Page

Hall, Ohio State University, at twelve o'clock noon. Present: Messrs.

Bareis, Mills, Randall, Ryan, Schaus, Wood and Wright. Prof. J. N.

Bradford, architect, was also present. It was the third opening of bids

for the erection of the Columbus building. Contracts were let to The

Dawson Construction Co., Pittsburgh, for $82,760; for sewer, plumbing,

gas fitting, heating and ventilating, awarded to The Wm. Conklin Co.,

Columbus, for $8,497; leaving the sum of $7,460 for architect's fees and

incidentals. Mr. Schaus was authorized to consult with the Fremont

authorities and properly adjust the settlement for the Hayes Avenue

improvement at Spiegel Grove.

July 17, 1912. (Executive Committee). Met at office of Treasurer

Wood, Outlook Building, Columbus.   Present: Messrs. Bareis, Buck,

Mills, Prince, Randall, Schaus, Wood and Wright.    Permission was

granted Adjutant-General C. C. Weybrecht to camp a regiment of the

Ohio National Guard for ten days at Fort Ancient during the month of

August. The date for the adjourned session of the annual meeting was

fixed for July 26, 1912, at one o'clock P. M., at Page Hall, O. S. U.

Mr. Schaus reported concerning the adjustment for improvement of

Hayes Avenue, Spiegel Grove. Report was made of the donation to the

Society of furniture purchased in Cuba by Col. Hayes.

July 26, 1912. (Annual Meeting; Adjourned Session). Report of

this meeting will be found in Volume 21, page 468, annual publications

of the Society.

September 4, 1912. Governor Judson Harmon appointed Hon. John

W. Harper, Cincinnati, and Hon. J. W. Yeagley, New Philadelphia, as

Trustees for the term ending February 9, 1915. Mr. Harper succeeds

himself and Mr. Yeagley to succeed Rev. N. B. C. Love, of Perrysburg.

August 10, 1912. (Building Committee). Met in Society Rooms,

Page Hall, O. S. U. Present: Messrs. Bareis, Hayes, Mills, Randall,

Ryan, Schaus, and Wright. Bids for the erection of the Hayes Memorial

Museum and Library Building at Fremont were received and opened,

but the acceptance of any bids was postponed to a meeting to be called

later at Spiegel Grove.

August 16, 1912.  (Building Committee). Met at Spiegel Grove,

Fremont. Present: Messrs. Bareis, Hayes, Mills, Randall, Schaus and

Wright. The bid of The Carl Steinle Company, of $42,668, less certain

alternates, making net bid $36,656, for the erection of the Hayes Mem-

orial Museum and Library Building, was accepted. August 23, 1912,

458 Ohio Arch

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ground was broken for the erection of the Hayes Memorial Museum and

Library Building.

September 12, 1912.   (Executive Committee.)    Met in   Society

Rooms, Page Hall, O. S. U. Present: Messrs. Buck, Harper, Mills,

Randall, Ryan, Prince, Thompson (H. A.), Wood and Wright. The

salaries of the compensated officers of the Society were fixed at the

same as last year. The Committee then adjourned to take part in the

ceremonies of the laying of the cornerstone of the new building on the

University Campus. A complete account of this ceremony is to be found

in Volume 21, page 416, annual publications of the Society.

November 23, 1912. (Finance Committee). Met in office of Treas-

urer Wood, Outlook Building, Columbus. Present: Messrs. Bareis and

Wood of the Finance Committee and Messrs. Mills, Randall, Schaus

and Wright. It was determined that the necessary help to be employed

in the new building, when completed, would be, a curator, an assistant

curator, an assistant librarian, a clerk in publication department, an office

stenographer, two janitors and a relic room custodian. The following

budget to be asked of the incoming Legislature for the first year (1913)

for the Museum and Library was as follows:

Heat and    light    ($500), salaries  ($2,800).....................                           $3,300

Pavement  in  front      of                                                                           building ................................               600

Supplies,    water  and    gas .....................................                                       100

Extra new cases for Museum    ................................                                       5,000

Extra new cases and furnishings for Library .................                                  5,100

M oving  of  collection .........................................  300

Current expenses ...........................................                                                3,000

Field  Work    and  care  of  possessions..........................                                2,800

Publications    ................................................                                                3,300

Spiegel       Grove,         care                                                                        of ........ ..............................                 1,500

Spiegel       Grove,         heat                                                                        and  light ................................                             150

Spiegel Grove, extra for replacing certain features of rotunda

and   furnishings  ........................................                                           8,000


Total           ..................................................                                      $33,150


For the second year (1914);

Heat  and   light ..............................................                                            $2,000

Salaries      .....................................................                                                6,100

Supplies,    water  and    gas......................................                                       200

Spiegel       Grove,         heat                                                                        and  light ................................                             200

Care-taker and assistant librarian ................... .........                                       1,500

Current expenses ............................................                                                3,500

Field  work      and         care  of  property ..............................                       2,800

Publications    ................................................ .                                              3,300

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting.                  459

Estimate of appropriations for years 1913 and 1914, submitted to

Auditor of State, November 15, 1912:

1913        1914

Current expenses .................................... $6,400                         $11,800

Field work, Fort Ancient, Serpent Mound and Spiegel

Grove (nothing asked; item following substituted)

Field work, Fort Ancient, Serpent Mound and Logan

Elm Park ......................................                                      2,800      2,800

Publications  .........................................                                       3,300      3,300

Building for Museum and Library purposes to cost

complete $100,000 (nothing asked; inserted to

show previous appropriation and amount on hand)

Building for Museum and Library purposes; equip-

m ent  and  walks .................................  11,000

For erection and equipment of Hayes Commemora-

tive Library and Museum Building on Spiegel

Grove, etc. (nothing asked; inserted to show

previous appropriation and amount on hand)

For Hayes Commemorative Library and Museum

Building to restore architectural features and

furnishings  .....................................  8,000

For the proportion of the State of Ohio on account

of improvement of abutting property of the Spie-

gel Grove State Park, etc. (nothing asked; in-

serted  to  show   previous  appropriation  and

amount on hand)

For care of Spiegel Grove State Park and Hayes

Commemorative Library and Museum Building..      1,650    1,700

For reprinting volumes 1 to 20, inclusive, annual pub-

lications, for distribution to members of Legisla-

ture (nothing asked; inserted to show previous



Totals  ..........................................  $33,150  $19,600


It was agreed that the Curator receive, on and after May 1, 1913,

the sum of $2,500 per year, this to cover all services to the Society.

This action to be subject to approval of Executive Committee and con-

tingent Upon the Legislature making the appropriations requested.

February 5, 1913, Governor James M. Cox requested of Secretary

Randall a written statement of all meetings of the Society Trustees for

the years 1911 and 1912, showing members present and absent. It was

promptly furnished, including meetings of all committees, Executive,

Building and Special.

March 14, 1913. (Executive and Building Committees; Joint Meet-

ing). Present: Messrs. Buck, Harper, Mills, Prince, Randall, Schaus,

460 Ohio Arch

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Thompson (H. A.) and Wright. Messrs. Ryan and Wood absent. Mr.

Schaus reported progress of construction by University authorities of

tunnel from  their heating and lighting plants to the Society Building.

Secretary Randall reported action of Finance Committee (November 25,

1912) and the estimates submitted to Auditor of State for appropriations

proposed for the Society. It was agreed that the salary of the Curator

should be, after May 1, 1913, $2,500 per annum, subject to the pro-

posed appropriations.

Secretary Randall and Prof. Mills reported the introduction by Hon.

C. J. Smith, into the Legislature of a bill drawn by them, which bill

provided for granting to the Society authority to condemn locations

of prehistoric mounds and sites. The text of this bill will be found

herein, ante, page 340. This enactment was passed April 13, 1913.

May 9, 1913. (Executive Committee). Met at office of Treasurer

Wood, Outlook Building, Columbus. Present: Bareis, Buck, Harper,

Mills, Prince, Randall, Ryan, Wood and Wright. The death of Prof.

Martin R. Andrews, on April 20, 1913, at Marietta, was announced.

Mr. Andrews had been a member of the Society since 1896 and a Trus-

tee by appointment of the Governor since 1903. The Secretary reported

the result of the appropriation bills for 1913 and 1914 as follows:



Current expenses ........................................ ...$5,000

Field work, etc ..............................................                                                                                                       2,500

Publications  .................................................                                                                                                      3,300

M useum     Building        ...........................................                                                                                        10,000

Hayes          M useum                                                                                                                                           Building .....................................      5,000

Publications           (reprints)  ......................................                                                                                    7,500

Care  Spiegel           Grove ..........................................                                                                                       1,650

The Governor, however, vetoed the item of $7,500 for reprinting

the annual publications of the Society.



Current expenses ............................................                                               $11,000

Field Work, Fort Ancient, etc ..............................                                                                                           2,500

Publications .................................................                                                                                                       3,500

Spiegel  Grove  ..............................................                                                                                                      1,800

At this Committee meeting Mr. Henry C. Shetrone was

chosen assistant curator, at a salary of $1200 per annum. Prof.

C. L. Martzolff's report of serious damage done by the recent

floods at Big Bottom Park was received. A similar report, by

Mr. J. S. Roof, was made concerning damage done by the floods

at Logan Elm Park.

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting.            461




Professor Mills read a detailed statement of his work during the

past year as Curator, Librarian, and Secretary of the Building Com-

mittee. This latter function required a great deal of his time and atten-

tion, as he has practically been the superintendent of construction for

the Society and given daily attention to the erection of the Columbus

building, with numerous trips to Fremont in connection with the build-

ing of the Museum and Library at that place.

He reported that the first shovelful of earth was dug by the Curator

June 25, 1912, and the cornerstone of the Columbus building laid Septem-

ber 12th; that delays in the construction were caused by the March flood

of 1913 and a strike of the workmen engaged in erecting the roof in

May last; but that the progress of the building has been very rapid, and

it is expected that it will be in possession of the Society for occupation

by October, 1913.

The building at Fremont has not proceeded so well; strikes, floods

and change of plans have caused necessary delays, so that it will be late

in the Fall, if then, before the building will be under roof.

During the past year the archaeological museum has had a number

of additions as follows: Mr. Almer Hegler, Washington C. H., has

made two additions to his archaeological collection, consisting for the

most part of flint implements; Mr. Wilbur Stout, of the Ohio Geo-

logical Survey, has added three different assignments of axes, celts,

hammers, spears, arrows and ceremonials from Scioto county; the So-

ciety has acquired the collection of Mr. Jacob Sayler, Hillsboro, which

collection consists of several thousand specimens typical of Highland

county and is rich in grooved axes and pestles; Mr. C. P. Thompson,

Delaware, has added several hundred specimens to his large collection

of archeological specimens from Delaware county.

During the year the number of books in the Library has not greatly

increased, but many rare volumes have been added. At present our

catalogue shows 5376 volumes; last year 4855, making an addition of

521 bound volumes. Of the above number of volumes received, Mr.

Randall presented 98 bound volumes and Mr. Heer 47 bound volumes.

The estate of the late Judge James H. Anderson, life member of our

Society, through Prof. Edward Orton, Jr, presented 294 copies of the

"Life and Letters of Judge T. J. Anderson and Wife," by Judge James

H. Anderson.


The chair then called for the report of the Treasurer, which

was as follows:

462 Ohio Arch

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ENDING MAY 1, 1913.



Balance on hand May 1, 1912 ...............................                                                                                   $2,251  10

Life              Membership dues .............. ..........................                                                                                 100   00

Active        Membership dues ...........   ............................                                                                                87     00

Books sold  ..................................................                                                                                                       115   17

Subscriptions ....................................... .........                                                                                                    33 75

Job printing ...............................................                                                                                                     1 25

Improvement of abutting property at Spiegel Grove State Park                                                           761 50

Interest  ......................................................                                                                                                      444  58




Appropriation for current expenses........................... $3,018 15

Appropriation  for  publications .................................  3,698  28

Appropriation for Field Work, Ft. Ancient, Serpent Mound

and  Spiegel  Grove  Park.................................  2,483  19

Appropriation for building for Museum and Library purposes. 1,810 88

Appropriation for Hayes Commemorative Library............ 1,384 49

Improving property abutting Spiegel Grove Park............. 1,942 02


Total  receipts  ............... ........................... $18,131  36



Big   Bottom          Park    .............................................                                                                                     $5     25

Express,    freight and  drayage ................................                                                                                      107   24

Expenses of Trustees and Committees ........................                                                                                 417 25

Field Work .................................................                                                                                                        225 00

Fort Ancient .................................................                                                                                                      333 80

Improvement of abutting property, Spiegel Grove State Park.. 3,273 92

M useum       and  Library ..........................................                                                                                 1,022    14

Postage        ......................................................                                                                                                   56     82

Publications  ..................................................                                                                                              3,701    23

Salaries (3) (Treasurer, Curator and Secretary) .............. 2,500 00

Serpent         M ound        Park  .........................................                                                                              342   75

Spiegel     GrovePark. ............................ ..............                                                                                          163   29

Logan       E lm     Park    .............................................                                                                                     256   15

Building for Museum and Library ............................ 1,795 01

Hayes  Commemorative    Library ...............................                                                                            1,384    49

Sundry expenses .............................................                                                                                                  97 81

Transferred   to      Permanent                   Fund ..............................                                                               660   00

Balance        on     hand   M ay  1st,        1913 ...............................                                                         1,789    21


Total          ....................................................$18,131                                                                      36

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting.                463


The Permanent Fund now amounts to the sum of $8,820.00. This is

invested and drawing interest at the rate of 5% per annum.

Respectfully submitted.



Treasurer Wood moved to supplement his report with that

of the auditors, which report was received and is as follows:



COLUMBUS, OHIO, May 22, 1913.

HON. E. O. RANDALL, Secretary the Ohio State Archaeological and His-

torical Society.

DEAR SIR:-Having completed the annual audit of the books of

your treasurer, Mr. E. F. Wood, we submit herewith statements show-

ing transactions for the fiscal year ending April 30, 1913, and the finan-

cial condition of your Society at that date.

The cash balance as herein stated, has been verified by comparison

with the bank pass books. The certificate of deposit representing the

permanent fund, has been examined by us and found as represented.

The balances of various appropriations as herein set forth, have been veri-

fied by comparison with the records in the offices of the Auditor and

Treasurer of State.

The statement prepared by us shows the balance of appropriation

for the Hayes Commemorative Library to be $29,268.46; the balance as

shown by the Treasurer's book is $35,960.26, a discrepancy of $69,691.80

An examination of the records of the Auditor's office shows that

a warrant had been issued against this appropriation to cover an estimate

given the Steinle Construction Co., dated March 11, 1913, signed by

the Chairman and Secretary of the Building Committee. Evidently no

report of this voucher had been made to the Treasurer, and as a conse-

quence, no charge had been made against the appropriation upon his


We find the books of the Treasurer in good condition, and, with

the above exception, to faithfully represent the condition of the Society.

Very respectfully submitted,



[This difference of $6,691.80 mentioned above is explained as fol-

lows: All estimates for buildings are paid direct by the State Treasurer

and do not go through the hands of the Treasurer of our Society.

When estimates are completed by the Architect and Building Committee

a report is made to the Society's Treasurer by said Committee, who

makes the proper entries in his books. Such a report was overlooked

on estimate No. 2 as stated.-Editor.]

464 Ohio Arch

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Dr.         Cr.

State Treasurer ................................ $75,244 29

Appropriation for Current Expenses ...........                                                                          $1,543 71

Appropriation for Publications..................                                                                             1,685 31

Appropriation for Field Work, Fort Ancient,

Serpent Mound and Spiegel Grove State

Park  ......................................               65   28

Appropriation for Building for Museum and Li-

brary  purposes  ............................                                                                                  36,782  65

Appropriation for Hayes Commemorative Library                                                             29,268 46

Appropriation for State's proportion of improv-

ing property abutting Spiegel Grove Park..                                                           5,989 88

C ash  ...........................................                                                                                                   1,789   21

E. F. W ood,  Treasurer.........................  1,789  21

Investment-Ohio State Savings & Loan Assn.

Certificate of Deposit No. 57,518--5% ......  8,820 00

Permanent  Fund  ...............................              8,820  00


$85,853 50 $85,853 50




APRIL 30, 1913.



Balance  May  1, 1912  ............ .......... ... $2,251  10

Improvement Hayes Avenue-

J. H. Younkman ..................                                                       $137 50

S.  Wolf  ..........................                                                            125   00

City of Fremont ...................                                                      499   00

----                   761 50

Life           membership         dues ............................                             100   00

Active      membership         dues ..........................                               87      00

Subscriptions       ..................... ...............                                              22      25

Books      sold       .......................................                                            126   67

Interest     ..........................................                                                        444   58

Job   printing  ....................... ..............                                                                               1        25

State Treasurer from Appropriations-

For building for Museum   and Library....... 1,810 88

For improvement of abutting property of Spie-

gel Grove  State  Park...................  1,942  02

For Haves Commemorative Library and Mu-

seum Building ................... ......  1,384 49

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting.                    465


For Field Work, Ft. Ancient, Serpent Mound

and Spiegel Grove ..................... 2,483 19

For publications ............................ 3,698 28

For current expenses ........................ 3,018 15


Total receipts .........................           $15,880 26




Transferred to permanent fund ....................  $660 00

Building for Museum and Library ................ 1,795 01

Improvement of abutting property of Spiegel Grove

Park .......................................  3,273 92

Hayes Commemorative Library and Museum Build-

ing  .........................................                                                                                 1,384            49

Fort  Ancient  ....................................                                                                                333   80

Serpent Mound ..................................                                                                               342 75

Spiegel         Grove     Park ..............................                                                               163   29

Logan   Elm Park.................................                                                                              256   15

Big        Bottom    Park.................................                                                                    5        25

Publications        .....................................                                                                         3,701            23

Field W\ork .....................................                                                                                  225 00

Museum and Library ..........................  ... 1,022 14

Salary            ......................................... .                                                                             2,500            00

Expenses      of  Trustees .............................                                                                    417   25

Express, freight and drayage ....................                                                                     107 24

Postage  .........................................                                                                                     56      82

Premium on Treasurer's bond ....................                                                                   15 00

Sundry expenses .................................                                                                             82 81


Total          disbursements  ........................                                                                                $16,342    15

Balance,        April  30,  1913 ................... ................                                                    1,789            21

Capital City Bank ................................  $989 21

Ohio State Savings & Loan Assn.-Savings Ac-

count  No.  40,017 ............................  800  00


$1,789 21

R eceipts  ..................................................                             $18,131  36

Disbursem ents  ..............................................                        18,131    36








Vol. XII-30.

466 Ohio Arch

466         Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.









Aug. 1. Estimate No. 1, Building Committee ...........                                                                           $1,805 00

15. Estimate No. 2, Building Committee ............                                                                   1,073 50

31. Estimate No. 3, Building Committee ............                                                                   5,516 65

Sept. 16. Estimate No. 4, Building Committee ...........                                                                        3,479 50

Oct. 1. Estimate No. 5, Building Committee ............                                                                           2,461 45

15. Estimate No. 6, Building Committee .........                                                                      6,650 00

Nov. 1. Estimate No. 7, Building Committee ...........                                                                           6,125 00

15. Estimate No. 8, Building Committee ............                                                                   1,920 90

Dec. 5. Estimate No. 9, Building Committee ...........                                                                            5,772 20

17. Estimate No. 10, Building Committee............                                                                 3,243 30


Jan.  2. Estimate No. 11, Building Committee ...........                                                                          4,233 20

17. Estimate No. 12, Building Committee ............                                                                 4,132 50

Feb. 10. Estimate No. 13, Building Committee ............                                                                      3,243 30

Mch. 11. Estimate No. 14, Building Committee ...........                                                                      5,082 50

11. Estimate No. 1, Conklin Contract..........                                                                           1,120 05

Apr. 9. Estimate No. 2, Conklin Contract..............                                                                               1,425 00

9. Estimate No. 15, Building Committee .........                                                                   4,009 00


$61,293 05





Dec. 3. Estimate No. 1, Building Committee .............                                                                         $2,655 25

Mch. 11. Estimate No. 2, Building Committee .............                                                                      6,691 80


$9,347 05

Prof. Mills made a verbal report concerning the condition

of Serpent Mound, which was visited in October, 1912, by Secre-

tary Randall and Treasurer Wood, who found everything in sat-

isfactory condition and authorized Custodian Daniel Wallace to

make certain improvements.

A written report by Prof. C. L. Martzolff on the condition

of Big Bottom Park was read by the Secretary. It gave a de-

tailed account of the disastrous effect of the March flood, the

park being on the banks of Muskingum, south of Stockport.

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting.        467


The fence and gateway were washed away, the monument over-

thrown and portions of the ground washed away. It will take

much labor and expense to restore the same to its normal condi-

tion. Prof. Martzolff was authorized to expend $1OO towards

the restoration, and report progress after that expenditure.

Mrs. Howard Jones made a very interesting and minute

statement concerning Logan Elm Park, how the members of the

Pickaway Historical Society had labored to secure the money for

its purchase, how they had raised a certain amount of funds for

the restoration of the tree and how Miss Elizabeth Ruggles of

Circleville came to the rescue of the Society and supplied a large

portion of the funds for the purchase of the site. The details of

this transaction and the transfer of the Park to the State His-

torical Society are related in Volume 22, page 267, of the annual

publications of the Society. Mr. J. S. Roof of the Logan Elm

Committee was authorized to make a contract with Mr. James

Shaner for the care and improvement of the park for three years.

Mrs. Jones and Mr. Roof both reported damage done to the

Park by the late floods. Congo Creek had gone on a rampage,

overflowed its banks, carried away a large part of the park

fence and cut channels across the driveway to the tree. Mr.

Roof was authorized to repair the same.

Col. Webb C. Hayes spoke at length on Spiegel Grove. He

recommended new markers for the trees, described at length the

condition of the property, the proposed dedication of the Mc-

Pherson and Harrison gateways, the ceremonies attending which

are to be held on August 2, 1913, which is the date of the celebra-

tion of the defense of Fort Stephenson, and he made certain sug-

gestions concerning the erection of the Museum and Library

building and improvement of the grounds. Col. Hayes moved

that the Secretary of the Society extend an invitation to the

members of The Maumee Valley Historical Society to participate

in the dedication of the gateways, which motion was carried.

Prof. Prince read a written report concerning the condition

of Fort Ancient, which also has been the victim, to a certain ex-

tent, of the late flood; the hillsides in certain places beneath the

fort embankments were carried away by the water and the un-

dermining of the walls is likely to occur unless immediate steps

468 Ohio Arch

468       Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications.


are taken to prevent the same. The matter was referred to the

Fort Ancient Committee.

The reports of committees having been completed, the elec-

tion of Trustees was held. Before any action was taken con-

cerning the election, it was decided by vote of the meeting that

at this election and hereafter the Society select as trustees only

those who are not to be or actually are salaried officers of the So-

ciety. But this is not to apply to appointed Trustees. A com-

mittee on nomination of Trustees was appointed, as follows:

Messrs. Archer, Bareis and Gallup, which committee retired and

after due deliberation reported as nominees for trustees, Hon.

D. J. Ryan, Hon. Albert Douglas and Hon. L. P. Schaus, who

were duly elected by vote of the members present. These three

Trustees were chosen to succeed the five whose terms expired at

this time, namely, Messrs. Baughman, Mills, Ryan, Schaus and

Thompson (H. A.). But three were chosen at this election, in

accordance with the change in the Constitution made at the an-

nual meeting of 1912, when the total number of Trustees to be

elected by the Society was reduced from fifteen to nine, three to

be elected each year, instead of five as heretofore. The Board of

Trustees, therefore, as chosen is now as follows:



Mr. H. E. Buck, Delaware.

Col. Webb C. Hayes, Fremont.

Dr. W. O. Thompson, Columbus.

Hon. F. W. Treadway, Cleveland.

Dr. G. Frederick Wright, Oberlin.



Mr. George F. Bareis, Canal Winchester.

Mr. C. H. Gallup, Norwalk.

Mr. E. F. Wood, Columbus.



Hon. Albert Douglas, Chillicothe.

Hon. D. J. Ryan, Columbus.

Hon. L. P. Schaus, Mt. Vernon.

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting

Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting.            469



Prof. B. F. Prince, Springfield, 1914.

Mr. E. 0. Randall, Columbus, 1914.

Hon. J. W. Harper, Cincinnati, 1915.

Hon. J. W. Yeagley, New Philadelphia, 1915.

Hon. James E. Campbell, Columbus, 1916.

Hon. Myron T. Herrick, Cleveland, 1916.



Immediately following the adjournment of the annual meet-

ing of the Society, there was held the annual meeting of the

Board of Trustees, with the following Trustees present: Messrs.

Bareis, Buck, Douglas, Prince, Randall, Ryan, Schaus, Wood

and Wright.

The officers for the past year were re-elected, without

change, viz.: G. F. Wright, President; G. F. Bareis, First Vice

President; D. J. Ryan, Second Vice President; E. 0. Randall,

Secretary and Editor; E. F. Wood, Treasurer; W. C. Mills,

Curator and Librarian.

The Executive Committee chosen was as follows: Messrs.

Bareis, Buck, Douglas, Harper, Prince, Randall, Ryan, Schaus,

Wood and Wright.

The Trustees then fixed the compensation of the salaried

officers for the ensuing year, as follows: Curator and Librarian,

$2,500; Assistant Curator, $1,200; Secretary, $1,000; Clerk to

Curator, $720; Caretaker of Museum and Library, $780; Treas-

urer, $300. The matter of the appointment of further assistance

after the removal into the new building was left for action when

the requirements of the offices should be determined upon.