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Ohio History Journal





Abenakis.   See Abinakis.                                                          Auditors, report of, 495-503.

Abinakis, 336, 440.                                                                    Avolachy, 186, 188.

Adams,    Gilbert  C.,  presentation  of

archaeological specimens by, 507.                                   Backus, Elijah, 147.

Advocate and Tribune, 153.                                                       Bailey, Abby, extracts from  journal of

Akron Germania, attitude on peace nego-                                        relative to visit of Lafayette to Cin-

tiations following the World War, 52,                                       cinnati, 260-263.

53, 54, 61, 66, 69, 73, 75, 76, 78.                                       Baker, Newton D., at Spiegel Grove Park,

Alexander, T. B., telegram from, 544-545.                                      328.

Alexander, Mrs. T. B., granddaughter of                                 Balch, Colonel -        , at banquet to

John Brown, transfer of John Brown                                        Lafayette, 177.

relics by, 506; greeting from, 544-545.                            Bareis, George F., at annual meeting of

Aliquippa, Indian   queen  at   "Written                                            Society; motions by, 485, 511, 513; ap-

Rock", 351, 440.                                                                        pointed  on  nominating   committee,

Alleghany River, considered part of the                                          485; report of committee on nomina-

Ohio by Celoron and Bonnecamps, 435.                                  tions to fill vacancies on board of

American   Antiquarian   Society, leaden                                         trustees, 493.

plate in museum of, 332.                                                    Barge, W. D., 465.

American Can Company, presentation of                                Baril, Indian  village, 373, 390; Indian

trench shell by, 508.                                                                  chief, 409.

American Friend, successor of American                                Barque, M., 338.

Spectator.                                                                           Barry, Judge William    T., guest at re-

American Legion, meeting in Cleveland,                                         ception of Lafayette, 213; toast by at

321.                                                                                             reception of Lafayette, 215, 218.

American Spectator, successor of Marietta                              Barth, L. H., presentation of specimens

Register and Virginia Herald, 147.                                            by, 608.

Anderson, Colonel -           , aide  to                                          Bartilson, H., presentation of specimens

Lafayette in Revolution, 205; guest at                                      by, 508.

reception of Lafayette, 213.                                             Bartlett,            ,  rescues   "Betsy

Antakaya, in legend of the firefly, 186-                                           Croghan," 325, 326.

188.                                                                                     Bartley, Mordecai, votes for appropria-

Armstrong,   Colonel John, report     on                                            tion for Lafayette, 243.

destruction of Kittanning, 383-384.                                   Bean tree, 405, 420.

Arteganukassin, son of, 366.                                                     Bears, in Scioto County, 289-290.

Artisan, steamboat on which Lafayette                                     Beauharnois, Marquis of, orders Indians

was passenger, 190.                                                                   taken to the Wabash, 350, 420, 440;

Assimine tree, 405.                                                                            governor of New    France, 415.

Atique. See Attique.                                                                   Beautiful River. See Ohio River.

"The Atlantic Cable" completed; from                                      Beaver, early extermination of, 291.

Whippoor-will for September 1866, 129-                          Beckett, D. H., on committee at unveil-

130.                                                                                             ing of soldiers' memorial tablet at

Atlantic Monthly, quotations' from  con-                                            Spiegel Grove Park, 329.

tribution in, entitled, "Since We Wel-                                Beecher, Philemon, votes against ap-

comed Lafayette", 164-166.                                                      propriation for Lafayette, 243.

Attiga. See Attique.                                                                    Begg, James T., address by at unveiling

Attigue. See Attique.                                                                          of soldiers' memorial tablet at Spiegel

Attique, Indian village of, 349-350, 382-                                          Grove Park, 323.

384, 385, 420, 439.                                                             Belle Island, 137.

Atwater, Caleb, 480; sends leaden plate                                   Belmont Chronicle, successor of Ohio

to Governor Clinton, 442.                                                           Federalist, 151.

Vol. XXIX-36.                   (561)

562 Index

562                                   Index.


Benham, Joseph S., address on occasion                                  Braddock's Field, Lafayette at, 249.

of visit of Lafayette to Cincinnati,                                     Bradford, John, welcomes Lafayette to

231-238; Levasseur's tribute to oratory                                     ,Transylvania College, 219.

of, 231; editorial note relative to, 558-                              Bradley, Cyrus P., 280.

559.                                                                                     Brandy, "milk of Onontio," 341, 381.

"Betsy Croghan," celebration in honor of                                 Breese, S., at banquet to Lafayette, 177.

return of, 324-326.                                                             Brinkerhoff, G. H., on committee at un-

Beverage, J. A., presentation of specimens                                      veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at

by, 508.                                                                                       Spiegel Grove Park, 329.

Bienville. See Celoron.                                                              Broken Straw Creek, location of, 381.

Big Beaver Creek, 387.                                                             Bronson, Mrs. Harriet Oviatt, marries

"Big Bone Lick," salt springs and ani-                                              Rev. David    Austin   Randall, 118;

mal remains at, 411; described, 422.                                         mother of Emilius Oviatt Randall, 118;

Big Sandusky, 325.                                                                    ancestry of, 118-119.

Bixler,  George    C.,  presentation  of                                      Bronson, Sherman, 118.

archaeological specimens by, 507.                                   Brooks, B. T., presentation of specimens

Blacksmith,   English,   Loups   request                                            by, 508.

privilege to retain, 348.                                                      Brosse, Paul de, leaden plates made by,

Blainville. See Celoron.                                                                     429, 477.

Bledsoe, Judge Jesse, guest at reception                                  Brown, Ethan Allen, votes against ap-

of Lafayette, 213; toast by at banquet                                      propriation for Lafayette, 243.

to Lafayette, 218.                                                               Brown, John, relics of, 505, 506, 544-545.

Boeufs, River aux, 348, 382.                                                     Browne, John M., 148.

Bonaventure, courtyard of, 412.                                               Brownsville,  Pennsylvania,  Lafayette's

Bond, Governor Shadrack, at reception                                           visit to. 248.

of Lafayette, 176.                                                              Buckeye, The Ohio, 275-281.

Bonnecamps, Father, 283, 482; journal of,                               "Buckeye State", origin of application of

references to, 331, 332; text of, 397-                                       name to Ohio, 279-280.

415; notes on, 415-423; sketch of, 386;                             Buffaloes  in  Scioto  County,  288-289;

map of between pages 334 and 335;                                         hunt for, 359-360.

accompanies Joncaire to read writings                             Burke, J. A., presentation of captured

on rock, 351, 352; irregularity of cor-                                      German flag by, 508.

pass used by, 414; tribute to Celoron                                 Burrows Brothers Company, 331, 476.

and his officers, 415.                                                          Butler County    Democrat, successor of

Book   Reviews,   Scioto   Sketches,  by                                            Hamilton Intelligencer, 151.

Henry T. Bannon, 282-291; Rainbow                               Ilutman, V. D., on committee at unveiling

Memories,   by    Lieutenant   Alison                                        of soldiers' memorial tablet at Spiegel

Reppy, 291-293; Fighting the Flying                                          Grove Park, 329.

Circus, by Captain E. V. Ricken-                                      yrd, Charles Willing, 147.

backer, 293-294; The Big Show, by

Elsie Janis, 294; The True Lafayette                                Cahokia, 389.

by  George            Morgan, 461-463; Witlh                       Caldwell, Judge                Alexander, Welcomes

Lafayette in          America, by    Octavia                                 Lafayette  to             Western   Virginia  at

Roberts, 463-465.                                                               Wheeling, 245-246.

Booth, J. H., letter by, 520.                                                         Camp Convalescent, 133.

Borgne, M., despatched to clear portage                                  Campbell, James E., "Randall Archaeol-

road, 337, 429; biographical notice of                                       ogist and Historian", 93-96; Chairman

379, 392.                                                                                      Executive Mansion Board, 271; at un-

Borgue, M., 429; See also Barque and                                              veiling of Soldiers' memorial tablet,

Borgne.                                                                                       305, 306, 317; address at unveiling of

Botsford, John K., surviving witness in                                              memorial tablet, 306-315; at annual

1898 of .reception of Lafayette, 248.                                        meeting of Society, remarks by, 484,

Boucher, Jean Baptiste, sketch of, and two                                       485, 514, 524, 531, 539, 542-543.

sons, 421.                                                                            Campbell, John   W., votes against ap-

Boyd, James                  Harrington, Member of                                propriation for Lafayette, 243.

Workmen's            Compensation    Commis-                     Campus Martius, 147, 522.

sion, 8.                                                                                 Canada, conquest of, 447.


Index.                                                     663


Cane, presented by Salmon P. Chase to                                             Galissoniere and the French    King,

William G. Deshler, 530.                                                           344; the Iroquois of the village an-

Canton Repository, 274.    swer, 345, and receive presents, 346;

Carner, Mrs. Ida E., presentation     of                                             Celoron proceeds to a village of Loups

specimens from  Barbados by, 508.                                          and Renards which was almost de-

Carolina, letter to governor of, 357, 370.                                          serted; at a village farther down the

Carr, General --      , meets Lafayette,                                             river he speaks by appointment to

210; toast at reception of Lafayette,                                          the assembled Indians; reply of the

215.                                                                                             Loups, asking that at least the Eng-

Carr, C. A., presentation of specimens                                             lish blacksmith be permitted to re-

by, 608.                                                                                       main till spring; Celoron embarrassed

Carroll,  Governor   William,  helps  to                                             by reply, 348; leaden plate buried "op-

rescue baggage and supplies from The                                     posite naked mountain and near im-

Mechanic, 201; guest at ball in honor                                       mense       stone", 349; Joncaire    pre-

of Lafayette, 206; guest at reception                                        cedes        expedition  to  Attique, 349;

of Lafayette, 213; toast by at recep-                                        Celoron addresses Indians at Attique;

tion of Lafayette, 215; accompanies                                         passes ancient village of Chauenons

Lafayette on visit to Kentucky, 215;                                         abandoned   since  1745, 350; meets

returns from tour with Lafayette, 221.                                     English soldiers with horses and furs,

Castle Thunder, 137.         350; writes letter to  "governor of

Catarocoui. See Catarocouy.                                                            Philadelphia", 350, 351; passes village

Catarocouy, 379, 413.       of Written Rock, a village ruled by

Cattle, Illinois, 407.                                                                            an Indian queen, 351; more English

Cedars, Point of, 397, 414.                                                                traders ordered to leave French ter-

Ceganeis-Kassin and Saetaguinrale, chiefs                                     ritory, 351; Indians report writings on

faithful to the French, 363.                                                       a rock which Joncaire and Father

Celoron, Pierre-Joseph, sieur de Blain-                                           Bonnecamps              found      to     be  English

ville or Bienville, 283; sketch of, 393-                                      names written            with         charcoal, 351;

395, 416-417; Bonnecamps compliments,                                proceeds to Chiningue, 352; Celoron

415.                                                                                            meets Indians from village and gives

Celoron, Journal of, references to, 331,                                          them   "milk of their father Onontio"

332; manuscript of, 377, 425-426; text                                     (brandy), 352; finds English flag in

of, 335-377, 481483; notes on, 377-396.                                  village, 352; Celoron   suspicious of

Celoron, expedition  of, number, char-                                            Indians in village and orders British

acter and equipment of, 336; starts                                          flag taken down, 352; pitches camp

out from La Chine, 336; passes Point                                       near   village,  353;  Indian  chiefs

Claire, Soulage, the rapids with loss                                         present address, 853; Celoron replies,

of one man, 336; proceeds by way of                                      354; prepares for eventualities in case

Lake St. Francis, Thousand Rocks,                                          of attack, 354; Indians with rein-

establishment of Abbe Piquet, Fort                                           forcements come to     Celoron's tent

Frontenac to Niagara; at Quinte met                                       with pipes of peace, 355; address of

Naudiere,   336;   conference   with                                        Celoron to Indians of Chiningue, 355;

Sabrinois, 337; arrives at portage of                                        message   of  Galissoniere, 356, 357;

Chatakuin, 337; passes the portage to                                      Indians pleased, promise to answer

Lake Chataquin, 338; natives flee at                                       next day, 357; British merchants or-

approach of; council of officers and                                       dered to leave and letter written to

allied chiefs; decided to send a depu-                                      governor of Carolina, 357; Indians of

tation to assure natives of peaceful                                          Chiningue return and present reply,

intentions, 339; Joncaire heads depu-                                      358; answer of Celoron, 359; contin-

tation to meet natives at Cut Straw;                                          uation  of   reply  of  Indians, 359;

passes through the outlet of the lake                                        Celoron leaves Chiningue, 359; meets

and enters the Beautiful River (Al-                                         Englishman from St. Yotoc, 359; In-

leghany); buries first leaden plate,                                          dians hunt buffalo but they find only

340; meets Indians at Cut Straw,                                              a few deer, 359, 360; deposit of leaden

341; quiets their fears; they welcome                                      plate at mouth of the Kanonuara,

the French                with a speech, 343, to                             360; deposit of leaden plate at mouth

which  Celoron         replies for himself,                                  of the Jenanguekouan, 360; deposit of

564 Index

564                                  Index.


Celoron - Concluded.                                                                         482; Celoron ends expedition and re-

leaden plate at mouth of the Chino-                                          ports to Jonquiere in Quebec, 482;

daista, 361; re-embarks  and  meets                                          Celoron's reflections on  results of,

Loup Indian returning from war with                                       482-483; notes on Celoron's journal

Chien nation, 363; gets information                                           of, 377-396; Bonnecamps journal of,

regarding St. Yotoc, 363; Celoron dis-                                      97-415; Marshall's account of, 424-

patches canoe to pacify Indians at                                            4

St. Yotoc, 363; Joncaire returns with                                 Centinel of the Northwestern Territory,

Indians under white flag and reports                                        first  newspaper   published  within

natives at St. Yotoc in panic at ap-                                            present limits of Ohio, 145-146.

proach of Celoron, 364; hostile at-                                    Chadakoin. See Chautauqua.

titude ofannanous                                   Indians, 36453;  See  also

Sha     neoe Indians, 33; See  o

Iroquois chief and Celoron's reply,                                           Shawnee Indians.

364; Indians of St. Yotoc prepared                                    Chanougan, 432; See also Conewango.

to resist approach of French but are                                  Chaouanons. See Chaouenons

pacified, 365; Celoron reaches village Chaouanous.  See Shawnee Indians.

and Indians fire salute, 365; encamps  Chaounous. See Shawnee Indians.

opposite village, 365; Indians approach haouonous     See Shawnee Indians.

camp with arms and are censured by                             Chapline, Colonel Moses W., presides at

Celoron, 365; pipes of peace brought,                                      dnner to Lafayette, 248

365; parley held with Indians of vil-                                  hartiers town, 384.

lage composed of many nations, 366                                 Chase, Salmon   P., telegram  from  to

their  address  to   Celoron,   366;                                              William   G. Deshler, 525; conference

Celoron's reply, 366, 367; message of                                       with William G. Deshler n NewYork

Galissoniere to Indians, 367, 368, 369;                                     City, 525-529; letter from to William

Indians frightened at report of ad-                                           G. Deshler, 530.

vance of enemies from Detroit, 369;                                        oin.  See Chautauqua.

Celoron  explains and quiets fears,                                    Chatakouin, portage of 337, 400, 429; See

369; answer of Indians to message of                                       also Chautauqua.

Galissoniere, 370; Indian traders re-                                Chatakuin. See *Chautauqua.

quested to withdraw and letter writ-                                  Chataquin. See Chautauqua.

ten  to governor of Carolina, 370;                                      Chauchias, 367.

Celoron meets Ontarios sent by Sab-                                Chauenons, village of, 350.   See also

rinois, 370; leaves St. Yotoc and ar-                                         Shawnee Indians.

rives at White River, 370; M. Devil-                                 Chautauqua,   (Chatacoin,    Chatakuin,

lier sent to Indian village, 371; ar-                                            Chataquin, Chatakouin, Tchadakoin,

rangement for meeting of Indians at                                        Tjadakoin, Yjadakoin).    For other

village of the Demoiselle, 371; sixth                                         variations of spelling see page 434-

leaden plate deposited at the mouth                                          435.

of Rock River, 371; Celoron reaches                                Chautauqua   Creek,   430.   See   also

village of the Demoiselle, 372; Indians                                     Chautauqua river.

not disposed to return to Kiskakon,                                   Chautauqua Lake, 338, 339, 340, 379, 380,

372; message of Galissoniere to In-                                         401, 430, 431.

dians of Demoiselle and Baril, 373,                                  Chavenois Indians, 45. See also Shawnee

374; Indians receive presents, 374;                                          Indians.

reply  of the   Demoiselle and   the                                   Chien nation, 363.

Baril to message, 374, 375; answer of                              Chillicothe, Lafayette's proposed visit to

Celoron, 375; reply to answer, 376;                                          abandoned, 243.

Indians promise to return to Kis-                                       Chiningue, village of, Indians fiee to, i51;

kakon in spring, 376; Celoron has little                                     deputation from, 352; noisy reception

faith in promise, 376; proceeds north-                                      at, 352; attack on Celoron planned,

ward, 376; Coldfoot at Kiskakon de-                                        353; speech of Indians at and answer,

dares the Demoiselle "a liar", 377; at                                       35-354; speech of Celoron, 355; Celo-

mouth of the Maumee River, 377; ar-                                      ron answers request for "one of the

rives  at  Point   Pelee,  at  Fort                                                  Joncaire", 359; reply of Indians, 359;

Frontenac, 481; burning of Piquette's                                        letter to Governor Hamilton not writ-

fort by Indians; arrival at Montreal,                                         ten at, 384-385; Indian queen flees to,


Index.                                    665


386; errors relative to, 387; location of,                                   Coldfoot, chief of Miamis at Quiskakon,

387-388, 420, 440; description of, 406-                                   warns Celoron against the Demoiselle,

407, 440-441.                                                                            377, 446.

Chinodahichetha, 444.  See also Chino-                                           Cole, W. H., read report of committee on

daista.                                                                                          Serpent Mound, 520-522; motions by,

Chinodaista River, leaden plate deposited                                        523, 531.

at mouth of, 361, 362, 389, 443. See also                                 Coles, Edward, Governor of Illinois, in-

Kanawha River.                                                                        vites Lafayette to visit Illinois, 169-170;

Chinodiagon, village of, message of to                                             delivers address welcoming Lafayette

Galissoniere, 345-346.                                                              to Illinois, 171-175; Levasseur's tribute

Chinondaista. See Kanawha.                                                            to, 189-190.

Christian Commission, aids Civil War sol-                                        Columbus, Lafayette's proposed visit to

diers, 133-134.                                                                           abandoned, 243.

Chuachias, 367, 389.                                                                         Columbus Evening Dispatch, 142-144, 273,

Cincinnati, Centinel of the Northwestern                                           294.

Territory published at, 145-146; La-                                         "Columbus Public Schools", from   Whip-

fayette's visit to, 221-242.                                                         poor-uell for April, 1866, 127.

(-olumbus Westbote, suspended in World

Cincinnati Abend Press, attitude on peace      W                              , 149

negotiations following the World War                                               General James M. 149, 326.

Comly, General James M., 149, 326.

55, 57, 59, 60, 62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75,  Commercial Tribune, 151.

77, 78.

Cincinnati Commercial, combined     with                                       Conewango river, leaden plate deposited

Gazette, 151.                                                                              at mouth of, 341, 342, 381, 432.

Cincinnati Freie Press, attitude on peace                                        Connelley, William   E., contributor of

negotiations following the World War,                                     "Origin of Indian names of Certain

52, 54, 58, 59, 60, 61, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,                                   States and Rivers" 451-454; acknowl-

72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78.                                                                 edgments to, 474, 475.

Cincinnati Gazette, founded, 148.                                                    Contrecoeur, M., sent to "make the por-

tage" around falls of Niagara, 337;

Cincinnati Volksblatt, attitude on peace                                            leads left o    expedition over Miami-

negotiations following the World War,                                     Maumee portage, 376, 446 notice of,

51, 52, 53, 57, 63, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73,                                  42.

74, 75, 78.

~74, 75,> 78"~. .Contributions, The Ohio Workmen's Com-

Circilevlle Union, 152.                                                                      pensation Law, by H. R. Mengert,

Cisco, John J., conference with William G.                                     1-48; Ohio's German-language press

Deshler and Salmon P. 'Chase, 527,                                          and the peace negotiations, by Carl

_ 5280             ,     .                                                                     Wittke, 49-79; Lafayette's Visit to

Civil War veterans, celebration in honor                                        Ohio Valley States, by       B. Gal-

of Twenty-third Regiment O. V. I. at                                       breath, 163266; Te Ohio Buckeye,

Spiegel Grove, 326-328.                                                           by C. B. Galbreath, 275-281; Unveil-

Clarion creek, 382.                                                                            ing of the soldiers' memorial tablet

Clark, Rear Admiral Charles E., guest of                                         on the Hayes Memorial Building at

Twenty-third Regiment 0. V. I. at                                             Spiegel Grove, by Lucy Elliot Keeler,

Spiegel Grove, 327.                                                                   303-329; The Expedition of Celoron,

Clark, George Rogers, 456.                                                              by C. B. Galbreath, 331-334, 477-480;

Clarke, General M. G., meets Lafayette,                                         Origin of Indian Names of Certain

210; toast by at reception of Lafayette,                                    States and Rivers, by                          William  E.

215.                                                                                            Connelly, 451-454; "The                    Centenary

Clay, Henry, tribute to by Lafayette, 220;                                        of Sandusky County, by Basil Meek,

home visited by Lafayette, 220.                                                455-460. See also   Randall, Emilius

"Cleanliness", from  Whip-poor-will for                                           Oviatt, tributes to.

September, 1866, 130.                                                             Cooper, Albert, presentation of pioneer

Cleveland, Grover, at funeral of President                                      relics by, 508.

Rutherford B. Hayes, 327.                                                       Cottonwood-tree, 405.

Cleveland Leader, 152.                                                                    Cordes, Henry, author of constitutional

Clinton, Governor George, 426-427, 480.                                       proposal for compulsory compensation,

Coggshall, William T., 149.                                                              15-16.

566 Index

566                                  Index.


Cornell Era, edited by Emilius Oviatt                                        Dawson, Miles M., audits State Insurance

Randall, 114, 120.                                                                       Fund, 41-43.

Cornell University, 120.                                                             Dayton News, 152.

Councils with Indians at Cut Straw, 343-                                  )ecoigne, 465-468.

346; Chiningue, 355-359; St. Yotoc,                                  Deemer, Edward, on committee at un-

365-370; Village of the Demoiselle,                                          veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at

372-376.                                                                                      Spiegel Grove Park, 329.

Courtemanche, M.. notifies Celoron of ar-                               Deer, in Scioto County, 290-291.

rival of messenger from the Demoi-                                 Deer Creek, Lafayette and fellow passen-

selle, 372.                                                                                   gers from  The Mechanic land near

Cox, Ezekiel T., 149.                                                                         mouth of, 201.

Cox, Governor James M., attitude toward                                Delaware Gazette, founded, 152.

Workmen's Compensation, 18-26, 557;                             Dellinger, Leonard, presentation of speci-

message to the General Assembly,                                           mens by, 508.

18-19; calls conference at his home in                             Demoiselle, The, chief of the Miamis at

January, 1913, 19-20; favors compulsory                                 Pickawillany  sends chiefs to meet

compensation, 20; hostility to liability                                        Celoron, 372; Celoron fails to induce

insurance companies, 27; favors com-                                     him and his chiefs to go to Quiskakon,

pulsory monopoly feature for Work-                                        376; sketch and fate of, 389-390, 422;

men's Compensation in campaign of                                         The Baril requested to accompany Cel-

1916, 34; amendment providing    for                                       oron to village of, 409; Celoron meets,

monopoly   compulsory  compensation                                     410; residence of, 445.

law enacted and approved, 35; nom-                                Demoiselle, village of. See Pickawillany.

inated for President of the United                                     Dennison, William, at grand review, 141.

States, 299; address by, presenting to                               Desha, Governor Joseph, welcomes La-

Society check of $47,424.69 and Meeker                                fayette to Kentucky, 216 Toast by at

library of Ohioana, 535-539.                                                     banquet to Lafayette, 218; Accompa-

Cox, Samuel Sullivan, 149.                                                                nies Lafayette to Cincinnati, 221.

Coy, John H., 121.                                                                     Deshler, John G., address by, 524-530.

Coy, Mrs. Catharine A. Granger, 123.                                             eshler, William           G., quotations  from

Deshler, William                G., quotations from

Crabs, 411.

,Cramers, J1 1. C r t  n     s      s                                                      memoirs of, relative to service ren-

Cramer, J. C., presentation of specimens                                         ered Salmon P    . Chase in Civil War,

by~~~~, 508. nadered Salmon P. Chase in Civil War,

Crevecoeur's map, represents the "Chata-                                       525, 526, 5

' map, reprsent the                                 Detroit, arrival of expedition at, 412; de-

couin" as extending to the Allegheny,       ritio     of, 4

scription of, 413.

449.                                                                                     Detroit River, 412.

Croghan, Colonel George, Journal of                                       Detrich, Jao, 412.

quoted, 440-441.

~quoted, 440-441.            Dillon, IKent EI., on committee at unveil-

Croghan, Major George, at Fort Stephen-                                 a

son, 319, 324, 325; in Mexican WIar,      ing of soldiers' memorial tablet at

son, 319, 324, 525; in Mexican War,

319,^~~  320. gy~Spiegel Grove Park, 329.

Crogha2nsville, 458, 459.Donahey, A. V., on committee to super-

Croghansvitwa, 2458, 40.                     vise audit of State Insurance Fund, 41.

Donnelly, Thomas J., on committee to

Curry, Colonel W. L., appointed on nom-                                         supervise audit of State Insurance

inating committee, 485; "l.andall, Son                                       Fund, 41.

of the American Revolution," 97-102.                              Doomsday Book, name of Randall re-

Custer, General George A., in grand re-                                         corded in, 117.

view, 141.                                                                           Downey, E. H., audits State Insurance

Cut Straw, village of, distant from Lake                                           Fund, 41-43.

Erie, 338; Indians flee to, 340; Celoron                            Drake, Dr. Daniel, on Ohio buckeye, 281.

invites Indians to meet him at, 341;                                   Drinking of Indians delays Celoron, 377.

Council with Indians at, 343; departure                            Du Coigne. See Panisciowa.

from, 346; location of, 381. See also                                 Ducoigne, Jean Baptiste, 465-468.

Paille Coupee.                                                                    Duffy, Thomas J., 19, 29, 36.

Duncan, J. E., presentation of archaeolog-

Davis, Jefferson C., a prisoner at Fortress                                        ical specimens by, 507.

Monroe, 136.                                                                      I)uquesne. See Fort Duquesne.


Index.                                    567


Du Quoin, 465-468; See also Panisciowa.                                 Farrar, William M., 281.

Duval, Governor William P., guest at ball                                 Faulkner, James W., 19; "Randall the

in honor of Lafayette, 206.                                                        Journalist," 112-115.

Ferguson, Chaplain.   Invocation at un-

Eagle, successor of Der Ohio Adler.                                                 veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet,

Echo (Socialist), attitude on peace nego-                                          306.

tiations following the World War, 62,                               Findlay, William L., 19.

63, 68, 72.                                                                           Firefly, legend of, 186-188.

Edgar, General, Lafayette welcomed at                                  Fisher, Dudley T., presentation of speci-

residence of, 170.                                                                       mens by, 508.

Editorial Notes and Comments, "Recol-                                    Fletcher, Mrs. Sarah E., presentation of

lections of Royalty," 154-158; literary                                      plans of Sebastopol fortification and

contributions of Emilius Oviatt Ran-                                         siege by, 508.

dall, 156-157; Wilson L. Gill, 158; Ser-                            Flickenger, Samuel J., 149.

geant Stanley Nagorka, 294-297; Two                             Flint, James, account of wild animals in

Generous Patrons, 297-298; Next Pres-                                    southern Ohio, 289.

ident an Ohioan, 299; Memorial Day                                Follett, Oren, 149.

at Spiegel Grove, 299; Panisciowa,                                   Ford, Colonel        , toast at reception

Jean Baptiste Ducoigne, 465-468; Col-                                     of Lafayette, 215.

onel Frederick W. Galbraith, Jr. 469-                               Forest Trees, 401, 405, 420.

472; Ohio - Origin and significance of                             Fort Cataracoui, 398.

the name, 472-475.                                                            Fort Duquesne, Register of, 335, 379, 392.

Elizabethtown,  Pennsylvania,  Lafayette                                 Fort Frontenac, expedition sets out from,

at, 249.                                                                                        336; location and name of, 379; arrival

English and French, efforts to control                                               at, 481

Ohio country, 334, 424-425.                                              Fort Laurens, 52

Fort Laurens, 523.

English traders, summoned to depart from

English traders, summoned to depart from                             Fort Loramie, built on site of village of

Ohio country, 350, 357, 370, 404, 441,                                     the Deoiselle, 445

the Demoiselle, 445.

483; found in all Indian villages, 409,  Fort Meigs, report on, 523.

Fort Meigs, report on, 523.

„ 410. -      ,    ,,Fort Miami, report on, 522.

Equity League, seeks referendum on com-

pulsory Compensation Law, 23-24.                                   Fort Miamis, located at Kiskakon, 423;

Evans, B. F., on committee at unveiling                                            captured and named Fort Wayne, 423.

of soldiers' memorial tablet at Spiegel                               Fort Niagara, description of, 399; arrival

Grove Park, 329.                                                                        of expedition at, 429.

Evans, Nelson W., 282.                                                             Fort Pontchartrain, 423.

Fort Stephenson, defense of, 324.

Evans, Mrs. W. E., presentation of arch-    Fort  epeon, de

Fortress Monroe, 136.

geological specimens by, 507, 508.                                   Fossis of ani     remn

Everett, David,- 147                                          Fossils of animal remains, 422.

Everett, David, 147.                                                                   Foster, James, 152.

Foster, James, 152.

Executive Mansion, purchased from C. H.      oster                 E  44

Lindenberg, 270-271; Buckeye tree for                                                J

lawn of, 271-274.                                                               Foster, Professor, -      , presentation

Exploration work of Society, 505-506.                                             of specimens by, 508.

Express and    Advertiser, successor  o                                     Francisco, A. W., 149.

Muskingum Messenger, 149.                                             Frankfort, visit of Lafayette to, 215-219.

Franklin, Benjamin, 145, 146.

Fallen Timbers, site of battle of, 511; re- Frazer, John, 348, 382.

port on battle field of, 522-523.                                         Freeman's Journal, successor to Centinel

Fangboner, I. T., on committee at un-                                               of the Northwestern Territory, 146,

veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at                                        147.

Spiegel Grove Park, 329.                                                  Fremont, General John C., 325-326.

"Farewell", from  Whip-poor-will of De-                                  Fremont, 459.

cember, 1866, 132-133.                                                    French and English, efforts to control

The Farmer, founded, 152.                                                                Ohio country, 334, 424-425.

Farnham, Colonel J. H., presents welcome                              French Creek, 382, 438, 443, 480.

and congratulations to Lafayette, 209;                             Friebolin, Carl D., 19.

toast at reception of Lafayette, 21.                                   Fry, Margaret, 492.

668 Index

668                                    Index.


Fulkerson, J. M., presentation of speci-                                    Gottron, Harry P., on committee at un-

mens by, 508.                                                                             veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at

Funston, F. N., presentation of speci-                                               Spiegel Grove Park, 329.

mens by, 508.                                                                     Goyoquin Indians, 481.

Fur trade, 482.                                                                            Gragg, J. R., presentation of archaolog-

Galbraith, Colonel Frederick W. Jr., co-                                         ical collection by, 507.

mander of American Legion, sketch                                Graham, Edward, entertains     Lafayette,


of, 469-472,

Galbreath, Captain A. W., presentation of                             Graham, George, address to Lafayette at

Galbreath, Captain A. W., presentation of                                      Masonic lodge, 226, 258.

World War relics by, 505.                                                 Masonic lodge, 226, 258.

World War relics by, 505.  "The Grand Picnic," from Whip-poor-will

Galbpeath, C. B., succeeds Emilius Oviatt                               The Grand   icnc    rom Wh1-poor-ll

Randall as Secretary of the Ohio State                                    for July, 1866, 127-12.U

Archaeological and Historical Society,                            Grand Review, of    nion armes n Wash-

160; "Lafayette's Visit to Ohio Valley                                      ington, 135 described 140141.

States," 163-266; at annual meeting of                             Grant General Ulysses S., in grand re-

Society; Secretary's report by, 485-                                         vlew, 141.

492; telegram   from            T. B. Alexander                    Gray, S. C., presentation of specimens by,

and greeting from                Mrs. T. B. Alex-

ander read by, 544-545.      "The Great Flood," from   Whip-poor-will

Galissoniere, Marquis de la, portrait, 330;                                       for October, 1866, 130.

sketch of, 330, 378; intentions made                                 Great Meadows, battle of, 447.

known, 339; orders of. 340; message to                            Great Miam      Rver  ee Rock River

village of Iroquois Sonontuerna, 344-                               Green, William, 19, 25.

345; message to Loups and Renards                                 Greene, General Nathaniel, Lafayette gives

and answer of Loups, 347, 348; mes-                                       toeie, Jo                  y of 214.

sage to Indians of Chiningue, 356-357;                             Griggs,          ob             . p

answer to message, 358; message to In-                           Gggs              bert F, p resen  in of ethno-

dians of St. Yotoc, 367-369; message                                       logical specimens by, 507.

to Indians of the Demoiselle and the                                 Grob, George, on committee at unveiling

Baril, 372-374; term of office, 415; or-                                    Grove Park, 329m

der by, 481._ Grove Park, 329.

Gallagher, 4John M., 149Gross Daytoner Zeitung, attitude on peace

Gallatin, Albert, welcomes Lafayette to                                          negotiations following World War, 51,

UnGallatin, Alberttown, welcomes Lafayette to                       52, 56, 58, 60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72,

Uniontown, 248.                                                                         73 74, 75, 76, 77, 78.

Gallia County Gazette, founded, 152-153.            , 7, 76,   , 78.

Gallipolis, Lafayette's visit to, 243.      Gwathmey, Samuel, toast at reception of

Ganaouagon, village of, at a distance fromayette

Lake Erie, 338, 429; Celoron and In-

dians exchange salutes at 341.           Hall, James, welcomes Lafayette to Shaw-

dians exchange salutes at, 341.

Ganaouskon, village of, Indians reply to                                           neetown, 191-194.

Galissonviere, 3 of   nie45.l        t                                       Hall, Captain Wyllys, directs salvage of

Gateissoiere, 345.                                                                       baggage and food from The Mechanic,

~Gates, Beman, 147.  ~201; absolved from all blame for sink-

Gazette and Commercial Register, founded,                                     201; absolved from a      blame  for si

152.                        '        '                                                     ing of The Mechanic by Lafayette

Gazlay, James, votes against appropria-                                           and other passengers, 202-203; remin-

tion for Lafayette, 243.                                                       iscences of Lafayette and sinking of

The Mechanic, 250-256.

General Pike, steamer which bore La-                                             The Mechac, 25256.

fayette to Jeffersonville, 206.                                             Hamilton, Colonel William    S. (Son of

Generals, (Union) in grand review, 140-                                          Alexander Hamilton) accompanies La-

141.                                                                                             fayette from  St. Louis to Kaskaskia,

Gill, Wilson L., sketch of, 158.                                                   169-170.

Gist, Christopher, visit to Old Britian, 9.                                     Hamilton, Governor James, letter of Cel-

Good, A. S., presentation of specimens by,                                       oron to, 350, 384-385; Governor Clinton

508.                                                                                             sends copy of inscription on leaden

Goodwin, James H., on committee at un-                                          plate to, 428.

veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at                                 Hamilton Gazette, contemporaneous with

Spiegel Grove Park, 329.                                                    the Spy.


Index.                                    569


Hamilton Intelligencer, first issue, 151.                                     Hegler, Mrs. Almer, presentation of li-

Hammond, Charles, sketch of, 151.                                                   brary and archaeological collection by,

Hammond, M. B., 25.                                                                         506.

Hampton Roads, scene of battle between                                 Henderson, J. N. and Mills, E. C., loaned

the Merrimac and the Monitor, 136.                                         collection of early dental tools by,

Hancock, General Winfield S., in grand                                          507.

review, 140.                                                                       Henry   County   Demokrat, attitude   on

Hanna, Senator Marcus A., 327.                                                       peace negotiations following World

Harding, Senator Warren G., nominated                                          War, 51, 57.

for President of the United States,                                     Herald, bears Lafayette and party from

299; at unveiling of soldiers' memorial                                      Cincinnati to Wheeling, 242-245.

tablet, 305, 306, 317; address at un-                                  Herald, founded, 152.

veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at                                Herrick, Governor Myron iT., approves

Spiegel Grove Park, 317-323.                                                   Williams Act, 6; member of Executive

Harmon,    Governor   Judson,   appoints                                          Mansion Board, 271.

Workmen's Compensation Commission,                            Hickson, W. H., presentation of specimens

8, 9; attitude toward workmen's com-                                       by 508.

pensation, 8-16; message on state board                           High School News, edited by Emilius

of awards, 17-18; member of Executive                                  Oviatt Randall, 114, 119.

Mansion Board, 271; influence in the                               Hildreth, S. P., letter of Captain Wyllys

inauguration of the workmen's com-                                         Hall to, 250-256; description of cere-

pensation law in Ohio, 557.                                                       monies attending opening of court at

Harms, William P., 9.                                                                         Marietta, 279.

Harvey, J. E., presentation of specimens                                  Hillsboro Gazette, founded, 152.

by, 508.                                                                               Hirsch, Leo, 149.

Harrison, William Henry, 147; welcomes                                Historical sites, report on, 511.

Lafayette to Cincinnati, 224-225.                                      Historical society buildings, 492; of Illi-

Hastings, Russell, 326.                                                                       nois,  Wisconsin,  Minnesota,   New

Hatton, Mrs. Edgar M., tribute to Emi-                                             Hampshire and Ohio, 546-555.

lius Oviatt Randall, 116-117.                                             Hogan, Timothy S., 19, 25, 31.

Hay, A. P., toast at reception of Lafay-                                   Hooper, Osman C., "Randall, Our Presi-

ette, 215.                                                                                     dent" (of the Kit Kat Club), 85-87.

Hayes, Rutherford B., 152; ninety-eighth                                 Horse Chestnut, distinction between Ohio

anniversary of birth of observed, 303-                                     buckeye and, 276-278.

487; tributes to, 311, 319; favored name                           Hough, Colonel Benson W., sketch of,

of Fremont for Lower Sandusky, 325;                                      292-293.

entertains Twenty-third Regiment, O.                               Howells, William Dean, 149.

V. I., 326, 327; commander-in-chief of                            Hudson, David, founder of Hudson, Ohio,

Loyal Legion, 328; diary and letters                                         118.

of, 491, 492.                                                                       Hudson, Lelia, presentation of specimens

Hayes, Colonel Webb C., work at Spiegel                                       by, 508.

Grove, 299; sketch of, 302; presents                                Hunter, General David, in grand review,

memorial tablet, 305; presents property                                    140.

to the State of Ohio valued at over

$500,000, 313; filial devotion of, 313;                               Illinois, Lafayette's visit to, 168-190, 191-

"as modest as good", 315; chairman of                                     194.

committee at unveiling of soldiers'                                    Illinois, Centennial Memorial building,

memorial tablet at    Spiegel Grove                                           546-548.

Park, 329; expiration of term as trus-                               Illinois, cattle, 407.

tee, 485; gifts to the state by, 487; re- Illustrations:

elected trustee of the Society, 493.                                           Emilius Oviatt Randall, 81.

Hayes, Mrs. Webb C., unveils memorial                                          Emilius Oviatt Randall (1873), 120.

tablet, 305.                                                                                  Fac-simile  reproduction  from  Whip-

"Hayes Administration and Mexico", ar-                                          poor-will, 124, 131.

tide relative to, 559-560.                                                            Emilius Oviatt Randall (1866), 131.

Heer, Fred J., at annual meeting      of                                      Lafayette, Gilbert Motier de, 163, 175,

Society, motions by, 522, 524.                                                   235, 247.

670 Index

670                                   Index.


Illustrations - Concluded.                  Jackson, General Andrew, entertains La-

Triumphal Arch (In honor of Lafayette                                        fayette, 190-191; pilots boat carrying

in New Orleans), 167.                                                                Lafayette and party, 252.

Edward Coles, 171.                                                                James, John Hough, extracts from jour-

James B. Ray, 211.                                                                         nal of relative to visit of Lafayette to

Joseph Desha, 216.                                                                         Cincinnati, 256-259.

Jeremiah Morrow, 222.                                                          James River, appearance of six weeks af-

Executive Mansion, 270.                                                                ter capture of Richmond, 136.

Planting a buckeye tree, 271.                                                Jamestown,   Pennsylvania,  advance   of

Ohio buckeye, 276.                                                                        Celoron to present site of, 431.

Horse chestnut, 277.                                                               Janis, Elsie, author of "The Big Show,"

Colonel Benson W. Hough, 292.                                                    294.

Stanley Nagorka, 295.                                                           Jarvis, Charles E., presentation of relics

Remnant of leaden plate deposited at                                            from war zone by, 508.

mouth of the Muskingum, 478.                                           Jeffersonville, Lafayette received at as

Probable full text of leaden plate de-                                            guest of Indiana, 206-215.

posited at mouth of the Muskingum,

posited at mouth of the Muskingum,      Jennings, Malcolm, on committee to su-

pervise audit of State Insurance Fund,

General J. Warren Keifer, 515.                                                    41

William G. Deshler, 526.                                                       Jenuanguekouan River. See Muskingum

Claude Meeker, 332.                                                                     River.

Governor James M. Cox, 536.                                               Jesuit Relations, references to, 331.

Charles F. Kettering, 543.

Centennial Memorial Building (Illinois),                               Johnson, President Andrew, at grand re-

547.                                                                                             view, 140.

Building of the Wisconsin Historical                                     Johnson, Arthur C., elected trustee, 493;

Society, 549.                                                                               thanked for support to Society, 509.

Building of the Minnesota Historical                                     Johnson, Judge James G., writes opinion

Society, 551.                                                                               of  Supreme   Court on    Workmen's

Building of New Hampshire Historical                                         Compensation Law, 39-40.

Society, 553.                                                                       Johnson, Colonel Richard M., toast by at

Museum   and Library Building of the                                          banquet to Lafayette, 218.

Ohio State Archaeological and His-                                 Johnson, W. H., on committee at unveil-

torical Society, 554.                                                                   ing of soldiers' memorial tablet at

Independent Chronicle, edited by Nathan-                                       Spiegel Grove Park, 329; receives me-

iel Willis during American Revolution,                                     morial tablet for American Legion,

146.                                                                                             305.

"Indian God," the, 64, 120.                                                        Johnson, Colonel William, Indians send

Indiana, Lafayette's visit to, 206-215.                                               him leaden plate 427; sends copy of

,inscription on leaden plate to Governor

Indians, Were their ancestors the Mound        Hamilton 428.

Builders? 143.

Joncaire, M., sent to quiet fears of In-

Indians, troublesome in vicinity of Ports-     dns 3          bin       iefs to Clo-

mouth, 283-285; Celoron's expedition             ,   ,

mrouth, 285n-2r5 occuedoro  expedition0                  ron, 341; dispels terror of Indians and

through country occupied by, 331, 450;                                   sets out for Cut Straw, 343, 402; re-

Indian names of certain states and

Indian names of certain states experience at Attique, 350; ac-

rivers, 451-454.                                                                    companies Bonnecamps to read writing

Industrial Commission of Ohio, law pro-                                         on rock, 351. 352, 405; discovers Indian

viding  for, 24; commissioners ap-                                            plot, 353, 351; reports conditions at St.

pointed, 25;   Attorneys-General   of                                        Yotoc, 364, 365, 407; sketch of, 381,

Ohio support, 25; attacks on, 32-33.                                         392, 416, 437; not identical with Jon-

Intelligencer, successor of Marietta Ga-                                         caire met by Charlevoix and Washing-

zette, 147.                                                                                   ton, 449.

Iowa, origin of name of, 451-452.                                           Jonquiere, Marquis de la, Governor-Gen-

Iroquois Indians, 348, 349, 353, 364, 366, 407.  eral of New France, 415, 482.

Israel, lost tribes'of, were they ancestors                                 Judge, Mrs. James, presentation of Alas-

of the Mound Builders? 143-144.                                             kan specimens by, 508.


Index.                                    571


Kachinodiagon, village of, another name                                         Knabenshue, S. S., 148.

for Cut Straw, 343.                                                                    Kornfeld, Dr. Joseph S., benediction by at

Kaiser, Robert, presentation of archaeolo-                                      Randall memorial meeting, 109.

gical specimens by, 507.

Kanaaiagon. See Kanaouagan.                                                         Labor organizations, greet Lafayette in

Kanaauagon. See Ganaouagon.                                                        Cincinnati, 228-229.

Kananouangon, village of, description of,                                        La Chine, 336, 397.

419; leaden plate deposited at, 432.                                          Lacroix, Andrew, encounter with a bear,

See also Conewango.                                                                290.

Kanaouagon, village    of, Celoron   ap-                                           Lacroix, John P., manuscript account of

proaches, 341; joins Indians of Cut                                           killing buffalo, 288.

Straw  in address to Celoron, 343;                                            La Demoiselle, or Old Britian, killed and

leaden plate buried near, 432.                                                  eaten, 333, 389390, 422.

Kanaougon River, leaden plate deposited                                        Lafayette, George Washington, (son of

at mouth of, 341, 342, 432, 433. See                                         General Lafayette) at Kaskaskia, 176;

also Conewango.                                                                       on sinking steamboat, 197, 199, 200; at

Kanawha River. leaden plate deposited at                                       Wheeling, 247.

mouth of, 361, 366, 389, 443; traders

mouth of, 361, 366, 389, 443; traders                                       Lafayette, Gilbert Motier de, portraits of,

penetrate West via, 389.                                                           162, 175, 235, 247; gratitude to in-

Kanonouaora. See KIanonuara.

Kanonouaora. See Ka a.             fluenced America in World War, 164-

Kanonuara River, leaden plate deposited            Contribution to  tlantic Monthly

166; Contribution to Atlantic Monthly

at mouth of, 360, 421, 441.

at mouth of, 360, 421, 441.                quoted, 164-166; southern and western

Kanououara. See Kanonuara.

anououara. See Kanonuara.                                                             tour of in United States, 166; visit to

Kaskaske, Indian village, location of, 422.                                      Illo   - Kkkia       168-190  invita-

Illinois--Kaskaskia, 168-190; invita-

Kaskaskia, Lafayette's visit to, 170, 189..

Kaskaskia, Lafayette's visit to, 170, 18tion by legislature, 168-169; acceptance

Kautzman, Colonel Worthington, presen-                                        of invitation, 169-170; welcome address

tation of Filipino relics by, 508.                                                 by Governor Coles, 171-175; reply to

Keeler, Lucy, contributions to Quarterly,                                        address of welcome, 175; entertained

299; "Unveiling of soldiers' memorial                                       at Colonel Sweet's tavern, 175-177;

tablet on Hayes Memorial Building                                          meets Mary, daughter of Panisciowa,

at Spiegel Grove," 303-329.                                                      189; visit to Tennessee, 190-191; Re-

Keifer, General J. Warren, address by,                                           turn to Illinois - Shawneetown, 191-

514-518; military service of, 514-518;                                     194; welcome address by Judge James

motion by, 539.                                                                          Hall, 191-194; reply to address of wel-

Kekionga. See Quiskakon.                                                                come, 194; sinking of The Mechanic

Kelley, Bugler Hubert, poem by, 296-297.                                      and rescue of passengers, 195-202; visit

Kennedy, Robert P., 326.                                                                  to   Kentucky- Louisville,   203-206;

Kentucky, Lafayette's visit to, 203-206.                                           welcome address by Solomon P. Sharp,

Kentucky, origin of name of, 453-454.                                            203-204; reply to address of welcome,

"Kentucky- Mother of United       States                                          204; welcome address by Judge Rowan,

Senators and Representatives," 556.                                         204-205; reply to address, 205; ball in

Kercher, Henry, presentation of archaeo-                                      honor of, 206; visit to Indiana - Jef-

logical specimens by, 507.                                                        fersonville, 206-215; invitation by leg-

Kettering, Charles F., gift of Miamisburg                                         islature, 206-209; invitation by commit-

Mound, 298, 506; of II. J. Thompson                                       tee, 209; reply to committee, 209-210;

collection of archeological specimens                                     welcome address by Governor James B.

by, 506; gifts to Society by, 542-543.                                        Ray, 210-212; reply to address, 212-213;

Kilbourne, Colonel James E., founder of                                         entertainment in honor of, 213-215;

Western Intelligencer, 149.                                                      visit to Kentucky-Shelbyville, Frank-

Kiskakon. See Quiskakon.                                                                fort, Lexington, 215-221; welcome ad-

Kiskiminetas River, location of Attique                                           dress by Governor Joseph Desha, 216;

with reference to, 383, 420, 439.                                             reply to address, 216-217; banquet in

Kiskiminitas River. See Kiskiminetas.                                              honor of at Frankfort, 217-219; wel-

Kit Kat Club, memorial services in honor                                        come to Transylvania University, 219-

of Emilius Oviatt Randall, 82-109.                                           220; reply to welcome address, 220;

Kittanning, on site of Attique, 382-38,                                             visit to  Ohio - Cincinnati, 221-242;

420.                                                                                            welcome address by Governor Jeremiah

672 Index

672                                     Index.


Lafayette- Concluded                                                                       Muskingum, 360-361, 388, 421, 442, 477-

Morrow, 221-223; reply to                       address,                    480; at the mouth of the Great Ka-

223; welcome    address   by                    William                    nawha, 361, 388, 407, 421, 442; at the

Henry Harrison, 224-225; reply to ad-                              mouth of the Conewango, 341, 342, 402,

dress, 225-226; honored                     at Masonic                      419, 433, 435, 436; below mouth of River

lodge, 226; Welcomed in                   behalf of                         aux Boeufs, 349, 419, 438-439; at the

schools by Rev. Ruter, 227-228; reply                               mouth of the Kanonuara, 360, 407, 421,

to address, 228; procession through         441; at the mouth of Rock River, 371,

city, 228-229; exercises at pavilion,         421, 445; character of inscriptions, 432-

229-238; ball in honor of, 238-242; poem                                 434; burial of plates peculiar to French,

in honor of, 238-242; visit to Ohio--         381.

Gallipolis, 243; visit to Ohio - Ma-     Lee, Alfred E., 152.

rietta, 244-245; visit to Western Vir-       Lee, General R. E., home of visited, 135.

ginia - Wheeling;   245-248;  welcome    Lee, Samuel M., sings ode at reception of

address by Judge Alexander Caldwell,                             Lafayette, 229-231.

245-246; reply to address, 246-247; ban-                          Legend of the firefly, as related by Mary,

quet in honor. of, 248; visit to Western                              the daughter of Panisciowa, 186-189.

Pennsylvania, 248-249; Captain Hall's     Legowski, Pather F. S., address at un-

narrative of sinking of The Mechanic,                              veiling of soldiers? memorial tablet,

250-256; extracts from journal of John                             315-316.

Hough James relative to visit to Cin- Lentil-Tree, 405, 420.

cinnati, 256-259; extracts from journal    Leonard, Theodore, appointed on nomi-

of Abby Bailey relative to visit to Cin-                              nating committee, 485.

cinnati, 260-263; reminiscences of Mrs.  Lexington, visit of Lafayette, 219-221.

W. L. Ralston and Mary Loving Wil-      Liability Insurance Agents, oppose com-

liams, relative to visit of, 263-264; ac-                              pulsory workmen's compensation law,

count of visit to Marietta by George        20; suit to oust in Supreme Court, 31-

Woodbridge, 265-266; tributes to, 267-                             32.

269; origin  of his interest in    the      Libby Prison, 137.

American Revolution, 462; reply to   Liberty  Hall and   Cincinnati Mercury,

those who voted against appropriation                              founded by John M. Browne, 148.

to pay him for expenses incurred in  Library, presented to Society by Claude

American Revolution, 464.                                                        Meeker, 531-535.

Lake St. Francis, 336.                                                                 Library work and policy, 488, 489.

Lambing, Rev. Andrew Arnold, translator      Lindenburg, Mrs. C. H., presentation of

of Celoron's journal, 331, 332; varied                                shells and fossils by, 508.

spelling of proper names, 334; intro-       Lins, P. A., on committee at unveiling of

ductory note to journal, 335; notes on                                soldiers' memorial tablet at Spiegel

Celoron's Journal, 377-396.                                                       Grove Park, 329.

Lanaudiere, sketch of, 395-396; See also Little Miami River, 389.

Naudiere.                                                                            Little Sandusky, 325.

Lancaster, Lafayette's proposed visit to    Logan Elm Park, report on, 518-519.

abandoned, 243.                                                                 Logstown, 420.

Levasseur, Auguste    (Secretary  to  La- Loudenslager, Mrs. William, presentation

fayette), at Kaskaskia, 176-189; ac-                                 of specimens by, 508.

count of reception of Lafayette, 176-     Louisville, Lafayette's visit to, 203-206.

179; account of meeting Mary, the    Loup Indians, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351,

daughter of Chief Panisciowa, 180-189;                           353, 363, 366, 381, 402, 403, 404, 437, 439,

tribute to Governor Coles at Cincin-        440.

nati, notes on reception of Lafayette,      Lower Sandusky, 325.

228, 231.                                                                             Lower Sandusky, 459.

Lancaster Volksfreund, 149.                                                       Lyon, William   S., 326.

Langlade, Charles, plundering expedition,

333, 334, 390, 422.                                                             Madison, military company from, greets

LaSalle, 424.                                                                                      Lafayette, 228.

Leaden plates, deposited along the Ohio, Magley, R. A., presentation of specimens

332, 426-429, 478; at the mouth of the                              by, 508.


Index.                                    678


Mahoning Creek, 382.                                                               Meade, General George F., 135; in grand

Manahella, in legend of the firefly, 186-188.                                   review, 141.

Mansfield Shield, 153.                                                                Mechanic, The, sinks with Lafayette and

Map of Father Bonnecamps, opposite page                                      party on board, 195-202; sinking of

334.                                                                                             related by Captain Wyllys Hall, 250-

Marietta, Lafayette's visit to, 244; Lafay-                                         256.

ette's tribute to pioneers of, 244.                                        Medical   Profession,   attitude  toward

Marietta Gazette, successor of American                                         Workmen's Compensation Law, 26-27.

Friend, 147.                                                                        Meek, Basil, contributor of "The Cen-

Marietta Register and Virginia Herald,                                             tenary of Sandusky County," 455-460.

first issued in Campus Martius Stock-                                Meek, George B.. first American killed in

ade, 147.                                                                                     war with Spain, 319.

Marks, Clara, presentation of archaeologi-                              Meeker, Claude, presents library of Ohio-

cal specimens by, 507.                                                               ana to Society, 297-298; letter from,

Marks, Sheldon, presentation of speci-                                             conveying gift of library to Society,

mens by, 508.                                                                             531-535.

Marshall, Orsamus Holmes, account of                                    Memorial Day, celebrated     at  Spiegel

Celoron's expedition to the Ohio in                                            Grove, 299.

1749, 331, 332, 424-450.                                                   Memorial Library and Museum Building,

Mary, the daughter of Panisciowa, at Kas-                                      celebration of completion of at Spie-

kaskia on occasion of Lafayette's visit,                                     gel Grove Park, 328.

179-189; story of her life, 180-185, 189;                          Menard, Pierre, in procession to welcome

letter from  Lafayette to her father,                                          Lafayette, 176; adopts Mary, daughter

179; legend of the firefly, 186-188. See                                   of Panisciowa, 182, 185.

also Panisciowa.                                                                 Mengert, H. R., "The Ohio Workmen's

Massie, Nathaniel, 147.                                                                     Compensation   Law,"  1-48; presents

Massillon Independent, 273.                                                              problems of workmen's compensation:

nr, ,1  * *  .(1) rehabilitation of injured work-

Matthews, Associate Justice Stanley, 326,                                        (1) reha    an      f  nured      r-

827.                                                                                             men, 45-46; (2) safeguards against

raiding state insurance fund, 45-47; (3)

Maumee River, origin of name of, 390-391;       ad    stte insurane fu, 45-;

adjustment of individual premiums to

condition of forts on, 411, 423.

condio  o forts o, 4, .                                         losses sustained, 47; (4) better protec-

Maurer, Rev. Irving, invocation by, at                                             tion against acid,    ) better protec

Randall memoria meetingtion against accidents, 47-48; 557, 560.

Randall memorial meeting, 84.                .                         ,

Randall,  memoria meei,                                     I Merritt, General Wesley, in grand review,

Maxwell, Nancy, 145.                                                                       141

Maxwell, William, Editor of Centinel of                                   Miami Indians, at village of the Demoi-

the Northwestern Territory, 145, 146.                                        selle, 372; assure Celeron that they will

McArthur, Duncan, votes for appropria-                                         return to Quiskakon, 376; location of

tion for Lafayette, 243.                                                              village of, 422, 423.

McClure, Samuel G., 149.                                                         Miami River. See Maumee River.

McGhee, Joseph, 25.                                                                 Miamisburg Mound, presented to Society

McKee, Alice B., presentation of speci-                                          by Charles F. Kettering, 298, 543.

mens by, 508.                                                                     Michaux, F. Andrew, description of Ohio

M'Kee's Rocks, 386.                                                                          Buckeye, 275-278.

McKinley, William, 151, 326, 327.                                           Milk of Onontio, brandy, 341, 381, 437.

McKinley Oaks, 327.                                                                Mills, Helen, 492.

McLean, John, 148.                                                                   Mills, William C., at annual meeting of

McLean, Nathaniel, 148.                                                                   Society, report as curator, 504-509; ex-

McLean, William, votes against appropria-                                     ploration of mounds at Camp Sher-

tion for Lafayette, 243.                                                             man, 505-506; motions by, 513, 520; on

McMaken, General W. V., address at un-                                       committee on Serpent Mound, 522; re-

veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet                                           port on necrology by, 523-524.

at Spiegel Grove Park, 316.                                              Minerville, M., retained as Indian hos-

McNeill, Henry, presentation of archaeo-                                       tage, 364, 407; returned to camp, 365;

logical specimens by, 507.                                                        sketch of, 421; See also Niverville.

McPherson, General James B., from San-                               Minnesota, historical society building, 550-

dusky County, 319.                                                                    662

674 Index

674                                     Index.


Mississippi, Origin of name of, 452.                                              Dispatch, 115; "Newspapers Read by

Missouri, Origin of name of, 451.                                                  the Ohio Pioneers" By Emilius Oviatt

Moats, Lydia, presentation of archaeologi-                                  Randall, 145-153; In    Ohio  followed

cal specimens by, 507.                                                           lines of settlement, 148; number pub-

Montagnes Indians, 379.                                                                lished in Ohio prior to 1825, 153; col-

Montreal, return of expedition to, 413.                                          lection of, 489, 490;

Moore, Waldo C., on committee on Fort                                       (English):

Ancient, 512.                                                                          Nation, 56, 69.

Morgan, Captain J. T., presentation of                                          New Republic, 67, 69.

specimens by, 508.                                                                 (Belgian):

Morrison, William, welcomes and enter-                                     La Libre Belgique, 59.

tains Lafayette at Kaskaskia, 176, 177,                                 German (Ohio):

189.                                                                                         Attitude prior to the entrance of the

Morrow, Governor Jeremiah, welcomes                                      United States into the World War,

Lafayette to Ohio, 221-223.                                                  49-0.

Mound Builders, who were they? 142-144;                                  Attitude toward: (1) President Wilson,

similarity of their relics to those found                                  51, 53, 54, 57, 69-72, 74; (2) German

in the ruins of ancient Troy, 143; theo-                                 Republic, 52; (3) sessions of territory,

ries in regard to origin of, 143-144;                                      55, 56, 59; (4) Allies of United States,

Book of Mormon on, 143-144; descent                                58, 59, 60, 61; (5) The Yellow peril, 59;

from, lost tribes of Israel, 143-144;                                      (6) League of Nations, 63-69, 73; (7)

from Japan and China, 144; from Tol-                                 Alliance of England, United States

tecs and Aztecs, 144.                                                            and France, 72-74; (8) Building up

Mountains, 404.                                                                             pre-war influence and prestige, 74-78.

Museum of Society, present condition of,                                    German (Ohio) and peace negotiations:

504-505.                                                                                 Akron Germania, 52, 53, 54, 61, 66, 69,

Muskingum     Messenger, first newspaper                                  73, 75, 76, 78.

published in Zanesville, 149.                                                 The American Monthly, 67.

Muskingum River, leaden plate deposited                                    Cincinnati Abend Press, 55, 57, 59, 60,

at mouth of, 360-361, 388, 421, 442, 477-                            62, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 77, 78.

480.                                                                                         Cincinnati Freie Press, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60,

61, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75-76, 77, 78.

Nagorka, Sergeant Stanley, service and                                       Cincinnati Volksblatt, 51, 52, 53, 57, 63,

death of, 294-297.                                                                  66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 78.

Notches, carried Lafayette and party up                                      Echo (Socialist), 62, 63, 68, 72.

the Mississippi, 251.                                                               Gross Daytoner Zeitung, 51, 52, 56, 58,

National Republican and Ohio Political                                        60, 61, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72,73, 74, 75,

Register, successor of Hamilton    Ga-                                 76, 77, 78.

zette, 147.                                                                               Henry County Demokrat, 51, 75.

Naudiere, M., Celoron acts on his advice,                                   Sandusky Demokrat, 60, 70, 72, 73, 77.

337; sketch of, 395-396.                                                        Siebenburgisch-Amerikanischer     Volks-

"Nearer, My God, to Thee," 108-109.                                          blatt, 56, 61, 72.

Necrology, report on, 523-524.                                                     Toledo Express, 51, 52, 66, 69, 70, 74, 75,

Neville, Morgan, ode by in honor of La-                                      76, 78.

fayette, 226, 258; poem  in honor of                                     Waechter und Anzeiger 55, 57, 59, 60, 61,

Lafayette, 238-242; sketch of, 238.                                      62, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75,

New Geneva, Pennsylvania, Lafayette en-                                  76, 77, 78.

tertained at, 249.                                                                    (Ohio);

New Hampshire, historical society build-                                     Advocate and Tribune, 153.

ing, 552-553.                                                                          American Friend, 147.

News, 152.                                                                                       American Spectator, 147.

Newspapers, edited    by   Emilius Oviatt                                     Belmont Chronicle, 151.

Randall, Whip-poor-will, 95, 119; ex-                                   Butler County Democrat, 151.

tracts  from, 123-139; High     School                                    Canton Repository, 274, 151.

News, 114, 119; Philo Mirror, 114, 119;                                Centinel of the Northwestern Territory,

Cornell Era, 114, 120; Saturday    Ga-                                  145-146.

zette, 114-115, 120; Columbus Evening                                 Cincinnati Commercial, 151.


Index.                                    575


Cincinnati Gazette, 148, 151.                                                  Western Star, 148.

Circleville Union, 152. .                                                          Whig, 147.

Cleveland Leader, 152.                                                           Newton, Eunice, 119.

Columbus Evening Dispatch, 142, 273,                                  Newton, Isaac, 119.

294.                                                                                      Niagara, 336, 381, 400, 413.

Columbus Westbote, 149.                                                       Nichols, Hugh L., 19; "Randall and the

Commercial Tribune, 151.                                                              Ohio Supreme Court," 87-93.

Dayton News, 152.                                                                  Nicholas, Indian chief, 423.

Delaware Gazette, 152.                                                          Night watchman, provided, 509.

Der Ohio Adler, 148.                                                              Niverville, 407, 421; See also Minerville.

Eagle, 149.                                                                              Nonnenbin, mountains of, 418.

Express and Advertiser, 149.

The Farmer, 152.                                                                    Ogontz Point, 325.

Freeman's Journal, 146.                                                        Ohio, visit of Lafayette to, 221-245.

Gallia County Gazette, 153.                                                   Ohio, Why called the "Buckeye State,"

Gallipolis Journal, 153.                                                                  279-280.

Gazette and Commercial Register, 152.                                Ohio, Origin and significance of name of,

Hamilton Gazette, 147.                                                                  472-474, 452-453.

Hamilton Intelligencer, 151.                                                  Ohio, Museum    and library building of

Herald, 152.                                                                                   Ohio State Archaeological and Histor-

Hillsboro Gazette, 152.                                                                  ical Society, 552-555.

Independent Chronicle, 146.                                                 Ohio Adler, Der, first foreign language

Intelligencer, 147.                                                                          paper in Ohio, 148.

Lancaster Volksfreund, 149.                                                  Ohio Federalist, founded, 151.

Liberty Hall and Cincinnati Mercury,                                  Chio Magazine, 281.

148.                                                                                     Ohio Manufacturers Association, 27, 31.

Mansfield Shield, 153.                                                           Ohio Political Register, combined with

Marietta Gazette, 147.                                                                   Western Intelligencer and Columbus

Marietta Register and Virginia Herald,                                        Gazette, 149.

147.                                                                                    Ohio Repository, founded, 151.

Muskingum Messenger, 149.                                                Ohio Republican, successor of Express

Massillon Independent, 273.                                                         and Advertiser.

National Republican and Ohio Political                                Ohio River, origin of the word Ohio, 380,

Register, 147,                                                                             392, 418, 435; name applied to the

News, 152.                                                                                      Alleghany, 435.

Ohio Federalist, 151.                                                             Ohio State Journal, formed by combina-

Ohio Political Register, 149.                                                         tion of Western Intelligencer and Co-

Ohio Repository, 151.                                                                    luimbus Gazette with The Ohio Politi

Ohio Republican, 149.                                                                   cal Register, 149.

Olive Branch, The, 152, 153.                                                Ohio State University, honors awarded

Register, 148.                                                                                 to men of, 559.

Republic, 152.                                                                        Ohio Valley, changes in, 446-447.

Republican, 153.                                                                    Ohio Workmen's Compensation Law, pur--

Register Leader, 148.                                                                    pose in writing history of, 1-2; gene-

St. Clairsville Gazette, 151.                                                           sis of, 24; first steps, 4-7; Williams

Saturday Gazette, 150.                                                                  bill, 5-6; progress and commission

Scioto Gazette, 146, 147.                                                               study, 7-16; Norris and Metzger acts,

Springfield News, 152.                                                                   8; commission appointed by Governor

Springfield Republican, 152.                                                         Harmon, 8-10; enactment of elective

Trump of Fame, 150.                                                                     compensation law, 10-11; constitutional

Union Herald, 151, 152.                                                               amendment providing for compulsory

Washingtonian. 118.                                                                      law, 15-16; enactment of compulsory

Western Intelligencer, 149.                                                          compensation law, 16-21; provisions of

Western   Intelligencer  and  Columbus                                        compulsory compensation law, 21-23;

Gazette, 149.                                                                              first year's experience, 24-26; law in

Western Reserve Chronicle, 150.                                                 peril, 26-32; ambiguity in the section

Western Spy and Hamilton Gazette, 147.                                     ,:f the law, 30; test of monopoly of law

576 Index

576                                   Index.


Ohio Workmen's Compensation Law-           Passenger pigeons, in Scioto County, 286.

Concluded.                                                                               Patterson, John, votes against appropria-

in Ohio Supreme Court, 31-32; "law                                  tion for Lafayette, 243.

saved," 32-37; "another danger avert-  Patterson, Rev. Joseph, recognized    by

ed," 37-40; decision of Lucas County                                Lafayette at Pittsburgh, 249.

courts reversed by Supreme Court,       Peacock, William R., 9.

37-39; workmen's compensation fund   Pecos, 482.

solvent, 40-43; editorial note relative    Pelee, Point, 413, 446.

to article on "The Ohio Workmen's       Pemberton, Rev. Ebenezer, Pastor of Old

Compensation Law," 557-558; note on                              South Church, Boston, 118.

decision of United States Supreme        Pemberton, Joanna, 118.

Court, 560.                                                                          Pemberton, Patrick Grant, 118.

Okey, George B., drafts elective compen-   Pennsylvania, Western, Lafayette's visit

sation law, 9; counsel for labor or-                                    to, 248-249.

ganizations, 31.                                                                   Perks, George W., member of Workmen's

Old Britian. See Demoiselle.                                                              Compensation Commission, 8.

Olden Time, The, 480.                                                                Petersburg, appearance six weeks after

Olive Branch, The, founded, 152.                                              falling into the hands of the Union

Onanguisse Bay, 412.                                                                         army, 137-138; appearance of battle

Onontio, Indian title for Galissoniere and                                 field near, 138-139.

other governors-general of Canada;     Philadelphia, letter addressed to governor

Milk   of  (brandy).  See   Milk   of                                   of, 350, 351.

Onontio.                                                                              Phillips Academy, 119.

Ontario Indians, arrive with letter from       Philo Mirror, edited by Emilius Oviatt

Detroit, 370.                                                                               Randall, 114, 119.

Ontario Lake, 337.                                                                     Piatt, John James, 149.

Orr, Charles H., 108.      ,                                                          Pickawillany, significance of destruction

Orr, William, at banquet to Lafayette, 177.                              of, 334; village of the Demoiselle, 372;

Orton, Edward, presentation                         of auto-                        arrival of Celoron at 372; answer of

graphed photo of William                     McKinley                    the Demoiselle and the Baril to mes-

by, 507.                                                                                       sage of Galissoniere, 374-375; Answer

Osborn, A. C. presentation of archaolog-                                 of Celoron to the Demoiselle and the

ical specimens by, 607.                                                              Baril, 375-376; Location of, 445.

Otters, 482.

Ottersawa County, creation o, 4Pictured Rocks, 403-404, 419.

Pioneer history of the Ohio Valley, 480.

"Our Paper," from     Whip-poor-will for      Piquet, Francois, establishment of, 336,

November, 1866, 181.                                                               398, 413; sketch of, 378-379, 417418.

Overmyer, A. W., at unveiling of sol-          Piquette, M., 481. See also Piquet.

diers' memorial tablet, 306, 328.            Pittsburgh, Lafayette's visit to, 249.

Oviatt, Benjamin, 118, 119.                                                       Point Claire, 336.

Oviatt, Harriet Eunice, 119; ancestry of,     Pomerene, Senator    Atlee, at   Spiegel

118-119.                                                                                     Grove Park, 328.

Oviatt, Herman, 118, 119.                                                         Pontiac, Indian chief, conspiracy of, 448.

Oviatt, Thomas, 119.                                                                  Potomac Guardian, established at Mar-

Oyo, The. See Ohio River.                           ug, V      a, 1.

.'~~~ 'G~~~tinsburg, Virginia, 146.

Pressler, Carl, on committee at unveiling

Paille Coupee, 402, 419, 429, 432, 436, 437;    o       soliers memo       at  piegel

of soldiers' memorial tablet at Spiegel

See also Cut Straw.                         Grove Park, 329.

Grove Park, 329.

Paine, Thomas, 215.

Paine, Thomas, 215.                                                           Price, Harry, on committee at unveiling

Panisciowa, Indian chief known to Ameri-                              of soldiers' memorial tablet at Spiegel

cans as Jean Baptiste DuCoigne, 180,                               Grove Park, 329, 305.

465-468; Mary, daughter of, 179-189.  Price, Jack, contributes buckeye tree for

Paragon, takes on board Lafayette and                                    Executive Mansion lawn, 271-274.

other passengers rescued from    The   Price, John G., 25, 43, 272, 273.

Mechanic, 202.                                                                  Prince, B. F., report of committee on Fort

Paroquets, in Scioto County, 286-287.                                      Ancient by, 511-512.


Index.                                    577


Pugh, John J., "Randall and the (Colun-                                            of, 118; birth and boyhood, 119; edu-

bus) City Library," 92-99.                                                          cated at Phillips Academy and Cor-

Putnam, Israel, 319.                                                                           nell University, 119-120; appointed

Supreme Court Reporter, 120; ap-

Quail, in Scioto County, 287-288.                                                      pointed Trustee of Ohio State Archaeo-

Quebec, Return of expedition to, 414.                                              logical and Historical Society, 121; au-

Queen of Indians (Aliquippa) at Written                                          thor of legal and historical works, 121-

Rock, 351.                                                                                  122; political, religious and domestic

relations, 122-123;  "What   I   saw

Raccoons, 482.                                                                                  South", contributions to Whip-poor-

Raimond, M., requested to send inter-                                              will, 133-139; his last editorial in Co-

preter to Celoron, 371; fails to send                                          lumbus Evening Dispatch, 142-144; his

interpreter on time, 372; interpreter                                          last contributed article in Ohio News-

from  arrives, 376; meets Celoron at                                        paper, 145-153; literary contributions,

Quiskakon, 377, 411.                                                                 list of, 156-157; Recollections of Roy-

Ramage printing press, 145.                                                              alty, 154-156; tribute of Clark County

Randall, Rev. David Austin, father of                                               Historical Society, 159.

Emilius Oviatt Randall, 118-119; edits                             Randall, James, 118,

the Washingtonian at Medina, Ohio,                                Randall, John, born in Bath, England,

118; account of Grand Review       at                                       118; Revolutionary soldier, 118.

Washington, 140-141; contributions to                             Randall, Mrs. Mary A. (Coy), 123.

Whip-poor-will, 159-160.                                                 Randall, Mathew, 118.

Randall, Emilius Oviatt, memorial to, 81-                                Rathbun, S. B., Commander-in-chief of

160.                                                                                            Grand Army of the Republic at un-

Tributes to, by Kit-Kat Club, 82-109;                                           veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at

Introductory address, Henry A. Wil-                                       Spiegel Grove Park, 317; on committee

liams, President of club, 83; Randall,                                        at unveiling of soldiers' memorial tab-

our President, Osman C. Hooper, Sec-                                     let at Spiegel Grove Park, 329.

retary of club. 85-87; Randall and the

retary of club, 85-87; Randall and the  Rath-Merrill, Mrs. M. E., presentation of

Ohio Supreme Court, Hugh L. Nich-

Ohio Supreme Court, Hugh L. Nich-                                       rubbings of English memorial brasses

ols, Chief Justice of the Supreme                                              , 507

Court, 87-93; Randall, Archaeologist    Rattle snake, 403

Rattle snake, 403.

and Historian, James E. Campbell,       R    Goveror Jam

Ray, Governor James B.o guest at ball in

President of the Ohio State Archaeo-       ,               e   ., g

honor of Lafayette, 206; welcomes

logical and Historical Society, 93-96;

logical and Historical Society, 93-96      Lafayette to Indiana, 210-212; toast by

Randall and the City Library, John J.                     Lafayette 215

at reception of Lafayette, 215.

Pugh, Librarian Columbus City Li-

brary, 97-99; Randall, Son    of the                                   "Recollections of Royalty" comment on

American Revolution, Colonel W. L.                                        paper by Emilius Oviatt Randall, 154-

Curry, Past President of Sons of the                                          158.

American Revolution, 99-102; Randall,                           Red Bank Creek, 382.

the Man, Daniel J. Ryan, Past Presi-                                 Red Cross, presentation of rug with U. S.

dent of club, 103-109; Benediction, Dr.                                    coat-of-arms by, 508.

Joseph S. Kornfeld, 109.                                                   Reed, Kline, 281.

Tributes to:                                                                             Referendum, sought on compulsory com-

Emilius Oviatt Randall, Professor of                                         pensation law by Equity League, 23-

Law, by Dr. W. O. Thompson, 109-                                         2

112; Randall the Journalist, by James                               Register, successor of Intelligencer, 148.

W. Faulkner, L. H. D., 112-115; Ran-                              Register Leader, successor of Register,

dall, "royal of mind and heart," by                                            148.

Mrs. Edgar M. Hatton, Regent Daugh-                            Register of Fort Duquesne, 335.

ters of the American Revolution, 116-                              Reineck, John L., on committee at un-

117; biographical sketch, by Walter W.                                    veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at

Spooner, 117-123.                                                                      Spiegel Grove Park, 329.

Newspapers edited by. See newspapers;                              Renard Indians, 346, 381, 437.

editorials  by  in  Columbus   Evening                                   Reppy, Lieutenant Alison, author      of

Dispatch, 115; Revolutionary ancestry                                          "Rainbow Memories," 291.

Vol. XXIX - *37.

578 Index

578                                   Index.


Republic, The, successor of The Spring-  Sabrevois de Bleury, sketch of, 896, 421;

field Republican, 152.                                                               See also Sabrinois.

Republican, 153.                                                                        Sabrinois, M., joined by Celoron, 337; to

Reunion Oaks, at Spiegel Grove Park, 326.                                     provide canoes for return of Celoron,

Revolutionary soldiers, greet Lafayette at                                       370; sketch of, 379, 396.   See also

Kaskaskia,  175;  at   Nashville;  at                                   Sabrevois.

Frankfort, 217; at Cincinnati, 223; at                                Saetaguinrale  Indians.   See  Ceganeis-

Pittsburg, 249.                                                                            Kassin.

Richardie, 423.                                                                           St.    Clair,  Arthur,  147;  estimate  of

Richmond, appearance of six weeks after                                       Baptiste Ducoigne, 466-467; letter to

capture by the Union army, 136-137.                                       Baptiste Ducoigne, 467-468.

Rickenbacker, Captain E. V., author of   St. Clairsville Gazette, founded, 151.

"Fighting the Flying Circus," 293-     St. Frances Lake, 397, 398.

294.                                                                                     St. Yotoc, village of, Celoron seeks in-

"Riviere au Fiel," 382.                                                                       formation in regard to, 363; plans to

Riviere la Blanche, 370-371, 389. See also                                      pacify Indians at, 363; Joncaire sent

White River.                                                                              to visit, 363; inhabitants frightened,

Riviere la Roche, 371, 389, 410. See also                                         364; Iroquois chief from    addresses

Rock River.                                                                                Celoron; reply, 364; stone fort built

"Rocher ecrite," 385.                                                                         by Indians at, 365; hostile disposition

Rock River, leaden plate deposited at,                                      of inhabitants, 365-366, 408; Celoron

371, 410, 421, 445.                                                                     refuses to go to council house in,

Rohr, William H., member of Workmen's                                        365-366, 408; speech of Indians to Cel-

Compensation Commission, 8.                                           oron; answer, 366-367; answer of In-

Rosecrans, General William S., 326.                                         dians to message of Galissoniere, 369-

Ross, Thomas R., votes against appro-                                      370; departure of Celoron from, 370,

priation for Lafayette, 243.                                                409; location of, 389, 409, 421, 444.

Rowan, Judge John, welcomes Lafayette                                 Salladay, Phillip, kills last buffalo in

to Louisville and Jefferson County,                                    Scioto County, 288-289.

204-205; response of Lafayette to ad-                               Sandusky City, 325.

dress of, 205; guest at reception of    Sandusky County, centenary of, 454; for-

Lafayette, 213.                                                                           merly    part  of  Virginia, 456-457;

Royer, Joseph, 273.                                                                            aboriginal occupation of, 456-458; first

Royer, Salome, 273.                                                                           courts in, 458-459; growth in wealth

Rubrecht, Franklin, tribute to Sergeant                                      and population, 460.

Stanley Nagorka, 295-296.                                                     Sandusky Demokrat, attitude on peace

Ruffed grouse, in Scioto County, 286.                                        negotiations  following  the   World

Ruggles, Benjamin, votes against ap-                                         War, 60, 70 72 73 77.

propriation for Lafayette, 243.                            , on

Russel, Sol Smith, 147.                                                              Sarnes, Mrs. E. K., on committee at un-

Ruter, Rev. Martin, welcomes Lafayette                                   veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at

Ruter, Rev. Martin, welcomes Lafayette                                   Spiegel Grove Park       M.

to Cincinnati in behalf of school chil-                                        Spegel Grove Park, 329.

dren and teachers, 227-228; Levassuer's  Saturday  Gazette,  edited  by  Emilius

reference to address by, 228.                                             Oviatt Randall, 114-115, 120; brief

Ryan, Daniel J., aids in                               formulating                     career of, 150.

Workmen's Compensation                  Law, 20;                  Saussay,    , 339, 431.

"Randall the Man," 103-109; library  axton, John, 11.

of Ohioaua collected by, 297-298; on                                Schaus, L. P., vacancy caused by death

committee at unveiling of soldiers'                                      of, 485.

memorial tablet at Spiegel Grove       Sciakape, 184, 188.

Park, 329; at annual meeting of So-   Scioto, Indian village, 389. See also St.

ciety; motions by, 484, 509; remarks                                  Yotoc.

by, 509, 514, 531, 535; report of com-                                Scott, Mrs. Charles, visited by Lafayette,

mittee on publications, 504; tribute to                                  220.

Colonel Webb C. Hayes, 513-514; col-                              Scammon, General E. P., 326.

lection  of Ohioana made by, 537;      Seip, John, presentation of archaeological

resolution offered by, 545.                                                          specimens by, 507.


Index.                                    679


Serpent Mound, report of committee on,                                    Soulange, 336.

520-522.                                                                               Spelling of proper names, 475.

Shaeffer, Edward, 148.                                                               Spiegel Grove State Park, Memorial Day

Sharp, Solomon P., welcomes Lafayette                                           at, 299; historic associations of, 308-

at Louisville in the name of Ken-                                               309, 318-319; typical American home

tucky, 203-204; response of Lafayette                                      of Rutherford B. Hayes at, 309; pre-

to address of, 204; guest at reception                                         sented  to            State of Ohio, 311-312;

of Lafayette, 213.                                                                       celebrations        at,  324-328;  statement

Shawanees Indians, 389. See also Shaw-                                          relative to, 513.

nee Indians.                                                                         Spooner, Walter W., "Emilius Oviatt

Shawnee Indians, chief of addresses Cel-                                        Randall, a Biographical Sketch," 117-

oron, 365; chief disturbs council with,                                       123.

369; deserted village of, 385; reception                             Springfield, military company from greets

by not "gracious", 407; pleasant loca-                                       Lafayette, 228.

tion of village of, 409.                                                         Springfield News, successor of The Re

Shawneetown, Lafayette's visit at, 191-194.                                     public, 152.

Shelbyville, visit of Lafayette to, 215.                                       Springfield Republican, successor of The

Sheridan, Phillip, 326.                                                                        Farmer, 152.

Sherman, Judge Charles R., reports per-                                   Sproat, Colonel Ebenezer, 279.

manent county    seat for Sandusky                                    Stahl, F. A., presentation of specimens

County, 459.                                                                               by, 508.

Sherman, W. J., on committee at un-                                         Stanton, Edwin M., at grand review, 140.

veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at                                State  Insurance  Fund, committee    to

Spiegel Grove Park, 329; report of                                           supervise audit of, 41; audit of, 41-43.

committee on Fort Miami, Fort Meigs                                Stewart, Andrew, introduces Lafayette at

and Fallen Timbers, 522-523.                                                    Wheeling, 245.

Sherman, General William iT., in grand                                   Stimson, R. M., 148.

review, 140; quoted on importance of                               Street, Joseph M., presides at dinner to

defense of Fort Stephenson, 324.                                              Lafayette, 194.

Sherwood, Charles S., on committee at                                     Strouf, Carl, on committee at unveiling

unveiling of soldiers' memorial tablet                                        of soldiers' memorial tablet at Spiegel

at Spiegel Grove Park, 329.                                                      Grove Park, 329.

Siebenburgisch - Amerikanisches   Volks-                                Sutton, J. J., presentation of specimens

blatt, attitude on peace negotiations                                          by, 508.

following the World War, 56, 61, 72.                               Sweet, Colonel, Lafayette entertained at

Silliman, Wyllys, 147.                                                                       tavern of, 175-177.

Simms Hotel, Lafayette entertained at,                                    Swift, B. H., calls meeting to order at

247-248.                                                                                     unveiling of soldiers' memorial tablet

Slessman, A. E., chairman      Memorial                                          at Spiegel Grove Park, 306; remarks

Parkway Committee, 305; on commit-                                      by, 306.

tee at unveiling of soldiers' memorial

tablet at Spiegel Grove Park, 329.                                     Taft, William H., at Spiegel Grove Park,

Sloane, John, votes against appropriation                                         328.

for Lafayette, 243.                                                            Taggart, Frank, commissioner of insur-

Smith, Mrs. Ella May, presentation of                                              ance, ruling  on   Workmen's   Con-

rare corals by, 508.                                                                   pensation Law, 30, 32, 33.

Smith, John P., member of Workmen's                                     Tallmadge, Frank, remarks in presenting

Compensation Commission, 8.                                                  gavels made from                    Logan Elm, 493;

Smith, S., at banquet to Lafayette, 177.                                            report on Logan Elm               Park by, 518-

Smith, Sol, grandfather of Sol Smith                                                 519; read letter from Mr. H. J. Booth,

Russell, 147.                                                                              520.

Sonhioto. See St. Yotoc.                                                            Taylor, Captain Grant S., address at un-

S lontouans, established at Cut Straw,                                       veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at

343; speech of to Celoron, and reply,                                      Spiegel Grove Park, 317.

343-344; two cabins of at White River,                            Taylor, Martha L., presentation of Indian

371.                                                                                            blankets by, 504-505.

Sonontuerna Indians, (Iroquois), 344.                                      Tchadakoin. See Chautauqua.

680 Index

680                                    Index.


Tennessee, Lafayette's visit to, 190-191.                                   Vincennes, M., 52, 54, 72-73.

Thompson, Harry J., collection of Indian                                  Vinton, Samuel F., Lafayette's visit to

relics presented Society by Charles F.                                       home of, 243; votes against appropria-

Kettering, 298, 542.                                                                    tion for Lafayette, 243.

tThompson,   King   G.,  presentation  of                                   Virginia Hotel, ball to Lafayette at, 248.

archaeological specimens by, 507.                                    "Virginia junta of Ross County," 147.

Thompson, W. O., Emilius Oviatt Randall,                                Virginia Land Company, 333.

Professor of Law, 109-112; expiration                              Virginia, Western, Lafayette's visit to,

of term  as trustee, 485; remarks by,                                         245-248.

492; re-elected trustee of Society, 493;

address by, 539-542.                     Wabash River 350.

Thousand Rocks, 336, 398.

Thousand Rocks , 36398.                    WWaechter    und   Anzeiger,  attitude  on

Thrall, William  B., 149.

peace   negotiations   following  the

Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 331.

Thwaites, Reuben Gold, 331.                     World War, 55, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66,

Tiffin, Edward, 147.

Tioffin, Edward, 147. p~  o  cmmtte     t                                      67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77,

Timmons, Mrs. F. P., on committee at                                                7

unveiling of soldiers' memorial tablet                                        .

Wall, W. D., report as certified      ac-

at Spiegel Grove Park, 329.                 countant, 495, 49

countant, 495, 496.

Tod, David,    favors Workmen's     Com-    Ward, Artemus, 244.

Ward, Artemus, 244.

pensation Law, 21.

pensation Law, 21.                                                             Ward, Nahum, entertains Lafayette      at

Toledo Express, attitude on peace nego-                                           Marietta, 244

tiations following World War, 51, 52,                               Warren County Serpent Mound, report

Warren County Serpent Mound, report

66, 69, 70, 74, 75, 76, 78.                                                           of, 510-5

Transylvania College, visit of Lafayette,                                  Warren, Pennsylvania, 432.

Warren, Pennsylvania, 432.

T2.19-220i .  -tir       *Washington, George, 68, 129.

Treadway, F. W., on committee at un-

veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet                                    Washington,   Pennsylvania,   Lafayette's

at Spiegel Grove Park, 329.                                                       visit to, 248.

ITrees.  See forest trees.                                                            Washingtonian,   temperance   newspaper

Tr p  of F , first n   er of                                           edited by Rev. David Austin Randall,

Trump    of  Fame, first newspaper     of                                           118.

Western Reserve, 150.                                                              1

Western Reserve, 150.                                                       Watson, E. E., Actuary     of Industrial

Turkeys, 81.

Turner, Edward C., 26, 31.                      Commission, 9, 29, 48.

Turner, Edward C., 26, 31.

Wayne, General Anthony, 423.

Turner, F. S., presentation of specimens                                   Wa    , G      l A       ,

~by~, -~50S~ .                                     Wayne County, original limits, 456.

b„. Dy, 08 * <,  /..Webb, Joseph T., 326.

Tjadakoin. See Chautauqua.                   Webb, Joseph    ., 326

Webb, Thomas D., 150.

Union   Herald, founded as The Olive                                      Western     Intelligencer,  founded    at

Branch, 151-152.                                                                       Worthington, 149.

Union soldiers, condition of, 133-135.                                      Western   Intelligencer  and   Columbus

Uniontown,    Pennsylvania,   Lafayette's                                         Gazette, successor of Western     In-

visit to, 248.                                                                                telligencer, 149.

United States, westward course of, 448-                                  Western Reserve Chronicle, successor of

449.                                                                                             Trump of Fame, 150.

United States Navy Recruiting Band, at                                    Western Reserve College, 118.

unveiling of soldiers' memorial tablet                                Western Reserve Historical Society, pre-

at Spiegel Grove Park, 306.                                                       sentation of specimens by, 508.

Upper Sandusky, 325.                                                                Western   Spy   and  Hamilton    Gazette,

founded in Cincinnati in 1799, 147.

Vance, Joseph, votes against appropria-                                  Western Star, founded, 148.

tion for Lafayette, 243.                                                      "What I Saw South," by Emilius Oviatt

Venango, 442, 480.                                                                            Randall, in Whip-poor-will for June,

Vermilion River, 350, 420, 440.                                                        July and August, 1866, 133-139.

Vevay, military   company    from  greets                                Wheeling, Lafayette's visit to, 245-248.

Lafayette, 228.                                                                  Wheeling Creek. See Kanonuara.

Villages of Loups and Renards, 23.                                          Whig, successor to    Western   Spy   and

Villiers, M., 337, 838, 371, 429.                                                        Hamilton Gazette, 147.


Index.                                    581


Whip-poor-will, edited by Emilius Oviatt                                  Wolfe, S. H., investigation of state in-

Randall and Wilson L. Gill, 95, 119,                                         surance fund, 44.

123-139; description  of, 125; intro-                                 Wood, Edwin F., motions by, 492, 514,

ductory editorials, 126-127.                                                      518, 544, 545; report of treasurer for

White River, arrival of Celoron at, 370,                                           year ending June 30, 1920, 493-503; re-

372, 445; Indians arrive at to accom-                                       marks by, 513.

pany  expedition  to  village of the                                    Wood duck, in Scioto County, 287.

Demoiselle, 371, 389-390, 409.                                        Workmen's Compensation Law. See Ohio

Whittemore, Frank E., 37, 43.                                                           Workmen's Compensation Law.

Whittlesy,  Elisha,  votes  against  ap-                                      World War, check for memorial building

propriation for Lafayette, 243.                                                 for collections and data relating to,

Wickliffe, C. A., guest at reception of                                             537.

Lafayette, 213.                                                                  Worthington, Thomas, 147.

Wild animals, 391-392.                                                             Wright, Dr. G. Frederick, at unveiling of

Wild turkeys, abundant in southern Ohio,                                        soldiers' memorial tablet at Spiegel

285-286.                                                                                     Grove Park, 317; expiration of term

Williams, Dr. Charles Richard, tenders                                            trustee, 485                 re-elected trustee of

his library to the Society, 303; at                                               Society,  493;              report   on   Warren

Spiegel Grove Park, 328, 491.                                                  County Serpent Mound by, 510-511;

Williams, Henry A., tribute to Emilius                                              report on historical sites by, 511.

Oviatt Randall, 88; remarks on intro-                               Wright, Howell, 44.

ducing speakers at Randall memorial                               Wright, John C.. votes against appropria-

meeting, 84, 85, 87, 93, 96, 98-99, 102.                                    tion for Lafayette, 243.

Willis, Governor Frank B., attitude to-                                      Written Rock, village of, 351.

ward   Workmen's Compensation, 28,


557.                                                                                     "Y. M. C. A.," organization of Young

Willis, Nathaniel, founder and editor of                                           Men's Christian  Association  in Co-

Men's Christian Association in Co-

Scioto Gazette, 146, 147.

Scioto Gazette, 146, 147.                                                           lumbus,   from   Whip-poor-will   for

Wilson, E. S., 150.                                                                              November 1866 132.

Wilson, William, votes against appropria-,

tion for Lafayette, 243.                                                      Yadakoin. See Chautauqua.

Winans, William   J., member of Work-                                   Yaple, Wallace D., attitude toward com-

men's Compensation Commission, 9.                                         pulsory compensation law, 19-20.

Wisconsin, historical Society   building,                                    Yenanguakonnan.              See Jenanguekouan.

548-550.                                                                             Yenanguekouan.                See Jenuanguekouan.

Wiseman,    0.    N.,   presentation  of                                       Yenanguekouan River, 480.

archaeological specimens by, 507.                                   Yenuanguekouan.    See Jenuanguekouan.

Witter, Mary Ann, 118.                                                             Younkman, James G., on committe at un-

Wittke, Professor Carl, "Ohio's German-                                          veiling of soldiers' memorial tablet at

language press and the peace negotia-                                     Spiegel Grove Park, 329.

tions," 49-79; urges preservation of

German language, German press and                              Zane,  Noah,   rides  in  carriage  with

German societies in America, 77-79.                                       Lafayette, 247.

Wolfe, H. E., donation of money for ex-                                  Zanesville, Lafayette's proposed visit to

plorations by, 505, 509.                                                              abandoned, 243.

Wolfe, Robert F., donation of money by                                   Zimmerman,    Homer,   presentation  of

for explorations, 505, 509,                                                         pioneer relics by, 508.