OHJ Archive

Ohio History Journal

Book Reviews
Summer-Autumn 2001
pp. 218-234
Copyright © 2001 by the Ohio Historical Society. All rights reserved.
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Volume 110


ABBOTT family (of Geauga County, Ohio), 53, 62, 63

Abolition. See antislavery movement

Acts of God: the Unnatural History of Natural Disaster in America, by Ted Steinberg, 191

African Americans. See Antislavery movement; Suffrage; Truth, Sojourner

Agar, Herbert, 41

Age of Reform, The, by Richard Hofstadter, 121-122

Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 44

Agriculture: in Geauga County circa 1850, 56; "The Ideal of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community," by Philip J. Nelson, 26-47

Akron (Ohio), 126

Alcott, Bronson, 33

Alschul, Michael, 191

American Technology (Blackwell Readers in American Social and Cultural History), edited by Carroll Pursell, 191

Ames, Glenn, 84,191

Anaconda Plan, 163-164

Anderson, Bonnie S., Joyous Greetings: The First International Women Movement, 1830-1860, rev., 193-194

Anderson, David, 40

Anderson, Fred, Crucible of War: The Seven Years' War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754-1766, rev., 102-103

Anderson, Sherwood, 29

Andrews, S. J., 176

Andrews, Samuel, 20

Annenberg/CPB, 192

Anthony, Susan B., Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, by Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, rev., 202-203

Anti-Slavery Bugle, 172-173

Antislavery movement, 170-171, 172, 180

Antislavery Violence: Sectional, Racial, and Cultural Conflict in Antebellum America, edited by John R. McKivigan and Stanley Harrold, rev., 106-107

Awl, William M., 24

BACKUS, Andrew, 21

Backus, James, 138

Baker, Newton, 130

Baldwin, Samuel, 145

Ball, John (the elder), 7, 9, 12

Ball, John (the younger), 15

Ball, Lucius, 12, 15

Ball, Mary Ann, 12

Bank of the United States, 146

Banners to the Breeze: The Kentucky Campaign, Corinth, and Stones River, by Earl J. Hess, rev., 211-212

Barber family (of Geauga


INDEX, page 219

County, Ohio), 54

Barcus, Ebenezer, 20-22

Barker, Chauncey, 141-142, 145

Barr, Samuel, 21

Bates, Joshua, 155n.4

Battle For The Soul: Métis Children Encounter Evangelical Protestants at Mackinaw Mission 1823-1837, by Keith R. Widder, rev., 85-86

Baum, Martin, 148

Beer, Barrett L., 84

Bell, Charles, 16n.44

Bell, John, 161

Bennett, Hugh, 34

Bergmann, William H., book rev., 207-208

Berlin, Conn., 142-143

Berlin, Jean V., coeditor, Sherman s Civil War: Selected Correspondence of William T Sherman, 1860-1865, rev., 101-102

Berry, Chad, Southern Migrants, Northern Exiles, rev., 198-200

Bigelow, Ann Clymer, "Columbus's Pioneer Doctor John M. Edmiston: The Fabric of His Life and Death," 5-25

Biography of America, A (video series), 192

Blanke, David, Sowing the American Dream: How Consumer Culture Took Root in the Rural Midwest, rev., 205-206

Blue Jacket, Blue Jacket: Warrior of the Shawnees, by John Sugden, rev., 194-196

Blue Jacket: Warrior of the Shawnees, by John Sugden, rev., 194-196


Boewe, Charles, editor, John D. Clifford's Indian Antiquities; Related Material by C. S. Rafinesque, rev., 197-198

Bonds of Community, by Nancy Osterud, 62

Boorstin, Daniel, 136

Borsodi, Ralph, 27, 30, 31, 41

Boswell, Morrison, 12n.31

Bouchard, Constance, 84

Bradwell, Myra, 181-182, 183

Bradwell v. Illinois, 183

Brady, Steven J., book rev., 94-95

Breckenridge, John C., 161

Brigham Young University, 48

Britton, Diane, 84; book rev., 92-94

Bromfield, Ellen, Illustration, cover Winter-Spring issue Bromfield, Louis, "The Ideal of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Brornfield and the Quest for Rural Community," by Philip J. Nelson, 26-47. Works by: Early Autumn, 28; Farm, The, 32, 34; Few Brass Tacks, A, 46; Green Bay Tree, The, 28; "I Live on the Edge of Paradise," 40; Malabar Farm, 42; New Pattern for a Tired World, A, 43; Out of the Earth, 46; Pleasant Valley, 34. Illustrations, 36, 47

Brotherton, Robert, 10

Brown, Moses, 145

Brown, Samuel, 6

Brownell, Baker, 41

Burk, Robert, 191

Burns, Ken, coauthor, Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and


INDEX, page 220

Susan B. Anthony, rev., 202-203

Business, "An Entrepreneurial Enterprise and the Financial Crisis of 1819: The Worthington Manufacturing Company," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick, 136-152

Buttles, A. (brickmason for James Kilbourn), 141-142

Byrne, Frank L., 84; book rev., 106-107

CAMPBELL, John Quincy Adams, The Union Must Stand: The Civil War Diary of John Quincy Adams Campbell, Fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, edited by Mark Grimsley and Todd D. Miller, rev., 109

Camp Dennison, 158

Camp Harrison, 156

Canfield, Herman, 177

Canton (Ohio), 127

Carlisle, Penn., 5-6

Carpenter, Matthew Hale, 182

Carrington, Henry B., 156

Carter, Ruth C., editor, For Honor Glory & Union: The Mexican & Civil War Letters of Brig. Gen. William Haines Lytle, rev., 110-111

Case Western Reserve University, 191

Cave, Alfred, 84

Cayton, Andrew R. L., 137

Chase, George, 60

Chase, Moses, 60, 65

Chase, Mrs. George (Nancy Kent), 60

Chase, Salmon P., 156, 182n.45

Chester Township, Geauga County (Ohio), "The 1848 Diary of Daniel Kent," by Cherilyn A. Walley, 48-82. Map, 54

Cholera epidemic of 1833, 18-19

Cincinnati (Ohio): economy, ethnicity, and politics in 1912, 126,130-132,134-135; health facilities in 1833, 17-18. See also Camp Dennison

Cincinnati Enquirer, 134n.33

Cincinnati in 1840: The Social and Functional Organization of an Urban Community during the Pre-Civil War Period, by Walter Stix Glaze rev., 111-112

Cincinnati Post, 134

Cincinnati Times-Star, 134

Civil Rights Bill of 1866, 180-181

Civil War, "Impractical? Unforgivable? Another Look at George B. McClellan's First Strategic Plan," by Ethan S. Rafuse, 153-164

Cleveland (Ohio), economy, ethnicity, and politics in 1912, 126, 128-130, 134-135

Cleveland: A History in Motion, by John Grabowski, 191

Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, 129

Cleveland Leader, 134

Cleveland Plain Dealer, 134

Cleveland Press, 134

Clifford, John D., John D. Clifford's Indian Antiquities; Related Material by C. S. Rafinesque, edited by Charles Boewe, rev., 197-198


INDEX, page 221

Cohen, Sheldon S., book rev., 214-215

Cole, Charles C., Jr., A Fragile Capital: Identity and the Early Years of Columbus, Ohio, rev., 212- 214

Colshine, John, 13

Columbus (Ohio): "Columbus's Pioneer Doctor John M. Edmiston: The Fabric of His Life and Death," by Ann Clymer Bigelow, 5-25; economy, ethnicity, and politics in 1912, 127, 132-135; and the Civil War, 154, 156, 158

Columbus Citizen, 134-135

Columbus Dispatch, 134-135

Columbus Gazette, 10, 11, 148

Columbus, Ohio: A Personal Geography, by Henry L. Hunker, rev., 212-214

"Columbus's Pioneer Doctor John M. Edmiston: The Fabric of His Life and Death," by Ann Clymer Bigelow, 5-25

Commercial Hospital and Lunatic Asylum, Cincinnati, 17-18

Commonweal, The, 45

Connecticut Land Company, 54

Conquest, Robert, Reflections on a Ravaged Century, rev., 94-95

Conservative Press in Eighteenthand Nineteenth-Century America, The, edited by William Henry Longton and Ronald Lora, 84

Conservative Press in Twentieth Century America, The, edited by William Henry Longton and Ronald Lora, 84

Contosta, David R., Lancaster Ohio, 1800-2000: Frontier Town to Edge City, rev., 97-98

Cook, Friend, 173-174

County Extension Service (and Louis Bromfield), 44

Court of the Common Pleas, 166

Covert, Hiram, 66

Cowles, R. W., 148

Cox, George ("Boss"), 131, 132n.27

Cox, Jacob D., 155

Crittenden, John J., 161

Cronise, Florence, 166, 183

Cronise, Nettie, 166, 183

Crucible of War: The Seven Years' War and the Fate of Empire in British North America, 1754-1766, by Fred Anderson, rev., 102-103

Cultures of Control, edited by Miriam Levin, 191

Cunningham, Theodore E., 183-184

Curtin, Andrew, 155

C. Wright Mills: Letters and Autobiographical Writings, edited by Kathryn Mills with Pamela Mills, rev., 200-202

DAYTON (Ohio), 126

Debs, Eugene V., 125, 126

Declaration of Independence, 170

Declaration of Sentiments, women's rights convention, Seneca Falls, N.Y., 171

Democratic Party, 121, 123n.6

Dennison, William, 154, 159n.12

Department of the Ohio, 163

Deshler, David W., 20

Designing a New America: The Origins of New Deal Planning, 1890-1943, by


INDEX, page 222

Patrick D. Reagan, rev., 100-101

Dewey, John, 30

DeWolf, James, 143, 147, 148-149

Doherty, William, 20

Donahey, James H., Editorial cartoon by, cover SummerAutumn issue

Drake, Daniel, 148

Drake, Max, 35, 38

EARLY AUTUMN, by Louis Bromfield, 28

Eberle's Practice, 19

Ecology, "The Ideal of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community," by Philip J. Nelson, 26-47

Edmiston, Elizabeth Jane, 15, 16

Edmiston, Evan, 5, 12, 16, 24

Edmiston, James Morrison, 12, 16

Edmiston, Jane, 15

Edmiston, Jenny Montgomery, 5

Edmiston, John M.: "Columbus's Pioneer Doctor John M. Edmiston: The Fabric of His Life and Death," by Ann Clymer Bigelow, 5-25; home of, illustration, 14

Edmiston, Martha Ann, 15

Edmiston, Mary, 6, 15

Edmiston, Samuel, 5-6

Edmiston, Sidney, 6

Eichler, RoseMarie T., 84

"1848 Diary of Daniel Kent, The," by Cherilyn A. Walley, 48-82

1819 depression, "An Entrepreneurial Enterprise and the Financial Crisis of 1819: The Worthington Manufacturing Company," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick, 136-152

Eisenhower, John S. D., 153

Elections, "Roosevelt and Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912," by Michael Haverkamp, 121-135

Encyclopedia of Marks on American, English, and European Earthenware, Ironstone, and Stoneware: 1780-1980; Makers, Marks, and Patterns in Blue and White, Historic Blue, Flow Blue, Mulberry, Romantic Transferware, Tea Leaf and White Ironstone, by Arnold A. and Dorothy E. Kowalsky, rev., 215-217

Endres, Kathleen L., Rosie the Rubber Worker: Women Workers in Akron Rubber Factories During World War II, rev., 206-207

Enoch, Harry G., book rev., 91-92

"Entrepreneurial Enterprise and the Financial Crisis of 1819: The Worthington Manufacturing Company, An" by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick, 136-152

Ephirim-Donkor, Anthony, 84

Eubank, Damon R., book rev., 109

Euclid Avenue, Lakewood, Cleveland Heights [Cleveland]

FAIRBANKS, Robert B., book rev., 97-98

Faragher, John Mack, 61


INDEX, page 223

Farm, The, by Louis Bromfield, 32,34

Farm Security Administration, 44

Faulkner, Edward, 36, 46

FDR and His Enemies, by Albert Fried, rev., 86-87

Few Brass Tacks, A, by Louis Bromfield, 46

Field, Stephen, 182

"Firelands," The, 143-144

Firelands Historical Society, 192

Firelands Pioneer, The, 192

Fisher, Noel, book rev., 110-111

Fisk, James, 59-60

Fitch, George, 138

Fitch, Lucy, 138n.7

Flenniken, Samuel, 12

Flynn, Robert J., book rev., 89-90

Follett, Charles, 178

For Honor Glory & Union: The Mexican & Civil War Letters of Brig. Gen. William Haines Lytle, edited by Ruth C. Carter, rev., 110-111

Foster, Abiel, Jr., 16

Fourteenth Ammendment, U.S. Constitution, 182

Fragile Capital: Identity and the Early Years of Columbus, Ohio, A, by Charles C. Cole, rev., 212214

Francis, Seely, 19

Franklin, John Hope, coauthor, Runaway Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation, rev., 90-91

Franklin Bank (Columbus, Ohio), 146,148

Franklinton (Ohio), 138

Free America, 42

Freeman Chronicle, 7

Fried, Albert, FDR and His Enemies, rev., 86-87

Friends' Asylum (Pennsylvania), 21-23

Friends of the Land, 45

GAGE, Frances D., 174

Gardiner, Benjamin, 149

Garrison, William Loyd, 170

Geauga County (Ohio): "The 1848 Diary of Daniel Kent," by Cherilyn A. Walley, 48-82; and 1912 election, 125

Geauga Seminary, 55

GI Generation: A Memoir The, by Frank F. Mathias, rev., 105-106

Gill, Jeff, book rev., 197-198

Glaab, Charles Nelson, 191

Gladden, Washington, 133

Glazer, Walter Stix, Cincinnati in 1840: The Social and Functional Organization of an Urban Community during the Pre-Civil War Period, rev., 111-112

Goda, Norman J.W., book rev., 196-197

Gold, David M., "Natural Rights and the Admission of Women to the Ohio Bar," 165-189

Goldberg, David J., book rev., 105-106

Golden Cables of Sympathy: The Transatlantic Sources of Nineteenth-Century Feminism, by Margaret H. McFadden, rev., 210-211

Goodale, Lincoln, 16, 20

Goodrich, John, 145

Gordon, Stephen C., book rev., 111-112; book rev., 212-214

Goss, Thomas, book rev., 96-97

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 28

Grabowski, John, 191


INDEX, page 224

Grant, H. Roger, Ohio on the Move: Transportation in the Buckeye State, rev., 112-113

Grant, Ulysses S., Ulysses S. Grant: Triumph Over Adversity, 1822-1865, by Brooks D. Simpson, rev., 96-97

Green Bay Tree, The, by Louis Bromfield, 28

Greenwood, John, 20, 23n.76

Griffith, Evin, 49

Griffith, Mrs. Orrin. See Kent, Abigail Griffith, Orrin, 49, 60

Grimsley, Mark, and Todd D. Miller, editors, The Union Must Stand: The Civil War Diary of John Quincy Adams Campbell, Fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, rev., 109

Griswold, Chester, 140, 145, 149

Griswold, Ezra, 149

Gwynne, David, 13, 15, 22n.69

Gwynne, Eli, 13, 21-22

Gwynne, Matilda, (Mrs. John Edmiston)11-15, 19, 21n.69

HAAS, Edward F., book rev., 86-87

Haddad, Gladys, book rev., 202-203

Hamiltonianism, 33-34

Harmon, Judson, 133

Harris, Morrison, 12n.31

Harrold, Stanley, coeditor, Antislavery Violence: Sectional, Racial, and Cultural Conflict in Antebellum America, rev., 106-107

Hassler, Warren W., Jr., 153n.1

Hattawy, Herman, 153

Haverkamp, Michael, "Roosevelt and Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912," 121-135

Hawkins, William, 174-175

Heineman, Kenneth J., book rev., 100-101

Henwood, James N. J., book rev., 112-113

Herman, Arthur, Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy ofAmerica 's Most Hated Senator, rev., 87-88

Herndon, Ruth, 191

Hess, Earl J., Banners to the Breeze: The Kentucky Campaign, Corinth, and Stones River, rev., 211-212

Hessinger, Rodney, 83

Hildreth, Samuel, 16

Hilton, Laura, 191

Hiram College, 83

Historian, The, 83

Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio, 16

Hitler, Adolph, Inside Hitler High Command, by Geoffrey P. Megargee, rev., 196-197

Hoffman, Wilson, 83

Hofstadter, Richard, 121-122, 134, 135

Hogan, David Gerard, book rev., 198-200

Hoge, Rev. James, 12

Holden, Robert John, with Donna Jean Holden, The Hunting Pioneers, 1720-1840: Ultimate Backwoodsmen on the Early American Frontier, rev., 207-208

Holmes, James Monison, 12n.31

Hoover, William D., 84, 191



INDEX, page 225

Howard, Albert, 35

Howard, Victor B., book rev., 85-86; book rev., 99-100

Hubka, Thomas C., 53, 63

Hudson River, 146

Hundred Days to Richmond: Ohio's "Hundred Days" Men in the Civil War, A, edited by Jim Leeke, rev., 91-92

Hunker, Henry L., Columbus, Ohio: A Personal Geography, rev., 212-214

Hunt, Henry, 131-132

Hunting Pioneers, 1720-1840: Ultimate Backwoodsmen on the Early American Frontier, The, by Robert John Holden with Donna Jean Holden, rev., 207-208

Huntington, C. C., 145

Hynicka, Rudolph, 131

"IDEAL of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community, The" by Philip J. Nelson, 26-47

"I Live on the Edge of Paradise," by Louis Bromfield, 40

Illinois Supreme Court, 182, 187

"Impractical? Unforgivable? Another Look at George B. McClellan's First Strategic Plan," by Ethan S. Rafuse, 153-164

Indiana Supreme Court, 186

Inside Hitler's High Command, by Geoffrey P. Megargee, rev., 196-197

JACKSON, Eric R. and Michael Washington, book rev., 90-91

Jakobson, Michael, 191

Jefferson, Thomas, 170

Jeffersonianism, "The Ideal of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community," by Philip J. Nelson, 26-47

Jensen, John, 84

"Jewish Community's Reactions ot the John Demjanjuk Trials, The," by Glenn Sharfman, 83

John D. Clifford's Indian Antiquities; Related Material by C. S. Rafinesque, edited by Charles Boewe, rev., 197-198

Johnson, Andrew, 181

Johnson, Hiram, 123n.5

Johnson, Tom, 122

Jones, Archer, 153

Jones, J. Elizabeth, 173, 177-178

Jones, Samuel, 122

Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America Most Hated Senator, by Arthur Herman, rev., 87-88

Journal of Genocide Research, 83

Joyous Greetings: The First International Women Movement, 1830-1860, by Bonnie S. Anderson, rev., 193-194

Judiciary Committee, Ohio House of Representatives, 165

Judiciary Committee, U.S. Senate, 185

KANAWHA plan, 159-160

Kaufman, Paul Leslie, "Logical" Luther Lee and the Methodist War Against Slavery, rev., 99-100

Kelley, Abby, 171


INDEX, page 226

Kelley, Alfred, 16, 20

Kemper's Run, 37-38

Kent, Abigail (Mrs. Orrin Griffith), 49, 60

Kent, Asa, 61

Kent, Daniel, "The 1848 Diary of Daniel Kent," by Cherilyn A. Walley, 48-82

Kent, Emily (Mrs. Horatio Phiney), 49, 58, 60-64, 67

Kent, Jacob, 61

Kent, Nancy (Mrs. Daniel Kent), 49, 62, 63, 64

Kent State University, 84

Kentucky, 159, 160, 162

Kilborn, Cynthia, 148

Kilbourn, James, "An Entrepreneurial Enterprise and the Financial Crisis of 1819: The Worthington Manufacturing Company," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick, 136-152. Illustration, 136.

Kilbourn, Lincoln, 136n.1

Kilbourn, Lucy (Mrs. Matthew Mathews), 141-142

Kilbourn Commercial Building, Illustration, 140

King, Eli C., 11

Kirtland (Ohio), 48

Kowalsky, Arnold A., coauthor, Encyclopedia of Marks on American, English, and European Earthenware, Ironstone, and Stoneware: 1780-1980; Makers, Marks, and Patterns in Blue and White, Historic Blue, Flow Blue, Mulberry, Romantic Transferware, Tea Leaf, and White Ironstone, rev., 215-217

Kowalsky, Dorothy E., coauthor, Encyclopedia of Marks on American, English, and European Earthenware, Ironstone, and Stoneware: 1780-1980; Makers, Marks, and Patterns in Blue and White, Historic Blue, Flow Blue, Mulberry, Romantic Transferware, Tea Leaf, and White Ironstone, rev., 215-217

Kusmer, Kenneth L., book rev., 200-202

LA FOLLETTE, Robert, 123

Lake County (Ohio), 54

Lake Geauga Counties (Ohio), Map, 55

Lancaster Ohio, 1800-2000: Frontier Town to Edge City, David R. Contosta, rev., 97-98

Lawrence, William, 181

Lee, Luther, "Logical" Luther Lee and the Methodist War Against Slavery, by Paul Leslie Kaufman, rev., 99-100

Leeke, Jim, editor, A Hundred Days to Richmond: Ohio "Hundred Days " Men in the Civil War, rev., 91-92

Legal profession, "Natural Rights and the Admission of Women to the Ohio Bar," by David M. Gold, 165-189

Levin, Miriam, 191

Levy, Anne, Troubled Memory: Anne Levy, the Holocaust, and David Duke's Louisiana, by Lawrence N. Powell, rev., 208-209

Lexington, Ky., 6-7

Library of Congress, 192



INDEX, page 227

Lincoln, Abraham, 159, 160, 161, 170

Linebaugh, Peter, 84

Little Miami River Valley, 158

Locke, John, 168-170, 179

Lockwood, Belva, 184-185

"Logical" Luther Lee and the Methodist War Against Slavery, by Paul Leslie Kaufman, rev., 99-100

Long, Matthew, 13

Longton, William Henry, 84

Lora, Ronald, 84; book rev., 87-88

Lord, Russell, 35, 46

Lucas, Robert, 17, 20n.64

Lytle, William Haines, For Honor Glory & Union: The Mexican & Civil War Letters of Brig. Gen. William Haines Lytle, edited by Ruth C. Carter, rev., 110-111

MCARTHY, Joseph, Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy ofAmerica's America's Most Hated Senator, by Arthur Herman, rev., 87-88

McClellan, George B., "Impractical? Unforgivable? Another Look at George B. McClellan's First Strategic Plan," by Ethan S. Rafuse, 153-164

McCormick, Robert W., coauthor, "An Entrepreneurial Enterprise and the Financial Crisis of 1819: The Worthington Manufacturing Company," 136-152

McCormick, Virginia E., coauthor, "An Entrepreneurial Enterprise and the Financial Crisis of 1819: The Worthington Manufacturing Company," 136-152; book rev., 205-206

McDowell, Abram, 8

McDowell, Irvin, 154

McDowell, John, 8, 11

McElvain, John, 9-10

McFadden, Margaret H., book rev., 193-194; Golden Cables of Sympathy: The Transatlantic Sources of Nineteenth-Century Feminism, rev., 210-211

McGown, John, 9, 10-11

McKivigan, John R., coeditor, Antislavery Violence: Sectional, Racial, and Cultural Conflict in Antebellum America, rev., 106-107

McWilliams, Carey, 27

Magoffin, Beriah, 161

Malabar farm, "The Ideal of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community," by Philip J. Nelson, 26-47. Illustrations, 30, cover Winter-Spring issue

Malabar Farm, by Louis Bromfield, 42

Mansfield (Ohio), 27-28

Many-Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Commoners, and the Hidden History of the Revolutionary Atlantic, The, by Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker, 84

Marietta (Ohio), 138

Marszalek, John F., book rev. 211-212

Marx, Karl, 33



INDEX, page 228

Marx, Leo, 31

Mathews, Matthew, 141-142, 145

Mathews, Mrs. Matthew. See Kilbourn, Lucy Mathias, Frank F., The GI Generation: A Memoir, rev., 105-106

Maumee Valley Historical Society, 84 Maxfield, Amos, 141-142, 145

Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, 17

Medical history, "Columbus's Pioneer Doctor John M. Edmiston: The Fabric of His Life and Death," by Ann Clymer Bigelow, 5-25

Megargee, Geoffrey P., Inside Hitler High Command, rev., 196-197

Menning, Carol Bresnahan, 192

Mental illness, 17-25

Messer-Kruse, Timothy, 84

Miller, Zane, 131, 132n.28

Miller family (of Geauga County, Ohio), 62

Mills, C. Wright, C. Wright Mills: Letters and Autobiographical Writings, edited by Kathryn Mills with Pamela Mills, rev., 200-202

Mills, Kathryn, editor, with Pamela Mills, C. Wright Mills: Letters and Autobiographical Writings, rev., 200-202

Missouri Valley Authority, 43

Morgan, Arthur, 27

Morrison, Esther, 6

Morrison, James, 6, 8, 12n.31, 13

Morrison, James M. (nephew of James Morrison), 12n.3 1

Moser, John E., Twisting the Lion's Tail: American

Anglophobia Between the World Wars, rev., 89-90

Mott, Lucretia, 171

Much More Than a Game: Players, Owners, and American Baseball Since 1921, by Robert Burk, 191

Murphy, James L., book rev., 215-217

Muskingum College, 191

Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District, 40

NASH, Simeon, 175

National Archives and Records Administration, 192

National Audubon Society, 45

Nationalizing Science: Adolphe Wurtz and the Battle for French Chemistry, by Alan Rocke, 191

Natsoulas, Theodore, 84

Natural rights, "Natural Rights and the Admission of Women to the Ohio Bar," by David M. Gold, 165-189

"Natural Rights and the Admission of Women to the Ohio Bar," by David M. Gold, 165-189

Nelson, Larry L., book rev., 104-105

Nelson, Philip J., "The Ideal of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community," 26-47

New Deal, 44

New Pattern for a Tired World, A, by Louis Bromfield, 43

New York Herald Tribune Weekly Book Review, 46

Niles ' Register, 6-7


INDEX, page 229

Nineteenth Ammendment, U.S. Constitution, 188

Nixon, Herman C., 27

Norton, Augusta, 66

Norton, Jedediah, 151

Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, by Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, rev., 202-203

Nussel, Jill, 191

OAH. See Ohio Academy of History

Occupation and Revolution: China and the Vietnamese August Revolution of 1945, by Peter Worthing, 191

Odd Fellows' Temple, Illustration, 14

Ohio Academy of History (OAH), 83,190

Ohio Bicentennial Commission, 190

Ohio Constitutional Convention: of 1850-1851, 173, 177n.32; of 1873-1874, 165, 166, 177n.3, 183; of 1912, 187, 188, 167n.7

Ohio General Assembly: and incorporation of manufacturing enterprises, 137, 144; and women's rights, 177, 179, 180, 184, 189

Ohio History online archive, 190

Ohio in 1849, Map, 50

Ohio Land and Tax Records, Geneaological Publishing Company, Inc., 83

Ohio Lunatic Asylum, Columbus, 24-25. Illustration, 24

Ohio Monitor, 9

Ohio on the Move: Transportation in the Buckeye State, by H. Roger Grant, rev., 112-113

Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN), 190

Ohio State Journal, 23, 134, 184

Ohio State Penitentiary, 9

Ohio Supreme Court, 178

Ohio Wildlife Commission, 45

Ohioana Library Association, 83

Onuf, Peter S., 137

OPLIN. See Ohio Public Library Information Network

Organic farming, 38, 41-42, 45-46

Osterud, Nancy, 62, 63

Out of the Earth, by Louis Bromfield, 46

PARSONS, Samuel, 7, 8, 9 Payne, Phillip G., 95-96

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 190-191

Perry, Aaron F., 157, 163n.22

Persons, Samuel. See Parsons, Samuel Philadelphia Female Anti-Slavery Society, 170-171

Philbrick, S. B., 64, 66; and family, 54

Philbrick, Thomas, 67

Phillips, Julieanne, book rev., 206-207

Phiney, Adaline, 49, 58-59, 62-64

Phiney, Cordin, 49

Phiney, George, 49

Phiney, Horatio, "The 1848 Diary of Daniel Kent," by Cherilyn A. Walley, 48-82

Phiney, Judith, 49, 59-60, 64

Phiney, Lucius, 49


INDEX, page 230

Phiney, Mrs. Horatio. See Kent, Emily Phiney, Nancy, 49

Phiney, Philander, 49

Phiney, Susan, 49

Piekutowski, Lynna, editor, Remembering the Boys: A Collection of Letters, A Gathering of Memories, rev., 214-215

Pierce, Michael, book rev., 107-108

Pindell, James Morrison, 12n.31

Pindell, Thomas H., 6

Pinney, Levi, 145

Pleasant Valley, by Louis Bromfield, 34

Poe, Orlando M., 158, 154n.3

Politics of Long Division: The Birth of the Second Party System in Ohio, 1818-1828, The, by Donald J. Ratcliffe, rev., 203-204

Porter, Fitz John, 156

Powell, Lawrence N., Troubled Memory: Anne Levy, the Holocaust, and David Duke Louisiana, rev., 208-209

Powell, Thomas W., 183

Progressive party: "Roosevelt and Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912," by Michael Haverkamp, 121-135; and women's rights, 187

Pullman Strike and the Crisis of the 1890s: Essays on Labor and Politics, The, edited by Richard Schneirov, Shelton Stromquist, and Nick Salvatore, rev., 107-108

Pursell, Carroll, 191

"QUEST for Justice: The Reaction of the Ukrainian American Community Community to the John Demjanjuk Trials, The," by Glenn Sharfman, 83

RABER, Christie, 191

Rafinesque, C. S., John D. Clifford's Indian Antiquities; Related Material by C. S. Rafinesque, edited by Charles Boewe, rev., 197-198

Rafuse, Ethan S., "Impractical? Unforgivable? Another Look at George B. McClellan's First Strategic Plan," 153-164

Ratcliffe, Donald J., The Politics of Long Division: The Birth of the Second Party System in Ohio, 1818-1828, rev., 203-204

Reagan, Patrick D., Designing a New America: The Origins of New Deal Planning, 1890-1943, rev., 100-101

Reconstruction era, 181-182

Redmond, John C., 22-23

Reflections on a Ravaged Century, by Robert Conquest, rev., 94-95

Remembering the Boys: A Collection of Letters, A Gathering of Memories, by Lynna Piekutowski, rev., 214-215

Renascent Empire?: The House of Braganza and the Quest for Stability in Portuguese Monsoon Asia, Ca. 1640-1683, by Glenn Ames, 84

Republican Party, "Roosevelt and


INDEX, page 231

Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912," by Michael Haverkamp, 121-135

Reynolds, Lemuel, 20

Richiand County (Ohio), "The Ideal of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community," by Philip J., Nelson, 26-47

Riddle, A. G., 184

River Jordan: African American Urban Life in the Ohio Valley, by Joe William Trotter, Jr., rev., 95-96

Rocke,Alan, 191

Rodehavor, Myles W., 45

Roosevelt, Franklin D., FDR and His Enemies, by Albert Fried, rev., 86-87

Roosevelt, Theodore, "Roosevelt and Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912," by Michael Haverkamp, 121-135. Illustration (editorial cartoon), cover Summer-Autumn issue

"Roosevelt and Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912," by Michael Haverkamp, 121-135

Rosencrans, William S., 158

Rosie the Rubber Worker: Women Workers in Akron Rubber Factories During World War II, by Kathleen L. Endres, rev., 206-207

Runaway Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation, by John Hope Franklin and Loren Schweninger, rev., 90-91

Rural society: "The 1 848 Diary of Daniel Kent," by Cherilyn A. Walley, 48-82; "The Ideal of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community," by Philip J. Nelson, 26-47

Russo, David, 142

Ryan, Mary, 142

SALEM (Ohio), 172-173

Salvatore, Nick, coeditor, The Pullman Strike and the Crisis of the 1890s: Essays on Labor and Politics, rev., 107-108

Sandlund, Vivien, 83

Sandusky (Ohio), 144, 146

Sandusky Bay, 143

Sargent, Aaron, 185

Saturday Evening Post, 40

Sawyer, William, 174

Schleich, Newton, 155n.4

Schneirov, Richard, coeditor, The Pullman Strike and the Crisis of the 1890s: Essays on Labor and Politics, rev., 107-108

Scholars in Residence Program, Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 190-191

Schweninger, Loren, coauthor, Runaway Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation, rev., 90-9l

Scioto Company, 137, 151, 152

Scott, Winfield, "Impractical? Unforgivable? Another Look at George B. McClellan's First Strategic Plan," by Ethan S. Rafuse, 153-164

Scott, Aretus, 65

Scott, David, lln.28

Scott family (of Geauga County, Ohio), 54

Scripps-McRae newspaper chain, 134

Sears, Paul, 45-46

Sears, Stephen W., 153


INDEX, page 232

Senate Judiciary Committee, 185

Seneca County (Ohio), 166, 189

Seneca Falls, MY, 171

Severance, Caroline M., 178. Illustration, 178

Sharfman, Glenn, 83

Sharon Township, 149-150

Sherman, William Tecumseh, Sherman 's Civil War: Selected Correspondence of William T Sherman, 1860-1865, by Brooks D. Simpson, rev., 101-102

Sherman 's Civil War: Selected Correspondence of William T. Sherman, 1860-1865, by Brooks D. Simpson, rev., 101-102

SHGAPE. See Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era

Simmons, David A., book rev., 194-196

Simpson, Brooks D., Ulysses S. Grant: Triumph Over Adversity, 1822-1865, rev., 96-97; coeditor, Sherman 's Civil War: Selected Correspondence of William T Sherman, 1860-1865, rev., 101-102

Skaggs, David Curtis, book rev., 102-103

Skillen, Edward, 45

Smokestacks and Progressives: Environmentalists, Engineers, and Air Quality in America, 1881-1951, by David Stradling, rev., 92-94

Smythe, Kathleen, 191

Snow, John, 138n.8

Socialist Party, 133

Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era (SHGAPE), 83

Soil conservation, "The Ideal of Nature and the 'Good Farmer': Louis Bromfield and the Quest for Rural Community," by Philip J. Nelson, 26-47

Soil Conservation Service, 44, 31n.7

Southern Migrants, Northern Exiles, by Chad Berry, rev., 198-200

Sowing the American Dream: How Consumer Culture Took Root in the Rural Midwest, by David Blanke, rev., 205-206

Spicka, Mark, 191

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 171; Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, by Geoffrey C. Ward and Ken Burns, rev., 202-203

State Library of Ohio, 83

Steinberg, Ted, 191

Stewart, Francis, 12, 20

Stewart and Brotherton's, 12

Stokes, John R., lln.28

Stowe, Christopher S., 192; book rev., 101-102

Stradling, David, Smokestacks and Progressives: Environmentalists, Engineers, and Air Quality in America, 1881-1951, rev., 92-94

Stromquist, Shelton, coeditor, The Pullman Strike and the Crisis of the 1890s: Essays on Labor and Politics, rev., 107-108

Stults, Taylor, 191

Suffrage: and African Americans, 172, 174-176, 180; and women, "Natural Rights and the Admission of Women to the


INDEX, page 233

Ohio Bar," by David M. Gold, 165-189

Sugden, John, Blue Jacket: Warrior of the Shawnees, rev., 194-196

Sullivant, Lucas, 8, 13

Sumser, Robert, book rev., 208-209

Swan, Gustavus, 12

TAFT, Charles, 131

Taft, William Howard, "Roosevelt and Taft: How the Republican Vote Split in Ohio in 1912," by Michael Haverkamp, 121-135

Tanner, Chester, 65; family of, 54, 64

Tappan, Benjamin, 16

Taylor, James W., 176

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 43, 31n.7

Thomas, Lorenzo, 158

Thompson, Robert, 24-25

Thorns, Ericka, 83

Thomson, Samuel, 18n.56

Thurman, Allen G., 185

Tiffany family (of Geauga County, Ohio), 54, 64

Tiffin (Ohio), 183

Tiro, Karim, 191

Toledo (Ohio), 126

"Toledo's Attic" Web site, 84

Toledo Scale, 84

Townshend, Norton S., 175, 176, 178, 179. Illustration, 175

Trotter, Joe William, Jr., River Jordan: African American Urban Life in the Ohio Valley, 203-204 rev., 95-96

Troubled Memory: Anne Levy, the Holocaust, and David Duke Louisiana, by Lawrence N. Powell, rev., 208-209

Trumbull County (Ohio), 54

Truth, Soujourner, 177

Turner, Frederick Jackson, 150

TVA. See Tennessee Valley Authority

Twisting the Lion's Tail: American Anglophobia Between the World Wars, by John E. Moser, rev., 89-90

ULYSSES S. GRANT: Triumph Over Adversity, 1822-1865, by Brooks D. Simpson, rev., 96-97

Union Must Stand: The Civil War Diary of John Quincy Adams Campbell, Fifth Iowa Volunteer Infantry, The, edited by Mark Grimsley and Todd D. Miller, rev., 109

United States Court of Claims, 184

University of Akron, 84

University of Toledo, 84, 191-192

Unwelcome Americans: Living on the Margin in Early New England, by Ruth Herndon, 191

U.S. Congress, 180, 181, 185, 189

U.S. Supreme Court, 182-185

Utter, William, 146

VIRGINIA, 157, 161, 162. See also western Virginia

Visions of the Western Reserve: Public and Private Documents of Northeastern Ohio, 1750-1860, by Robert A. Wheeler, rev., 104-105

Volpe, Vernon L., book rev.,

WALLACE, Henry, 44 Walley, Cherilyn A., "The 1848 Diary of Daniel Kent," 48-82

Ward, Geoffrey C., coauthor, Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and



INDEX, page 234

Susan B. Anthony, rev., 202-203

Washington (state), 166

Washington, D.C., 157, 158, 159

Webb, Thomas S., 138n.8, 144n.29, 147

Weber, Charlotte, book rev., 210-211

Weber, Max, 151

Welman, Joshua, 65

West Virginia. See Western Virginia

Western Intelligencer, 1 ln.27. Illustration, 137

Western Reserve, 54

Western Reserve Free-Will Baptist Academical Society, 55

Western Virginia, 155n.4, 159, 161, 162

WGBH Boston, 192

Wheeler, Robert A., editor, Visions of the Western Reserve: Public and Private Documents of Northeastern Ohio, 1750-1860, rev., 104-105

Whetstone River, 149

Whitmore, 144n.29

Widder, Keith R., Battle For The Soul: Métis Children Encounter Evangelical Protestants at Mackinaw Mission 1823-1837, rev., 85-86

Wilcox, Larry, 191

Wildman, Zalmon, 144


Wilson, Elizabeth, 173

Wilson, Woodrow, 121, 123n.6, 124, 130, 132, 134

Wisconsin Supreme Court, 168

Women's issues: gender roles circa 1850, 57; "Natural Rights and the Admission of Women to the Ohio Bar," by David M. Gold, 165-189

Women's rights conventions: Salem, Ohio, 172-173; Seneca Falls, N.Y., 171-172

Wood, Thomas, 20

Woodbridge, Dudley, 138

Woodbury, E. B., 175-176

Woollacott, Angela, 191

Worthing, Peter, 191

Worthington, James T., 16

Worthington (Ohio), "An Entrepreneurial Enterprise and the Financial Crisis of 1819: The Worthington Manufacturing Company," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick, 136-152

Worthington Manufacturing Company, The, "An Entrepreneurial Enterprise and the Financial Crisis of 1819: The Worthington Manufacturing Company," by Virginia E. and Robert W. McCormick, 136-152

XAVIER University, 191

YANG, Manual, 192 Yankee, 143 Youngstown (Ohio), 127

Yankee, 143

Youngstown (Ohio), 127