Ohio History Journal









ACCINELLI, Robert D., on Harding, 113                                         Colonial Frontiersman, Explorer, and

Adams and Jefferson: A Revolutionary                                             Indian Agent, rev., 138-39

Dialogue, by Merrill D. Peterson, 136                               Bain, George W., book rev., 204-05

Adams, Charles Francis, 242-44, 246                                          Bancroft, Thomas, Chief Inspector of

Adams, John Quincy, 157, 165-66, 167n                                           Mines, 17

Agricultural Adjustment Administration,  Barefoot Preacher, The, comp. by Mrs.

272                                                                                                        N. E. Lamb and revised by J. F. Bur-

Agricultural and Mechanical College (The                                       nett, 202

Ohio State University), 16                                                    Barth, Alan, Prophets with Honor: Great

Agricultural Extension, at The Ohio State                                        Dissents and Great Dissenters in the

University, 116                                                                                 Supreme Court, rev., 74-75

Alabama Normal and Industrial School,                                    Beard, Charles and Mary, 167

Huntsville, 93                                                                           Belknap, Michal R., book rev., 74-75

Allen, Robert S., "The British Depart-                                        Bell, John, 128, 235

ment and the Frontier in North                                             Bellush, Bernard, 266

America," 55                                                                               Belz, Herman, A New Birth of Freedom:

Allen School, Miami County, Ohio, 117,                                         The Republican Party and Freedmen's

123, 126; illustration, 125                                                           Rights, 1861-1866, rev., 291-92; on

Allen, William, and coal mining, 14;                                                 Abraham Lincoln, 195

nomination for governor, 87                                                 Benedict, Michael Les, book rev., 67,

Alexander, Joseph, WPA Director in                                                 290-91

Cleveland, 269                                                                         Benison, Saul, 248-49, 257

American Colonization Society, 81-82                                     Benson, Lee, 156, 159n, 161n

American Folk Art in Ohio Collections,                                  Beveridge, Albert J., 103

by Robert Doty, 280                                                               Beyond the Civil War Synthesis: Political

American Genealogical Resources in                                              Essays of the Civil War Era, by

German Archives: A Handbook, by                                          Robert P. Swierenga, rev., 64-65

Clifford  Neal Smith   and   Ann                                           Billias, George Athan, Elbridge Gerry:

Piszczan-Czaja Smith, 280                                                            Founding Father and Republican

American Revolution in the West, The, by                                      Statesman, rev., 283-84

George M. Waller, rev., 213-14                                           Birthplace of an Army: A Study of the

Andrews, Faith, and Edward Deming                                               Valley Forge Encampment, by John

Andrews, Fruits of the Shaker Tree of                                     B. B. Trussell, Jr., 202

Life: Memoirs of Fifty Years of Col-                                 Bishop, Richard M., Governor, 15-16

lecting and Research, rev., 150-52                                    Black Ballots: Voting Rights in the South,

Antioch College, 41-43                                                                        1944-1969, by Steven F. Lawson, rev.,

Apple-cutting, on the frontier, 50-51                                               300-01

Appointment at Armageddon: Muckrak-                                Black Family in Slavery & Freedom,

ing and Progressivism in American                                        1750-1925, The, by Herbert G. Gut-

Life, by Louis Filler, rev., 221-22                                              man, rev., 206-07

Arndt, Karl J. R., book rev., 140-41;  Black Ohio and the Color Line: 1860-

219-21                                                                                               1915, by David A. Gerber, rev.,

Arthur, Chester A., 89                                                                           290-91

Ashley, James M., Reconstruction pro-                                    Black, Samuel L., 254

posals, 187-99; illustration, 191                                       Blacks, and Peter Clark, 79-95

Avondale, Pennsylvania, mine disaster, 6,                             Blacks in Ohio History, edited by Rubin

9, 14, 16                              F. Weston, rev., 204-05

Blocker, Jack S., Jr., Retreat From Re-

BAILEY, Kenneth P., Christopher Gist:    form: The Prohibition Movement in


308                                                          OHIO HISTORY


the United States, 1890-1913, rev.,                                   Carmody School, Champaign County,

296-97                                                                                                 Ohio, 119-23; illustration, 121

Blum, John Morton, V Was for Victory:                                   Carter, George E., book rev., 291-92

Politics and American Culture During                            Cary, John, book rev., 56-57

World War II, rev., 299-300                                                Cary, Lorin Lee, "Guide to Research in

Blumin, Stuart M., The Urban Threshold:                                       the History of Toledo, Ohio," 202

Growth and Change in a Nineteenth-                               Case Western Reserve: A History of the

Century American Community, rev.,                                         University  1826-1976, by C. H.

286-87                                                                                                Cramer, rev., 216-18

Book of Abigail and John: Selected Let-                                  Cassara, Ernest, The History of the Un-

ters of the Adams Family, 1762-1784,                                     ited States of America: A Guide to In-

The, by L. H. Butterfield, Marc Fried-                                        formation Sources, 202

lander, and Mary-Jo Kline, rev., 58-59                              Catholic Journey Through Ohio, The, by

Borah, William E., 105n, 112                                                              Albert Hamilton, 54

Border State Proposals, 29n                                                        Cavan, Ruth Shonle, 263, 271-72

Bowers, Paul C., book rev., 208-09                                           Cebula, James E., Glory and Despair,

Boyce, William W., 235                                                                        Challenge and Change: The Molders,

Breckinridge, John C., 22; 128; Proud                                            rev., 303; book rev., 298-99

Kentuckian: John C. Breckinridge, by                             Chandler, Albert B., 267

Frank H. Heck, rev., 289-90                                                 Character of John Adams, The, by Peter

Brick and Tile Industry in Stark County,                                         Shaw, rev., 207-08

1809-1976, The, by C. Harold McCol-                             Chase,Salmon P., 91; 188-89; 237

lam, rev., 215-16                                                                      Chautauqua: A Centerfor Education, Re-

Bristow, Francis, 243                                                                            ligion, and the Arts in America, by

Brown, John, 230-31                                                                             Theodore Morrison, rev., 75-76

Brown, Olympia, 42                                                                      Chessman, G. Wallace, book rev., 70-71

Browne, John Ross, 42                                                                 Child, Lydia Maria, 201

Buchanan, James, 22; and Thomas Cor-                                    Christopher Gist: Colonial Frontiersman,

win, 229                                                                                            Explorer, and Indian Agent, by Ken-

Buckeye, Hungarian community in Cleve-                                     neth P. Bailey, rev., 138-39

land, 171-86                                                                            Cincinnati: A Chronological & Documen-

Bulkley, Robert J., 268-69, 276                                                         tary History: 1676-1970, edited by

Burnett, J. F., The Barefoot Preacher,                                              Robert I. Vexler, 280

202                                                                                             Cincinnati Afro-American, 90-91

Burton, Harold H., mayor of Cleveland,                                   Cincinnati Board of Education, 93

269                                                                                             Cincinnati Central Republican Associa-

Butterfield, L. H., Marc Friedlander, and  tion, 86

Mary-Jo Kline,The Book of Abigail  Cincinnati Daily Gazette, on slave states,

and John: Selected Letters of the                                              233, 242

Adams Family, 1762-1784, rev., 58-59                          Cincinnati Enquirer, on the disunion,

By Shaker Hands: The Art and the World                                     24-25, 27, 32-33, 35, 37-38

of the Shakers-the Furniture and Ar-                             Cincinnati Workingmen's party, 88-89

tifacts, and the Spirit and Precepts                                Civil Rights Act of 1875, 89

Embodied in Their Simplicity, Beauty,                          Civil War in Kentucky, The, by Lowell H.

and Functional Practicality, by June                                     Harrison, rev., 66-67

Sprigg, rev., 150-52                                                              Civil War, "The Ohio Democracy and the

Byrne, Frank L., book rev., 65-66                                                     Crisis of Disunion, 1860-1861," by

Eric J. Cardinal, 19-40

CAMPAIGNS of the American Revolu-                                 Civilian Conservation Corps, 274

tion: An Atlas of Manuscript Maps,                              Clark, Herbert, 90

by Douglas W. Marshall and Howard                            Clark, Michael, 80

H. Peckham, rev., 208-09                                                   Clark, Peter H., "In His Veins Coursed

Canton Stark County Democrat, on the                                        No Bootlicking Blood: The Career of

disunion crisis, 24, 33                                                                Peter H. Clark,"    by  Lawrence

Cardinal, Eric J., "The Ohio Democracy                                         Grossman, 79-95; illustration, 83

and the Crisis of Disunion, 1860-                                   Clay, Henry, 165-67; 246-47

1861," 19-40                                                                         Clemenceau, Georges, 187

Index 309

Index                                                                 309


Cleveland: Confused City on a Seesaw,                                        cal Lore of Fairfield County, by

by Philip W. Porter, rev., 298-99                                            Charles R. Goslin, rev., 223

Cleveland, "Ethnic Identity in Industrial Crout, George C., "Albert B. Graham:

Cleveland: The Hungarians, 1900-                                         School Days of a Schoolmaster,"

1920," by Daniel E. Weinberg, 171-86;                               115-26

WPA activity, 258-77              Customs, household, 43-45

Cleveland Gazette, 92

Cleveland, Grover, 90                                                                DANGEROUS Class: Crime and Poverty

Cleveland Plain Dealer, on the disunion                                     in Columbus, Ohio, 1860-1885, The,

crisis, 25-26, 33-34, 36-38                                                         by Eric H. Monkkonen, rev., 145-47

Coal mining, "The Movement for Coal Daniels, Bruce C., book rev., 284-85

Mine Safety in Nineteenth-Century                                Daugherty, Michael, 8

Ohio," by K. Austin Kerr, 3-18                                        Davey, Martin, 267, 271

Coal-Mining Safety in the Progressive                                Davis, Henry Winter, 241-43

Period: The Political Economy of Re-                           Davis,  Jefferson,  and  Alexander

form, by William Graebner, rev.,                                               Stephens, 134

70-71                                                                                        Davis, Reuben, 235

Coggeshall, William T., 27, 36                                                 Davis, Robert R., Jr., book rev., 206-07

Columbus Jewish History Project, 248-57                           Dayton Empire, 34

Columbus, Jews in, 248-57                                                        Dayton News, on self-help cooperatives,

Columbus Ohio Statesman, on the disun-                                    260

ion crisis, 25, 32; on Thomas Corwin, Dean Acheson: The State Department

230                                                                                                    Years, by David S. McLellan, rev.,

Committee of Thirty-three, 234-47                                                   302

Committee on Territories, 188-89, 194                                  Death, Daniel, teacher of Albert Graham,

Condon, George E., Yesterday's Cleve-    123

land, 55                                                                                   Debt Funding Bill of 1922, 111

Conrad, Joseph, fight against coal mine                                 Democratic National Convention of 1860,

inspections, 13                                                                              "Clement L. Vallandigham Views the

Conservative Intellectual Movement in                                         Charleston Convention," edited by

America: Since 1945, The, by George                                    James W. Geary, 127-34

H. Nash, rev., 73-74                                                             Democratic party, and Peter Clark, 79-95;

Constitutional Union party, 21n, 128                                           on blacks in 1869, 85-86; "The Ohio

Converse, George, 23, 30                                                                   Democracy and the Crisis of Disun-

Cooking, on the frontier, 44                                                              ion, 1860-1861," by Eric J. Cardinal,

Cooley, Thomas, book rev., 68-69                                                   19-40

Copperheads, 39                                                                           Democratic Party and the Negro: North-

Corn-sheller, illustration, 50                                                            ern and National Politics 1868-92, by

Corn-shelling, on the frontier, 49-50                                              Lawrence Grossman, rev., 295-96

Corwin Amendment, 30                                                              Democratic-Union party, see Union party

Corwin, Thomas, "Thomas Corwin and                                  Dennison, William, 38

the Sectional Crisis," by Norman A. Depression, "Depression and New Deal

Graebner, 229-47; illustration, 237                                        in Ohio: Lorena A. Hickok's Reports

Cotkin, George B., book rev., 292-95                                             to Harry Hopkins, 1934-1936," by

Coughlin, Father Charles E., 266, 270                                           Bernard Sternsher, 258-77

Cox, Samuel S., 28; 231                                                              DeWitt, Howard A., "The 'New' Harding

Coy, Wayne, 270                                                                                  and American Foreign Policy: Warren

Cramer, C. H., Case Western Reserve: A                                        G. Harding, Hiram W. Johnson, and

History of the University 1826-1976,                                   Pragmatic Diplomacy," 96-114

rev., 216-18                                                                           Diaries of George Washington, The,

Cravens, James, 190                                                                             edited by Donald Jackson, rev.,

Creigh, Dorothy Weyer, A Primer for                                           281-82

Local Historical Societies, 55                                         Dickey, Henry L., 31

Crittenden, John J., 26; 242                                                      Dillingham Commission, 174, 176-77

Crittenden Plan, 28, 29n, 242; Resolu- Diplomacy, "The 'New' Harding and

tions, 37                                                                                          American Foreign Policy: Warren G.

Crossroads and Fence Corners: Histori-                                   Harding, Hiram W. Johnson, and


310                                                         OHIO HISTORY


Pragmatic Diplomacy," by Howard A.                               FARRELLY, Jill E., and Joyce G. Wil-

DeWitt, 96-114; Diplomacy on the                                          liams, Diplomacy on the Indiana-Ohio

Indiana-Ohio Frontier: 1783-1791, by                                  Frontier: 1783-1791, rev., 214-15

Joyce G. Williams and Jill E. Farrelly,                               Feck, Luke, Yesterday's Cincinnati, 55

rev., 214-15; The French Navy and                                    Federal Emergency Relief Administra-

American Independence: A Study of                                         tion, 258-77

Arms and Diplomacy, by Jonathan R.                               Feis Manufacturers (Herbert), Cleveland,

Dull, rev., 57-58                                                                              177

Dodds, Susanna Way, 42                                                              Feldberg, Michael, The Philadelphia

Doenecke, Justus D., book rev., 73-74                                             Riots of 1844: A Study of Ethnic Con-

Donahey, Victor, 265, 268                                                                   flict, rev., 62-63

Doty, Robert, American Folk Art in Ohio                              Felt, Thomas, Researching, Writing, and

Collections, 280                                                                             Publishing Local History, 55

Douglas, Stephen A., 22, 26-27, 37; 127-                                FERA, see Federal Emergency Relief

34; 188: 235                                                                                    Administration

Downes, Randolph, on Harding, 113                                       Ferry, Orris S., 236

Dred Scott decision, 84                                                                 Filler, Louis, editor, "Prevailing Manners

Dull, Jonathan R., The French Navy and                                        and Customs on the Frontier: The

American Independence: A Study of                                        Memoirs of Irene Hardy," 41-53; A

Arms and Diplomacy, 1774-1787, rev.,                                  Question of Quality, 203; Appointment

57-58                                                                                                 at Armageddon: Muckraking and

Dunlap Broadside: The First Printing of                                     Progressivism in American Life, rev.,

the Declaration of Independence, by                                      221-22; Progressivism and Muckrak-

Frederick R. Goff, 135                                                                   ing, rev., 221-22

Dunn, W. McKee, 236                                                                   Fillmore, Millard, 229

Dyeing, yar, 45                                                                                Firearms on the Frontier: Guns at Fort

Michilimackinac 1715-1781, by T. M.

EATON, Ohio, 41                          Hamilton, 136

Eberhardt Manufacturing Company, First Majority-Last Minority: The Trans-

Cleveland, 176                                                                               forming of Rural Life in America, by

Economic interests, and voting behavior,                                     John L. Shover, rev., 297-98

155-70                             First Stop for Local History Research: A

Education, of Albert B. Graham, 115-26;                                       Guide to County Records Preserved at

of Hungarians in Cleveland, 183                                              Wright State University, by Patrick

Elbridge Gerry: Founding Father and                                         Nolan and Stephen Haller, 280

Republican Statesman, by George                                   Fisher, Clay C., Navarre: A Little Town

Athan Billias, rev., 283-84                                                         and Its People, 280

Electric Controller Manufacturing Com-                                Flack, Irwin, book rev., 63-64

pany, Cleveland, 177                                                            Fletcher, Marvin E., book rev., 139-40

Eliot, Thomas D., 198                                                                   Foner, Philip S., History of Black Ameri-

Emergency Relief Appropriation Act, 263                                    cans: From Africa to the Emergence

Employment, of Hungarians in Cleve-                                            of the Cotton Kingdom, rev., 144-45

land, 176-77                                                                            Food, on the frontier, 43-44, 51

Ethnicity, and voting behavior, 155-70;                               Foraker, Joseph B., 91-93

"Ethnic Identity in Industrial Cleve-                              Foran, Martin F., led miners' cause at

land: The Hungarians, 1900-1920," by  1873 Constitutional Convention, 14

Daniel E. Weinberg, 171-86; "Oral                                 Foreign affairs, see Diplomacy

History in an Ethnic Community: The                            Fort Laurens, 1778-1779: The Revolution-

Problems and the Promise," by Marc                                       ary War in Ohio, by Thomas I.

Lee Raphael, 248-57; The Philadelphia                               Pieper and James B. Gidney, rev.,

Riots of 1844: A Study of Ethnic Con-                                  212-13

flict, by Michael Feldberg, rev., 62-63                             Forts Donelson and Henry, Tennessee,

Ewing, Thomas, Chairman 1861 Ohio                                           190

Democratic Convention, 36-37                                        Foster, Charles, 16

Exhibits for the Small Museum, by Ar-                                 4-H Club, 116

minta Neal, 136                                                                     Four-Power Treaty, 112

Index 311

Index                                                                 311


Fox, Stephen C., "Politicians, Issues,   Color Line: 1860-1915, rev., 290-91

and Voter Preference in Jacksonian  German-Americans, The, by La Vern J.

Ohio: A Critique of an Interpreta-                                            Rippley, rev., 219-21

tion," 155-70                                                                           Gibbs, William, teacher of Albert

Freedmen, Philanthropy, and Fraud: A                                        Graham, 120

History of the Freedman's Savings                                 Giddings, Joshua, 229, 234

Bank, by Carl R. Osthaus, rev., 67                                     Gidney, James B., book rev., 213-14; and

Freedmen's Bureau bill, 197-98                                                         Thomas I. Pieper, Fort Laurens,

Fremont, John C., and Thomas Corwin,                                            1778-1770: The Revolutionary War in

229                                                                                                     Ohio, rev., 212-13

French Navy and American Indepen-                                      Gildemeister, Glen A., book rev., 303

dence: A Study of Arms and Diploma-                           Gilmer, John A., 238-39

cy, 1774-1787, The, by Jonathan R.                                  Glory and Despair, Challenge and

Dull, rev., 57-58                                                                             Change: The Molders, by James E.

Friedlander, Marc, L. H. Butterfield, and                                         Cebula, rev., 303

Mary-Jo Kline, The Book of Abigail                                Goff, Frederick R., The John Dunlap

and John: Selected Letters of the                                              Broadside: The First Printing of the

Adams Family, 1762-1784, rev., 58-59                                  Declaration of Independence, 135

Frontier life, "Prevailing Manners and                                    Goldin, Claudia Dale, Urban Slavery in

Customs on the Frontier: The                                                     the American South 1820-1860: A

Memoirs of Irene Hardy," edited by                                          Quantitative History, rev., 288-89

Louis Filler, 41-53                                                               Gordon, Willard F., The Spirit of '76 ...

Frontier Musicians on the Connoquenes-                                    An American Portrait, 54-55

sing, Wabash, and Ohio, by Richard                              Goslin, Charles R., Crossroads and

D. Wetzel, rev., 140-41                                                                Fence Corners: Historical Lore of

Fruits of the Shaker Tree of Life:                                                     Fairfield County, rev., 223

Memoirs of Fifty Years of Collecting                             Graebner, Norman A., "Thomas Corwin

and Research, by Edward Deming                                           and the Sectional Crisis," 229-47

Andrews and Faith Andrews, rev.,                                   Graebner, William, Coal-Mining Safety in

150-52                                                                                              the Progressive Period: The Political

Fugitive Slave Law, 84; and Thomas                                               Economy of Reform, rev., 70-71

Corwin, 229-31, 236, 242, 245                                         Graham, Albert B., "Albert B. Graham:

Fuller, Sara, editor, The Ohio Black His-                                        School Days of a Schoolmaster," by

tory Guide, rev., 67-68                                                                 George C. Crout, 115-26; illustration,


GADDIS, John Lewis, book rev., 302                                     Graham, Joseph A., 115

Gaines High School, Cincinnati, 82, 92,                                Grant, Ulysses S., 42; 86-87

93                                                                                               Greeley, Horace, 229, 245

Galambos, Louis, The Public Image of                                   Greenback party, 15

Big Business in America, 1880-1940: A                        Grossman, Lawrence, "In His Veins

Quantitative Study in Social Change,                                    Coursed No Bootlicking Blood: The

rev., 147-48                                                                                     Career of Peter H. Clark," 79-95; The

Gamble, James, 24                                                                                   Democratic Party and the Negro:

Games, of children on the frontier, 118                                            Northern and National Politics 1868-

Gaynor, J. M., book rev., 150-52                                                       92, rev., 295-9

Geary, James W., editor, "Clement L. "Guide to Research in the History of To-

Vallandigham Views the Charleston                                        ledo, Ohio," by Lorin Lee Cary, 202

Convention," 127-34                                                            Gutman, Herbert G., The Black Family in

Geer, Emily, book rev., 59-62                                                            Slavery & Freedom, 1750-1925, rev.,

Gehm, Katherine, Sarah Winnemucca:                                          206-07: Slavery and the Numbers

Most Extraordinary Woman of the                                        Game: A Critique of Time on the

Paiute Nation, rev., 59-62                                                           Cross, rev., 63-64; Work, Culture, and

General: Robert L. Bullard and Officer-                                      Society in Industrializing America,

ship in the United States Army 1881-                                    rev., 292-95

1925, The, by Allan R. Millett, rev.,

148-49                                                                                      HAITES, Erik F., James Mak, and Gary

Gerber, David A., Black Ohio and the                                            M. Walton, Western River Transpor-


312                                                         OHIO HISTORY


tation: The Era of Early Internal De-  History of Black Americans: From Africa

velopment, 1810-1860, rev., 142                                               to the Emergence of the Cotton King-

Hale, Edward Everett, 42                                                                    dom, by Philip S. Foner, rev., 144-45

Haller, Stephen, and Patrick Nolan, First                              History of the Leisy Brewing Companies,

Stop for Local History Research: A                                        A, by Bruce R. Leisy, 55

Guide to County Records Preserved at                          History of the United States of America:

Wright State University, 280                                                   A Guide to Information Sources,

Hamilton, Albert, The Catholic Journey                                        comp. by Ernest Cassara, 202

Through Ohio, 54                                                                 Hoadly, George, 91-93

Hamilton, T. M., Firearms on the Fron-                                 Hodge, William L., 232

tier: Guns at Fort Michilimackinac                               Holmes, Charles S., editor, Thurber: A

1715-1781, 136                                                                             Collection of Critical Essays, rev.,

Harding, Aaron, 190                                                                             68-69

Harding, Warren G., "The 'New' Hard-                                    Holmes, George W., 30

ing and American Foreign Policy:                                   Hoover, Herbert C., and Warren G.

Warren G. Harding, Hiram      W.                                              Harding, 110; and Irene Hardy, 42;

Johnson, and Pragmatic Diplomacy,"                                       and Hiram Johnson, 107-08; 277

by Howard A. DeWitt, 96-114; illus-                            Hopkins, Harry, "Depression and New

tration, 104                                                                                     Deal in Ohio: Lorena A. Hickok's Re-

Hardy, Irene, "Prevailing Manners and                                           ports to Harry Hopkins, 1934-1936,"

Customs on    the  Frontier: The                                                by Bernard Sternsher, 258-77; illustra-

Memoirs of Irene Hardy," edited by                                          tion, 264

Louis Filler, 41-53                                                               Hopkins, Richard J., book rev., 145-47

Hardy, Walter Buell, 41                                                              Horowitz, Robert F., "Land to the

Harrison, Lowell H., The Civil War in                                           Freedmen: A Vision of Reconstruc-

Kentucky, rev., 66-67                                                                    tion," 187-99

Hartshorne, Thomas L., book rev., 299-                                  Horwitz, Morton J., The Transformation

300                                                                                                    of American Law, 1780-1860, rev.,

Havighurst, Walter, Ohio: A Bicentennial                                   282-83

History, rev., 205-06                                                            Housing, of Cleveland Hungarians,

Haw, James, Perspectives on the Ameri-   180-81

can Revolution, 136                                                             Houston, George S., 242

Hawkins, George S., 234-35                                                      Howard University, 88

Hayes, Rutherford B., Governor, 9, 15;                                   Howard, Victor B., book rev., 144-45;

Trustee of The Ohio State University,                                     295-96

17                                                                                              Hughes, Charles Evans, and Hiram W.

Hazeltine, R. M., Chief Inspector of                                                 Johnson, 103; and Warren G. Harding,

Mines, 17                                                                                        109-10

Heck, Frank H., Proud Kentuckian: John                             Hungarians, "Ethnic Identity in Indus-

C. Breckinridge, 1821-1875, rev.,                                            trial Cleveland: The Hungarians 1900-

289-90                                                                                             1920," by Daniel E. Weinberg, 171-86

Helper, Hinton Rowan, Impending Crisis IMPACT of the American Revolution

of the South, 231                                                                           Abroad: Papers Presented at the

Hess, Mary Carolina, comp., M. Whit-                                            Fourth Symposium, May 8 and 9,

comb Hess: A Bibiliographical Check-                                 1975, The, edited by the Library of

list of Fifty Years, 1924-1974,55                                            Congress, rev., 211-12

Hess, M. Whitcomb: A Bibliographical Impending Crisis of the South, by Hinton

Checklist of Fifty Years, 1924-1974,                                      Rowan Helper 231

comp. by Mary Carolina Hess, 55                                    Inches, H. Cheslea, Wooden Shipbuilding

Hickok, Lorena A., "Depression and                                              Era on the Great Lakes, 280

New Deal in Ohio: Lorena A. Hickok's Internationalism, in Harding Administra-

Reports to Harry Hopkins, 1934-

1936," by Bernard Sternsher, 258-77;        -11

illustration, 264

Hired Hands and Plowboys: Farm Labor                           JACKSON, Donald, editor, The Diaries

in the Midwest, 1815-60, by David E.                                    of George Washington, rev., 281-82

Schob, rev., 143                                                                    Jacksonian politics, "Politicians, Issues,

Index 313

Index                                                                 313


and Voter Preference in Jacksonian                                  Lake Front Boulevard Project, Cleve-

Ohio: A Critique of an Interpreta-                                            land, 269

tion," by Stephen C. Fox, 155-70;                                     Lamb, Mrs. N. E., comp., The Barefoot

voters and economic issues, 156-62;                                       Preacher, 202

voters and party organizations, 162-68                          Langston, John Mercer, 81, 94

Jenkins, Hal, A Valley Renewed, 136                                       Lauer, J. D., 126

Jennings, Frank W., early coal-mine                                         Lawson, Steven F., Black Ballots: Voting

photographs, 11, 12                                                                      Rights in the South, 1944-1969, rev.,

Jewett, Hugh J., 36, 38                                                                          300-01

Jews, in Columbus, 248-57                                                         League of Nations, 98, 102-03, 105, 107,

John Hunt Morgan and His Raiders, by                                        110, 111

Edison H. Thomas, rev., 65-66                                           Leckey, Howard L., The Ten Mile Coun-

Johnson, Andrew, 195                                                                         try and its Pioneer Families, 202

Johnson, Archibald, 107                                                              Lecompton constitution, 22; 132

Johnson, Hiram W., "The 'New' Harding                                 Lederer, Norman, book rev., 300-01

and American Foreign Policy: Warren                            Leisy, Bruce, A History of the Leisy

G. Harding, Hiram W. Johnson, and                                         Brewing Companies, 55

Pragmatic Diplomacy," by Howard A.                             Leonard, Henry B., book rev., 62-63

DeWitt, 96-114; illustration, 99                                      Levstik, Frank R., book rev., 66-67

Johnson, Hiram W., Jr., 107                                                         Lewis, John B., President of the Miners'

Johnson, Tom L., Papers, 201                                                             and Laborers' Benevolent Associa-

Jonas, Joseph, on slavery, 31                                                              tion, 7, 9

Jones, Alfred Winslow, 272                                                        Library of Congress, editor, The Impact

Jones, Robert H., book rev., 64-65                                                    of the American Revolution Abroad:

Julian, George, 187, 197                                                                      Papers Presented at the Fourth

Symposium, May 8 and 9, 1975, rev.,

KALETTE, Linda E., The Papers of                                                211-12

Thirteen Early Ohio Political Leaders:                         Lincoln, Abraham, 20-21, 22, 32, 39; 128,

An Inventory to the 1976-77 Microfilm  133; 195-98; 232, 236-41, 244

Editions, 200                                                                          Lindsey, David, 198

Kaplan, Lawrence S., book rev., 211-12                                 Little Steel Strike, 271n

Kellogg, William, 236, 246                                                        Locke, Walker, on self-help cooperatives,

Kennedy, John F., 250                                                                          260

Kenney, W. Howland, book rev., 58-59                                 Long, Huey, 266

Kerr, K. Austin, "The Movement for                                         Lower Buckeye, see Buckeye

Coal Mine Safety in Nineteenth-                                       Lye-making, on the frontier, 46

Century Ohio," 3-18

Kimball, Jeffrey, book rev., 148-49                                           McCLATCHY, C. K., 110

Kline, Mary-Jo, L. H. Butterfield, and                                      McCollam, C. Harold, The Brick and Tile

Marc Friedlander, The Book of                                                   Industry in Stark County, 1809-1976,

Abigail and John: Selected Letters of                                     rev., 215-16

the Adams Family, 1762-1784, rev., McCormick, Richard P., 162-64

58-59                                                                                         McGuffey's Reader, 118-19, 122

Kluger, Richard, Simple Justice: The His-                             McLellan, David S., Dean Acheson: The

tory of "Brown v. Board of Educa-                                          State Department Years, rev., 302

tion" and Black America's Struggle                               Mak, James, Erik F. Haites, and Gary M.

for Equality, rev., 149-50                                                             Walton, Western River Transporta-

Knepper, George W., An Ohio Portrait,                                        tion: The Era of Early Internal De-

rev., 137-38                                                                                     velopment, 1810-1860, rev., 142

Know Nothings, and Thomas Corwin, Making of the Monroe Doctrine, The, by

229-30                                                                                              Ernest R. May, rev., 143-44

Knox, Philander C., 109                                                              Mann, Horace, 42

Koch, Adrienne, 136                                                                    Manners, household, 43-45

Kyvig, David E., book rev., 71-72                                           Marriage, a frontier custom, 53

Marshall, Douglas W., and Howard H.

LAFFOON, Polk, IV, Tornado, 54           Peckham, Campaigns of the American


314                                                           OHIO HISTORY


Revolution: An Atlas of Manuscript                               Ness, Gary C., book rev., 288-89

Maps, rev., 208-09                                                                 Nethers, John L., book rev., 283-84

Marshall, George C., Memoirs of My                                       New Age Now Begins: A People's His-

Services in the World War, 1917-1918,                                 tory of the American Revolution, A,

rev., 218-19; oral history interview,                                        by Page Smith, rev., 209-10

254                                                                                             New Birth of Freedom: The Republican

May, Ernest R., The Making of the Mon-                                        Party and Freedmen's Rights, 1881-

roe Doctrine, rev., 143-44                                                           1866, A, by Herman Belz, rev., 291-92

May, George S., book rev., 137-38                                            New Deal, "Depression and New Deal in

Mechanical Rubber Works, Cleveland,                                           Ohio: Lorena A. Hickok's Reports to

176                                                                                                     Harry Hopkins, 1934-1936," by Ber-

Medary, Samuel, editor of the Columbus                                         nard Sternsher, 258-77

Crisis, 26, 32, 34; illustration, 35  New York Tribune, on sectional crisis,

Memoirs of My Services in the World                                            237, 244

War, 1917-1918, by George C. Mar-                               Nolan, Patrick, and Stephen Haller, First

shall, rev., 218-19                                                                          Stop for Local History Research: A

Merriam, Paul G., book rev., 286-87                                                Guide to County Records Preserved at

Metcalf, Eugene W., book rev., 67-68                                              Wright State University, 280

Millett, Allan R., The General: Robert L.                              Notes of Debates in the Federal Conven-

Bullard and Officership in the United                                   tion of 1787 Reported by James Madi-

States Army 1881-1925, rev., 148-49                                      son, reprinted with an introduction by

Mining, "The Movement for Coal Mine                                           Adrienne Koch, 136

Safety in Nineteenth-Century Ohio,"

by K. Austin Kerr, 3-18

Mining Commission, 9-13                                                          OHIO: A Bicentennial History, by Walter

Missouri Compromise, 188; 236, 242                                             Havighurst, rev., 205-06

Monkkonen, Eric H., The Dangerous                                     Ohio Black History Guide, The, edited by

Class: Crime and Poverty in Colum-                                      Sara Fuller, rev., 67-68

bus, Ohio, 1860-1885, rev., 145-47                                 Ohio Foundary, Cleveland, 176

Moore, A. T., teacher of Albert Graham,                                   Ohio in the American Revolution: A Con-

124-26                                                                                              ference to Commemorate the 200th

Moore, Alex P., 103                                                                              Anniversary of the Ft. Gower Re-

Moore, W. C., on slavery, 31                                                              solves, edited by Thomas H. Smith,

Morrill, Justin S., 236                                                                           rev., 56-57

Morrison, Theodore, Chautauqua: A                                      Ohio Labor History Project, Preliminary

Center for Education, Religion, and                                      Guide to Sources in Ohio Labor His-

the Arts in America, rev., 75-76                                                tory, 54

Muir, John, 42                                                                                 Ohio Portrait, An, by George W. Knep-

Mulder, Ronald A., book rev., 143                                                   per, rev., 137-38

Murphy, James L., book rev., 215-16; 223                             Ohio Statesman, see Columbus Ohio

Murray, Robert K., The 103rd Ballot:                                            Statesman

Democrats and the Disaster in Madi-                           Oil Lamps: The Kerosene Era in North

son Square Garden, rev., 71-72; on                                        America, by Catherine M. V. Thuro,

Harding, 113                                                                                  136

103rd Ballot: Democrats and the Disaster

NASH, George H., The Conservative In-                                       in Madison Square Garden, The, by

tellectual Movement in America:                                            Robert K. Murray, rev., 71-72

Since 1945, rev., 73-74                                                                Oral history, "Ethnic Identity in Indus-

National Malleable Steel Castings Com-                                               trial Cleveland: The Hungarians,

pany, Cleveland, 176                                                                           1900-1920," by Daniel E. Weinberg,

Naturalization, of Hungarians in Cleve-                                                171-86; "Oral History in an Ethnic

land, 178-79                                                                                           Community: The Problems and the

Navarre: A Little Town and Its People,                                                 Promise," by Marc Lee Raphael,

by Clay C. Fisher, 280                                                                         248-57

Neal, Arminta, Exhibits for the Small                                    Osthaus, Carl R., Freedmen, Philan-

Museum, 136                                                                                  thropy, and Fraud: A History of the

Nelson, Thomas A. R., 235-36, 242                                                 Freedman's Savings Bank, rev., 67

Index 315

Index                                                                 315


PANIC of 1819, 166                       History Project, 54

Panic of 1837, 159                    Primer for Local Historical Societies, A,

Papers of Thirteen Early Ohio Political                                       by Dorothy Weyer Creigh, 55

Leaders: An Inventory to the 1976-77                            Progressivism, and Hiram W. Johnson,

Microfilm  Editions, by Linda E.       101

Kalette, 200                       Progressivism and Muckraking, by Louis

Parr, William, Representative, 23, 26, 32  Filler, rev., 221-22

Patchwork quilts, 52                                                                    Prophets with Honor: Great Dissents and

Patterson, James T., 267                                                                        Great Dissenters in the Supreme

Peckham, Howard H., and Douglas W.                   Court, by Alan Barth, rev., 74-75

Marshall, Campaigns of the American  Proud Kentuckian: John C. Breckinridge,

Revolution: An Atlas of Manuscript                                       1821-1875, by Frank H. Heck, rev.,

Maps, rev., 208-09                                           289-90

Pendleton, George, 190                Public Image of Big Business in America,

Perspectives on the American Revolution,                                    1880-1940: A Quantitative Study in

by James Haw, 136                                           Social Change, The, by Louis Galam-

Peterson, Merrill D., Adams and Jeffer-                bos, rev., 147-48

son: A Revolutionary Dialogue, 136                               Pugh, James L., 234

Philadelphia Riots of 1844: A Study of

Ethnic Conflict, The, by Michael                                       QUESTION of Quality, A, ed. by Louis

Feldberg, rev., 62-63                                        Filler, 203

Phillips, Kim T., 166

Pieper, Thomas I., and James B. Gidney,          RANCK, Katherine Howland, 263,

Fort Laurens, 1778-1779: The Rev-                                         271-72

olutionary War in Ohio, rev., 212-13          Raphael, Marc Lee, "Oral History in an

Pierce, Franklin, 188                                             Ethnic Community: The Problems and

Pittsburgh Leader, 103                                                                        the Promise," 248-57

Plesur, Milton, book rev., 143-44                    Ratcliffe, Donald J., "The Role of Voters

Pogue, Forrest C., 254                                           and Issues in Party Formation: Ohio,

Politics, "Politicians, Issues, and Voter                  1824," critique, 155-70

Preference in Jacksonian Ohio: A               Ravenna Portage Sentinel, on the dis-

Critique of an Interpretation," by                     union crisis, 26, 27

Stephen C. Fox, 155-70; voters and                                  Reaffirmation  of   Republicanism:

economic issues, 156-62; voters and                                       Eisenhower and the Eighty-Third

party organizations, 162-68; "The                   Congress, The, by Gary W. Reichard,

'New' Harding and American Foreign                rev., 69-70

Policy: Warren G. Harding, Hiram W.         Reconstruction, "Land to the Freedmen:

Johnson, and Pragmatic Diplomacy,"               A Vision of Reconstruction," by

by Howard A. DeWitt, 96-114; "The               Robert F. Horowitz, 187-99

Ohio Democracy and the Crisis of               Reconstruction Acts, 187

Disunion," by Eric J. Cardinal, 19-40;         Reemelin, Charles, head of the first Min-

"Thomas Corwin and the Sectional                   ing Commission, 9-13; voting be-

Crisis," by Norman A. Graebner,                       havior, 158-59

229-47                                                                                       Reichard, Gary W., The Reaffirmation of

Pollock, John, 6, 13                                                                               Republicianism: Eisenhower and the

Popular sovereignty, and the Democratic              Eighty-Third Congress, rev., 69-70

National Convention of 1860, 127-34        Republic Steel, 271

Portage County mining disaster, 14                  Republican National Convention, 1920,

Porter, Philip W., Cleveland: Confused   105-07

City on a Seesaw, rev., 298-99                    Republican party, and Ashley's Recon-

Poston, James D., appointed second State              struction plan, 187-99; and Ohio

Inspector of Mines, 16                                     Democracy, 19-40; and Peter Clark,

Prairie State: A Documentary History of                                      79-95; and Thomas Corwin, 229-47;

Illinois, The, edited by Robert P. Sut-                and Warren G. Harding, 96-114

ton, rev., 285-86                                                                      Researching, Writing, and Publishing

Preliminary Guide to Sources in Ohio                                           Local History, by Thomas E. Felt, 55

Labor History, by the Ohio Labor                                    Retreat From Reform: The Prohibition


316                                                         OHIO HISTORY


Movement in the United States,                                                America's Struggle for Equality, by

1890-1913, by Jack S. Blocker, Jr.,                                           Richard Kluger, rev., 149-50

rev., 296-97                                                                              Skaggs, David Curtis, book rev., 212-13;

Rippley, La Vern J., The German-                                                     281-82

Americans, rev., 219-21                                                       Skardon, Alvin W., book rev., 216-18

Rives, William C., 245                                                                  Skinner, Benjamin M., appointed to Min-

Robins, Raymond, 108, 111                                                               ing Commission, 10, 11

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 258                                                              Slavery and the Numbers Game: A

Roosevelt, Franklin, 258-59, 263-77                                              Critique of Time on the Cross, by

Roy, Andrew, first State Inspector of                                               Herbert G. Gutman, rev., 63-64

Mines, 6-9, 14-17; and the Mining                                  Slavery, and Thomas Corwin, 229-47

Commission, 10-13; illustration, 8                                  Smith, Ann Piszczan-Czaja, and Clifford

Rubber sit-down strike, 1936, 275-76n                                         Neal Smith, American Genealogical

Rust, Albert, 236                                                                                   Resources in German Archives: A

Handbook, 280

SACRAMENTO Bee, 110                                                             Smith, Frank, teacher of Albert Graham,

St. Paris, Ohio, 115                                                                              118-20

Sarah Winnemucca: Most Extraordinary                            Smith, Harry C., 92

Woman of the Paiute Nation, by                                     Smith, Page, A New Age Now Begins: A

Katherine Gehm , rev., 59-62                                                    People's History of the American

Sawyer, Charles, 267, 276                                                                  Revolution, rev., 209-10

Schlesinger, Arthur M., oral history in- Smith, Robert E., book rev., 138-39

terview, 249                                                                            Smith, Thomas H., editor, Ohio in the

Schob, David E., Hired Hands and                                                American Revolution: A Conference

Plowboys: Farm Labor in the Midwest,                                to Commemorate the 200th Anniver-

1815-60. rev., 143; book rev., 297-98                                    sary of the Ft. Gower Resolves, rev.,

Schooling, on the Ohio frontier, "Albert                                       56-57; book rev., 205-06

B. Graham: School Days of a School- Smith, Truman, 246

master," by George C. Crout, 115-26                               Snow-bread, 44

Schurz, Carl, 240                                                                           Snyder, George, teacher of Albert

Secession, "The Ohio Democracy and                                             Graham, 124

the Crisis of Disunion,".by Eric J. Sobel, Robert, 276n

Cardinal, 19-40; "Thomas Corwin and  Socialism, and Peter Clark, 88-89

the Sectional Crisis," by Norman A. Socialist Labor party, and Peter Clark, 89

Graebner, 229-47                                                                  Spirit of '76 . . . An American Portrait,

Self-help cooperatives, 258-77                                                        The, by Willard F. Gordon, 54-55

Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 98, Sponholtz, Lloyd, book rev., 296-97

104, 112                                                                                  Sprigg, June, By Shaker Hands: The Art

Seward, William L., 242                                                                     and the World of the Shakers-the

Sewing, on the frontier, 44-45                                                          Furniture and Artifacts, and the Spirit

Sharp, James R., The Jacksonians versus                                       and Precepts Embodied in Their

the Banks: Politics in the States after                                   Simplicity, Beauty, and Functional

the Panic of 1837, critique, 155-70                                       Practicality, rev., 150-52

Shaw, Peter, The Character of John                                       Stamp Act Congress, The, by C. A. Wes-

Adams, rev., 207-08                                                                     lager, rev., 284-85

Shaw, Ronald E., book rev., 142                                              Stampp, Kenneth, 196

Shelling corn, on the frontier, 49-50                                       Stanford University, 42

Shepard, Ada, 42                                                                           State Inspector of Mines, 6, 14-16

Sherman, John, 231                                                                      Steel Workers Organizing Committee, 271

Shover, John L., First Majority-Last                                     Stephens, Alexander H., 129-34; illustra-

Minority: The Transforming of Rural                                 tion, 131

Life in America, rev., 297-98                                            Sterling, David L., book rev., 282-83

Simmons, Edwin H., The United States                                 Sternsher, Bernard, "Depression and the

Marines: 1775-1975, rev., 139-40                                         New Deal in Ohio: Lorena A. Hic-

Simple Justice: The History of "Brown v.                                    kok's Reports to Harry Hopkins,

Board of Education" and Black                                             1934-1936," 258-77

Index 317

Index                                                                   317


Stevens, Harry R., 162; book rev., 285-86                                     Claudia Dale Goldin, rev., 288-89

Stevens, Thaddeus, 187                                                                   Urban Threshold: Growth and Change in

Stevenson, Thomas B., 230                                                                 a Nineteenth-Century   American

Stillman, Charles, 264, 265n, 268-69                                               Community, The, by Stuart M. Blu-

Stith, J. Morgan, teacher of Albert                                                     min, rev., 286-87

Graham, 123-24

Stronks, James, book rev., 75-76                                                   V Was for Victory: Politics and American

Subsistence homestead project , 260                                               Culture During World War II, by John

Sumner, Charles, 86; 187; 229                                                           Morton Blum, rev., 299-300

Sumner Negro High School, St. Louis, 93                                 Vallandigham, Clement L., "Clement L.

Sutton, Robert P., editor, The Prairie                                             Vallandigham Views the Charleston

State: A Documentary History of II-                                       Convention," edited by James W.

linois, rev., 285-86                                                                        Geary, 127-34; illustration, 128; and

Swierenga, Robert P., Beyond the Civil                                          Ohio Democratic party in Civil War,

War Synthesis: Political Essays of the                                 19-40; and Reconstruction, 190; 234-35

Civil War Era, rev., 64-65          Valley Renewed, A, by Hal Jenkins, 136

Vandever, William, 189

TAYLOR, Miles, 236, 243                                                             Van Dorn Iron Works, Cleveland, 177

Ten Mile Country and its Pioneer                                               Versailles Treaty, 98-99, 102-03, 110

Families, by Howard L. Leckey, 202                                 Vexler, Robert I., editor, Cincinnati: A

Thelen, David P., book rev., 221-22                                                Chronological & Documentary His-

Thomas, Edison H., John Hunt Morgan                                         tory: 1676-1970, 280

and His Raiders, rev., 65-66                                                 Vinton, Samuel F., 240

Thompson, Waddy, 232                                                                  Voting, of Hungarians in Cleveland, 179;

Thomson, William, 6                                                                             "Politicians, Issues, and Voter Prefer-

Thurber: A Collection of Critical Essays,                                    ence in Jacksonian Ohio: A Critique

edited by Charles S. Holmes, rev.,                                             of an Interpretation," by Stephen C.

68-69                                                                                                Fox, 155-70

Thurman, Allen G., Democratic party

leader, 23                                                                                     WADE, Benjamin F., 189; 239

Thuro, Catherine M. V., Oil Lamps: The                                    Wagner Act, 266

Kerosene Era in North America, 136                                 Waksmundski, John, book rev., 289-90

Tod, David, 36-38                                                                            Wallace, George C., 252

Tornado, by Polk Laffon, IV, 54                                                  Wallace, Henry A., Secretary of Agricul-

Transformation of American Law, 1780-                                     ture, 272

1860, The, by Morton J. Horwitz, Waller, George M., The American Rev-

rev., 282-83                                                                                     olution in the West, rev., 213-14

Treaty of Trianon, 178                                                                      Walton Gary M., Erik F. Haites, and

Trumbull, John B. B., Jr., Birthplace of                                           James Mak, Western River Transpor-

an Army: A Study of the Valley Forge                                   tation: The Era of Early Internal De-

Encampment, 202                                                                         velopment, 1810-1860, rev., 142

Trumbull, Lyman, 237-38, 246                                                     Washington, Booker T., 90, 93, 94

Tuchman, Barbara, 248                                                                    Washington Herald, 112

Tugwell, Rexford G., 261n                                                             Washington Naval Disarmament Confer-

Turk, Richard W., book rev., 218-19                                               ence, 111-12

Twining, David C., book rev., 207-08, Washington Peace Conference, 30

209-10                              Watts, Eugene J., book rev., 147-48

Webster, Daniel, on slave states, 233,

UNION party, 35-40                       246-47

United States Department of Agriculture, Weinberg, Daniel E., "Ethnic Identity in

and Albert B. Graham, 116                                                         Industrial Cleveland: The Hungarians,

United States Marines: 1775-1975, The,                                     1900-1920," 171-86

by Edwin H. Simmons, rev., 139-40                                   Weslager, C. A., The Stamp Act Con-

Upper Buckeye, see Buckeye                                                            gress, rev., 284-85

Urban Slavery in the American South                                     Western District Colored School, Cincin-

1820-1860: A Quantitative History, by                               nati, 82


318                                                         OHIO HISTORY


Western River Transportation: The Era of

Early Internal Development, 1810-

1860, by Erik F. Haites, James Mak,

and Gary M. Walton, rev., 142

Weston, Rubin F., editor, Blacks in Ohio

History, rev., 204-05

Wetzel, Richard D., Frontier Musicians

on the Connoquenessing, Wabash,

and Ohio, rev., 140-41

Whig party, and voting in Jacksonian

Ohio, 165; and Thomas Corwin, 238,


Whiting, William, on presidential war

powers, 197

Wilhelm, Clarke L., book rev., 214-15

Willard, Archibald M., 55

Williams, George Washington, black his-

torian, 83

Williams, Joyce G., and Jill E. Farrelly,

Diplomacy on the Indiana-Ohio Fron-

tier: 1783-1791, rev., 214-15

Wilson, Woodrow, Peace plans, 102,


Wooden Shipbuilding Era on the Great

Lakes, by H. Cheslea Inches, 280

Woods, William B., 23

Woodworth, Lauren D., 9

Work, Culture, and Society in Indus-

trializing America, by Herbert Gut-

man, rev., 292-95

Work relief, in Great Depression, 258-77

Works Progress Administration, 263-70

World War I, 97, 98; 178

Worthington: New England in the Wil-

derness, 136

WPA, see Works Progress Administration


YESTERDAY'S Cincinnati, by Luke

Feck, 55

Yesterday's Cleveland, by George E.


Yiddishe Velt, 201

Youngstown Sheet and Rubber, 271


ZAHNISER, Marvin R., book rev., 57-58

Zangrando, Robert L., book rev., 149-50

Zornow, William F., book rev., 69-70






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