Ohio History Journal



ABOLITIONISM, "The Southern Strategy

of the Liberty Party," by Stanley C.

Harrold, Jr., 21-36; books on, rev., 97-99

Academic freedom, "The 1951 Speaker's

Rule at Ohio State," by Steven P.

Gietschier, 294-309

Action, journal of the Ohio Farmer-Labor

party, 427

Adrian, Michigan, temperance crusade in,


Aeschbacher, W.D., book rev., 463

Affairs of State: Public Life in Nineteenth

Century America, by Morton Keller, rev.,


Afro-American and the Second World War,

The, by Neil A. Wynn, rev., 111

Age of Urban Reform: New Perspectives on

the Progressive Era, edited by Michael H.

Ebner and Eugene M. Tobin, rev., 310-21

Agricultural Adjustment Act, 425

Agriculture in Ohio, publications on, 67

Ainsworth, Fred C., Adjutant General, 410

Alexander, Charles C., book rev., 477-78

"Alfred Kelley and the Ohio Business Elite,

1822-1859," by Harry N. Scheiber, 365-92

America By Design: Science, Technology,

and the Rise of Corporate Capitalism, by

David F. Noble, rev., 474-76

American Apocalypse: Yankee Protestants

and the Civil War, 1860-1869, by James H.

Moorhead, rev., 466

American Bottle Company, 266, 272; illus-

tration, 268

American Commonwealth Political Federa-

tion national convention, Chicago, 1936

(Farmer-Labor party), 430

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 422,

424, 426, 428, 432, 436

American Revolution and "A Candid

World." The, edited by Lawrence S.

Kaplan, rev., 454-56

America's Moment: 1918. American Diplo-

macy at the End of World I, by Arthur

Walworth, rev.. 236

Amlie, Thomas, Congressman, 419-21, 423,

426-27, 430, 433

Andrus, Hyrum L., and Richard E. Bennett,

comps. and eds., A Guide to the Holdings

of the Harold B. Lee Library, 86

Annunziata, Frank, book rev., 113

Anthony, Susan B., 398

Anti-Catholicism, "Immigrants and Tem-

perance: Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincin-

nati, 1845-1860," by Jed Dannenbaum,


Antislavery Appeal: American Abolitionism

after 1830, The, by Ronald G. Walters,

rev., 97

Antislavery in Ohio, publications on, 67

Appalachia on our Mind: The Southern

Mountains and Mountaineers in the

American Consciousness, 1870-1920, by

Henry D. Shapiro, rev., 469

Archeological History of the Hocking

Valley, An, by James Murphy, rev., 87

Architecture, "Frank Lloyd Wright's West-

cott House in Springfield," by Stephen

Sick, 276-93; illustrations, 278, 283, 285,

288, 291; publications on in Ohio, 67-68

Assassination in America, by James McKin-

ley, rev., 115

Asbury, Eslie, Reflections: an Anecdotal

Account of the University of Cincinnati

during the Last Sixty Years, 208

Athens, "War in the Streets of Athens," by

Marvin Fletcher, 405-18

Atlas of Michigan, edited by Lawrence M.

Sommers, rev., 338



B & O RAILROAD, in Newark, 261-62

Bachrack, Stanley D., The Committee of

One Million: "China Lobby" Politics

1953-1971, rev., 114

Bailey, Gamaliel, 23-28, 31-36

Banking in Ohio, 380-88

"'A Baptism of Fire and Liberty': The

Women's Crusade of 1873-1874," by Ruth

Bordin, 393-404

Barclay, Morgan, and Jean W. Strong, The

Samuel M. Jones Papers . . . An Inven-

tory to the Microfilm Edition, bk. note,


Baring Brothers, British bankers, 386-87

Barnes, Daniel R., book rev., 106

Barsotti, John J., and William M. Darling-

ton, annotators Scoouwa: James Smith's

Indian Captivity Narrative, rev., 452

Baskin, John, New Burlington: the Life and

Death of an American Village, rev., 106

Bates, John C., General, 411-12

Baughman, James L., "Classes and Com-


486                                           OHIO HISTORY

pany Towns: Legends of the 1937 Little

Steel Strike," 175-92

Baum, Willa K., Transcribing and Editing

Oral Historv, 86

Beach, Richard, Two Hundred Years of

Sheep Raising in the Upper Ohio Area:

with Special Reference to Washington

County, Pennsylvania, rev., 463

Becker, Carl M., book rev., 343

Behen, Dorothy Forbis, book rev., 336

Behold! the Polish-Americans, by Joseph A.

Wytrwal, rev., 472

Belknap, Michael R., Cold War Political

Justice: The Smith Act, the Communist

Party, and American Civil Liberties, rev.,


Bellamy, George, "From Progressive to

Patrician: George Bellamy and Hiram

House Social Settlement, 1896-1914," by

John J. Grabowski, 37-52; illustration, 42

Bennett, Richard E., and Hyrum L. Andrus,

comps. and eds., A Guide to the Holdings

of the Harold B. Lee Library, 86

Berger, Raoul, Government hb Judiciary:

The Transformation of the Fourteenth

Amendment, rev., 340

Berquist, Goodwin F., Jr., and Paul C.

Bowers, Jr., editors, "James Kilbourne:

New Light on his Story," 193-206

Bethlehem Steel, 175-92

Betten, Neil, Catholic Activism and the

Industrial Worker, rev., 349

Better City Government: Innovation in

American Urban Politics, 1850-1937, by

Kenneth Fox, rev., 312-15

Bevis, Howard, president of The Ohio State

University, 294, 299-308

Bibliography, "A Survey of Publications on

the History of Ohio, 1974 to 1976,"

compiled by Charles A. Isetts, 67-83;

Bibliographical Guide to the History of

Indian- White Relations in the United

States by Francis Paul Prucha, 86;

Bibliography of Pennsylvania History: A

Supplement, edited by Carol Wall, 208;

Bibliography of Ohio Archeology, A, by

James L. Murphy, rev., 450

Bicentennial in Ohio, publications on, 69

Bienstock, Barry Wayne, book rev., 452

Birney, James G., 22-23, 28, 33-34; illustra-

tion, 25

Black Culture and Black Consciousness:

Afro-American Folk Thought from Slav-

ery to Freedom, by Lawrence W. Levine,

rev., 222

Black history in Ohio, publications on, 71

Blackford, Mansel G., book rev., 350

Blair, Karen J., "Women's History as Local

History," 438-43

Blair Truck, of Newark, 271-72

Bledstein, Burton, The Culture of Profes-

sionalism: The Middle Class and the

Development of Higher Education in

America, rev., 232

Blessing, William, 408

Blizzard of 78. by Don V. Schiff, 335

Blouin, Francis X., Randall C. Jimerson,

and Charles A. Isetts, Guide to the

Microfilm Edition of Temperance and

Prohibition Papers, rev., 344

Bode (Boyd H.) Conference on Education,

295-96, 298-99

Bonds of Womanhood: " Woman's Sphere in

New England, 1780-1835, The, by Nancy

F. Cott, rev., 443

Booth, Larry, and Robert A. Weinstein,

Collection, Use, and Care of Historical

Photographs, rev., 211

Bordin, Ruth, "'A Baptism of Power and

Liberty': The Women's Crusade of 1873-

1874," 393-404

Boston: The Great Depression and the New

Deal, by Charles H. Trout, rev., 352

Boudinot, Elias, judge, 147

Bourne, Raymond D., Welcome to your

Butler County Park District, 208

Bowers, Paul C., Jr., and Goodwin F.

Berquist, Jr., editors, "James Kilbourne:

New Light on his Story," 193-206

Bowler, R. Arthur, book rev., 454-56

Brand Whitlock's The Buckeyes: Politics

and Abolitionism in an Ohio Town, 1836-

1845, edited by Paul W. Miller, rev., 98

Bremner, Robert H., book rev., 229

Bricker, John, as Trustee of Ohio State

University, 294-95, 304; "John W. Bricker

Reflects Upon the Fight for the Bricker

Amendment," edited by Marvin R. Zah-

niser, 322-33; illustration, 325

Brooks, Abner, 23

Brose, David S., editor, The Late Prehistory

of the Lake Erie Drainage Basin: A 1972

Symposium Revised, rev., 212

Brown, Ethan Allen, governor of Ohio 18 18-

1822, 367-71

Brown, Martha, 399

Bruchey, Stuart, book rev., 467-68

Buckingham, Ebenezer, 369

Buhle, Paul, book rev., 355

Building for the Centuries: Illinois 1865 to

1898, by John H. Keiser, rev., 466

Bureaucracy, rise in city government 316-17;

growth due to canal building program,


Index 487

Index                                                 487

Bush, Lee O., Edward C. Chukayne, Russell

Allon Hehr, and Richard F. Hershey,

Euclid Beach Park Is Closed for the

Season, bk. note, 482

Business and economics in Ohio, publica-

tions on, 71-72

Business Men's Association, Newark, 268-70

Buxton, Virginia Hillway, Roseville Pottery:

For Love or Money, 208

Byrne, Frank L., book rev., 344


CALIGAN, William, 411-12, 414-16

Calumet Region: Indiana's Last Frontier.

The, by Powell A. Moore, 208

Camp Armitage, Ohio National Guard

camp, 406-07, 409-10, 413

Camp Beaumont, Ohio National Guard

camp, 406-07, 409-10

Camp Herrick, Ohio National Guard camp,


Campbell, Charles S., The Transformation

of American Foreign Relations: 1865-

1900, rev., 100

Camejo, Peter, Racism, Revolution, Reac-

tion, 1861-1877: The Rise and Fall of

Radical Reconstruction, rev., 96

Canals, Ohio, "Alfred Kelley and the Ohio

Business Elite, 1822-1859," by Harry N.

Scheiber, 365-92; and state planning, 365-


Canton, "Classes and Company Towns:

Legends of the 1937 Little Steel Strike," by

James L. Baughman, 175-92

Capper, Charles, book rev., 220

Carroll, Berenice A., editor, Liberating

Women's History: Theoretical and Criti-

cal Essays, rev., 341

Carskadden, Jeff, and James Morton,

editors, The Richards Site: and the Philo

Phase of the Fort Ancient Tradition, rev.,


Cary, Francine C., book rev., 341

Cary, Samuel F., 138

Case, Leonard, 367, 380

Caskey, Marie, Chariot of Fire: Religion and

the Beecher Family, rev., 464-66

Catholic Activism and the Industrial

Worker, by Neil Betten, rev., 349

Censorship, "The 1951 Speaker's Rule at

Ohio State," by Steven P. Gietschier, 294-


Chandler, Alfred D., Jr., The Visible Hand:

The Managerial Revolution in American

Business, rev., 350

Chariot of Fire: Religion and the Beecher

Family, by Marie Caskey, rev., 464-66

Chase, Salmon P., 23-25, 28-29, 32, 34-36

Chessman, G. Wallace, "Town Promotion in

the Progressive Era: The Case of Newark,

Ohio," 253-75

Chukayne, Edward C., Lee O. Bush, Russell

Allon Hehr, and Richard F. Hershey,

Euclid Beach Park is Closed for the

Season, 335, 6K note, 482

Cincinnati, "Immigrants and Temperance:

Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincinnati,

1845-1860," by Jed Dannenbaum, 125-39

Civil War and Reconstruction in Ohio,

publications on, 72-73; in Wisconsin,

book on, rev., 99

Clark. Charles, 408, 414, 416

Clark, George Rogers, George Rogers Clark

and the War in the West, by Lowell H.

Harrison, rev., 91

Clark, Jerry E., The Shawnee, rev., 336

Class and  Community: The Industrial

Revolution in Lynn, by Alan Dawley, rev.,


Class conflict, "Classes and Company

Towns: Legends of the 1937 Little Steel

Strike," by James L. Bauhgman, 175-92,

book on, rev., 225-27

Cleveland: A Chronological & Documen-

tary History 1760-1976, comp. and ed. by

Robert 1. Vexler, 86

Cleveland, "From Progressive to Patrician:

George Bellamy and Hiram House Social

Settlement, 1896-1914," by John Gra-

bowski, 37-52

Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati rail-

way line, 389-92

Cleveland, Grover, 7, 9, 13

Cleveland, Paineville, and Ashtabula rail-

way line. 391-92

Clifton, James A., The Prairie People:

Continuity and Change in Potawatomi

Indian Culture 1665-1965, rev., 214

Coal mining, "Strikebreakers, Evictions and

Violence: Industrial Conflict in the Hock-

ing Valley, 1884-1885," by George B.

Cotkin, 140-50

Cochran, Bert, Labor and Communism: The

Conflict that Shaped American Unions,

rev., 355

Coffin, Levi, 22

Cold War era, "The 1951 Speaker's Rule at

Ohio State," by Steven P. Gietschier, 294-


Cold War Political Justice: The Smith Act,

the Communist Party, and American Civil

Liberties, by Michal R. Belknap, rev., 478

Collard, Frances E., Rathbone Chronicles:

A History and Genealogy, bk. note, 481

Collection, Use, and Care of Historical


488                                           OHIO HISTORY

Photographs, by Robert A. Weinstein and

Larry Booth, rev., 211

Columbus and Hocking Coal and Iron Co.,

141-42, 146-47, 149

Columbus and Xenia railway line, 391

Columbus Board of Trade, and Washington

Gladden, 162

Columbus, "The Heavenly City and Human

Cities: Washington Gladden and Urban

Reform," by John M. Mulder, 151-74;

"Medical Education in the 1890s: An Ohio

Woman's Memories," edited by John B.

Gabel, 53-66; pictorial history of, 208

Commercial Bank of Lake Erie, 380-83

Committee for Industrial Organization

(CIO), 428, 430, 434-36

Committee of Evaluation, at Ohio State

University, 308

Committee of One Million: "China Lobby"

Politics 1953-1971, The, by Stanley D.

Bachrack, rev., 114

Communism, Ohio State Trustees' opposi-

tion to, "The 1951 Speaker's Rule at Ohio

State," by Steven P. Gietschier, 294-309;

and labor, book on, rev., 355

Communist party, 421, 424, 429-30, 433,

478-79 -

Condit, Carl W., The Railroad and the City:

A Technological and Urbanistic History

of Cincinnati, rev., 103

Condon, George, Yesterday's Columbus: A

Pictorial History of Ohio's Capital, 208

Congress, and William McKinley, 5-20

Constitution, interpretations of, 324-26, 329,


Cortelyou, George B., I I

Cosmopolis City Club, 163-64

Cotkin, George B., "Strikebreakers, Evic-

tions and Violence: Industrial Conflict in

the Hocking Valley, 1884-1885," 140-50;

book rev., 474-76

Cott, Nancy F., The Bonds of Womanhood:

"Woman's Sphere" in New England, 1780-

1835, rev., 443

Coughlin, Father Charles, 428

Cramton, Willa G., Women Beyond the

Frontier: A Distaff View of Life at Fort

Wayne, 86

Critical History of Police Reform, A, by

Samuel Walker, rev., 353

Culture & the City: Cultural Philanthropy in

Chicago from the 1880s to 1917, by Helen

Lefkowitz Horowitz, rev., 229

Culture of Professionalism: The Middle

Class and the Development of Higher

Education in America, The, by Burton

Bledstein, rev., 232

Current, Richard N., The History of Wis-

consin, Vol. II, The Civil War Era, 1848-

1873, rev., 99

Custer, George Armstrong, book on, 101


DANCEY, William S., book rev., 212

Dannenbaum, Jed, "Immigrants and Tem-

perance: Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincin-

nati, 1845-1860," 125-39

Dante, Harris L., book rev., 96

Dargusch, Carlton, Trustee of Ohio State

University, 294-95, 300, 304-06

Darlington, William M., and John J.

Barsotti, annotators, Scoouwa: James

Smith's Indian Captivity Narrative, rev.,


Davis, James E., Frontier America 1800-

1840: A Comparative Demographic Anal-

ysis of the Frontier Process, rev., 459

Davison, George, 413-14

Dawley, Alan, Class and Community: The

Industrial Revolution in Lynn, rev., 225

Davey, Martin L., Governor, 177, 184, 190-


Davies, Thomas L., Shoots: A Guide to your

Family's Photographic Heritage, 208

Davis, Lenwood G., book rev., 222

Depression of 1839, impact on state finance,


Descriptive List of the Map Collection in the

Pennsylvania State Archives, comp. by

Martha L. Simonetti, 86

DeWitt, Howard A., book rev., 107

Dick Act, 406, 417

Dick, Charles W., Congressman, 405-09

Dillon, Richard, We Have Met the Enemy,

bk. note, 481

Dimity Convictions: The American Woman

in the Nineteenth Century, by Barbara

Welter, rev., 92

Dingley Tariff, 9

Douglas, Ann, The Feminization of Ameri-

can Culture, rev., 220

Dressner, Richard, book rev., 228

Drive to Industrial Maturity: The U.S.

Economy, 1860-1914, The, by Harold G.

Vatter, rev., 227

Drury, John, Historic Midwest Houses, and

Old Illinois Houses, 86

Dodd, Donald B., and Wynelle S. Dodd,

Historical Statistics of the United States,

1790-1970: Volume 11-The Midwest, 86

Drury, Thomas F., Gene B. Petersen, and

Laure M. Sharp, Southern Newcomers to

Northern Cities: Work and Social Adjust-

ment in Cleveland, rev., 359

Dwight family, Massachusetts financiers,

Index 489

Index                                                  489

and Ohio banking, 380-81, 390

Dubofsky, Melvyn, and Warren Van Tine,

John L. Lewis: A Biography, rev., 242

Duffy, James, 411, 414

Dulles, John Foster, 324, 329-32

Dyer, Charles V., 31

EARL Y American Proverbs and Proberbial

Phrases, by Bartlett Jere Whiting, rev.,


Ebner, Michael H., and Eugene M. Tobin,

editors, The Age of Urban Reform: New

Perspectives on the Progressive Era, rev.,


Economic crises, 1895 and Newark, 261;

1907 and Newark, 267

"Economy of abundance," "The Ohio

'Farmer-Labor' Movement in the 1930s,"

by Hugh T. Lovin, 419

Education, "Medical Education in the 1890s:

An Ohio Woman's Memories," edited by

John B. Gabel, 53-66; publications on in

Ohio, 73-74; and women, 440

Education of an Urban Minority: Catholics

in Chicago, 1833-1965, The, by James W.

Sanders, rev., 235

Egan, Ferol, Fremont: Explorer for a

Restless Nation, rev., 215

Ehrenpreis, Anne Henry, Happy Cot:ntry

This America: The Travel Diary of Henry

Arthur Bright, rev., 461

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 324, 329-32

Electing Black Mayors: Political Action in

the Black Community, by William E.

Nelson. Jr., and Philip J. Meranto, rev.,


Elser, Ralph, Mahoning County sheriff, 185;

illustration, 182

Entrepreneurs, early Ohio, 366-68, 379-82

Environment, man's proper relation toward,

in work of Frank Lloyd Wright, 290

Ethnic groups, "Immigrants and Temper-

ance: Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincinna-

ti, 1845-1860," by Jed Dannenbaum, 125-

39; in Cleveland, 38, 49

Euclid Beach Park is Closed for the Season,

by Lee O. Bush, Edward C. Chukayne,

Russell Allon Hehr, and Richard F.

Hershey, 335, bk. note, 482

Evans, Christopher, President of District

One of the Ohio Miners Amalgamated

Association, 141-42

Everett, E. H., 258-72

Everman, Michael, book rev., 240

FACULTY Countil Committee, at Ohio

State University, 304-08

Farm Bureau Federation, 424-25

Farmer-Labor Party in Ohio, 429-37

Farmers' Educational and Cooperative

Union, 421, 424, 437

Farmers' Holiday Association, 421, 425

Feminism, history and, "Women's History

as Local History," by Karen J. Blair, 438-


Feminization of American Culture, The, by

Ann Douglas, rev., 220

Fiedler, George Elmer, A Historical Study of

East Hubbard Township and Parts of

Hubbard and Pennsylvania, bk. note, 481

Field, Phyllis F., book rev., 339

Fifties: The Way We Really Were, The, by

Douglas T. Miller and Marion Nowak,

rev., 245

First Congregational Church, Columbus,

157; illustration, 159

Fletcher, Marvin, "War in the Streets of

Athens," 405-18

Forts of Anthony Wayne, The, by David A.

Simmons, 86

Forty-eighters, 126, 130

Foster, Israel M., 410-16, 418

Fowler, Donald F., book rev., 451

Fox, Kenneth, Better City Government:

Innovation in American Urban Politics,

1850-1937, rev., 312-15

Franklin Bank (Columbus), 381-82

Frederick, Peter J., Knights of the Golden

Rule: The Intellectual as Christian Social

Reformer in the 1890s, rev., 228

Freedmen's Bureau, 400

Freeman, Josh, book rev., 349

Fremont: Explorerfor a Restless Nation, by

Ferol Egan, rev., 215

Friedberger, Mark, book rev., 105

Friedlander, Peter, book rev., 109

From Main Street to Stale Street: Town,

City, and Community in America, by Park

Dixon Goist, rev., 470

Frontier America 1800-1840: A Compara-

tive Demographic Analysis of the Frontier

Process, by James E. Davis, rev., 459

Furniture Makers of Cincinnati-1790 to

1849, The, by Jane E. Sikes, 86


GABEL, John B., editor, "Medical Educa-

tion in the 1890s: An Ohio Woman's

Memories," 53-66

Gamble, Douglas A., book rev., 97

Garraty, John A., Unemployment in Histo-

ry: Economic Thought and Public Policy,

rev., 476-77

Garrison, William Lloyd, 22-23, 28, 33, 36

Gates Mills Village, A Pictorial History of

Gates Mills 1826-1976, 86


490                                           OHIO HISTORY

Gaydos, John, 411-12, 416

Geddes, James, 370

Gentlemen from  Indiana: National Party

Candidates, 1836-1940, edited by Ralph

D. Gray, rev., 339

George Rogers Clark and the War in the

West, by Lowell H. Harrison, rev., 91

Gerber, David A., book rev., 231

Germans, in Cincinnati, 125-39

Ghetto Takes Shape: Black Cleveland, 1870-

1930, A, by Kenneth L. Kusmer, rev., 234

Gietschier, Steven P., "The 1951 Speaker's

Rule at Ohio State," 294-309

Gladden, Washington, "The Heavenly City

and Human Cities: Washington Gladden

and Urban Reform," by John M. Mulder,

151-74: illustration, 155

Glick, David T., and Robert E. Lee, Ships of

the Great Lakes, A Pictorial History, rev.,


Goist, Park Dixon, From Main Street to

State Street: Town, Cit', and Community

in America, rev., 470

Golden Door to America: The Jewish

Immigrant Experience, edited by Abra-

ham J. Karp, rev., 90

Good Templars, Independent Order of, 396,


Goodell, William, 23-24, 26, 28, 30, 34

Goodheart, Lawrence B., book rev.,

Government by Judiciary: The Transforma-

tion of the Fourteenth Amendment, by

Raoul Berger, rev., 340

Gould, Lewis L.,"William McKinleyand the

Expansion of Presidential Power," 5-20;

book rev., 473-74

Grabowski, John J., "From Progressive to

Patrician: George Bellamy and Hiram

House Social Settlement, 1896-1914," 37-


Grant, H. Roger, book rev., 338

Gray, Ralph D., editor, Gentlemen from

Indiana. National Party  Candidates,

1836-1940, rev., 339

Green Cathedral: History of Mill Creek

Park, Youngstown, Ohio, The, byJohnC.

Milnick, 86

Griffin, James B., book rev., 450

Grimke, Angelina, 22

Grosvenor, Charles H., Congressman, 414-


Guide to the Holdings of the Harold B. Lee

Library, A, comp. and ed. by Hyrum L.

Andrus and Richard E. Bennett, 86

Guide to the Manuscript Groups in the

Pennsylvania State Archives, comp. Har-

ry E. Whipkey, 86

Guide to the Microfilm Edition of Temper-

ance and Prohibition Papers, by Randall

C. Jimerson, Francis X. Blouin. and

Charles A. Isetts, rev., 344


HABER, Samuel, book rev., 232

Hake, Charles, Jr., 411,413

Hamby, Alonzo L., The Imperial Years: The

U.S. Since 1930. rev.. 110

Hamilton, Tullia, book rev., 234

Hammarberg, Melvyn, The Indiana Voter:

The Historical Dynamics of Party Alle-

giance During the 1870s, rev., 105

Handy, Truman P., treasurer of Commercial

Bank, 390

Happy Country This America: The Travel

Diary of Henry Arthur Bright, edited by

Anne Henry Ehrenpreis, rev., 461

Hard, Herbert, 423-30, 432-34

Harding, Warren G., The Presidency of

Warren G. Harding, by Eugene P. Trani

and David L. Wilson, rev., 107

Hardman, Roy S., Warren sheriff, 184

Harrold, Stanley C., Jr., "The Southern

Strategy of the Liberty Party," 21-36

Harpers Ferry Armory and the New Tech-

nology: The Challenge of Change, by

Merritt Roe Smith, rev., 94

Harris, T. K., 182-83

Harrison, Lowell H., George Rogers Clark

and the War in the West, rev., 91

Hartje, Robert, book rev., 223

Havighurst, Walter, book rev., 337

Hayes, Rutherford B., 130, 136-37

Heald, Albert, 408

Hehr, Russell Allon, Lee O. Bush, Edward

C. Chukayne, and Richard F. Hershey,

Euclid Beach Park is Closed for the

Season, 335, bk. note, 482

Hershey, Richard F., Lee O. Bush, Edward

C. Chukayne, and Russell Allon Hehr,

Euclid Beach Park is Closed for the

Season, 335 bk. note, 482

Heisey, Augustus H., 259-61

Higgins, Frank, "The Will to Survive":

Urbana College, 1850-1975, rev., 348

Hillsboro, Ohio temperance crusade, 394,


Hinshaw, Cecil, 303

Hiram House, "From Progressive to Patri-

cian: George Bellamy and Hiram House

Social Settlement, 1896-1914," by John J.

Grabowski, 37-52; illustration, 47

Historic Midwest Houses, by John Drury, 86

Historical Statistics of the United States,

1790-1970: Volume 11  The Midwest, by

Donald B. Dodd and Wynelle S. Dodd, 86

Index 491

Index                                                     491

Historical Study of East Hubbard Township

and Parts of Hubbard and Pennsylvania,

A, by George Elmer Fiedler, bk. note, 481-


History of Newton Falls, compiled by Ella

A. Woodward, 335

History of Wisconsin, The, Vol. II, The Civil

War Era, 1848-1873, by Richard N.

Current, rev., 99

Himmelberg, Robert F., The Origins of the

National Recovery Administration: Busi-

ness, Government, and the Trade Associa-

tion Issue. 1921-1933, rev., 237

Hoadly, George, 148

Hocking Valley, "Strikebreakers, Evictions

and Violence: Industrial Conflict in the

Hocking Valley, 1884-1885," by George B.

Cotkin, 140-50

Hoffer, Peter C., book rev., 115

Holli, Melvin G., book rev., 466

Hoover, Roosevelt, and the Brains Trust:

From Depression to New Deal, by Elliot

A. Rosen, rev., 237

Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz, Culture & the

City: Cultural Philanthropy in Chicago

from the 1880s to 1917, rev., 229

Houser, Howard R., ed., A Sense of Place: in

Centerville and Washington Township,

208, bk. note, 343

Howell, Charles, and Allan Keller, The Mill

at Philipsburg Manor: Upper Mills and a

Brief History of Milling, 86

Huddleston, Charles E., 413

Hullfish, H. Gordon, 297-99

Humphrey, George, Secretary of the Treas-

ury, 332-33

Humphrey, John P., Director of the Com-

mission on Human Rights, 328-29


ILLINOIS, The Roads They Made: Women

in Illinois History, by Adade Mitchell

Wheeler with Marlene Stein Wortman,

rev., 439

Images of the Ohio Valley: A Historical

Geography of Travel, 1740 to 1860, by

John A. Jakle, rev., 337

Immigrants, "Immigrants and Temperance:

Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincinnati,

1845-1860," byJed Dannenbaum, 125-39;

used as strikebreakers, 141, 143-46

Imperial Years: The U.S. Since 1930, The, by

Alonzo L. Hamby, rev., I10

Indiana Voter: The Historical Dynamics of

Party Allegiance During the 1870s, The,

by Melvyn Hammarberg, rev., 105

Indians and the wars in Ohio, publications

on, 74-75

Industrial Violence, "Strikebreakers, Evic-

tions, and Violence: Industrial Conflict in

the Hocking Valley, 1884-1885," by

George B. Cotkin, 140-50; "Classes and

Company Towns: Legends of the 1937

Little Steel Strike," by James L. Baugh-

man, 175-92

Industrialization, Social Gospel as response

to, "The Heavenly City and Human

Cities: Washington Gladden and Urban

Reform," by John M. Mulder,  151-74;

and urban growth, "Town Promotion in

the Progressive Era: The Case of Newark,

Ohio," by G. Wallace Chessman, 253-75

Inland Steel, 175-92

Irish, in Cincinnati, 125-39

Isetts, Charles A., "A Survey of Publications

on the History of Ohio, 1974 to 1976," 67-

83; study of temperance crusaders in

Hillsboro, 400; ed. with Randall C.

Jimerson, and Francis X. Blouin, Guide

to the Microfilm Edition of Temperance

and Prohibition Papers, rev., 344


JACKSON, W. Sherman, book rev., 340

Jakle, John A., Images of the Ohio Valley: A

Historical Geography of Travel, 1740 to

1860, rev., 337

James, John   A., Money and    Capital

Markets in Postbellum America, rev., 467-


James, John H., 367

Jay, William, 23

Jellison, Charles A., Tomatoes were Cheap-

er: Tales from the Thirties, rev., 240

Jewett Car Company, 262-72

Jewett, Leonidas M., Athens attorney, 414

Jimerson, Randall C., Francis X. Blouin,

and Charles A. Isetts, Guide to the

Microfilm Edition of Temperance and

Prohibition Papers, rev., 344

John L. Lewis: A Biography, by Melvyn

Dubofsky and Warren Van Tine, rev., 242

John Q. Public League, 183-84

Johnson, Hildegard Binder, Order Upon the

Land: The U.S. Rectangular Land Survey

and the Upper Mississippi Country, rev.,


Journal of Dr. William Schooley, The,

edited by George A. Schooley, bk. note,



KALETTE, Linda Elise, The Papers of

Thirteen Early Ohio Political Leaders: An

Inventory  of the  1976-77 Microfilm

Editions, rev., 217

Kansas-Nebraska Act, 125, 131, 136


492                                           OHIO HISTORY

Kaplan, Lawrence S., editor, The American

Revolution and "A Candid World," rev.,


Karp, Abraham J., editor, Golden Door to

America: The Jewish Immigrant Expe-

rience, rev., 90

Keep the Last Bullet for Yourself: The True

Story of Custer's Last Stand, by Thomas

B. Marquis, rev., 101

Keiser, John H., Building for the Centuries:

Illinois 1865 to 1898, rev., 466

Keller, Allan, and Charles Howell, The Mill

at Philipsburg Manor: Upper Mills and a

Brief History of Milling, 86

Keller, Morton, Affairs of State: Public Life

in Nineteenth Century America, rev., 102

Kelley, Alfred, and Ohio business elite, 365-

92; illustration, 371

Kelley, Charles, 408

Kentucky Shakers, The, Julia Neal, rev.,


Kerr, K. Austin, book rev., 102

Kilbourne, James, "James Kilbourne: New

Light on his Story," edited by Paul C.

Bowers, Jr., and Goodwin F. Berquist, Jr.,

193-206; illustration, 199

Kilbourne, Josiah, 195-99

Kilbourn, Payne Kenyon, 194

Kilgore, Daniel, 382

King, Leicester, 367

Kirby, Jack Temple, Media-Made Dixie.

The South in the American Imagination,

rev., 477-78

Kirby, John B., book rev., 237

Kirkendall, Richard S., book rev., 356

Knepper, George W., book rev., 91

Knights of the Golden Rule: The Intellectual

as Christian Social Reformer in the 1890s,

by Peter J. Frederick, rev., 228

Know Nothing party, 132, 136-38

Koistinen, Paul A. C., book rev., 244

Kreuter, Gretchen, and Barbara Stuhler,

eds., Women of Minnesota: Selected

Biographical Essays, 441-43

Kroll, Jack, 434

Kuehl, Warren F., book rev., 236

Kusmer, Kenneth L., A Ghetto Takes Shape:

Black Cleveland, 1870-1930, rev., 234

Kusmer, Kenneth L., book rev., 359


LABOR, in Hocking Valley Coal Strike,

140-50; in Little Steel strike, 175-92; and

industrial revolution in Lynn, Mass., bks.

on, rev. 109-10, 225-27, 242-43, 349-50,

355-56; attitude toward third-party polit-

ics. 424-29; 431, 433, 435-37; publications

on in Ohio, 75-76

Labor and Communism: The Conflict that

Shaped American the Unions, by Bert

Cochran, rev., 355-56

La Follette Committee, 178-79, 191

Landmark Architecture of Cleveland, by

Mary-Peale Schofield, rev., 345

Lane, Foster A., Log Books: A Personal

Flying History, 86

Lane, J. J., Athens County Coroner, 410

Lang, John, 413

Laslett, John H. M., book rev., 242-43

Late Prehistory of the Lake Erie Drainage

Basin: A 1972 Sympsoium Revised, The,

edited by David S. Brose, rev., 212

Lausche, Frank, Governor, 300, 304

Law and Order League, 184, 186

Law in Ohio, publications on, 76

Leach, William R., book rev., 469

Leader, Jeanne P., book rev., 214

Leavitt, Amy Fisher, temperance crusader,


Leavitt, Joshua, 30, 33, 34

Lee, Robert E., and David T. Glick, Ships of

the Great Lakes, A Pictorial History, rev.,


Lefferts, H. Leedom, book rev., 459

Lentz, Edward R., book rev., 211

Leonard, Henry B., book rev., 235

Levine, Lawrence W., Black Culture and

Black  Consciousness: Afro-American

Folk Thought from Slavery to Freedom,

rev., 222

Levine, Manuel, 42-43

Lewis, Diocletian, 394

John L. Lewis: A Biography, by Melvyn

Dubofsky and Warran Van Tine, rev.,


Lewis, John L., 430-31, 435

Lewis, Samuel, 23-25, 30, 34-36; illustration,


Liberating Women's History: Theoretical

and Critical Essays, edited by Berenice A.

Carroll, rev., 341

Liberty Party, "The Southern Strategy of the

Liberty Party," by Stanley C. Harrold, Jr.,


Lindstrom, Diane, book rev., 227

Liquor license issue, at Ohio constitutional

convention, 1873-74, 397

Literature in Ohio, publications on, 77

Little Steel, "Classes and Company Towns:

Legends of the 1937 Little Steel Strike," by

James L. Baughman, 175-92

Livermore, Mary, temperance and suffrage

advocate, 403-04

Local history in Ohio, publications on, 77-79

Local History, "Women's History as Local

Index 493

Index                                                  493

History," by Karen J. Blair,

Log Book: A Persondl Flying History, by

Foster A. Lane, 86

Logan, Henry, Athens Mayor, 414

Lora, Ronald, book rev., 245

Louisville and Portland Canal, 370-74

Lovin, Hugh T., "The Ohio 'Farmer-Labor'

Movement in the 1930s," 419

Lott, John, 411, 413-16


MACCRACKEN, Samuel, 381-82

Madison's Battery Workers, 1934-1952: A

History of Federal Labor Union 19587, by

Robert H. Zieger, rev., 109

Maine Law, 134-36, 137

Mapping of Ohio, The, by Thomas H.

Smith, rev., 88

Marcus, Maeva, Truman and the Steel

Seizure Case: The Limits of Presidential

Power, rev., 356

Markowitz, Norman, book rev., 478

Marsico, Jim, and Alan Woods, eds., The

Ohio Theatre 1928-1978, bk. note, 480

Marquis, Thomas B., Keep the Last Bullet

for Yourself: The True Story of Custer's

Last Stand, rev., 101

Mather, Samuel, and George Bellamy, 4546

Mathias, Frank F., book rev., 241

McCloy, John J., and Dwight D. Eisenhow-

er, 324, 331-32

McGuffy and His Readers: Piety, Morality,

and Education in Nineteenth-Century

America, by John H. Westerhoff, 111, rev.,


McKinley, James, Assassination in America,

rev., 115

McKinley, William, "William McKinley and

the Expansion of Presidential Power," by

Lewis L. Gould, 5-20

McMakin, William V., 406

Media-Made Dixie: The South in the

American Imagination, by Jack Temple

Kirby, rev., 477-78

Medicine, "Medical Education in the 1890s:

An Ohio Woman's Memories," edited by

John B. Gabel, 53-66

Meier, August, book rev., 357

Meranto, Philip J., and William E. Nelson,

Jr., Electing Black Mayors: Political

Action in the Black Community, rev., 357

Mill at Philipshurg Manor. Upper Mills and

a Brief History of Milling, by Charles

Howell and Allan Keller, 86

Miller, Douglas T., and Marion Nowak, The

Fifties: The Way We Really Were, rev.,


Miller, Paul W., editor, Brand Whitlock's

The Buckeyes: Politics and Abolitionism

in an Ohio Town, 1836-1845, rev., 98

Milnick, John C., The Green Cathedral:

History of Mill Creek Park, Youngstown,

Ohio, 86

Minnesota, Women of Minnesota: Selected

Biographical Essays, edited by Barbara

Stuhler and Gretchen Kreutner,

Minor, Isaac, 369

Modelski, Andrew M., book rev., 88

Mohawk Valley Formula, 180-81, 185, 188

Money and Capital Markets in Postbellum

America, by John A. James, rev.,

Monopolies, in Hocking Valley coal mines,

14142, 147-48.

Montgomery, David, rev., 94

Moore, Powell A., The Calumet Region:

Indiana's Last Frontier, 208

Moorhead, James H., American Apoca-

lypse: Yankee Protestants and the Civil

War, 1860-1869, rev.,

Morell, Michael N.. book rev., 101

Morris, Thomas, 24-25

Morrow, Jeremiah, 369

Morton, James, and Jeff Carskadden,

editors, The Richards Site: and the Philo

Phase of the Fort Ancient Tradition, rev.,


Mulder, John M., "The Heavenly City and

Human Cities: Washington Gladden and

Urban Reform," 151-74

Mulder, John M., Woodrow Wilson: The

Years of Preparation, rev., 473-74

Murphy, Andrew, Athens sheriff, 408

Murphy, James L., A Bibliography of Ohio

Archeology, 208

Murphy, James, An Archeological History

of the Hocking Valley, rev., 87

Murphy, James L., A Bibliography of Ohio

Archeology, rev., 450

Murphy, James L., book rev., 98

Murray, Philip, 176, 186, 189


NARRATIVES, early American, "James

Kilbourne: New Light on H is Story, edited

by Paul C. Bowers and Goodwin F.

Berquist, Jr., 193-206.

National Era, 31-36

National Guard, "War in the Streets of

Athens," by Marvin Fletcher, 405-18

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB),

177, 180

Nativism, "Immigrants and Temperance:

Ethnocultural Conflict in Cincinnati,

1845-1860," by Jed Dannenbaum, 125-39

Neal, Julia, The Kentucky Shakers, rev., 93

Nelson, Daniel, book rev., 225


494                                          OHIO HISTORY

Nelson, Malcolm, 410, 416

Nelson, William E., Jr., and Philip J.

Meranto, Electing Black Mayors: Politi-

cal Action in the Black Community, rev.,


New Burlington: the Life and Death of an

American Village, by John Baskin, rev.,


New Deal, "The Ohio 'Farmer-Labor'

Movement in the 1930s," by Hugh T.

Lovin, 419

New Straitsville, 142, 147-49; illustration,


Newspapers, town promotion and, in New-

ark, 256-58, 262

Newark, "Town Promotion in the Progres-

sive Era: The Case of Newark, Ohio," by

G. Wallace Chessman, 253-75

Newark Board of Trade, 256-75

Newark Fuel and Gas Company, 266

Newark Machine Company, 256

Newark Star Glass works, 258

Newark Wire Cloth Manufacturing Com-

pany, 256

New Madison Bicentennial Committee, A

1976 Photographic Record of New Madi-

son Community, bk. note, 481-82

Noble, David F., America By Design:

Science, Technology, and the Rise of

Corporate Capitalism, rev., 474-76

Non-Partisan League, 430, 435-36

Norman Thomas: The Last Idealist, by W.

A. Swanberg, rev., 113

Norton, Wesley, Religious Newspapers in

the Old Northwest to 1861: A History,

Bibliography, and Record of Opinion,

rev., 219

Nowak, Marion, and Douglas T. Miller, The

Fifties: The Way We Really Were, rev.,






OBIDINSKI, Eugene, book rev., 472

Ohio American Revolution Bicentennial

Conference Series, 84

Ohio Canal, proposed routes, 370-74;

commission in charge, 369-80

Ohio Coal Exchange, 141

Ohio Farmer-Labor Progressive Federation,

423-34, 437

"The Ohio 'Farmer-Labor' M ovement in the

1930s," by Hugh T. Lovin, 419-37

Ohio Grange, 424

Ohio, history of, "A Survey of Publications

on the History of Ohio, 1974 to 1976,"

compiled by Charles A. Isetts, 67-83,

women in, bk. on, rev., 440-41

Ohio Liberty Convention, 25

Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Co., 381-83

Ohio Medical University, "Medical Educa-

tion in the 1890s: An Ohio Woman's

Memories," edited by John B. Gabel, 53-


Ohio Socialist party, 423-24

Ohio State University, "The 1951 Speaker's

Rule at Ohio State," by Steven P.

Gietschier, 294-309

Ohio Theatre 1928-1978, The, edited by Jim

Marsico and Alan Woods, bk. note, 480

Ohio Un-American Activities Commission,


Ohls, Watson, 414-16

Old Illinois Houses, by John Drury, 86

Old Northwest in the American Revolution:

An Anthology, The, by David Curtis

Skaggs, rev., 216

Old West: The Frontiersmen, The, by Paul

O'Neil, 86

O'Neil, Paul, The Old West: The Frontiers-

men, 86

Order Upon the Land: The U.S. Rectangular

Land Survey and the Upper Mississippi

Country, by Holdegard Binder Johnson,

rev., 456

Origins of the National Recovery Adminis-

tration: Business, Government, and the

Trade Association Issue, 1921-1933, The,

by Robert F. Himmelberg, rev., 237

Otto, Martha Potter, book rev., 87

Our Appalachia: An Oral History, edited by

Laurel Shackelford and Bill Weinberg,

rev., 241


PARRISH, W.H., 259

Payne, Alma J., book rev., 470

Peace of Paris, 10

Periodicals, Abolitionist, 30-35

Perkins, General Simon, 367, 380-82

Petersen, Gene B., Laure M. Sharp, and

Thomas F. Drury, Southern Newcomers

to Northern Cities: Work and Social

Adjustment in Cleveland, rev., 359

Philippine commissions, 14-17

Pictorial History of Gates Mills 1826-1976,

by the Village of Gates Mills, 86

Platt Amendment, 9-10

Plumb, Edward, 411, 414

Political parties, in antebellum Cincinnati,

130-138; in Jacksonian Ohio, 376-80, 386-

88; Liberty party, 21-36; third parties in

the Depression, 419-37

Politics of Efficiency: Municipal Adminis-

Index 495

Index                                                     495

tration and Reform in America. 1880-

1920, The, by Martin J. Schiesl, rev., 310-


Prairie house, "Frank Lloyd Wright's

Westcott House in Springfield," by Ste-

phen Siek, 276-93; illustrations, 278, 283,

285, 288, 291

Prairie People: Continuity and Change in

Potawatomi Indian Culture 1665-1965.

The, by James A. Clifton, rev., 214

Prentiss, Francis F., and George Bellamy,


Preparing for the Next War: American Plans

for Postwar Defense. 1941-45, by Michael

S. Sherry, rev., 244

Presidency of Warren G. Harding. The, by

Eugene P. Trani and David L. Wilson.

rev., 107

Presidency, power of, "William McKinley

and the Expansion of Presidential Pow-

er," by Lewis L. Gould, 5-20; "John W.

Bricker Reflects Upon the Fight for the

Bricker Amendment," edited by Marvin

R. Zahniser, 322-33

Press, President McKinley and, 10-12

Progressives, and Hiram House settlement,

37-44; and Washington Gladden, 170-74;

and town promotion in the Progressive

era, 269-71; and urban political change,

310-21; and third party politics in the

Depression, 420-32

Progressive Cities: The Commission Go-

vernment Movement in America. 1901-

1920, by Bradley Robert Rice, rev., 318-19

Progressivism, "From Progressive to Patri-

cian: George Bellamy and Hiram House

Social Settlement, 1896-1914," by John J.

Grabowski, 37-52; "The Heavenly City

and Human Cities;" Washington Gladden

and Urban Reform," by John M. Mulder,

151-74; "Town Promotion in the Progres-

sive Era: The Case of Newark, Ohio," by

G. Wallace Chessman, 253-75; "Urban

Political Change in the Progressive Era,"

by James F. Richardson, 310-21

Prohibition, in Newark, 268-69

Prucha, Francis Paul, A Bibliographical

Guide to the History of Indian- White

Relations in the United States, 86

Purcell, John, Cincinnati Archbishop, 129


RACISM, Revolution, Reaction, 1861-

1877: The Rise and Fall of Radical

Reconstruction, by Peter Camejo. rev., 96

Railroad and the City: A Technological and

Urbanistic History of Cincinnati, The, by

Carl W. Condit, rev., 103

Railroads, early routes in Ohio, 389-92

Rainey of Illinois: A Political Biography.

1903-34, by Robert A. Waller, rev., 397

Rankin, John, 22

Raphael, Marc Lee, book rev., 90

Rathbone Chronicles: A History and Gen-

ealogy, by Frances E. Collard, bk. note,


Raymond, William, 411,414

Reflections: an Anecdotal Account of the

University of Cincinnati during the Last

Sixty Years, by Eslie Asbury, 208

Reform movements, abolitionist, 21-30;

temperance, 131-39, 393404; in Colum-

bus 151-74

Reichard, Gary W., book rev., 114

Reisinger, Richard F., 425, 434

Religious Newspapers in the Old Northwest

to 1861: A History, Bibliography, and

Record of Opinion, by Wesley Norton,

rev., 219

Religion, publications on in Ohio, 81; in

urban life 157-74; and James Kilbourne,

199-203: newspapers devoted to, bk. on.,

rev., 219

Republic Steel, 175-92; illustrations, 177,


Revolutionary War, book on, 91; and ruin of

Josiah Kilbourne, 195-99

Rice, Bradley Robert, Progressive Cities:

The Commission Government Movement

in America, 1901-1920, rev., 310-21

Richards, James K., book rev., 453-54

Richards Site: and the Philo Phase of the

Fort Ancient Tradition, The, edited by

Jeff Carskadden and James Morton, rev.,


Richardson, James R., "Urban Political

Change in the Progressive Era," 310-21

Richardson, Robert H., Tilton Territory: A

Historical Narrative, rev., 453-54

Riley, Glenda, book rev., 92

Ringenberg, William C., book rev., 348

Roads They Made: Women in Illinois

History, The, by Adade Mitchell Wheeler

with Marlene Stein Wortman, rev., 439

Rodabaugh, James H., book rev., 216

Roller, David C., book rev., 100

Rollins, Richard M., book rev., 460

Roosevelt, Franklin, 322-23, 326, 419, 425,


Roosevelt's Revolution: The First Year, A

Personal Perspective, by Rexford G.

Tugwell, rev., 108

Roosevelt, Theodore, 5-6, 10-12, 14, 20

Root, Elihu, Secretary of War, 406

Rosen, Elliot A., Hoover. Roosevelt. and the


496                                         OHIO HISTORY

Brains Trust: From Depression to New

Deal, rev., 237

Roseville Pottery: For Love or Money, by

Virginia Hillway Buxton, 208

Ruddy, T. Michael, book rev., 110

Rugg, E. T., 262-72

Rugg, Harold, 296-301, 307

ST. MARY's Sentinel, quoted, 386

Saloons, seen as threat to family, 398-99

Samuel M. Jones Papers . . . An Invento-

ry to the Microfilm Edition, The, compiled

by Morgan Barclay and Jean W. Strong,

bk. note, 480-81

Sanders, James W., The Education of an

Urban Minority: Catholics in Chicago,

1833-1965, rev., 235

Sandusky Clarion, quoted, 372-73

Scheiber, Harry N., "Alfred Kelley and the

Ohio Business Elite, 1822-1859", 365-92

Schiesl, Martin J., The Politics of Efficiency:

Municipal Administration and Reform in

America 1880-1920, rev., 315-18

Schiff, Don V., Blizzard of 78, 335

Schofield, Mary-Peale, Landmark Architec-

ture of Cleveland, rev., 345

Schooley, George A., ed., The Journal of Dr.

William Schooley, bk. note, 480

Schurman, Jacob Gould, and the Philippine

commissions, 16

Scoouwa: James Smith's Indian Captivity

Narrative, annotated by William M.

Darlington and John J. Barsotti, rev., 452

Sense of Place: in Centerville and Washing-

ton Township, A, edited by Howard R.

Houser, rev., 343

Sesquicentennial  Historical Committee,

Walnut Creek: Sesquicentennial History

of New Carlisle and Walnut Creek

Township, 86

Settlement houses, "From Progressive to

Patrician: George Bellamy and Hiram

House Social Settlement, 1896-1914," by

John J. Grabowski, 37-52

Sexual spheres, nineteenth century ideology

of, 398-99

Shackelford, Laurel, and Bill Weinberg,

editors, Our Appalachia: An Oral History,

rev., 241

Shapiro, Henry D., book rev., 103

Shapiro, Henry D., Appalachia on our

Mind: The Southern Mountains and

Mountaineers in the American Conscious-

ness, 1870-1920, rev., 469

Shapiro, Herbert, book rev., 111

Sharp, Laure M., Gene B. Petersen, and

Thomas F. Drury, Southern Newcomers

to Northern Cities: Work and Social

Adjustment in Cleveland, rev., 359

Shawnee, The, by Jerry E. Clark, rev., 336

Sherry, Michael S., Preparingfor the Next

War: American Plans for Postwar De-

fense, 1941-45, rev., 244

Shiels, Richard D., book rev., 464-66

Ships of the Great Lakes, A Pictorial

History, by Robert E. Lee and David T.

Glick, rev., 116

Shively, Clyde, 413

Shoots: A Guide to your Family's Photogra-

phic Heritage, by Thomas L. Davies, 208

Sick, Stephen, "Frank Lloyd Wright's

Westcott House in Springfield," 276-93

Sikes, Jane E., The Furniture Makers of

Cincinnati-1790 to 1849, 86

Simon, John Y., editor, The Papers of

Ulysses S. Grant, Vol. VI, September 1-

December 8, 1862, rev., 223

Simonetti, Martha L., comp., Descriptive

List of the Map Collection in the Pennsyl-

vania State Archives, 86

Simmons, David A., The Forts of Anthony

Wayne, 86

Skaggs, David Curtis, The Old Northwest in

the American Revolution: An Anthology,

rev., 216

Smith, Dwight L., book rev., 217

Smith, Gerrit, 23-24, 26, 28, 30, 34, 36;

illustration, 29

Smith, Merritt Roe, Harpers Ferry Armory

and the New Technology: The Challenge

of Change, rev., 94

Smith, Thomas H., The Mapping of Ohio,

rev., 88

Snyder, Harvey, 411, 413-14, 416

Sobczak, John N., book rev., 352

Social gospel, "The Heavenly City and

Human Cities: Washington Gladden and

Urban Reform," by John M. Mulder, 151-


Social Reform Club, 42

Sommers, Lawrence M., editor, Atlas of

Michigan, rev., 338

Southern Newcomers to Northern Cities:

Work and Social Adjustment in Cleve-

land, by Gene B. Petersen, Laure M.

Sharp, and Thomas F. Drury, rev., 359

Southern and Western Convention of the

Friends of Constitutional Liberty, 28

Spanish-American War, 17

Speaker's Rule, "The 1951 Speaker's Rule

at Ohio State," by Steven P. Gietschier,


Speaks, John C., 407

Springfield, "Frank Lloyd Wright's Westcott

Index 497

Index                                                  497

House in Springfield," by Stephen SieK,


State Bank of Ohio, the Kelley Act and, 387-


States' rights, slavery and, 21, 24-26, 30

Steel mills, "Classes and Company Towns:

Legends of the 1937 Little Steel Strike," by

James L. Baughman, 175-92

Steel Workers Organizing Committee

(SWOC), 176-91

Stern, Malcom H., Tracing Your Jewish

Roots, 208

Sternsher, Bernard, book rev., 108

Stewart, Alvan, 23

Stewart, Eliza, 402

Strafburger, John, book rev., 345

Strikes, in Hocking Valley, 140-50; at Little

Steel companies, 175-92

Strong, Josiah, 160, 169, 172

Stronks, James, book rev., 457-59

Stuhler, Barbara, and Gretchen Kreuter,

eds., Women of Minnesota: Selected

Biographical Essays, rev., 441-43

Supreme Court, power of, 326,333; book on,


"Survey of Publications on the History of

Ohio, 1974 to 1976, A," compiled by

Charles A. Isetts, 67-83

Surveying, Ohio Canal routes and, 369-77

Sutton, Robert P., book rev., 347

Swanberg, W. A., Norman Thomas: The

Last Idealist, rev., 113

Swierenga, Robert P., book rev., 456

Syndicate, see Columbus and Hocking Coal

and Iron Co.


TAFT, William Howard, and the Philippine

Commissions, 16, 17: and George Bel-

lamy, 51; as Secretary of War, 414-15

Tappan, Benjamin, 369, 373-74

Tappan, Lewis, 22, 27, 30-31, 33-35; illustra-

tion, 29

Temperance, and Washington Gladden, 159-

60; "'A Baptism of Power and Liberty':

The Women's Crusade of 1873-1874," by

Ruth Bordin, 393-404; "Immigrants and

Temperance: Ethnocultural Conflict in

Cincinnati, 1845-1860," by Jed Dannen-

baum, 125-39

Thomas, Jack Ray, book rev., 461

Thomas, Norman, Norman Thomas: The

Last Idealist, by W. A. Swanberg, rev., 1 13

Thompson, Eliza, Temperance crusader, 401

Thuler, Fred C., 411-12, 414, 416

Tilton Territory: A Historical Narrative, by

Robert H. Richardson, rev., 453-54

Tobin, Eugene M., and Michael H. Ebner,

editors, The Age of Urban Reform: New

Perspectives on the Progressive Era, rev.,


Tomatoes were Cheaper: Tales from the

Thirties, by Charles A. Jellison, rev., 240

Toward an Urban Ohio, edited by John

Wunder, rev., 231

Townsend, Dr. Francis, 428

Tracing your Jewish Roots, by Malcolm H.

Stern, 208

Trani, Eugene P., and David L. Wilson, The

Presidency of Warren G. Harding, rev.,


Transcribing and Editing Oral History, by

Willa K. Baum, 86

Transformation of American Foreign Rela-

tions: 1865-1900, The, by Charles S.

Campbell, rev., 100

Transportation and Communication in

Ohio, publications on, 82-83

Transportation, canals and railroads in

Ohio, "Alfred Kelley and the Ohio

Business Elite, 1822-1859," by Harry N.

Scheiber, 365-92

Trout, Charles H., Boston: The Great

Depression and the New Deal, rev., 352

Truman, Harry S., 323,329; Truman and the

Steel Seizure Case: The Limits of Presi-

dential Power, by Maeva Marcus, rev.,


Tugwell, Rexford G., Roosevelt's Revolu-

tion: The First Year, A Personal Perspec-

tive, rev., 108

Turpie-Foraker amendment, 8-9

Twain, Mark, description of temperance

crusaders, 395, 399

Tweed Ring, 156

Two Hundred Years of Sheep Raising in the

Upper Ohio Area: with Special Reference

to Washington County, Pennsylvania, by

Richard Beach, rev., 463



UNEMPLOYMENT in History: Economic

Thought and Public Policy, by John A.

Garraty, rev., 476-77

Union party, Congressman William Lemke

and, 435

Union Signal, 402-04

United Automobile Workers (UAW), 425,


United Nations, 323, 329

U.S. Army, "War in the Streets of Athens,"

by Marvin Fletcher, 405-18

U. S. Sanitary Commission, 400

Upton, Emory, military theorist, 405, 410

Urbanism, "Urban Political Change in the

498 01110 HIISTORY

498                                                  01110 HIISTORY

Progressive Era," by .lames F. Richard-

son, 310-21

Urbanization, "From Progressive to Patri-

cian: George Bellamy and Hiram House

Social Settlement, 1896-1914." by .ohn .I.

Grabowski, 37-52, Newark. "Town Pro-

motion in the Progressive Era: The Case of

Newark, Ohio," by G. Wallace Chessman.

253-75; "The Heavenly City and Human

Cities: Washington Gladden and Urban

Reform," by John M. Mulder, 151-74


VAN TINE, Warren, and Melvyn Du-

bofsky, John L. Lewis: A Biographr. rev..


Vatter, Harold G., The Drive to Industrial

Maturity: The U.S. Economy. 1860-1914.

rev., 227

Vexler, Robert 1., comp. and ed., Cleveland:

A Chronological & Documentary Histort

1760-1976, 86

Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in

American Business, The, by Alfred D.

Chandler, Jr., rev., 350


WAKEFIELD, W. C., executive secretary

of the Newark Board of Trade, 271

Walker, Samuel, A Critical History of Police

Reform, rev., 353

Wall, Carol, A Bihliography' of Penns'lva-

nia History: A Supplement, 208

Waller, Robert A., Rainel of' Illinois: A

Political Biography, 1903-34, rev., 347

Walnut Creek: Sesquicentennial Histori of'

New Carlisle and Walnut Creek Town-

shi,. by Sesquicentennial Historical Com-

mittee. 86

Walters. Ronald G.. The Antislavery Ap-

peal: American Abolitionism after 1830,

rev., 97

Walworth. Arthur, America's Moment:

1918, American Diplomacy at the End of

World War I, rev., 236

Warner, William. 297-99

Warren. Ohio. "Classes and Company

Towns: Legends of the 1937 Little Steel

Strike," by James L. Baughman, 175-92

Wasmuth Manu.scritl, 280-93

Watts, Eugene ... book rev., 353

Weatherford, Richard M., book rev., 215

We Have 1Met the Ene1m. by Richard

Dillon. bk. note. 481

Wehrle Company. 261, 272: illustration. 261

Wehrle. William W.. 263-72

Weinberg. Bill. and Laurel Shackelford,

editors, Our Ajppalachia: .n Oral History,

rev.. 241

Weinstein. Robert A.. and larry Booth,

Collection. L/se, and Care of' Historical

Photoglralh.s. rev.. 21 1

Welcome to vour Butler Countv Park

DListrict. by Raymond D. Bourne, 208

Welter. Barbara. Dimitii              Convictions: The

American  Wom                       n in the Nineteenth

(enturr. rev., 92

Westcott. Burton .1.. 277-93

Westcott, John W., 277

Westcott, Orpha Leffler, 278-93

Westcott Motor Car Company, 277

WcsterhoI. J.ohn H.. III, McGu/ff and His

Reater.s: Piety, Morality, and Education

in .itneleentiI- Centuri' Am erica, rev.. 460

Wheeler. Adade Mitchell, with Marlene

Stein Wortman, The Roads Ther Made:

iW, or e in Illinoi.s History, rev., 439

Whig party. 130-31, 135-36. 139. 376-80

Whipkey, Harry E., comp., Guide to the

Manu.scripl Group.s in the Pennsylvania

Slate Arc/lives. 86

White. Doug. book rev.. 93

White. Ienry. 41

Whiting. Bartlett lerc, Earlr American

Proverh.s and Proherhial Phrases, rev.,


Whitlock. Brand. Brand 1Whillock'hs The

Buckel e.s: Politics and A holitionismn in an

Ohio Town. 1836-1845, edited by Paul W.

Miller, rev., 98

Whitlock, Marta. ed.. Women in Ohio

History, re., 439-41

Whittlescy, Elisha, 367, 377, 382

"Will to Survive" : Urb ana College. 1850-

1975, 7he. by Frank Higgins, rev., 348

Willard, Frances. 403-04

Williams, Howard. 423. 427-28. 433

Williams, Micalah T.. Ohio Canal commis-

sioner, 365. 367. 369. 373-77. 382-84

Wilson, David 1 ., and Eugene P. Trani. The

Presidency of Warren G. Harding, rev.,


Wilson. Ida May, "Medical Education in the

1890s: An Ohio Woman's Memories."

edited by lohn B. Gahel, 53-66: illustra-

tion, 58

Wilson, Woodrow. Woodlrow Wtilson: The

Years of Prep/ration. by lohn M. Mulder.


Wines, Harry. leader of Warren SWOC, 183.


Winship. Blanton, .ludge Advocate. 413-417

Woman's Christian Temperance Union.

393, 401-04

Women, medical education and, "Medical

Education in the 1890's: An Ohio Wom-

Index 499

Index                                                   499

an's Memories," edited by John B. Gabel,

53-66: in the nineteenth century, bk. on,

rev., 92; temperance  and, 393-404;

"Women's History as Local History," by

Karen J. Blair, 438-43; historians, survey

of, 447-48; Women Beyond the Frontier:

A Distaff View of Life at Fort Wayne, by

Willa G. Cramton, 86; Women of Minne-

sota: Selected Biographical Essavs, edited

by Barbara Stuhlerand Gretchen Kreuter,

rev., 441-43: Women in Ohio History,

edited by Marta Whitlock, rev., 439-41

Wood, James P., Athens attorney, 414, 416

Wood, Leonard, 17

Woodbridge, Mary, temperance crusader,


Woodrow Wilson: The Years of Prepara-

tion, by John M. Mulder, rev., 473-74

Woodward, Ella A., History of Newton

Falls, 335

Worthington, Ohio, "James Kilbourne: New

Light on his Story," edited by Paul C.

Bowers, Jr., and Goodwin F. Berquist,Jr.,


Worthington, Thomas, Ohio Canal commis-

sioner, 369

Wortman, Marlene Stein, and Adade Mit-

chell Wheeler, The Roads They Made:

Women in Illinois History, 439

Wright, Frank Lloyd, "Frank Lloyd

Wright's Westcott House in Springfield,"

by Stephen Siek, 276-93

Wright, Richard J., book rev., 116

Wunder, John, editor, Toward an Urban

Ohio, rev., 231

Wunder, John R., book rev., 99

Wyatt-Brown, Bertram, book rev., 219

Wynn, Neil A., The Afro-American and the

Second World War, rev., 111

Wytrwal, Joseph A., Behold! the Polish

Americans, rev., 472


YESTERDA Y's Columbus: A      Pictorial

History of Ohio's Capital, by George

Condon, 208

Youngstown,   "Classes  and  Company

Towns: Legends of the 1937 Little Steel

Strike," by James L. Baughman, 175-92

Youngstown Sheet and Tube, 175-92


ZAHNISER, Marvin R., editor, "John W.

Bricker Reflects Upon the Fight for the

Bricker Amendment," 322-33

Zanesville, and land-financing, 263

Zieger, Robert H., book rev.,476; Madison's

Battery Workers, 1934-1952: A History of

Federal Labor Union 19587, rev., 109