Ohio History Journal





ABBOT, W. W., book rev., 389-390.                                             Arizona, constitution of 1910, and Toledo

Addes, George, and Toledo Chevrolet                                          trade union, 109-128.

strike, 335, 350, 355.                                                                   Arizona Constitutional Petition League of

The Adena People No. 2, by William S.                                        Typographical Union No. 63, Toledo,

Webb and Raymond S. Baby, rev., 158-                                  Ohio, 111, 128; organized, 112-113;

159.                                                                                                   activities of, 114, 115, 119, 120, 124,

"Administration of the Historic Sites," by                                   125.

Richard S. Fatig, 261-263.                                                          Ashley, Henry W., 115.

Agriculture, crops in early northeastern                                      Atlanta, Ga., GM  plants and Toledo

Ohio, 204.                                                                                        strike, 336, 337, 351.

Ahrens, Wilhelm, 138.                                                                       Augusta Female Seminary, attended by

Air service, engineering division, 24-35;                                   cousins of W. Wilson, 1, 2, 7, 17.

engineering school, 32.                                                               Aumann, Francis R., book revs., 68-69,

Aircraft production board, 22, 23, 24.                                           384-386; quoted, 112.

Akers, "Billy," defeated for mayor of                                               Automobile industry, effect of Toledo

Cleveland, 36.                                                                                Chevrolet strike of 1935 on, 326, 356.

Albert Gallatin: Jeffersonian Financier                                    Automobile Labor Board, established, 326;

and Diplomat, by Raymond Walters,                                      and Toledo Chevrolet strike, 327, 328,

Jr., rev., 171-172.                                                                            329, 331-332, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346,

Alden, John Richard, The South in the                                         347.

Revolution, 1763-1789, rev., 175-176.                                   Aviation, military: "McCook Field, 1917-

Alton  (Illinois) Telegraph, edited by                                          1927," by Maurer Maurer, 21-34.

John Bailhache, 143.

The American Business System: A Histor-                                 BABY, Raymond S., The Adena People

ical Perspective, 1900-1955, by Thomas                               No. 2, rev., 158-159.

Cochran, rev., 390-391.                                                                Bailhache, John, early Ohio editor, 141-

American English, by Albert H. Marck-                                     147; sketch of, 142.

wardt, rev., 279-282.                                                                     Baker, Newton D., ruling on water met-

American Federation of Labor, and the                                         ers, 44.

Toledo Chevrolet strike of 1935, 326-                                    Bald, F. Clever, book rev., 397-399.

328, 332-343, 345-356.                                                              Bane, Col. T. H., 26-27, 30.

The American Heritage Book of Great                                        Banking and currency in early Ohio, 216.

Historic Places, by editors of American                                The Baptist Church in the Lower Mis-

Heritage and Richard M. Ketchum, rev.,                                 sissippi Valley, 1776-1845, by Walter

286-287.                                                                                          Brownlow Posey, rev., 278-279.

American Indian and White Relations to                                  Baptists, Hardshell, character of preachers,

1830: Needs & Opportunities for Study,                              221-222.

by William N. Fenton, L. H. Butter-                                        Barber Asphalt Company, 48.

field, and Wilcomb E. Washburn, rev.,                                    Barksdale, Lieut. E. H., 32.

176-177.                                                                                          Barling bomber, 30-31.

American Industry and the European Im-                                  Barlow, Joel, poetry of, quoted, 212-213.

migrant, 1860-1885, by Charlotte Erick-                             Barnhart, John D., book rev., 168-170.

son, rev., 297-298.                                                                        Baur, Emil Gottlob, 132; sketch of, 133;

American Radicals: Some Problems and                                  and the Ora et Labora community, 134-

Personalities, ed. by Harvey Goldberg,                                140.

rev., 69-72.                                                                                      Baxter, Maurice G., Orville H. Browning,

American Workers party, 333n, 335.                                            Lincoln's Friend and Critic, rev., 172-

The Amish Year, by Charles S. Rice and                                      173.

Rollin C. Steinmetz, rev., 74-75.                                               Beatty, John, To the Readers of Coin's

Angle, Paul M., ed., Created Equal? The                                    Financial School: An Answer, 320.

Complete Lincoln-Douglas Debates of                                 Beers, Henry Putney, The French in

1858, rev., 293-296.                                                                     North   America:  A   Bibliographical

Antique Tin & Tole Ware: Its History                                         Guide to French Archives, Reproduc-

and Romance, by Mary Earle Gould,                                      tions, and Research Missions, rev., 296-

rev., 186-187.                                                                                 297.

Arrests, legal exemptions from, in early                                        Bell, Howard H., "The National Negro

Ohio, 202, 210.                                                                              Convention, 1848," 357-368.




Bemis, Edward W., 41, 42, 43, 44.                       Cameron, Senator Don, 320.

Bennett, James Gordon, indictment of ad-           Canals, at Zanesville, 214; Erie Canal,

dress at Negro convention, 366-367.               214, 215; Tuscarawas-Cuyahoga port-

Bibb, Henry, 359, 364-365, 366.                                                    age, 214-215.

Bibliography: "A Survey of Publications              Cardwell, Guy A., book rev., 87-89.

in Ohio History and Archaeology, Aug-           Cargell, J. F., A Freak in Finance, 319.

ust 1957-July 1958," comp. by S. Win-            Carman, Harry J., A Short History of

ifred Smith, 369-379.                                                                    New York State, rev., 170-171.

Bibliography  of Pennsylvania History,                Cauman, Samuel, The Living Museum:

comp. by Norman B. Wilkinson, rev.,              Experience of an Art Historian and

292-293.                                                         Museum Director--Alexander Dorner,

Bimetallism, W. H. Harvey's advocacy of,           rev., 394-395.

311-325.                                                         Chalmers, W. Ellison, quoted on Toledo

Bliss, H. L., Coin's Financial Fraud, 319.            Chevrolet strike, 332, 333, 342.

Boase, Paul H., book revs., 277-279, 399-           Charlottesville, Va., 1, 6; W. Wilson at,

400.                                                                                                    9, 10.

Boats, on Ohio River in 1870's, 305.                   Chessman, G. Wallace, Dennison: The

Bones, James, 2, 3, 4.                                          Story of an Ohio College, rev., 289-

Bones, Jessie, cousin of W. Wilson, 4, 8,             290.

17.                                                                   Chevrolet Motor Company, strike at To-

Bones, Marion Woodrow, 2.                                ledo plant, 326-356.

Book reviews, 68-94, 158-187, 272-298,                                    Chicago, I1l., W. H. Harvey in, 311, 317.

384-408.                                                         Chicago Giant: A Biography of "Long

Borden, Morton, book rev., 288-289.                 John" Wentworth, by Don E. Fehren-

Bowers, Edison L., Financing Unemploy-           bacher, rev., 92-93.

ment Compensation: Ohio's Experience,          Chicago Silver Club, 317.

rev., 68-69.                                                     Chillicothe, Ohio, home of T. Woodrow

Brannan, William  Penn, as author of                  family, 2, 10, 17; J. Bailhache in, 141,

"The Harp of a Thousand Strings,"                                           143; in 1817, 211.

222, 223, 226-231.                                                                       (Chillicothe) Supporter, merged, 143.

Bremner, Robert H., From the Depths:                Der Christliche Apologete, 132, 133;

The Discovery of Poverty in the United            source for article on Ora et Labora,

States, rev., 162-166.                                                                   132, 133, 134, 137-138, 139.

Bridges, Robert, W. Wilson's letters to,               Churches, in early Ohio, 217.

quoted, 5, 11, 19-20.                                       Cincinnati, Ohio, Helen Woodrow studied

"Brother Crafford's Farewell Sermon,"                 music in, 9, 13, 14; described in 1812,

authorship of, 226, 227, 230, 231.                                           142-143.

Brown, Van Dyke (pseud. of W. P.                      Circleville, Ohio, in 1817, 211-212.

Brannan), 226.                                                Clapp, Moses E., 121, 123-124.

Bryan, William  Jennings, and W. H.                   Cleveland, Grover, caricatured in Coin's

Harvey, 315, 322, 323, 324; and free              Financial School, 315; and W. H.

silver, 320, 321.                                              Harvey, 318, 323.

"Bryan's Benefactor: Coin Harvey and                Cleveland, Ohio, in Tom  L. Johnson's

His World," by Jeannette P. Nichols,               first term as mayor, 35-49; street pav-

229-325.                                                         ing contracts, 48-49; population and

Buckeye Club, Cleveland, and T. L. John-           importance in  1876, 305-306; GM

son, 42-43.                                                      locals and Toledo strike, 336-337; site

Bulger, William T., book rev., 393-394.             of National Negro Convention, 357.

Burton, Theodore E., and the Arizona                Cleveland Gaslight and Coke Company,

constitution, 116, 118, 121, 122, 123,            44, 45.

124-125.                                                         "Cleveland's Johnson: First Term," by

Business and industry: conditions leading             Eugene C. Murdock, 35-49.

to panic of 1819, 215-216; "The To-             Cochran, Thomas, The American Business

ledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935," by                  System: A Historical Perspective, 1900-

Sidney Fine, 326-356.                                     1955, rev., 390-391.

Butterfield, L. H., American Indian and             Coffin, Tristram, record review, 166-168.

White Relations to 1830: Needs & Op-            Coin, weekly issued by W. H. Harvey,

portunities for Study, rev. 176-177.                 311.

Byrd, Richard, 343.                                             Coin on Money, Trusts, and Imperialism,


CALDWELL, J. A., character in Coin's               Coin Publishing Company, 311, 317, 323;

Financial School, 314.                                    expanded, 316.


INDEX        411


Coin's Financial School, 312, 316n, 319,        Dayton, Ohio, 95, 100; as aviation center,

320; circulation, 316, 319, 322.                      21, 22-23, 34.

Coin's Financial School Up to Date, 317,                            Dayton Metal Products Company, leased

319, 323.                                                         site for McCook Field, 23.

Coin's Financial Series, 311, 321.                     Dayton-Wright Airplane Company, 23.

Coin's Hand Book, 312, 316n; circulation,       Dean, Hugh, and Toledo Chevrolet strike,

319.                                                                 329, 340.

Collective bargaining, see Labor problems.       "Decoration Day," Confederate, W. Wil-

Columbus, Ohio, J. Bailhache in, 141; in              son on, 15-16.

1817, 212.                                                   Deeds, Col. Edward A., 22, 23.

Columbus Gazette, acquired by J. Bail-             Delany, Martin R., 359, 360-362.

hache, 143.                                                  Democratic party and   Democrats, in

Cole, Maurice H., 112, 118.                                 Cleveland government, 38, 41, 42, 43;

Coles, Harry L., book revs., 172-173, 293-          and W. H. Harvey, 322; circulated

296.                                                                 Coin's Financial Series, 322-323; and

"Communication," by Paul McStallworth,            Negro voters, 358, 363-364.

188.                                                             Denison: The Story of an Ohio College,

Communist party and Communists, influ-            by G. Wallace Chessman, rev., 289-290.

ence in Toledo Chevrolet strike, 333,           Denver, Colo., W. H. Harvey in, 308, 309.

335, 336n, 349-350.                                    Detroit, Mich., labor conference at, 342,

Communistic settlements, in Mississippi              343.

Valley, 129-130; Ora et Labora, 130-           Detzer, Karl, Culture Under Canvas: The

140.                                                                 Story of Tent Chautaqua, rev., 399-400.

Congress lands, 208.                                         Diaries, letters, and memoirs: "Nine Let-

Congressman Abraham Lincoln, by Don-            ters of Nathaniel Dike on the Western

aid W. Riddle, rev., 79-81.                                Country, 1816-1818," ed. by Dwight L.

Conway, Bert, 344.                                                                              Smith, 189-220.

Courts, Ohio, common pleas, judges and Dick, Charles W. F., political training

jurisdiction in 1817, 203, 210.                          and experience, 50; concern in 1912

Jurisdiction in 1817, 203, 210.       campaign, 51; "The Work in the Na-

Coyle, Marvin E., and Toledo Chevrolet              tional Convention," 52-62.

strike, 329 344, 347 353.                                                             tional Convention," 52-62.

strike, 329, 344, 347, 353.                           Diebold, H. George, 112, 118.

Craig, Paul G., Financing Unemployment         Dike, Nathaniel, sketch of, 189-191; let-

Compensation: Ohio's Experience, rev.,                                 ters of, on western country, reproduced,

68-69.                                                              191-220.

Cramer, C. H., book rev., 407-408.                   Dillon, Francis, and the Toledo Chevrolet

Created Equal? The Complete Lincoln-                strike of 1935, 332, 333-335, 337-343,

Douglas Debates of 1858, ed. by Paul               345-355.

M. Angle, rev., 293-296.                               Direct government, Arizona constitution

Crissey, Forrest, Theodore E. Burton:                   and, 110-111, 115; in Ohio, 111, 115. See

American Statesman, rev., 75-76.                     also Recall of public officials.

Crouse, Nellis M., La Verendrye: Fur                Diseases prevalent in early Ohio, 217.

Trader and Explorer, rev., 174-175.             Dodd, Mead and Company, publisher of

Cullom, Senator S. M., 314.                                                                Lyrics of Lowly Life, 102, 107.

The Culture of Contemporary Canada, ed.        Doolittle, Lieut. James H., 31.

by Julian Park, rev., 178-179.                        Douglass, Frederick, and the National

Culture Under Canvas: The Story of Tent                                    Negro Convention of 1848, 358-359,

Chautaqua, by Harry P. Harrison as                 361, 362, 363, 365, 366, 367.

told to Karl Detzer, rev., 399-400.                                        Dream and Thought in the Business Com-

Cupp, Robert C., "Financing and Legisla-           munity,     1860-1900, by Edward Chase

tive Relations," 256-260.                                                               Kirkland, rev., 76-77.

tive, Relations, 256-260.                               Drinks and drinking, in early Ohio, 205-

Curtice, Harlow, 388.                                            206.

DAILY WORKER, and Toledo Chevrolet            Dunbar, Alice (Moore), 107.

strike, 352.                                                    Dunbar, Paul Laurence, and William

Dale, Edward Everett, book rev., 176-177.            Dean Howells, 95-108.

Daniels, Jonathan, Prince of Carpetbag           Durant, John and Alice, Pictorial History

gers, rev., 407-408.                                            of the American Circus, rev., 183-186.

Day, William   H., secretary, National                                        EARLY AMERICAN DECORATED Tin-

Negro Convention, 359, 366.                            ware, by Beatrice F. Powers and Olive

Daykin, Dr. Frank W., 45-47.                            Floyd, rev., 186-187.




Easel, Bill (pseud. of W. P. Brannan),                                          McCain, and Margaret K. Hedden, rev.,

226, 227, 229.                                                                               277-278.

East Ohio Gas Company, 44, 46, 47-48.                                     Francis, A. H., 366.

Edison, Thomas, early phonograph dem-                                    Frantz, Col. A. J., 223, 224.

onstrated, 148-151.                                                                     Fredonian, J. Bailhache associated with,

Education, in early Ohio, 205.                                                       142, 143.

Egan, James T., 113, 115, 116n.                                                      Free Soil party, Negro support of, 364-

Electric Auto-Lite Company, strike at,                                        366.

328, 333, 349.                                                                               The French in North America: A Biblio-

Ellis, David M., A Short History of New                                    graphical Guide to French Archives,

York State, rev., 170-171.                                                           Reproductions, and Research Missions,

Emigration to early Ohio, reasons for,                                         by Henry Putney Beers, rev., 296-297.

217, 219; character of, 218.                                                       Friedrich, Dr. Martin, Cleveland health

Erickson, Charlotte, American Industry                                     officer, 41.

and the European Immigrant, 1860-                                     From the Depths: The Discovery of Pov-

1885, rev., 297-298.                                                                     erty in the United States, by Robert H.

Exports from early Ohio, 216.                                                         Bremner, rev., 162-166.

FANNING, Michael A., 4 .                                   The Frontier in   Perspective, ed. by

FANNING, Michael A., 48-49.                                                      Walker D. Wyman and Clifton B.

Farley, John, 35; and Cleveland lakefront                                   Kroeber rev., 386-387.

ordinance, 36-37.                                                                          The Frontier Mind: A Cultural Analysis

Fatig, Richard S., "Administration of the                                     of the  Kentucky  Frontiersman, by

Historic Sites," 261-263.                                                            Arthur K. Moore, rev., 168-170.

Fehrenbacher, Don E., Chicago Giant: A                                    Frost James A., A Short History of New

Biography of "Long John" Wentworth,                                York State rev  170-171.

rev., 92-93.

Felt, Thomas E., "Organizing a National                                      GAGE, Lyman J., and Coin's Financial

Convention: A  Lesson from  Senator                                     School, 313, 314, 319.

Dick," 50-62.                                                                                   Gallipolis, Ohio, described in 1870's, 304-

Fenton, William N., American Indian and                                 306; W. H. Harvey in, 305-306.

White Relations to 1830: Needs & Op-                                Gallman, Paul, book rev., 390-391.

portunities for Study, rev., 176-177.                                      Garraty, John A., book revs., 72-73, 84-

Filler, Louis, book revs., 69-72, 162-166.                                  85.

"Financing and Legislative Relations," by                                 Gas, natural and artificial, war in Cleve-

Robert C. Cupp, 256-260.                                                           land over, 44-48.

Financing Unemployment Compensation:                                General Motors Corporation, and labor

Ohio's Experience, by Edison L. Bowers,                             policy, 326, 328, 334, 335, 345, 348,

Paul G. Craig, and William   Papier,                                        349, 350, 352, 353, 356.

rev., 68-69.                                                                                      German Culture in America: Philosophi-

Fine, Sidney, "The Toledo Chevrolet                                            cal and Literary Influences, 1600-1900,

Strike of 1935," 326-356.                                                            by Henry Pochmann, Arthur R. Schultz,

Fish, in Ohio River in 1816, 198.                                                  and others, rev., 87-89.

Fisher, E., 353.                                                                                     German Methodist Church, community

Fisher, Willard, bibliography of currency                                   established by, 130-131; founded, 132;

literature, 320.                                                                                growth, 132.

The Fishes of Ohio, with Illustrated Keys,                                 German-Wallace College, 132, 133.

by Milton B. Trautman, rev., 160-162.                                    The Gingerbread Age: A View of Victor-

Fisk, William  L., "John Bailhache: A                                           ian America, by John Maass, rev., 402-

British Editor in Early Ohio," 141-147.                                404.

Flatboats, described, 197, 201.                                                       Gist, Genevieve Brown, book rev., 174-

Flatboats, described, 197, 201.


Flint, Mich., GM locals and Toledo Chev-                                  Glenn L. Martin Company, 29-30.

rolet strike, 336, 337, 355.                                                          Godall, H. L., illustrator of Coin's Fin-

Flood Resolution [House Joint Resolu-                                      ancial School, 315.

tion 14], for approval of constitutions                                    Goldberg, Harvey, ed., American Radi-

of Arizona and New Mexico, 113, 114,                                   cals: Some Problems and Personalities,

119, 122, 123.                                                                                rev., 69-72.

Floyd, Olive, Early American Decorated                                   The Golden Lamb, by Hazel Spencer Phil-

Tinware, rev., 186-187.                                                                lips, rev., 282.

Ford, Judge [Simpson S.], 37.                                                           Good, H. G., book rev., 78-79.

Forty Years in Politics: The Story of Ben                                   Goslin, Robert M., The Adena People No.

Pelham, by Aris A. Mallas, Jr., Rea                                          2, rev., 158-159.


INDEX        413


Gould, Mary Earle, Antique Tin & Tole                                 Harvey, Thomas Hope, brother of W. H.

Ware: Its History and Romance, rev.,                                    Harvey, 302, 302n, 304.

186-187.                                                                                     Harvey, Thomas William, son of W. H.

Green, William L., 351, 353; and Toledo                                     Harvey, 307.

Chevrolet strike, 342, 345, 346, 347,                                 Harvey, William  Hope ["Coin"], 300;

349; and international auto workers                                       birth, 301; education, 302-303; inter-

union, 354, 355; and F. Dillon, 355.                                       est in Klan, 302-303; teaching and legal

Greenly, Albert Harry, A Selective Biblio-                                  career, 303-306, 308; silver mining op-

graphy of Important Books, Pamphlets,                               erations, 307-308; real estate business,

and Broadsides Relating to Michigan                                  308, 310, 323; civic promotion, 308-

History, rev., 397-399.                                                                 310, 324; and coinage of silver, 310-

Griffin, James B., book rev., 283-285.                                            325; publishing business, 311-317, 319,

Grimes, Anne, Ohio State Ballads, rev.,                                      323-324; political activities, 321-323,

166-168.                                                                                          324; death, 325.

Gulliver, Alfred G., 347.                                                              Havighurst, Walter, book rev., 289-290.

Gunderson, Robert Gray, The Log-Cabin                              Hazlett, T. Lyle, Industrial Medicine in

Campaign, rev., 181-183.                                                           Western Pennsylvania, 1850-1950, rev.,

Gunn ordinance, Cleveland, 44.                                                     404-405.

Guntrup, Walter C., 352.                                                             Heald, Edward T., book rev., 282.

Hedden, Margaret K., Forty Years in Pol-

HADLEY AND HADLEY, Toledo pub-                                    itics. The Story of Ben Pelham, rev.,

lishers, 98.                                                                                       277-278.

Hale, Merle C., 334.                                                                       Henry Churchill King of Oberlin, by

Hamilton, Milton W., ed., The Papers of                                     Donald M. Love, rev., 78-79.

Sir William  Johnson, Volume XII,                                    Heritage from Hamilton, with a Selection

rev., 273-275.                                                                                  of Personal Letters, by   Broadus

Hanna, Marcus A., tutor of C. W. F.                                                Mitchell, rev., 401-402.

Dick, 50, 51.                                                                              Herne, James A., and P. L. Dunbar, 96,

Harmon, Judson, progressive measures                                         99.

under administration of, 111.                                                Hill, Leonard U., John Johnston and the

Harmony Society, 130, 133; and Ora et                                        Indians in the Land of the Three Mi-

Labora colony, 135, 140.                                                            amis, rev., 93-94.

Harper, Andrew, 222, 223, 225.                                                Hilles, Charles B., 51.

Harper, Robert S., book rev., 180-181.                                     "The Historic Site as an Educational and

Harper's Weekly, published Howells' criti-                               Recreational Facility," by William  G.

cism of P. L. Dunbar, 96, 101, 108.                                           Keener, 252-256.

Harris, Lieut. H. R., 30.                                                                 "Historical News," 63-67, 152-157, 269-

Harrison, Benjamin, maneuvers for, in                                           271, 380-383.

1892 Republican national convention,                            A History of Presidential Elections, by

58-59.                                                                                                Eugene H. Roseboom, rev., 84-85.

Harrison, Harry P., Culture Under Can-                                Hogsett, Thomas, Cleveland law director,

vas: The Story of Tent Chautaqua, rev.,                            35.

399-400.                                                                                     Holt, E. E., book rev., 290-291.

Hart, Louis, 339, 348.                                                                   Honest Money League of Illinois, 319.

Harvey, Anna (Halliday), wife of W. H.                                   Horr, Roswell G., debated with W. H.

Harvey, 305.                                                                                    Harvey, 321.

Harvey, Anna (Hope), mother of W. H.                                    Howe, Annie    Wilson  (Mrs. George

Harvey, 301; ancestry of, 301.                                                   Howe) 12, 17.

Harvey, Annette, daughter of W. H.

Harvey, 307.                                                                              Howe, Frederic C., 37, 38, 46.

Harvey, Fannie, sister of W. H. Harvey,                                  Howells, William Dean, and P. L. Dun-

301, 302.                                                                                          bar, 95-108.

Harvey, Harry, brother of W. H. Harvey,                                 Hubbard, Paul G., "A   Toledo Trade

302.                                                                                                    Union and the Arizona Constitution of

Harvey, Mary Hope, daughter of W. H.                                         1910," 109-128.

Harvey, 306, 307.                                                                     Hudson, Arthur Palmer, on authorship

Harvey, Robert Halliday, son of W. H.                                         of "The Harp," 225, 226, 227, 231.

Harvey, 306, 307.                                                                     Hummel, William W., Industrial Medi-

Harvey, Robert Trigg, father of W. H.                                             cine in Western Pennsylvania, 1850-

Harvey, 301; ancestry of, 301.                                                   1950, rev., 404-405.

Harvey, Robert Trigg, Jr., brother of W.                                   Hunt, George W. P., Arizona progres-

H. Harvey, 301.                                                                               sive, 110, 121, 126, 127, 128.




ILL-STARRED GENERAL: Braddock of                                     itage Book of Great Historic Places,

the Coldstream  Guards, by Lee Mc-                                      rev., 286-287.

Cardell, rev., 389-390.                                                                  Kettering, Charles F., 23.

Imports to early Ohio, high cost of, 216-                                      Kirkland, Edward Chase, Dream  and

217.                                                                                                    Thought in the Business Community,

Imprints on History: Book Publishers and                                1860-1900, rev., 76-77.

American Frontiers, by Madeleine B.               Klopfenstein, Carl G., book rev., 93-94.

Stern, rev., 82-84.                                                                           Knopf, Richard C., book rev., 285-286.

Independent Workers Association, Toledo,                                Knudsen, William  S., and  Chevrolet

344, 345, 346, 347.                                                                       strike, 329, 341, 342, 346, 347-348,

Industrial Medicine in Western Pennsyl-                                   353; praised by F. Dillon, 351.

vania, 1850-1950, by T. Lyle Hazlett                                     Kohlsaat, H. H., 319.

and William W. Hummel, rev., 404-                                          Kramer, Dale, The Wild Jackasses: The

405.                                                                                                    American Farmer in Revolt, rev., 85-86.

Intemperance, in early Ohio, 205-206.                                          Kramer, Ellsworth, 335.

Inventions and inventors: "Miss New-                                        Krehbiel, Jakob, 136, 137, 138.

comb and the Talking Machine," ed. by                                   Kroeber, Clifton B., ed., The Frontier in

Robert M. Warner, 148-151.                                                       Perspective, rev., 386-387.

Ireland and the American Immigration,                                     Ku Klux Klan, W. H. Harvey's interest

1850-1900, by Arnold Schrier, rev.,                                        in, 302-303.

406-407.                                                                                           Kummer, George, "Who     Wrote 'The

Irish immigrants, 218.                                                                        Harp of a Thousand Strings'?" 221-


THE JACKSONIAN PERSUASION: Pol-                                    Kurtz, Stephen G., The Presidency of

itics and Beliefs, by Marvin Myers, rev.,                                John Adams: The Collapse of Federal-

272-273.                                                                                           ism, 1795-1800, rev., 387-388.

James K. Polk, Jacksonian, 1795-1843, by

Charles Grier Sellers, rev., 72-73.                                             LABOR PROBLEMS: "The Toledo Chev-

Jenkins, D. H., 366.                                                                             rolet Strike of 1935," 326-356.

"John Bailhache: A   British Editor in                                          Labor unions, and Toledo Chevrolet strike

Early Ohio," by William L. Fisk, 141-                                    of 1935, 326-356.

147.                                                                                                   Lachner, Ernest A., book rev., 160-162.

John Johnston and the Indians in the                                          La Follette, Robert M., in 1912 cam-

Land of the Three Miamis, by Leonard                                  paign, 57, 57n.

U. Hill, rev., 93-94.                                                                       Land sales, public, in early Ohio, 203-

Johnson, J. F., bibliography on currency                                      204, 207-208.

literature, 320.                                                                                Landon, M. D., Gold, Silver or Bimetal-

Johnson, Tom L.: "Cleveland's Johnson:                                      lism, 320.

First Term," by Eugene C. Murdock,                                        Langley Field, 22, 33.

35-49.                                                                                               Laughlin, J. Laurence, and Coin's Fin-

Johnston, John, Recollections of Sixty                                         ancial School, 313, 314, 319; debate

Years, new publication, rev., 93-94.                                        with W. H. Harvey, 317, 319, 320,

Jones, John, vice president, National                                            321; Facts About Money, 321.

Negro Convention, 359-366.                                                     La Verendrye: Fur Trader and Explorer,

Jones, Robert Leslie, book rev., 85-86.                                         by Nellis M. Crouse, rev., 174-175.

Jordan, Philip D., book rev., 404-405.                                          Lawrence, James S., Cleveland law direc-

Journalism: "John Bailhache: A British                                        tor, 35.

Editor in Early Ohio," by William L.                                      Lawson, Victor F., Jr., pupil in Coin's

Fisk, 141-147.                                                                                Financial School, 313n.

Justices of the peace, in early Ohio, elec-                                     Lewis, Rev. Henry Taliaferro, as author

tion and term, 202; jurisdiction, 210.                                     of "The Harp of a Thousand Strings,"

KEELBOATS, described, 197, 201.                                              222, 223-226, 230-231.

Keener, William G., book rev., 186-187;                                     Lewis, Martin Deming, book revs., 272-

"The Historic Site as an Educational                                       273, 395-396.

and Recreational Facility," 252-256.                                       Liberty League, supported by S. R. Ward,

Keil, Wilhelm, established communities,                                     363.

130.                                                                                                   Liberty party, 324, 364.

Kelly, Lieut, O. G., 32.                                                                      Literary history: "Paul Laurence Dunbar

Kennedy, Marion Wilson (Mrs. A. R.                                           and William Dean Howells," by James

Kennedy), 17.                                                                                 B. Stronks, 95-108; "Who Wrote 'The

Kentucky boats, see Flatboats.                                                       Harp of a Thousand Strings'?" by

Ketchum, Richard M., The American Her-                                   George Kummer, 221-231.


INDEX        415


The Living Museum: Experiences of an                                    Medill, son of Joseph Medill, character in

Art Historian and Museum Director--                                Coin's Financial School, 313.

Alexander Dorner, by Samuel Cauman,                               Meehan, James, 42.

rev., 394-395.                                                                               Meetinghouses, in early Ohio, 205; Mt.

The Log-Cabin Campaign, by Robert Gray                             Pleasant, 205.

Gunderson, rev., 181-183.                                                       Method and Theory in American Archae-

The Long Haul West: The Great Canal                                    ology, by Gordon R. Willey and Philip

Era, 1817-1850, by Madeline S. Wag-                                Phillips, rev., 283-285.

goner, rev., 395-396.                                                                  Methodist Church Discipline, and Ora et

Love, Donald M., Henry Churchill King                                  Labora colony, 131, 134, 136.

of Oberlin, rev., 78-79.                                                             Miles, W. Y., character in Coin's Finan-

Lucas County Unemployed League, 333n.                                    cial School, 314.

Ludlow, William, 213.                                       Miller, George H., book rev., 76-77.

Lyrics of Lowly Life, published, 102; W.                                  Miller, Henry G., author of No. 5 of

D. Howells' introduction, 101-102, 108;                                 Coin's Financial Series, 316.

English edition, 104.                                                                Miller, William Marion, book rev., 178-


McCAIN, Rea, Forty Years in Politics:                                    The Mind of Alexander Hamilton, by

The Story of Ben Pelham, rev., 277-                                          Saul K. Padover, rev., 401-402.

278.                                                                                                "Mineral Palace," at Pueblo, Colo., 308-

McCardell, Lee, Ill-Starred General: Brad-                                 309.

dock of the Coldstream Guards, rev.,                                 "Minutes of the Meeting of the Ohio

389-390.                                                                                            Academy of History, Columbus, April

"McCook Field, 1917-1927," by Maurer                                        12, 1958," by John S. Still, 264-266.

Maurer, 21-34.                                                                            "Miss Newcomb and the Talking Ma-

McCooks, "Fighting," air field named for,                                       chine," ed. by Robert M. Warner, 148-

21, 24.                                                                                                 151.

McGrady, Edward F., assistant secretary                                 Mr. Lincoln's Navy, by Richard S. West,

of labor, 340, 342, 345, 346, 347, 351.                                     Jr., rev., 180-181.

McKinley, William B., 51.                                                           Mitchell, Broadus, Heritage from Hamil-

McLean, Judge John, 143, 145.                                                         ton, with a Selection of Personal Let-

McPherson, Harry A., 42.                                                                   ters, rev., 401-402.

McStallworth, Paul, "Communication,                                     Mitchell, Brig. Gen. William, 29, 30.

188.                                                                                              Monte Ne, Ark., W. H. Harvey's activi-

ties in, 323-324.

MAASS, John, The Gingerbread Age: A

Vieof Victorian America, rev.,402                      Moore, Arthur K., The Frontier Mind: A

View of Victorian America, rev., 402-                                     Cultural Analysis of the Kentucky

404.                                                                                                    Frontiersman, rev., 168-170.

Macready, Lieut. John A., 32.                                                     Moraine Field, see South Field, Dayton,

Magnificent Missourian: The Life of                             Ohio.

Thomas Hart Benton, by Elbert B.                                    Morris, Joshua S., 222, 227, 228, 229,

Smith, rev., 288-289.                                                                     230.

Maguire, Stephen D., Trolley Car Trea-                                 Mundus Publishing Company, 324.

sury, rev., 183-186.

Majors and Minors, published, 96; W. D.                            Municipal government: "Cleveland's John-

Howells' analysis, 97-98, 108.                                                  son: First Term," by Eugene C. Mur-

Mallas, Aris A., Jr., Forty Years in Pol-                                       dock, 35-49.

itics: The Story of Ben Pelham, rev.,                                 Murdock, Eugene C., "Cleveland's John-

277-278.                                                                                          son: First Term," 35-49; book rev.,

Malvin, John, 359.                                                                              277-278.

Manufactures, in early Steubenville, 202-                             Muskingum  River, navigability of, in

203.                                                                                                   1818, 214.

Marckwardt, Albert H., American English,                          Muste, A. J., identified, 333n; influence

rev., 279-282.                                                                                 in Toledo Chevrolet strike, 333, 335,

Market Hall meeting, Republican national                                 349.

convention, 1892, 59, 59n.                                                  Myers, Marvin, The Jacksonian Persua-

Marshall College, 303.                                                                      sion: Politics and Beliefs, rev., 272-273.

Martin bomber, 25, 29-30.

Marvin, Walter Rumsey, book rev., 81-82.                            NAST, Wilhelm, 130, 139; sketch of,

Maughan, Lieut. R. L., 32.                                                                131-132.

Maurer, Maurer, "McCook Field, 1917-                                  National advisory committee for aeronau-

1927," 21-34.                                                                                 tics, 33.




National Industrial Recovery Act, 326,                                       "The Ohio Experience: A Symposium on

330, 353.                                                                                          Historic Sites Administered by the Ohio

"The National Negro Convention, 1848,"                                    Historical Society," 244-263.

by Howard H. Bell, 357-368.                                                     Ohio Historical Society, administers Zoar

National Progressive Republican League,                                  property, 130; director's report for

organized, 109.                                                                               1957, 232-243; 1957 visitation, 232-

National Silver Committee, 311.                                                     233; small staff, 233; private fund in-

National Silver party, 322.                                                               come, 234; library services, 234-235;

The Negro in Indiana: A    Study of a                                           educational services, 235; publications

Minority, by Emma Lou Thornbrough,                                   program, 236-238, 255; host to organi-

rev., 275-277.                                                                                  zations, 238; department of archaeol-

Negroes: "The National Negro Conven-                                       ogy, acquisitions, 238; historical collec-

tion, 1848," by Howard H. Bell, 357-                                      tions, acquisitions, 239; library, acqui-

368.                                                                                                   sitions, 238; natural history department,

Nelson, Knute, proposed amendment of                                        acquisitions, 238-239; exhibits program,

Flood Resolution, 119, 123.                                                      239-240; archives administration, 240;

New Gate Prison, Simsbury, Conn., de-                                        research program, 240-241; effect of re-

scribed in 1816, 192-193.                                                           duction of income on, 242; staff job

New   Mexico, statehood for, and Ohio                                         classification and salaries, 242-243; fin-

supporters, 110, 113.                                                                    ancing, 242, 256-260; beginnings, 244;

New Orleans, La., as market for Ohio                                             first State Memorials, 244-245; historic

produce, 215, 216.                                                                         sites classed as to value, 253-254;

New York State Negro Convention, 1855,                                  guides and hostesses, 255.

362.                                                                                                    Ohio laws, early, features of, 209-211.

New York Times, editorial on W. H.                                               Ohio River, early navigation of, 197-198,

Harvey, 318.                                                                                    201; banks described in 1816, 201;

New York Tribune, quoted on inferior                                           traffic on, in 1870's, 305.

labor position of Negroes, 360.                                                 Ohio State Ballads (LP record), by Anne

Newcomb, Mary E., described early phon-                                   Grimes, rev., 166-168.

ograph, 148-151.                                                                           Ohio State Journal, founded, 143; literary

Newcomb, Dr. Roland B. C., 149.                                                    standards and policy, 144-145.

Newmark, Leonard, book rev., 279-282.                                      Ohio state tax commission, and Tom L.

Nichols, Jeannette P., "Bryan's Benefac-                                       Johnson, 37.

tor: Coin Harvey and His World,"                                            Olson, James C., book rev., 170-171.

299-325.                                                                                           O'Neill, Charles, Wild Train: The Story

"Nine Letters of Nathaniel Dike on the                                        of the Andrews Raiders, rev., 89-92.

Western Country, 1816-1818," ed. by                                     Ora et Labora, community planned, 132-

Dwight L. Smith, 189-220.                                                         133; established, 133-134, 135; consti-

North American Association of Historic                                      tution, 134; difficulties, 137-139; eco-

Sites Public Officials, symposium  on                                     nomic structure, 135; described in 1865,

sites administered by the Ohio Histori-                                 139; work schedule, 135, settlement

cal Society, 244-263.                                                                    136; disbanded, 139-140.

North American Review, published Ho-                                      "Ora et Labora: A   German Methodist

wells' criticism of P. L. Dunbar, 106.                                       Utopia," by Carl Wittke, 129-140.

North Field, Dayton, Ohio, 23.

North Star, organ of the National Negro                                      "Organizing a National Convention: A

North Star, organ of the National Negro                Lesson from Senator Dick," by Thomas

Convention, 1848, 359.                                          E Felt 50-62.

Norwood, Ohio, GM    locals and Toledo

strike, 336-337, 351, 353.               Orville H. Browning, Lincoln's Friend

and Critic, by Maurice G. Baxter, rev.,

OAK AND IVY, published, 96.                                                         171-173.

Ogburn, Charlton, 343, 345; proposals                                        Osborn, George C., "Woodrow Wilson's

for labor agreement, 343.                                                              First Romance," 1-20.

Ogden, Utah, 308; W. H. Harvey's pro-                                        Ostrander, Gilman, book rev., 391-392.

motion of, 310.                                                                                Outpost on the Wabash, 1787-1791: Let-

Ohio Academy of History, minutes of                                            ters of Brigadier General Josiah Har-

April 12, 1958, meeting, 264-266; con-                                 mar and Major John Francis Ham-

stitution adopted April 12, 1958, 266-                                  tramck and Other Letters and Docu-

268.                                                                                                    ments Selected from  the William  L.

Ohio Capitol, described in 1817, 212; in-                                   Clements Library, ed. by Gayle Thorn-

scriptions on, 212-213.                                                               brough, rev., 285-286.

Ohio constitution, Dike's comments on,                                      Ozark Trails Association, W. H. Harvey

202, 209-211.                                                                                 president of, 324.


INDEX        417


PADOVER, Saul K., The Mind of Alex-                                   Pomeroy, Earl, book rev., 386-387.

ander Hamilton, rev., 401-402.                                             Pond, Edith, manager of P. L. Dunbar,

The Palladium, quarterly published by                                       103-104.

W. H. Harvey, 324.                                                                     Pond, Major James B., manager of P. L.

Panics, financial, 1819, 215, 215n; 1893,                                    Dunbar, 99.

310.                                                                                                Populist party and populists, W. H.

The Papers of Sir William Johnson, Vol-                                   Harvey and, 321, 322.

ume XII, ed. by Milton W. Hamilton,                                    Posey, Walter Brownlow, The Baptist

273-275.                                                                                           Church in the Lower Mississippi Val-

Papier, William, Financing Unemploy-                                       ley, 1776-1845, rev., 278-279.

ment Compensation: Ohio's Experience,                           Powers, Beatrice F., Early American Dec-

rev., 68-69.                                                                                        orated Tinware, rev., 186-187.

Park, Julian, ed., The Culture of Con-                                         Powers, L. G., Farmer Hayseed in Town,

temporary Canada, rev., 178-179.                                            319-320.

"Patriots of America," 321.                                                             PR Politics in Cincinnati: Thirty-Two

Patriots of America, 317, 323.                                                        Years of City Government Through

Patterson Field, see Wilbur Wright Field.                                   Proportional Representation, by Ralph

Patton, Robert D., book rev., 401-402.                                          A. Straetz, rev., 384-386.

"Paul Laurence Dunbar and William                                          Present Problems, pamphlets, 320.

Dean Howells," by James B. Stronks,                                    The Presidency of John Adams: The Col-

95-108.                                                                                              lapse of Federalism, 1795-1800, by

Payer, Harry, 41.                                                                                   Stephen G. Kurtz, rev., 387-388.

Peckham, Howard H., The War for In-                                       Prince of Carpetbaggers, by Jonathan

dependence: A Military History, rev.,                                      Daniels, 407-408.

393-394.                                                                                        "The Principles of Property Acquisition

Pennsylvania Germans, settlements de-                                         and Maintenance," by James H. Roda-

scribed in 1816, 193-194, 199.                                                  baugh, 244-248.

Peoples Gaslight and Coke Company,                                       Private enterprise, and aircraft industry,

Cleveland, 44.                                                                                  25-26, 27.

Perkins, Frances, secretary of labor, 340.                                   Progressive  Constitutional League  of

Phi Kappa Psi, W. Wilson active in, 10.                                       Ohio, organized, 114-115.

Phillips, Hazel Spencer, The Golden                                          Prosperity party, 324.

Lamb, rev., 282.                                                                            Public utilities, Tom L. Johnson and, 37.

Phillips, Philip, Method and Theory in                                     Pueblo, Colo., industrial center, 308; W.

American Archaeology, rev., 283-285.                                 H. Harvey and the "Mineral Palace,"

Phonographs, early Edison model demon-                                308-309.

strated, 148-151.

Physicians in early Ohio, 217.                                                      Putnam, Ohio, 214.

Pickaway Plains, described, 212.                                                 RAILROADS, and Cleveland's lake front,

Pictorial History of the American Circus,                                37.

by John and Alice Durant, rev., 183-                                      The Railroads of the South, 1865-1900: A

186.                                                                                                  Study in Finance and Control, by John

Pinkerton's National Detective Agency,                                    F. Stover, rev., 81-82.

334.                                                                  Recall of public officials, in Arizona con-

Pittsburgh, Pa., 190; described in 1816,                                    stitution, 110, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123;

196-197, 198, 199-200.                                                              W. H. Taft's opposition to recall of

"Planning the Development and Use of             judges 110, 119, 124, 124, 126.

Historic Sites in the Public Interest,"

by John S. Still, 248-252.                                                           Recollections of Sixty Years, by John

Pochmann, Henry, German Culture in                                        Johnston, new publication, rev., 93-94.

America: Philosophical and Literary In-                             Religion in early Ohio, 202, 205.

fluences, 1600-1900, rev., 87-89.                                             "Report of the Director for 1957," by

Politics and government: "Cleveland's                                        Erwin C. Zepp, 232-243.

Johnson: First Term," by Eugene C.                                         The Republican Era, 1869-1901: A Study

Murdock, 35-49; "Organizing a Na-                                        in Administrative History, by Leonard

tional Convention: A Lesson from Sen-                                 D. White, rev., 396-397.

ator Dick," by Thomas E. Felt, 50-62;                                     Republican party and Republicans, in

"A Toledo Trade Union and the Ari-                                       Cleveland government, 1901-3, 36, 38,

zona Constitution of 1910," by Paul G.                                  41, 42; national convention, 1912, 50-

Hubbard, 109-128; and National Negro                                62; national convention, 1892, 58-59;

Convention, 357-359, 362-368.                                               and progressivism, 109, 119; and Ari-

Pomerene, Atlee, and the Arizona con-                                         zona constitution, 123.

stitution, 116, 121, 122, 123.                                                    Revivalism and Social Reform in Mid-




Nineteenth-Century America, by Tim-             Scott, son of editor of the Chicago Her-

othy L. Smith, rev., 391-392.                          ald, character in Coin's Financial School,

Rice, Charles S., The Amish Year, rev.,                312-313.

74-75.                                                             Sears, Alfred B., book rev., 171-172.

Riddle, Donald W., Congressman Abra-               A Selective Bibliography of Important

ham Lincoln, rev., 79-81.                                Books, Pamphlets, and Broadsides Re-

Riley, Edward M., book rev., 286-287.                lating to Michigan History, by Albert

Ritchie, William A., book rev., 158-159.            Harry Greenly, rev., 397-399.

Roads, Philadelphia to Pittsburgh in 1816,          Sellers, Charles Grier, Jr., James K. Polk,

described, 195, 202; Cumberland, 207;             Jacksonian. 1795-1843, rev., 72-73.

financing of, 208; early Ohio, 217.                  Sherman, John, 323; and Coin's Financial

Roberts, Anne, and H. T. Lewis' claim                 School, 314, 315.

to authorship of "The Harp," 224,                  A Short History of New York State, by

225, 226.                                                        David M. Ellis, James A. Frost, Harold

Rodabaugh, James H., "The Principles of             C. Syrett, and Harry J. Carman, rev.,

Property Acquisition and Maintenance,"         170-171.

244-248.                                                         Silver, Colorado strikes, 306; W. H.

Roland, James, and Toledo Chevrolet                  Harvey's interest in mining of, 307-

strike, 334, 335, 336, 350, 351; at-                308; free coinage, 311, 312, 317, 318,

tacked Dillon, 355.                                          321; price of, in 1880's, 308.

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, intervened               "Silver Bell," mine operated by W. H.

in automobile labor dispute, 326, 341.             Harvey, 307-308.

Roosevelt, Theodore, campaign for presi-           Silver Republicans, 322.

dential nomination, 1912, 50, 51.                   Slavery, prohibited by Ohio constitution,

Roseboom, Eugene H., A History of Presi-           211; extention of, and National Negro

dential Elections, rev., 84-85; book rev.,         Convention, 363-368.

181-183.                                                         Sloan, Alfred P., Jr., quoted, 340.

Ross, James, proprietor of Steubenville,               Smith, Dwight L., ed., "Nine Letters of

202.                                                                Nathaniel Dike, 1816-1818," 189-220;

Rothweiler, Jakob, 133.                                       book rev., 292-293.

Rowsome, Frank, Jr., Trolley Car Trea-               Smith, Elbert B., Magnificent Missourian:

sury, rev., 183-186.                                         The Life of Thomas Hart Benton, rev.,


SABBATH OBSERVANCE, W. Wilson               Smith, Gerrit, 363.

on, 16; Methodists and Cincinnati Ger-           Smith, J. T., 347.

mans, 131.                                                       Smith, S. Winifred, comp., "A Survey of

Sage, Leland L., William Boyd Allison: A             Publications in  Ohio  History  and

Study in Practical Politics, rev., 75-76.           Archaeology, August 1957-July 1958,"

Salen, Charles P., 38, 42.                                     369-379.

Salt and salt manufacture, 208-209; fail-             Smith, Timothy L., Revivalism and Social

ure of enterprise at Zanesville, 142;                Reform  in Mid - Nineteenth - Century

imported to Ohio from   New   York               America, rev., 390-391.

state, 214; scarcity in early Ohio, 216.            Smith, William Alden, and Arizona state-

Sanford, Mrs., at National Negro Con-                hood, 118 119.

vention, 362.                                                  Smith, William  Henry, Jr., pupil in

Sarchet, Peter, 142, 143.                                     Coin's Financial School, 313n.

School and I: The Autobiography of an              Snow, Charles E., The Adena People No.

Ohio Schoolmaster, by Frank P. Whit-           2 rev., 158-159.

ney, rev., 290-291.                                         Social history: "Ora et Labora: A German

Schools, Section 16 reserved for, 208;                 Methodist Utopia," by Carl Wittke,

character in early Ohio, 217.                           129-140.

Schrier, Arnold, Ireland and the American          Society of Separatists of Zoar, 130, 133.

Immigration, 1850-1900, rev., 406-407.        Sound Currency pamphlets, 320.

Schroeder, Maj. R. W., 31-32.                             Sound Money Committees, 320.

Schultz, Arthur R., German Culture in                 South (or Moraine) Field, Dayton, Ohio,

America: Philosophical and Literary In-         23.

fluences, 1600-1900, rev., 87-89.                   The South in the Revolution, 1763-1789,

Schwake, Fred, and Toledo Chevrolet                  by John Richard Alden, rev., 175-176.

strike, 328-329, 333, 335, 342, 347,              Speculation, land, field for in 1816, 203,

350, 351.                                                        204.

Schwartz, Harold, book rev., 79-81.                    Spelman, Norman L., book rev., 74-75.

Scioto Gazette, merged with Fredonian,              Springborn, William J., 38.

143.                                                                State Memorials, visitation for 1957, 232-


INDEX        419


233; difficulty in financing, 234; earli-                                   dier General Josiah Harmar and Major

est, 244-245; acquisitions policy, 246-                                 John Francis Hamtramck and Other

248; recreational facilities, 255-256.                                       Letters and Documents Selected from

Staunton, Va., visited by W. Wilson, 1,                                       the William L. Clements Library, rev.,

2, 3, 5, 8, 10.                                                                                    285-286.

Steamboats, on Ohio and Mississippi riv-                                  Thumm, Martin, 43.

ers, 201, 215; on Ohio River in 1870's,                                  Timber, in northeastern Ohio in 1817,

305.                                                                                                   204.

Steinmetz, Rollin G., The Amish Year,                                          Tobey, Dr. Henry A., friend of P. L.

rev., 74-75.                                                                                       Dunbar, 96, 98, 99.

Stern, Madeleine B., Imprints on History:                                  Toledo, Ohio, organized labor in, and

Book Publishers and American Fron-                                   progressive government, 111-128; Chev-

tiers, rev., 82-84.                                                                            rolet strike of 1935, 326-356.

Steubenville, Ohio, 190; Nathaniel Dike                                    Toledo Central Labor Union, 112, 118.

established in, 189-190; described in                                    "The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of 1935,"

1816, 202-203.                                                                              by Sidney Fine, 326-356.

Still, John S., book revs., 89-92, 183-186;                                   "A Toledo Trade Union and the Arizona

"Planning the Development and Use                                       Constitution of 1910," by Paul G. Hub-

of Historic Sites in the Public Interest,"                                 bard, 109-128.

248-252; "Minutes of the Meeting of                                      Toledo Union Leader, 116n, 117, 126.

the Ohio Academy of History, Colum-                                    Trans-Mississippi Congress, 311, 311n.

bus, April 12, 1958," 264-266.                                                  Trautman, Milton B., The Fishes of Ohio,

Stover, John F., The Railroads of the                                            with Illustrated Keys, rev., 160-162.

South, 1865-1900: A Study in Finance                                  Travis, Robert C., and Toledo Chevrolet

and Control, rev., 81-82.                                                             strike, 335.

Straetz, Ralph A., PR Politics in Cincin-                                     Trolley Car Treasury, by Frank Rowsome,

nati: Thirty-Two Years of City Gov-                                        Jr., rev., 183-186.

ernment Through Proportional Repre-                                 Twyman, Robert W., book rev., 92-93.

sentation, rev., 384-386.                                                             Typographical Union No. 63, Toledo,

Strikes: "The Toledo Chevrolet Strike of                                      117, 118.

1935," by Sidney Fine, 326-356.

Stronks, James B., "Paul Laurence Dun-                                        UNITED     AUTOMOBILE      WORKERS,

bar and William Dean Howells," 95-                                       Federal Labor Union No. 18384 (To-

108.                                                                                                   ledo), and Toledo Chevrolet strike of

Sugar trees and sugar making, 209.                                                1935, 326-356.

"A Survey of Publications in Ohio His-                                      United States Army Air Force, air fields

tory and Archaeology, August 1957-                                     and engineering division at Dayton,

July 1958," comp. by S. Winifred                                              Ohio, 21-34.

Smith, 369-379.                                                                              United States Congress, and statehood for

Sutton, Walter, book rev., 82-84.                                                    Arizona and New Mexico, 110, 113-

Syrett, Harold C., A Short History of                                            114, 118, 119-125.

New York State, rev., 170-171.                                                   United States land survey system in 1817,

TAFT, William Howard, 111, 113; cam-                                       207-208.

paign for presidential nomination, 1912,                               University of Virginia, W. Wilson stu-

50, 51, 52-62; and statehood for Ai-                                       dent at 1, 3, 4, 6-7, 8-11.

zona, 110, 114, 124, 125, 126.                                                   Utopias, see Communistic settlements.

Talbott, H. E., Sr., 23.                                                                          VAN RENSSELAER, Thomas, criticized

Talcott, Charles, 3.                                                                               address of Negro convention, 367.

A Tale of Two Nations, 316, 319, 323.                                          Vice, regulation of, T. L. Johnson's at-

Taxation, Ohio rates in 1817, 211; road                                       titude on, 39-41.

tax, 211.

Taylor, Howard, 321.                                                                          WAGGONER, Madeline S., The Long

Taylor, Robert J., book revs., 175-176,                                          Haul West: The Great Canal Era,

387-388.                                                                                           1817-1850, rev., 395-396.

Taylor, T. N., 333, 334, 342, 352, 355.                                          Wagons, Conestoga, 195; numbers and de-

Theodore E. Burton: American Statesman,                                scription in 1816, 201.

by Forrest Crissey, rev., 75-76.                                                  Walsh, Archbishop, Bimetallism    and

Thornbrough, Emma Lou, The Negro in                                        Monometallism, 312, 316n, 322.

Indiana: A Study of a Minority, rev.,                                       Walsh, John R., and Coin's Financial

275-277.                                                                                           School, 313.

Thornbrough, Gayle, ed., Outpost on the                                     Walters, Everett, book revs., 75-76, 396-

Wabash, 1787-1791: Letters of Briga-                                 397.




Walters, Raymond, Jr., Albert Gallatin:            Willey, Gordon R., Method and Theory

Jeffersonian Financier and Diplomat,          in American Archaeology, rev., 283-285.

rev., 171-172.                                              William Boyd Allison: A Study in Prac-

The War for Independence: A Military              tical Politics, by Leland L. Sage, rev.,

History, by Howard H. Peckham, rev.,           75-76.

393-394.                                                      Williams, George, book rev., 402-404.

Ward, Samuel R., supported     Liberty              Williams, Thomas J., conciliator in To-

League, 363-364.                                          ledo Chevrolet strike, 341-342, 345,

Warner, Robert M., ed., "Miss Newcomb          346, 347.

and the Talking Machine," 148-151.            Wilmington, N. C., home of W. Wilson,

Washburn, Wilcomb E., American Indian         2, 11, 12.

and White Relations to 1830: Needs &          Wilson, of Farm and Fireside, character

Opportunities for Study, rev., 176-177;        in Coin's Financial School, 313.

book rev., 273-275.                                      Wilson, James, editor Steubenville Ga-

Washington, river steamer, 215.                       zette, 141, 144.

Water meters, Cleveland, fight over in-            Wilson, James A., 347, 349, 352.

stallation, 43-44.                                          Wilson, Joseph (Josie), 7, 8.

Waterproof, La., 222.                                      Wilson, Mrs. Joseph R., mother of W.

Weatherford, John, book rev., 296-297.           Wilson, 4, 7, 8.

Webb, William   S., The Adena People             Wilson, Woodrow, first romance, 1-20;

No. 2, rev., 158-159.                                    student at University of Virginia, 1, 3,

Weisenburger, Francis P., book revs., 275-       4, 5, 6-7, 8, 10, 11; illness, 11, 13;

277, 297-298.                                              ambition, 11, 13, 15; attitude on "Dec-

Welles, Edward Freeman, 18.                            oration Day" in the South, 15-16; on

Wells, Bazaleel, proprietor of Steuben-             Sabbath observance, 16.

ville, 202.                                                     Wisner, E., Cash vs. Coin, 320.

West, Richard S., Jr., Mr. Lincoln's Navy,          Wittke, Carl, "Ora et Labora: A German

rev., 180-181.                                              Methodist Utopia," 129-140; book rev.,

Wetherald, C. E., and Toledo Chevrolet           406-407.

strike, 329, 347.                                           Wollerman, Henry R., 112n; and state-

Wheeler, E. P., Real Bimetallism, 320.                                   hood for Arizona, 112, 116, 118, 120,

Wheeling, [W.] Va., 190; in 1817, 207.           121, 122, 125, 126, 127.

Whig party and Whigs, J. Bailhache and,          Women's rights, issue at National Negro

144, 145; and Negro vote, 358, 363-           Convention, 359, 361-362.

364.                                                             Woodrow, Harriet A. [Hattie], 1; par-

Whiskey, abundance and kinds in early             ents, birth, and childhood, 2; musical

Ohio, 205-206; Ohio export, 216.               ability, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9-10, 14; romance

White, Henry, Coin's Financial Fool, 319.      with W. Wilson, 2-20.

White, Leonard D., The Republican Era,         Woodrow, Helen Sill, 2, 5, 7, 9, 18.

1869-1901: A Study in Administrative         Woodrow, Thomas, uncle of W. Wilson,

History, rev., 396-397.                                 2, 5, 7, 8, 18.

Whitlock, Brand, attitude on regulation           Woodrow, Wilson, cousin of W. Wilson,

of vice, 40, 41; and progressive move-         5n, 9, 18.

ment, 111, 114; and Arizona constitu-         "Woodrow Wilson's First Romance," by

tion, 113, 115, 116.                                     George C. Osborn, 1-20.

Whitney, Frank P., School and I: The             Woolen factories, Steubenville, 202-203.

Autobiography of an Ohio Schoolmaster,    Workers Party of the United States, 333n,

rev., 290-291.                                              335, 336n, 350.

"Who Wrote 'The Harp of a Thousand            World's Money Education League, 324.

Strings'?" by George Kummer, 221-              Worthington, Ohio, in 1817, 213-214.

231.                                                             Wright, Orville, 32.

Wilbur Wright Field, 21n.                                Wright Field, 21, 21n, 34.

Wild Fowl Bay, Michigan, communistic           Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 21n.

settlement, 134.                                           Wyman, Walker D., ed., The Frontier in

The   Wild  Jackasses:  The  American              Perspective, rev., 386-387.

Farmer in Revolt, by Dale Kramer, rev.,

85-86.                                     YOUNG, Mahonri S., book rev., 394-395.

Wild Train: The Story of the Andrews

Raiders, by Charles O'Neill, rev., 89-92.      ZANESVILLE, Ohio, 190; in 1818, 214.

Wilhelm, John, 39.                                          Zanesville Canal & Manufacturing Com-

Wilkinson, Norman B., comp., Biblio-            pany, 214.

graphy of Pennsylvania History, rev.,          Zepp, Erwin C., "Report of the Director

292-293.                                                      for 1957," 232-243.