OHJ Archive

Ohio History Journal




The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly


Volume 57



ABBUT, FRANCIS ELLINsGWOOU, article on,                         American   AgrictulItrist, Langstroth  con-

in Northwest Ohio Quarterly, 434.                                        tributed to, 154.

Abbotts' Bridge, 238.                                                                   American Anti-Slavery Society, 29; and

Abell, Aaron I., 182.                                                                   coalition sith abolition forces, 165-166;

Abolition and abolitionists, 2, 165-174.                                      opposed to formation of abolition party,

177-178; in Western Reserve, 24-47;                                  167.

the Presbyterian Church and, 120, 121.                                American Ble Jotritl, cited, 149; Lang-

"About Historians,"   100-102, 203-204,                                    stroth contributed to, 154, 158, 161-

320-322, 437-439.                                                                 162.

"Abraham   Lincoln Visits with Ilis Peo-                                    American Beekeepers' Association, organ-

ple," by J. I. Cramer, 66-78.                                                  ized, 163.

Academies, established  by  Scotch-Irish,                                 American College of Surgeons, required

111, 121.                                                                                hospital staff societies, 375.

Academy of Medicine of Cleveland, 359,                                 American   Historical  Association,  101;

373; organized, 356, 357-358; and                                       Anzual Report, cited, 175.

public health, 360-362, 369-371; pro-                                  American Medical Association, and edu-

grams, 362-363; meeting place, 363,                                    cational standards, 334, 347, 394; and

367; growth, 364, 366; reorganization.                                 Cleveland medical societies, 353-354,

365-366, 374; prestige, 368; news-                                       361; reorganization, 354, 356.

paper publicity, 372; in NWorld 'War                                  Amer-ican Medical Directory, cited, 332.

II, 376-377.                                                                            American Philosophical Society, 100.

Ackerman, William K., cited, 224.                                            American Pioneer, cited, 130.

"Across the Downs This Morning," song,                                  American   Railroad Journal, cited, 257,

139.                                                                                        262.

Adair, Douglass, 319.                                                                 American Telephone and Telegraph Com-

Adams, John Quincy, 33; suggested as                                      pany, and   listing  of physicians for

presidential candidate of Liberty party,                               directories, 372, 373.

170, 172.                                                                                "American Veterans of Foreign                         Service

"Adams and Liberty," band tune, 142,                                       and the Veterans of Foreign                               Wars,"

143.                                                                                        by George T. Trial, 79-93.

Adams County Democrat, cited, 12.                                           Americanism, V.F.W. and, 91-92.

"Adieu My Native Shore," song, 139.                                        Ames Tp., Athens Co., 192.

Agreeable Surprise, musical entertainment,                              "Anacreon in HIeaven," song, 132, 141,

137.                                                                                        145; band tune, 142, 143.

Agriculture in Ohio, recent publications                                   Anatomy, teaching of, in    Ohio, 1890-

on, 398.                                                                                  1945, 329-343.

Akron, 0., John Brown in and near, 24,                                     "And   Ias She Then Failed," song, 139.

32, 33; opposition  to fugitive slave                                       Anders, J. H., addressed   Academy   of

law in, 37; sympathy for John Brown                                   Medicine of Cleveland, 363.

in, 37, 42, 45, 46; abolitionist con-                                        Anderson, Russell HI., 99, 183, 198, 436.

vention at, 169.                                                                      Anderson, Sherwood, article about, 200.

Akron Beacon, cited, 45; quoted, 46.                                         Anderson farm, llarper's Ferry, Va., 41.

Aldrich, Charles J., Cleveland physician,                                  Andrews, Wayne, cited, 35.

354, 356.                                                                                Anesthesia, intraspinal, introduction  of,

Aldrich, L. C., cited, 228, 234.                                                   356.

Alice Brown, steamboat, 202.                                                     Angiology, in anatomy courses, 337, 339.

Allegheny Theological Seminary, 121.                                     Angle, Paul M., 95.

Allen, Charles, 197.                                                                    Animal    Magnetism,  musical  entertain-

Allen, Dudley P., 363; bequest to library                                   ment, 137.

association, 367.                                                                    Animals, native, Miami Valley, 50.

Allen, Kenneth L., 372.                                                              Announcements, annual, see Catalogs.

Allen County Historical Society, 431.                                        Anthology of Ohio Verse, 437.

Alliance, O., antislavery meeting at, 39;                                    Anthropology, origin of science of, 331;

founded, 276.                                                                         included in anatomy courses, 332.

Allison, Richard, army surgeon, 133.                                         Anti-Masonic party, Pennsylvania, Chase

"All's Well," song, 139.                                                               and, 170-171.

Alston, John C., 321.                                                                   Antiquities, Miami Valley, Drake studied,

Altick, Arthur, 94.                                                                       62.

Alum Creek, 185, 395.                                                                Anti-Slavery Bugle, 176.

Amaranth, boat, 245.                                                                  Antislavery movement in Ohio, 14; Cor-

"America, Commerce and Freedom," 1)and                             win and, 1, 13; Republicans and, 5;

tune, 142, 143.                                                                       John Brown and, 24-27; Presbyterian





church and, 117, 120, 121; Liberty                                       Bancroft, Frederick, cited, 21.

party and, 165-178; recent publications                               Bancroft, George, 198.

on, 398-399.                                                                           Band music, in Cincinnati, 137, 141, 142.

Antitoxin, introduction of, 355.                                                  "Bandy 0!," song, 132, 133.

Antituberculosis League, Cleveland, or-                                   Bank of the United States, championed

ganized, 361.                                                                         by Corwin, 1.

Apiarists, see Beekeepers.                                                         Bankers Magazine, cited, 251, 260, 263.

Appleby, Capt. --      , Conncaut , O.,                                        "Banks of the Dee," song, 131, 132; band

75, 78.                                                                                    tune, 142.

Appleseed, Johnny, see Chapman, John.                                   "Banks of the Ohio," song, 144.

"April Fool Convention," 168.                                                    "Bannockburn," song, 143.

Archaeology, Ohio Valley, bibliography                                  Baptist Church, and fugitive slave law,

of, reviewed, 205-206; Ohio, recent                                    39; sons of James Smith, ministers of,

publications on, 399-400.                                                      60.

Arne, Thomas A., hymnist, 136, 145.                                        Barcus, Carl, loaned firearms for exhibit,

Arthrology, in anatomy courses, 337, 339.                                316.

Arts and crafts in Ohio, recent publica-                                    Bardeen, C. R., cited, 330, 333, 340.

tions on, 400-403.                                                                  Barkdull, Howard, Cleveland   attorney,

Ashe, Thomas, quoted, 134.                                                       366.

Ashland and Vcrmillion Railroad, failure                                 Barnes, Donald Grove, 182, 204.

of, 220.                                                                                   "Barney Leave the Girls Alone," song,

Ashmun, George C., addressed Cleveland                                139.

Medical Society, 353, 359.                                                   Barry, Phillips, cited, 127, 128.

Ashtabula, O., abolition sentiment in, 34,                                  Bartholow, Roberts, Cincinnati physician,

43; Lincoln visits, 72, 74, 78; rail con-                                 388, 390.

nections, 230.                                                                         Bateman, W. M., son of Warner M., 198.

Ashtabula Co., O., Brown received sup-                                   Bateman, Warner M., 198.

port in, 38, 41, 43.                                                                 "Battle of Prague," band   tune, 142;

Asitabula League of Freedom, 41, 43.                                      song, 143.

Ashtabula Sentinel, 73; cited, 29; John                                       "Battle of the Baltic," song, 132.

Brown, Jr., hid in office of, 44.                                            "Battle of Tippecanoe," song, 138.

Ashtabula Sons of Liberty, 39.                                                   Bauer, Helen Crile, 437.

Ashtabula Weekly Telegraph, cited, 72,                                    Baxter, Jean, 197, 200.

73, 74.                                                                                    "Bay of Biscay," song, 139.

"Assembly," band tune, 142; song, 143.                                     Bayard, Samuel P., cited, 143.

Associate Presbyterians, 113, 114.                                            Beall, James, 117.

Associate Reformed Congregation of Mar-                              Beals, Dr. Joseph, 152, 161.

tinsburg  Session Records, cited, 114,                                 Beattie, Homer M., 197, 432.

115, 117, 118.                                                                        Beattie, Mendell E., 100.

Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church,                               Beatty, George, editor Niles' Weekly Reg-

at Utica, organized, 113; at Martins-                                   ister, 209.

burg, 113-114, 115, 116, 117-118, 120-                               Beaver, R. Pierce, cited, 48.

121; at Concord, organized, 114; edu-                                Beck, Earl J., 321.

cated ministry of, 121.                                                          Beckwith, David H., addressed Cleveland

Association for the Study of Negro Life                                   Medical Society, 353.

and History, 197.                                                                   Bedell, Miss -----, see Billings, Mrs.

Association of American Medical Colleges,                             Grace.

and reforms in   anatomy instruction,                                   Beecher, Henry Ward. 13.

334.                                                                                        Beeckman, George, 80.

Athens Co., O., loss on railroad stock,                                       Beehives, Huber's, 149, 151; Bevan's,

225.                                                                                        149, 150; Dzierson's, 150; Langstroth's,

Atmosphere, schooner, 245.                                                       151-152, 161. 162.

Atwater, Caleb, cited, 105, 217.                                                Beekeepers, associations of, 163-164.

Aufderheide, Paul J., Cleveland dentist,                                    Beekeeping, see Honeybees, culture of.

372.                                                                                        Bees, see Honeybees.

Augusta, 0., 61.                                                                           "Beggar Girl," song. 139.

"Auld Lang Syne," song, 132, 143.                                            Beginnings of the U. S. Army 1783-1812,

Automobile industry, early, centered in                                    by James R. Jacobs, rev. by A. B.

Cleveland, 345.                                                                     Sears, 103-107.

"Away   with  Melancholy," band  tune,                                   "Begone, Dull Care," song, 132.

142.                                                                                        Belden, Paul B., Sr., 203.

"Away with This Pouting," song, 139.                                       Bell, Benjamin, 192.

Bell, James C. C., 257, 265.

Bell, James Martin, 257.

BABBOTT, CHARLES, 96.                                                       Bellefontaine, O., on railroad, 228.

"Bag of Nails," song, 139.                                                          Bellevue, O., railroad connections, 229,

Bailey, Gamaliel, and Liberty party, 166-                                 232.

169, 170, 171, 173; quoted, 176.                                          Belmont Chronicle, cited, 222, 223.

Baily, Francis, 58-59; cited, 58, 59, 64.                                     Belmont Co., O., railroad stock, 222.

Baker, Newton, home of, 182.Benner                 allace    Cleveland physician

Ballads, pioneer, 130, 138, 139. 143,                                        370

145.                                                                                       Bennett, Charles R., 203.

Balls, social, in early Ohio, 133, 134.                                        Bennett, Emerson, cited, 129.

Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 235.                                            Bennett, John, 197.


INDEX                                 451


Bennett, John R., Civil War experiences                                        Bloomhardt, Paul F., 196.

recorded, 431.                                                                            Blower, Arthur H., 435.

Benninghofen, Pauline, 197.    Blue, H. T. O., 203.

Benson, S. B., 96.                                                                             Blue Beard, "March" from, 142, 143.

Berg, Rev. -----, Philadelphia, Pa.,                                                 "Blue Bells of Scotland," song, 130, 143.

150.                                                                                             "Blythe Sandy," band tune, 142.

Berger, Samuel A., Cleveland physician,                                       Boatmen, river, music of, 129-130.

366.                                                                                             Bogart, Ernest L., cited, 220, 221, 223,

Bestor, Arthur E., Jr., Education and Re-                                       225, 229.

form at New Harmony: Correspondence                                   Bohannon, James A., 372.

of William Maclure and Marie Duclos                                      Bohning MS. collection, Western Reserve

Fretageot, 1820-1833, rev. by Everett                                      Historical Society, 436.

Walters, 445-446.                                                                       Bok, Cary W., 198.

Bettelheim, Edwin S., Jr., 89.   Bok, Curtis, 198.

Bevan's Treatise of the Honeybee, 149.                                         Bok, Edward W., 198.

"Bewildered Maid," song, 139.       Bond, Beverley W., Jr., cited, 49, 129,

Bibliography: publications on Ohio his-                                          135.

tory, archaeology, and natural history,                                      "Bonnets Blue," song, 143.

.39-430.                                                                                      Book reviews, 103-110, 205-213, 323-

Bibliography of Ohio                       Archaeology, by                      328, 440-448.

Richard G. Morgan            and James   l.                                  Bestor, Arthur E., Jr., ed., Education

Rodabaugh, rev. by J. B. Griffin, 205-                                            and Reform at New Harmony: Cor-

206.       \respondence of William Maclure and

Bierce, Lucius V., 46; cited, 37.                                                      Marie Duclos Fretageot, 1820-1833,

Big Miami River, see Great Miami River.                                            by Everett Walters, 445-446.

Big Run, 185.

Big Run, 185. <   ioBlegen, Theodore C., Grass Roots His-

Big Walnut Creek, 185.                                                                   tory, by William  Charvat, 211-212.

"Bill Bobstay," song, 131.         Downes, Randolph C., The Conquest:

Billau, Harriet, 314.                                                                               Lucas County Historical Series, by

Billings, Mrs. Grace, 76, 77.           John 0. Marsh, 326-328.

Bincklng, Willm, compoer, 136.     Drake, Daniel, Pioneer Life in Ken-

Binckley,  .    C., 100.                                                                            Htucky, 1785-1800, ed. by E. F.

Bingkame, Evelyn C., 100.                                                              Horine, rev. by B. 11. Pershing, 443-

Binkley, Robert C., sponsored  regional                                               445

studies, 182     e    ^"^-""s "n,      ^t445.

studies, 182.                                                                                Jacobs, James R., The Beginnings of

Biography, Ohio, recent publications on,                                             the U. S. Army 183-1812, by A. B.


Biology, founders of moden, 330                                                    Sears, 103-107.

teaching of, 331, 342.m n, 330-331;                                          Jordan, Philip D., The National Iloac,

Birchard, Sardis, copies of letters acquired,                                        by J. 1. Rodabaugh, 446-448.

315.                                                                                             Luxon, Norval Neil, Niles' Weekli

Register. 19th Century News Maga-

Birds, Ohio, recent publications on, 418-    Register. 1th Century News Mag11

419.                                                                                             Malin, Jameby R. C. Wheeler, 208-211. of

Birge, Russell It., Cleveland physician,                                           Malin,  James C., The Grassland of

348.                                      Clevela     ysician,                               North America: Prolegomena to Its

D'e *                                                                                     .History, by E. H. Roseboom, 207-

Birney, James G., presidential candidate,                        oseboom  207


Lierty party, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171,                                        Morgan, Richard G., and James H.

172, 173; reform project, 174.                                                   Rodabaugh   Bibliography                       of Ohio

Birthday, musical entertainment, 137.Rodabaugh, Bibliorahy       of Ohio

Birthday, musical entertainment, 137.                               Archaeology, by J. B. Griffin, 205-

Bishop, Henry Rowley, composer, 139,                                               206.

143.                                                                                             Peckham, Howard H., Pontiac and the

Bishop, S. P., assistant cashier, Ohio Life                                             Indian Uprising, by F. P. Weisen-

Insurance and Trust Co., 253, 255.                                                 burger, 107-110.

;e256.         49Quaife, M. M., and Sidney Glazer,

Bixler, Raymond, 439.                                                                           Michigan: From   Primitive Wilder-

Black String Bands, 44.                                                                    ness to Industrial Commonwealth, by

Bladensburg, O., Virginians in,   120;                                                   F. P. Weisenburger, 325-326.

Presbyterian church established at, 120.                                   R,  CaesCle       Dk     o

Blaettner, John       , 97.                                                                       Charles, Colonel Dick Thompson,

Blaine, James G., cited, 2, 252;                                                       the Persistent Whig, by W. P.

Bla2., Jame  G., cited, 2, 252; quoted,                                             Marchman, 440-442.

2l      l        *      *      *i.                                                              Slick, Sewell F., William                          Trent and

Blair, name of Scottish family in Licking              E., W  illiam      Trent and

Co., O., II 4.                             The West, by E. Hl. Roseboom,

Co., O., 114.

Blair, Walter, cited, 129.                                                                 442-443.

Blake, Harrison G., Ohio congressman,                                         Swartwout, Annie Fern, Missie: An His-

43.             , /     g    esslnai         torical Biography of Annie Oakley,

Blankenhorn, Marion A., Cleveland physi-                                          by John 0. Marsh, 323-324.

cian, 366, 367.                                                                            Wayland, John W., The Lincolns in

Blegen, Theodore C., Grass Roots History,                                          Virginia, by John  . Marsh, 212-

rev. by William Charvat, 211-212                                                   213.

Bleile, A. M., Columbus physician, 396.                                         Bourquin, Ienry, cabinet maker, 151-152.

Blendon Tp., Franklin Co., O., G. W.                                              Boy Scout troops, sponsored by V.F.W..

Hart in, 185, 186.                                                                        92.

Bloodgood, J. C., addressed Academy of                                       Boyce, William, hymnist, 136.

Medicine of Cleveland, 363.     Boyd, Julian P., 319




Boynton, Napoleon II., Cleveland physi-                                    Bushnell, Dr. E., 315.

cian, 372.                                                                                 Business and industry in   Ohio, recent

Brackenridge, Henry Marie, cited, 139,                                     publications on, 407-408.

140.                                                                                          Butler, Frank, 323.

Braddock, Edward, defeat of, 108.                                             Butler, Mrs. Henry A., 316.

Bradley, Capt. Daniel, 51, 53; cited, 51,                                      Butler, Joseph, G., III, 316.

53, 64.                                                                                     Butler, Gen. Richard, 51, 52-53; cited,

Bradley, Whittermore, and Company, rail-                                53, 64.

road contractors, 223.                                                             Butler County Historical Society, 197.

Brainerd, Mrs. Almon, 153.           Butman, J. S., 240, 241.

Breed, Dr. l)aniel, 43.                                                                  Butman, Maria, 239.

Brewster, Paul G., cited, 127, 143.

"Bright Chanticleer," song, 132.

Brinkman, Andrew, 97.                                                               "CA    IRA," song, 131, 141, 143; band

British travel accounts, 49.            tune, 142.

Britton, A. T., 198.                                                                       Caesar's Creek, 61.

Broadwell, Samuel J., 259; assignee, Ohio                                 Cahokia, 111., 109.

Life Insurance and Trust Co., 256.                                        Caldwell, Darius, quoted, 39.

Brobeck, George K., 89.                                                             Caldwell, 11. Van                     Y., 373; executive

Brokaw, William F., Cleveland physician,                                  secretary, Academy                 of Medicine    of

350.                                                                                         Cleveland, 365; and reorganization of

Brookins, Oscar S., 80, 81.            academy, 366, 374; health    reporter,

Brooks, Jennie, 156, 158.                                                             WGAR, 370; and health museum, 371-

Brown, Benjamin, 156.                                                                372.

Brown, C. F., 85.                                                                          Calhoun, John C., letters of acquired,

Brown, David, 80, 81.                                                                  436.

Brown, Dianthe, 41.                                                                     Calvinism, 115-116; in central Ohio, 111,

Brown, E. C., 198.                                                                       118, 123.

Brown, Ephraim, quoted, 29.        Cambridge, 0., railroad stock authorized

Brown, Francis 11., 198.                                                             for. 222.

Brown, Frederick, 37.                                                                 Campbell, name of Scottish    family at

Brown, Rev. 1-. B., 156.                                                              Martinsburg, O., 114.

Brown, Jason, 37.                                                                        Campbell, Olive D., cited, 127.

Brosn, John, Republicans accused of en-                                   Campus Martius Museum, 99, 315. 431.

dorsing, 1; Corwin's attitude on, 12,                                       Canada, refuge for fugitives, 30; popula-

13, 19; Republican                   attitude toward,                     tion, 107.

14; Lincoln's view                    of, 19; and his                       Canal Days, history of Lucas County,

Ohio  environment, 24-47; study    of                                   publication planned, 433.

motivations of, 181; home at Akron                                      Canals, 33, 227, 234, 344; proposed

as museum, 435.                                                                     route for, 62-63; first in Ohio, 216;

Brown, John, Jr., 37, 41, 43, 44.    charters, 238; tolls, 241.  See  also

Brown, Mark, editor Lancet-Clinic, 391.                                   Milan Canal.

Brown, Owen, 30, 31, 44.             "Canterbury," tune, 136.

Brown, Owen, 2d, 37.                                                                 Canton, O., biography of founder -nub-

Brown, Salmon, 37.                                                                     lished, 435.

Brown, Waldo, 156, 159, 160; cited, 161.                                  Carlisle, Pa., 51.

Brown & Walker, Norswalk, O., 245.                                       Carlsen, Frederick M., 100.

Browning, Samuel J., 85.              Carolan, Turlogh, 144, 145.

Brownson, Oliver, composer, 136.                                             "Carolan's Receipt-for the  Making   of

lruner, William  Evans, Cleveland pbysi                                    Whiskey," song, 144.

cian, 347, 357, 358, 366.         Carter, Edsard, Cleveland physician, 348.

Bryan, Guy M., 315.                                                                   Cartter, D. K., 69.

Buchanan, James, 3, 38, 42, 43; d-                                            Case Institute of Technology, 101.

nounced by Corwin, 5.            Case   Library, Cleveland, meeting   of

Buell, Walter R., cited, 28, 33, 34, 35.                                       medical society in, 349; medical books

Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Annie                                       in, 351.

Oakley with, 323.                                                                  Case School of Applied Science, founded,

Buffalo Express, cited, 84.            344.

Bugles, use of, in military bands, 140.                                       ass, Lewis, 108.

Buley, R. Carlyle, cited, 187-188.                                              Castle, Charles, editor Lancet-Clinic, 392.

Bulletins, school, see Catalogs.    Catalogs, medical school, description of

Bullskin Creek, 61.                                                                      anatomy courses in, 334-342.

"Bunker's Hill," band tune, 142.   Cattle, shipped from Sandusky, 234.

Bunn, Matthew, cited, 130.          Cauffield, E. J., 435.

Bunting, Edward, 138, 144, 145.  "Cease Rude Boreas," band tune, 142.

Bunts, Frank   E., Cleveland  physician,                                    Cedarville College, 100.

354, 356, 357, 358, 364; quoted,                                          "Celebrated Echo Song," 143.

348-349.                                                                                (Centinel of the North-Western Territory,

Burdett, Frank G., 97.                                                                 cited, 131, 133.

Burnet, Jacob, 247; cited, 129, 133, 140.                                   Central Ohio Railroad, 222, 235; char-

Burnett, -----    at Cincinnati, 59. tered, 221; contract for building. 223;

"Burns' Farewell," song, 143.       receiver appointed for, 224-225.

Burrell, Mrs. Julia, 197.                                                              Chagrin Falls Congregational Church. 46.

Burrows, -----., Geneva, )., minister,                                        Chambersburg, Pa., arms for John Brown

72.                                                                                          stored at, 41.


INDEX                                   453


Chandler, William E., 198.                                                           Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton Rail-

Chapin, A. M., cited, 113, 122.                                                     road, depreciation of bonds, 262.

Chapman, John, address on, 203.                                                  "Cincinnati I.uncet-Clinic," by David A.

Chapman   MS. collection, Western   Re                                     Tucker, 387-392.

serve Ilistorical Society, 436.                                                  Cincinnati Pioneer, cited, 134.

Chardon, 0., ovation for Giddings at,                                           (incinnati Superior Court lieports, cited,

34.                                                                                            256, 259.

Charity Hospital, Cleveland, 382.                                                       cinati Weekly Hrald, quoted,         2-

Charleston (S. C.) Mercury, cited, 23.                                                        176 cited          17, 174, 177 178.

Charlestown, Va., Brown's trial at, 41,                                               ,        e                       137


43.                                                                                            (iltlerilla, opera, 137.

Charters, railroad, 217, 218; canal, 238.                                     Cipriani,        dancer, 137.

Charvat, William, book rev., 211-212.                                        Circuit Court for the Southern District

Chase, Salmon   P., 15, 35, 39; and                                              of Ohio, railroad suit in, 224.

Corwin, 9, 11, 12; advocate of coali-                                     Cist, Charles, cited, 129.

tion of antislavery groups, 165, 174-                                      (ist's Weekly Advertiser, cited, 135, 137.

175, 176; Liberty party leader, 17,                                         "City Guards' March," band tune, 142.

171, 173; cited, 171, 172, 173, 174                                        (Civil War, Langstroth and, 160; Ohioans

175, 176, 177; copies of letters of,                                               and the recent publications on, 408-

aclquired, 315.                                                                              409.

Chatham Convention, 37.                                                             (Clapp, aIrold T., Cleveland physician,

Chemistry, publications on, in library of                                           350.

G. W. Hart, 189-190.                                                              Clark, J., hymnist, 136.

"Cherry Cheeked Patty," song, 139.                                             Clark, George Rogers, 53.

Chicago Daily Times, file acquired, 314.                                    (lark, John H., 80, 81.

Chicago Historical Society, letters in, 95.                                   Clark, William, 103, 104.

Chickering, Geraldine J., cited, 127.                                           (lark Co., 0., history of, published, 94,

Chillicothe, O., Corwin spoke at, 7.                                                   431-432.

Chinese Boxer Rebellion, veterans of 88.                                   C'lark County HIistorical Society, 94, 431.

Choate, Geo. W., 238.                                                                 Clark University, Dr. F. P. Mall professor

Cholera, Asiatic, address on, 352.                                                     of anatomy at, 331.

Christie, Chester D., Cleveland physician,                                  (Clay, Ienry, 11; and Corwin, 2, 14, 18;

375.                                                                                               letters of, acquired, 436.

Church discipline, Presbyterian. 115, 116,                                 Clay, Lucius D., 101.

119. See also Church trials.                                                   Clay Tp., Knox Co., O., Scotch-Irish in,

Church Music, by R. Patterson, 136.                                                 112; first Presbyterian church in, 113.

Church of Scotland, 113.                                                             Clayton, Glenn L., Ashland, 0., 438.

Church trials, Martinsburg A.R.P., 117-                                     Cleaveland, Moses, 183.

118, 119; Martinsburg LI. P., 119;                                        Cleveland, Catherine C., cited, 135.

Utica Presbyterian, 119-120.                                                 Cleveland, Frederick A., cited, 223.

Churches, antislavery movement in, 32;                                     (Cleveland, John L., Cincinnati physician,

Congregational, 46; First Presbyterian,                                       388.

Cincinnati, 63; Presbyterian  services,                                  Cleveland, O., antislavery sentiment in,

115; western, music in, 135, 136.                                                26, 29, 34, 35, 37, 41; attitude toward

Cincinnati, 0., 3, 106, 228; Fort Wash-                                             John Brown in, 27, 37, 38, 42, 45, 46;

ington at, 54; Symmes at, 55; Van                                               Lincoln in, 68; press reports on Lin-

Cleve family in, 56, 57; in 1797, de-                                           coln, 76; dioramas on history of, 99;

scribed, 59; books published on. 61 62;                                       Progressivism  in, seminar on, 180;

Drake in, 62-63; semicentennial, 63:                                          abolitionism in, 181; and railroads, 222,

population in 1861, 66; reception of                                            229, 230, 232; growth of commerce,

Lincoln in, 66; veterans' conventions                                          227, 234, 235; medical societies in,

in, 86; early, music in, 128, 131-133,                                          1890-1945, 344-377; population, 1910,

135, 137-145; growth, 1788-1825, 129                                      344; Dr. W. T. Corlett in, 379, 381.

sleighing parties, 134-135; beekeepers'                                Cleveland Allergy Society, 375.

convention in, 163; culture in early,                                     Cleveland and Columbus Railroad, 229.

187; and railroads, 229, 230, 231, 232,                                Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, de-

234; Ohio Life Insurance and Trust                                           preciation of bonds, 262.

Co. in, 247-265; closing of hanks in,                                     (leveland and Toledo Railroad, 230, 232.

1837, 249; Annie Oakley     in, 323;                                    Cleveland Anti-Fugitive Slave Law  Con-

established, 327; medical schools in,                                          vention. 27.

329; growth by    1890. 344; medical                                   Cleveland Artillery Company, 40.

iournals published in, 387-392.                                             Cleveland City llospital, 346, 362; ex-

"Cincinnati," song, 144.                                                                    panded, 377; Dr. Corlett at, 384; case

Cincinnati Advertiser, cited, 132. 135.                                             of leprosy at, 385.

141, 144.                                                                               Cleveland College of Physicians and Sur-

Cincinnati Cotmmercial, cited, 2, 4. 6. 7,                                         geons, see Wooster University, medical

10, 11, 163, 256.                                                                         department.

Cincinnati Daily Gazette, cited, 140, 143.                                 Cleveland,  Columbus,  and  Cincinnati

253, 255. 258, 260, 261.                                                             Railroad, 230; Annual Report, cited,

Cincinnati Emiporiunm, cited, 132.                                                 230, 231, 233; fares, 232; income,

Cincinnati Enquirer, cited, 25.                                                         1853-54, 233; failure, 234.

Cincinnati Gazette, cited, 12, 19, 132,                                       Cleveland Dermatological Society, 375.

225.                                                                                       Cleveland General Hlospital, 346.

"Cincinnati Guards' March," ,bnd tune,                                     (Cleleland Herald, 232; cited, 77, 222;

142.                                                                                             quoted, 245.




Cleveland Homeopathic Medical College,                                 Colter, L. S., Cincinnati physician, 391.

345.                                                                                         Colvin, Richard, 157.

Cleveland  Hospital Service Association,                                  Columbia, 0., 58, 60, 61; established,

inaugurated benefit plan, 376.                                               49  327.

Cleveland Journal of Medicine, organ,                                      'Columbia, Columbia to Glory Arise,"

Cleveland Medical Society, 354; article                                bnd tune, 142

on "Skotography" in, 356; cited, 361,                                    Columbia Uniersity, 100.


Cleveland Leader, quoted, 26, 36, 39;                                        Columbian Harmonist, hymnal, 136.

cited, 26, 27, 37, 39, 40, 43, 45, 46;                                       Columbian Inn, Cincinnati, 138.

Kagi correspondent for, 39; and Har-                                  "Columbian March," band tune, 142.

per's Ferry, 47; account of Lincoln's                                     Columbus, O., Corwin spoke at, 9; Ohio

address in, 68.                                                                        State Journal published at, 73; veterans'

Cleveland Medical College, 345, 381, 382.                                organizations in, 79, 80, 81, 82, 87,

Cleveland Medical Gazette, 354.                                                92; state convention of Liberty party

Cleveland Medical Journal, founded, 354;                                in, 171; Negro History Week in, 197;

quoted, 359; discontinued, 364.                                             and early railroads, 222, 232; preven-

Cleveland  Medical Library  Association,                                  tion of communicable diseases in, 393-

357, 363; organized, 351; building pro-                                397; National Road reached, 447.

gram, 366, 367; bequest to, 368; in                                        Columbus Academy of Medicine, 393.

World War II, 376.                                                                Columbus and Xenia Railroad, 229, 233.

Cleveland Medical Society, 367; organ-                                    Collnbus Dispatch, cited, 80, 82; quoted,

ized, 350; meetings, 352, 355; growth8, 84, 85.

353; merger, 357; and public health,                                     Columbus   Medical   College,  anatomy

360-361; and   community life, 362;                                     courses in, 335-336, 340, 341; merged,

meeting place, 363.                                                                393.

Cleveland Museum   of Health, sponsored                                Columbus Medical    Journal, report of

health programs, 370; established, 371;                                dermatological clinic in, 382.

incorporators, 372.                                                                 C(ol.umbuts Press-Post, cited, 82.

Cleveland Museum   of Natural Hlistory,                                  Columbus State llospital, typhoid epi-

197, 200.                                                                                demic at, 395.

Cleveland Plain Dealer, cited, 26, 38, 39;                                 "Come Iaste to the Wedding," song,

account of Lincoln's address in, 68.                                      141.

Cleveland Public Library, 95, 182.                                             "Come Take the Ilarp," song, 138.

Cleveland Radiological Society, 375.                                         Comly, James M., 315.

Cleveland World, quoted, 28-29.                                                Commercial Hlospital, Cincinnati, 63.

Click, Charles, 80.                                                                       Commissioner  of Railroads and   Tele-

Clinic, 389, 390; original announcement                                    graphs, Annual Report, cited, 222, 224,

quoted, 388.                                                                            225, 226.

Clinical Club, Cleveland, 375.                                                    Compromise of 1850, 3; Cor\in's attitude

Clinics, medical, 381-382.                                                          toward, 8.

"Clinton's March," band tune, 142.                                             Columbiana, 0., 276, 301.

Coal, export of, from Sandusky. 234-235.                                 Concord School, near Martinsburg, 0.,

Cochran, William C., cited, 35, 36, 38,                                      114.

39; quoted, 40.                                                                       Conestoga wagons, 447.

Coffin, Levi, quoted, 28.                                                             Congdon, William, 68.

Coffinberry, Henry, MS. collection. West-                               Congregational Churches, lludson. O., 32;

ern Reserve Historical Society, 436.                                     Jefferson, 0., 44; Chagrin Falls, O.,

Colcord, R., 198.                                                                         46; Greenfield, Mass., Second, 148;

Cole, Arthur C., 312; sponsored regional                                   Colrain, Mass., 153.

studies, 182; cited, 234.                                                         Congregationalists,  in  membership  of

Cole, George C., sued Central Ohio Rail                                   Presbyterian churches, 113, 125.

road, 224.                                                                               Congressional Globe, 14; cited, 15, 16,

Coleman, ---. dancing instructor, 134.                                       17, 22, 45.

Coleman, Mrs. Chapman, cited, 3.                                             Conkling, Roscoe, 199.

"College Hornpipe," band tune, 142.                                          Conneaut, 0., Lincoln visited, 74-75, 78;

College of Physicians and Surgeons of                                      rail connections, 230.

Chicago, Dr. Corlett and, 381.                                              Conneaut Reporter, quoted, 75.

College of Wooster, 101.                                                            Connor, P. S., Cincinnati physician, 388.

Colleges, established by Scotch-Irish, 111,                                Conquest, The, by R. C. D)ownes, pub-

121.                                                                                        lished, 200, 433; rev. by John   O.

Colleges and universities. Ohio. Western                                  Marsh, 326-328.

Reserve College, 28, 30. 32, 333; Ohio                                Conservation in Ohio, recent publications

Medical College, 63; Ohio State Uni-                                   on, 419-420.

versity, 101, 333, 337-339, 341. 342;                                    "Constitution and the Guerrierre," song,

University of Toledo, 102. 33; West-                                    144.

ern Reserve University, 179-184, 332,                                 Conzett, Jacob, autobiography, 100.

333, 344   347, 382, 383, 384; Uni-                                       Cook, James, 192.

versity of Cincinnati, 333; Ohio hrloi-                                  (Cook, John. 27, 41, 46.

cal University, 336, 337, 341, 342.                                       Cook, Joseph E., Cleveland physician, 350,

393,                                                                                        351, 358.

Colome, -    -, dancing instructor, 134.                                       Cooke, Eleutheros, Sandusky, O., railroad

Colonel Dick Tlhompson, the Persistent                                    pioneer, 228.

Whig, by Charles Roll. rev. hy V. P.                                     Cooke, Jay, 228; cited, 228.

Marchman, 440-442.                                                             "Coolin," song, 144, 145.


INDEX                                   455


"Coon" convention, Coluimbus, 'ISS. rc-                                      emy of Medicine of Cleveland, 365,

lating to, acquired, 436.             366, 367, 374.

Coonskin Library, titles in, 192-193.                                             Cummings, Richard 0., 438.

Cooper lUnion, New   York City  Corwinl                                   Cunningham, James, Presbyterian   min-

spoke at, 12.                                                                             istcr, 113, 121.

'Cope, Robert S., 101, 438.             C1ure for tile Spleen, nmusical entertain-

ope, Robert  ent, 137.

Copeland, Dr. -----, Franklin Co., ().                                            Currier an  Ies prints, 199.

192.                                                                                          Curtis, George William, correspondence

Copeland, John Anthony, 26, 40. 3 43 4.                                      acquirtd, 314.

Copperheadism, in Central Ohio, 121.                                         Ctshing, Caleb, and Ciddings, 34.

Coppin, Joseph, cited, 135.             Cushing, I l\arld 1., Cleveland physician,

Coppoc, 1Barclay, 44.                                                                        361

Coppoc, Edwin, 46.                        Cusing, I. Kirke, Cleveland physician,

Corbin, 11. C., 199.                                                                       348.

Corner, G. W., cited, 330.             (ushing, llarvey, addressed Academy of

Cornets, use of, in armny, 140.                                                    Mledicine of Cleveland, 363.

Corlett, IWillial   lhonias,  C lexel-and                                        Cuyahoga Co., O., (  archaeological map of,

physician, 358; addressed Academy of                                        200 and railroad stock, 222.

ledicine of C leieland, 357; contribu-                                     Cu tahoga County Mledical Society, 348-

tion to derimatology antd syphilology,                                          349; tecline of, 350; attendance, 353;

378-386; cited, 378.                                                                      rejuvenated, 354; merger, 356-357; sec-

Correau, -----, purchased Great West-                                            tional organization, 358; meeting place

ern Railroad, 262.                                                                   for, 363.

Corwin, 'lhomas, conservatism, 1-2; and                                     Cuyahxoga lRiver, sewage emptied   into,

Republican party, 2-6; port., facing 4;                                         53.

position on slavery issue, 6-7, 12-15;                                     Cttology, origin of, 330.

campaign   for  congress,  7-11;  and

speakerslip contest, 14, 15, 16; attempt

at conciliation, 16-18; ant election of                                    DA)ASNT, CAMILLE, soni of Ctharles, 154.

Lincoln, 18-19; chairman congressional                                I)adant, Charles, apiarist, 154.

committee,  20;  Corxwin  amendment,                                 "l)intie Da)lie," song, 132.

21-23.                                                                                      D)ancing parties, 135.

"Country Club, or the Quizzical Society,'                                   Dancing schools, early Ohio, 133, 135.

song, 138.                                                                                l)arby, John C., Cleveland physician, 375.

Covenanter Church, see Reformled Pres-                                  I)arlington, W. MI., cited, 50, 65.

bvterian Church.D Iavie, J. B., 85.

Coss an, .\lrs. 11. C(., tdatughter of l.ang-                                   Davis, Iarold E., 194, 312.

stroth, 164.                                                                              Davis, Stanton L., 101, 311, 312, 313.

Cowen, 1B. R., 198.                      Davy, R. 1., Cincinnati physician, 391.

Cox, Samuel S., 9, 15.                                                                  I)awley, Florence L., 100.

Crafts, in Ohio, see Arts and crafts in                                        D l)ison, George, 199.

Ohio.                                                                                       i)awson, W. W., Cincinnati physician,

Cramer, John 1I., 204; "'Abraham Lincoln                                      388.

Visits xwith His People," 66-78.                                            IDay, Thonas, 445.

Cranch, Albert G., Cleveland physician,                                   Day, Wilson    M., president Cleveland

375.                                                                                              chamber of commerce, 353.

Cranz, Rev. ---. diary          (1834),                                           l)ayton, Jonathan, 55.

quoted, 309.                                                                            D)avton, O., 57, Langstroth in, 164; rail-

Crai\ford, George, assignee, Olio LTife                                          road connections, 228, 229, 233.

Insurance and Trust Company, 256.                                     l)ayton and Union Railway, indebtedness,

"Crazv Jane," song, 132.                                                                   224.

Cresap, Thomas, 50.                     i)aton Iistorical Society, 94, 432.

C'restline, 0., rail connections, 232.                                            i)ayton  (Ohio) Journal, cited, 11, 19,

Crile, George            W.,              361,   364,  375;                           231; quoted, 232.

addressed             Cleveland   Mlcdical Society,                  "Dead  March," song, 140, 143; band

356, 371.                                                                                      tune, 141.

Critchlield, Charles V., 316.        Dearborn, Mrs. Elmer, 365-366.

Crittenden, John J., 3, 20; compromise                                      "Death's Cradle Hymn," song, 131.

proposal, 22.                                                                          I)ebates, literary, 123.

Croigban, George, 49-51; cited, 64; and                                   "Decatur's Victory," song, 138.

Trent, 443.                                                                             )eerfield, (South Lebanon) 0., 61.

Croghan Hall, 51.                         Defiance, O., 109.

Cromwell, Dean, 99.                                                                  Delano, Columbus, 122, 198.

Crooks, A., quoted, 46.                                                               D)elaware, 0., birthplace R. B. IIayes,

Cross of Malta, 88.                                                                     95; on stage line, 227.

Crow. Etienne P., Cleveland physician,                                     Delaware County Historical Society, 94,

350.                                                                                              314.

Crustaceans, Ohio, recent publications on.                               Delta Queen, steamer, 99, 202.

420-421.                                                                           Democratic party   and  Democrats, and

Cub'lan pacification, veterans of, 88.                                              Corwin, 2, 6, 9, 10, 17; fusion of

Culbertson, J. C., 388, 389, 391.                                                party, 35; northern, attitude  toward

Cummer, Clyde L., "Medical Societies in                                       Brown. 45; and Liberty party, 175,

Cleveland from  1890 to 1945," 344-                                         176, 177-178; and ratification of Ohio

377; and reorganization of the Acad-                                       Constitution of 1851, 222.




Denison, Adam  B., Cleveland physician,                                 Dravo Corporation, 99.

370.                                                                                        Dred Scot Decision, Corwin on, 7, 10, 11;

Dennistown, Wood & Co., vs. Merchant's                                Republican attitude on, 8.

Bank of Cleveland, 256.                                                        Drennan, Marie, 437.

Denny, Maj. Ebenezer, 51-52; cited, 52,                                   Drums, use of, in military bands, 139,

53.                                                                                          140.

Denny, W. H. P., cited, 4.                                                           Dubiel, Francis, 80, 81, 92.

Dent, Edward J., cited, 128.                                                       Dulles, Foster Rhea, 204; award to, 195.

Dentistry, courses for students of, 341.                                      Dumond, Dwight L., cited, 172, 173,

Dermatology, as medical specialty   in                                      174.

northern Ohio, 378-386.                                                        Dunkirk, 0., 234; rail connections, 230.

Desher, Kenneth B., 197.                                                           Dunlap, James, Covenanter, 113.

Detroit, Mich., Croghan in, 51; siege of,                                   Dunn, Elizabeth Lorraine, 147, 160.

109.                                                                                        Du Rant, Bert J., 80, 81.

Deuschle, W. D., Columbus health officer,                               Durrett, Col. -- --, library of, 59.

394.                                                                                        Dusouchet, --  -, dancing instructor,

"Development of the Teaching of Anat-                                   134.

omy in Ohio, 1890-1945," by Linden                                    "Dusty Miller," band tune, 142.

F. Edwards, 329-343.                                                            Dutton, O. 11., 67.

Deveraux, Charles R., 83.                                                          Dzierzon, Jan, Polish apiarist, 149, 150,

Devers, Mrs. Luther A., 432.                                                     153, 157, 158.

Dewey, Adm. George, visited Columbus

in 1903, 82.

Dexter, Richard,  Cleveland  physician,

370.                                                                                        EAGLE TAVERN, Milan, O., 239.

Diaries: Munk, Christoph Jacob, April                                       Earle, Thomas, vice presidential candi-

21-August 17, 1832, 266-310.                                               date, 167, 168, 169.

Dibdin, -…    .--, composer, 139.                                               Earthquake, at Cincinnati, 62.

Dickens, Charles, at Sandusky, 0., 227.                                     Easy Instructor, hymn book, 136.

Dictionary of American Biography, cited,                                 "Echo," band tune, 142; song 143.

2, 149.                                                                                    Eddy, Mary O., cited, 127, 133, 143.

Diefenbach, H. B., 316.                                                              Eden Tp., Licking Co., O., Scotch-Irish

Dietrich, Clement, assignee, Ohio Life                                      in, 112, 114; literary club in, 122-123.

Insurance and Trust Co., 256.                                               Edson, ----, composer, 136.

Dietz, David, writer for Cleveland Press,                                 Education, V.F.W. and, 91; Scotch-Irish

372.                                                                                        and, 121, 122; in Ohio, recent publica-

Dillon, John B., cited, 130.                                                          tions on, 409-410.

Diseases, Miami Valley, Drake studied,                                    Education and Reform at New Harmony:

62; study of nervous and mental, 342.                                   Correspondence   of William   Maclure

See also Medicine in Ohio.                                                    and  Marie            Duclos Fretageot, 1820-

Dissections, anatomical, 329, 333, 334,                                      1833, ed. by A. E. Bestor, Jr., rev. by

335, 336, 337, 338-339.                                                         Everett Walters, 445-446.

District of Columbia, abolition of slavery                                   Edwards, Capt. David, 245.

in, 170, 177.                                                                            Edwards, Linden   F., "Development of

Dittrick, Howard, Cleveland  physician,                                    the Teaching of Anatomy in     Ohio,

348.                                                                                         1890-1945," 329-343.

Dixon, Fred  W., Cleveland   physician,                                    Eells, Hastings, 194, 195, 201, 311.

370.                                                                                         Ellsworth, Clayton S., 101, 201, 311

Dixon, James E., 198, 432.                                                          Emancipation of slaves, Corwin's attitude

Dixon, Joshua, founder, Columbiana, 309.                                 on, 7.

Dodd, William E., cited, 1.                                                          Emancipator (Boston), cited, 165, 166,

"Doldrum," song, 138.                                                                 175, 177.

"Done Over Taylor," song, 131.                                                 Embryology, origin of science of, 330;

Dorn, Walter L., 101.                                                                  instruction in, 332, 334, 342.

Doull, James A., Cleveland   physician,                                     Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 45.

372.                                                                                         Encyclopedia Americana, cited, 229.

"Down the Rhine to the Ohio: The                                             English, and contest for Ohio Country,

Travel Diary of Christoph Jacob Munk,                                48; folk music, 138, 145, 146.

April 21-August 17, 1832," by August                                   English Bill, 5.

C. Mahr, 266-310.                                                                  Erie, Pa., Lincoln visited, 76.

Downes, Randolph   C., 96, 102, 200,                                         Erie Canal, 215, 227, 228, 230.

433; The Conquest, rev. by John O.                                       Erie Co., O., and fugitive slave law, 39.

Marsh, 326-328.                                                                     "Erin go bragh," song, 130, 131; band

Doyle, Capt., view  near residence of,                                       tune, 141, 142.

facing 48.                                                                                Espy, G. Anderson, article by, 200.

Drake, Benjamin, cited, 129.                                                       Esso Standard Oil Co., donated portrait

Drake, Charles Daniel, editor first edition,                                 to Campus Martius, 434.

Pioneer Life in Kentucky, 443.                                               "Establishment  of   Dermatology   and

Drake, Daniel, writings on   Cincinnati                                       Syphilology as Medical Specialties in

and Miami Country, 62-64; cited, 63,                                    Northern Ohio: Dr. William   T. Cor-

64, 65, 129, 134; Pioneer Life in Ken-                                   lett and                  the       'Renaissance' of  the

tucky, 1785-1800, ed. by E. F. Horine,                                  1890's,"                 by         Willard  L. Marmelzat,

rev. by B. H. Pershing, 443-445.                                            378-386.

Draper MS. collection, State HIistorical                                     Euclid, O., Lincoln visited, 68.

Society of Wisconsin, 63, 94.                                                 Eustis, William, secretary of war, 104.


INDEX                                   457


"Evelyn's Bower," song, 132, 133, 139,                                      Follansbee, George   Edward, Cleveland

145.                             i1 1                                                     physician, 365, 367.

Exile, boat, 245.                                                                           Follett, Oran, 228.

"Exile of Erin," song, 138; hand tune,                                        "Folk Music on the Midwestern Frontier

142.                                                                                         1788-1825,"  by  Harry  R.   Stevens,

Eyman, R. M., 437.                                                                      126-146.

Eyma^ R. X M.,' 437                                Folk songs, see Folk music.

Foote, Henry W., cited, 137, 145.

"FAILURE OF THE OHIO LIFE INSURANCE                      Foote, Samuel, trustee, Ohio Life Insur-

AND   TRUST   COMPANY,    1857,"   by                          ance and Trust Co., 251.

Mortimer Spiegelman, 247-265.                                            "For Then I Had Not Learnt to Love,"

"Fair American," song, 141.Ford, Ira W., cited,                 27, 133.

"Fair Ellen," song, 138.                                                               Foreign  Service, V. F. W. publication,

Fair Oxford, 102.                                                                         89.

Fairchild, James, cited, 30, 37, 38.                                              Foreign Service Veterans, 86.

"Faithless Emma," song, 138.                                                      Forepaugh   and  Sells Brothers' Circus,

Fallen  Timbers, battle  of, 107,  129;                                         323.

article about, 200.                                                                  Forest City, see Cleveland, 0.

"Far Far at Sea," song, 138.                                                        Forests and forestry, Ohio, recent pub-

Farces, musical, in Cincinnati, 137.                                            lications on, 422-423.

Faries, Elizabeth, "Miami Country, 1750-                                  "Forget Not the Field," song, 144.

1815, as Described in Journals and                                      Fort Finney, 52, 53, 105.

Letters," 48-65.                                                                      Fort Hamilton, 53.

"Farmer," song, 144.                                                                   Fort Harmar, 52; treaty at, 327.

"Father and I," song, 138.                                                           Fort Hayes, Columbus, O., 79.

Faulkner, Harold U., cited, 234.                                                 Fort Jefferson, Bradley stationed at, 53.

Favorite Collection of Irish Melodies, 144.                                Fort McIntosh, treaty at, 327.

Fess, Lehr, 433.                                                                           Fort Pitt, 53; Croghan at, 51; Denny at,

Fiction, historical, Ohio, list of recent,                                       51-52.

412.                                                                                         Fort St. Clair, 53.

Fiddlers, on river boats, 130, 135.                                              Fort Stanwix, treaty at, 327.

Filler, Louis, 194, 320.                                                                Fort Washington, 52, 53, 54; music at,

Fillmore, Millard, 2, 3.                                                                140.

"Financing Ohio's Pre-Civil War Rail-                                       Fosdick, Samuel, assignee, Ohio Life In-

roads," by Eugene O. Porter, 215-226.                                 surance and Trust Co., 256.

Findlay, O., railroad connections, 232.                                      Foshay, P. Maxwell, Cleveland physician,

Findlay College, 100.                                                                  347, 351, 356, 357, 358; became

Finley, James B., pioneer preacher, 95,                                     member               Cuyahoga   County               Medical

130.                                                                                        Society,               348;   organized                   Cleveland

Finney, name of Scottish family at Mart-                                   Medical Society, 350; importance of,

insburg, 0., 114; in Licking Co., 123.                                    354.

Finns in America, history of, 100-101.                                       Foster, Stephen C., 145; in Cincinnati,

"Fire on the Mountains," band tune, 142.                                   128.

Firelands Historical Society, 197, 432.                                       Fox, Dixon Ryan, quoted, 187.

Firestone, Clark, article by, 200.                                                Fox, George Henry, addressed Cleveland

Fireworks, Cleveland ordinance prohibit-                                 Medical Society, 355.

ing, 359-360.                                                                          Fox, 1I. Clifford, 100.

First Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, 63;                                  Fraher, Harvey C., Columbus physician,

choir singing, 135.                                                                 396.

Fischer, Dr. Martin, editor Lancet-Clinic,                                 Francis, name of Scottish family at Mart

392.                                                                                        insburg, O., 114.

Fish, Carl Russell, cited, 119.                                                      Frankenstein, Godfrey, painter of nicture

Fish  and  fishing in  Ohio, in  Miami                                         reproduced, facing 48.

Valley, 53; recent publications on,                                       Franklin Co., O., G. W. Hart in, 185;

420-421.                                                                                early library in, 185-193; railroad stock

Fisk, William  L., Jr., "The Scotch-Irish                                    authorized for, 222.

in Central Ohio," 111-125.                                                    Free Presbyterian  Church, Martinsburg,

Fitch, -----, U. S. Marshal, 36.                                                   0., 120.

Fitzgerald, Roy G., 94, 432.                                                       Free Soil party, 2, 165; in Western Re-

Fletcher, Robert S., 204; cited, 43.                                             serve, 25, 35.

Flexner, Abraham, cited, 329, 330.                                           Free Will Baptists, and fugitive slave

Flexner, Simon, quoted, 329.                                                      law, 39.

Flexner Committee, report on    medical                                   Freeman's Journal, cited, 135.

education, 397.                                                                      Freight receipts, Cleveland, Columbus,

Flint, Timothy, cited,   130,  136; as                                           and Cincinnati Railroad, 233.

musician, 136.                                                                        Fremont, John C., 2, 3.

Flood, William FH. G., cited, 144.                                             Fremont, O., on stage line, 227.

Flood control in  Ohio, recent publica-                                     French, contest for Ohio Country, 48;

tions on, 423.                                                                         travel accounts of, 49; folk music, 143.

Florida  Freeland  Railroad, depreciation                                 "French Grenadier's March," band tune,

of bonds, 262.                                                                        141.

"Flowers of Edinburgh," band tune, 141.                                  Fretageot, Marie Duclos, correspondence

Flute players, 135.                                                                      with William  Maclure, volume of, re-

"Fly Not Yet," song, 132, 138, 144.                                           viewed, 445-446.




Friedrich, Martin  F., Cleveland   health                                    From   Primitive Wihlerness to Indus-

officer, 359; cited, 386.                                                         trial Comnmonnuerth, rev. by   F. P.

"Friendship," band tune, 141.                                                     \Weisenburger, 325-326.

Fries, Valentine, 245.                                                                  (leanings in   Bee  Culture, cited, 147;

Frohman, Charles E., "The Milan Canal,"'                                 Langstroth contributed to, 154, 158.

237-246.                                                                                 C£luck, Christoph, music performed, 140.

lrohran, Sidney, 432.                                                                   "God Save the King," song, 131.

Fugitive Slave Act of 1850, 8, 14; Cor-                                      'Cod Spcel the Plough,   hand tune, 141.

win's attitude  on, 12, 17, 18, 1941.

attitude toward, in  Western Reserve,                                  (oiortl, Dr. William, 62.

25, 32, 36, 38, 39.                                                                  G(oiter, study of, in lake region, 361.

Fur trade and traders, Ohio Country, 48,                                   "Good Night an' Joy Be With You A',"

49.                                                                                          I)and tune, 142.

Furbav, Guy NV., 316.                                                               (;oodman, Mrs. Ernest A., 317.

(;oodloin, Frank P., cited, 48.

(;orden, R. M., 242.

GALBRAITiH, JOHtN S., 100.                                                  (ordon, 1R. W., 127.

"Galley Slave," song, 144.                                                          "Governor Tompkins' March," band tune,

Gallipolis, O., recollections of, 140.                                          142.

Game, Miami Valley, 50(, 5 1, 52.                                            (;Grafton, O., rail connections, 230.

Games, musical, 130.                                                                 (;rammar, books on, in library of (;. \'.

Gardiner, Hlarriet Eliza, 440.                                                    1 lart, 190.

Gardiner, James B., 440.                                                            "(Grand Spy," band tune, 142.

Gardiner Claims, Corsin and, 4, 8.                                             (;Grant, Andrew S., 80, 81.

Gardner, Emelyn E., 127.                                                           Grant, Robert, 257, 265.

(Garfield, James A., 199.                                                           '"Granu wale," song, 144.

"Garland of Love," song, 139.                                                   (r-ass Roots Ilistory, by   Theodore  C.

Garrard, Lesis 11., cited, 140.                                                   1Blgen, rev. 1vn William Charvat, 211

(arrison, Fielding II., cited, 339.                                                212.

Garrison, Frances Jackson, cited, 17.                                        (Grassland  of  North   America: Prolego-

Garrison, Wendell Phillips, cited, 17.                                        meni to Its History, James C. Malin,

"Carry onne [Garrv Osen]," song, 144.                                     re. by E. II. Roseboom, 207-208.

Gasser, Maj. Gen. L. 1)., 434.                                                   (rate, J. II., 97.

(;ath, Ilarry, cabinetmaker, 155.                                                (ray, Chester, 197.

(;ath, Samuel, cabinetmaker, 155.                                             "('reat Blooby," song, 139.

G;avin, Donald P., 311.                                                              (;reat Miami River and Valley, 48, 50,

Geauga Lake, O., 39.                                                                 52, 53, 57, 60, 61, 62, 107; early

Gee, Clarence S., 202.                                                               view on, illus., facing 48.

"Geh heim, mein lIerz," song, 132, 143.                                    (;realt Western Bailroad, depreciation of

Genealogy, Ohio, recent publications on,                                 hods, 262.

410-411.                                                                                 Greley, llorace, cited, 17; speeches dis-

"General," band tune, 142.                                                         tributced, 35.

General   Collection  of  Acieilnt  Irish                                      (Green, Beriah, 30.

Music, 144.                                                                            (Grcn, 11. W., 372.

"CGeneral HIarrison's Nlarch," band tune,                               (ren, Mrs. Nelle, 320.

141.                                                                                        (reen, Shields, 46.

Geneva, O., Lincoln visited, 68, 72.                                          Greene, Tom, steamboat captain, 202.

Genito-urinary  diseases, Corlett contrib-                                 (reene Ville, Fort, 54.

utes to work on, 383; special depart-                                    (recnville, Ohio, early mrsic in, 133.

ment at Western Reserve Univ., 382.                                   (reve, Charles T., cited, 135.

Geography, books on, in library of G.                                       (riesinger, Mrs. C. L., editor Medina

WV. Hart, 190.                                                                      County history, 201.

Geology, Miami Valley, 62.                                                       (;riffen, Alien, 197.

G(eo. Nolgen, ship, 271, 272, 306.                                             (Grifl'in, James B., book rev., 205-206.

Gephart, William F., cited, 223, 250.                                         (rigg's Southern and Western Songster,

(;erman folk music, 143.                                                            cited, 133.

Germans, in Ohio, at Sandusky, 228.                                         (;Grimm, Harold J., 312, 321; addressed

Giardini, Felice de, composer, 136.                                           Ohio Academy of Ilistory, 311.

Gibbons, James S., cited, 253.                                                    (Grinm, llilmar C., 204.

Gibson, Frank   S., Cleveland  physician,                                  (Grindell, Ila, 203.

366.                                                                                        (Gris wold, Elijah, composer, 136.

Giddings, Grotius R., ("Grosh"), 41, 44.                                    (Grisswold, Iiram, 41.

Giddings, Joshua R., 28, 38, 41, 43, 72,                                     (;rove, Sir George, Dictionary of Music,

73; and   Corwin, 10; as antislavery                                     1 33.

leader, 25, 33-35, 39; attempts to link                                   "Guardian   ngels," band tune, 141.

with J. Brosn, 27, 44; lett'r of Chase                                      Gernsey Co., O., railroad stock author-

to, quoted, 172.                                                                      i7d for, 222.

Giddings-Julian MSS., cited, 172.                                              (;Ustavson, Carl, 438.

"Gilderoy," song, 131, 132.                                                        (Gynecology, in  anatomy   courses, 338:

Giles bill, 107.                                                                             sTecial department at Western Reserve

Gist, Christopher, 49-51.                                                             tni., 382.

Gist, Richard, 50.

Glasgow, W. M., cited, 113.

"Glasses Sparkle," song, 138.                                                     I lAiiIn, TnOM BURNs. 437.

Glazer, Sidney, joint author. Michigan:                                    I adden. lohn  \., 372.


INDEX                                                                                           459


lIaden, Russell L., Cleveland physician,              I lavighurst,  Walter,  contribution                                                   to

375.                                                                                         regional history, 212.

llagan, Rt. Rev. Msgr. John, 372.                                                1lao\es, Robert E., 194.

Ilail, William J., 202.                                                                   iiaxeley, J. R., 315.

"tHail Columbia," song, 132, 141, 142;                 lay, John, cited, 22; MSS. acquired,

band tune, 143.                                                                       436.

"llail Liberty," band tune, 142.                                                    11aydn, nusiic performed, 140.

"Ilail to the Chief," song, 130, 132,                       "Itaydn's Fancy," band tune, 142; song,

141, 143.                                                                                143.

lHaitian campaigns, veterans of, 88.                                          Ilaydon, Glen, cited, 126.

11ale, John  P., presidential candidate,                iiayes, Frances, 433.

Liberty party, 177-178.                                                          Ilases,  Lucy   Webb,    documents    of,

I all, James, cited, 129.                                                               acquired, 315.

Ilall, John W., president of [liami llniv.,                Iayes, Rutherford B., 441; anniversary,

160.                                                                                        94-95, 432; MSS. of, acquired, 95-96,

Hall, Myron B., 84.                                                                     198-199, 314-315, 432-433.

Ilall, Virginius C., 96, 199, 315.                                                  Ilayes, Webb C., 1, notes of, acquired,

llalstead, Murat, cited, 18, 43.                                                    315.

Hlamann, Carl i., Cleveland    physician,             "lHayes Memorial Library,"    article  on,

347, 354, 357, 358, 364.                                                        in Stie an   I. Local IHistory News, 433.

Ilamer, Th. L., letters of, acquired, 436.              HIlaes Memorial Library    and  Museum,

Hlamilton, Thomas, 240.                                                             94-96, 198-199, 314-315, 432-433.

Iamilton, William   II., 85.                                                          Ilazen, William, 69.

Hamilton, 0., 60; abolitionist meeting                   Ilazlett, Albert, hanged, 44.

at, 169.                                                                                    "HIe Comes! He Comes!" song, 131.

Hamilton  Co., O., Van    Cleve surveyor            Ileacock, J. E., 266, 278.

for, 57; debt paid to, 259.                                                       teald, E. T., 99, 202, 203, 319, 320,

Ilamlin, Hloward E., 437.                                                            435; book published by, 435.

IHamlin, L. Belle, cited, 140.                                                      1et alth  Education  Foundation, Academy

IIammer, :Adolph, St. Loutis physician,               of Medicine of Cleveland, 371.

390.                                                                                         1lealth insurance, Academy of Medicine

Ilammond,     James     lenryl,                               senator,         of Cleveland, and, 376.

quoted, 14.                                                        "                     liearts of Oak," hand tune, 142.

Ilampton, James, MSS., 436.                                                       Ieidelberg College, 100.

Hancock, lIarold, 204, 438.                                                        I leidelberg University, Dr. F. P. Mall

Ilandel, composer, 136, 143.                                                       studied at, 331.

"Handel's Dirge," song, 140, 142, 143.                 leighlsay,  Samuel,   early  settler  of

Ilanderson. Ilenrv E., Cleveland   phvsi-             Waynesville,   ., 58, 61.

cian, 350, 358, 359; quoted, 349-350.             leiman, Simon, 80.

Ilanefeld, Earl  1., 98.                                                                 Ileitzman, 11. J., 97.

1lankins, E. R., 372.                                                                     1leln E., steamboat, 202.

Ilanna, Mark, activities in    Cleveland.                Ilemptield Railroad, 262.

345.                                                                                         lenderson, name of Scottish family at

Ilanna family, home of, 182.                                                       Martinsburg, O., 114.

Ilansbury, Robert S., 86.                                                              ltenderson and Nashville Railroad, 262-

Ilardy, Thomas, poet, 143.                                                           26.

"flark to the Mlidnight," song, 131.                                             lenry, Mlellinger E., cited, 127.

flarmar,  Josiah, 54, 327;    Denny                        in     Ilerlerbt, Thomas J., remarks by, 194.

expedition  inder, 52; expedition                     of,    "Hlere's to  Our Noble    Selves, Boys,"

103, 106.                                                                                 song, 131.

"IIarmonical   Society's  March,"   band               '1 Iere's to the Land  ' Bonnets Blue,"

tune, 142.                                                                                song, 143.

"I arp of Erin," song, 138.                                                           1errick, C. Judson, quoted, 343.

"1 arpl That Once Ihrolugh lI ra's I lulls,"            1lervey,  Henry,  Presbyterian  minister,

song, 138, 144.                                                                        Martinsburg, 120, 121, 122.

Ilarper, Col. Robert, 437.                                                            less, J. L., addressed Cleveland Medical

Iarper homestead, transferred to \West-              Society, 353.

ern Reserve Ilistorical Societt 436.                          ltesselbart, May, 202.

IIarper's FrrV, \'a.,  John  iroin's atttlac                         lIewitt, Abram S., 199.

on, 12, 24, 25. 27, 33, 36, 38, 40,                     Ilewitt, James, composer, 143.

41, 42, 45, 47.                                                                         Iligginson, Thomas W., quoted, 32.

Harris Dr. 1 A. B., 240.                                                               1Iildreth, William  H., 318.

Ilarris, I amiilton, 199.                                                                 Hill, Lawrence F., 438.

IIart, Dr. -----.lria, ().. addressedl                                lill  . N.  ., cited, 113, 114, 120, 121.

Academy   of N\ldicine   of Cleveland,           "Hlill Tops," band tune, 142.

357.                                                                                         Hlilliard, Robert II., 100.

Iart, Cideon \.. lilrary of, 185-193.                                I illsborough  and  Cincinnati  Railroad,

HIasse, Adelaide 11., cited, 247.                                                depreciation of bonds, 262.

"Ilaste to the XWeddling," band tune, 143;           llinton, Richard J., cited, 26.

song, 144.                                                                                liram  College, 101.

11atcher, larlan, laddressed  (hio Acad-              Histology, origin of science of, 330, 339;

em'y of' Ilistory, 194; contributiono to              instruction  in, 332, 334, 340, 341,

regional history, 212.                                                              342.

Ilaughton.   l ichlard, dancing  instructor,             Ilistorians, personal items, 100-102; 203

133, 134.                                                                                 204, 320-322, 437-439.




Historic pilgrimage, 'Warren Co., 0., 320.                                  Iughes, Jeremiah, editor Niles' Weeklj

Historical and Philosophical Society of                                      Register, 209.

Ohio, 96, 199-200, 315-316; Quarterly                                 Iull. Aurelius B., 155.

Publications, cited, 130, 140; Bulletin,                                  "Hull's Victory," band tune, 142.

200, 315-316.                                                                         llumiston, William  II., Cleveland physi

"Historical News," 94-102, 197-204, 314-                                 cian, 350, 351, 358.

322, 431-439.                                                                          "lumors of Glen," song, 131.

Historical societies, Ohio, news of, 94-                                     Hunters, early, in Ohio Country, 48.

100, 197-203, 314-320, 431-437.                                          Huron River, 237, 238.

Historical Society of Northwestern Ohio,                                  Ilutchins, Thomas, survey, 52.

96, 102, 200, 433.                                                                   lHyde, Wm. S., Milan, O., 240.

History, Miami Valley, Drake    studies,                                    Hydrophobia, Academy     resolutions  on,

62; writing of, 179-184.                                                         361.

Hofstadter, Richard, 180.                                                            Ilymn books, 136.

Hogs, shipped from Sandusky, 234.                                            Hymns, 136-137.

1Iolden, Liberty E., and public health                                        lyndman, James G., editor Lancet and

measures, 353.                                                                       Clinic, 389, 391.

Holden, Oliver, composer, 136.

Holley, Myron   W., antislavery  leader,                                   "I IlAVE LOVED THEE, DEARLY LOVED

165, 167.                                                                                THEE," song, 132.

Holt, L. Emmett, addressed    Cleveland                                    Idaho, schooner, 245, 246.

Medical Society, 355.                                                            Illinois, Corwin spoke in, 19; ratified

"IIome Sweet Ilome," song, 132.                                                Corwin amendment, 21.

Homeopathy,   teaching  facilities,  346;                                    Illinois Country, 51.

Cleveland medical societies and, 352,                                  Illinois Daily State Journal, cited, 19.

353.                                                                                         Illustrations:  Thomas  Corwin,   port.,

Homestead idea, Republican attitude on,                                   facing 4; John Brown's home, Akron,

8; Corwin's position on, 12, 19; Lin-                                      facing 32; Great Miami River view,

coln's position on, 19.                                                             facing 48; "Jolly Flat-boat Men," fac-

Honey, 147, 150, 155, 156, 162.                                                 ing 130; L. L. Langstroth, port., facing

"Honey and Mustard," song, 138, 139.                                       162; S. P. Chase, port., facing 174;

Honeybees, culture of, 147-159, 161-164.                                passport of Christoph  Munk, facing

Hook, Alice Palo, 96.                                                                  268: map of Munk's route in Germany

Hoover, Charles F., Cleveland physician,                                  and  Holland, facing   284; map    of

347, 364.                                                                                 Munk's route from Baltimore, Md., to

Hopkins, P. R., engineer, 238.                                                    Columbiana, O., facing 302.

Hopkins, Bridgman & Company, North-                                   Impending Crisis, Helper's, Republicans

ampton publishers, 153.                                                         accused of endorsing, 1, 15.

Horine, Emmet Field, ed., Drake's Pion-                                   Independent Press    (Cincinnati), cited,

eer Life in Kentucky, 1785-1800, rev.                                  132, 141.

by B. 11. Pershing, 443-445.                                                  Indian agents, 51, 52.

Horn, D. W., loaned firearms for exhibit,                                 Indian music, 131.

316.                                                                                        "Indian Philosopher," band tune, 141.

Horn Papers, proved fraudulent, 319.                                       Indian Wars, Fallen Timbers battle, 129.

Horton, V. B., 198.                                                                      Indiana, Corwin spoke in, 19; Croghan

Hospitals, Commercial, Cincinnati, 63;                                      prisoner in, 51.

Cleveland, 345-348, 353, 361, 377,                                      Indiana Historical Society, Publications,

382, 386; staff societies   in,  375;                                        cited, 111.

growth, 377.                                                                           Indianapolis, Ind., Corwin spoke at, 11;

Houston, Samuel, letters   of, acquired,                                     beekeepers' convention at, 163.

436.                                                                                        Indianapolis  and  Cincinnati  Railroad,

"Itow to Gain a Woman's Favor," song,                                     depreciation of bonds, 262.

132.                                                                                        Indians, American, Croghan    and, 51;

"How to Please Woman," song, 138.                                         Denny   described  life, 52; military

Hloward, Curtis C., 396.                                                             expeditions against, 54; Symmes' deal-

Howard, Dresden W. H., article by, 200.                                 ings with, 55; in Old Northwest, 103,

Howard, J., Jr., 67.                                                                     105, 107; missions among, 95; in

Ioward,   William   T.,  Jr.,  Cleveland                                      Ohio, recent publications on, 412-414.

physician, 347, 357, 358, 359; city                                        Industry in Ohio, see Business and in-

bacteriologist, 360.                                                                dustry in Ohio.

Ilowe, George F., 194, 195, 201, 312.                                        Ingersoll, John M., Cleveland physician,

IHowe, Henry, cited, 228.                                                         358.

Howells, Annie F., 199.                                                              Inland  River Record--1948, published,

Howells, William  C., 41, 44, 73, 198,                                       435.

199.                                                                                        Inquisitor (Cincinnati). cited, 141.

Hubbart, H. Clyde, 196, 311, 313.                                             Insects, Ohio, recent publications on, 421.

Huber, Francois, Swiss apiarist, 149.                                         Insignia, veterans' organizations, 86, 88.

Hudson, O., home of John Brown, 24, 31.                                 Inskip, Guy, 316.

42, 46; antislavery sentiment in, 28,                                      Irish, see also Scotch-Irish.

29, 30, 37.                                                                              Irish folk music, 138, 143-144, 145, 146.

Hudson Library and Historical Society,                                    Irish in Ohio, at Sandusky, 228.

97.                                                                                          Irish Town, Cleveland, 379.

Hudson Observer and Telegraph, cited,                                    Iron Age, steamboat, 202.

31.                                                                                          Iroquois Indians, control of Ohio Country,

HIugenot Society of Ohio, 316.                                                 48.


INDEX                                  461


Irrmann, Robert H., "The Library of an                                     Julian, George W., cited, 45.

Early Ohio Farmer," 185-193.                                               Jumenis, J., 192.

"Italian Waltz," band tune, 142.                                                  Junction Railroad, built, 230; opposed by

Izka, schooner, 245.                                                                     canal company, 244.

Iverson, Alfred, senator from Georgia, 25.                                Jurkat, Frank A., 100.

"Just Like Love," song, 138.


song, 131.                                                                                KAGI, JOHN HENRI, 26, 38, 39.

Jackson, Frederick Herbert, 437.                                                "Kail Brose o'Auld Scotland," song, 143.

Jackson, George P., cited, 128, 133, 137,                                   Kaine, Hiram, cited, 129.

143, 145.                                                                                 Kalamazoo and Lake Erie Railroad, see

Jackson, Reid E., 321.                                                                  Toledo and Kalamazoo Railroad.

"Jackson's March," song, 132; band tune,                                   Kansas, question of admission of, 5, 9,

141.                                                                                         12; John Brown in, 26; antislavery

Jacobs, James R., The Beginnings of the                                     struggle in, 36, 37.

U. S. Army 1783-1812, rev. by A. B.                                    Kansas City, Mo., national headquarters

Sears, 103-107.                                                                      V. F. W., 89.

James, Dr. A. P., 319.                                                                  Kansas-Nebraska  Act,  37;  Republican

"Janissaries' March," band tune, 142.                                         attitude on, 8.

Jay, William, suggested  as presidential                                     Karnosh, Louis J., cited, 385.

candidate of Liberty party, 172.                                            Kate Adams, steamboat, 202.

Jefferson, 0., 27; antislavery sentiment in,                                 "Kathleen McChree," song, 138.

34, 44; Giddings newspaper published                                  Kearns, Charles, Cincinnati physician,

in, 73.                                                                                      388.

"Jefferson and Liberty," band tune, 142.                                   Kebler, Frederick, Cincinnati physician,

Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pa., 113,                                  391.

121.                                                                                        Keiser, A. A., 94, 432.

"Jefferson's March," band tune, 141.                                         Kelley, Alfred, 247.

Jenkins, Warren, cited, 185.                                                       Kelley, Henry, boat captain, 245.

Jennings, David, 194.                                                                  Kelley, Herbert 0., 83, 87.

"Jessy O'Dumblaine," song, 144.                                                Kelley, Dr. Itoward, 347;     addressed

John B. Wilbur, boat, 245.                                                           Cleveland Medical Society, 351, 352,

"John Brown's Ohio Environment," by                                       355.

Mary Land, 24-47.                                                                 Kelley, Samuel W., Cleveland physician,

"John Gilpin," song, 132.                                                             375.

Johns Hopkins Hospital, opened, 346.                                        Kellogg, --    , quoted, 39.

Johns Hopkins Medical School, opened,                                    Kelly, George, 80, 81, 85.

346.                                                                                         Kelsey, Bessie H., 100.

Johns Hopkins University, Dr. F. P. Mall                                   Kennedy, Eugene S., 94, 432.

taught at, 331, 332.                                                                 Kennedy, J. H., cited, 216, 219.

Johnson, -----, U. S. Marshal at                                                  Kennedy, Thomas, Cincinnati ferryman,

Cleveland, 37.                                                                        130.

Johnson, Alice Sewell, 431.                                                        Kenton, Simon, MSS., copies acquired,

Johnson, Arvid T., 311.                                                               94.

Johnson, Edwin C., 85.                                                                Kentucky, described in 1780's, 59.

Johnson, Judge James, portrait acquired,                                  "Kentucky Reel," band tune, 142.

431.                                                                                        Kenyon College Library, 96.

Johnson, Lauren, 102.                                                                Keough, William C., 372.

Johnson, Sir William, 51, 327.                                                    Kershner, Frederick D., Jr., 438.

"Jolly Mortals," song, 131.                                                          Kessling, Elmer, 197.

"Jolly Tar," band tune, 142.                                                        Ketchum, Omar B., 89.

Jones, -----, U. S. Marshal at Cleve-                                          Kewannee, schooner, 238.

land, 36.                                                                                 Key, Francis Scott, 92.

Jones, Charles A., 85.                                                                 Keyt, Dr. A. J., contributor to Lancet and

Jones, George W., 198.                                                              Clinic, 390.

Jones, Mrs. Hanby R., 203.                                                        Kilbourn, John, quoted, 185.

Jordan, Philip D., The National Road,                                        Kilbreth, J. P., trustee, Ohio Life Insur-

rev. by J. H. Rodabaugh, 446-448.                                       ance and Trust Co., 260, 263.

Journal of Higher Education, cited, 182.                                   King, Homer A., 161, 162, 163.

Journal of the English Folk Dance and                                     King, Hubert C., Cleveland physician,

Song Society, cited, 144.                                                       370, 372.

Journal of the   Presbyterian  Historical                                    King, J. L., 437.

Society, cited, 100.                                                                King, Leicester, Liberty party leader, 170,

Journalism, Ohio, rev. of book on, 208-                                    171, 178.

211.                                                                                        King, boat, 245.

Journals, early travel, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53,                                   King brothers, accomplices of John Brown,

60, 64-65, 266-310; military, 51, 52-                                    44.

53.                                                                                          Kin-jo-i-no, Indian chief, story told by,

Journals of [the State of] Ohio, volumes                                    200.

owned by G. W. Hart, 191.                                                  Kirk, O. B., 437.

"Jove in His Chair," band tune, 141.                                          Kirkpatrick, name of Scottish family in

Judge, J. Alfred, 83.                                                                   Licking Co., 123.

Juettner, Otto, cited, 133. 333.                                                   Kirkpatrick, Robert, Covenanter, 113.

"Jug, Jug, Jug," song, 139.                                                          iirtland, O., 183.




Kirtland Anthropology Club, 200.                                                 I.angstroth Cottage, Western College for

Kitchen, 11.   \'., Cleveland  physician,                                        \'omen, 155.

349.                                                                                           Langstroth on the Hive and the Honey-

Klauprecht, Emil, cited, 133, 140.                                                bee, a Bee Keeper's Manual, 153.

Knapp, Dr. Harold J., Cleveland health                                       LaRocco, Charles G., Cleveland physician,

commissioner, 369.                                                                  370, 374.

Knollnan, C. W., 438.                                                                    "Larry O'Gaff," song, 139.

Knowlton, William   A., addressed Cleve-                                  LaSalle, Rene Robert Cavalier, Sieur de,

land Medical Society, 352-353.                                              48.

Know-Nothing party, 2.                                                                '"Larence's Dirge," band tune, 142.

Knox, Thomas W., letters of, 436.                                               Lzaws of Ohio, volumes owned by G. W.

Knox Co., O., Scotch-Irish in, 112, 113,                                      Hart, 190-191, 192; cited, 215, 218,

119.                                                                                          220, 251.

Knox County Ilistorical Society, 316.                                          Lason, L. l., 387.

Kohlmeier, A. L., cited, 218.                                                       Lawton, Harriet G., 432.

Kolehmainen, John I., 100, 101.                                                  Lawton, Elenry W., veterans' camp named

Kotzwara, composer, 143.                                                           for. 82.

Krebs, -   -, X-ray exhibit, 356.                                                   Lawton, Camp Henry W., V.F.W\. camp,

Kreidler, A. G., editor Lancet-Clinic, 391,                                        Columbus, 0., 82, 85.

392.                                                                                          Ilawwxill, J. Richard, 266.

Krout, John A., cited, 14.                                                             Leary, Lewis S., 40.

Leas, Roscoe D., Cleveland physician, 374.

LABnR, in Ohio, recent publication on,                                      Leavitt, Joshua, Liberty party leader, 171,

414.                                                                                                175, 177.

Laboratories, anatomical, early Ohio, 333:                                Lebanon, Pa., veterans' convention  in,

medical, 396.                                                                                 87.

Iadd, Louis XV., Cleveland    physician,                                    I.ehlnron (Pa.) Daily News, cited, 87.

348.                                                                                         Lecompton Constitution, 5, 7.

Ladies Repository, print from, reproduced,                                Lee, James, 85.

facing 48.                                                                                Lee, Luther, quoted, 46.

"Lady Camblin's Reel," song, 138.                                              Lee, Rhoda, 192.

Lafayette, Ind., Corwin spoke at 11 .                                         Leffler, Andor, seminar paper published

"Lafayette's Grand March," song, 132.                                            v, 182.

"Lafayette's March," band tune, 142.                                         Ieland, C. P., cited, 216, 217, 219, 220.

Lake Eric, 30, 215, 231, 233; Croghian                                      Ienhart, Carl H., Cleveland physician,

crossed, 51; route to, 54.                                                              367.

Lake Shore Railroad, 233, 235; provided                                   ILemoyne, Francis J., vice   presidential

special train for Lincoln, 68.                                                        candidate, 167.

Lakeside  Iospital, Cleveland, 345-348.                                     I,cnker, John, Cleveland physician, 359.

353, 361, 377; nes   building opened.                                    "Let Fame Sound the Trumpet," song,

386.                                                                                               132.

Lamb, HIelen, 203.                                                                     I.ewis, Meriwether, 104.

Lampson, E. C., cited, 38, 41, 43, 44.                                         lewis, Samuel, Liberty part) leader, 170,

Lancet an,1 Clinic, see "Cininnllnati Lact-                                         171, 173.

Clinic."                                                                                   L'1lominedieu, Stephen S., cited, 134.

Lancet and Observer, 387, 388.                                                 Lexinigton, Ky., music in, 128.

Lancet-Clinic,  see  "Cincinnati  Laticet-                                   Ibihrator, Garrison's, 30, 31.

Clinic."                                                                                   Iberltv y  all  (Cincinnati), cited, 132,

Land, Mary, "John    Brown's Ohio En-                                           13, 134, 135, 137, 141.

vironment," 24-47; seminar paper by,                                  "Lilerty March," band tune, 142.

181.                                                                                        "Liberty or Death," band tune, 142.

Landacre, F. L., professor of histology and                              liherty party, 2; in Western Reserve, 35;

embryology, 341, 342.                                                                 leaders of Ohio, 165-178.

"Landlady oif France," song, 133.                                             'Libertv Party Leaders of Ohio: Expon-

Lane, Judge Ebenezer, 228.                                                             ents of Anti-Slavery  Coalition,"  by

Lane, Garrett, dancing instructor, 134.                                           Joseph G. Bayback, 165-178.

Lane, Samuel A., 28; cited, 33, 37, 42,                                     "Liberty Tree," band tune, 142.

43, 46.                                                                                    libraries, church, 122; private, 185-193;

Langston, Charles H., 40.                                                                 Cleveland, medical, 351, 363, 367; see

"Langstroth, the 'Bee Mlan' f Oxford,"                                            also names of libraries.

by Ophia D. Smith, 147-164.                                                "Library of an Early Ohio Farmer," b\

Langstroth, Anne Tucker, 148, 161. 164.                                        Robert 11. Irrmann, 185-193.

Langstroth, James, son of L. L., 153, 155,                                 Iibrary of Congress, 101.

159.                                                                                       Licking County. O., Scotch-Irish in. 112.

Langstroth, John George, father of L. I.,                                        114, 119; Virginians in, 120; literary

147.                                                                                              club in, 122-123.

Langstroth, Lorenzo Lorraine, voulth and                                "Life Let lls Cherish," land tune, 142.

early career, 147-149; cited. 147. 150;                               Iiggett, Carr, 437.

work with bees, 150-152. 155-158; dlis                               liman Recruiting Club, records acquired,

covery of hive, 152-153; witins (                                               431.

bees, 153-154; illness, 158-159: charac                              Iincoln.  Abraham, grandfather of Presi-

ter, 159-160,  164; infringement of                                            dent Lincoln, 212-213.

patent rights of, 161-164; death., 164.                                 Lincoln, A)braham, and Corwin, 11, 18.

aIngstroth, Rebecca An\mlia Dunn, mother                                    19, 22; Corwin's note to, quoted. 20;

of L. .., 147, 154.                                                                         visits rural towns in Ohio. 6S-78: MISS


INDEX                                   463


acquired by Western Rcserve I istorical                               is.er. 19th Century  News MAliglzine

Society, 99.                                                                              rev. by          . C.  v. heeler, 208-211.

Lincoln, John, "Virginia John," 212.                                            ynn, Donald J., 316.

Lincoln, Mary, 203, 435.                                                              iyonlsj, name of early Scottish family at

Lincoln, Mary Todd, 74.                                                                       iartinsburg, O., 114; in Licking Co.,

Lincoln, Robert Todd, MS. collection,                                         123.

182.                                                                                         Lios, Jaims, 117, 118.

Lincoln, Thomas, 212 213.                                                           Lyons, William, 121.

lincoln, Walter. Cleveland physician, 347.

Lincoln, William, Cleveland    physician,

347.                                                                                         M. S1TALin, schooner, 245.

Liincolins in Virginia, b  Jiohn W\. \\Va-                                      MacArthur, D)ouglas, 88.

land, rev. by John (. Mlarsh, 212-213.                                   MlcArtor, \. F., lecture by, 203.

Lind, Samuel C., CleTvlan d   p' lxsician,                                    r.c rart .ey, name of Scottish family in

370.                                                                                         Lcling Co. (., 114.

Lindley, Ilarlow, 312; honored, 195.                                           icciell.ild, Joseph L., Cleveland phisi

Linscott, Eloise II., cited, 127.                                                     cran, 375.

Lisbon, O., 301.                                                                            ,',c(lure, Alexander K., cited, 8.

literary Cadtlet (Cincinnati), cited, 132,                                      .tcCrnmack, J. N., 354.

141.                                                                                         MlcCreary, name of carly Scottish famils

Literary societies, Licking County, 122-                                     at  lartinsbuirg, O., 113.

123.                                                                                         "lcDonald's Reel," song, 132, 143, 145.

Little, Henry, composer, 136.                                                      ,iaclionell, James A., 431.

Little, William, hymnist, 136.                                                       \lacedon Locks, N. Y., Liberty party mc t-

Little Miami Railroad, 220, 227, 229,                                          ing at, 175.

232, 233.                                                                                 " lacedon  Lock-Smiths,"  Liberty  party

Little Miami River, 48, 49, 50, 58, 61.                                         reform wing, 177.

Livestock, shipped from Sanduskx 234.  .                                   ci arland, Robert  XVhite, 158; cited.

Local history, Ohio, recent publications                                              160, 161.

on, 414-415.                                                                            Mciarlalnd, Mrs. Rolbert White, 159.

Locke, )avid Ross, articles on, in Nortlh-                                    .lc(ee, John  B., Cle'eland  physician,

west Oh)io Quarterly, 200, 434.                                             357, 358.

Lockhart, Robert, Cleveland   ph sician,                                    iaic(;ill, Croline, cited, 231, 232.

370.                                                                                         McKee, Alexander, 107.

lockwood, Cco., 238.                                                                   ilcKicnzie, Daniel, 85.

Lockwood, Henry, 240.                                                              iactiey, U. L., 202.

Lockwood, S. C., 245.                                                                 .McKi ile, William, and      lanna, 345;

Lodge, ELan, 437.                                                                       \ISS. acquired, 436.

Logan, Richard D., 433.                                                              McKisson, Robert E., addressed Cleveland

Logan County Hlistorical Society, 316.                                               \edical Society, 353.

Lohnes, William F., 94.                                                               McLanc, nam1 e of early Scottish family at

"London Fashions," song, 139.                                                             .Martinsburg, O., 113.

Long. )David, first physician in Clevelanld,                               McLean, John, supported by Corwin, 18.

344.                                                                                         lMacLe od, John James Rickard, Cleveland

Long, Jesse R., 433.                                                                     p.-lsician, 364.

Longsworth, Mrs. 11. B., 431.                                                     \iaci r,  ss illiam, correspondence  with

"Look, Neighbors, Look," song, 139.                                                   \iarie l):clos Fretagcot, volume of, re-

Lorain, 0., antislavery sentiment in, 39.                                      viec wd, 445-446.

"Lord I.ennox, song, 132, 145.                                                    M!cMlillan, Lewis K., 194.

Lorraine, Count Louis, ancestor of L. I..                                    MNally,        William, 98.

Langstroth, 147.                                                                      ,                    'c\it,               V lliam   J.,  196, 311.

"Louis (ordon," song, 132.                                                           Mad River, 50.

Louisiana purchase, 104.                                                            M ad Rivecr and Lake Erie Railroad. 218,

Louisville, Ky., 105.                                                                             220, 227, 228, 231, 232; chartered.

Louisville, Cincinnati,  and  C(harlestn                                               21 6; dividends in 1849, 230; Annual

Railroad, 218.                                                                                  Ieport, cited, 230, 231; decline, 233

Lo'e a la la   odle, musical entertainment,                                  234.

137.                                                                                        "Niadam iig's Ball," song, 138.

"Love in a Village," hand tuine  141.                                         "Mladame You Know My Trade is War,"

Lower, \William  E., addressed (Clev cap.d                              band tune, 141.

Medical Society, 356, 360.                                                    Madan, -,        hymniist, 136.

Lower Sandusky, 0., council at, 327.                                          Madld, Rluth, 98.

Lower Shawnee Town, 110.                                                      \Nladison, ()., Lincoln in, 71.

Lo-wman, John H., Cleveland physician. .                                Madison River and Lake Lrie laiiroad,

361.                                                                                         depreciation of bonds, 263.

Lucas Co., 0., history of, published, 200, , "M\adison's Mlarch," band tune, 144.

433; reviewed, 326-328.                                                        "Maggy Lauder," song, 131.

Ludlo\w, Ediwin C., cashier. Ohio Life In-                               iahoning County, (), 36.

surance and Trust Co., 258. 259, 264.                                   IMahoninug  'allev Ilistorical Socicts, 31q

Ludlow, Israel, diary quoted, 64.                                                        317.

Ludlow, Noah l  ., cited, 130.                     Nlahr, Autgust C., "Down the Rhine to

Ludlow, Stephen, cornetist, 140.                                                the Ohio: T he Travel I)iary of C'lr':-

Luther, Frank, cited, 127.                                                                    toph Jacob Alunk, April 21-.\ugl.t 17.

Luther, Martin, as hymnist, 136.                                                          1832," 266-310.

I.uxon, Norval Neil, Niles' l-eekly Refg-                                   Maier, Willis D., 199.




Main, Wilbur, 94, 314.                                                                Medical Arts Club, Cleveland, 375.

"Malbrook s'en va t'en guerre," song,                                        Medical College of Ohio, merger of, 333;

132; band tune, 142.                                                              faculty issued the Clinic, 388.

Malin, James C., cited, 40, 46; The                                             Medical colleges, see Medical schools.

Grassland  of North  America:   Prole-                                 Medical education, Drake interested in,

gomena to Its History, rev. by E. H.                                     63.

Roseboom, 207-208.                                                              MIedical history, see Medicine, Ohio.

Mall, Franklin P., biography of, cited,                                        Medical Observer, 388.

329; contributions to anatomy, 331-                                     Medical schools, Ohio, number of, 332-

332.                                                                                        333; teaching of anatomy in, 333-343;

Malloy, John, 80, 81.                                                                   entrance requirements, 362; Columbus,

Mammals, Ohio, recent publications on,                                    advance in, 394. See also names of

421-422.                                                                                 schools.

Mansfield, Edward D., cited, 63, 129.                                       "Medical Societies in  Cleveland  from

Mansfield, 0., commerce, 227; railroad                                    1890 to 1945," by Clyde L. Cummer,

connections, 229.                                                                   344-377.

Mansfield and Sandusky   Railroad, state                                  Medicine, publications on, in library of

loan to, 220. See also Sandusky, Mans-                                G. W. Hart, 187-189; Ohio, history of

field, and Newark Railroad.                                                 teaching of anatomy, 1890-1945, 329-

Manuscripts,  collections  acquired,  by                                    343; medical societies in  Cleveland.

Hayes Memorial Library, 95-96, 198-                                 1890-1945, 344-377; dermatology and

199, 315, 432-433; by River Museum,                                 syphilology, 378-386; communicable dis-

Marietta, 202; by Western Reserve His-                              eases in  Columbus, 1890-1945, 393-

torical Society, 436-437.                                                       397; recent publications on, 416-417.

Maps, early, showing Ohio Country, 48-                                   Medill, Joseph, 34.

49; showing travel route of C. J. Munk,                                Medina Co., 0., history of, being printed,

facing 284, facing 302.                                                         201; published, 434.

"March to the Battle Field," song, 132.                                      IMedina County Historical Society, 201,

Marchman, Watt P., 94, 198, 432, 433;                                      434.

book rev., 440-442.                                                               Meedham, E. D., 203.

Marietta, 0., 49, 79; establishment, 327.                                     "Meeting of the Waters," band     tune,

Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad, 225,                                      142.

262.                                                                                        "Megin O, O Megin Ee," song, 139.

Marine, David, pathologist, 361, 364.                                        Meharg, Mary Anne, 116.

Marlborough Historical Society, 94.                                          Meharg, Sarah, 116.

Marmelzat, Willard L., "The Establish-                                    Meigs County Pioneer Society, 97.

ment of Dermatology and Syphilology                                 Meine, Franklin J., cited, 129.

as  Medical  Specialties  in  Northern                                   Melish, John, cited, 130.

Ohio: Dr. William T. Corlett and the                                    Memoirs, early travelers in Miami country,

'Renaissance' of the 1890's," 378-386.                                  49.

"Marriage of Miss Kitty    Odonophon,"                                    Merchant's Bank of Cleveland, vs. Ohio

song, 138.                                                                               Life Insurance and Trust Co., 256.

"Marseillaise," song, 131, 143; band tune,                                 Merriam, Walter II., 358.

141.                                                                                        "Merryman," song, 144.

Marsh, John 0., 199; book revs., 212-                                        Mesopotamia, Miami Valley called, 59.

213, 323-324, 326-328.                                                         Metcalf, Clarence S., 95.

Martin, Thomas C., Cleveland physician,                                  Meteorology, Miami Valley, 62.

357.                                                                                        Methodist Church, 60, 106; mission at

Martin, Thomas P., 438.                                                              tIpper   Sandusky,  95;  united  with

Martin, William T., cited, 185.                                                   Presbyterians at Martinsburg, 124.

Martinsburg, O., 124; Scotch-Irish   in,                                     Methodists, Wesleyan, singing of, 135.

112, 113; Presbyterian   churches in,                                   Metz, Roy B., Cleveland physician, 366.

113-121, 124; education in, 122.                                          Metzger, George, 86.

Martinsburg Academy, 122.                                                      Mexican War, 4; Corwin opposed to, 1,

Maryland, ratified Corwin amendment, 21.                               18; Giddings on, 34.

"Mary's Dream," song, 131.                                                       Mexico, Corwin slated as minister to, 23.

Mason, James M., senator from Va.. 25.                                   Meyers, William G., 435.

Mason Investigating Committee, 44. 45.                                    Miami and Erie Canal, 229.

"Masonic Dead March," band tune, 142.                                  "Miami Country, 1750-1815, as Described

Massillon, O., American Anti-Slavery So-                                in Journals and Letters," by Elizabeth

ciety meeting at, 168; history of, pub-                                  Faries, 48-65.

lished, 203, 320.                                                                     Miami Indians, 50, 51; town site of, 109.

Mathers, Richard, Hamilton County sher                                  M\iami Medical College, merger of, 333.

iff, 260, 264.                                                                          Miami Purchase, 54, 55, 56.

Matinee Musical Club, of Fremont. rec-                                   Miami rivers and valley, 49. 59. 62.

ords acquired, 314.                                                                Miami University, Oxford, 0., 154; book

Matthews, Alfred, quoted, 28.                                                   about, 102.

Matthews, Stanley, Liberty party leader,                                  Michigan: From   Primitive Wilderness to

176, 199.                                                                                Industrial Commonwealth, by M. M.

Maumee River, 54, 63.                                                               Quaife and   Sidney  Glazer, rev. by

Maumee Valley, contest for, 327. 328.                                      F. P. Weisenburger, 325-326.

"Maureen O'Cullenan," song, 132.                                             Michigan   Central Railroad, and   Ohio

Maynard, Dr., Franklin Co., 192.                                               railroads, 231.

Mays Lick, Ky., 62.                                                                    Michigan  Southern  Railroad, and  Ohio

"Mechanic's March," band tune, 142.                                        railroads, 231.


INDEX                                  465


Microscope, use of, in study of anatomy,                                  Morgan, Gen. George W., MSS., 436.

330, 340, 341; in medicine, 346, 356.                                   Morgan, Richard G., Bibliography of Ohio

Middaugh, John T., 101.                                                             Archaeology, rev. by J. B. Griffin, 205-

Middle West, influence on Lincoln, 66;                                    206.

Presbyterianism in, 118; music in, 128.                                 Morgan, Shubel, alias of John Brown, 38.

Middleport, O., Harvest Festival, 97.                                         Morin, Raymond, cited, 137.

Middleton, Arthur Pierce, 319.                                                   Morley, Charles, 203-204.

Milan, O., importance of canal to, 237-                                    Mormons, 183.

246; exports and imports listed, 242-                                    Morris, Robert, addressed Cleveland Med-

244.                                                                                        ical Society, 355.

Milan and Richland Plank Road Com-                                       Morris, Thomas, abolition leader, 169,

pany, 241.                                                                              170, 171, 172.

"Milan Canal," by Charles E. Frohman,                                     Morrow, O., Corwin spoke at, 4; Repub-

237-246.                                                                                 lican convention at, 7.

Milan Canal Company, chartered, 238;                                     Moses, Jacob, 323.

tolls paid, 241.                                                                        Moses, Phoebe Ann, biography of, review

Military music, 139-140.                                                            of, 323-324.

Militia Law of Ohio, volumes owned by                                     Moses, Susan, 323.

G. W. Hart, 191.                                                                    Motto, M. Paul, Cleveland physician, 370,

Milk, pure, supply for Cleveland, 360-                                      374.

361; as form of therapy, 390.                                               Moulton, C. W., MSS. acquired, 96.

Miller, Dayton C., addressed Cleveland                                    Mounds, Indian, described   by   James

Medical Society, 355-356.                                                    Smith, 60, 61.

Miller, George W., 94.                                                               Mt. Perry, 0., 124.

Miller, J. M., cited, 190, 192.                                                     Mount Union, 0., 278.

Miller, Paul I., 101.                                                                     Mount Union College, 100, 277.

Miller, Sidney, 314.                                                                     Mt. Vernon, 0., 119.

Millikin, Benjamin L., Cleveland physi-                                    Mountaineers,  musical   entertainment,

cian, 356, 357, 359.                                                               137.

Millious, Ora, 433.                                                                      M\owry, A. J., Milan, 0., 245, 246.

Milton, George Fort, cited, 18.                                                   Mowry, A. P., Milan, O., 245.

Minuets, 137.                                                                              Mowry, brig, 245.

"Minute Gun At Sea," song, 139.                                               Moynihan, B. G. A., addressed Academy

"Minutes of the Ohio Academy of      - is- of Medicine of Cleveland, 363.

tory," April 24, 1947, 194-196; April 9,                                Mumford, Lewis, 182.

1948, 311-313.                                                                      Mundy, Clayton, 102.

"Miss Ware's March," band tune, 142.                                      Munk, Anna Elizabeth, 276, 277.

Missie: An Historical Biography of Annie                                 Munk, Barbara, 267, 285.

Oakley, by Annie Fern Swartwout, rev.                              Munk, Christiana, 267, 283.

by John O. Marsh, 323-324.                                                  Munk, Christoph Adam, 267, 277.

Mississippi, lake steamer, 231, 233.                                           Munk, Christoph    Jacob, travel  diary

Mississippi River, Baily on, 57.                                                  April 21-August 17, 1832, 266-310.

Mississippi Stern Wheelers, 99.                                                  Munk, E. A., 266.

Mississippi  Valley  Historical  Review,                                     Munk, Edward, 277, 278.

regional studies published by, 182.                           Munk, Ephraim, 277.

Missouri, John Brown's raids into, 26, 38.                                  Munk, George, 276, 277.

Missouri  Compromise,   3;  Republican                                    Munk, Jacob, 267, 277.

attitude on, 8.                                                                         Munk, Joseph (Amasa), 277, 278-279.

"Mr. Peter Snout Was Invited Out,"                                          Munk, Maria Anna, 277.

song, 139.                                                                              Munk, Pauline Wilmina, 276.

"Mrs. Casey," song, 132.                                                            Munk, Regina Schultes, 267, 268, 276,

Mitchell, Laura P., 315.                                                              277, 281, 285, 297.

Mock Doctor, musical entertainment, 137.                               Munk, Sarah, 277.

Moerhein, W., 192.                                                                    Munk. William C., 277, 278.

Mohler, Robert E., 435.                                                              Musical history, see Musicology.

"Molly Astor," song, 144.                                                           Musical Quarterly, cited, 128, 145.

Monaghan, Edward P., Cleveland physi-                                  Musicology, 126-128.

cian, 366.                                                                               Muskingum, Wyandot town, 50, 51.

"Money in Both Pockets," band tune,                                        Muskingum    Co.,  O.,  railroad  stock

141.                                                                                       authorized for. 221.

"Money is Your Friend," song, 139.                                          Muzzey, David S., cited, 14.

Monroe, James, professor at Oberlin, 43.                                 "My Lodging's on the Cold Ground,"

"Monroe's March," band tune, 142.                                           song, 132.

Montgomery County Archaeological and                                 "My Mother She Mended My Breeks,"

Historical Society, 432.                                                         song, 143.

Moore, N., 245.                                                                          Myology, in anatomy courses, 336, 337,

Moore, Thomas, 138, 144, 145; Irish                                        339.

Melodies, 133.

Moorehouse. George W., Cleveland phy-                                NAILE, FLORENCE, cited, 147, 148, 150,

sician, 356.                                                                            152, 153, 154, 161, 162.

Moran, -----, schooner captain, 238,                                        Nasby, Petroleum V., pseud., see Locke,

240.                                                                                        David Ross.

Morgan, -----, composer, 136.                                                   Natchez, sidewheeler, 99.

Morgan, Col. George, and William Trent,                                National and racial groups in Ohio, recent

443; MSS., 436.                                                                     publications on, 417-418.




"National Anti-Slavery                      Convention    for              North American Beekeepers' Association,

Independoet    Noination,"           named            organized,  163;   1895   meeting  at

candidates, 167.                                                                      Toronto, Langstroth attended, 164.

National Anti-Slavery  Society,  conven-                North American Review, 96; quoted, 135.

tion of, 172.                                                                             North Bend, Ind., 56; establishment of,

National Era, Iiberty party organ, 174;                    55.

cited, 175; quoted, 1 /.                                                            North Elba .    N. Y., John Brown at, 24;

Nuatonal Ilntelligencer, cited, 17, 18, 23.                negro colony, 33.

National Road, MSS. relating to, 436.                      North Union, 0., 183.

National llo.d., The, by llip 1). Jordan,                     Northlest Ohio Quarterly, 433; articles

rev. by J. 11. Rodabauh, 446-448.                     in, 200, 434.

Native American party, 2.                                                          Northwest Territory, 48, 49, 51, 55, 60;

Natural andl Slttisticrl View, or Piclture                   described by early travelers, 49, 59;

of Cicinlnati, published, 62.                                 history of settlement ptublished, 327.

Natural history, Ohio, recent publications               Norton, Laurence 11., 436.

on, 418-423.                                                                            Norton, Robert C., 436.

Nebraska Act, 3.                                                                         Nortnalk Reflector, quoted, 238.

Negroes, Militant character of in West-                 "Notes on the Prevention of Conimmunic-

ern  lescrve, 28, 36, 40; freed    by                     able   Diseases                                in  Columnbus,  1890-

Brown, 38.                                                                              1945," by                      llerbert M. Patter, 393-

Nelson, Annette Fitch, 321.                                      397.

Nelsonville, 0., 446.                                                                     Notices Concerning Cincinnati, published,

Neuroanatoy  , see Neurology.                                61 62.

Neurology, origin  of science  of, 330;                    Nottingham, ---     , railroad  superin-

teaching of, 332, 334, 342; special                     tendent, 71.

department, Western Rleserve  Univer-            Nullification of Fugitive Slave Law, com-

sity, 382.                                                                                 pared to nullification in S. C., 1832,

Neville, Morgan, cited, 129.                                    14.

Neville Island, Pa., meeting held at, 99.

Nevin, David T., 83.

New, John C., 199.                                                                      "() B13.-IIxE  Nor    lls NAME," song,

Net  Enghltu Qlularterly, cited, 137.  144.

Neuw llampshire Patriot, cited, 176.                        "( Dear What Can the \Matter Be," song,

New   larbour Company, Ohio City, rec-                131.

ord book, 436.                                                                        "() Iie, Let's A' to the W\ldding," song,

Nesw Ilarloni,  Ind., 445, 446; music in,                132.

128.                                                                                        "( for the Sword of Other Times," song,

New   Mexico, 1. Corvsin and admission                144.

of, 21, 22.                                                                               Oak Leaf, boat, 245.

"Nes   President's MIarch,"  bandl tune,                  (akley, Annie, pseud., see Moses, Phoelb

142.                                                                                        Ann.

New York and Erie Railroad, 230; and                  Oakley, Frank, Cleveland physician, 365.

Ohio railroads, 231.                                                               Oberlin, 0., abolition sentiment in, 31,

New        York Central Railroad, 230, 244;             40, 43.

and    Ohio railroads, 231, 232, 233,                  Oberlint Alumni lMagazine, cited, 43.

234, 235.                                                                                ()berlin College, 28.

New   York City, Corwin spoke in, 12;                   Oberlin Evangelist, cited, 46.

antislaver nmeeting in, 170.                               ()berlin Ilook and Ladder Company, 40.

Nevr York Evtening Post, cited, 9.                           Oberlin Institute, 32.

New York Hlerald, cited, 25; 45.                              lOberlin rescue cases, 25, 26, 38, 39-40.

Netil York Times, cited, 253.                                    Observer andi Telegraph (liudson, 0.),

New York Tribune, cited, 13, 14, 17, 18,                 30.

19, 174; Kagi correspondent for, 39;                Obstetrics, in anatomiy courses, 338.

file acquired, 314.                                                                 "Ode on Science," band tune, 142.

Newark, (., railroad stock authorized for,              Ogburn, William, 181.

221-222; commerce, 227; railroad con-            "Oh, 'Tis Sweet to Think," song, 132.

neetion, 229, 232.                                                                  ()hio, ratified  Corwin  amendment, 21;

Newburgh, O., MASS. relating to, aclquired,         population, 215; public   debt, 223;

436.                                                                                        stock owned in Milan Canal, 241.

Newlin, Chlade M., cited, 131.                               Ohio Academy     of History, minutes of

Newspaper publicity, medical societies,                April 1947 meeting, 194-196; program

352.                                                                                        of April 1948 imeeting, 201; minutes

Newspapers, Ohio, recent ipublications on,           of meeting, April 1948, 311-313.

423.                                                                                        Ohio and Erie Canal, 227.

Nicaraguan campaign, veterans of, 88.                  ()hio and Mississippi Railroad, deprecia-

Nichles, Samuel, Cincinnati   physician,                 tion of bonds, 262.

388.                                                                                        Ohio Attorney General, Bieinnial Report,

Niles, 1lezekiah. editor Niles'  Veekly                    cited, 251, 256.

Regisler, 208-210.                                                                 Ohio Bell Telephone Company, listing of

Niles, William  Ogden, son of 1 lezekiah,              physicians and surgeons for directory,

209.                                                                                        372, 373.

Niles' Weekly   Register.  19th  Century                 ()hio Canal, 33, 234; chartered, 216; con-

Neu's Magazine, by Norval N. Luxon,              tributed  to  prosperity  of Cleveland,

rev. by R. C. Wheeler, 208-211.                        344.

Nixon, Mildred, 200.                                                                   ()hio College Association, 311.


INDEX                                    467


Ohio Commissioner of Statistics, Ania.\ l                 Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 4th, 80, 85.

tepoirt, cited, 234.                                                                  Ohlmiacher, Albert P., addressed  Cleve-

Ohio   Company    of  Virginia,  explorers              land \ledical Society, 355, 356.

sent b, 49.                                                             O'Keeffe, John, librettist,  37.

Ohio Country, 48, 54; described b) early                 Old (hillicothe, 61.

traselers, 49.                                                        "Old Commodore," song, 138.

Ohio Cultiatlor, cited, 152.                                        Old llundred," tune, 136.

Ohio G(zetteer, cited, 185; copies ow ned               O1l Mlail, musical entertainment, 137.

by G. WV. 1art, 191.                                                              Old Northwest, Indian campaigns in, 103;

Ohio General Assembnhly, number of rail-            Indian claims in, 107.

roatl charters granted by, 217; louse                  "Old Oaken Bucket," song, 132.

Jourtnl, cited, 217; railroad   legisla-                  Old School Presbyterian Church,  Martins-

tion, 218-219; 9,xecriiilc iJociuets                      )urg, O., 120

cited, 249, 264; Senate Jornal. cited,                  ()ld Stone School, Akron, )., as museum,

252; Senate commlittee, recomnlnenda-            435.

tions for Ohio   Life Insurance Co-n-                "Old VWhiggery,"   8. See also Corwin,

pany, 252.                                                            Thomas.

Ohio ilistory  Conference, 312.                                ()lio, priodical, cited, 132.

()Oio Historx leilow\ship, 101.                                 ()liver, J. C., Cincinnati phsician, 391.

Ohio Indian Collectols Society, 97.                                            On the     oad t   o lioston," bandl tune,

Ohio Justice, cp -  owned b  (c;. \'. Ilart,                 142.

191.                                                                                        "On This Cold Flint\ Rock," song. 138.

(hio Life lnsiurance and lrust Comnpan,                 ()peras, 139; in carl Cincinnati, 137.

failure, 247-265; intcoporp;rated, 247;              (phtlhalmological Club,  Cleveland, 375.

charter and byla\ss, ciic(t, 247;                          lister (tphthalmology,             instrtio  in, 338.

Coi..immissiolrs  leports,  cited,                          247,            (rians, (. larrison, 433

250; Aniual leport, cited, 249.                             ()rth, Samuel P., cited, 32, 37, 43, 350.

Ohio iMedical College, 63.                                                         (sawatomie,   Kans.,  36;  John   Brown

()Ohio \ieical Ulniversity, anaton:)                          c-ourses     monument at, 40.

in, 336,   341,   342;  mcerged,  337;                   Oslorn, George, 192.

openedl, 393.                             Osborn, W\illiam          )., 359.

Ohio Poetry Day Association, 437.                                            Osmond, Jhn                 I)., Cleveland physician.

()hio Pres)vterian lHistorical Societ), 202.              366.

Ohio Railroad, fraud, 22(.                                        ()'Sllivan, I)onal, cited, 144.

Ohlio Railroad Commnission, 225.                           Osteology, instruction in, 335-336, 337,

(Ohio lieports, cited, 250.                                                           339.

Ohio River, 33, 48, 49, 51, 55, 56, 59,                     tis, R. C., 161, 162, 163.

60, 61, 134, 215, 233; importance of,                 O)tology, in anatomy courses, 338.

129; life on, portrayed   in  museium                 ()ttawa County   listorical MIuseum, 202.

exhibit, 199, 315; articles on, 200,                      (ttawa Indians, 108.

316                                                                                         ()ttawa Twp., Allen Co., O., bounty rec-

Olio State Archlaoiogicail aiit listorical                   ords, 431.

ittaritirly, cited, 48, 135, 176; sminari                 (ttcrbein  College,  Phi  Alpha   Theta

paper published in, 181.                                      Chapter installed, 438.

Ohio State Archaeological and 1 litorical               Overnman,  'Villiam   D.,  ofiicer,  Ohio

Society, 313, 315; historical fello\s1ip, ,\cademy of Ilistory, 194, 196, 201;

101; news notes on, 317-319.                             tstinionial to, 312-313.

Ohio State Conference of the    )aughters              Owen, Carry, musician, 144, 145.

of the tAmerican Revolution, 321.                                        Owen, Robert Dale, 445-446.

Ohio State l)epartment of Educatin. con-               (Oxford, 0., book about, 102; Langstroth

test sponsored by, 321.                                       in 154. 157.

Ohiio Suite JorinIL, cited, 2, 3. 5,   8,                       O(xfo-rd (Ohio) Citizen, cited, 147.

10; editedl 1)  lowells, 73.                                  Oxford (Ohio) Neuws, cited, 156.

()Ohio State Medical Association, 376. 377;          Oxford College for Women, book about,

favored state board of hcalth, 393.                    102.

Ohio State Mledical Board, examinations               Oxford Female College, Oxford, O., 154.

improved   medical  preparation,  334;              (Oxford Female Institute, Oxford, 0., 154.

approves listing of lhysicians in direct

ories, 373.

Ollio State  ledical Journtl, cited. 378.                    PACiFIic RAILROAD), Lincoln and Corwin

Ohio State Medical Socicty, 356.                            on, 19.

Ohio Siate Rieports, cited, 251.                               Paddy Carey," song, 144.

Ohio   State        University:           departmen t of  "Paddy in a Pucker," song, 138.

history,          historical              fellowship  esta'b-               "Paddy Snap," song, 132, 133.

lished,           101;  College   of  Medicine,        "Paddy's Christening," song, 139.

established, 333, 397; cited, 333; suc-                i'talock, musical entertainment, 137.

cessor to  Starling-Ohio lMedical Col-              Page, Walter II., 198.

lege, 337; anatomy courses in, 338-                  Painesville, O., antislavery sentiment in,

339. 341, 342.                                                                        34, 37; Lincoln visits, 68, 69, 70, 71,

Oh1io Sttesiman,i cited, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,                 78; railroad connections, 230.

11, 15, 174, 222, 223; quoted, 8-9.                    Painesville and Fairport Railroad, failure

Ohio University, 100; contest sponsored                 of, 220.

by, 321.                                                                                  Painesville Cornet Rand, 70.

Ohio Valley, history of, 103; Scotch-Irish              Iainesville  Telegraphl,  cited,  70,  71;

in, 112, 124; music in, 128, 130.                         iuoted, 30.




Painter, William P., 67, 77.                                                         Philanthropist  (Cincinnati), cited, 29,

Palmer, C. D., Cincinnati physician. 388.                                   166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 180; editor

Panic of 1857, failure of Ohio Life In-                                      of, 166; policy, 168, 170, 171; re-

surance  and  Trust   Co. and, 247;                                       named, 172; quoted, 177.

causes, 252-253.                                                                    Phile, Philip, song writer, 132, 140, 141,

Parker, Charles B., Cleveland physician,                                   145.

355.                                                                                        Philippine Insurrection, veterans of, 88.

Parker, Wyman W., 96.                                                              Philippine War Veterans, 86.

Parkman, Francis, 108, 109.                                                       Phillips, Florence, 201, 434.

Parks, Ohio, recent publications on, 423-                                  Phillips, John, Cleveland physician, 367.

424.                                                                                        Phillips, Wendell, condemned by     Cor-

Parrington, Vernon L., cited, 29.                                                win, 13-14.

Parry, John, cited, 144.                                                               "Philosopher," tune, 144.

Parsons, S. B., 157.                                                                      Phiquepal, William   S., and   William

Parthenogenesis, in bees, theory of, 149.                                   Maclure, 445.

Paryzek, Harry V., Cleveland physician,                                  Phrenocosmian Society, literary club, 122-

366.                                                                                        123.

Pasteur Club, Cleveland, 375.                                                     Physiology, instruction in, 340, 342.

Pate, Ormay, 197.                                                                       Piano forte, instruction in, 134.

Pathology,  teaching  of,  in   anatomy                                       Pickard, Madge E., cited, 187-188.

courses, 340, 342.                                                                  Pickawillany, Indian village, 51, 109.

"Patriotic Diggers," song, 132.                                                   Pierce, Bessie L., 182.

"Patriot's Cotillion," band tune, 142.                                           Piercy, Harry D., Cleveland physician,

Patterson, Robert, cited, 136.                                                      366.

Paxson, Frederic L., cited, 221, 228, 229,                                 Pierson, name of early Scottish family at

230.                                                                                        Martinsburg, 0., 113.

Peace Democrats, 160.                                                              Pies, IHenry G., music teacher, 134.

Peacock, J. II., Presbyterian  minister,                                      Pietism  and   pietists,  307,  Christoph

121.                                                                                        Munk and, 269-271, 291.

Pease, Calvin, 247.                                                                     Pike, Zebulon, 104.

Peck, George, 156.                                                                     Pioneer Life in Kentucky, 1785-1800, ed.

Peck, William Ware, 198.                                                          by E. F. Ilorine, rev. by B. H. Persh-

Peckham, Howard H., 96; Pontiac and                                     ing, 443-445.

the Indian  Uprising, rev. by F. P.                                         Pioneer News, 97.

Weisenburger, 107-110.                                                       Piqua, O., 327.

Pediatrics, special department, Western                                   Pittsburgh, Pa., Denny first mayor of, 52;

Reserve Univ., 382.                                                               veterans' organizations  in, 86, 87;

Peeke, H. L., cited, 227, 228, 229.                                             Scotch-Irish in, 112.

Peeping Tom of Coventry, musical enter-                                 Pittsburgh Post, cited, 83, 84, 87.

tainment, 137.                                                                        Plainfield, O., 61.

Pellett, Kent L., cited, 149.                                                         Plants, Ohio, recent publications on, 422.

Pendergraft, Daryl, "Thomas Corwin and                                 "Planxty Kelly," song, 144.

the Conservative Republican Reaction,                                Platter, Herbert M., "Notes on the Pre-

1858-1861," 1-23.                                                                 vention of Communicable Diseases in

Pennsylvania, Corwin spoke in, 19; John                                   Columbus, 1890-1945," 393-397.

Brown in, 24; Gist in, 50; Van Cleve                                    Plays, amateur, 134.

family in, 56.                                                                          Pleyel, Ignaz, hymnist, 136.

Pennsylvania Railroad, and   Ohio rail-                                     "Pleyel's Hymn," band tune, 142; song,

roads, 232, 235.                                                                     143.

Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, 10th,                                     "Plough Boy," song, 139.

86.                                                                                          Plumb, Ralph, 40.

Pensions, veterans', bill for, 85.                                                  Plumb, Samuel, 40.

Pepper, Dr. William, addressed    Cleve-                                  'Plunder Law,"   221; provisions, 218-

land Medical Society, 355.                                                    220.

Perkins, Howard C., 100.                                                           Pockrandt, Carl H., 435.

Perkins, Roger G., Cleveland physician,                                   Politics and government in Ohio, recent

348, 358, 360, 366, 370.                                                        publications on, 424-425.

Perkins, Simon, partner of John Brown,                                    Pomeroy, Earl S., award to, 311.

33.                                                                                          Pomeroy, Lawrence A., Cleveland physi-

Perkins Mansion, Akron, O., as museum,                                  cian, 366.

435.                                                                                        Pontiac, Ottawa chief, 51; conspiracy,

Perring, K. W., cited, 18.                                                           327.

Pershing, Benjamin 1H., 194, 195, 204;                                     Pontiac and   the Indian   Uprising, by

addressed Ohio Academy of History,                                  Itoward H. Peckham, rev. by F. P.

201, 311; book rev., 443-445.                                               Weisenburger, 107-110.

"Perry's Victory," band tune, 143.                                              Poor Gentleman, musical entertainment,

Peters, Mrs. Arthur L., 434.                                                        137.

"Petroglyphs on the Ohio," 97.                                                   Poor Soldier, opera, 137.

Pharmacology, early developments, 346.                                  Pope. John. 199.

Philadelphia, Pa., 57; Giddings spoke in,                                   Popular  sovereignty,  Corwin  on,   6;

45; veterans' convention in, 84; V. F.                                   Republican attitude on, 8.

W. headquarters at, 87; Langstroth                                      Porter, Eugene   O., "Financing   Ohio's

family in, 147, 149, 153.                                                        Pre-Civil War Railroads," 215-226.

Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, cited, 84.                                   Portsmouth (Ohio) Times, cited, 11.

Philadelphia Horticultural Society, 150.                                    "Portuguese Hymn," song, 132.


INDEX                                   469


"Post Captain," song, 138, 139, 145.                                          Rattermann, IHeinrich A., cited, 140.

Potomac River, 50.                                                                     Rauch, John H., cited, 329.

Pottawatomie, Kans., 36; John Brown in,                                  Rauschkolb, John   E., Cleveland  physi-

24.                                                                                          cian, 374.

Potts, B. F., 198.                                                                          Ray, Lecil S., 89.

Powell, Hunter H., Cleveland physician,                                   Rayback,  Joseph  G.,   "Liberty  Party

361.                                                                                        Leaders of Ohio: Exponents of Anti-

Powers, Esther Gibbs, 197, 432.                                                slavery Coalition," 165-178.

Powers, Mrs. Franklin P., 316.                                                   Raynor, boat, 245.

Powers, Fred W., cited, 223.                                                      Read, Daniel, composer, 136.

Powers, R. B., 314.                                                                     Read, Matthew C., 42.

Prentiss, Mrs. Francis F., 372; donated                                      Reagh,   name   of  Scottish  family  at

fund for medical library, 367; donated                                Martinsburg, O., 114.

fund  for Cleveland  health  museum,                                  Reamy, Thaddeus A., Cincinnati physi-

371.                                                                                       cian, 388.

Presbyterian Churches, antislavery move-                               Reavis, L. W., cited, 225.

ment in, 28, 32; ministers' engage-                                       Recreation, V. F. W. program, 92; Pres-

ments, 111; Martinsburg, 0., 113-121,                                  byterian Church's stand on social, 117;

124; at Utica, 113, 115, 117, 120,                                        Ohio, recent publications on, 423-424.

121, 122; branches, 114; discipline in,                                 Redpath, James, cited, 27, 41.

115-120,  training  in  ministry  in,                                       Reed, Charles A. L., president American

122; Cincinnati, First, 135; Oxford,                                      Medical Assn., 354.

159, 160, 164; Dayton, O., Wayne                                      Reed, Charles S., 245.

Avenue, 164.                                                                         Reed, Lois A., 97.

Presbyterianism, in  central Ohio, 112;                                     Reformed Presbyterian Church, 114; in

theology of, 115-116.                                                            Utica, 0., 113.

Presbyterians, New Light, 106.                                                  Reilly, Edward C., cited, 29, 32, 34, 35.

"President's March,"  song, 140, 141,                                        Reels, dance, 143.

145; band tune, 143.                                                             Reemelin, Charles, Cincinnati, O., trustee,

Presque Isle, 104.                                                                       Ohio Life Insurance and Trust Co.,

"Pretty Deary," song, 139.                                                         260, 263.

"Pretty Girl of Darby, O!" song, 133.                                        Regionalism, address on, 194.

Price, Erwin H., cited, 176.                                                        Reinagle, Alexander, composer, 143.

Price, JohnOberlin Negro, 38, 40.                                             Reiter, Edith S., 431.

Price, John W., 266.                                                                   Religion, in Ohio, recent publications on,

Price, Robert, address by, 203.                                                  426.

Probst, Charles O., 395; addressed Cleve-                                "Remember the Glories of Brian      the

land Medical Society, 353; and health                                 Brave," song, 144.

code, 393.                                                                              Reptiles, Ohio, recent publications on,

Psalms, use of in Presbyterian churches,                                   420-421.

114.                                                                                       "Republican Methodist," 60.

Public health measures, Cleveland med-                                   Republican party and Republicans, 3, 4;

ical societies and, 352, 353, 355, 359,                                  conservatism, 1; and Corwin, 2, 5, 6,

360-361, 362, 365, 369-371.                                                 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 16-17, 18, 19, 20,

Purcell, Henry, hymnist, 136.                                                     23; attitude toward John Brown, 13,

Putnam, James C., 80, 81, 82.                                                     25, 45; and slavery, 15; 1860 Chicago

Putnam, Rufus, 49.                                                                      convention,  18;  and  president-elect,

Putnam  County Pioneer Association, 97-                                  1861, 66; in Ohio, W. 11. Smith's

98.                                                                                          influence on, 95; Liberty party merged

with, 178.

"Reveille," band tune, 141, 143.

QUAIFE, M. M., joint author, Michigan:                                  Rhino-laryngology, in  anatomy   courses,

From  Primitive Wilderness to Indus-                                  338.

trial Commonwealth, rev. by F. P.                                         Rice, Allen Thorndike, 96.

Weisenburger, 325-326.                                                       Rice, Millard S., 89.

Queen City of the West, see Cincinnati,                                    Richard, Father Gabriel, 325.

O.                                                                                           Richardson, A. B., Cincinnati physician,

"Quercy," tune, 136.                                                                   391.

Quinby, Moses, beekeeper, 154.                                               Richardson, W. K., 99.

Richardville, Miami chief, 109.

Richeimer, Mary Jane, author Massillon

RACIAL GROUPS IN OHIO, see National                             school history, 203, 320.

and racial groups in Ohio.                                                    Richmond, Va., 43; Thomas Smith estate

Railroad securities, Ohio Life Insurance                                  at, 60.

and Trust Co., 260-261.                                                        Richmond, Eaton, and Miami Railroad,

Railroads, in Ohio, pre-Civil War, financ-                                chartered, 216.

inq of, 215-226; charters, 216, 218;                                     Richmond (Va.) Republican, quoted, 29.

depreciation  of  securities,  260-262;                                  Riddle, Albert, 41, 46; cited, 41.

electric, importance to Cleveland, 344-                               "Rip-Roaring Canal Days," address, 96.

345. See also names of roads.                                              Ritter, Frederic L., cited, 126.

Ralph, Philip Lee, 204.                                                               River Museum, Marietta, 202.

Randall, Dr., Franklin Co., 192.                                                 Robb, Hunter, Cleveland physician, 347.

Randall, E. O., cited, 221, 223.                                                  Robert E. Lee, sidewheeler, 99.

Ransome, Jack Clifford, articles by, 200,                                  Roberts, A. Sellew, 312.

434.                                                                                        Roberts, Bishop R. R., 95.




Robertson, name of Scottish   family at               St. Alexis lospital, Cleveland, 346.

\Martinsburg, O., 114.                                                           St. Clair, Artihr, 53, 54, 106, 327;

Robertson,   \laj.,  platted  Wilmington                l)enny  with troops under, 52; Van

(Utica), O., 113.                                                                    Cleve in expedition of, 57; expedition,

Robertson, Josephine.  \riter for (Clee-              103; site of defeat of, 105; defeat,

latd Plain Dealer, 372.                                                          subject of ballad, 130.

Rockefeller family, home of. 182.                                             St. Clairsille, C., 447.

Rockingham  County, Va., hoime of John           St. Iauwrence, lake steamer, 231, 233.

Lincoln, 212.                                                                          "St. Patrick's Day," Irish song, 144.

Rockwood, I larry  L.. (Clcveland  ealth            "Saint Senanus and    the Lady," song,

commissioner, 369, 370.                                                        138.

Bodabaugh,   James    11.,  196;                          radio               St. Vincent's Charity 1Hospital, Cleveland,

speaker, 197; addressed Ohio                        \cademys        345.

of Ilistory, 201, 311; llhibiogri(                      1  of                SaCle, O., 276.

Ohio Archaeology, rev. hb 1. 1. (rffin.          "Sally Rov," song, 138.

205-206; "Minutes of the Ohio A:\cad-         Salomon, Richard G., 311; address by,

emv of llstory, April 19, 1948," 311-             201.

313; elected secretary, Ohio Academiy       Sandburg, Carl, quoted, 16, 20; cited,

of History, 312; "A\ Survey of Pub                18, 19.

lications in Ohio Hlistory, Archaeology,       Sanderson, Virginia, 437.

and  Natural Ilistors, \ugutst 1947--               Satlmlskian, Dlily, quoted, 242, 244.

Jutly 1948," 398-430; book rev., 446             Sndustky,  O., as transportation  center,

448.                                                                                        227-236; population in 1850, 228.

Roe, Clara G., A\kron, (., 437.                                                   Satmlnsky Clatrion, quoted, 237-238.

Roentgen rays, see X-rays.                                                        Sandusly, D1)aton, and Cincinnati Rail-

Rogers, I enry \V., Cle\elland pIhysician,           road Company, Atnual Report, cited,

357.                                                                                        233-234.

Rogers, Wi. K., 198.                                                                   Sandusky, MIanslield, and Newxark  Rail-

"Rogue's March," band tune, 141.                                              road, 229, 234; daily trains on, 232.

Roll, Charles, Colonel D)ick  Tlhompson,           "Sandusky, Pioneer Link    between  Sail

thle Persistlett 1'hlii, rex. by W\. P.               and Rail," 1'  Leola AI. Stewart, 227-

\larchman, 440-442.                                                              236.

Romanis, James, 79, 80, 81, 82, 86.                    Sandlusky River region, 95.

13o111p, musical entertainment, 137.                                       Sa;nduslky Soldiers' and Sailors' Ilonae, 84,

Roosevelt, Theodore, 59.                                                           85.

Root, Amos Ives, beekeeper, 154; quoted,         Santdusky Wl'eeklv  Iegister, cited, 228.

164.                                                                                        231, 232, 233, 234, 235.

Root, E. R., Ohio beekeeper, 152.                                             "Sandy and Jenny," song, 139.

Root, Edward \V., Presbyterian minlister,          Sanford  lenr-  L., Cleveland physician,

155.                                                                                        348.

Rose, Wm. S., 240.                                                                     Sarber, Glenn S., 97.

"Rose Tree," song, 131, 132, 145.                                              Sargent, XVinthrop, 105, 106.

Roseboom, Eugene It., book rev., 207-              Saul. oratorio, 140, 143.

208, 442-443; cited, 225, 229.                                              Savoy, \William F., 197.

Rosenberger, David, 277.                                                          Sixawmill, operateel l)y G. .  Il. Hart, 185,

Rosenberger, John, 277.186.

Rosenberger, Marie, 277.                                                          Sa;yer, Charles, 96.

Rosenwxasser,  Al., Cleveland  physician,         Sawyer, John  P., Cleveland   physician,

357, 358; quoted, 367-368.                                                   354, 357, 358, 361.

Rosetxater, E., 198.                                                                    Scarlet fever, epidemic in Columbus, 395.

"Roslin Castle," song, 131, 144; band                 Schafer, Frank K., 320.

tune, 142.                                                                               Schear, E. \L . E., 203.

Rossclot, A. P., 204.                                                                    Shllesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 180.

Rotch, T.   I., addressed Cleveland Mcid-          Schlesinger, Artthur M., Sr., 180, 182.

ical Society, 355.                                                                   Scholes, Percv, cited, 127, 128.

"Rothemurchie's Rant," music, 130, 143.            Schuckrs, J. \V., cited, 26, 27, 38.

Roxland, Vernon C., Cle-eland physician,         Schlltes, Jacob, 276, 283, 287, 291, 295.

366.                                                                                        Schultz, Amelia l1., 435.

Royal League I all, Cleveland, XMedical          Schurz, Carl, 21; quoted, 20; cited, 21.

Society met in, 351.                                                               Schuyler, ., 199.

"RuleI Britannia," song, 131, 145.                                              Schwartz, lIarry, 203.

Rupert, -----, X-ray exhibit by, 356.                   Scito (Cazette, 'microfllmhed, 99.

"Rural Felicity," band tune, 141, 143.                 Scioto River, 61, 395.

Rusk, Ralph L., cited, 127, 130, 191;                  Scotch folk music, 143, 144, 145, 146.

quoted, 187.                                                                           "Scotch Irish  in  Central  Ohio," lby

Rust, Orton G., 94, 431, 432.                                                      William L. Fisk, Jr., 111-125.

Rutter, J. W., 99.                                                                         "Scots O'er the Border," song. 132. 143.

Ryan, Cuthbert I., 328.                                                               Scots Society of Cincinnati, celebration,

Ryan, Daniel J., cited, 221, 223.                                                143.

"Scots Wha Iae     xxi' W\'allace Bled,"

song, 139, 143; hand tune, 142.

SABBATII DESECRATION, Utica Presbyter-                        Scott, name of Scottish family at Martins-

ian church and, 117.                                                              burg, 0., 114.

Sabin, Florence, cited, 329, 332.                                                Scott, Ernest. C'olimbus physician, 396.

Sahli, Donald G., 437.                                                                Scott, Dr. James, 66.


INDEX                                   471


Scott, N. Stone, Cleveland    physician,               "Skotography," see X-rays.

350, 358.                                                                                Slavery, James Smith on, 60, 61.

Scott, William  J.  I., Cleveland physi-                Slaves, fugitive, 26.

cian, 349, 350.                                                                       Sleek, L. William, 204.

Scott, Xenephon C., Cleveland physician,          Sleighing parties, Cincinnati, 134-135.

352.                                                                                        Slick, Sewell E., William Trent and The

Scottish names, first officials of Martins-           West, rev. by E. HI. Roseboom, 442-

burg, 113-114.                                                                       443.

Sears, Alfred B., book rev., 103-107.                 Sloane, Rush R., 220, 228.

Seceders, see Associate Presbyterians.              Smallpox, control, Cleveland, 359; Cleve-

Secession, 22; Corwin on, 9, 10, 16.                   land  epidemic, 386; Columbus epi-

Seely, W. W., Cincinnati physician, 388.            demics, 394-395.

Seely, Warner, Cleveland physician, 372.          Smith, Gerrit, 33; presidential candidate,

Selection Of Irish Melodies, 144.                                               177.

Seminar, local history, methods, 179-184.          Smith, George R., 60.

Seneca County Historical and Archaeo-            Smith, George S., 60.

logical Museum, 98, 434.                                                      Smith, Guy Il., 266.

Senn, Nicholas, addressed Cleveland Med-       Smith, James, 59-61; cited, 60, 65.

ical Society, 355.                                                                   Smith, John Stafford, song writer, 132,

Seven Mile Creek, 53.                                                                145.

Seven Ranges, survey of, 327.                                                   Smith, Ophia D., 102; "Langstroth, the

Seventh Ohio, schooner, 245.                                                    'Bee Man' of Oxford," 147-164.

Severino, Severino, writer for Clevelad             Smith, Robert, 200.

News, 372.                                                                            Smith, S. Winifred, joint comp., "Sur-

Sewage disposal, Cleveland, 353; Colum-          vey of Publications in Ohio History

bus, 395.                                                                                 Archaeology,  and   Natural  History,

Seward, William H1., 14, 15; in West-               August 1947-July 1948," 398-430.

ern  Reserve, 35; suggested                           as pres-          Smith, Solomon F., cited, 135.

idential candidate  of Liberty                        party,              Smith, Theodore C., cited, 166, 174, 175,

170, 171. 172.                                                                        177.

Shackleton, W. B., Cleveland physician.            Smith, Thomas, 60.

quoted, 360.                                                                           Smith, William, hymnist, 136.

Shaker Collection, Western Reserve His-          Smith, William  E., 102, 320.

torical Society, 182.                                                              Smith, William Henry, 95, 199.

Shakers, community of, 183.                                                      Smith's Ferry, Pa., 97.

Shannoah Town, 50.                                                                   Smithers, Lynn F., 85.

Shannon, Fred A., 182.                                                               Snyder, Marion, 203.

Shantrews, dance, 130.                                                              Social Science Research  Council, study

"Shaping the Seminar in Local History,"            financed by, 100.

by Iarvev Wish, 179-184.                                                     "Society of the Army of the Philippines,"

Sharp, Cecil J., cited, 127.                                                          87.

Sheep, number shipped from    Sandusky,          Society of the Medical Sciences of Cleve-

234.                                                                                        land, organization, 348; library fund,

Shelby, O., rail connections, 229.                                              351.

Shepard, Lee, editor Historical and Phil-           Soil, Miami Valley, described, 50, 51, 53.

osophical Society Bulletin, 200, 316.             61, 62, 64.

Shepherst, Mildred (Mrs. Max), 96, 433.           "Soldier Slumbering," song, 139.

Sherman, John, 15; MSS. acquired, 96,              "Soldier's Adieu," band tune, 142.

199, 436.                                                                                "Soldier's Bride," song, 139.

Sherman, W. T., letter acquired. 96.                  "Soldier's Joy," band tune, 141.

Shield, William, composer, 132, 137,                 "Soldier's March," band tune, 142.

139, 145.                                                                                "Soldier's Return," band tune, 142.

Shields, name of Scottish family at Mart-           Sollmnan, Torald, Cleveland   physician,

insburg, 0., 114.                                                                     359, 361.

Shiels, W. Eugene, 101.                                                             Sonneck, Oscar G. T., cited, 126.

Ship models, 99.                                                                          Sons and Daughters of Pioneer Rivermen,

Slavery, Republican attitude on, 6, 8, 10,           98-99, 202, 315, 434.

15; Corwin on, 7, 9, 17.                                                        Spanish-American  War, veterans' organ-

Shock, paper on treatment for, 356.                   izations, 79-93.

Shriver, Phillip R., 311.                                                               "Spanish Patriots," band tune, 142.

Shuman, A. C., 98, 434.                                                              Spaulding, Rufus P., 46, 69.

Shumway, Nehemiah, composer, 136.               Spencer, Oliver M., cited. 131, 133.

Shupe, boat, 245.                                                                        Spiegelman, Mortimer, "The Failure of

Signal of Iiberty, cited, 174.                                                       the Ohio Life Insurance and      Trust

Simmons, George H., 354.                                                         Company, 1857," 247-265.

Singing, church, 135. See     also  Folk               Spinning and Brown    's. Ohio Life In-

music.                                                                                    surance and Trust Co., 259.

Singing schools, early Ohio, 133, 135.                Spitzer, Carl B., 433.

Sintzenich, Hazel, see  Dearborn, Mrs.             Splanchnology, in anatomy courses, 336,

Elmer.                                                                                    339.

"Sir Jerry Go Nimble," song, 139.                      Spoil'd Child, musical entertainment, 137.

Skeel, Arthur J., Cleveland   physician,             Spoils system, Corwin and, 12.

366.                                                                                        Sprague, Peter, portrait, acquired   by

Skin diseases, treatment of, see Derma-            Campus Martius Museum, 434.

tology.                                                                                    Sprague, towboat, 434.




"Sprig of Shillelah,"  144; band tune,                                          Stoll, C. \V., 98.

141.                                                                                        Stone, G. W., Cleveland physician, 366.

Springer, Cornelius, 95.                                                               "Stoney Point," band tune, 141.

Springfield, 111., Corwin at, 19; influence                                Storace, Stephen, composer, 145.

on Lincoln, 66.                                                                       Storrs, Charles Backus, 25, 28, 30, 31.

Springfield  (Mass.) Wlepublican, cited.                                     Stoskopf, George, Cleveland  physician,

148.                                                                                        350.

Springfield, O., and railroad promotion,                                    Strausbaugh, Warren L., cited, 12.

218; on stage line, 227; on railroad,                                      Strauss, Abraham, Cleveland  physician,

228.                                                                                        372.

Spurney, Paul ,1., Cleveland physician.                                     Strickland, W'. P., cited, 131.

375.                                                                                        Sturtevant, Amanda, 43.

Squatter sovereignty, Cortin on, 6, 7, 12,                                   "Successful Campaign," band tune, 141.

19; Republican attitude on, 8.                                                Sucki, Emil, 102.

Squires, Sanders, and  l)empsey, Cleve                                     Sullivant, William  S., donate-l micro-

land law firm, 366.                                                                 scopes to Ohio State UTniv., 340.

Staley, Cady, addressed (Clveland  \led-                                   Summit County Fair, John Brown exhib-

ical Society, 353.                                                                   itor at, 37.

Stall, Dr. -   -, Cincinnati, ).. 135.                                               Summit County Historical Society, 435.

Stanton, Edwin M., 12; letters of, 436.                                       Survey of Publications in  Ohio IIlis-

Stanton, Ilenrv B., Liberty party leader,                                    tory, Archaeology, and Natural Ilistory.

177.                                                                                        August 1947-July   1948," by James

"Star Spangled Banner," national anthem,                                 11. Rodabaugh and S. Winifred Smith.

92; band tune, 141, 143.                                                         398-430.

Stark County, 0., historical broadcast on,                                   Sutton, William  A., article by, 200.

99, 320.                                                                                  Swan, Timothy, composer, 136.

Stark County H1istorical Society, 99, 202-                                Swartwout, Annie Fern, Missie: An His

203, 319, 435.                                                                        torical Biography  of Annie  Oakley,

Starling           Medical College, anatomy in-                            rev. by John O. Marsh, 323-324.

truction      in, 334-335, 336, 340-341;                                  "Sweet Harmony," band tune, 142.

merged, 337, 393.                                                                  "Sweet Lady Look Not Thus," song, 138.

Starling-Ohio Medical College, 333; an-                                   "Sweet Solitude," song, 131.

atomy courses in, 337, 341, 342.                                           Swift, llomer F., addressed Academy of

Starr, M. Allen, addressed   Cleveland                                      Medicine of Cleveland, 363.

Medical Society, 355.                                                            Symmes, John Cleves, 49, 54, 55, 56,

State Line Railroad, 233.                                                            60; letters cited, 54, 55, 65.

Staunton, 0., 61.                                                                           Syndesmlology, in anatomy courses, 336,

Steamboat Bill of Facts, quarterly pub-                                     337, 339.

lication, Steamship Ilistorical Society,                                  Syphilology,  as  medical  specialty  in

202.                                                                                        northern Ohio, 378-386.

Steamboats, river, models in River Mu-

seum, 202.

Steamers, lake, and railroad comipetition,                                TAiOR, IOWA, 37.

233.                                                                                        Taft  Museum, Cincinnati,   199; river

Steamship HIistorical Society of America,                               exhibit at, 315.

publication of, 202.                                                                "Take Your Auld Cloak About You,"

Stecher, Robert M., Cleveland physician,                                 song, 143.

372.                                                                                        laney, Roger B., 10.

Steele, C. W., 100.                                                                      "Tantararu Rogues All," song, 144.

Stengel, Alfred, addressed Cleveland Mcd-                             Tappan, Benjamin, 247.

ical Society, 355.                                                                   Tappan, Lewis, Chase's letter to, quoted,

Stephan, John, Cleveland physician, 367.                                  171, 172.

Sternburg, George M., addressed Cleve-                                  Tariff, protective, Corwin and, 1, 9, 10,

land Medical Society, 352.                                                    12.

Stetsorr, Charles. president Ohio Life In-                                 Tarnished Warrior, 104, 107.

surance and Trust Co., 249, 253, 256,                                  "Tars of Columbia," band tune, 142.

258, 259.   Tauesch, William H., 437.

Steubenville, 0., 301, 309; biography of                                    Taylor, Abraham, assignee, Ohio  Life

founder published, 435.                                                         Insurance and Trust Co., 256.

Steubenville  Railroad  Company, chart-                                   Taylor, Frederick  C., Cleveland  physi-

ered, 216.  cian, 350.

Stevens, Aaron, 27, 44.                                                              Taylor, J., Franklin Co., 0., 192.

Stevens, Hlarry R., "Folk Music on the                                      Taylor, Lester, Cleveland physician, 370,

Midwestern Frontier 1788-1825," 126-                                371, 372.

146; cited, 135.                                                                      Taylor, W. A., cited, 185, 186.

Stevenson. John, musicologist, 138, 144.                                   Tecumseh, Shawnee chief, 328.

Stewart, George Neil, Cleveland physi-                                    "Tell Iler I'll Love HIer," song, 138.

cian, 347, 359, 364.                                                               Temperance, Drake interested  in, 63;

Stewart, John, 95.                                                                       movement, Presbyterian  Church  and,

Stewart, Leola M., "Sandusky, Pioneer                                     117, 119, 120.

Link between Sail and Rail," 227-236.                                 Tennessee River, 49.

Stites, Benjamin, 49, 54.                                                             Texas, annexation of, 1; Giddings' atti-

Stitt, Samuel, cited, 135.                                                             tude on, 34.

Stober, George WV., Cleveland physician,                               Thayer,  William  S.,  349;  addressed

370.                                                                                        Cleveland Medical Society, 355.


INDEX                                   173


Theatrical music, 137.                                                                     Tucker,   David   A.,  "The   Cincinnati

"Thistle So Green," song, 143.                                                         Lancet-Clinic," 387-392.

Thomas, John    J., Cleveland  physician,                                        Tuckerman, Jacob E., Cleveland physi-

361, 366, 375.                                                                             cian, 366.

Thomas, Oscar T., Cleveland physician,                                        Tuckerman, Louis B., Cleveland physi-

347. 350.                                                                                     cian, 353, 355.

Thomas, Robert G., 98.                                                                    "Tune of '76," band tune, 142.

"Thomas Corwin    and  the Conservative                                       Tunison, Frank E., cited, 140.

Republican  Reaction, 1858-1861," hy                                      "Turkish Hornpipe," song, 138.

Daryl Pendergraft, 1-23.                                                            "Turk's March," band tune, 142.

Thome, James, quoted, 46.                                                              Turner, Mrs. -       , musician, 137.

Thompson, Richard Wigginton, biograplhy                                    Twigstwee Town, 50.

of, reviewed, 440-442.                                                               Two Years Before the Mast, 138.

Thompson, Samuel, 57.                                                                    Typhoid  fever, diagnosis of, 356; in

Thoreau, Henry David, 45.                                                             Cleveland, 360; epidemic in Columbus,

Thrasher, C. WV., Cincinnati physician,                                        395-396.


Thwing, Dr. Charles F., 315.                                                           ULSTER, IRELAND, emigrants to Ohio from,

"Tid re I [Bainbridge's Tedrei]," song,                                           111, 112.

138.                                                                                            Underground Railroad, traffic on, 18; in

Tidd, Charles, 40.                                                                            the Western Reserve, 25, 30; and John

"Tidy One," song, 139.                                                                    Brown, 29.

Tiffin, O., on stage line, 227; rail con-                                           United Presbyterian Church, at Martins-

nection, 232.                                                                               burg, 119.

Tilden, Daniel, 41, 46, 69.                                                               United States Army, veterans' organiza-

Timber, in   Miami Country, described,                                          tions, 79-93; review  of hook on be-

50, 51, 53. See also Forests and for-                                         ginnings of, 103-107.

estry, Ohio.                                                                                 United   States Circuit Court, Southern

"Tippecanoe," hand tune, 142.                                                       District of Ohio, 257.

Todd, T. Wingate, Cleveland physician,                                        United States Coast Guard, veterans' or-

371, 372.                                                                                     ganization, 79-93.

Toledo, O., 227, 229, 234; growth, 235;                                         United States Congress, veterans' legisla-

rail connections, 230, 233, 235.                                                 tion in, 90; 11ouse of Representatives,

Toledo and Kalamazoo Railroad, 217.                                           Reports, cited, 4, 21; speakership con-

Toledo Medical College, see University of                                   test, 14, 15, 16-17; committee         of

Toledo, medical department.                                                     thirty-three,  20-22;  Executive      Docu-

"Toledo WXar," 217.                                                                      ments, cited, 264.

Tolls, canal, 241.                                                                             United States Constitution, Corwin and,

Tonsil clinics, Cleveland public schools.                                        17; amendment (Corwin amendment),

Academy of Medicine and, 370.                                               proposed, 21; adopted, 22.

Torry, T. C., antislaver  leader, 165.                                              United States Infantry Regiment, 17th.

Tower, George E., 200.                                                                  organization for veterans of, 79, 80.

Townslcy, Gardner, 203, 320.                                                        81, 84.

Towpaths, Milan Canal, leased, 244.                                             United   States Marine band, serenaded

Transeau, Edgar N., 266.                                                               Corwin, 23.

Transportation  in  Ohio, 215-216  227                                          United  States Marine  Corps, veterans'

236, 237-246; recent publlications on,                                      organizations, 79-93.

426-427. See also Canals and railroads.                                   United States Marine Hospital, sanitary

Transylvania University, 63.                                                          reports, 390.

Travel and description, in Ohio, early,                                          United States Marshal, at Cleveland. and

273; recent publications on, 427428.                                        fugitive slave law enforcement, 26, 27,

Treaty of Fort Finney, 52.                                                               36, 43.

Freaty of Fort Stanwix, 107, 327.                                                   United States Navy, veterans' organiza-

Treaty of Ghent, 328.                                                                     tion, 79-93.

Treaty of Greene Ville, 49, 327.                                                    '"niversal Emancipation," song, 144.

Treaty of Paris, 327.                                                                       Universities, see Colleges and universities,

Trees, native, Miami Valley, 50, 51. 53.                                        and names of institutions.

See also Forests and foresty, Ohio.                                           University of Chicago, historical methods

Trent, WVilliam, review of biographl  of.                                    in, 181; Dr. F. P. Mall organized

442-443.                                                                                     anatomy department at, 331.

Freniton Circular, cited, 55.                                                          University  of  Cincinnati,  College  of

Irial, George T., "The American Veterans                                   Medicine, organized, 333.

of Foreign Service and The Vcterans of                                  University of Michigan, medical depart-

Foreign Wars," 79-93.                                                               ment, Dr. F. P. Mall studied at, 331.

Tribute of Respect Comlmemorative of                                         [University  of Pennsylvania, Drake   at-

tie  Worth   and   Sacrifice  of  Johni                                        tended, 63.

Brown . . ., cited, 42, 46.                                                           University of Toledo, 102; medical de-

Trimble, Allen, 247.                                                                       partment, 332.

Truman, Harry S., 88.                                                                    Iniversity           of Wisconsin         Committee on

Trumpets, use of, in military hands. 139.                                      Studies in           Wisconsin             Economy   and

140.                                                                                           Culture, 100.

Trust companies:   Ohio Life Insurance                                       "Up an' Waur Them      A' Willie," song,

and Trust Co. failure, 247-2(,.                                                  143.

Tucker,  Anne, see    Tangstroth, Anne                                        tlpdegraph, Ralph K.. Cleveland physi-

Tucker.                                                                                      cian, 365.




Llpham, J. 1-. J., Columbus physician,                                      WIVA, Ashtabula, O., historical broad-

396.                                                                                        casts over, 321.

Upper Sandusky, 0., 95; on railroad, 228.                                 Wabash River, 49.

Upson, Henry S., and Cleveland Journal                                  Wachtel, H. C., 97.

of Medicine, 354.                                                                   Waddington, Walker, 80, 81.

Urbana, O., on stage line, 227; on rail-                                     Wade, Benjamin, in Western Reserve, 25,

road, 228.                                                                               28, 41; favored fusion of antislavery

Urch, Erwin J., 438.                                                                   parties, 35; opposed fugitive slave law,

Utica, O., Scotch-Irish in, 112, 113;                                          36; quoted, 39; on John Brown's raid.

Presbyterian  churches at, 113, 115,                                    45.

117, 120, 121, 124-125.                                                        \Vade, J. II., MSS. acquired, 436.

Utica  Reformed   Presbyterian  Church.                                  Wag of W/indsor, musical entertainment,

Second Record Book, cited, 117, 120.                                 137.

122.                                                                                       Wagner, Samuel, 153, 157.

Utter, William T., 312; cited, 129.                                             Wagoners, in early travel, 273.

LUtterbeck, William, 197.                                                         Wahl, Spencer A., Cleveland physician,


Waite, Frederick C., cited, 30, 32, 333,

VACCINATION, smallpox, introduction in                              347, 378.

Cleveland, 359; resistance to, 394 395.                                Walker, Dorsey T., 438.

Vail, Mrs. Herman L., 372.                                                        Walker, William, 11.

Vail, R. W. G., 198, 199.                                                            Walker, William, MSS. acquired, 95.

Vallandigham, Clement S., and     John                                     Walker and Weeks, Cleveland architects,

Brown, 25, 26, 27, 33, 38, 45; letters                                    367.

of, 436.                                                                                  Walkins, J. W., 199.

Van Buren, Martin, supported hy Cid-                                      Wallace, John, copy of book by, ac-

dings, 35.                                                                                quired, 315.

Vance, Joseph, 247.                                                                   Wallace, Lew, letters of, acquired, 436.

Vance, LReuben A.], Cleveland physician,                              Wallace,  Robert, Covenanter  minister,

349.                                                                                        113.

Van Cleef, Eugene, 266.                                                            Walsh, Warren B., editor E. T. Ileald

Van Cleve, Benjamin, 56, 57; cited, 56,                                    letters, 203.

57, 65, 130.                                                                            Walters, Everett, 321; book rev., 445-446.

Van Cleve, John, 56.                                                                  Walters, Raymond, cited, 128. 145.

Van Swearingen family, home of, 182.                                     1Iandering Melodist, musical entertain-

Varg, Paul A., 321.                                                                     ment, 138.

Veach, Charles, 97-98.                                                              \Tar of 1812, and westward migration,

Veach, Sue E. (Mrs. Charles), 97.                                             129.

Vegetation, in Miami Valley, 50.                                               Ward, -----, composer, 136.

Venereal diseases, treatment of, 381.                                       Ward, Artemus, 26, 39.

Veterans of Foreign Wars, National Re-                                  Warden, Robert B., cited, 175.

habilitation Service, 90; national home                                Warehouses, grain, 241.

92. See also American Veterans of                                     W Varing, Col. George A., addressed Cleve-

Foreign Service.                                                                    land Medical Society, 353.

Veterans' organizations, 79-93.                                                 Warner, Landon, 194.

"Vicar of Bray," song, 131.                                                        Warner, S. S., 96.

"Victory of Orleans," band tune, 142.                                       Warner Bros., Norwalk, 0., 245.

Vietzen, Raymond C., 97.                                                          Warren, Richard, 99.

Villard, Henry, 67.                                                                     Warren Co., 0., 61; election in, 7; his-

Villard, Oswald Garrison, cited, 32  , 35                                   toy published, 435.

37, 40, 42, 43.                                                                        Warren County Historical Society, 203.

Violin, instruction in, 134.                                                          320, 435.

Virginia Military District, MISS. relating                                  \Washburne, George A., 101; death, 321.

to, acquired, 436.                                                                   Washington, George, memorial services

Virginia Peace Convention, 22.                                                 for, 140.

Virginian-Pilot, quoted, 85-86.                                                   Washington, D. C., Francis Baily in, 58;

Virginia reels, 130.                                                                     V.F.W. headquarters, 89; National Era.

Virginia Valley, Scotch-Irish immigrants                                  published in, 174.

in, 111.                           -                                                       Washington (Guernsey Co.), O., railroad

Virginians, in Knox and Licking cos., 0.,                                  stock authorized for, 222.

120.                                                                                        Washington Court House, 0., veterans'

Vital statistics, Academy of Medicine of                                  convention at, 85.

Cleveland and, 362.                                                               Washington Globe, cited, 15, 17.

Vitz, Carl, article by, 200.                                                          Washington Tp., Licking Co., O., Scotch-

"Vive la," song, 144.                                                                   Irish in, 112.

"Volunteer's March," band tune, 142.                                        'Washingtons March," song, 141.

Volwiler, Albert T., 312, 313, 321;                                            \ater and flood control in Ohio, recent

cited, 51.                                                                                publications on, 423.

Water supply, Columbus, 395.

Waternitch, canal boat, 239.

WGAR, Cleveland, O., health talks broad-                               Watkins, Frederick E., 372.

cast over, 370.                                                                       Watkins, Ralph M., Cleveland physician,

WHBC, Canton, O., historical broadcasts                                  370.

over, 99, 320.                                                                         Way. Frederick, Jr., 98, 99, 202, 434;


INDEX                                   475


testimonial to, 317, 318; book pub-                   \Western   Union    Telegraph  Company,

lished by, 435.                                                                         MSS. pertaining to acquired, 436.

"Way to Come Over," song, 138.                           Western University of Pittsburgh, 121.

\ayland, John WN., The Lincolns in Vir-                \Westerville I-istorical Society, 203.

ginia, rev. by John  O.    larsh, 212-                  Westward movement, the Scotch-Irish and,

213.                                                                                         111.

Wayne, Anthony, 103, 104, 106, 327;                   "hat Makes the Ladies Like It So"

Bradley with troops under, 54; settle-

song, 144.

ment named for, 58; cited, 107; music              sg'     . '

in camp of, 139.                                                                      Wheat, shipments from   Milan, 241.

Wayne Avenue Presbyterian Church, Day-         heaton, Chas., engineer, 238.

ton, O., 164.                                                                            Wheeler, Robert C., book rev., 208-211;

Wayne, Medina, and Cuyahoga Turnpike            addressed Knox County Historical So-

Company, MS. records acquired, 436.             ciety, 316.

Waynesville, 0., 58, 61.                                                               Wheeling, W. Va., railroad stock, 222.

le'eathercock, musical entertainment, 137.           Wheeling and Lake Erie Railroad Com-

Webb, Tessa Sweazy, 437.                                    pany, 244, 245.

Weber, G. C. E., Cleveland physician,                  "When Bidden to the Wake or Fair,"

349.                                                                                         band tune, 142.

Webster, ----, musician, 138.                                "When First I Left Sweet Dublin Town,"

Webster, Daniel, 34; Corwin friend of,                song, 139.

2, 14.                                                                                       "When I Was a Boy in My Father's

Webster, Samuel J., Cleveland physician,            [HIouse?]," song, 132.

355, 366.                                                           "Wherever She Goes," song, 131, 137.

Weir, William  H., Cleveland physician,              Whig party, Corwin and, 1, 2. 3, 4;

348.                                                                                         campaigns of 1840's, 11; and Republi-

Wveisenburger, Francis P., book   revs.,              can doctrine, 19; and Western Reserve,

107-110, 325-326; officer Ohio Acad-           25; merged, 33, 35; Giddings and, 35;

emy of History, 194, 311; contribution             and Liberty party, 169, 175, 176, 178;

to regional history, 212; cited, 225;                  and ratification of Ohio Constitution

presented testimonial to Wittke. 317.               of 1851, 222.

Welch, William II., 331; Johns Hopkins               Whiskey Island, Cleveland, 379.

professor, 347.                                                                       White, Alene Lowe, 100.

Wellington, O., rescue of fugitive slave               White, Mlrs. Fred, 436.

at, 38.                                                                                      White, J. C., quoted, 46.

Welsh folk music, 144, 145, 146.                          White, Maj. Will S., 81, 82.

Welles, George D., 433.                                                             "White Cockade," band tune, 142.

Wells, Bezaleel, Founler of Canton and                White Water Canal, 96.

Steubeneville, published, 435.                                               Whittaker, James T., editor, the Clinic,

Wells, Guy M., executive secretary, Acad-         388.

emy of Medicine of Cleveland, 365.               Whitten, John, 57.

Wellsville, 0., 301, 309.                                         Whitten, Mary, 57.

Wen, Greg, musician, 144.                                    Whittier, John Greenleaf, 31.

Wenner, Ralph J., addressed Cleveland               "Who Would Not Love," song, 139.

Medical Society, 356.                                                            "Why Does Azure Deck the Sky," song,

Wesley, Charles H., 321.                                       138.

West, the Scotch-Irish in, 111-125.                      Wickwire Gale, 437.

West Point Military Academy, 104.                                           Wielland, E. L., 203.

Western College for Women, 155; book              Wiener inedizinische Wockenschrift,. ..

about, 102.                                                        391.

Western Female Seminary, 154, 155.                   Wikoff. A. T., 198.

Western Lancet, 387, 388.                                     Wilberforce College, article on, 321.

Western Reserve, and Corwin, 11; anti-              Wilcox, -    --, mayor of Painesville,

slavery        movement            in, 24-47;          John              70, 72.

Brown         in,  24-33,             37-41;               regional        Wilcox, Phineas, 248, 249.

studies on, 180-183; medical develop-            lWild Oats, musical entertainment, 137.

ments in, 348, 378-386.                                    Wilkinson, James, 103, 104, 140; expedi-

Western Reserve College, and abolition,             tion, 105.

28, 30, 32; medical department, merger         "Will You Come to the Bower," band

of, 333.                                                                                   tune, 142.

Western Reserve IIistorical Society, 99,              "William Case," locomotive, 68, 74.

436-437; Neus, 100; source for regional         "William Tell," song. 139.

studies, 182; Tracts, cited, 216.                                             William Trent and The West, by S. E.

Western   Reserve   University,  seminar             Slick, rev. by E. H. Roseboom, 442-

methods in, 179-184; medical depart-             443.

ment, 332, 333. 345. 347    382  393.               Williams, -----, composer, 136.

384; moved to Cleveland, 344; clinical           Williams, A. B., cited, 113.

facilities, 346; cited, 384.                                 Williams, Charles M., 96.

Western Spy, cited. 129, 131, 132, 133,                Williams, Gardner, author of article on

134, 135, 136, 138, 140, 141; founded,           Francis E. Abbot, 434.

440.                                                                                        Williams, R., 199.

Western Star (Lebanon), quoted, 4; cited,            Williams, Roy H., 245.

11, 12, 14, 18, 67, 218; current, his-               Williams, W. W., cited, 227.

rorical section, 320.                                                              Williamson, Howard P.. 432.




Willoughby, O., Lincoln visited, 68, 69,                                     \\orld War II, organizations for veterans

70, 78.                                                                                     of, 79-93; Academy of Medicine of

"WTillow," song, 138.                                                                 Cleveland and, 376-377; recent publi-

"Willy Wlas a Wanton Wag," song, 144.                                   cations on, 429; history of Warren

Wilmington, 0., Corwin spoke at, 7. See                                     County in, 435.

also Utica, O.                                                                         "Wounded Hussar," band tune, 142, 143;

Wilmot Proviso, 18; effect of, on Liberty                                   song, 145.

party, 174.                                                                               Wright, Elizll, 25, 30, 31.

Wilson, name of Scottish   families in                                        Wright, John C., assignee, Ohio Life In-

Knox and Licking cos., 114, 123.                                          surance and Trust Co., 256.

Wilson, [Hiram V.], 69.                                                              Wyandot Indians, 50; mission for, 95.

Wilson, Mrs. Robert, 203.                                                           Wychgel, James M., Cuyahoga County

Wilcoxson, Levi, Milan, 0., 240.                                                 procurement officer, 376.

Winders, Frank, secretary, state medical                                  Wyckoff, Chauncey W., Cleveland physi-

board, 394.                                                                             cian, 370.

"Windsor Waltz," song, 138.

Wing, George Clary, 29, 43.

Winter, Nevin 0., quoted, 29.                                                     XAVIER UNIVERSITY, 101.

Wirt, William  E., Cleveland physician,                                     Xenia, O., Corwin spoke at, 10, 11.

350, 358.                                                                                Xenia Torchlight, cited, 8, 10, 11.

Wisconsin Historical Society, 94.                                               X-rays, lectu.e and exhibit on, 355-356,

Wise, Henry A., governor of Va., 42.                                        357.

Wish, Harvey, 194, 204, 438; "Shaping

the Seminar in Local lIistory," 179-

184.                                                                                        YAN;TZE RIVER campaigns, veterans of,

Wittke, Carl, cited, 49, 129, 229; ne\                                          88.

appointment, 204; contribution to re-                                    "Yankee Doodle," song, 131. 138, 145;

gional history, 212; testimonial to,                                         band tune, 141, 142.

317-318.                                                                                 Yarian, Norman C., Cleveland physician,

Wolcott, Christopher P., 42.                                                        375.

Wolford, E. Y., and the Horn Papers.                                       "Ye Banks an' Braes o' Bonny Doon,"

318-319.                                                                                song, 132, 143.

Woman's Centennial Association, Marietta,                              "Ye Mariners of England," song, 132.

320.                                                                                        Yellow fever, 1878 epidemic, 390.

Wood, - ---, boat captain, 246.                                                   Yellow Springs, O., Owenite community

Wood, Frederick J., Cleveland physician,                                 at, 446.

366.                                                                                        Yesteryear in Clark County, published,

Wood, James, 198.                                                                      94, 431-432.

"Woo'd and Married and A'," song, 132.                                   "York," tune, 136.

Woodburn, J. A., cited, Ill.                                                         "You Think No Doubt," song, 139.

Woodley, Thomas F., cited, 171.                                               Young, James M., 85.

Woodside, Robert G., 83.

Woodworth, Samuel, song writer, 132.

Wooster Medical College, 379.                                                  ZANE, -----, 52.

Wooster, University of, medical depart-                                   Zane's Trace, 447.

ment, 332, 345, 381; merged. 333;                                        Zanesville, 0., 447; railroad stock au-

clinical facilities, 346; Dr. Corlett at,                                    thorized for, 221.

382.                                                                                        Zanesville Courier, cited, 222.

Worcester, Noah, dermatologist at Cleve-                                Zartman, Lester W., cited, 247.

land, 378.                                                                               Zepp, Erwin C.. 199, 313, 317.

World War I, organizations for veterans                                  Zoar, O., lecture on arts and industries

of, 79-93.                                                of, 203.