Ohio History Journal

Minutes of the Meeting

Minutes of the Meeting

of the Ohio Academy of History

Columbus, April 2, 1955




The annual spring meeting of the Ohio Academy of History was held

at the Ohio State Museum, April 2, 1955.

Two sessions were scheduled for 10 A.M. The chairman of one, Wilfred

E. Binkley of Ohio Northern University, introduced Charles B. Forcey of

Miami University, who presented a paper entitled "Progressivism, Fore-

runner of Fascism?" Remarks were offered by Louis Filler of Antioch

College and Thomas LeDuc of Oberlin College. The other section was

conducted by Donald Grove Barnes of Western Reserve University. Two

papers were read: "The Addled Parliament of 1614: The Collapse of the

Elizabethan System" by Thomas L. Moir of Heidelberg College, and "The

Growth of Ministerial Responsibility to Parliament in Later Stuart England"

by R. Clayton Roberts of Ohio State University. Charles R. Mayes of Ohio

University was the discussant.

The luncheon at the Ohio State University Faculty Club was attended

by 111 persons, an increase of forty percent over 1954. William D. Over-

man of the Firestone Library and Archives, president of the Academy, pre-

sided. Harold J. Grimm of Indiana University and formerly of Ohio State

University, was presented the annual Certificate of Award in recognition

of his book, The Reformation Era, 1500-1650. Paul I. Miller of Hiram

College, chairman of the committee on awards, announced the choice of

this work as the outstanding historical achievement by a member of the

Academy in 1954. The luncheon address was then delivered by Paul A.

Varg of Ohio State University, whose subject was "The Missionary in

China and American Far Eastern Policy."

At 2 P.M. two more sessions took place at the Museum. One was a panel

discussion on "The Freshman History Course," directed by William L.

Wannemacher of Kent State University. Participants were Irwin Abrams of

Antioch College, Frank L. Esterquest of Western College, Paul I. Miller



OHIO ACADEMY OF HISTORY                     329


of Hiram College, and Charles R. Ritcheson of Kenyon College. The other

session, under the chairmanship of Benjamin H. Pershing, who also of-

fered comments later, featured two papers: "Ethan Allen Brown and Ohio's

Canal System" by John S. Still of The Ohio Historical Society, and

"Marshall Field and Company and the Economic Development of the

American West" by Robert W. Twyman of Bowling Green State University.

The business meeting conducted by President Overman concluded the

day's activities. The secretary-treasurer in his report reviewed the Academy

meeting at Kenyon College in October, 1954, and revealed that copies of

the resolution for a state archives adopted one year before had been trans-

mitted, as instructed, to various state officials. Erving E. Beauregard of the

University of Dayton, chairman of the committee on membership, an-

nounced that of the 265 persons in Ohio eligible 124 are now dues-

paying members of the Academy. This is a net increase of twenty-two new

members. Through its chairman, Landon Warner of Kenyon College, the

committee on nominations offered the following slate of officers, who were

then unanimously elected to serve for the year 1955-56: president, Eugene

H. Roseboom of Ohio State University; vice-president, Grover C. Platt of

Bowling Green State University; secretary-treasurer, John S. Still of The

Ohio Historical Society.

Watt P. Marchman of Hayes Memorial, chairman of the committee on

publications, rendered the following report:


According to the Constitution of The Ohio Academy of History, under

Section V, Item (4), we find stated: "A Committee on Publications of

which one member shall be the editor of the Ohio State Archaeological and

Historical Quarterly shall consider possible arrangements for publication of

papers at the meetings of the Academy."

With this directive before them, the members of the Committee met in

Fremont, Ohio, on the afternoon of March 23, 1955, and they wish to

make this report:

Part I: When the Committee on Publications was included in the Con-

stitution, it was the intention (by having the editor of the Ohio His-

torical Quarterly as a member), that the Proceedings of the Academy would

be printed in the Quarterly of the state historical society. Since that time,

however, with the reorganization of the Ohio Historical Society and re-

vision of its publications program, the Ohio Historical Quarterly can no

longer publish articles which do not have a direct or indirect bearing on

the subject of Ohio and the Northwest Territory.

Therefore, because of the fact the original plan of the Academy's Com-

mittee on Publications cannot now bear fruit by having the Academy's

Proceedings included in the Quarterly of the state historical society, and




because there are no funds available through membership in the Academy

for purposes of a publications program, your Committee offers for con-

sideration by the Academy its first suggestion: That the Committee be

dropped from the Constitution.

Part II: The Committee offers as its second suggestion, for consideration

by members of the Academy: That the Committee on Publications be con-

tinued under the following conditions:

1. The Academy authorize it, or empower it, to raise funds from private

sources, in the name of the Academy, for purposes of publishing the Pro-

ceedings of the Academy; and

2. The Academy authorize the Committee to act as an editorial board in

preparing the manuscripts for publication, serving with an editor appointed

by the President of the Academy, a new or "guest" editor to be selected

each year; and

3. If the Committee on Publications, under this plan, can successfully

raise from Foundations and other private sources the estimated $1,000 or

$1,500 needed each year for printing and mailing, it is recommended that

the Academy make it a requirement for each speaker who delivers a paper

before the Academy, to submit a copy of his paper to the Committee on

Publications at the time of delivery, to be published in the Proceedings of

the Academy for that year.

4. It is further suggested, under this plan, that a copy of the published

Proceedings be furnished free to each member of the Academy, and copies

be made available at small cost to others.

Respectfully submitted:

Watt P. Marchman, Chairman

James H. Rodabaugh

James M. Smith


A motion to approve Part II of the report was made and seconded,

whereupon it was unanimously approved by the members present.

William L. Wannemacher of Kent State University, chairman of the

committee on the teaching of history, distributed copies of a six-page re-

port on the types of freshman history courses currently being taught in Ohio

colleges, the text-books used, the credit hours allowed, the systems of col-

lateral reading employed, and the extent to which the courses are required

for graduation. The report was approved and, at the chairman's suggestion,

an expression of gratitude was voted to Carl H. Roberts of Ohio University

and Francis P. Weisenburger of Ohio State University for their work on

the state committee on teacher certification. In addition, a vote of thanks

to the committee on the teaching of history was proposed and unanimously



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The secretary read a letter from John Hall Stewart of Western Reserve

University, who was unavoidably absent, reporting progress on the part

of the standing committee on materials for the study of history, of which

he is chairman.

The following resolutions, prepared by William J. McNiff of Miami

University, who had to leave the meeting, were read by the secretary and

were unanimously adopted:


Resolved, that the gratitude of the members of the Ohio Academy of

History be expressed to the program committee, to Miss Hilda M. Bowers

and Mrs. S. Winifred Smith of The Ohio Historical Society, and to the

Ohio State University Faculty Club for their respective contributions to

the success of this meeting.

Resolved, that the sympathy of the Ohio Academy of History be extended

to the families of our late colleagues, Professor Summerfield Baldwin of

the University of Akron, Professor George W. Eddy of Youngstown Col-

lege, the Very Rev. William J. Gauche of Our Lady of Cincinnati College,

and Professor Emeritus Edgar H. McNeal of Ohio State University, all of

whom died within the past year, in recognition of their long and valuable

service to the field of history and to its students.


In the nature of new business, A. T. Volwiler of Ohio University in-

vited the Academy to hold its fall meeting at Athens next October. The

invitation was enthusiastically accepted and the executive Committee was

instructed to set the exact dates.

The president expressed his appreciation to his fellow officers and to

the committee members listed below, after which the meeting adjourned.

Committee on Awards: Paul I. Miller, Hiram College, chairman; Paul F.

Bloomhardt, Wittenberg College; Reginald C. McGrane, University of

Cincinnati; William J. McNiff, Miami University.

Committee on Membership: Erving E. Beauregard, University of Dayton,

chairman; Helen Kaslo, College of Wooster; Sister Mary Theresa, Mary

Manse College.

Committee on Nominations: Landon Warner, Kenyon College, chair-

man; Raymond W. Bixler, Ashland College; Robert W. Hilliard, Ohio

Northern University; A. T. Volwiler, Ohio University.

Committee on Program: Grover C. Platt, Bowling Green State Uni-

versity, chairman; Thomas LeDuc, Oberlin College; Rev. Herman J.

Muller, S. J., John Carroll University; B. H. Pershing, Wittenberg College.




Committee on Publications: Watt P. Marchman, Hayes Memorial Library,

chairman; James H. Rodabaugh, Ohio Historical Society; James M. Smith,

Ohio State University.

Standing Committee on Materials for the Study of History: John Hall

Stewart, Western Reserve University, chairman; Clayton Ellsworth, College

of Wooster; Stanley P. Gustely, Simon Perkins Junior High School, Akron;

George F. Jenny, Ohio Historical Society; Carl H. Roberts, Ohio University.

Committee on the Teaching of History: William L. Wannemacher, Kent

State University, chairman; Donald P. Gavin, John Carroll University;

Carl G. Klopfenstein, Heidelberg College; Willard A. Smith, University

of Toledo.

