Ohio History Journal








Alexander, T. B., 228, 278-280.                                                Cockerell, Mrs. Clinton, 228.

Alexander, Mrs. T. B., 228, 278-2                                             Cole, W. H., 228, 260-261.

Allen, William, 234, 269.                                                           Constitution of Society, Amendments to,

Architect, State, 230, 254-258, 262.                                          suggested, 232; read and adopted, 277-

Armaments, Limitation of, 282.                                                 278.

Armstrong, Carl, 237.                                                                Co-operation with Ohio State University,

Artifacts from  Seip Mound, 245-246.                                      247; Committee on, no report, 272;

Ash Cave, 271.                                                                           plan  adopted,   230-231;  considered,

237; in establishing Natural History

Baker, R. S., 228.                                                                       collections, 247.

Bareis, George F., 228; Acting chairman,                                Covert, Mrs. C. A., 228.

229; acting   president, 231; reports,                                  Curator, Work of, 244-246; prepares spec-

237-238; appoints committee members,                            imens for Hopewell Room, 244-245;

237; consults Governor and Senator                                 excavates Seip Mound No. 2, 245-246;

on   securing  books, 238; appoints                                    in charge of restoring Mound City

Pathfinders' committee, 238; attends                                 Park, 275-276; re-elected, 284.

memorial service, 238; reports for                                    Curry, Col. William  L., 232, 237.

Museum     committee,   259; attends                                Cutler, Miss Sarah, 232.

meeting of Board, 284; re-elected first

vice-president, 284; motion by, 284.                                  Dailey, Emma, 268.

Battlefield of Fallen Timbers, Report on,                                  Darst, Warren, 268.

262.                                                                                     Dennis, Jerry, 228.

Big Bottom Park, Report on, 263.                                              Director, Report of, 242-254.

Blackmore Museum, 246.                                                          Domoney, A. E., 228.

Bowers, T. B., 228.                                                                    Donahey, Gov. A. V., 237.

Briggs, Herbert B., 230.                                                             Dryer, Mrs. Orson D., 228; on commit-

Bright, P. A., 228, 271.                                                               tees, 237, 261; at meeting of Board,

Brinkerhoff, Gen. Roeliff, 228, 271.                                         284.

Brokaw, Enfield, 263.

Brown, H. B., 268.                                                                     Eaton, S. L., 244, 247.

Brown, John, granddaughter of, at An-                                    Editorial board, 230.

nual Meeting, 278, 279; nephew of, in                              Emergency board, 231.

Spanish-American war, 279.                                             Employes, Appropriations for additional,

Brown, John, Jr., 278.                                                                229; salary increases, 229; re-election

of, 284.

Cahokia Mound Park, 243.

Campbell, ex-Governor James E., calls                                    Fallen Timbers, Battlefield of, 235; report

meeting, 231; dies, 237; autograph col-                             on, 262.

lection of, 237; resolutions of respect                                Fess, Senator Simeon D., addresses So-

for, 272-273.                                                                       ciety, 280-283; inspects Ohio                                   River

Campus Martius, 235, 262.                                                        locks, 281; speaks on limitation                                of

Clark, Gen. George Rogers, Deed for                                      armaments, 282, on     World Court,

monument-site received, 231.                                            282; endorses Soeiety's work; remarks

Clark County Historical Society, 231.                                       on Rickenbacker plane, 282-283; re

Cockerell, Clinton, 228.                                                              ceives vote of thanks, 283.


690 Index

690                                     Index


Field Museum of Natural History, 244.                                      Harding, Pres. Warren G., 283.

Finance Committee of General Assembly,                                 Hayes, Col. Webb C., Deed of trust from,

229-230.                                                                                       235; plans new organization, 236.

Finest model of Archaeological group,                                      Hayes, Mrs. Webb C., 236.

244.                                                                                      Hayes Diary and Letters, 269.

Hayes Memorial Building, 235, 237.

First colored cloth from    Ohio mound,                                     Henderson, J. M., 247.

246.                                                                                      Hennel, H. W., 229.

First suggestion of tours, sponsored by                                       Hickson, D. M., 228.

Society, 238.                                                                        Hine, Ja. S., 228; appointed curator of

Flaugher, John, 233.                                                                    natural history, 246; work of, studies

Flaugher, O. E., 233.                                                                   at  British  Museum, 246; outlines

Florence, Gen. George, 228; on      Path                                            plans, 259.

finders' committee, 238; reports on                                    Historical Societies, Report of commit-

Logan    Elm   Park,   262-263; elected                                      tee on, 263-264; list of, in Ohio, 264.

trustee, 271; at annual meeting of

Holbrook, Alfred, works of, 266; work

Board,                 Motion by, 284;  284.                                      for education  and   for the Union,

Fort Ancient                Report on, 259-260;need                                267-268; famous pupils of, 268.

for road work, 260, for another care-                               Hopewell Group, model of, 244; speci-

taker, 260.                                                                                   mens from, 244-245.

Fort Meigs, Report on, 261-262.                                                Horst, J. R. Report of, on Early Ohio

Fort Miami, Report on, 261-262.                                                        School-books, 266-268.

Fort St. Clair Park, 231.              Horst, Rev. J. W., 228.

Furniss, Dr. F. C., 228; on Pathfinders'                                       Hughes, Mrs. Ivor, 228.

committee, 238; reports on Publica-

tions, 269; at Annual meeting       on                                  Johnson, Arthur C., 228; elected Presi-

Board, 284; motion by, 284.                                                       dent of Society, 232, 284; presents

plans for Annual Meeting, 233; makes

Galbreath, C. B., 228; makes Annual re-                                          report, 235-237; trips in interest of

port as secretary, 229-234; prepares                                        Society, 235; secures appropriations,

list of historical societies in  Ohio,                                             235; reads reports  on Fort Meigs.

263-264; remarks by, 270, 280; casts                                        Fort Miami and Battlefield of Fallen

ballot  for  three trustees, 271-272;                                            Timbers, 261-262;  elected  Trustee,

reads report on  Big Bottom    Park,                                          271; introduces Mr. and Mrs. Alex-

263; reads proposed changes in Con-                                       ander, 278-279; also Sen. Fess, 280-283;

stitution, 277-278;              casts  ballot  for                               motions by, 229.

changes,   278;   remarks by, 278-279;                              Johnson, W. W., 228.

casts vote of Board for President,                                     Jones, E. A., 228.

284; re-elected  Secretary, Librarian                               Jones, J. W., 268.

and Editor, 284; motion by, 229.                                        Jones, T. D., 280.

Gard, Daniel H., Library of, 234; death                                   Justice, C. W., 229.

of, 234.

Genius of Universal Emancipation, 233.       Kinsey, O. P., 268.

Gifts:  to   Library,  233;  to Museum,

archaeology, 253-254; history, 248-253,                          Laylin, C. D., 271.

280; natural history, 253; to Society,                                 Lehr, H. S., 268.

231.                                                                                     Library of the Society: Finance Com-

Godden, Dean, 275.                                                                  mittee visits, 229; need for indexing

Goodman, J. C., 228; reports on Mem-                                            publications,  230;  Editorial  board,

bership, 232, 270;    on  Pathfinders'                                         230; valuable additions to, 233; trans-

committee, 238; reports on Pathfind-                                       fer of newspapers, 233-231; election

ers' committee, 270; remarks by, 270,                                      of Collector of historical material,

in charge of first tour, 270-271; at An-                                    234; appropriation for expansion, 229;

nual meeting of Board, 284; motion                                         publications, 234; Committee on Early

by, 284.                                                                                      Ohio School-books, 266-267, on Pub-

Goodwin, H. R., 248-244.                                                         lications, 269.

Index 691

Index                                      691


Life of William Alien, a Study in West-                                               quired  otherwise, 233-234; law per-

ern Democracy, 234, 269.                                                         mitting transfer, 233-234.

Logan   Elm  Park, Reappropriation    for,                                 Nominations, Report of Committee on,

229-230; report on, 262-263.                                                     261, 271.

Numismatics department, Established,

McCall, H. C., 245.                              honorary curator elected, 247.

McClure's Magazine, 237.

McGrane, R. C., The Life of William          Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quar-

Allen, a Study in    Western Democ-                                         terly, Contributions of members to,

racy, 234, 269.                                                                           233, 273; need for indexing, 230, 269,

McPherson, H. R., 228; reports on His-                                            increasingly popular, 269.

torical Societies, 263-264; remarks by,                             Ohio            Archaeological and Historical So-

270.                                                                                             ciety, Annual Meeting of, 228-284;

McPherson, Mrs. H. R., 228.                                                             gifts to, 231; increasing interest in,

236-237; tours initiated by, 238, 270.

Maltby, Miss Martha J., 228.                                                     Ohio General Assembly, 229-230, 237-238.

Meeker, Claude, 238; presents photograph                              Ohio Highway department, 236.

of sculptor, 280.       Ohio History Day, 263.

Membership, Committee on, Report of,                                    Ohio River, praise of, 281; locks on, 281.

232, 270.                                                                             Ohio State Forestry dept., 265.

Mills,  Dr.   William   C.,   reports  on                                       Ohio State Library, 238.

Museum, 242-254; member of Com-                                Ohio State University, Plan of co-opera-

mittee on Serpent Mound Park, 261;                                         tion with Archaeological & Instorical

secures  retention   of Y. M. C. A.                                            Society, 230-231, 247; Forestry    de-

building for Park uses, 275-276; re-                                         partment takes census of trees at

elected Director, 284; motion by, 271.                                     Spiegel Grove, 235-236; requested to

Mineralogy, Honorary curator of, 243.                                           aid in  establishing collections illus-

Model of Hopewell Group, 243-244.                                               trative of Ohio  natural resources,

Mound City  Park, Appropriation for,                                               247.

229; reports of Committee on, 274-                                   Ohio tours, sponsored   by   Society, 238,

277; scene of camps in three wars,                                          270-271.

274; work of clearing, 275.                                               Orton, General Edward, 228; on plan of

Museum    of the Society, policy regard-                                         co-operation, 230-231; gives final re-

ing transfers to, 232; election of cura-                                     port on Memorial Building, policies,

tor of natural history, 232; report of                                         etc., 232, 254-258; delays considered,

director, 242-254; work of the staff,                                        254-255;  bronze  memorial    features,

243-247;  additions   from   Hopewell                                      255-256; selection of sculptor, 256-257;

group and Seip Mound, 244-245; ap-                                       future  policies, 257-258; dedication,

pointment of day watchman, 246-247;                                     258; mentioned, 237, 280; at Annual

Ohio State University asked to aid                                            meeting of Board, 284; re-elected sec-

in making collection of natural re-                                           ond vice-president, 284; motions by,

sources, 247; establishment of numis                                        234, 271.

matics department, appointment of                                    Ortt, Major W. H., 231.

honorary   curator, 247; World War                                 Osburn, R. C., 246-247.

trophies for, 247; list of accessions

and  gifts, 248-254; report of Com-                                   Parrett, G. C., 229.

mittee, 247.                                                                         Pathfinders' Committee, 238, 270.

Pengelly, W. H., 228.

Nash, Colonel Simeon, 257.                                                       Plumb, C. S., 228; presents rare book,

National Normal University, 266-267.                                              233.

Natural history: Appropriation    for de-                                   Preble County Historical Society, 265.

partment of, 229; policy regarding                                    Prince, Benjamin F., 228; presents deed

transfers from          State University, 232;                               for monument-site, 231; reports on

appropriation            for curator, 229; cur-                               Fort   Ancient, improvements,     etc.,

ator elected, 232.                                                                259-260; elected Trustee emeritus, 271;

Newspapers, Early, purchased, 233; ac-                                          at Annual meeting of Board, 284.

692 Index

692                                   Index


Publications of the Society, Report of   Spindler, C. E., 244.

Committee on, 269; need indexing,            Sweeney, Sen. Arthur W., 238.

230; Scenic and Historic Ohio, Life           Thompson, King G., 238.

of William  Allen, Hayes Diary and           Thompson, Dr. William    O., 232; reports

Letters, 269.                                                                                 on  Spiegel Grove, 233; appointed

Publicity, Report of Committee on, 236.                                      Chairman of Spiegel Grove Commit-

Randall, Emilius O., 238.                                                             tee, 235, 236.

Registrar, Work of, 243-44.                              Tour of Ohio, sponsored by     Society,

Rickenbacker, Eddie, 282-283.                                                          Suggested, 238; arranged, 270-271.

Roark, R. N., 268.                                                                        Treasurer, Report of, 238-241.

Roof, J. S., 228.                                                                            Trophies, World War, 232, 247.

Rowland, Dr., 275.                                                                      Trustees of Society, Approve contract

Ryan, Daniel J., 238.                          for Memorial Wing, refuse request

to duplicate statue, approve budget,

Salaries of employes, increased, 229; mo-                                 231;  consider  report  of   Building

tion concerning, 284.                                                           committee, policy of Board of Uni-

Saville, Bruce W., 231, 258.                                                              versity     on  transfer  of specimens,

Scenic and Historic Ohio, 234, 269.                  also                   relations of Board and     state

Schoenbrunn State Park, 231.                                                     architect, 232; consider publication of

Schoolbooks, Early   Ohio, Report on,              history of Ohio, elect president of

266-268.                                                                                      Society,  hear   report                      on   Spiegel

Scott, W. H., 228.                                                                               Grove, hear suggested                     changes in

Secretary, Report of, 229-234; appropria-                                Constitution, 232-233; hear report on

tions by General Assembly, 229-230;                                 World War trophies, elect curator

increased salaries, 229; increased al-                                of natural history, and  collector of

lowances for work, 229-230; Editorial                              historical material, authorize distri-

board, 230; Emergency     board, 231;                               bution of Life of R. B. Hayes, 232,

Spiegel Grove;              reports of commit-                               233; hear plans for Annual meeting,

tees, 231-232;               reports     on         Library,                   233; elect three   new trustees, and

needs,   publications,    etc.,          233-234;                               trustee emeritus, 271-272; hold Annual

resolutions on James E. Campbell,                                     meeting, 284; minutes of meeting, 284.

272-273; re-elected, 284.                                                   Upton, Mrs. Harriet T., 233.

Seip, John, 245.

Seip Mound, 245, 270.                       Valparaiso University, 268.

Serpent Mound Park, Report on, 260-

261.                                                                                      Waite, James, 244.

Shetrone, H. C., 229; visits Field Mu-  Waite, Mrs. Winnie, 243.

seum   of Natural History, 244-245;         Wall, W. D., 241.

motion by, 270; re-elected Curator,         Wallace, Guy, 260.

284.                                                                                      Weeks, Secretary J. W., 283.

Simpson, Harold G., 228; appointed Col-         Whitaker, H. O., 228.

lector of historical material, 232. Wolfe, O. L., 228.

Sites, D. C., 235.                                                                         Woman Suffrage, History of, 233.

Smith, McKendree, 228.                                  Wood, Mrs., 245.

Snyder, Judge Van A., 229, 261.                     Wood, Edwin F., 228; presents budget,

Spetnagel, A. C., 228; reports on Mound                                  231; gives report as treasurer, 238-

City Park, 274-277; secures retention                               241; on Nominating committee, 261;

of Mound City, 274.                                                            reports on Nominations, 271; at An-

Spiegel Grove State Park, appropriation                                   nual meeting of Board, 284; re-elected

for, joint meeting of Committee with                                 treasurer, 284; motions by, 270, 284.

Society, 231; remarks on conditions        World War Memorial Wing, Legal ques-

at, 232-233; president reports on, 235-                             tions pertaining to, 232; report on,

236; chairman of committee resigns,                                 232, moving of exhibits to, 242; re-

235; census of trees taken, 235-236:                                 port of Building committee, 254-258.

highway construction, fence, etc., 236;

report of treasurer, 239-241.           Zimmerman, J. L., 260.