Ohio History Journal

Minutes of the Annual Meeting 691

Minutes of the Annual Meeting       691

An aye and nay vote being taken, the Chairman was

in doubt as to the result, and called for a standing vote.

The result of this vote was: Aye, 16; nay, 11.

The resolution was duly adopted.

Colonel Hayes moved, and it was seconded, that a

committee be appointed to revise the constitution.

The Chairman being in doubt as to result of an aye

and nay vote, called for a standing vote. The vote re-

sulted as follows: Aye, 7; nay, 14.

The motion was defeated.

On motion of Professor Cole the meeting recessed

to 1:45 P. M.


1:45 P. M.

The meeting was called to order by President Camp-




Mr. C. W. Justice, Chairman of the Committee on

Necrology, read the report as follows:

During the past year the following members of our Society

have passed away:

Dr. N. B. C. Love, Perrysburg, December 29, 1922.

Mr. Spencer B. Newberry, Bay Bridge, November 28, 1922.

Mrs. S. E. Reynolds, Eaton, April 5, 1923.

Hon. Daniel J. Ryan, Columbus, June 15, 1923. Mr. Ryan

was Vice President of the Society at the time of his death.

Mr. R. C. M. Hastings, Columbus, April 13, 1923.

Mr. W. D. Brickell, Columbus, August 7, 1923.

Dr. R. S. Dunlap, Columbus, January 20, 1923.

Mr. Martin B. Bushnell, Mansfield, May 1, 1923.

Mr. W. H. Rayner, Springfield, June 26, 1923.

On motion the report was received and ordered

placed on file.

President Campbell stated that three Trustees

692 Ohio Arch

692      Ohio Arch. and Hist. Society Publications

should be elected, to succeed Dr. W. O. Thompson,

Colonel Webb C. Hayes and General Edward Orton

Jr., whose terms expire. Mr. George F. Bareis moved:

That Dr. W. O. Thompson, Colonel Webb C. Hayes

and General Edward Orton, Jr., be elected Trustees to

succeed themselves. The motion was seconded and


Professor W. H. Siebert stated that the President

of this Society, the President of the University, and

the Historical Department of the University joined two

years ago in extending an invitation to the American

Historical Society, requesting that organization to meet

in Columbus this year. Shortly after Christmas they

will hold their annual meeting in Columbus. Cities all

over the country bid for the meetings of the American

Historical Association. At their meeting two years ago,

in St. Louis, a tentative vote favored Columbus for the

meeting this winter. At the New Haven meeting that

vote was confirmed. Wherever the American Historical

Society meets the Mississippi Valley Historical Society

meets, and the Political Science Association generally

meets in the same city. It is understood that the Po-

litical Science Association will meet here this coming

summer. It is customary for local and state associa-

tions to extend hospitality, and it is hoped the Trustees

of The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society

will take action, either at their annual meeting or some

meeting in the near future, appointing a committee,

with the President as Chairman, ex officio, with power

to act in making arrangements, in co-operation with the

local committee, for such courtesies as it may be thought

best to extend to the members of these several Societies

when they come here, on the Thursday, Friday and

Minutes of the Annual Meeting 693

Minutes of the Annual Meeting    693

Saturday after Christmas. That meeting is the great-

est meeting of historians in the country, and their ses-

sions will be open to the public, there will be plenty of

newspaper publicity, so that all will know when the ses-

sions occur.

Professor Siebert moved: That the Chairman ap-

point a committee of five, with power to act, in making

proper arrangements to extend hospitality to the Amer-

ican Historical Society and the Ohio Associated Socie-

ties when they meet here in December.

The motion was seconded by Mr. Galbreath.

Professor Siebert explained that the Associated So-

cieties mentioned are a part of the American Historical

Society, and that the motion therefore covers only the

American Historical Society.

The motion was carried.

The Chairman appointed as the Committee the fol-

lowing members of this Society:

Dr. W. H. Siebert, Dr. W. O. Thompson, Professor

Carl Wittke, General Edward Orton, Jr., and Mr. C. B.


Dr. W. O. Thompson stated that he would have to

withdraw from the meeting, and wished to make a re-

quest that some time be given to the matter of the his-

torical work at Spiegel Grove and the question of an

editorial force in connection with the QUARTERLY. He

stated that he would be glad to introduce a motion if it

were a proper time, but did not want to delay and get

into a discussion. He stated that some one would pre-

sent the question in his own name, or in the name of

Dr. Thompson if desired.

President Campbell at this point called upon Gov-

ernor A. V. Donahey, who was present, and responded